-it ... ' 1 .r . " !- f ' ' -Jl', : . 5 A,5 i J Pi T" G ItEEXSDORO, X. C, WEDNESDAY. ' J UNE 15, 1892. M w -1 r.ilv.Mi.l.l ( KyiK Patriot Ii.MUI.iiltt 4 , tn Aiivw I TEK.HS 1.0 ITr Year, I' A TP HE ! . i H ; -; ' f - TIM I- - 1 . ! ; J K ? " - I A... ,J i -A- , ' V:?a:-.ejlelilf 1 if. Ji . 1 . ' . i i 1 m . f t v t I , I - r . r 1 I); . . i . ' I ; I ( ' " 1 - f i f !. : 1 t:: 1 . ! ! ; . 1 1 1 .-:. I I t i ? - I i .t : i h i : i 1 . J ' H. Goleman, til V;iii Ii r;!i'! !I 1 . ! .! 1 IV.i Kcfiisc-l Ilin. That Pension Business. I v. :.' 1 'A v 1... ! J.J.t -. -'!.- 1 ! :a - n 1 1 1 fail" m .: I, .1. f. i r. t dr." Vj, : . i r b-, : v , u ,r',, 1 aril. -di ib r ... .. ' ; . h 1. i i . i t t : - v ... 1 - P 1 r !! i , t.. . . . rn.i --!;. ' -'. S Ji- r : ; ! - :- r -. r i; s " !- r .- Ni- Tatriots Yi'fco Aro Willing to Go to Jail.. t "',..! : , ; -.In his recent speecii in Congress ('a-: - .untv. in r.orlliw -urn I Mr. Ti:c!;or stated that there were 1 1 - Tin. n J 11 -s t r.r.w tin.' c?ru' 't row n me pnsion rnii oi me u u Tii -j 'i. j'-!tif.il P.uril.l.:i'. Iu : l' v iTn nicnt ,7C'1.0 individuals t; .v. .Ti!!tnm, .f S j;ith C.ir-!i ; v.l. wrr-. rtct iin annualij $11S,--spri-os i:, thi4 ii : -rcA r.I l.i.;.'.. ThN list, added 31 r. hrc iki::-"' ri!:j.ai-n; h.-.w' we j'l'u.-ktr, will Le grcutly increased :u d 1. V.:r:ri--d :it riMthir in t: an t.irlv dav, and then he sub- HOW TO LOSE A DAY. It Would B a Fine it Y oil Kncv; What r toi Losd. ) " )ay to. I You cf ie;r hear i point? one who thinks himself "cute" telling how iviijating . the Such persons almost invar: ihlv sailors in circunin globe "gain" a dny1 A Dinner and A Eiss. 4I have brouglit your dinner, father" TJae blacksmith's daughter said, ' A.s jlie tonk fronj her arm a kettle Ai;d lifted its shining lid. f "There's not any pie or pudding,! T .So I will give you this,' "j,: j And upon his toi I-worn forehead s ) Mie left u. childish kiss. ! t!.. p liti-.il nr. A iV-.v nr . i-iited the following figure, which ). a fr.Mnlu!. rit .-!. i:u . I : 1 .Idwr. was i'. iS..;01. Mibtracting making a trip around Mie -world, i Hull of prophetic 'blUs- ar i-iitel the following figures, which "gain" hut it y seldom i vou he-ir i And dined in happv mood, t a ' !h- Kichmoi.d Times presents thtm : of the "Ion" ;;:v, whiell -an :! t AlI.M':ri? n.,uch at the ttavoi '' ! ''The tot:d enlistment of Federal be dropped ou existence Hn ' wiift all abolu him w visi mention t he The blacksmith tore.oir his' aproil h . 1 or . sions ; GOOD LUCK TO ALL A 'HO will insjeerf our Large A?s or t me nt of white r.ons i ; past pei: 1 for the 1 1 di I !: :: t r..dr..id. I 'it it j fr"n tiiis number the number of jflie fact." arc theses If he got i be never thought of. siMhe nisgic ! Summer tradf. We r , idid ; t .; 1 :- ii.-l !:..!:! l!,.f.djb -Jinty mf-n. substitutes and de-jto the eat he gaiiisja day; to t!ie ! Jj Utile daughter's kis. ,; " : i .:. ii i.: :..b ;. - i j - rt. : . w ki-ii amounted to 2,15)91',- ; v est, he loses one. it chines about j While she wltli her .kettle swinHo" i have the reputation Ti.- p- j of :! r-ittty i.lrp-d J Ji'O, we huo a grand total of ;'.".,- j in tliis way: : Therej ar$ 3G0 U- itVily "'.''d away,- ' " , ' ! - ::. f . .:it v" :-:'!;-f.. Lau., ;,-i::p I m.I.uhup. which includes men 'free of longitude !in the entir.- i f.t?1,"? Slt s,'-:ht .f. ?fairrel, ! of : carrvinsrl the lar.d Vr; ...t r. Hn th b ;;:- re-t :di,!.d. Of this mas of ; circle of the earth. Ar jthe world I ,ni I tliou-'hr rotates on its axis (ned iri each1 r life am! fte wcsho-iihl mU 1 ; nc- ti.- v r i' :--d d . T'i.v : vo!u:it'f t-, :.' JjO't enlisted just i ii.- I :.-!,.-; Wt , t;r.,v. j:t j ,; j-i K:;n - t f-.rr the '!. of the war and ,i i'y f-r t i.'pt of tlo- I' d -ra! 1 who re.nl for; ice. -t:rr. t i re ! I." : :.I the ot.jv ', V, e e airead v t-tated tlse num- !!o .rd.r- -,f - .id c :.rt. Tin! h 1- ' br mi the p irnui rolls to be b.o. t t'i b is.d , r.,j Ti.t r' ! It".t, wldch leaves l,:H".$,i57 who -ti): hi j :'. and are t!:.- h- i - f f not on the rol'-s. Of tliis num. e.j-.irsly. Ii-: S tturlay .hi'lge jbr 1.27,172 irive filed applications hive r::! ii'-n:!!: ilol f-r the Leg. . of pi n-:.i.i. and under the laws ! 1 ! i: l!i. :iv.' t r v t . '. i it r iv.-'i entv-fonr ! hours oile tivr-niv Jf. always )ur frugal dirnief ' urth of nr.O degrW-F, which, j is J ere oned with a kiss. deiiret-?, eorrespomb? to a diifer- ' .1. L. IlAvrtt;, tw fourth it uegret ?, correspor enee f one hour in time. Now 'l'oo Much Justice. eapt of the starting point the sun i-!a!ire 1 v t:;1 I )riin.-r.t :" hi- '-"an- ii.titbd t. them. Add to the will come tt its meridian, or noon imagine a shin sail i eg fro'ia Xew 1 York to the asiward. j When", it reingressmau 'John 'Allen told It his has reached a point lo degrees ! stor- during the Xdycs-Kockwell (con gest J " f went down to Itawamba county some years ago as rmblie. orose rii-;nty -..hieh i ,-p:ivalt nt an . 1 1 l.'.'.b1 already paid out in j line, one hour sooner than it does cub. .The Judge went "with! m?, H.'ri!shi campaign .p.-ndu!i-, 27:i,000,O0l, the fur-j at the point from ivljiehj the ship Wh(jn we got there wo f,sund a nuoibci -r t on .-. tvp .-writer ar;l n.-nd .:;; r -.tsuotiat which will have to be tailed. When the ship jias reach- of indictments against the citizens for ' y- ., j Jthrm .;: t I;ij" n.:i--ti::;Vnt. lit- . paid out. when ;dl the applicants j ed a place ;50 legrec4 eUst of the j telling whisky without tl license. ! "r r" "' ' i , 1 a h :rd l". :':H t g t the r.s.mi- ;'an. plarv-l :i t lie rolls, and we j sailing point It will )e boon two j i presecutefd the indictments before - !.iti..-;. A ' i- judicial term v- sh-ili Law t.i ! panl out when nil j hours sooner on-- shii-ib-j.fd on; ship a jury, and the. Judge ' held .the Scales ' I r t:.i." ! ..r, . i., j t . f .' I-.. no) I .ni-r the ntmlicanM are idaccd on the board than it ! will e'J decrees rto i of justice, in everv intnncft u-c ron- II " ..... I 1 i I ' . . ; ! " - ' - ' " d for conu-mnt. and rvi:i, and we shall have a grand to-the westward, and fo v;i 1- f.-f f. lake his Mat in the'tal.d ..pj I 1 7,'."0. Deduct one I the ship bus reached mi-r 1 Hi- M;e- --or will tliird fur b .it!i and the people of degress from the. plaf-c of sailing 1. t it w ill be 1 o'clock, morning with the peo say; Tuesday le in t iio !ij r. '. :'. t I ike i. i s .!,kv in 1 be t.Jd J t io I "11 it. -d States, will be conf roiit . ..I -tr. it ..!!. '!";. tt no- it ' 1 fi w i:h an annual char ;o of $2'10,- !s 1. 1: ar.ti 4 h rj" Lpire t lii-U n 1.0 1 for pensions', and that J when it is only I ovhk-k. in the af- i' ;b. ir 1 :.- ..: t!;e b. .'a-!:J 1 1. -ti.-a'.ly i;niHi-;!iate!r. ternoon of Monday with the people ..!. 4m Witli the cu-toms receipts on at home; in ot.hcr wrds,: the ship 0:1 tin til when a point LSO .1 . ,:.v 1:1 :..: b !..:i V ;: i: : i n Tbt y ;.;! . t.- one ba:id d dining so rapidly has mailed just one Half j the dis-j victed our man. When we went to the railroad station on our way back' the Judge tent me out to buy hi. file of of whisky. " " I fiunfed high and low, but nobody would sell a drop. The said lhehad received harsh treatment and th'.t they, would not even given a drink a ay. Wheh I told the Judge tlejn-ult hit L a r g e s ! meat of 0 i - ! ' - - j "Wlxi1:e Cxoods la Guilford Conniv, and mm I 'at the" i - . !- I :-- y 4....... -1.... . ,y. -j ! : -ii" "A Word in! I SEASoix i sutlit'ioiit r 1 In 1 1 V I' I i i 1-AHTV Ltui'V .! -r I.Miss or ( hiltl, will ii(hi1 Lome. I. : ) iiul of dluii. 1 SUMMERS) BP SIS. .very l-i iv uants !, 'pjettiest filing on the markr 5 . 1 j . hi the pi i.-e'wliieli suits il.eir pur-. argaTia LOWEST PUIfES. W.. have in- j LooJc for 22 creased our -k.-ck thM M-a-on,andl 11 aro much U titer p.apan.l t n-nt ' " r,'"t ,,l'-v ',!'- to flf' I;,uVuMl 1'!1tv the domar.J- . i a purei.a-Lug p-ib- rum vh-it w bl a.e reliabi,', lie than e. before. , ' V you n..-r pay 'too. xUnr We dii: p Editor Wharton for; 1 he W-histle." T.I- . . . M ,. i i t for this ,;.v, ,., .jI1;1Tv .,,!.,! i;, '""'''V'"" r i'.';-ur ,lius-. i a little p! :.!...!!- in '-.vin- pb-e 1 ?''iJ1 tT r ( llrhi things to ,,lt!,(is );it-w 'p,v !'!rMlvt-. M,.;, a! POWEf.L' ; for-it to i.,..rm she .i:b!i.-..f vjkat 11 A K 1 ( 'A s f ! we have to ;!;. ,:t-cribi d ju-t .i-- ; ia in every j not ail ord i,'. to-'. r,!r. V. f . 1 etd Vf t 1 1 e J M'( t pc S 'loir v i; r 'ho i'M1. u . ; i : 1 ! v I - 1 r 1 r "i Di:v c;noi)s hotel ill be eai ed , for n i:.n . ' :;. t :. ir c.i:::: e:i 0:1 th- j .il .t in a f . v. ii...::ths they will fall .--:, iii; p'.id. if ! teK to ,, p,i,i.n. t.o 1 :i year; and with t...- pl.te- his j ; ede-.-t i.r i t p. a-i.-.-i e!i.:r-?es mounting with gin pr.- ?:. ar.d :h, it- !. n main dur- j 1 pi 1! rap! 1 : y towariis .;t;p,0'0, 1: n !..-. -f wt'. the ;.. e;1r, the nation il treasury !'. : r..! o;-b r i- :evcktd. tlaly ill -.i 1- in t eo'iditi in of a! : t... . ..Id v.ia i.ri'.t I.ritt end , b tj.kruptev unless steps are t r -. a! 1 t! -e tak. I; : modify tile 3t e 1 Il.isi- p.uri -tiM.i witl a big 1. Ki:.b-y I.w and m obstruct the fur- i . . 1 v 1 1 '' t ci tin . r .'I'M tit I . i a t!.;:.: i.: t ranee around the world j and has j face blanched, and he sec mi d d.-sed. gained exactly; twelve hours. Dot:- j '(iooel God'!" John," h'. finally ivolb,'. b!e this and you c.1u readily un- 'we've overdone "the ihip" " derstand how the day is gained in h . sailing aroundj the' vi orhl to the! A Eootblaelc witli Feelings, eastward. Subtract an huir from j ,,, - r s j wo men sioou, on a inirry- f 1, 1 . I - .... .. ... .. . ; i ,..,Vf.n:iitr ! ; Miv;ei coiiiei, eaaiuur, o.'.o lie kvestw.irdl living his boots blacked whil- t! ( . the calendar for every I."? degrees l lorigilii'de ct s-ed around the world to md you will soon find, the root, of Powell 'WhartOn,1!' 1 - ' '! ' N ;:.-r'ii-u-s to I !.i vtiioml ci 1 Nivolt, ' 1 NATIONAL HANK I'.liLDI N( :.fi UE ENslloKO, N. C ' -L- 1 " - ' 1 - ii ! i i 0 n : : rr mm- . m k fiJaSM other, who had buf one Ii s, wa. I...-V 1. :! i't t. be -reform- th r ii:Te:e 4.f the pension c iv ,nd -Vu will soon iind the root, oi 1 - - V" ..;v p. but " 1 . the mvsttry of ;thod6sf' ! day tlmt ! ln- -a poor cigar bnin.t.g ; tru- :.for:i. I- t:,r '; ,1c St. L ,;i convention was i- droppedVut of tho calendar by I llcIf t'C raggedy littte ooo:b!,.e , ti..- p .'.itied w .ill i:..:e'iM ..t,..r t ii,-rasing the pension, a person who crosses he !totaloha; through Witli the r am, .d.v than p. iri. 1 -i. .1 e.-.; an! ,,IA foif not ia t'u Id-grees with hs fai-e constantly to .;;.;iU:;f 'J , ! 1 are true p.. ;;,tf..r,n a-i.-pud. certainly in a the west.-St. LouU jUor. h. ; L , ,. ' J0,ke'1 ,!I 't t - r r? n sis n rtr. t"3 rv n V '---4 f r" : ' r4"r ' -! " I 1 1 E 1 1 ! Vt i t a i- ' I I! i I l5j LoniiHuiiion 111 uio iisiir lur liiisnicss.1 i m "i r- -r-n ' h i -i !!. A: L'lii in a o.;:am. : p.n r i-.tl.iy a- fo;i:;erly, 're- lull' .:i u:tanitiiusly p --ed. ; ..:: i: Sr- n. I l',.- ir! I ... . A ' TWO 1.1EIT, OAT. GIUL. ine 1 -firmed -man lit 1 "I ; '. ill. r. t Aro :eoail-- :.e ( hl'iniclf opposes 1 1 t - i ! . n4, . : V.',- in i:-..:i! t d t- ai-n au.I i b.. n.-; i.f i Sr. ' nis conven 1 Tvroaecsc, cl t'COse- LreeK lovsz- , ;.. - " " I ;.;:e r" th.- v. -. .:? t . ;r:d e.tlis i:i.on Denioerats t I t1ilip,l C,c lt.it i.ave v..- th. i; I defeat. the. Third .Mr..T. A. (io'htz,;a 17 iveav-'old 1 ,iii(e it up, sir? ? V i , J V...'ll L IV 11 V Vf - VP . i V. iiul :1 'jt :. "..m ! :" 11 !"l,"li''-' l 4 ' 1 i ' J 1 e 1 i"r;;o.Mtu ' '""Kl a son i - i .w r. i. l. v.i'iu.,oi ijo.osoj ;i nickel 1 '" two fee I r-' evou ---tN . '- !:.tw-,. - vsi t!mt v.,- rai-e I Uaek llag The crCek township, was in l.mn f'5"1! will tjo mi lie for tw,' and a halt - ..-t- j i ig't w;::.. j..ie is .-.ttu n rong. Al.ianc" n- r.i;-ed the biae.; ItagUr,layt andscciircd lieiensc to war-) ! ccrl ;,i .t.t,v' : . -! ! tb, r-i. ! :ai:--l: ; Wy in p -lit:- :li t n rtizan a:ul prosper-! ry Mis Nora l. Hagter, a; buxomp yP' ga'id" ti--. bov -if-voU'd v , .', : ,.! d iMttt rs. and a ..:.- -,u- :.t lack '.-v i, -vspa; i r. and hiving J-ealiz- l;. war-old laps-ie of tfie same tvviii f u r n" '' -i p -r.-. ' 'ifo ' v erit 'in ; . ',.Vvi;'; !;r::,rii::;- ;Tll r::iri rU-- 1 .,!n'i,!'' i: .nythingl.hip. lie ha.l h, Writtc-ni -o-iijtj ? u s t'SouVl v t'.V r k I" poJi-ilr.: up ie a i a! iik re m-! ie v . 'i.':ft, "WtT ill o ia il - it I y-- u:iA Wi' jparcnts. ! j .. . f -i ; contihued jokingj. -The-ne kg:red r'v t.;l: u:.I t,ct o.;r man i? -h-M aV.;o,s of Lcaaon. to town for : :.er ;u: pok of .secur nl)():if !(,:ivhi., on ti,e slonJ nth'' Weil. -ib 't-f''-- r'--;t. an; i ., , "1 ig Hccnse to rr.arry the same ginUof !m,k(M:t ruUiin. He had I rr ... !:;::-: r. .ot j;: i ; ii. in tbe 'Ulu. ! " " M " " 'k " A ffpr reachir-r J.are be found that; u J, .... . . t 'i:ng, to tru . - .' .. ". i. ,, 1 ... fi'cmenr fb-r T on. . i , ,1 . , . i ; puucu oui- a tee.-eeiu no ee lueeoao- 'I. :.: ,1.1 r-wmanyaipntly worthy. - ;"';;; vLhlAv I ("!''ntz ;ihrfa ! ' eally as he talked, and the boy .;. areanM-,:s to ..y- a.m.... ..... r K ro al j t., that ho 1 have 1 h? j g jr)-,. timeoiii the-job. When . . . : lf mpr-mi- with t!;e ;.gir... b...,i,.; tjin, wn! hi J o ou a. r,ir(.iiaJra ;! , ri.ul rart !an,i, .:,,, ,; t-,,,lHcJ it v . r.- f r b.t'tr ' ;; ! 'pri-cia I t n i - siatemeit! : , f f , r t-i - t'.o- '7" ' v-.-- r. -v ,M:iv IS. v. !.. -i l ' V " '" It.Vir' l"r l"l',r , ... firp .;,,... ' (returned to (,o.e,e Ctc.v lot -u. h , , bof.r,.IKiI shoe the i - ;f-r tl.e H,m..cr.ti.- party to t.ad ' ' 1 r mini.tcn nur ai mirnosc of perfecting .his hrrapgd- bi..i (.., ,1,11,. trn 1 OOO i 1-1 u.-5 i. -ib-nuiv K.ii.r 1: )V. IKi-li K ni ;rtei:i')r. .iv iitg our undivi'tled J :a,ei-!u!i.; 1 -, " . 1 j- 1 - - f : . j ! -I i "' I . arr a rI'. I'Oi; K i j b dt !nl.m. 1 t.'e. (. ,. ,rr. ..,.,,.,.( ti,,t "4 .M Mv i; J e;-i liiH-t'ouiitrv. ' - - i -I . I '; r . .- d V. e 1 .M e'ii- K TV! Ks l ilts. 1 .".th.! We btiv most '-.' our "t-t-i"!.-: I r nn jnanu-' I 1 a--t uj s , lf! -.a lug to voi I t hi m bid lejnUn's ' .. - . - I i ! I. ! :f H'iiii 10 e til ai .-hoes iui, . i!i , oi 1 vuji lv Ol t I'r'Ki. a- a! h -i..-. and i, trmib! - dl'- 'i.-e'v s is 1 fur' b. la, at. of to 71 ib Yt-it are not having ii f,a ui.coirt ai as wi! CI A'; v M' F. I! )uosl 1 ol .our 'ii;odj j'i-.e r'aso.a;ibbv senir s t". . gi- vi u t';e PdWHST ! )--J'!' IT". i'A-!l I ' : ; 1 1 1: -s, (juahty i-on- : ih. A ',: " en ii le.a-f heap ;m :U s fatjier. lOilu Vc ict .'T" h'.oi.Jreiil pair.i- of ibru f.ri'ii si. il ' ; . a i v ill s U nt reel-,- . 1 1". 1 Lire! to I N t UKAsil our h-mb,'.; eea-nti IJatt'ined Iior.s, And 11 .1 to . on Will ! 1 f iiTi'iiM d e It'urt il.ur.i'iify n-:r -Hi-t-nw -r-.. ' , , g-i,-, vrai'A" a'ut v ilnri ure n v:iin Darden & ,Gay, Wbi i(:--Ie and lie tail Mom- Dealer, hi I-'-!-, Tdarkit .St.. (JIHtKN'StlMUiO, N. f to get her; ThH he did s ;.,.; ,r0(ft he (iji:7e; V" '.r I-:..!.:, i:i M..p..r..ry .ble..! than ' h w rea.I this, thirty babies UfucU.riVv. andjeariv Suridav; )t- "T," ldollhe - ad U 1 " ' vi.'d t-i lie- f a A .ai.-.r arv i-. ' - .-. e been b..rn, and t went v .,nno.,rf i,J .K,itU,.,. ) ."..., -4 . . :! ,y lj : U -? ' ' l-v ir, v 'o "si i- -r;h-i. d ..:!- ni!l have occurred, Tinnk n r lr. fti ,n.i, .....j ....i. 1 -'!iI-J.7 p.iio.u.t.i i.,, on 1 ,, ,,i"'.b - is.ia w ... -t j..-1..o . . panu-d in a le... 1 ntts, auii st uf - - t.jUr, ,j oi tj,,, v-c,tl. a,J( tear on the V' '," : j j i-tlv .:,t.-ted: and is i;.".- -t . 1 vwnrig paper tli: ing t!u.girl thc'pirtv proceeded ! iM,v'f0Pijh. " ' 1'; ."" ,".:.: t! I''rtyr In ' n eo:,N H.e.l.irtt.s and deal. is of Snuth.r;iI,,.in:i,. u hi:ro they -Ari' I alius don't ' take'nothin'l " . rVt:.i.tat-tl.er.. v.a.talk or a f-: ! K- 7 -a;- must gu.th,t.e happily married, returning If j,,,,, , he dirty little fellow, ' ! , 1 , , 1 ; ,. 1 1. j - i;r-i t - a- 1 . liiiit-ilt ! -. i a r a 1 1 l tern-:. eril L. i, c , ,1 ... ir . , i,,t !,,''' , . - . ..:" ... ...a.-te V: '' li V 1 . ':';,,;.,.,.,,'. ffS .. i, L ' !"l,,lt " ' "''''", . 'f ' ' f shotitdering 111s .x.x.with the con- i..l:; piriVi.t- a po,,r o-.i. ar J - ' ; " ' " " j ia i. . .ti ns ii..-.v ar- that -.vi:! re -t 'o!'-. b n ha- 7,;'" miles of r. t- ,i, ,,-,-ti, 1.-, f.-r strt J- ami 1. wiilkctl them at. tl- i: .!.: a their own lin-.-. L-1 . e rat.- ( f ' miles a d.ty you'd a i!. t . l':. ir av..wci t .r iri- W!:!i almost a ear, ami !:. iff. i..;,.-v i- alcavs a dai;- ii'T.- t han a ear 1 1 v nearly miy i :--. df. at. Trc" ati i'di-m ' ''-.' 3 f Vl,! should rest on Sundays r ;5 ';.-fur..'i.-:. acti-a. In all ..-ir . f"-d if you wer a thirsty sort of r- fl ,t,- an. ; ; .eal leeti ,r,- l. !' r. and c-uildn't ju?! a jnib- ! ' i;,. .-..1:1 f aetloii !..e;ld Tie le ue. ibn"t be alarmed. The : 1 ! : ;. ; i 1. Will that coudrti-.n , ven t in.l miles of streets !: ,:r- : 1 '.. 1 i. r b ri- ii 1; Not fidiv : 'i. :; bave 7.". mil. of public houses, so t ;:r :d- d a- .-iri.' an tit- .you lord !. think of thirst. In a 1 t!., ;;:t;;v o s.;..,.! ,.f err:j ti- a ..' '. 00 J.omo.OOO sheep, t . t Bob Ford Killed. -i ' r4" ti:i:Kii:, Col.Tl.Iune N. l'oo For j reiorteu me uiny ;iuue u'liiiv : j , .5 ! sho-'i de-ring his Ijox ..with the .con!-" W nii Y(y )kJ O Iventi.inal swing, j "My grandphp OJjlill iI(U ' dU- 1 left a leg in the war, an' I 'don't ! . -. ' .. I I lb til . ii'it'hitt' fiira nnf lerr bib. see"? r ' ' ' ' 1 ' I take liothin" fur a' one-leg job, see? the slaver of Jelse Jrtiies, was shjot , nn ,w.min, n- ttr -ji-.r and. 'tear by Deputy Shcriif .Kelly ni his ! on .U.j fecIin's--secrM he. added dance ball at :i : 1 5 :tj.day. Ke lly .jvS v; ; " : was standing at t he doOr talking Jo a woman. An unknown man whs t-ocn to hand Keilv a double-barrel ctl shot gun. Kelly skepped info I, .rT;i rv r?pT LJBaBlll And he staggered away with an air of i independencej that struck the-twfi men speechless .with amaze - I ment.-r-A"tac Yurf. Ifi i l. the'halinand calk d ' 'dbdi." Ford. turned around when ljut live fett . L r.;fv ;f i.i.i.fric.. is all oonolep : bt b- . ;:r :d- .1 a Aeri.-iUfit-.-yr.:.! toetl I...- ti;1nk of thirst. 'n a nwav, ami pi aces I hi-5 Hand on his I J!ei:be vi-rv line !-oiing if -was,, ' . " : j. . - i,. -.-. li.t:,. aa I r;-.t tili l!..n. wi;; y.ar Loreb.n f. lks swallow down , . - k t Kellv rdifed his gUn " forjtbat;'- ' - L-1 ding F: i-t- a- o ,-iMn'i - a I M ,.i . ti,- -thv - ..f rirr!,li. :! ..-n. J.OMOJMMI sheep, 2oO,- .j a p.;t;V1r i,;U.k-hot full in ; Said pretty Mi,s X. 'ere. V- Hit a sm.Ie nt . - - , L L , .N M .Ob , ), N.( . -' - Aug,..:. ; d; . viuc. s-"AOjO j Fnr,rs Rt.ek, ,evcrin. jhe w indpiik f ,e ::;t:U 4 er T5 .1 ;1 ;v Vpri,! lJdb,. ; v, ! . I , ...flNb. :.".,.,-...c.o oysters, -inluW j i . i As 'she looked a Sarself in the glass,) TTIOS. JM . W 1JN Oi-lVj W , .o. -.. b.b-!cr-. ;.7,f"(b'bO bu-b- v,-a ;ul Kel y is; 1 Jome trouble 1 softly sighing. - ,--: - : . T ' ! i' - ' ', ' . ' I :.;;:7''Vp'.,,.:!l,'.,', ' .!-': W- up and refused to talk. - t. ! !ty is marred by the f.igl-f'.I n 1 ... . ihi-. t ft y drink H,00.',M".t .piartsj j j f blotclies all overi.i f ice 1 v. on . in' 1," Vr"" " end.--:,, the iae, rum j . A Western Bapl:-: i .; ! de-r ii"i iio oouldn tike --in thing! AQQQU" UQWU j New Sliding Uoods jti- t neeeivetlj flakes If voi waril e....-i et TVI.!-- and d. - -NEW Id!l.Vb H) K a'i-! . your iSjirint'- 0.0,1-. . W e -e..i i ' ' 1 you bu.V Ver -p ''tt .:.'!.. iSnriiiii' Gi'avali. I . e ih- I. at ! r s'i: Yf.Kts uii-1 bek n tour piaei-s be f o -a'vij, on 1 fn n oy . i O.'ir Ii fO C. M.WASSTORY & CO., t.-.r - r t- "I - D.-i.i. .era! t.- i i t here t e ::' I i.r .e 1 i t stl llC dc a far;-., -tern to. Wi Id ' "t ;to cien . ... it - 1 ..Mi .Mir. -af.e i-h..f ar.di:a:--;-f:.r;r;;,r:;,""r.t''!:l' "J j a month ago id a driimmer) v,it h s:-;y Iw:...: ';,a;.--M., ;:l..:;.u. ..f '"' M-r a check in iMtcket. and no ea.h ; H-uu wnat..; NtivJ-r .-c. .Mil... .u" TeX.,s (,.(!, ...:T to speak of. It, was m- ol t b-.-e . .-j..-. 1 , ,.,,","., tll . . i'.OV.'b Ft'Ui Hd.Ul i'iOwii . ; . .1., ' ; il,. ,1 mi-tbinbts he c-iddn t deUV-MiC t-o-1 t.o' i..ti.M r . . V ....... - 1- - . f 0 turn e n t O'.V II S. 1 ti J I! a (I 111 U Mi Ol n , - . . . .. w;-:: i,,;,:s,.:";i...v'i;;ivw..,.: ( ;::t ,,rk, Jt(illl .,u there in '.'. - FI : id :. a:,, T,,pie. I r,;,t;r( ,,, whib'. t,Jtth. place, but I vu, urc.I tf mterroga. j;. . ' h ( ., u, . I:--- " i, Mr. .:-:, Li-hard nnV fr-h t he landlord of he hof o r , --. ' - - -- ; ; ' wrought. ! -!l f:i-I.,td!y proba'b. that 'I.,..:,;. ::t t;,. ;.t,d of Wa.vhaw i -''Iavc you g-y a , rnk ..herr - - nT,)f, . Fb-re-s Gobj fa- , M --..hL L.L; IL and .1. W. I inquire.! pohtc - ,or l ai u, Di-cov rv,' wa tiie - r:,,::-.,,,.ii;,..a,,;;. : fji ..?vr.. Mcrnaced the sensation :n nad a deal or - pna,.u . - ; jn , variant .Mr. luri-ie. j .t ;r!,,f tntVrin,. in OU have to glVe hllll tf.e benefit o- I -i , ' ; A m :1 H : r ' fl u r4 :i 1 - t . : : a. : . :b. rX'i.g 4 i . . . ; Jbtr: . a.:?.! 'it , i . I: -r- - i) .1 ' 1 t 1 ;- '.ar.- " i a w,:t 1. , 1. ii. a.ot .j. .... , , L ; , . j,. 1 , , x .Mek ica i)i-coverv, v.a- . ne - r:,,::-.,,,.ii;,..a,,;;. ; ..?vr.. Mcrnuced the sensation :n nad a deal ot - pri.u . - ; jn , variant .'I.'- T-:rp:c j ;!,.,n;I;g, without snaring in to give hmi tf.e benefit J ; K' . nf yofir I?imrit.- I be term- ..f - J E, pul-I.cai. p-.' ),n th(. ,, :f..iil ntCs?. . iIe In-came the doubt. j .. , . rtt, U'A -HeUFd at-.r- .'xpire at the vna- l.me. fc.r;lngbd and sank thrte tiroes to 1 es, a lot ot jtaen, ..ereucu .. ,-!J;.t. !;0,..lUK. healtln- and etear, t - . - ... - I - - - .... ' ... 1 .. -. .1 ... : V .... . . - ........ .1 I, . . : . 1 ... 1 ... Icii.i .N.irtaera -fa. -a I be 1 )e;:.tt- , f, . j ..... it:, ;,.. j ; lroini: :. .i.t-! cr ,i",M.iiin-i.i-i-t i.i tier;. i,..,.. it t ........ ,i:,: ....til! ''Can 1 - . I. i ' . ,; ft. t f II Vltl Hf. I a g t r- Davi. "f iT.ir.l lii..-wl.cii thev " noticed lhi're; ' 5 1 11H A'i ASS 1 check cashed And' n. : t week he 0 jirei t y M iss e re. mairied lo linn as )! 'VlT-M ViT ';'!! !) t)5!.c. . (ib'KI'.N-l ACHUSI'lTjrS ii i 1 . t I j I - i- I -- " I! II ;..- i ! '.,-J 1 acyou 1".; -ii every '-Jl fl P 01:0. n. ;. 1 -1 t :Lam- r F,!f-,:. o; Ca.irorrila, , , a,, ,t:iV, ;, ,IIUer .:t; ar:d " I hat ib-peti:.-. , It,., by...: I ..nriictieut. Ili-ek, .ii:t Itl hVi for him. Afttrome "Hep-ends on what, ..; New Y.-rk. Padd -ek, of Nebra- lhv sl:t.,-.t.,.(:ca in getting liim "" y-; iue-k. . Mmbrs. oj AI .atan.;, Mur, lU;, ...nd," he was perfectly "black glials Iuck got t th do with it. j ( Oie 5 of o;u- young; men" v. ho ,l Iraiedfia the county tr.v,k a yonn ; lady :fr.i!;j lie re t.o hcr. !"ine near M aywot.d ;!:t.-t. Sufohry eveadngji wee 185 il iSiiiriiificM, Mass., 1 -T II Jb . ; ... ' IAXUARV ist, nSoi,. ' "V-- t ! -: t 1 - - . : r e i.r r p a. .... , i t 1 . .... . . , r f W !-e:.::-::i, Meviart. ..I .N.-vade, . 1 . - .. , T r - H f-- M sn t 11 run on -uim, i'""-' ::0d back home a iiltle- alter iar... it- . . , , ., - , p. .it,- -. r;.. ' ,:..l '.bridge, ul Michigan. !tren'n.iv.ic-: be tore any wrccpti- r5;' . .1, L .:tl, ro -'''' ''t I'-t and drove o a g.-.d , FOl'd'IE IN i'OK . JJ. '"' ,. I-"4, f A gainoi I ,-at, woul.l mak. i- breathing as noticed and oyer j "bourse it is., 4ie : aiu, J....1 a t . j; . (.f.ra,veil ami Alamance oui ; r. ; tl.;, ,.,,,1,.,:.v..:','r ' . , lb- o, in- l)ei:r,crat- ami ia li((Ur, l.:',ri. .t. regained Atr I, r."!"'"-'-,' ti,, tnrmi.g l.p.ai 1 a. e.. e... ... . ; , , ;,. . ( . , . iih .., -,! .....,.;it..-.P-5-1-""' s'-Md.niM.o. In reply to the j' jlf 4 1 , ,lrMo; Ul"ri;il" . T ' ' i f vou i h rif v o.u : af.e . daf -1 - ! t...b.ub: that of ii;,.e 1..t.ti.,nafl,l:. lW Mr whea 1 hen yoii ought -1, and th -d plight. He wa. tkeu . a . I ..,....;.. itA . . l.V.vl .' . '. . .... -'-.in" 'id c. eurt-il i:: New York. n ,.;., j ;a ff,j, ,0od." i te'1 mc lvlia.t iI,n ' j , ! , dried (and brought h.;a,e the nevt iTLMA'J E but - Mi.Mga::-a:.o U l-coj.s:n. Anoto- 1, ,. . . ., . ! "lean u t a , , mor.nihg. . - i V-l , 1 , ai ,,. ,. ...r.i c- .-.h: !l wo . .tt ni iu ii.- 11 1,11 1 ia 1, niiiin i 11 11 1 x - 1 . -r 11 j in,7,s'j.'ji(.. m Lonl'oi f eitiibie. l ati. r-' I- . in th 1 "a nk liie ia ho-.ii iug a S'I A't .'.MEN i' -h - Aibg U.e M.et .!ue id ; pp ar i " ' po'.cy si.. . ' a'. ; ia . !i.i i): ' ' ' L d'!;lN' . -ro::.-j v. f " t:.ob ' : 1 i": :th. .arel cddi. V . . t: I.f I-lea - ,! T.,i.-:0 . . i .i-T I . I ... . .... ifti,-p.,,ular vo: t:,ctai Let a man beiie that hisj.ov- haa to get my only chs - v.:i.U..r. U-rtv is ;hc r.sulOif legislation, and place to icr.d me -1M t:d V -oum 1. i. Lave evor ftu.j, i;v.;i,b..ra k. rb - Th.rei, 1... likelihood of theUhitiawsran b.-Vliaettd that will reach a town where otner ban...- u.ssrtl invariably, cure tt.e xvor , - 1 Democrat.c -tnngth in the Senate ; ,ir;Kfr . aml wealth, and that preva.Ied.-Detroit so. f c:SK-;.i;ia ! " , being r .ivee.I by tntse .lections. !:. an i fon-M-r ruined and will die: Not ,.rrr-t , ; Xeighbor (bre.atb-j ,.V"f....r:siitH''.ti. is w-itiiouf .-. "parallel ; " 5 " , i S !ir. rbv ' . J d t -i i- ;-;. I. e r. ry !! I r , ' . , , : . .. :.:ivi-:. ' H' ' f 1 1 . ! - r. !. , ot i.ig it . - ii i. io -I"""'.". i:,,i:i i jnrcUT niineu arm ui 1 "ot surprised: .Neigm-or ore.ai i.-j ( ,- -.. ,V:iiini,, is wit hour .-. .r.rr.i ici 1:1 but b j.-I'i! pro-ptMt That they j .t.t j,;.., f, (-lth.;t he lias llie ; hs,yf: oh, Mr si ilaii Jekl: oiir ii?- t';ie h'i-t.. ry of medieine. ,;aee as lirtj e ..; .!:::. a :aaj..rity .d I i.c body. :;, ,:,h..o. to win i.nd sticcess i- al tl(, M',n Johnny loti rid allv'namite b' m'j .lise,Very it has f f ! ' 1 -'1 1 V 1 1! X 1 Tl - - ' ' " , n.'ilv v.i 1;. Alihougli the country jini,t0((k it i:ito "( . ajdtj .h-eai-J- .o ' f j , V, I ! ' i 1 v '1.' So. r : V ' ' V a' r t -I I , . t. ,.,ri. . .. ,. ' i- rur .1 wita ,d ts legislation tin- ; uml liroke . with hu ax. bib! i..ev. pr fl.-.k k ..u to rr.v I'rb .. Io e, ,"oe aaoi ; ' ' - i.lt,,r;ibie t . the runner. The labor- .j stable and all th? bMihling-aroareJ ?j. j ffyar luo-s are f.r d.e -t, or; 1 . 1 . :i , ;i. i.iU- r u 1 ,. si- , , . . . ... , i l t. t 1 1 ,,1 . n , -:.i lh s JV.ro a.s I lazier.; , 1, t.r e . ,...- r and th.; oon-'initr, but Iegl- (it Mrs. Ilardluck: Erdid sa,e? . I t .e; ..tui. 11 l . .. 1 o 'lt.ul? I'u.a.. ity to any count r--. Coiovef. n xt. (.-.! .News. 1 1 " t ! ' ! R. 1 891. . . .in the year. . ROGERS, 1; U- I ICS i . ; t I ' 1 - 1 :

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