( r J : : ' - i - - j. j , ;; j; I "'J" -'Mr';-'J'" ' f " i'".rav.i'L';il..i'i j jj f ft Li" 1 i (iKEBNSlJORO, X. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE iL, 1892. M W M III I . I.I' v T U" JLL XL JiJ-1 i ' i : , ! - ' . i .. f .-'''-;!' i 1 L : i - ; S ' Ky II: I'nlriof I'nl.lisi.j.. i o,n,lv ,j ,, ....1.1 . H i.i - - ' ' TKKMS i.o0 Per Year! ? T . t Dr. HciLi. A. TiiKl-EIt, : J t.:.iSrfi?."i"sr.'I r i t 1 " i M 'i i ' . . . 1Ca I. t . i t r . J i. I .t I .111 f ( t I T T 1 t t , ,4 W Saw " 1 t. 1 '. 1 tj ..iuri. i - t - v. . t , ;;ih;ti;. . i to ;av:-j .f. I : J J 1 1 .... I .1 I I t X 1,. , I. MI v!;olr.; iiMn. t S .11 i ll . V . .... I A i ; i . . V i i n t ! . . : I . ! 1 ; ; ;.: i Ecu Thompson. Th" iu'-t notable Lnpdi-hman v. v-r rame t Texas, wa lien ; Thorn j.r. Lit h- arrive! t '. re at - irly an ge and h ear.c soj,- II:- rc-.-i-iic -I back f . .. i : t. . : , " - r ; .' ! . r t : u u;!. ' r . . - i. , a ! ! r. ; r - t kf. -.v I ; . , riot t ie r p!a v ! , t a d ,. ?! ; . ' .a: : .g !.r ' r : r. . ! v. :; ... ! . r . i - '.. -;.r. .i '. -' i i '. ' iT, ' '. i -. I . ! .-. . 1 . : ' , thoroughly Wetern in hi- mod" :f Ii;'.- t ! : 1 1 Tcxaa-i i-l aim him u- :!.ir i.an. I imagine. howe.r, he ' --m uu l f:nii- ru a jury i-iti iiiutnt fitizt'ijs doc hied it wa3 ii.'-t v'iiT! ir 1 i 1 iins sla.t him in :i!;iv-i rctair..d rt: i.f tl.f tra- t!ic furf ::cal three time. Thcv u;t; "f ii i.iit'j ! i" , i .;crt yui could ' have covered the I- a rv of hi- - ami. u;r :t'. lii-i thru- hullet i" !t villi a h;ilf-ool-J hit .ir t t!I; loan I-Ifiirl -1 ho ' Ur. I.ut f o irf at was the depcr I !.!:' in v. l. i: '1 l: :.!. :i w;t- th iti- courage of this ru'lian thatas l: . .- f. .! a':.d I-. -; kiioiui i.i ui Lr fil! hclirtd, holding his revol I ia ai! T a - ! 'I'.' "torii-i "f kii Mrt !ii I . i i , killing Ftcr, aim The liittle Bice Shoe.: ' Ifinrm t Tinrr :i i " C! ' : .-ii1."' uuuu uwjix .1 1 "A Word in i "l'r 'AUL .is- n'V- !-' '- .VV ' n--h- -.-i-V V, i !, - i V : Wc JC (si ; : 1 -! 1 1 ion - T. ) J ' J j ' Kvii-rv lad'- STATE NBWS. Well, tin n," cried Th.oiupsuri, .. V , l, . . ... i. .. . T lin ui.iil nil'J noil I lirillK Willi Hir ' i : - j . - f:- r t-liakc hands with me, lights j Statk- ii i l, June 17,.' No thirl: A little lorn ,-hw' of failtil liiue fi.v. j pari v met iin: w.-iF Ik 14 here Sat f "r i"c .turret drear. r r j part v met t in:4 w.-iF held here Sit if l-ty up in the turret lrea his pistol, unlay. One c.an ame hutJfounM U'al5fll,nf1i? Vwin, V tlayl , 1 if,,, ,!,,,. t , : it na.i waited for ni:m' : of twelve 1' others 4 j' And it wondered a onlva Waiivii.iIk, Juiu- TI;J.'L v l'!UI,,i . n , ' L 4 Democratic onvejition of thM ,.ial; : i 1-,-- Ninth Di.-trict met here today and AVn' wwe-me artaini! in t'Je mild and i "ir-c srl't again a vear. 1. little shoe? TO ALL W I' will- inepect rt!!iii nt Kepresentathi- Y. T. raivford was unaiilmotly ; ren inhiatul ; -f 'f ('(ngress. hockrnVi d' AshcviUe was nouiinattil for elector. Thle 'onventiri v.as hariuonious' and cnthtisiutie: 1 ( hiveland's naniH the irf And did;. to mv fee'.inir's f till many ftj-OfWIHTKCOl hurts' i. : M -4 V.ut I'll n.t cotnplain, little man, if hut i ju-t opened f v: V i! oi,Jy ei.sae"I..',e!; to vr-iUT little hw ! V f . 1 1 u .: 1 . 1 - r . r 1 ' 1 '.' . . r r- ; 1 v. , : ; ' . - . . .. - r. i r 4 t a 1 it . r 1 '. rri :.; !-rI a ! . - fi.:. :.n i J. or t. t-rii-h. r i. ; r ; I . ; 1 ' - : xjio-1- . . :..-ir.:: t !,.. ' . , 1 L ' . - : I- ! !--!. 1 : - -t f t: 7 ( ..rtl, - t'f ,T h - r. . . -... r:.. :. ' : -r i.. t I ' ... , " a:.-i.:!;..ran.e ,.f f . a r h u. it- Le lay on his hack, with j wag eheered. V ! Ma ii,...iu r -is M.in- hMl .r:d tNr.;;-r.-.r;Iof the vah:-..f: every nerve jerkin- in a-ony, l. y ,-lM Pre:unjnjr of a davene 1 ..:! r- s. a- v.e.I as hn on;: an- t mptje-1 his revtdver into the floor ' . ' V ; " iU l-.n tiown from the thr i: fi;::n raf f... A few of them areH rjppinreut -5hes in the boards ! M '1 nMle.8lri i0 1 1 jrrcaq I nknown, iMere.tirur and worth keeping J.Jiut hi.i. And ,o he died, as he uMonlt.ieJc ye.terdny even , MM! , t.,v .hWiho tvpiVal had man of' would have elected to die, with his "Vnt i nhin;; A .uejt httle , her,h was h th,-hi-l..-t de-ren in his diirerer.r, U,i on. and with the report of , s Cs ater , ,vin- ' (,'vn- J And .he In-Id it then- in Ikt i.. ..i i i. ..... i.:- .-...i .i. i i ... 1; : aiie .t her death is ; utiki.own. as I ' ,.rns,..! I.;il.l"l, II .1 .4- 1 II". . IH IiiM'H iill 'lllllll III I I II i; i U ,,. , . !- d.redto.iv hnlfas r.MiHi :.'...,!t, his .ars. Kin- Fisher was killed j larent. wt re not ahle to ca-11 in ; U atching its gr.-.vMI. -m, a tendei i . . , . . ... . , . . , . " . i .i f ! a- phrfieian. Slie was or-.e of to- ,,:m' h.lnvnasl -o-ahi have lued to at the same moment, and the Lx-; j , , .. j ron' '-iA.-kin-in many a silent praver d . Th..mp.oa killed ti-hteeir pre3 spoke of it the next mornin nVMf V I -1 K' a"'m!llTl..it.i.,l, who had -iven hi oaiy n.en in dilf(re:;t part- of 'lVx:., i .n'(A Cood Ni-ht's Work." .'. j V"? , V mas flj H(-k a ttay iai For i.ian,: wonhl hut sparedier the p re in d -va-for thi made Marshal of ' .. . ,pVo,7-e,- WeU,,. ' j i ,u'- ! Summer t rader cart away, I ilave t jie rennt. throne of the A -t i ri. n the principle tint if h' n.u-t kill s.m( In d v It w as hetter to I :;re hii i atitli- rity to kill otlier di -perad cs than reputah.e citi Soiao of Our Candidates. l.ll'ITI XAXT OovrjKXoi;. ! Ir. I). ieD.kira.lv, who has ta- j ken the road f.ir the h'eeley Insti-j tute, at ( Ire cnslioro, rejK;i t.s highly I patisfactorv results thiis far. Tlid n and f.v F.ong years liavc- passed sir.i- lair Laid down in twilight's gl And said with a sigh to the :ms. A- .Marshal it a his pleas, iKtM'us A. Doughtoa, the nominee number of men ; aipl jivomen whoj rn'tuiu play w iv'oo pittl soon." :re to i II tin his bu "v acrts th fl,r -iuteaaat (iovernor, was born i are now being curt jl and t rannci-f And so it's been waiting-- wiiiti railroad tra:-I;-M:-t a Vhe daily x Alleghany t-unty January 10, pated from the Hla v,c ry - of the' ! ,.r.-s trun v.:,-" ab.ut t , tart; and l'- He wa- rat set! on the farm, whiskey.-opiu.i?. and cocaine hub-; jrK l ! -i ' . -.1 i: his f.ith. r lii-in:' a iioressf ill a nd 1 1 s. he 8a v s. i s sini nl ! wrinderf nl lo.r fi,.. i.. - .!., c-'Vt ring n.e i n.'ins cr wiai in rr - i . ' i i v ... mc i;inm.-i m.i-j uuu t r bi 1 him l."'d ti.-- train tini i'-l!u-a!ial farmer. In "ls0 he took j The institute is v.- l! j juronized. , dimmed eyes ?-e-at t!ie State j f'mie oinu:-,' hlui iToiii'g bll tf t he j -4S -x earnmgiy g-.ie u " v-,r ob. time.-',-, ' n'y. : f NnS fa,, s.M.a mg Irearv and her : tear- I t : !.- r. .nil T . vi .xe on. lie jp::onal cour ! v.. :! i ji call'-..:.;., tr.-mblin:' ' l'nivt rif" 5411,1 ll ; ur:t fr. i i tlu-erov d a t ' .''" to practice law. i lie A-ut: in r, June l.,.f-Mi s. JJet- iTho Otilcial Vote. r r. t ,. i . . . . - .... - f i r v . i ' v 1. i. , r. ug!-l. . .,.'.. ; j , ,t ...i f "v with hi-i' .-i.-n'i- ' f'dh.wlag year he was elected toi- J sy ( 'hain!er?, livin- ih Jfavio'd w 110,1 J'"blled arou.nd witji the Hi ;:J:i'f: l thMji.t I had ! periatt-adent of the public t-e-ho., Is county, attt mpl- il Suicide vester- j - !,!u M0' Uai;i:y JIkmim r.. tlx- ;;w, d tb-- t.'vif. tr and "r Aliegaaay cuinly, and later he- jdav by cutting la r I th oat with a ..I i.U .4..;l..-r.:v. 'Ik. a U '-lt--- -h-'i;i::an of the c-o:r.y boartT . raior. Three ifgl.v fruLK v.ert u Id j ick t;p lis rrin- :i:d drive ,,f ' d :-. t i'oi. In Ivd he was .made in her throat j exposing but - -. i-g t..'t in- . ngineer, "You h-'td t- the lower hose of tl;era't severing the jugular vein. Thy ,,,, ;r . :fii, sir, :ii;v crp'iratl'oi I.i Mature ttul liecami-ia popukar sieians say phe uilildie from r.er !,..,!t !,,-ry 'ine.'- The i -ision ,.f ; and u-eful lat-mb. r. Ill held po- us prostration if ihe'utiml dot's i: i n -1 i i ! i i a 1 1. . .ai.r. f 1 4 ' ",u: "VV"""" r t ear s ..t. !:;, diva .-.,w.b..y. who wa- ri serving jiuring the -ejoa Kv.M(. . .. .... I... " . , . . ! -. .i M I . . 1 ' l 1 a " i-n a I , iik. n oi i ne coi;uu 1 1- . ... . , . ; v. o a I ; . y at.- a n ou.O i-.: k ' ............. , t gurt.t.psf u jnoctiio'4 in ' nd ana, A i.;.... ;.f;. at E-V .,;:!,,.;.., :-v: znii, ,,,,,,., ,,,,,'.... t !- i-.j, t.-e T a education, and on other :m- ' , . , i f , , i -'own , ; ii. - j". r.o io, t. i r.n '"'b, . . . . ;,, ,. lv,.-, Cudtlshoro the past Wtjek he has i '.I:r,.:tlhga hit of an ea-:,ra p-rtaat emia I ees In IvJ cvtr coluh:eted suaco! he entered the I ' :" 'tr,v,::. r. v ho standing at the .agai:, -, at to th, ho niu!cvan y (;o!,i,b(l. " mi :" i-.r..f ... A.:-.;:! j..,:.-!. - i,-::, r-, - a. t ne l.o,,,r ;,ud hm of a ;nu.nl;cr j M:iIik;; - - . ; - . . t., I ... r... ,:.., i r-.ora:iiatio!i fiv act atliaitl'.n J.ad ' ' , - , , j Mnrvltn-li . r . ! l: .r l -. I...-, nil ,o.r, .......... a . ,convtrts at Jlir. C v.hom have ;.K'r-',!''' . . . J ..-. C It it hoof t.fkl'!;.! II 4-. 1 ! l .i -...ln-i:,! T - "lr" a l n'crt t:;- Par rooa:. ' ' ' '. '" "v 1 connected thetnselvoi with thol vu" 1 -- ::-,:.::a-! -I h. ,r." I,- -.id. facing f,- VI MV 'M1 V" TT,a -hurch '-: Meihodist, 1 1 1, 3 .Su, " -: i; " ,l - l-K-h:,, are .hootiBg -f l-tl an. made an aumirable , . y. lrCsbvterian. 5o : -Mi-ssis.-iHii, 1 ' " "H' :-f ui-r. . r. a I f pt.g h.,:.i;eret lay: perhaps y.tft pre-diag otaci r patient, tt ntivr. ; K u ,-. uuiiecided, i! I :M. ri, i - t-r. .;4 !- fv...,M like to -!..t at mine.- " II-. pnn-a.ing. and ai ,ys the kind 1;i(ies thi.3 about ! ' ' ' ''r' - "'-'! t i' a r a i--d hi- re er and ,1.,' -;rtc and k inoly gi-ati,- lrk?!i(U.r, W(.; recjainictl :Ud Xevaim" ' - - '. II -awav ti.i- co-.v b v'-'fir. "1 meint ' . i I ' : i,;r t-:r ar ; did I ! it ?' The :. f. r - 1 ; -.. v.s I pro. f t..at I- had. ti.. a d -p. r;to ir.ftt r forever. 1.-' T;. :.p- -a aaforaily tinp ; p ar.t,' . biding. pp ' ....i..i.....v war-y ' i.ii.. 'di-races the t.ova of Laurrab'urg. ' . ' 'V -.! r, ,rd;..I,r uith.. .art;.. a e.aM in the. if.-.u iu- foke received the dis- Tiu writl.ri? Ir ()vcr,)V to J x-f..,t .i.;,d hi-. ; omtaanity. I w bar keeper- wlr. ::ir.gti;,.hi d honor of being nomina-1 inforin -veral : .other: gentlemen j Virginia. I . 1 ifb I h per--n-t! gruog- again-! !um fl t,i thi- oj;;,-,. by acclamation. ' ,i,... t:.,f..V ; r.i.- J iv.r ii.m ,,-,J':t-i'iugt.n, , v ::a ub: no!, i: r. a- . a, 1 -y Ti... cnvoMtioa entertain, d no are ta ,,e n., f tj.e vi,tiins. j r',m:u ... tol-.tr, . .a-,i ...r!..M iv.iiad tlu- tv... othtr thought or parpose : it came ! xw for tht-i information ufhvvomi..-' . .-.-r !.,:. ,.: ... wuich yTetca -p-aitaaroti expre. -a of j -Whitt rap," we desire to say t hi-:! Alaska. v : -':. d ... :.g . it; ir w.i... Ihouip-,n .very man ia t!'i convention. It ' (Ur . ramoai ja ! against w"hiskev Ari,na. ? r. Ith- r,..ia im... .1.- -tr,.t .,.,dd a ,t hive h-en otherwi-e. f..r;j,,, jn,t ,(:inil!Hl(;,t wna will nK i MiVn iVrri'V : ig:...rar.ceof at.y p."t again-: , jt rumpet voice had so often ,.n1 unl j, -t,!. fam-ais arid MoMo.' ' ...t:.-!! ; a n. i t:::u. tt.e two men naiUM mi.i jtouh ! d in the em-e of in- party ,.,,v.-aid; scoimdreis 'lik'. rr ' ..-! ' n it :. -!. : g'.r-. 1 l.ey li vl and hi- r ' . ,!i : i y at t.. '. ; ,. d : : '.- :: :. The enirisl f.te hy lows : ; . si:,!. I H:,; i-i ..... Alahaaui.; ' ': A rkansas, 1 ' ( 'aliforni.i. n . 'o!orad.- onno'-ti.Mit, M l I elaware t Fb.rid's. 1 , .eorgia, 1 ) Idaho, j --i".. . ; -::l Indiana, ! "i'oj b.w a, iiot Kansas, 11 Kentucky; "J I.ouisianai Maine, Maryland; Hi M a-sachiisetts. 1 ! Miehiga'nJ 7 Minnesota, Mis-is-iHii, ls'j Missouri, i g Moritana. : " Nebraska, I." Nevada, : - . N. Hampshire I New derst-v, ! v New Yorli," 27 N": !i 'ar.di na, 1 7 -1 N'.-rth Dakota. 2 ' irio, ! . . I ircgop. j 1 f "enn-y U lit,.. ' ' Island, h ( aroiir;;., l-'J S. :i!h Dali-.:--. ' 1 l nne.s-". ' 17 : Texas, j -2 Verm. iiit,- N X'irginia. i . ,.'ashiugt.n, - ! U'est Virginia. I- VV'iscon-iu, I'' Wvoniiag.- i Alaska, i 2 Ari',na, 1 1 l'r-i off "oj 'iiia, - -1 Hdian Tefrit'y, 1 New Mexij-o, , ik!ah,mnj - Ptah, j ' Total. !- I-1'. li - 11 -. - : a ol.. of earryiiiif hi a if g e. s t As -a-!- meat of Kverr I hull y, Mi-,.:' Wl'i! lie.- kitui td liil.l inno. Hi i ! II ju (JujlfordX'oi n. '"-I sell " " W n lnn - tatngontii tJu price w LOWEST VltH ! creased our sto ; . that halv ' are much belter) the demands of lie than eyer hell om,; shou ( lose things to our Tor it to i.tiforii, ward the j we have do sa-U, i . . s won't' a, l3-,n wry P"" not ailiord to ib-cfoivc the peopj. the .) . m- k this season and i w he i: prepared to meet .1 . ' , froiii a !iiiiciiasing laji)- . ' :. tia-a a tv . t . C tiieT lllelr you v. SUMMER DRESS.- . wants "the prj t ies market to ,be had at-i'-h sidis. their plse. ? '. an-, to he hail, aa,r; buy KCHs u i;o are n-Iiaole lo ver pay . to. forVthe Wliistb;.- fiadies 1 ia-i5 d s ! 4 -i : ire to t o w nj I'm t We don't paV Editor Wh nion r.kr thic c . r?.. . ..e' , .Mauies u n i wait-lof .vourt a little pleasure in saving : nice '"! itTons but we jiay ; tl unl.li,. .,c,.;..., o WHAlI'l escribed iu.-t a- it -: ia i'oai.-t- 1,1' .dear ; ihus-drive Stop ail I'tlWEl.L ON .-- - ):-r ; j j: DKV fidoDS HOTEL i'-nlar. Wo could i- whfre yotih ho'ro will be c-nredi! f V.' iil.ll-gl v I or pwelli & Wliarton 1. 1 i . n i::oV. .M.-K.u!,.-., I i ! NAT OXAL LANlj: jJUILD NO, ( DARDEN1 & iHQESf ?! ; d laoiid W 'Piiw-tdlij UEENSlUlKO, -N3L G-AV Pi J 10 I li i; If-vou 1 on Din Tliovjirf all i 'and i:n 4 i u m 11 il any jncc trout 2 5 cents up:- " - i i ' " - - itai I'rciioli Kid s at .(TontlouK'n's arid' Ladies Kino ('(mlvaii s-:;.m 10 v,j). 1 r i ; U. 1 iU s - :Mh- ! !';!: : I 7 our - your SHOES Hdorc seeing Stock you lose mojiey. . ' ,! i ii'fgiihirXumLer.-. X() OI D SI IOKS or (H)Dls DS lo id Hit Vtiii , ihc' ai'oJlear at any jiricqM !. 1 1 Stock VinU LOW PRICKS. -iOnlv Excllisivc SI IOK BOL bor o. d ! Hi can sec Why S Iv i n Grcehsr we can JllWLJ v-i 1L. VI . sell j 1 '' ' ; -- 1802. 1 ' f a ! t ! " '!!.- T a ! '. I i.ey bad him so ?i:ui hi-country, that its rev. rber- 1 (.;ip- art. ki.;u.,1 bodily oat of rt;i!l' j - - . ir i-ea-are that 1- ptioji ring uaweaketud ia potency the st:a. ts T thi f .wuM -White- : - T( tll i. ,.e. i-i; : i.U1 t to reach hi- t h- f. x. of tl.-e lad,,,s hoig led (.:i," will find that Tdu-teriag i iv..50Veec-arvfor choice, 4.. ' MM": 'rZwVr I'' ',r-:V, t" M0 W,,U n th 1U: 'Tgadocio will not deter us from j ;T1..,!aa Jin. jd received vote,-i '; :, ta.at. launders pa-ed away it ou, dl!ty, h:it wiH IIlilk(J us i.e j fr)m Xlw: na.e.jVhire, 1 from Jthod 1 I;;,;:' ; ; , :-'"VM!lt!y r'l"rt !:lt .V10dlJ- 'li!t in searching oat every ;in-! ,.!:U1;1, :ind 2 from lexas. 0 a a h w ...,. : r- -. u s - i . . :.!.d I!.. i.i- r-pa!ati a v. ? f i . - . . . ' MV 1 ;M,, M ; ,S'1;1,:,,;;rntk'm:,:' !l,Vl "I'lj fraction i.f th, law by devil, like! K(,(;rt f, Tin,,lln received I vob ii-,,. ii., .i i;i,--i i.iui, .i.i.i i , i -ii i i i i-,'r vi1 ! i.i r 4 .ii i-i ii I i .. ie i. : . , l - . i..., ... ... , ; - . laa-' -i i.-. " " '-- . fr.i.. V....V- Mtmw i ri Mj! Spring l! L I 1 - .! i - -. .1 . ; ; 1 . i - - ! , 1 Hals -. lS'lli. i , r r 1 tw.tv Mt a, ay. and with -hot ' ,.afj f:, varan(.y, m. lu. h:uI , i.'.Mjs ideM.-A-LMXM .MM- I M"" Nvj,1:im gi.r.s ia t;."tr I. at os. 1 hen Ihmp n., rUong and well, the wisdom j .,- , I ' ' nrax ' - i t"' '' ' ' r;' 1 ' - T who-e coua-t l he had pn.f,:. .L ( mai i i IIn i.. N". i 1.j .uae la. ' ' i l' I'" - : , -y t .e vaIa--of wl.o.c adv,.-e he , j j ,; . , . r , ; Kelow we app , :W,M MMMM'- M ;V A 'Tl rit"-!n.,o1' f"1 " Remains ofthe late E.r: Kilir. of yetfal n. , ; M mI o - .' 1 M. h',4M,r,I""rtm,'ntS,;0 ,"",lVt'arTM the junior ch- of tk-i Faiver.ity. : hytheM. II trr.-. the Keept r -f a g siedMing tll Ah Secretary of State. J ;i , :, . m issioner? ol ea Levies. ajipend the 'l'ax-Lt-vii s Ijacent t counties as j igistrates.and ( onir j .I'issionerp of each at their Jrespcc- j ! NeV Spring ; ' flakes. i ! If vow want H'i'i i i your Sirii! V- i v -ney -oa. evry- ... ... .s h..w...aj.l.,ri.:y th.atrc Han i-; f v ,lf. r,(kl..t. NlH.,f am, m ,-t - f,M M , M" M r, M . Mi . M t ii e meette the first 3IoV.day i ii . t -f .1 1 : the train lor trr'n-iiorlfttion to in- r,,v.!!l ,vra w.i fr -;a be, id ,,,.: ha .a through hi- military . . v,tu . Mr KlltrjJuae: . . ,.;.. !..; -urging lo.r- o. . ...... -. r r . a ! 1 1 late ,,;.r -proy. d at - lf vn m t,M. w , , k ; ;AuH,N m ,-Tax ! vy ' : U .M.M M .l" ' MM 'M. ' - :-- ' ?" -. "-' ! : 1" l" f"r': comihencenMatJ !a vmng - u'.e a- l.l.t v oar. -'V., 'I M,V .,M" M..M. ''- I man f -xc.4-IJ.-i.t u.iral icharaeter. 'S, u.a k o. xtv.-A levy .f V., ' ',M! n" V. M, f,".' lie M"",'"'"r- ' lMI' '":iA hard student, a g-.. I ;-eholar ami was made! on t he if i ' va I ua i ioa. ".'-"r Hi- vj; tu.d f.r ! ,,:Uw:i- a- to the proprie- ....i..,r p uM;i?!l h-un- r,f p' v'er h t.veaA- 1 . A -' - .. . .. - I . . in t TYin-:S and l.(AVfT l'l NEW Si'KINO ST )' 'K. nd ie';i 1 n o-ir- pri.e IT ( !'):;!-. Wt S.a( ! oli- Ii thing y-u djayin -'. line. it-ih .-t f i: il . , ;.-" ' ! ' i 1 ' ! i - . : . ! - ' -. M. VAtfSTOBY & CO., the L-- ding U;u Prb- Eel). lT-iJin. hMM MM- 1 Mr S :"" '',"r- ,. IM'1'' V' "'iit hard student, a g".. j scholar an-j was made! on t he if i '0 va I ua i ioa. an ; He v - t.od , !h ,o.,,:,cw:,., as ,,. proprie- j ,lK.,kl,r. Hp vision havq -. ia-reasc aif 1 '! out hi -t-yeaA- Folilj ; :,"- V ' M1.1-;; J.-;; rr r;: !!,M;. 'V .lhr l,,,'r-b.-en junior repr, jat: tivb .peaked j - I ; -a P.- f . : T a t , , i , f , , r .- -. j a ,, i. p, ,-Uir -, .-a J 1 , , i 1 ' . , , v . , , . ,i . , ' .'" , at x-oniim tic, nietd. I-.j.e,:--ivc: .ip. ( 1 1 i ! loiio ' , i nt'i . in, ulford - . t . 1. -". t , t ' , i r ,,T l he-r c'i t r U - ted , , i i . e I . .. .... 1 . ' ' 1 , i plieatao: to study :ar.d'atgh.-t .-f rtjuai v t he Tax r..t.- J-t t iu.- year- '.M M t V!!'",!i'- l"'Vyl M,:,-v " ::"''l-'Ut door rxerciseIi,d-..Mlere! him was nf .'.::... Last vcr it wa- i M t. : ::'MVMV; -rM.r": ,Iu::,;pe -'- vrr M :n.n:fMvn.T,e d'a.-Lcv,, 1 1 !m j 1 1 'u n r . .u 1...:. , t . i . . a 1 co . 1 :i 11 j tiiic ii... lr : .- .t---" ,n" ri"vii,'!,n,,,-v M'-"'"- in)L,M,ou!srv the I 1 - 1 ia....f,. w til ! ! - I : 1 ' . - - . ! r.-i ' .: ',, - . ! to t i . i i i . I j 1 ! .. I i 1 . 1 1 - : r. . a. 1 , , :: : ; ; 1 :;::.! a ia A a t Th -u a- A. Ivl!-"a w 4- in II. ia main-. aio.aer vop.g ... t'h.ii'.- Slr-o-d. f-,iiii ;ri i. Lnivf r-ity and taea In !. ba-in-h -, az.d latterly ia ' Vi in -ton. A Vij-r.-i : a Y. M. t. c jiiniy t he Tax r.it- !' v.its i;'ed at ('.:;.. Last ia;-; . ijl.v. n: f foi XT v. 'l"i:e over in ie a in ui n;,d t i j' 1 V"h 'nation of pi fj:,.:i the p '. making .a:, a. d io -fl.-.-'- W11 ;:i - .' 1 M i. On' and p. ;v-j.il i:-.,perty. i,ll .-;!.7t,. MniSarrv EN E it A' MS lota cent- i. " 1 . . '. 1. 1 oo. i s 1 1 . n i ra ' r ; a ; I . -i . ' - ' ' 1 - ' 1 . - - i , ' . :.. . !-.r II :m- I m.'. .- rv s : i . i ;. a . porter I 1 '-i".., , i;:;,.,., i,--!! Tti. 3!i-abtrrv .V-.'.vnslnp.; i i . . i : . , . ' - . i A . a : l e a tut ea rr.est, 1. : m d 1 : i ni I ' o. , . . . . ptihil i... us. ' o.p. ; s,iiiL:-.i- ,..,, r, .M.tht t.. lattrvttov hiai toaad -, ' , Mi - ', . e; -.: dlock Creek, - j'-tsi. ; 3Io- .a-. . -ry . oiing wan a-.m-d ' jt .-fv aphid .a aiv,,;i!,: of hi- 111 "!!Ht "'""' M rav.aa FalTs, H. ctsa: Eii'waii-1-, lb" L5 i a r , V ! i p . a -I. 1 1 : p-oa I o j , ., t j ( s. - !., :al a- ! w.-r;t I p did va ci..e to o .: t r ..-k. d i he : . ooj tor -I '.i.e.:-. to have a r-c.a- "We.', ti-.t i vim thing I have ,i. t n 'a t ! rob jl the race-. After-.-J.;! .to " - ud '1 ..":r:;-n. - I want i,l 1 nr.tl have rod bo a a-ktvl wartl a tri.-ad a-ked 111 ill i"hat hak; t ! ,.ik" I ii- w h!; mv "Id friend ; r-, tell." i p.. p-ra. -Lxceoea?," ;wii- there-' j i;-or-a:yi . AVealtli 1 1 'i' La- -umtaer ;i satcnil J n v iii'm ft--- ; et r ... .... i I . ..i t he .dun vatiia -"' si. t'.--:.!'. ItJl tutu 1 won i go -V i lb tiiat will P.- tee liior : i tdy -1 I'.iiii'O.Mt N') alii'ul. "ony i i . -. t . - I--.. I 1 1 . ! . a '. i i i iM.ih,' ii lnitlfJ.I i.-w-.- ' i.o-.v wa- tlia! .' a-ae-i p.- ine.-i. fcp,.(.it,i ,aXj wliich was .e -t imatetP; r '" , I app- I can tell ii n ,w with t,;i- ;,- xjdaiaod, " took $ loO -1 -Mli c--- i til pav oil' the '.-Id county! .:-- r ur-. -1 v. it-. Fo-tt r. :::d !..lf..,v. Vt'Ia a I wa a b..y I sold tl, tu. track f b' t . with.! 1 Having- p'MMMM,. special lb Jb- tax for! .'!"!...:.. oa 1 - M -It id- hi ad. , ae n -p ip. rs. p.-anat- aadjthe usual staked lo ori t!:; tir-t j rr.ee and ; rlti'v.n j j.,.Viisliip of ia the j I -.hi.-," - ti ?. - have cane ;t!! li-r. ftf ;,.,rch;ia lie ,-n the Oralid p ,. it, I put the other aOj in my '' '(jp Maad ('' r on th- poll for; ; !V. u.v Ir-a: Aa-:ia t -hake your Traak-!;:;e. fincdav at Jb-troit 1 ,M-k-t and went laaae.'' M Which 'Vs,V'k I? ' to. n iv i-'J the j '' b "I ? "':'!!' '-d ' ! ar:d, L-'t"- maki," tip ..ml call it ": t be haggage-ma-ter. "a big burly i -uggi-t- that the : Furcstl-yvay tvr tovi Mi i T lohml-f. '" '-"Asse ' -' - " " ""''" 1 1 j I . " " - ' f. took otltace at what 1 -aid ' i euTthe races is iad to 1 cP the ra-; - M-xrv Tp La Va'lkin " " " I cat;': -h ik- han i- with ou. ;iad lifted me up by the i-ar.s. 1 This i- a "tip" tha!j , may b- . vv '(,f .:,(.'f.'-rotate pin'-' TI -vr- '. F- -'.r -aid. "Voa hi-i d a...f jp,. II!V d, afntss to that. uIud on ua-ler nil cin-a pi-tano -.; c ' - (.-'ifiJ 'f,;r pen. illlMli ' ' ! r' '' ''' ' -v ' "'"r- at.d y "U know w.-li . rTh.-n there was a great deal of yy"o'..t. ! iM- SneclaV'ba'x for loiildinir j If r :i .: - : r: Hr. ,:..::!. I a:.i i-t th.- -it to for,t ;., j., tu- stories of vour gnat , '-, ' L ' ;',.;, ,-,r--es On I form : ;! : - ' ' - - .-.v . ..., r,.7r :--'1 t,ry -J o - i; .. ,..::., . i . ' ........" I . ..-ia i i. ... i . . i :.... I I ii.t . i. . , . . !: - ; i.,.v wa- that ':" a-!:ed jii-' frietoj. Pr.iplilio ami i-bvai'd-, I- ; ; - i j I i,.ki ii'c! mi. Levy ';7:-'; on the h.n.lrol, -.'J.' o;i :!; poll for: i-rdia-iry. State '-canty and school.; ti- i ,d' ptopcrtN -ami f.. on no- pa. 1 Odice 111 -!) h i, lai-ii J. I'.'-l HI I Hi s - p.r V ' v n b r I r . r. 1 r , ! g ! I i...-, i-. N,r. .won't V'f. ar.d doa't : !-'.;... d. j j, ,;ik " t r . "!. , -r'-g h!-.f; Tl .iij.-:i s-i I t he v.. .'aid go in a 1 i 1 :t th- r i:. :-t -Iriak to. .s ! j :p, r ! r.:. Th'-r.- v,.i- a bar in ra'" If it.. I ti... ga'.b ry. whu-'a v a- by thi- time g. wh .t e-j j. ,,-kf .1 ' w i: Ij aa a who had learacd r l b i. ! o: l i i.f Th p- as pr. -i ace ia tin "" "I - !::alb ry, ba: Fe-tor .,ni TI.-,a:p-'-a -!ti"i'l:,if.e" ; , ,. J , . , ; ; j.J,,f,e ' 1 eVIlie I h b.tT. . n - in-! -phe Mar-h a! of Ar.-tia '.. -1 up v''-;--! :iad - I' -:i r - r' . - - ! ' 1 .it . I - befor.- h i m.' and said, the o, -ii f "Arta'tvoa dtinkii.g witha.e. ri.'- -j. :.,:' ' F .-ter shook hi- I t- id. el t La-.'Vo l'OLK IKS I e contraei of inte-taiu.-. unr you will writ rae and .--i.d it t ' ';-. ; , '. ' ;. ', S r Grbl for -Suror. aad "'T" for special, purp v-es. -un n-rm . ' W'VV1 ' t;a!.ihty as a telegraph operator: - Uc-d ioraro, M,. p Win-tM o -V- h fm, i a-', an L iak" tro..b..-. j j There '.va-. I had more tlibicai- ,. , . t , , .., .j I p,,....p,n ' ' ' i - - l jn c;t-!i a tfd pa Tl,,lp..-:.il!;vw1!,l?,,i,la,v!il la-Mn. r a place, thai, the' V'1:K' ' "M,' Mai i t Td ' '"' a craM ::aur... bat thr ma-t driak t'- ! w orh'l . v. r imag ned. I drifted '-'a-:crs; expect a 1; ge f , Coa-U ii! y.,i tie. d fl ; .: r i r-t. Th-r- v..,- a bar in u.SJ , j.p tMaaothe- and ti- ; " M J; r iP.MUate- the warning.; I he -igna. I-r -rH;- t , was b-rn ,n rh. ., i .i ,; ., 1 , , . . . S r-i. the- ma; ,ritv od tr.ivt-ma.iu .-iire-iorToa-h "t thai tiii.r terniae oi ,. ,, !. ry. .,-l.v.lj..,,:,.. ,...,lv ...m, ,... Mf ll. ,,',,.';- l.Ui, S O- ;'"a ',.,i;4.li..n. iUk .1 If "J' " ,7;'"': 'of' i". 'o.;1 '!:a:r'::v":,:i: .vr;,,:;" ' :-,' f",'; A x;;',,y .v;-;;'ii:ai.v;;;! ; mid Sjri(iu' ,n ju-: iir,-, i, ,i iii,j r.A-i'.i- Cravais 7 a a SI- STYLES and a -st i . i ! ES- s, e oi;r EAROE ; ;s b.-i'oi e on buy 1 1 4 f O v 1'. i '. N S 1 if ) I pi N .. 'it "-i I f N. WINShiOW, sts ilsrireserilBfl Ovar as F5 W "fi H-B H Ml 11 r? 11-17 W n jf w a "h ' - s 7 . ; ' '.. j -. ' 1 - ; - . ' S '. . ni - : . N ; ; ' 1 - ) a..-,-, - . . .s ei;-ni;oi: j. N.., H iVl ASSAtllllTK.ETTS .' nou n ift'l" i I II 11 22 1 I L l.t'.o li l t v ii xmnm 1851. KprinLHiPid. dlasiM AM'AKV o r;7j, Liabilii lo,;;sg 8 11- t, t.v, v i (H; e. i,ib'7''orixsrrhj.o tin.- c u- p.i ay' a ; i.' : i w o . t ri'-t'-d as i :us, i,.s7;t,-;.NLt :".-o.7 '.i.'a '. ' ! v-o:,-r :;::!.'!'. -o i i i 1 !)!.. ,dh i ; 1 1 ' ' t i t , I-.. . .-1 r a : a i-. .pal : Co P.'. - , -s. i ; t-f;.- bh. I ...... t: '-;tt - how : : ':.:,,,: an KXnlMATE bur aSTATE.Mp.NT. - ho ;!ia tlMli aifd paid ..in-.u'rai.e wija-a -v. :.( aa, i: ;o-1 a a I oi i-y .-isuli in I i'i y ear i . i " I r.---- is. R. W. i ROGERS, xx.xJii;iG-x-i ' ;j(jci:enij - i i -' 1. it .. ' S;" I ; 1. " : In liimpolis .l.airn ih

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