nV j " , - j..j I ' 'r ' S ' I j ! ' " i""; "" .- """""""""""" "' '' "'7'" 'r ""' ' " ""' ''r'-Twiii"'"''irii'i ' 1 ilr r 111 1' 111' 7'!' i ! ! "rsr""? . 'i t -3 IT IT"---. ' ."'"(' j. L j -r '.' "tii-ji-i! t 11 kjlpUAU j. i ;I JrCllj:il :c ; 1 - -T 7- fey 1 TPtT TTTT? ji jniJnL IrREE GliEENSIJORO, X. C., WEDNESDAY,; JUNE 2!J- 18i.- I l I I I H. . t,- y tUf Pkirioi ia.iui,t TERMS tl.oo Pr Year rtnc' i - t '( . 1 ; 5 F If - . ' T , !. , ; 1 : t 1 Drj GriAS. A. TURNER, Dr. 'Wakefield, - 4 " ' tl. r 'r. i . . . . -: I ' ' '. . . ,' t. . . t t .1. . I lit ! iimt Take Notice. Dr.Arti:-:! I.:. Ledbeltor, .1. IV 1 t ' ; l r r C ! I ,i c: 1 r it. mi:ii;ihv ., l; i .. i I- ; i Tit;: ) T'O T CO. .III , T V 1 - ' it v i t o . j. A i t I It I'in'i tsiii i ' i i ; h i r ? t s ili... A .. o d; i poleman, j ' i i i . t I it.- M.deru Girl. North Carolina Due 1 4 j- FATAL FALL FROM A COACH. r v i r . i f . " : f w :t v ( 1 r !; j : :.. r, I w h- r ? ;: 1..- r i" r a t .-r frw ; f. : p g I hr-.uSi : l " ". . !.. :; ti. 'i -. fi v ; 1 i ri. r in !!. " r'-v, i. r ;rl t .1 Tiu- .Ni-u- Vi.rk If. .'., in an ;.r-' Fdv.ard V. Goulds Tragic Death in tide f n.e length riii::;- fa-J a Wild West Show. 'r,':-'c,,,-ti!ia..:iH.I::.:..J.ich !. iv. l. . a fo;:-!.! ; , . " ' f : r North (Jar'.linn liar- hec a thf 20UND TO UAVi: A SKULL. !i:tn:! or u the Statin I-Tmil Ath l. ti . ( "lull ar.! a well-known t-tock . r .- .. . .1... t': I KPi-iiC of hu.nv fauntH iliK-ls i.n.l "l , . !.-,;:; i- (.1 mat city, mc; wua a iras; io nth Saturday afternoon while v. :i f. :,n ri ., .)..- . . r- :r : " 1 !.. f - 1 ! J t I ha a!v.av 1 en retTardr.l a, a f iT j f ;!y .ifc j !at-i- t- ! fht far ti." law . !.(( r.'n !. ,i , t,',- ili:' !- that ha. c i- tn r ti 1 arta-ip itini; In an amateur "Wild Vt -t" htw on t lit grounds tif the Aid Rather Thau Miss They Were I EonncS to Kill a Chinaman.' :It is related of Jack Lanrfhe, when he was making a email for tune by giving the eatlv day resi Tho Rosa Would Elush. A!I throng!! h? sM-fcr. hr.hl sr-nn"- I Urejauie.rof a i-crfeet dav " : That would comic to the world in Snm ... 111 r- ... ... 1 "i:0 r"-fl wouVl bJuh'red on its spray : n'!vkr-,,vo 1:1,1 oe bright with sunshine 1 lKiijnevcr.a .-.iiadow knew ': iii th .: ttatt , . r:J v a f.-u (l j Staien I-!and Athletic fjuh, at I.. j 1. hi . ri-- ran hi jWt-t Ne.' lit iuhtof.. The club hap dents of Colorado drautatie art in stk-onr nightly dose,! that he once 'I be l.hjd by it's nest bo Miin played a niei.iorahle ''re tufr:". n. ! In the joy of a dream roTn! ! gagment in an interior miain- I A ."lcSS jewel,- T ",' camp, where the inhabitant- ini-i ' .-t .nt,'al V'1 . . tt i . x 1 ''iTe .1 bo nc.tlmiu'tonnssor mourn for ?ti on "Ilamlot. ' Now Lnnr she i tUs rerf-r -):iv of ,!,. beinir a cuti-edian in moro n-n r:. 1. 1 , . I .1 ., " . ,,; , ,. ,, , 1 amo that were lu I of beaut v. than Oij il'.n notat-ad favor b; A n,i ti,.. , n ; I fc - - v. 1 -i m js i;;iv, j kin : a jar. : u 1- 1 - , . 1: .bend. I : 1 J ii 1 r j r v, 1 if 1;: ,;r :.d it.:". . r ?, ; 1 1- . i ;; . r, ; . r .. I. r 1 : ti.- nu. 1 '1 1 b r- ..., ,., 1 ' r iliui.: 'I iiii 1 am iiriu' iiiiiIiIiiiilv. ,,. , I, "sii s,. , 1 v ..Jit whli Iiii-liirl ,M Wliieli tin- I.H'Ulbers took t ID ' i" ium-.ui - p...- -...w..s. vu ii .Jo.ih ,at., !o..-jn w mi hiiinr 1 i tried to thakc the nativV f-iifli ir I o n.-jkc th-j perl-ectlav. lo!.b, !li;:ht. Sr., bchindthc .Ma- part of Ind.aiiF. cowboys fcouts. l, ' "1 a kf V1 " ' 11 V'V.l ,n I In fb tt ...ids.w.,,,,, r m '.omV Hail in Newl.t rr.c, on Sun. Ti're was u iarjre and fashionable! '0 ir t.sa. -xo,j ' TI. .re would suddenly come .. . - ..... - iidiVni-o h.,.ni nn.l lh fthlAilul,r- "r 1 1 Win I noes would A blot on the rose's brla-hti.os : Ti.? f eeond fro ,Zt Jel l o ir d .IVrent charaeiers wore to shine to much better -.(bi to spoil ,rlil;1, tn. ffcont I. re a oiK.it ji rt t u . ne - advanta-"?. ' 'Hamlet' w-e iM;ci,-l ; ,,l:t 1 1111,1 to lnv faith nn,l w.-i tn.i ; eo.4f rolla, of Stanley : at , ho from time to tune applauded by . -wVover-th f....rtb sn,i.-!.r ,,,,iu,l ;1 Wnn.I ! their friends, and not hit. - oecur- J'1' .:wce,rt,r w'lnt- ail- I Without srht or sound of sorrow. the right , ide. of which I,- dh.I "d to rnr the pleasure of thcaf- I1" " ' I . tl. a t bJt I tlmuht it hero, j.. t.r... !;i,rr. The eh.l frnoor. until the "Deadwood kfl " Accord. n.y fU - rOM. lnthe, : V ; k' , ! ml arl" ,eei was presented- The f omewhat final! company s told li.nv the i,iT.., :.K iu the t T. T , !"t ;in,i ,1V. fnnr to i study ; up. cnaracter-, were !!t grandeur crowned the n t n;e nuti saugoi on u:- sai.e nay, t ; . ' , "J0ul ed'" and tee lekdi-i" " "a: :giory was on the sea ::,. .:-o,,:c itnr -ing it. " ordinal "Dead f . , " '7 ' The dat w:,t wondorrul.oe n I In on the Virginia line, T. ' '0' ullalo - - ; j - - ' - v nmuor P,UU S I ,,,',v t-M kiT d " ,t -he t rst ! Uill. In thi heene were represent- BlU , V nularu hd J,.ne ( ne .V J.c.ct a! , na wit:, a r:M J. Man, hl.atl at .h, IT-t , m ' . r problem presented twdl. No skill .o words have ever told Tire by I.otii 1. Henry. 'VIA due! 1 ' foI!o-ingharacter-: '( a- , fn,U.,i fi.r Hut, ah !j aT breathed the the fr ' ,.ff,.. i- rt o ,r.l t.. vui'a .lake, driver, hred-k Scott: ; . .,i f' , Krongh rose wdiose time was i -1 r. 1 1 he iju.-stion who was the partner of actrtain iady in a dance at a irty .;iv. n by .fudge (!;i-tR. .1 r : - t Ii:i!o:i and I'rcntiee Law ; .;!.? at r - on the Hr:e be !v,r. i; (,'atfH ....-r.ty, North ( aroli- t.,t, and Soisthanpton county, Vir- II vler : ' The Old Settler. f'o'.;ld;"U. S. eout, Edward "' Twining: pas.-et;gcrs, Daniel 31a h :i y, Win. Hcnimingway, C.corge l'.l'T and Ibd'crt Powers. - The "D'.;niw( oil ("uath made ' ti tlio oniiinv.tlnn b-Ii. j... vv. . : t. 1 : "v 1 request lor a p'rlrnianee of " lain- . . . i 1 representeu rorl(j earth's ohl.r.Jd slorv In. a sere and yellow jeaf ! hi in ;-.; . r ra ;.-,vaJ a its appearance aboiU I o'clock and rt! . rn man by birth v.-hile Tlif. J -fried on it- jiriay around the 1 1 r . : , ; r ' .-l.-l:'. . . r. f hi- " " :i. J.r "' . . I -: '. I ! . f, . . ' T-. ' ': v... ;. native of Ei rt.T county. 1 I..-;, i :. i . t i.vt r a Mr-. Diane h- ..rd. - I. !-tr::'-:x m- a:;:ai:ori-r l ?rr:'-k. It made the circuit without a::y n:ii:aj. but on. t he second tiLie around it was attacked bv Indians' Ht': that tiie skull was uir.i-no sKi.ii no "liamict, an i j wh.-it were they going- to do about ! it? ; i he c miaitti e considered, ilt w;i a new eatup, With no graveyard, n lid there weren't even dead Indians around. Latiri-he -went to -bed . A Slight Error. fr,-.,., an i wa-.at tni tun . a ... . . 1- . :?.... 1 ,.-.! ! Could, 1:1 !i:s fh;;ra -ter of th I 1:; :!;ir. the cbilhin.' ! -. .r.d. t! ball came wi: . r: afttrwar'T tr.arried Mr.- I." ..r.l .- .ti. .1 i-itbif. U.l Pettier, was reeiinin that the Mr. -The on tip 11. .f . .1 : lie came into tne counting-room, says thp Detroit I'ree Press, and deft an advertisement, which read "lenllady typewrit'Ts d-anted ; Apply: by letter to that night feeling hopeful. Jf tho j . a J,' 'v:'?' ; J commit ee e.iuldn't lind n skull bo T1-'1- ,vf I would have a reasona.!;Ie excuse for j , Th,CJ1ih vnt ,;l:ti :in'r I Bi!l.sfin:ti-irr i.'iVrw'i.." .... ti ! ivt "-'hVP l"dcr he came bac m.-hine ! roe: i 01111! ains lure ' ' ' - j ; ?i 1 - ! - 'I I I J i i Bargains IN WHITE GOODS if r'l 'N : - t i i Special Sales ;0lf d' ! BJack Law Id H i h ' ATi bi( OMI); v About the wisdom ed.donio- j of our SUMMHU DliFs" ( oil" IniVrior GOODS, Tlaii more vc thiiiM about .it "!k! mol wo ye rather y,T stopped (h 1 wlien think ''you've grone toe t:oes as the eartlnjuake Faid whv I lie reduction is there and ther almost justifies that nluiibt and ;ratliei ' hat tnore do Vu want?'; c ve ar mark. deep, n it sw e it ..-t e our d.iwu the 1 ri to meet tho ! iri soijie ; rmipetitors T itielitied to tliitik tl You- know how' it H ( w eye r , e: y er v 1 1 1 ? 1 1 g allowed a wlndoltow t) nnpertinent uestioi : NOT CHEAP GOODS, BUT i eoo: Cheeked white-'Xn 0 cents per yard, Cheek eel Xansookr j cent per yard.. GOODS T ! : !; .i 5 . . j - ' ; ! 1 . O ! 1 I ml' .11 I I; J SI MJ K en s ivs, Do you ; khow lit GHEM four or mcntoifs ni'ht The following afternoon ' Lang-j l,c'r;. j . . iri.h,. ,v..t Snrr. c, pt;;Kftrft 'oii nig uiai I Kt;ow "What's the jnattei- with he ja- . ... ,r ; f the roach with his fiet toward , , , ( , . ' j "Did Von r-u that so- e.f k T. : u.l f r. ,.,,, a .n S 4r I't.i... it. rri- w i-- killed ;m ' d.-i- one ar ru. i ht.ng v t h towaro ... . . ; "Of choree , n't a I nt.. o in .tu. w.i- Kiiua ..i -i - ihe cnairman of the committee tn I ' ' V J . - ...!,-;. V.ir? h I '. r. ! i In I s I I i the nttacKI'ig Indians. i he cow-t , , ., . .. i "o:!l haen1t had tir. i h .iuT in AortJi aroiir...-i. I n I M I ,K " ' "X1 ;"' ' ' , j I(.i:d cor.ve r-e u ' 1,1 1 "" , ,. ... r of t he t st.tbli l- with :.tg n:crv Hunt, within 1 "":" Th . ;ien fintmv nr:nir e-'an. Ti ol ri- i i l'e..- davs of aeh other. :'r-t w .-on the Mand of Java. ! 'rr.cos ilrawing v.!.,re i.Tthir was hurt, the ,.tlK r ' t!it!- 'da'.s o-iiekened their ace ;!, .o.i ioie!iu nau uni hment. " ' ! U b.!!t 1 :i f h :i1 : ren:y. re "iu, -tire you put ine in i e sir o !..ok singh-1 t ! n r livjv-es Hoguhm iir will -go ; ut iliH said adTl cents ror-t ;-.,,.! ufar iH-ieejS jcts.jer janl vtI1 Ijeohfilt i We have all the uiades -incbhitcsf : iivlei; 1 in Hot weather ooids and liow'.wje propose, io sell ! ::1t' I ' PIRSTjGIjASS GOOpST f-r j ! atrecondt lass IT-iiees. TIT you tv; ht to.jhuV reliable jroojds w'e can-piease yui. llrm search ot Hioddv the one you are looking lor. : goeitls our store iiitot Powell & Wharton.lr Suceessorjs to Raymond v Powt'lli, i NATIONAjL 1ANKHUIIJDXNC, REENSIJUliQ,!; N; ie nd lightened the . t.Vi, ...;.' !.... -i.. n . i;. .. . The clerk got down the i coach, and " r ! turned to the -wants' . A . . . , , , .' j "There if is." he sftid. wdiir!iM eine nunureu uoiiars, aim Here s ! , . ; --t ,T"r"f nun,! t() tlie auvennser 1 r. I '.'at i:.-aporc where Hunt was ; As the c...e!i wis making a sharp , r ,. i ; , the p;- per a ! n (.r'i-! .1 i'i t'i thidi -. the sW- ! turn at theeat nd of the uraud j T I ,. , ., , .' could see i1 I a . it u j.i i ..i, a. uie ye- . - Langrihe tudiared t he chairman ' ,r , . fond hie. Thev afterwards became ;iI"h it careened over, and . Ir-1 ;uat j, lic Ieavlnv - I He read i .'..r of j tv..nu P;o,b.' Hunt was a t,aal Scott and Mr. (buld, who were the .j 1 uyhat in thunder b you want i his fac"e !i- . ' . r -i-.i v. i- h.i' . i lb' ili- only percon n top f the -oach, ,, 't . .... ''",! "No worn , . .... . r a... i T.a- o"-, ,u m a. i.o.ui-, . i i , tliat ( hmamaJi for he propound- ., a ..er . n t v.a- really the i.-mtor of the ! Kr thrcwn to the ground. Mr.! , i . 11 ; swers, he s Kr..! ;,,.,,! .ri,.,. svsfrro n . I i C .u id s! r u e (-ri his head and the di. d i.e irl'itti-l. r -, N. V.. in the T' ,;-r,i ",l to! of The' comniitteman leaned rover i i n:. r f The half-way i:o;:-.'. where the . . . ! rivuii. i . . . i JDi-mal Sv...mp cat.al crK-u the:'. eharaeter d inUian?.) .'lav the sliull ! Whv i-reat-aH-i ' vertl!?er'! ",uI tJl c- rk reatl : N- rtl- Taroliaa line into Virginia, naing c.ofo i,y tlie coacii , fire1 ickc.9 j,H,. il0.vc.u, icb "iei. ;ady typewriters wanted : !.a b e:, the r.-cw of tvo " titled. ' :iJt 'f t'-e accident. They ; .j, ; Js .. n;, 'j t;i f-date agfcs. Apph-.by- letter to A. The hr;t to k plac r-u t!;- Virgin h dekly f j rang from .their horsci J ; ' ' ' "" : v. 15. A- tT' i ; i ia lir.e during th- autumn ..f ' id. and a nt lie rescue e.f the!-:" .!j"o,lt(v .-j r, . jtje,! ti n ' The c-rk apologize,' made the w h t. H. i lltrris felh ii. a d lei father. .Mr. Could was soon res- j -Im-ijSt .1- c' be bv 4;i! oorrect tyn ad the . next day the with !M.v...rl t Yellow IV. The I cm d from' -r:enth the coach and . , ,; ' -'.T ' ' ... r advertiser received ninety-nine re- conlidingly. he' wire i-ersona-j , ... His two sons. Edwin, dr.. and i . w i i i I course I hi i l.fii:',! w i . . vv i t ... r ov ' . I'or i Hamlet,' .f ;oing to play the it. . i i " it over carefully and ace lighted up. nuer I didn't get any an swers, lie said eurtiv. What's the matter with it? j asked the clerk, hauling it around" fore him. , "Head it,'' "commanded"' t vertiser.j and the clerk read ft : : !; i rv, tb . . . o. K . -t ot.e in ' r iy v h . n I w a' Thejcm'l fro;:) ' - r:eath the coach and ' 0- j 1 . irri.i,l tr. i 'i. lntiis i-nnrl in t 1 . e , ..i'li'ii w ...s . n . line 1-' Isi.s wl.en citrrivo i. lenius eouri in u.ei ... ... .. ........ -, - i . - o ciocK t.-ni(: head for 'you. ... .,, r. advertiser received ninety-nine re t. Weil have: trie? ,. l , ... -. ,,- . .. i . i plus end the'v are still coming. We're goin to lynch We'h i A T i w I f .... I - .. f i. T : . .. .1 I re a r i f t hi ra nil .? : n A. w here I )r ' . . '-o,-...l me .iu..u..m . : . ihnu a( iunaiiiaii anvwai :ate .journal, tougr.t n m. v.. am- - ' .u.... ..... jjin ;j f(nV.r.lS a!1 tll.lt; (t( t r. of the I.ichniond Index, with Gould and found that life was e.- : unet. Mr.CouW.neck wa l,ro. It thok t he i.i.u dian an lur. c n and hi- face vca of a purphsn j:fu fecovern frol!! hi4 horn,r, color. Death-xvasprobatdy m-tan- t(it..);,vin(.e tr, c.OII1Illittee th;it a taneous. I..t 1 ..J 7. Ilfilli n an ill v i on ii nurir i in the f ' . i.!r e. Oil Pl-Jols and cV,i:ii'Cll hit!l ; " brrast at the tir-t tire. x . ; . t r;; j 5r,t I Maurice, son of .Judge Alfred : :i- t! v v- d. n't, Moore, of the fnited States Su . , !. r,r : jrc me ourt, fought with IJenja ji.iin Smith.- afte:-trd- Covernor . ..r-. .-" i of Nert h arolim, ia ISuOor 1M1. .1. . w .1. . . i: ;i 1 1. v.- .ui.ui ' iio.ui.i iiue i;eii . V t rump i. i -j.r: .- T b- k t .-.tr .' .t ii t ; vi ,! J ill ure, .:.;: sr t ..k the : . ! ' !. fn:: t it. J .'' he t.e.r- pi-tojs. b eai.-e of an alleged in- to MooreT father. Smith was h.eily Wo'.K C't d in the side. He wa- eng.;iei j;. other duels. HE KNEW HIS GAME. .Mr. Could, who ws Jiftv V;,kuiL-f j.,;,,!,,! dHamlet" that year of age had uyed on Stat, n u j ,,,,, tIl(L-r!in'n:in v.,. in Maud for thirty year-. He w;,s , , r . prouuneni in au'i and wa- e, ; A , . lt.u,liM.- Iaali poliioou ised .lone mueni valuable service lor the Upiuious ci the Floss. idie Dairham Ciohe: I he rjues tjon of the hour is: How. can Keid the venomous and foul toijigued pjanderef ed" the South., eixpect to ! To elected, or how can he help the Hat :ret back into oliicu again ?- f has ie ad- At any price ironi i j -p. I t j; r - j ' 4 Gentlemen s and Ladies Kine Cordovan 'and d;rcneh jlvids at s:5.iiu to I- '2 5 cents up. If you l)uy your SHOE .oo.j S before seeirin r Stock you lose money. our Thev are all in ??egulaiXumberT. X( P()LD SI I0KS or ODDS AXD IJX1S te idler you, theyj tiro jea r at aiiV price. lii" Stock ami LOW PRICHS. Only lixelusive SHpE HOliJSK in Greens- boro. You. cajMscc' Why SHOES CHEAPI' The iVo ,rt.- i'n ft, iC of t.he founde rs of the Staten Is I 1 ..II !..! Tf .iiuciic- no i,e was , he iten skull of a mil'.e. a member of the Kiehmond county i i over the defunct Yorick by uV'ing ' cau-re of irtforni and we regret that it-has seen lit to resign as t lountry ( lub. Mr. Could was a member of the stc--k Kvcliang and had an o'lice at ...'J Nov. -t r 1 1. a Aral tho Old Man Dould Not Sell A Brother's Vengeance. Ilnnthc Wallet. t i . .- r - - r ' ".V... V. .t. . C. ... v. i 1 :. . y . I v. to r M- , rT at some purses," .. y, !! i-ik'ii. 1.;- f t e :, : .;i :.! "i.t ' i a fie i Tl. "VI f -ud the o;n;g inn. "Show me -mi thir.g m utable for paper inon- ey or ehaniri il !n f, see? but tint p; t !..rdt j '"V large. f-iii;- It..' ' ' ril il t ; . ; i. r Ksoxvn i i:. Tcnn., June A WP-ITIKG CONTEST. A Nino Yeir 0I! i ' y the Winner : 1 i. rv, N. r , 'I ; ; .: ;ne, HI, b1'.'. A writing e,:i -t--among th.- of tile State Alliance ditorial i neat - ys : 5 "We e or- In an led. Free'doni" it re willing for the ar.ee jh oji.le of North t'arolin dictate the' policy of the I t-. . : . t i .. - l. .1 1892. 8P11 mm mm i Alli a to whiie i: was their Ornn, )a per but no A!imtd!s of I'rof. Ii. ; Hollowax took ' ,,, ,. i,,, i,,-,o m te can do it." sensational scene was enacted at j.,ce .,1.,, j.,sL ;!;''. tliink the above was ulieall- (.ooues fruit t.nd tins, atternonni r... ,f,P e.,rJ;.. T re ' It nr,o Master (iurdie H .n. I. L. Cartv, a prominent :it- I., :nf. Vf..... ur a vd for. Mr. M...F.J H. w:,s rather loudly drcs-ed. Dlra,1"er 111 t:" l,v- torr.ey oi tins city, walked into me i. .-,r 4. ;i prominent- citizen i of :;.., ,.;,,, j ,nv paper that phife, and seated in a chair was a .1.: fo,i.l. xxvn ),,. med -l jfor b.t d (),,,, fi the State Alliance f-No one man, no" do:en to doj any s thf must Sprinu' . lh its nil fit) 1 ia i&; u 1 . i i and Spri men,'' haye attempted r - . 1 1 r .-. . : i : 1 - ! r- - r . - r. '.:! . . . f -1 1 . . ' '!. t .X The i it . - i s : or ! C' . . Alt w . ! 'J.r pun -"art w as a en ap ii!- , "or .i.iii. v am, ,- e.-.v a nd S lei a !dT .e ( on ' idcr e 1 .... 1 ' 1 e -1?, i ,.n.i . - .in . .c attorney o: ! - -iran.'-r. ... t. , ; uiprovemenl. He i-: biiglit boy i j,p niderjthe direetiorf 'e.T The State an honor I. :a If . . - tr 1 t;p. d ii d li! to his parents . .idm ; 1 . I ii :'. e 1 . ejj wit: v h i. l ei n w worn ,r of p I'erif "1 es." was t reply. Hi gait- I " 01 wrote an m-u.ling letter .r (.f :.jr ,T r ;iiekett,; for f-fvle. : I" f.iv si-ter. didti t yotrr ;-t ration repre ir.ee. ! or eise i; we Little Swaioia M. Picket, daueii-: 5 (1 tJ... ()r-,ail. p :it:ng ii 1,1 . a ds i- - New Spring Coods just Iieceivcti all tlje LA'I Makes. : If you want con cct STYLES' and -LOWlyS 1 I l NEW SKKINC. STOCK and jlcarn 4r prif we ea 1802. d -- i'l iii 1 1 . - 1 1 in Cravats. ST Sd'YLESj and icft-' your Spring floods. ' 1 -. thin ioney on ( ve.ry the ;. in what We can save- vou J g yirt( buy in our line Very -respectfully, I ' '.i'i-.' -' 3 C M. VAWSTORY & COJ.i ' I'S hefoie youi buy I j Le din"- One l'ri-e d 'a -11 ( !!tiiii;g and Hatters, C: ma ie tio : the admihTtr.ttion of th Static Al- I iii iEENSl'OPO, N. (i -econd lest nupro e::p-uf. Siiei-rji;4,, ee lU-!Ste d 0:1 'and, it woiddj 1Tb. d7-3m. to ' I .1 ' t ' .ea 1 1 er. ' .'! S 'I m r had he s .-id thi than njv sevo.l years old aiid-a bright - ' have ht eii untrue to th'i orgahiza-i irate attorney j'.ind toward ln, ,t, T little ; izirl is ... . . .i 1 11 11- . : :b, r b 1 t i th- air of j. a ! '-' ana oei tD. re.i 1,11.1 it-ni rlitu ;i:,vwherc. . . . . . 1 - . 1 i t ... t r ...... . " to: l'C ; !,., if j h;U d, i :i i 1 . ' . t . I .....!.; . I. ..J.. ....... II.. cr..t. . . . -1 i . r . . r .- . i .... . . i.t-i'. .111 v ;.o iuoo;iu u was : ' ' O'- 00 . ...... . 1 ... eiti.ens nau a ineeiino i;4iS. 1 1.... .... M ;!,,.r - i.ie urt.er - i P'T'f ddy In ti lit- cane wT-MiiaTi- 1 ,.,,,..;., ;..r,, decided to build :i wwje ..,;, ,,,.' 1., di-rJ-ied I State olhcials. 7T (.y ir-il Evcrrird.uille. f lie ( )rg;in.of t he A iiia'n.-e I i i v.hit.-.vihi-kered fellow ; 'd to. spunter. (.. amp'.eii iacc A.-idemV. I ani not dsure about ! -.;.-.' f ! if... .-..t.i.i, r pushed his j 1 d like a n.iip of Ireland wd;m . tj;k t.,,st but -they are : not asl-ep ..- h... . -2 '; '-! oa his forehead and ' "f '. "dl ovr,-but he wa j'f;,;i ';uul fnvllicv aro going to ''. have a : d :.t you:. ith a p it. rn.:! '-- 'Ui ' jut the same, and i.eve- ..jihiing! surpass d by. none on t..e r. ' erie 1 juii. ah hou-oh practically 1. to ly. . rad. 'i 'tis is ;o; :,- II.. r Sr!;.-:-. r ! 'r ri- ITtt r- . .. i M .1". I 1 U. . . ' ' I i.M l.:ix t . . - :ht r : . - P i- rji ? ..;:,.! ::?'. r . r 1 - . . g ! !i- ! ;b j 1! f.r.- . f the r . . ... .: ; I.-!. !. ! c 1 . . ! f r V' - r- :'. T .r ir . .'V an ! u- u .-. ..r .... r , ! - . Hi.i-a -f t Le st :t( :. ! is.- r- r:..io-v. Tie re r . . -,. , .."!. 1:1 ITr. ; !!...! . 1 - i . I ..ri 1 . ?b. r 1 silrtor j r e : . r f.-rn. r w.-iiid . I : . i- ?! r- ir.i r tl.it ' ' ! '. .. whv r"f I r.ttip. 1 . ?: ' J.. t? thing.' la t "Y;.-:i- ' 1.. .- . ' !. are 1 . ha: on , - ! k'low- h i'v . , I J ;!,; e. I.,-!f"s t! e..r:.e .-" A. - i.O ! be W l - to - . .;, pur s . a f Ibov ; bt or t.i -r.-. . e. .V how ! e d alder the :ir-t bh-w Camp- . liv :,!Caii;i; an w, Oo j . (h;.t -' I oil C"!lljo-l' yo; turn, d out to 1 e s,. ( amp- , ., !,.,, tb.- .:ie o ...i.-.t to h- - :' builder who f.;;n; i'y for? iioin. I v r c.i rv : 1 d. bv Th. v s-v,. I : " . . a!! thev tarn And I think !ij u en : ; a! v Pa'-er. very heavy have v o. ..dv n st h d in thi city, but has hr 1 .imi js bin" harvi-sted now. ( "irn S Cnmpo-i ' . ine lini p.il men a rt -niei.v a ;i,u r, ,m j appearances, a t die -i . No arrest wa re mad . j,( lVV crop will be made. No more i-ti.ok it o : ru vs of intcrefetj j ' , steaI of putting it into my p I 'I 1 r !.;.. ;n. to t ho gutter after ' JOHN P. MASON'S IinilOIfd DEED ; i,u; -dde t;';e oflh-c." . Sr. 1 Hurtle this in:i ot.y.:i i.o the ' : ' 5 . . r I .. ' -I t I; 1 1 1 h ! s f th. -e ii:tl.' ' -s r.e is , It seem- to me h . ,Jfl(1. tj;t. little a-ronai:t i mot 1 in : . 1, , ..... ? 1,..,. fir-f : i...!irw.?i Wibat earthly, he.n, lo ci in h V.'hi ir i .:!.. 1 n distributiuo. 1 a br In. tne l!ai 1 a c i , ould and t ne '.' . rrl J I ;; a .aim ' re 1 an b a s Fell in the River. in Winston, and who a seen- was re- f-hn's because th y ; ,,AT.r I . . . ' . . 'f! " port, d have l ee n hid. .', in Lvneh- Rescues a Woman from an Enraged Euli and Kills thJ Anim 1 or fate. A ' oo nar is oao er. i but he dk-sn't even I;nw h ll .. . ! i,- '" V. htth j.ur-e is i-ei h i r.dy. Vii- 1 .-r.-'j fe.. tf.i. ease m cket I er ot h- u-lo v to f 1' THOS. GENERA 1, Assets Ml i OHiee 111 South. Elm Street:! Nex ijo PortkMlb-e. I N. WINSLOW, ; IX-SEUROiXCE- AOENf: : ! .5 1' -S t -It- - - 1! Reprbsehfed March 1'. IM2vly. -uver. 1 -' j ;knsiioko,. n 1---! ; d ; 1 The M ass Acii i u.4 ktt.s C;T: DzlUx Ir Sh:t. t '. trrv 1.1, w 1 lired 1. ; v s :T w it'j a re o! v- e m ligrsant I miTniirn i ivv 1 10 I'll I 'lV 1(111111 ; I lit M .... T . :, . , . 1 Ii ( il l e " ':.. - C ! t H.Kftk.ll fcfllVHI H f p,.. Ti,;iri;:;;;vc7i;T::, ,";;.: '-'vr-iern -ri..':.!"'''-'''' ""' . ; : : .ut n n. lii l itioi hi uij y.i.iii mvh It . i.KIn I, i, . .., .,', ,1 -.-,,, , ...... n..rni"S.lMlKi i l...", .1 ?;:".:,.,.,, .,.;,t WORKMEN I e - ..' i ii ': " ' T:... -.'.'.i li '.n-lfinanylrlr...! ..v., iU. rr.Trl" -. ' i T.T " bS SlII'IIKr tC. - t Jl'SS T 1 (SH . I- .M.fa.!.i.,...l K ,t.:.-r ,!!. fvj. .oL,", iv Tt' 'i&crv. : ' P'i ' i JAN U ARY' I St, I b I . ; ! l tii.i- .. ..r.... ..... ..a ..t-..r f..r.w.. . . . -. w oman in a i.ei i ma. . . ..1.1. . . ., . , . i . . .i . ' -v' - - " ' I .w , ""'-. ,.r witch she had on. kcrt her irm . . , .. ... eonieremhe ol the .liu.n:: iiuiaieu , - J rn. 'sinking and those on ehore could ' jumpea o.i ' " ' - ! AsX.it,tiU and. tin : !aT a mi sheet A s-otte. 1 l.-a-dTbo 1. LialTlrti. 1 lo.:iSi,f..-7.7.7 T -That, your-man. i a regular j Sl,t, ,rdv ht r curly head bobbing hI"' .. ir ,1 v-oiuan- The ; iron5 manfifaeturerers agreed upon!, POLICIES IN FORCE, T2v7m;. INSjUIHNCj .p.chet f:.ur. bank. 'I hat .trap (,t ; t!lt. w:iter. Ca,t. K-.tielulI ; n vV,in the "-ronnd and theju-.i-cale this morning i,fty an all-; . ! The contra(.t (,f ;thi s company after twoH ears h c l1- t'VI:'I,: 1 V : "V" Z1UCI"S ; bad several crews out in boat ana. nkir-Idesnerate lunges U.igN' lon, the buii, e MncontestaTde, unrestricted as to re sideI:ce ;t ; ade iciervume, u s so mueii i r..u oie asIu, flU ;i;ihands pu! led tf t be , " AI..tr ' i th fence' run without interrupt id::. . lhe; If vo v,iH write vour name, dat of-brrtlr, amlf It., -'.d i't our inont-v that vm will ' .. .-l,-.rf "' J 7 1 . . s I. i..-:. .1 .. ,.r...e' r,,I 'be t be i - , . :.i -.JJ. ;n , ..i. . . : - , . . . i.t. oiijii - .ii i.A t,-, , ,. . iN iiiicc. i scaie i- i . f,irT1, -..nil send u io me iinuii?y !, . un. ...... ... . i .in'i uiii i" it.. - - . i t i . - . . r., i - '.'...-, . . 1 - . ... I ....... I ... t i i T . - " T ! . I ? ' ' . 1 .1- ....... t ;i mpta! ton to pony and butlon holcbou.piets. . It corts; t(,n .iril wi,h ,. t. rW(i ants- b. f rc whom ' n,"-v n'a.1 WaIItt. IU-V aRd; cort, fhe was driven to her'tent. ft: w i- t r it .1. It is lucky for i. ! i- mir. wns r. d n sev n- r. Hi h'tie would hive beti i Stiiplus, s7dJ,fS I .'J? ;3,20O.7i,'O m e s no ri ' life 1 1 a 1 ! ' r oeeupatioii.;' ' ; dtlress, in theTk'hk e ph asure-in ;showilgi ........... ..-! i . -'ifc.t'i-f.-'r'irx'.'i. ..is t... . r . ..!... r you, ' not an r..iii.uiui. ,u i . j .v j..i r UL a. policy jssiy i. ' 1. fr,, 1 . .1 : . " ' " t ' II : ! . 1 . ; riti it: -V. d . in 1 hi - e.:y th- Cottoj, vou v.i.I i e rich in two years. The gr:hopper looked at th ant and grinned. ' . "You've got an elegant, case h ir le'. hand sew ed, double and :;. if. .! c.rro t t.-d nerve, ;.i i i ..,'' he sail. .1- he i ' d tov. d- the " u iig'.'.ed. I'm d '. ! 1 1,1 to it. 1 ? I t -,. .' . . 11,. a. He Had a Narrow Escape a D When altliin ;.!few feet o f 1 1: C WO r k 111 C!l W 1 1 ii a Tfuriatcd animal the bull saw hi in vr.rabje b the manufacturers. :. ca'sh and ' paid up in -'lira nee which would appe; anTl left the woman and charged i " ' , i- at vour age. ; horns anibby a sudden twist threw j c ..p,.,.!, f ti,at more terrible dis- ; i t h, nnimal headforemost, and in w .,.lsurnnb.n. Ask yourselves if ; My name isv. . . the animal neaeuoreiuosi, auu m ; .,.!isumiton. .m. juurM.-ive- . , ' i" , f wver-d the fall fhe bull ibroke his neck ; rbu can i-b-rd for ihe s-ike of sains, Sue (after an absineetd mumii" . , Tllp -,, f... p, rein t he nk and oo noihtag-ier vr ars abroal)"How do you .bT and died almost int ntlv . I he w Vl. kj,nv - lrlta exp, nei.e... .thnt ir deli-' 'ed I'm sure N't mar- man was louna ' si,i!.,!Ts M'rc will r.'ir,. year eougu. u T - ;v ' . .". , , , I hurt, but her clothes weie.hter.uiy I;tVf r iT'si '4 bis , xpiaTr ..vhy more r.d et.' h. .I... u t t., tf,rn t pieces, ai;U the would Ion e t uan a i idb n J.-tte- were sold the y:! ' ;lWt'' ,cen kilTd iha few minutes. Ma- it y,,, ;!t rdiev- Tv'V;;'-':! r, 7, - .... . . . . son is well known, is considered 7 j,nllt it.! For ht.nc baTh side or chcst V .. , v one of the strongest men m thi : ufQ shilolr'a Porou llater. Sold by J....ry n.aa erts tog t hi reward in the l.i realtor, l"it none hi d. scrts.- i n t !i; ve.tr. '- 1 " r ;.e 'Let's see ; to w t in - section, and is very courageous, j JUchardson fc Farias. My address isT. T :. '-j.;. . B. W. ROGERS, t; 1 General Agents, N. XV !) t v.. T 1: V 1 :M f I t; - t Indi ;.-po'i .I..U rn ah i 'I'u yon I

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