4 r . , i V - V ,' ' . i, ' ..id U i.--. i !!-.. lfT'H " "f imi""1"1" HI' II II. UU-'I-UI -J " uL"..i 1' iuj !' j.m il i-'- - i.j..-,- t i JTiriiTiirTi ' 1 ." f .i" Hi" jf-i-KT .Trtltt' f tjT "rT'i "' " - " -p-- -T iirlm-r r" ' 1rf' iTgrTi '""'iiV'L Tr'i l rm I ''t-VTr-" iY-'1 ' " ii-iy'-irMiTTatt hp if o niiD) C?MQR(fi'P C tP A TP10:1'T; 4 : il (iKliENSUOIiO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY , L892. eUy t h- Fafrint liiUli.IOiiit 4'eint.niiv, ill Al V:u c.. - - ' : ' t Ti:K.-I.S 8I.a Per Year ii p it?. I . pi '" ! , ; ,m v..;. ! ! ; in 1 : . !i-.ieKctico. Dr.i.:-'!'!'.- ! i r i ! ' i i ! ' 1 i I f t i s . 1 i . . ; - i k $ - l i ; i dJ;'.1!!. i ! t ! I '! I! 5 t t i ir I; i: ! i 1 1 i ! ' 1 5 . t- , ' It , : k- i f ! ? I I 1 i j ! ! I I I 1 , 1 -i i t i d ; : -5 . V, . . i ' a; i ',!!-, - h e .kT-T' k ! , , .. ri-ttoriacf Dcmc:::1.'- i t C i ri i out- l I ; I ' i ' ', : . 1 1 f ! ! T. ! " L'l ' M tii- i.- experience may KpuWi:m p ifty, while j,r,,;, ..iP t!:c policy "f r.-ervin !;- l;n-t f.r PrauU hoMins? , .,!.! m ::!' tv, : 1'ivea uway !.. rit.i'e till now a few A Br.IDE OF AGES AGO ! The Baby. Letters cf an Egyptian Kir.? Ccn- Whoa morning lcko. an'.l l.al.y c.i'hio, ' ccrr.inc; a iltrincziial Project. I TIu' houo .-:ir--eiy cct:i the same - ' :'..-!j"l IHlVi All-, 1 1 .Ilk Tali'.t t f'-n ti.l in Kiiyiit at Tel-" .;rew traprutxl with t!:e fcii'-c ruro cl Aniiirna sr.vs the Sr.v: Y.rk; or a Olestial :ar.k:i. w!kiv , .. . - . . ! I. ..,.,.,.,'.-. ..,t . T.i !.,.,,,...! f . . ,. . r- ' ! 1 ! ' :t.:, p. Intae till now a lew i n., -, a n r.moa:; - ilLr TI.e vuililul motlicr's fervU rr;iTtr F 1 -f a,,r '. 1 ,t.k., .;-,:. Te-iiL-nt itlu-n, in- ou? ru?.)ni- th kttt-r scat I'.v a-j Tn ,;- .j i,uar(l ,u.,, ,;rst-b..rncarf, p-.rtar.ri- :ir. a ?.r v: i! i. ' , . r,r.0r-t- " posos uijlvint: of Kjvpt ab".;-t 1 1. ef ore . Ai,-l.itl'i v!.at .ri:iucn.'-o.c:;eh ear t. iranttUn 'ti:at of all our J Chrin to j Kinjr of I;a,N !,a cleny.-; DM ;',a 11 . tv f-rm.lK-twccn tuo The j that 1,- ,1 ircat.l ! iv' ;;v;-;(lt '' F ' ' " r:, Uf .ur I':.:-- - N"1?' :' '.' ' "!,fV "'V lCV.t,i hnpruviuent :,:hI unwise another. T!., Pall Mali (Jaettc When darkies vi...c an.l ba;y Mic!, -I ... I y ' i ; ..l :i..rr,;,..r t!,;. putli .l;uiain, an.! letters wi.u-h: l.y Dr. lkv.oi.l s car.- ju..t t.ofore: whcrel.rHlin-gloor . -i- ; a". i ! ... ..crj..... corirations an-U nn.l sehr.J i: ly transl ition twiv ah y.-.w ,ltiinb!y I.ke the haty's Jutn. - -ir ' j.; ; iHu-:ra!,l I,.- - 11 r .!m,?t ir. aiul ' those thr- ruh .nay rea-1: Take tl hid Uav t.ho !5tth, thi BIG- areains A-ODU ' ' I: : : a WHJTE GOODS. S1 1' Black; Lawns AT ,- ;:, ,,. i ;4 ,.., .-,,rH in 1 " i ' . , I. i' . r v:t , , J ; r,,t- ; 'ct-rnxn i men .-wilt; re ii c .ess loom " ' '!' " : ' , , . ,n ..'rtort.l to the people nearly or.cjta1,iet of Nile; Lit I, , foi ii.tan(C, : w.iii:,n's liaii-.Is! i'lio :Lii;!,i.r I'.ooni . .fa:. - i r-..:p .iyA 1 J i j, ,,,,., (j ijij,... aere of valuable -en whie.t tae P.-nhe of Amenoplu- yax,:, b:iiUlCr on thfe tinoirs winpjs; , r .. U- i.;c.' j-at :.e " s.iPrttM v hchl :ts home- 1 1 1 1, wrote the. letter that was never j The !:. crs, too, in snrro- vh-k . , . t j Hillar- a,an..rils t..at tl.ee, ' - i flJ-"lur people ami we di-patehe.l to'-Kallsinma Sin, the As if kind Nature dro,,,,, av, .ncl principle I- a; i t-- j J ;ontUt? tlJ, ".n,, till Kin, of Kara.umya.h, My lrt h-! 'f ; . -,N Ku;.. ... t:.. l.-ra4 c..u-ri.!..ti. ; J .t.re of I:in,i, unlawfully er." After ;a eh araeter.f tic-ally . ;." r ;f . ; :ihroih tl..- a-r:on p. p-.Wer o , . n.cpuincd and restore Kaste-rn and punderous binning.;' i Cleveland.- ! 1 r - ' " tt i,.r:r t rit .i taeiil a:oi p-' , : i r,.r,,i h.v.lt ; i-s wished to ' i r. . --v.. :. .f. . : . .; i ; t-d t the people. ... - - ; - i . . " .i . . .., , .i.u. .ai.- nr, tll3 Ket)ubli-Ttne JMiiijana uie King s iw, i..e . it s c anned bv ! eoiue -t . r,u'rn !" ,s,,r:-4,u i i U.Mlutinn known as theShcr- government, hordes and carriages, Cleveland's Democratic opponent " ' princi; '. -f frr. p .pe. .r g v. rn- ; ' - - - ;l C()W;lr.llv t he Tiiaii-h tries to clear Lunself,; thflt hejrcpresents onlr the mone , . i..i.t. d !.!:: ru.e and in- ; ( fr .t with posibili- of the char-e brought against lnm.j pOWcr- f Wall street, hence his a! " ; .; ',V r dh;.ii;..i ir-i:y, wa- nv.r ,JS ,ro f . -..Pin-cr 'in'the future, Hdiichthat ho l.a not treated well jrne of ;, titl,ac , the -er .ueHimu I ... r:-- ' . ,,,r at ti,C,v' 1 iun I ' ' I m :, . ..,,thrir illlXlOUS lOTJ T i II r.l n ril I -or.'." UVH. jiinces il down the i!HM';t the jHMt-es .(oiiiiu'titors. - : Hlic . . . doiivg-it it v.t' . ,o;,l .1 y .; I tin I niorl icdliih.' mark. "Viii-:lvttf)v junv'ii't is -(;:p.' to. .loop. ; I vinaiY i'yer.v thing ;ll.tWii(Mi (i w a I o.v i ' ;i i i'm .. vc ar.-'iih liih-il to tiling that t." r r .: Al)Oiit the wisdom uVonv SUMMKIi I) of , Inferior H)OIK niore -Ave think ttjiout Jtj j w e v y ra t ti r v e ; s f e i I when vouj ihink v.ei'v' ir.D." 1 I i on nt li. .!-.. !-i I the rcdiietion is there jau.U j thie t 'staysU- Do y.m know it 'almost j ust i lies that ;ujnilubu. raihev jnif.rrinent . U(sUon.: '-' AVhat 'more . you yiint'.'- j ' ; j- .1 - I -Mr. ivrrrn rxxTji a u fir 11 i ysj k IjUUD fjUUiib iiJiiHiAJf ! .1 '' ..-v f.c n:r.,!i.; a:. i-.v.?.r a. o . ; a,thur3 anxious for r.-der..: .-.pi:.-. i.a: ..;c..n.e "U'.n-!,:.J uv hold to tho use of ac,t..tl, tcru-l ng'ut? i njo. - - ' ;5Jvcr as tht. Pla3. !u.!n;:;r M(ry , j" dnr.i 7anev of the country, and to ..f . - ..,Wr: ..... ,- . linage of both gold and ti V-r .t-.D- I U f-'l-'lt i;h,(Ut .liriminating against " ! ' J- 'V' V . ,.4- ..uri-'t.r ,..eta!,.rcharg,f..r mintage, ' ' -' 1 . 't'Vv J;; . :. ' tp., b .th metal mu-t be -of 'iual ' ?-" '"V ' .I'in.tria.i- and cxohangable value, V . . ; 1 , U.. be adjured thr.-ugU an interna- r-r' a .f-,,:,;.! a-rttment or by :Hafe- ' . ! v..:. .t -r.rd-.t le.-i-iat. -n as h:ul ' , ' " t5-.-'tr-ii't nance of ;!: naritv -ry:,-yi r-:r:r:y ,.V"V X. -d n.e e,tuat v: !i: ,,r..;.u,;:;,rM an times ,-' " j. t: - . tvt - I -l.bt. and we i- t'"::r ux r. :,-:-..id that vivv,run9- -. . , - i t : h v i a . . , it.;,, ' ' . ; - t. r, .1 be kept at par rcuocir. la.e 111 - !."";-:: ;:" ;. .,,,,!,, Wo j.,.:-ton M.ir-P'.i;- n. -r-- i;.-. i n.e , ... . ..,fv r.,r tk.- "-"""Vi in c r.r"t o lo . oai my iacis: - i - h . : u : : l '. t . ,. i i-i 1 r. ti ' i!-. - f n . ' : ii- . . Li i i:t.. .i, u..., t U'K;i..!.-a!l iv 1 . 1 . . 1 . a. ' - tixi" ( h lb 1 r'on . 1 1" 1 ther gave thee; my sister t'l wife,'',''tcn us -wherein Mr. -Clevviand' has C-oui per anl, viilt 'foT at thvJ Kale, ati tne iptnyioai.ia hui- nan o'.jcvcr shown himseu amcnamu io , p-,(.r(,,l Vr,n.litfk iMuhii- i.ne.' 'icts. ;pef -ii.) man h.tt!. r-eeu her, and .nunc ! i.,!'npnP,. Who are th--e - ' , . r. , 4" i. -!.:;..v.:.. . . . I .1 . ' kilo v.e t.i w.i.eiiier s-ne oe .- W1 ; nmon-c the monev ; Kings oi, - i .' r 1 ; - , i , dead' Nov the King of Kgypt.j Y(,rk or the country ' favoralrFe ' o 1 ! l Ho, wea'lo'r g.a;... piid l.imv.Wi has :i,!u-d i"a marriage .Si:khar!:i, j hi3 eleetionV WhvL .pra ", aie tj.e!" . - TPT"R fT1! HT. A P -the littk- nn-.f," Killimma, Sin's Ato, :(;011ia,. Yanderbjlts, MilK; . X X-LXJO i-j VJJJY iHir. daughter. ' llcio-e theo j p.ocLfettcrf, and ail otiJer . mulifi-, ; u,' eooml" I'rice.'i ikvok v !V-ooiV. TA.' Kgyptian thereupon i niij; ionaire?, with the a?si-:a:iee -ii ,. t,. l ;; , .:, .,, ;M, iV- ; tha'.K nvd ; he; Ikib'v Ionian t - ser.a . a;i t'na tJi lie rent triis.ils and -eora--j ,': , 1 - ' ' :'" , ' ''. .i. ' . I '' ; '' ' 1 ' I messengers, who might ednvinee !,,;ne, proffceted bv the publicans V -V,!v '00'V;!iU? l, j! J. : , f iliemeIvcsof the well-being d the. l(,rv .Will n.-t cverv man of them i . - OatttaI I r ' V fi l Y C Y1 T HTI " wife whon-n. man hath j seen.'.'- Votc u:ra ,.f thei-gans to the j J.- U W Oil 1 (jJi r 'jfViV- llCbl Uyllj Tht mesfengcrh eomfe but jeaniiot.1 perpetuation of Hasri'sonts - power? i , '. s- . i-j-j I ' among the ak.yof the uei ns of ;; IIuW t:!f n 4.;ili , Ci.tTeland 1- the! - - . AU(.vssnrsdl Havill UluUV it)WeJ or 1 n'in-.n.r !!:,' mr.nrv ;!;in'.s t lu-ie . , ... ,r -; - ; 'eesii- p- r yai u. v all t-iiifkigritde: sesr: uegiilar hnet - eejiti- p(i-i yard Vard'. will la! sold 'at mil latest stVlesL e1)h-jH..so jlo -eli j . k s ' jr. l.ui reiklldc gW.l wo!'- k'r ge.j-d . juir storl1 imd a.a'oig i i.e .ii.i -v.. "i v now I aeii a;: , ..e- eiaiio i t Aaienophis, identify :the liabylon- caraiida.:e oi" Wall' uVct." Do' not utn i'nncc.-s. ana viceaoiuis i.o , thiic men t-oape- its p. -u r-y . an.t ..rite- in righteous indignation in .c,,nlroi iti me!!i4-dsr ( Uvebnd is tnr-iaeratum. p?cntiallv. in .everv attit'u-. e' t NATIONAL DANK lU UdtHk (Hit in.V-V Powell, w ;;KN-Sia)Ko, N. T Sirsee thuu savest, "My messen- , ncs toward the the! nudd bp, the i. to:.;: 4 , i j : 1 i ' ( i , t . s . j j O f I'll' I i v i I r.j u - 4 v . v , - ( I ' v. 1 L'Mi ill 11 lit., ll.l , ii. a-ii. , i. ' ov k-.r.:.- ..f.hputv mir-lMl-' -s nn.'" !-k.rin-' gcr car.net identify her,'' ' I 1 friend of th- nu,-u-. Tie wear. si ; ' ' :;: rv p.-U. airi'Vl v.::n idrra. .'. ';: t.; j p,.., ,; scr. -T):en who can identify, her? , 2u) man's collar, as was s-hown' by ! . aM,. r,-y. ti.et.rrag,.! the ' and a Ile-lnnd ! as'cfurther; Why dost ;hya his act, while Pr.ident.l g . . ' .-- ,1 .. . -r.-r. the -.:::'-' the I " VH IUl' . .-on,pa wise:- man wkol noght ; Knowing no North, no--feoUth. :i- --. :.. :r..:-.fth.-p.rpinth. :l,t' ;!;;;;;a . ?5ra t,.,. iir:?g:ve thv a tru.two'rthv recount ; Ka,t no w,:.tj ho anke j-ist to !a:i!?ubj;-ei-.-i ! .. . , ,,. ..JV ,,tl Ma:c nnd describe, to thee the e mfort j the wi:oie ()f our common country, -j ' " ! . ilek.-tk.-c.r.'.Jo'.oi :h,.:H:.'..- ... I'-- . , - land the !'..ud health .f thy! sister aI1(1 ,.vcrv at.t ,f 1,1 ollieial career .- ; j .:-: .-. j '.. r. u:M lU :.d;g ''J"-k i.jp. t n: -t re? -ommand, then, .no of thy j c.a!1 oniv"lcaa to th:3 conclusion, :'-..( j-.e- a-.t....:;:-:t. i-',' h,,i i,;VX, ; r ''in'! the declaration of the wise in.n t.. come and examine her ; n,htl, t,iu , : . .... -tf.tv :."'-li'i';"":,V - -r-.rn ..f tic ( d il self the laoe-r in which die :;s he.d a Scu.Iiern Editors Ecnscliens, .oL..Ji. ( :;i.4...- .k:.!.er..f.y :and; ...-.o ' ' 1 ... 1 i ,...n f,,r i-n horust bv the King. . i . !. n -w 1T H i ) a a. i ) n I uda I a .r. - - :f(k . !- iufam. bill that . ".i"rct mint of .d .a as D.r.--i , (,; Mp,ot,(.,taniia a- v 'a'ero we lost one hat and our - - 'i..-.,, .t. ''iiffr ii - . i i ... ... i. .nit' rnr t. l i i i .- . . j" t ' e nr. i . I. ye cr I t . . - thi'-h'-n k.'-;aia. ' .''''j,,, '.h!i(..n. L,.rts th..t l.is daughter Sukhart i ; ek'.tios on the nominati .:: Sud. a j-di if 'l -s -not k.autiiuh- ,nd after end, Uc!egraphed Senator. Hill .:..:-'t: :. 11." I:- ' t; 1 ' V! ;'" . t.;J .,o,;ntee- Ues haggling ever tie loan . T a , :,nd he wired us a linen d '.v g-,;, :.i..a:.c. f a -. '.f-p-.'rp. fmtir.g !";',.'' 'l'. i . ' ..iia:niv of gold, t h marring.- set-. a palmetto- fan. That': ' ..-I g irrliv ;''.vd...Mfr a;;-l tee .."a-.-ik " ' l; "' ; ; ' ,f,. i.;emcnr:-i!:o sr.:!' rf.-icto-ily -..nch;-.1 el-.- -n!hn;er uik Ko i Z'-'-i fi'rtii-r' il'.ft-lded, and Kallim.a Sin write? t- ! ,v ill be tiken -up in chur a-. Manna... . !....,, ,1,..,. - .. ;. . K-t..-.! fa ivej i: i: : '. rat i os . ..:!- 1 r ' -1 V. 'At any price irosn S cents up an am 1 .FixMeli Iviil 1 ("LM-tboioMi's and Lauips Fine Cod' N - - : ' '. ds:v.in tv H'iJ'fr; If voli huv vouii ;SHO-E$ befoiieing nionby. ; i .... . ' ...':, i '-!.-: . - - V.- . ! -, . i- '.v ;iT! ': ...i t i .;. i. . .... ... , , .,!" t. . - ',, i. e,i . . .. t . . i .. ' g i:! ... .- ' " r v .p:ti..r.arv p ..; . v . : .. .. : . .1 1. . t : . t :.. i .. a ; . f a . . 'ii ....-. g : !..- p .11-. bat in t;.' ." . ...... ' f :',.' t uC !' ea -.1- ' .-"".if,,, - . . - - - . . U :,V:V on ....nsutuli .nalli'arty andI..caIon l t .1 ..-I.'t -. lv I tl f 111 I" 1 I I I i " 1 " ' ' i.T i I L it - - - " - :. .!.;.::..!- o.. j - , , ......... .r(,;j.,... , i:,v -ratife ids am- write unto .me. - Mm. o: of-. ,uu .-.a- -""'7- ; tin ii tn..-. ! . i" -a - ' ' a e . . . . . : 1 " k. 1 . , i '.V .. . , .... : i r A til c i.i . I i - liii ! li V. OI el. 1 1 :i nn a, p,i,.y uroor V, k."... . J.' .... r,,?o;, We stunned! in a h :.... i - -1 . - - , , we about it lister and a .llrst o lection ch toaav, it ring our sent- his r: p ii t - , to grace I On v; hxclusvve ; . i btockyou- lose . I ' ; ' ' - T ; - "' Tiiev- are 'all in IeguUvr Xumbers.'! Xi Stock at but ) Old) hoks orionna 1 ire ib - . ... . . . . i . - : t - f . i. . 1 .... I a. : - ..r,d i ;. ..,,rn I T ri StOItUU to IM tlCM'TO WilCTe iHUl i ,Mr-1 "f ''' ,,';5V'':lll',V,!;,carid.s he''hadlk.ia p.' Irons w itl, : ?iir:i Up: -Don't M.ow out the gas." Mat.-. :.i,Ivi..uIgct..e.J.-i.;--i allot he:' i sl we dt hifit ;i lick ; with our "U:: nTt: t;,.a.rH;:.,:,.';tt;: I w :e .! hi"-- ,..d '-en Tl.ii ; breeehesland it went: out without 1 ill' V.;i'- K1''!11 u.i" . n. li.j.. 1 .. -. .. j was a -rovvdd .lighter, royal sister; ' During ojur absence the, ijoernor . 1 a 14 'do- the ! Ih. ":?--::.- ,-min-J t !..-- govcrnnu nt. - .. rn-U n-thcr. r d ifc. ' jrr' at ' made u l- CTuiek !nof .mowi: ; ; tk- ,-,,,, I'M, ,!h tio.rl,.. 'i Adv oV The .North and S .nth?: :;,,t ali obr-ami!y were,b.rn ( o .--I- :"- b.d i '-;rl.l::..n. and a j.-dicy a:: 1 an l1;-;-;- 5 thc a,k; i.dged qneeu .-f (Ai-o,:j: :, Is. andjthat tip; thing Dins in tl -r. -f d.-p-:V c,:.:r-:,,r th- cl-et,.,-:-! M d'-; I"; J' .V;r;,L,phisan.l.:f Kgypt. : A.raia a:- k i , . n j i 1 v.- j 'o . "':.. '''-''' r, .-!:uak :! Ibli vi::g that in L : -' --n r"'-: a -ain the n-m, ?d tko fair-kawad - , - boro. You i SHOES ( SliOE ar at any price. mid LOW.PIUCbkS. . l!-().lkSl;. in Cheens- caiv see Vhy. 1 PkAik-- - ; WIK U.I'.SAid-: S ew ( reh Turi.ip r ' .; .. i. p;.h!i--a:i ta.mitrati .. ' . i ' ... ;"k. ,', j .,t (! j .. the T. 1? Secretary of State. i n.n at :a the t nttcd Mate- -, V ' ' -1 ''' 1" , . f L.i !;.-,r ta b ejs, and it a;-" -,,-l I.,., au,- " 1 - -.' V . . r. , f PI , i-i , s ddis t:.d s;,i.;rs ..f the I !!- 1 -n , 'f i - s;..;n;..ati-,:. ..- .bttm W;. tpMer.of .ln- rg.ue :n,i,e t.i-..;ln.r.oi a . - itst,rservati..n,!' Tn f im,- . of Thin;: i -f ... .!..-. , ,t. iurv ui-i - I'riees as low as Kk-lnu'.Ml thin" iii Time ami I'reiglit. Opposite i'.enb.ov iich di:.i-;'.::ita:ni).si j.: -r- un-ivi 'l. :' r!. ri 1 r. i:..,,i..-rs l;!k .I'lprOinr-l ly. i,,r .-oik. .nia3 v df ghods . . i ..... iii.i . . " r- :. ,. i r. : ' . t t -.. t i , 1 t p ! a : its prt s. rvat i"ii, , -ti- m .v . !':.,.r ;U-t and libera! 1 en- J'l tu'rt'into wl!-i M.ns f..r all di-ab!ed V' .rrv a hundrt.l di.rs. thiir wid .nsand deper.b nts I pr.'-p- r;:v !, .k Ve 1 -maud that tlx w i : r k ' i ........ .1.1 I ... I .,..-- 1 1! . ... .. .r .. l'. -i vj iO c ;i.iu 1 v.:-h -p.w,r.'d.:Mtiog-Iv, impurimlly and .If.:- ;. r . t : . 1 I ; k ;. - . : a r- I ... . . . I V ' . Inc.jr.srv of Thing :,tia, .. t er. t ary ?:' S;t at i-i:..u;-i i on. i !:: l :)!!.( rre-a j.n .;r. pi.ij An KngHshic ia who. al:-:' grum . I" .1 ,..!f U lifetime. !at I 'M ci.!;. .;.! the h-aona!.. . f John .. Illiiie linn . ,-- i t . i ... t , . , 1 . .. i..-r,t.. l.l 1 . ..! f lilt'- I ,ITl IIS I . .! IHII.-.I'"' ' lu.it.v ..j-..-- . -i New Zealand, was ;.dvtk -ta rv a - '. ii.vs tlo' the !Vc'i4-n't al-olhis afte'rn.. ami n ligntd - ' t' - f..re.- i-tlv. Vo- denounce tn- pr.--e.-u f , t i fupaaoo., ... .p-Y-.s ,ppo- n.piiniMrath.n of that otSb.-e a m-j t hat fur away part ol be word . ti.-lk-v .d ' 'i-petent, cir rupt, d i-grace f ul and su rt-idenee, j .. I 1 ... 1 ,,. t l .!...-. r ss p ca.. - - n ' . ; '. . in di-' . ;' t . : ri , a ..... ; ; : vi .r tk- : ;.r. ! .- -i... -- .- ,;,i - --it i 1! fiv..r- 1 1:. ' iTi e i. . ti t s oi snutute' h..s ina'i.f a moi .. it S i ''I taut w aterway s. - . . j;. "i. cgni.i s : iiup''r- ! than it hai.- her.u U eh.-- id-.a mn. s.-i.m. Thi- i- j.na'.ly tne ke:-r ei-e ? t he. K n: I. -a re,-. r... ii..N' v !.!'!" 1 N i';K- ! pl'N I.' .., tie- - : i!;d.-r.re!inu- X!r. ri :aed. t::-i' l.a eaUio ter ar the: e 1 i . i i .' . i .- .i..' v ; .. . r.. , ii (',. a.: .-What d, ..tii:jtali: r,.. rt'fi:;. v.' i ild's Pair: i '-What b. Piia-an?"1 Why., n's a IT i .; alar . du.-..ti 'A and the rtat ml.-take ';l'; i.:a u re, a w : kit 1. diai.-t d-.tJiv i;n. n it f ri e..-i;.-n alio- i ,-U;- . ,-.:- P v k. r.i-o Ik - ., .- ,' ;til.!.;l.;-ep -;.' .e -.:! ' I ret-- !' !" i i - . . e t.-ai-.r-vt r.-erv4 : .i- f'-r,! 1 lal-T- 1 with'.i.t rae o IV SEEDS. ;ill)MKN. i ioiiggi.-ts, I'lijasiciaiis Ye can save you .some- I'd' : - (-'('Il.ilor.v:Nli C : -f Sibils -ii -, . I. We takl-a.-K re-. main viand - of ;.'! d-.-i- oii! v-e.n 1 ! .. ikak- ' in' tho; .... Ilvr;- s a:, '4 it:l l eri'-lVtMU More o!.-kv; 7e- and s.-j; j.ali ft i , j .. n v - 4 I . d, . ; Q( d. i hrriin.; l v.e.i ji;-t tho number or ; -,e; Co kt jer m Soulli Elm' Strdet. . 1 lj til t' i i r . . . . i s oi i oiling i. -' 1 - "A 1 k! i ! i V. :k-i At.o : o-. b ;.: i' a . 5 " f i ., d 't it: i :. : : . 1 . . . ... . I :.;.'. , VVVll i.Cl - . . .. . -,. i ;.iii-.iif . r.iUSi S'-e, l ll.Of , ... ...,:,.r v.- .iads.b.n . f N-xv MeNiccnd Ari-iCM:,. in the wpaje, and.; ,.o ia .nk ni(;;,i!!.!!,,j fr,,;;,. ,. , I? !if f ' ; , - v,. !:i;l,h..!M'ld.:-.in.i:1 u,,r. u:v u.--i . ' It Pi v ' 'J I 1 i J pi. .; ... ,k- : tt.r -ad ,::;p'pe-. t,. n.ivi' I, u"- :3 ikel icrk iroi-- i.a-Li.i.. ' . . . ..... i.....i;,,-r to i-et bracing , ! ' Bnvrt r.'tirti fnijF stt flSSBlD'-neui.uqoiiiuu if. l - - .i . ! an. . .. 1 1 ....! v.- iat .1 Ii..-.""1.- .-' ' '- .- i a: n ;t . . a f: . ! i r i A iia ; i a d i : . : d". wo !' i : a . - i I I.f !...'-. 1 t I ! j . - i . " a- It n-ks a '.ud : . .d r tha" .r -; u. . , tk,- wav 1 1 M naS ; N.-.V Ik-aiaud. and that's wh-a'i ,u-.! '1'.'' ' "o .... a -')!!-" ! ' In kla, ke.t ;-oiiT :p--;V tii. Te'd-t ; iP.wci .-. and thj- e.'tt,.-! v'.iHng ia av.oryr-S. ai ooo: ' ' l - ! )'!, S IN i i over Ci'dUtro r.n.i rldouey v man may ge' . r - , . ,.; .j-.--..,.,!.. ui-.:r. (..;1;iir,. a!l.l m,er g-o ...... ': -w "' maift. u..in I;;av get ever rich ;lnd new ' ,:; .d . f :i. i. ...ir - ':!' cr achieve .-iltur- enough y , ti- Ibpub!:.- g:-wi. g" "1 ...dite Kngli-h, or know gdod poej j ,V:,; j ,hv.. rf k Irvn-mbad. ..v. a-m-mey-.n;. : 1 . . - , i it., l. 1 1 ri 1 it to :i. ji mu.'O au-.t a !! . T'.'d An, r tl ... t f V v ' ti. i p.-ij. . ; f !:.' t ," D v . d. u ; ii v v. 1. k j .. ... -1 r . . . -. . a : .. -. - a r.d i r i .- ri -. . ' .. .a r. era p.. V. - .-, al-d rr.' -- r j o p. ;tical Feints. ,.!. 1 - ! , . . .. l. . i i-idn:re l- liaioe .n j; I I w u ' i' - - ' , .. 1...,. 1 i.. ;t t,, .-t l is ia-'"' . - .i. ... .a1 litV : and tie- up- lk. -e. f II,- . a. :ay w!a. ar- .-a.' c ? g , .... . . . ii t . ,.r .. . inu ir iin. n -? g.,..:, p:.;.!..ungt..V:a....Mi img .... -treagtu ... .. . ... itUMl 1,,,(p,!. r l: . !. ge. .tl ow IM" t::e can- . Us t y i : t ke s.. .t U : ti t he m-pc f ' " s lV -lc thih 'that give. . -..! -e,:r..-k- . :' -rt a.- u Pt ri il v in iure the I n.ocrat will c;.t...u to t nj-O.U t Ii k- - h(. ... d:-:,..- d-i-ul: ur-,1 a-, u. , nndly nd-,an. Ta. r- . picture to ema.. J- ' ; . t, v:Srk , -I ,V c. untri- s that ; J:, . uld!.- man in the s'outh ui,. ha either ta.e, up w.th K - j ;,. . ::- !:::..:. whik, , mk:, a Jr:v, , that ti,,,, ( idi-y a t : a:nu-xmuits. ' tlj5?t. ,.:.m i :- birr. -r. i-f p:-d.iki- .-.wthaf :. i: -p.odi.-an I t r naat , ness becau-e i tard' tax,- egaiu-S tk- rici,- F,-r,.. l.v.v and a.-.-ro .uprvinanv. t he 1 ikes to w- . f .,..1 m.lkinj:. :.. -f yl h ,r,ly ready ... put th.; ;( JUltrvati-.n and "ymcn; . : i . r. . i 1 1 - I... ! CT'. on si.iai ii. -v - , 1. rill " V t CPl U lie ra I 1 k., i-Mue: s and. ti. a,x.dmn;a h . rat;(. , :irty.-r.iehn...:el i o. t.ia n .. , - ,- ' -'. a-, , - ' unima.. II. t ! , . :.;.r c .. ... - v....... a., ; ...... ....-, :d.- in : bui-ini ss 1 'if!, P..;e 1 - ,;:ii?:?id- 1 i-i-'g !i a! :: : ' '! '- :i (.j 1'. .-, y i .pri ! . ! . . . . -. i i . I : ' i . -- - - . VI ..... I V , - I . , "'.. :' T .1 . ... ... . '; A March - .f : i ( dk e ill 1 d '1., j.-.r- r ar .ml br. inaai T I ill.: ll Il SH ;hk-la)K'. ..-k -4- E : . T v:T ;V - I a ec i r-1 1 1'I .TTS -41 vu in a .v. art!:. 85 L Spriiiilticlfij -l&";rl!r '' !...-'! "k - Ji i -. C-.".u ': '-" .;. - ...--'I. 1 ... lJ ' . 1 ' .'. - hip v : : V." i : v -bp 1 The ..krt - '! lif' .tuc 1 tla-i.e-t l'-iT;a.-r-iM .r 'avid , al.'.--!.g : li' : !; fv.T.r-.minent and intkit-ntku tovta ;.. V.'.- :nk: in .nu-S " , . -.ir..,,rg Abiar-v, have . ..:-.'.-;... v.kk-aa-. di -tg-o d t- i U- i,.. d:iy .T'-'-y ; aid. pi d t- Mei.r.- ;...: -re to-u: ,Vrt.I;i;;v ,t...'.-..,I...l-a the third p-rty. ; ;-h iu-'.-dare r.f tke j'-lr.t pr.".,.-'- - - ..; ij k: . -a i I d ti e natural . D.'. TTry kVa'.'.tcr V.kir.t - p ...... . ... the .pr- id'-.-n . - I ,rer.t fr,:e .'.i.uv... dut-e r. 31 .ry . .; kit. .:ik- 'd I : - tfuk. r r.rittili ti lo' ' ;','.:'."; : ..: - , P, the." v. -r t;.T..-lai D.ir a-king tka! .. !; 'Vi'i-" u . .4tid l.V ! I:-.. I turn- dep.! tment v-tabh----;'" t'L. v . ... :. .-. ;k:i 1 i:.:;.p- :.. :':?. W.ol Pt. fair, at d that-' the l.iv. is.. I- i.. j uvit.t ..a . n- jk: ao in cliarg.. Dir. c-r tr. itlum. t g.ti.tr with u.-.i iar- jfnkite stcretury ys th k'd'!":'(in tk.r led-Uti.-n in restraini t i -a v. ill iccive due e.uisi'b a large- sp.cuhai.e ; ; -1 : , : 1 pi is s i ; . . 1 1 1 - i ;.;g . i.i'-a Va- . . .',-- i'..r it - .'if!''!: ! i- ,; - -iv - r..r. -'. f Mnt "a- r : 'i k" g""' " '' Ih.a k"'ge. y-i -m 'a- nd-lakc. Ui. ; J -,l i 1 t. V---: ' oaa'd i.-.- ;:..r--t. . diig v.' a-;k . -. , , ,- , ,.,.(, - t i i A--ei:s.I l...-"-V'd;. .r.. i pcLii Ji- IN; a c 1 ' Tk incihit -si: a JANUARY. I i - ! ' pntract l lp! u:,g" ttu'r'-t. v,c ' ,,n trd If v,.g willTvriteyour t.;..a ... . -i t , v i : ii ; - t 5- i ' i 1 ' 4. 4 : . ; ; ( i ' t l i i i- - IS I, fe !-' 0 i ' I ' f i . V I ( K. fi.'.Ts ";- Nii IT. I N( a, -ys w.-f 'i p,rm and -!:',.. r : M v-addres-1- "h -a ; I!' Ug.itir: 'o . - .. t ;,c. i A .1 th:.--.:.- ,l,t o r.-r-.. d o.aie'.-.i : : Vf-r- Tkc"a:u p.rhap-U 1 he ; Jm Ui tae. ' '-,'."-;. .r that na.re tern'.!.- 'lis- ; i v ".rj,. a. A-k Vr.ors. );.'- .1 -dtty namep- ; : -. ;. di t. r tia- ,.,- ' ! ... j-.ii ti.-- ri-k .mlj-l-mitiongigr: ... i.mcA .ac: : ' ' : - . V- v. j ; , i.t" ' .no i-f-aga.. .-. j ': '" .. ... '- -- e---r- - r..- p; ti : rs. ip la.t he i .i.!.. or i ia -t ! t. Si.!,I hv i . i - ! ,; 0 V . :kik;;kk:kH;r;MAT!-k,;:u A-rgii.- di cash ami paa. s- ! .... it - ' i ' at vour age. i m - r 0 i I. .!.,v of. k . . . Agents dvgSTeixxe Surplus, 7tPld .4:k2,.''.7s'.'1f-.'e i ,'',, .j,. ::o::rorf4 i't.abli . lifTruit-ation. i. ! Vi.olr.-.-fn thl b!ai! ir .g... ; .. . ! i . v. ; r .c !a i a - a : v ' r ' ' " -..,'; rr, r .i,,- c-:ae ad' iU1 ar in a--p- aggy i - . ' i; ' :- Pi -t'ie vcaf A is:?u j. t4' W. 1 ROGERS, T-t- ' T-T TSX : tJ.: ! (Jeni'ial. Akonts, X.' Cj t

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