a78imnrf;i,i i -mat i ! V9v 4 H V Gri M t ! i 1 JJ1 . t- -i t . i .U X "J . U ' - ' .L ...1 b .. .. I ,. ft Dr. iUk'.'. - l ) i I 1 . i ' I ' I .i lb ! t t i 1 M i :J ii . 1 1 1 " L- r k - . t t pair . I. . ' t I b i t : i I r a s- r . . I - - ! J N! Npii ip :v SViTI II d i t I i UU EEXSBOltO. X. C, AV.EDNESDAX, JULY 2(), L8JJ2. p;a.:.-P . -.-1 i '. i r . : i I v !. ir, ' v 1 , ' v t. ' 1 i :. l.:.r. :. 1 tn J J". J OUT AT VAKDEIlEIL'i'fi tl..f pi ttejvi of tch or twilve acre. i . w hi eh orb' in ally lay m:it:v bt. t be- 1 A Citircr. ' Man Tells WLavi He- tt: top of the mam main. Saw on a Recent Trip 0r.A of t;;o .v.i.l vou really bein to see I I ; - i',SBWR!1W,"0"Tl 1 9m 1 1 J 11 - - IMP I Ml II M I il ij IIMe?niMn I - I y I I i .1 . I- . i F;r..: APfites in Wo: I ; A J T- ' ft i- :.-.t u it !.-'it I. m -. iti I i -..' i f r v. .- j r";P f the l.i .'! -t authority, i - -far. 1 v m -r t ru-- t han tPt i : :. tt-i! i- i:.i!',ip-.i ! (. 1 1 1 1 1 ;!- i : ui.-if .ri'-rcssturv 1 Political E?C'ia , Kx-("t ji.rc J;.Xt ,n-'rc!s,:iH! Kilrisci:, of ;h the j.rtty -irl is R-wibf.Mie rcarl Halifax ( -untv, ihu .. .!1r.i)i-( .1 ' An.l licr-f.aco is fair !o .1 . . ' i. ! '- I !'mI ll, i I,,......!.. : ' ' . ! Ill' Hull. i:. . ! . f , . I ( il-J t' lift i.Ut !.t? V.5.!l!i,i lint Vt,f. ',., njj, ! i: :rnniitli j'!-:. j-r ; h!:-i !.!t v.-,,-.iJ,l -;hv;t.- t.!;. stale 1 :, v. i--ti. f"Uii'l t ) n v.all of to I o a t'.ioijiaiiil !.r: v, I - .r I ', .-i ' t v..--- ( t ;,:. ' ai. 1 riTsu'i-s in ia liti!t i . n t . : f'-f v f t. It ,!i-r. 'l . -J. e;..!iy if ! !. v !.. aiin-t hi;:). i:.t tintlin of ;'i in h In; I;i ali o I ui in i:.t a nice irirl on iri.t l l.c I'.-r 1 1... ,r. i ty irirl i j roii.l Un, vain A till h fr. ts t!ic li. art ,-.f niroi. . nil 1.m - jnt what -In- w anl s t. . He av I." Si!:o.' ithe , .!-iU'(;.rm of i;..,.-Vo,V' , tiio jnirtv ;.i.o .-.(:::?.: s?atnl t i o forre hi!;. J 0,':.J wouhl wc.l -.;.uM I t'.n.l a-irl no "juiic roii)i..iies t tie tfraci' I s I !. I .: . t . .r a . . i. i r' ' ;,Sf ti a! imM.-.liat.iv t-urrotnul htiiit -f Ii iiati jranit and K iil in .14 ,v V, , l u"i -r:!(H' ,,,., " , . . , . i , . I . I He Ii J.uhm aa t,i..-.-- i- :. -.,;!;- 1 a ll0tl"-fi luatucn hottest heart t !.' "! If-' f i';rv, jr.ja nt, the flUrt i-f the cW.nia- ! hr, (u!jvsfr: .!ltl,u:: .lt . ..." ... With thevnttv worrtan face j, irt;'"!..1 ill; if l,-y U v. hat i- ti;-n pro,!..-:, Z a hrownS,!. color I fxho pirtyVdciar'aioa' ih fur ',1" ll ?r ... ! - '.r . -i jt"t-.. ,,j ctr:;- a . e F ; ,, , . j . ' aia.-,.i tear l shan t: !!-. ta..v r.ti,, o..rn-A,Vv;:. AM,- t!., "northern ,i le of t ho f'u r ul' ?" nV I v : ' W?"" "h , . r- : , , , , - , that the force .hill i.s a "m.jrv. 2ot 1 full well I can t inr.- :;h;m! 1 thi- tatc of l..-o. : ....fan ; at .-tht-r wall of r.cariv , , ;. :. ,r, , . ..T- . .Mas ---i:. virw. : app:.,..,-. tit.-ii;. ;,';'; , : ; ;. ' . - ,rui. I .ans m;-: hn ,ui:i n.t.. , nat ve m.::-. lanl in irn-:u!;.r j n ,L ... , i r . . i i .. . .. J . : . . . .... i j .! . I " " 1 i" ,l 1 u " 4 1 i 1 1 ' s; a o,ie, a a' s wiii.iit. :! i i r. I l.i i.', il r i" t : ?n- I (., ,i..I n .1 mi - r -in -tlr't . . - ' "!" i - - ' ) 1 -J I I'-; -r- ! i . ' V ,h" ';Uriti lut.utiiiiK ompniir. In Alv..i!c ! j f . - Tr.K.MS SI.vo IVr Year '. "'" " mrm" ' im iii ,iiiaMri.M,1,-',MI n-nnr-T-MM in wijuumi ' - fXCT- - L &L. SPMial !1:T Bargams f a i n.-- - i ' - . V .,.. - 1 Thi Ii.ipossiLlc Giri. I ho iioMii ly ri i fi.--.-ir. r far WHITE GOODS AIihij! (no wisdom T d'-m)'i it lm,!! ktc c itjifrtwu t TTt pritH'- ; - - '"V':l'i I V . 1 IH ( I lilt II JITS r ,.f .: A. ' V. vo ' i i i : 1 - .... " unci tor vitnio, sou iv Hmn. 1 coiiiim' liLr - a 1 h, more vo ilutik about it ti.o i;!-r. w'c' ail- fgirirpc.l -tovihinlJi il.-itj - .. ' -! r or i'!.ti i :t :a ::t!. much i::'.rc rtrikir;Lr, though not .1 I I- h.i-.- r. !a.)ir-ATj: rcr. hl:.: r. It js :.,'.!;' - a fart th.it n t n'assive as tlse wt stern wail. .'f:y j-r itji'.of tl.- !a a .1 ( i;. the fouth i a titni!ar wall to hate ::;.t n tin t:n!.;.- to m-o that ;!:at .a the north, and ' hencatli it ' which lyititr at tn-;r wy ui-r, ' j.-cjin over its top may he ht. th u-ttii na- tr., :i ; M-cst the roof of the iraruencr s we ve nttlier ()fr stv'po'i tho i:!':kj rnar.v i..:. t :np- I do : r Alt. ckn 11m wi.cle nh.i; t!.r o;.n' laiilionaire i- d . d.ithi-' Fu-.jthcrn expo-tire will y a :...: . . - tr ' in.', at.'l the s:'at l- v. rth th- ?., i t;it.-d the '.lnlen, and it "ivesjcan, u.c uian who love? n; t-oimtry I L . i -r- tinu- ar: 1 n.or; v txp. nd( d in visit - , promise uf lair.u' Htnple, in site hcyond ( t rvt hin s else, I lit laan .r !. r r, r- in-' it. 'and henntv to satisfy the &nU. j v.iio, ik tenninin -once in, what as an opportunity t., (ie, and ! '-miles. 5 Hvlicii vuu tltiMk' vnn' u i oo ioUA there :s i.ot a cofrtiptor of tit-.-. ,v-,;- ,".,i - , -, ; Uf tion. in the Kep-lk-an party wlo , Tf i'i!io;i Xo-.v isn't this h 'arf-n;U:tuC-s:nJ wiion ihlj-vr. would not rt-ioiceito !iavo one Pass- rJty time of nirrbt-Mr yon to . t tj)C i rciiic! ion V !.;!?.JV a':;,!, llu'rc M;iY:t vd. Indiana;is V pern. i noaie.-' lesas Sifiir.-.. In hU sp,cch at the Prii.r han- i v ' , t ' ' 'U j"ct in October, IM.o, the Honor J ' :1S 1 able Cha-an.u-v M Dcpew .aid : -If ;;' ' "U'T T , i . a woman huvin a dress fitted. New I am to nan:c the, typical Amen- j y, wee! Jv jaJnirKstjnstitlcs tiiut nbru.bt ..nntl- rati'tlci r' M'ia! morcido you - want".' . . ir.- i 'li.'t M r. "a altrhiit n ill t xp- a 1 11 f..:;rid iti-n of the palace, ;, ,: . , ? n i .VI: .r.-- f dollar on hi-: o-.;!h- t"jtl.t r ith ti: tenni-i court or r ..!-;. v ' m 1 i-c park, is ! :::'( r !i lia ground, arc cjnal to the o, d tipo-s a- an -tr .nit h ; f. t;..'t!i f the western wall, nnd the ' v:nr' Iras or. ."ft s si ,1 only to' the i - - .lohtinie (('ailing tluwn : .stair.-) : uli, i 3fa, pa ha.s lo.-t his r-ollar mutton. .Ma : i I NOT CHEAP GOQ33S, BUT GOOD GOODS ! rcetk.n his'dwtyad-, cannot he tVcM h,,rry :1 '',!, t'-hrot out of , riieekcd white Xansook lor "CliiMr Fwerv.d from the path thd man ! '' ' ;) Wilts jtvr vard,. wilt f.i .'at th'A : who -is (h,-- dly pcr-U-tdnt in!1';"-ir.,.rree rr,. ' PlCrkcl ahso.tk' R ala rU,Yr S l ik what ho I lh. v. to l", ri-.',hit the ! .I'ene...pe: U hy elo yon Charlie j - : . .i ic,!., ',",: ,!JrU, man wh-.tiunhnotlof self, but of) Non is like a spy Perdtta : j ' 1 1 ; :.! 1 l ' - V At t hi" moment, in tiding mo' p.drf v here the f .ipcrsti:;cture be- f bis country and itis needs, I tht- mv t!...i-anl a...s of .-.!:d -i:.-. l hi will b" of II;: lit irray ! n une ( ; ro . r. 1. i land.' d -in.c, and will ! c in sii trp; (;, W, aver, the Third . i i. prin-'. ty p. an j-r would party lteeau.-c I can draw liim .out, see ri.'ht'i U H'H Wca f her pH-ub: .UH I .Jp WC '!' through him, and ' when I ,at.i tired of liini. rhijS liim up. i;rook!vn Life. Paterfamilias : Why did von hiss mv i it I tn:M ; ( !;iS: l' ires :" r-Aeme::: and P ..rtify;-.- r.,,tr'-t wi:!; the datk brown 'H no,a in, c for Pre-ident i j a Louth- 1 aterfami.ias : Why did yon ki.-s my j a I r v.. - I.'.:.!, i:. t a : r: t !. :.da t h -n w h a icwc! from I i(r jj,. ,f( n,. .(i t -e J ,,;"'der a-amt lu r w -ill, :ir.' -.lack : ! cai ': iL :-p.t!.e :.!!...: r .!a-.m :l.e j whi: na.n in the Vild: ' lan.ta-e. P, 0l'' t"''a!,0,,'n't y,',i s, --.he , ,1U t."" br.',- a- the :::ait .-f x li. fou mhit hm of , h.. bu ll,i in ( , , j, rco,;. a il; ,, N :u j h.. fuy ; ! 'handed Iior mind when it was too la:e. i r 5 ndn..:.. e.,;:-,. neither .wa.nd.r eet-pt -the wtstim wa!l. i-4 laid jp(1,C(K -Hl. c:tntd'thc whitrman' K::U':,'u'1'rs U!,,'i"-t,,,!- , M t: ,! w ! is or.,-., in ffi.it nr. 1 ' '" j jn the soutli -huiirv, rebellious,! l-clatctl stti.'.ent : Mice here, watch- .'.ri.- . ., r the pr. i.;i-, s uU diep," and n- ihin- . sh- I t of ah im-.u hatia-r. xvoriikn-seilin-' I "i:in 'hie, VanM or.cn thish- door. I vat-!miau: l:haj.s you will suc- ! i , '"..fin it ail Pp .!-,' i; hi st ,:!-h ..; 1 j. ' ob i. ' ,tl Miir!; ! r." : i r 13 Y i know Juvw; li .; l- - - - - - . ! t . t ) tiva'vcr, evervil uiniJ 1 1 Lufwc i a Atiii:i i own I;b i vii;i IstitilW ttl i mjtr t,f ntvn t Nj.ucsil nut. ITT BAP I It. a ,b FIRST CLASS GOODS : - - Ib-pitar'1 vaf'Lwill be so .l ilt; h'it:! kite's 1 ' si vle-i. a An tn It. oweil & Wiiarton, leii.tlih' o-aoffs we h i.M-ir sb.iro ii nut '-.i" ty has e-::. inc d The 'iti- , atth-.tiahc dyna.:;itc ; in iarj;e fl.jj (rf st;,1(.i p()json rr",. ' , " "iu:t:ttiar e,:.h -'t,.T m--o i. !-'ni!tv of murder: treason, arson. - . .:. : that w-.- foiaplcted thi- In the ta uter, st -.rtia- fn m the f r:,Ulf pctjurv and all crimes p,,,- W... b. b.y..:. I -th-n. the t,,... -J..,.., ;s a JaC t . J :, ; s ; j , ; , j : j , . j. sOIiifof i . I I ,, -t-..,, .1. f.-'a. a - v as n,c o-u:u- . , le, -'...-n v i : : o- K r. "t n as u n - . . oar mis'.:u;nfti eiue:;s I'liemi vo;- i rat n i uiiua- Cecil better if yu wilS trv a hey i:i-j j stead of that corkserew. - Pt'u-eendo-j Pdaetti r. - - . "1 t ll e.e..-'' l-sjttjlti -uj XA'I IOXAL 'PAXK Pbdl-HlXp, TCI b ry . i! ! proj.-e t A ! ! a'w.-ird ! IPar- :n; lw lor prc-ioent tins j man j ry up, mi--.; if -: a:-,, olnjr.bv this .a mi.'Oite tiil ' 1 ' ' .fc.o . - ;-.-.. .,-!.,., n.ti.. I I i -i ' . li - . .ir. I t ... I .. T " t !. , i - ! .1 . i .i'.iu in 'ij t it .1 i i. iimiviu i.-i 'ii. . i i .mi, l.:tliiili;. i . . .:. rtae.-i::- lo.tt.or- ah intr u..wn upon a b.d.d ? n.pieal t.ow. .,itt,.r a:i,I vio:,.:it i:Ui,l ,lKU..ieroi, ! ki-s manvaia.' rond-mtbr .Pin.,. -iv. n of tba-tm-s ,., rr, ani! ;r,.:... , ; denundtitions of J white- s .utlM-rr j aboard : PIP attend to th;.l-t t-dJam! ; -..'' 1 : n-.w ! , a:ri..i for- "p.. ti;-- s.-uth and -.i'htiy to t..t Kir.-t..:: t v,-; K.d - r 1 i. the tr- j- o: I .r rs all- , a-; -f the w inter .r.ml-tt will' be ' . r th. -::.. ts. and eoi.'irmed bf :the x Itu e bath r swimmin-.r r.-.d i K. :errifTo t-. ex-i'resid.en! Clcvc- j . - -iildi -: ; I have- a .-iist-c.-tim, t-. (1 -the th-.-:.r- ll' vVAv.-j: the t!n.r.;e.;. of an,o rop-.riion. -Thi- ill bud's reply to Mrs. Mary P. Onus. ; iaake in.r..-ir,! to the ii;tieal feit.-c. ,':".' eciirt: into that vtlJape. " i-e hiib'l throu-bii with, marble ibr relative to thk- u- of iiMrs. M-Sw ilii-en h AVell.? .S.nrJdi-: The Ah.:-; th- bMmi I-ttomh,-.!- ,:-! white pore-lain brick. rievelami" name as ;the tib d" a ' a-.stion istbat it ho leiilt of barbed !-'-fef . X I ntltl - IN) Wel!,j p.KNsp.uno, N.j (h r Our Determiiiation! a i i ' 'i'iii: mm: Jdiio. if! ! v i :. . i .' r -1 ..: t : - S a-: I . j !. 'ij r" ir. . crv direction ; finanht piditieal tdub. tlic'hila- : v,arc. '1 hcrti is too mueh sitting on it r .? 1. .1- i riv r jt;- 1 :..! the -..:i- thr-. :i:u A-h' vih.-'s -u' i.rb. Vi.-to- s - o ; Tit.- .: the p.- - th ;r h t . I V hi ..i i.;.. '.a . . a ..;:,... i j ;,. i - ..; th- pr.'pru t .- : : a o ... .. 'i ! t l.bui the bailment, re tun- ; -bdphia In.piircr ( ep.) s-aysHj i..w.-p;tt.s!.t:r- Tele-r..pi.. and t!i.vt , ti ro" -We congratulate Mr. C"loiland A'man;o!i; a v.tddin.ir: tour .may he ;.reair wiii 1 e introduced : b-r 1 U iranly couf-o in it;-. -tin;' I n .w.-ni. ,- ; n if his 1 ride is riot with ! .-: p tit f tc.e buildirm. ' btat Van :i -hall tit-tir.Uf to'ff,eU- him. V.'luii h'... :a woau n ho looks i .' . ? , 1 1 .. t. -tints eoa i-r pv h r :.i i re e x i ! t 1 1 st-h : c of ia; -- , Ir -'.h in -toad : their -faces. f ?;d w it !t a o-, ;.',! I , i 'id in , a to t !. i -s w ( 1 . oj . nat-.rc v. j.v a it i a i--n I ta- i.i..-. : ..f ti;u.-i L-mni-e co .;mn or to"., . . . . . ' . . i : ! n : i-' !' Pitront .j on !,.- Mt'.l, s at..; -'art the i .-I r k "' i ') -:rt"t:!s o;i' th'jr m of ! he Fn m-i. I .h'":' the -ierr1 marirm o , i i-' i... .1 r..v no; In- eo t e I . ... I . .- .!.!. i f-i i "oi ' . to r in i!:i-;H' r-l :.t-d fti.ta-th and white. -T.-n t ph-.-re .wot; 1-1 ho b-s-.p, in -s oj t.." linK'oV'M'l,- ::nl js-oaii , lb i- tiif- to v.'on.'.er v..:t .-in-h . i ... i 1 r . I m .!..- -. 1 .- t !.! .1 I. v .. .. ..' 1 1 - l .... -4 I ' 1 v. v . . i - '...-I. i t . v m . i ' I :V IHI ll'.!. . . i . - , l i " ' i ' I . I 1 1 . . ... 1 I . . . I -. . ' T t ; I 1. in , Hie roia.e. Imiok ... V . 'I. U .; V I., t i IP-:.-!. T; w r h 1 y j -i. ;te i ai! w a v ., t he ih. w a!: w i v. ano w.yA..'Z ' r'TIiE nOMUBIEAD SI1UATI0N. t ue 1 1 u ri ! s e ei rt w a . I. ; i . . : - j t- 1 r ! - k t a :::!.! r t. th ud hi, j;., , -u : roundel , t ;., ;- ' b adin-r ' b. ! . ;:!: " . : r; . .f ., , f . i v I . a - .t-M.f '-.'.hi ' o train d. and bmatii ! ; the l-ro-zo; will .vlwny- .. : oh a v. it. i t la p- rp:;-!,. o f r- :n the ardi -a. 1 the l : tt-a now obtai.ia- A Irlniificd J.lartiai h.wv in Kcii-Union ZTil: Alarm. J i om : -1 a : . Pal duly 1 1 At ! but IhfA i- ;ir th.it you did not udpro i i-'ai I ho w'ialeh Piii Lyihoside of ;f? Prl-oito,i: r You ipi.u t mean tosay I 'a a- a - daft a t.haf? 1 coiitdtrt !iae r 'h-ed it. j i'm-i mti-f ' exrn-o mo, .1 ii-hre! Toa- sifting--. : - ' .lohtistci : ' oi away on a vacation? lacKMin: Y(- '-vent down to. Medo- 'mm i' s- 1 - iaib .' -j -t y 1 1 i i Hi- eens boro ble ii-jure. l-'i run WintH" 'T'-'oiis. nut wi wuiit-b i';i;ia ... i -1 j , , - , . - - . it -!;'! VeS.ni Will ATTo ATvt LJi il Sell O -ixrc I lb . .. . . . t - h 'j i'' ?i -TT- lc-'( ll "m'V7''c'. ;,'b '...-tK ,'. - I j I' I hi i;oi!i .;ti!'Jiotr I-ull aiiit - i ii ; ' --- " -. : tr A1- w, ia'i- hrtid UUIt!IQr dJ'OOii v fi.:i o will jM,o!t! Glieapei? I.: '.i o TiiioiMvrltiaiii tljit' PUOTSiand SHOP ha.v,.- I i .il 'TO et. t J recn-horo, -XV K h !r line ol niesi" I! elip)rs'b!l' I ! I:5-.ibist Mark, O.oi'ls- K'lll. t tl.f -iriL; i' !i u srters iti v.-a ' . ,. i : !.. ,t t . . .. , e i: l l ! , . .r. , . i , I i , r I . t ' - r e-ia-i aM - I a .'i a i n. i .,a - ui n -u 1 1. f ,rt;:.,t!.ev,i:.y.ft!e Snat.aa- - .e, , nrt, the v. alls. ... the pal-: 1"'' r V-' V uv ' t'1 that .or ef thin. Vou hrn.w. :;-'ii:. It :-, i,.-yo:,r--i ipt ho,. The ; ;V;;;,.ft1' j " That's thoiki,,, : A n v frame-"," " You . h"ih.,a,..l t:pa bra.- v.l,.Vof,he Prm-h Pioad valley ; ; r;! ' '"V u 'L - - ? 1., t ! I'.-kt r eberv nU.ht'inthe week and Yt Lrin-yo. f :. p-r!i..n of in, ;, - ! cft.rc y-,.. That bob scriloo ; -' ; - appr.'-ieh rvel !.. tke mar.ou. ntel blc amphitheatre K, it nlv I'rot.i ! "f ,lU " -'I'l ' t ! " i " ' . rv North -bniri -h" b-U. r t ! of t he mountain-of V.'t si- : s, f':r n i-i n": :,v"i: --!M :t!,o - K -e p yon it heal free . from ilehi-nir . ,thi-"r--ol at M-.ee. if f . -r m . . . r, X 7 .-1 h a, .din::. . m em- :h ,,un what-r haw b- en ;t . t r- .. ;!,, ,..,,..;,. ... J I air I lair Ke- r !l r a- a '.an t . . him th :. r. . h r ; '' ' e Jr. m t !:e lib -1 .-1 r- 11 'i''. d into t !.. i..-1 1 : . ; - m .-. , r. j . . ' .ryvf.'...rr..,!-. I' - i a ph- aM- ... bit : view, an 1 nt-necta 'f'i'f ; b a. ' A M-h. F.v.rito fJon. - . i . .t i i -i, - .f !jtasi-(in.e.i.i;!.oi-i:'i-.i.ii a or. e. . a . : a: t .. n . - i v ; uat M r. an -! r m. I n t-: ! a i.e -l , i . - , t i-.. . ., . t . . . . fa.-r. but i i rest s i - tt r.h: ! vi s po- . .,: . ..... t a . . i. : a , . Ay ni 'U- v in an: t'i-' most u.oriou oia- min.tbd. h. ,h srf ail tlii- won b rful land. I n-;.;y f, : .. hb h .id. -n. ;h Mr. Yamh .'bii: may spend fvim and i . .-li-Je al-.ni.' it- , ten r ''M ois f d.allars in doveh-p. ur-e a- it !--.. ad ! ,r the fiome of ; jj... v i . royal h:ne in t lie south. M, -f ft O'vin! -.aim v i ! ! -he , mere -tr. a.n !;,..r. i.ethi:.: i-. hen contr.-tc,I with ,!,.. hoiiwoy patr,.;. r.. .! i ti'ohl wealth that will be i.i.uml " . . I n i t h ,.i b. u l spe !ic t i.t- t nyii'pt.-. A '., : i.i' '. nt a i fa-'t. Uit rests V! -tt r.h: V ci.,1 p. die., ami ; .hit.- pri.o:j's beJ ! P.c A-Pj- :-y l'.i!.i::ii!i. oi H- A ma!;:, o iiatcd As-o;-i.ti :; fo. : ; -.aeli.t t he estabi i-hn:' ; : : j :- of citGTi-i inc; ; ! I : - . t- ' '(-, bave (locKied ?ta uii,all r-tiiuiUiei for the! next S c by ID ihb;s, :ut aipt tleHiab'I". M'you wan! pew, bvsh t-iUt tubvjs vour tinb.-.. ! buv: b.up.i int-l iti -0'!T a: o nhi :: !ail arre-!s.inaoe i f th. it-e. t - : f th i. . I : am, w i.i : i.- t . aU ; .;ri : - 'a . :. i- ; h I n J " ". 1 1 " . eM'.tir-aty - i" P:... h -b'I.- ' ! . 1 1 . a;.. I a;, r ! i : . i -; i '. ' f I I I I. 1 "I -II.M lIMlfc '.Ill w. . . . ,,. , ....-I... I . . . . -.v. ... int.. .he lap ,.f Western North Cur-.V tI;e l"-' aJVl l t;"'a 'cum v. Xo.v er.-ov. at the ,din:, ami its t.::.ea ritv of Ad t he o.I-;r s a ml t he: r pr . -on, rs ..e- h M ,,, .'rovc . .." , , ., , fi"-(- th- rrov.-t 1 1 1 1: r - : ? I v. heii.vir- ..." ,- jt ,. u.i. ivl!.' wiaili',' tliHii-iii-h h,.-i j i-..!ta;f rto the future will ;l ' k to our moi.:.f.i!.s!duri:i:: b:'hKl ' !r,,r ':t;;i,rr! 1"V1!T;,r' Mr '. Aieie Ne.d ::cu land d ,.; th- van to-omc in order t,b, d Ooc of the p tr..l ..hom-. ; .;(Iiit. V(?;,t!l:it ,Hi.,i!n, , - , ,- in .rro!:t of the Advisi : y . ( omiau- . , . .. vi f t ; t v . .ami s nn . i:e r w a s .v i.ne v... t 'ievei .i :-.'-!. d' Piiiinmre: his ma i rn.u iriiu' father sold'beoks at i7;' baltiei'-re st!iT t ; .!d mr.nher i. seenty u.;r a.u'i. I.'iehard ! "a'de-y "( 'lovehand mar. i.-.l A into V a! In thi ity.in l-'O. ;i J;; year.- l.o., r rover h Ve !a;u! w as horn. v. heii lii- loireiits were in lh--ex i ';i;ull:i;'i- j. ,er, v.lm oe- o I 'rt idi iit. j" died II! I a 1 'i-i it t'lltl audi USab! s- il Ctollihi- at JK-T sloek is. ;l !lnev - TTt uiaiiulaet linus -f silts to - H .l !' nBora Clotiiing trn t f t t;t ,-iee-' .iii.tt fe3l? ttt X iUll'i mv;i : : .Yel'V 1 (. -if i-'lai-y! . al.,YAN8Ti m li.a'ifo Voll till 'j .- b sip. ! ' .!.o Cut? Ccnt.:st Yr ;,tc-ivay. in :ro::i ot too ,v,ivis : . , .oao m- hv ... r... ,,;,.,., .;:-, ti.e tet:"s ro-.m. The ptr.d i.- i!:te;JoC.. i;',;, , r;, ,. h;;il0 i x.-w York, to eo operaV with; ti .e u h, t ! y ( ( i, :, rt.,i nemhrv las c,.:.!ituted eil! aUP.fUMes. ' -'- , s. ;! . h; .. , ; b - -1 v.lth tiiial; i-c and Pi .4.":.':. f ;( );;- Prh-c ( at :A II I!: I; I t i i.e. . t.'li . i: i ' 1 oi.d the far. pecleilly hr"e p. mo; :: ir...' t j,. ; i w in the ,-. r..p. bpj --j i l ;.-viMees-!h-, fh-.-a mu. d e.-.er his i f ; V ' A I -i Vv i. J i J 1-4 ' " . . . ' i . i : . r v. r .; I. . a- ;. i: a:. I e -!:' I.- ..: hi;, t; -i: tio:. d. P. o -nr.. t.j t. .... .m.,1 K. -iK. D -dje. DlaMOCIlATIC L Ah 00i-i:p: t ;!e. t t ; o t : i-m ; ' " --t.r t t. h Oi . 'i rd 1 1. ! ;.. " e, dark '.- i r- t. r b".l th t . . 1 1 !. i l ,e- y. a - r f r t:d ctii'it 1 . u. . . i , ; j ,r a , i -t 'a 1 1 ! te. each eorcj! fifteen, A . I . .! - hi:-, t i I.re. a-boo, and P . -' .r. d to ai tt .:.:.. !'' t k.-' : :;' v. P. . d t.M r.t . ' . r. s .- ?. 1-. .P , i . i . . ... i t , ; i ' n - ... a. av, ;;-;;. .. s v.- a ;::-h r I A, Yb T- 'I t ceo-ed !!:., . n. t it- :. d r- u'irb . s a :. i t : e i .a . . . : i .-. a 1 1 ' - " 1. e ; , , r a ' e t.tsr a 1 1 " s, i i, : d tr . t w ; h . Ho.,";.! th- - : ? ;'.:. diad- d Th ,,f.r-t t; .: ......ahP- . , .. n i ' h :: '; :' rt i a -jh . e . i ... N . th:ri. a "':;!. a O.M l I - : ; i . i - i. aa. '.. irhu i - -.rVli Pi '..-:: f o r. a: , :-U i ; t u -i : - - -,t. :' :. h : : i :. bii d-. A . '1'. A : ti. '.:.v.- ..f - ..'.-it h-t:e. an-i Prank !. . . , of .b.hn-on Pitv, tar!: s'of d IP -a Cam? "-'in io h) 0:-e;.cd i; . uay.s---i -a .M -.: ; ..-a IPw.rioi.'. -c. ', d ;!y 1 1 a h ( . ntrai Ie-mootati. ,!!: "Utivei mitt, e ; met - 1 t-rt- tp. .i;p--. ' ' . 'ia!r! 5'h M . simraon-, p.a ir;-. it i !i ctt d Ilobert IP ' '' .a' Pitt.-i"fo. -.rrel-ea ' ... . . . ..... i -f i!..l-:"- i a oi: 1 1 V. .. d cided ! ' pt-U eampah'ti in tt a -my ami ;::. t. et. ;-,-::;:. :- si-'-i1 r- i" t 1 b 1 l! is found that the stale b i: - liteta'jy tl-.-leil with Th I arlv Ptci.iturc. ami a- .aai : -ir;t .:-.-! I-.- II,-1. - -. and wr-ae-. i , nloni a -ta'e-h to i.P hlo'. li i' : I, rmo'h.jr h,i, ! ! he v. .-itit ;.t to hi r, and ' Kei. il 'A' ' fo bo- n.e- ( w rite lo '-oe who . iil.l b.-aeve w !.at I y rite."', before i 1. 1-: aa ; t; a : if !:.' la r a--- he:, . 1 : ,a a - 1 1 -rad-d p. id. ' 1:' '"'"hiU. Austin ami ar has" m me-.n- to pay x-.n a'Pao-t t-."t:...' i.i-e of rier each soared foartcon. the v. -t.-rn U a! ; of the palac", t -;a i ..J' . !;;.'. the vcp. itv vi rov.-- tbc laaruin of a 1-ronk Th-' loth -i v.nt ten birds - -t.f.d Conn amlA!-!on tn, Par- r - b ,'.b, - II ! f 0. t . r il t ..... f " i a rb r, h' -, Lu-k, D .wd, .lerdarh j;jr du Pra . !:i:ic each. s: .'!i '. ...at witli seventy hv . A nam v t.-mp u .rv r..:oi winds bi: 1 -t--d Cm n-boro sbfy- !.:;: and -uddenlv th, :e: b'!;r- v harhute No. ih fortv--ei-i:t : -orir;-- up b, f re l a la i.-ive ' Ahf Vl'.b' No. I, io. ; bri Pe .f Y: ;.!.. laid In i-,--t,a r.t, The v nth we fai!cl-p. vt. . in ti.,-1 iLbiiii event t .rt t :i-om: iitl tatU'.e 4h to are t!:-- o-;-t oi io. .hi,? for lhe b. ii-f that Pe are furni-h;. a. i r ti.T . , ; ; ' j ' i vi.li KllnlV .e- l -;..:; 1 1 lev I so aPr.'y , :h--:. ,.h! j ;d ai-a.-h t ; -.v it h I ,;-.;;?-. I 4 ao.-c la;. y. nueit an . v.:., :oi- :.!..,.; the d'a-.-t' tri.bfte v ... : . , a-i:d j ay.t-. I h:- IP ' ! i aa-re , r ., ;. -I i .-'ril - " ' 'lhc mm b.b !- ' -;:tl. A.,i;a:."Se Spr'ld-lM ftbi -P h. Pa-J, aa !'.r c-it : ..; :- '!: r in . ..Iijiv !.;--:;;. a .-I .Tie tV GO.;, I .t tiaN'SlWjPu, X. b! ' '!."!- mvoV ..PI t..i llo..:.l. i i i;iP :::-.J! I .:a i prP. i win n.PsA id-: ppp b.ip P.! t p Turnip Si- d 'hi !. air a;, i. ! ", ' a ! i i Unua; i:i i ;ii : t .--' '. i reurn-.:. i: ii'iv.-., I! . . . - . i . -i. t ! : i lie i . e i n . ;. . .r: i . :: P ni : rmi-' ;i euro i--' i a -. -. .. r. -4 ' 'd: ; f. :- l-ieo ! .ii-i.l-'.ei : . ITi . ; i iT. j A -0 r".- ! THOS, 1M . - -r mmik i ! i h '.li ::- fa. '.t ; i.kn,-; ,; . . - . r i -I -ii ! ; r . ' AX ioM i if ! i -1 .' Pi a' -' P i ; " ' ' ' 1 : ! - t.. I f-o i; -j;-a !- VV ' .;; i . .ii-'.'.r-. .. . . a- l v -o .a n - V.I " ' i a -1 .ia . - ( n;-;-.,-! .EINlIlAii : iVSt kkl.vb I Assets Heiiiesenilill r; of! -! r.n-t h Ph-- I ' lao-Ta'c- Kiul.t ii oiir; -P'- Clevclan:Pi Ch-:oo for Chain: avento oi tnc.j I i.-t -ri S la.-i in the iPo.ticial b j'-h-Wida-b.-ro yr-'inhi-. iom. n. P. ,sv. r. .-; t.rnoa-. w;- ta.-nina'. -I-kt j -i-O, . I --. '. ti. :r. u:,r P: a.., it. - . i. :. ' ! .- - r. .to. a ti . ! a i : ruth, r on another cme in ic-. ; 'r,kv -vty-tr.4.. Afhevillo N-. b The ! r;d h.w the nit,rinPbty,bll.ri.ltt( No. i fifty-nine, . f the .,- ,Mt r .a :. the b, auti - ;i:r";i' i I ikv-eijiht f w !.;eb i..t',e but ft r. nt'v bo: U - i:- .:;,.;!'- 1 a; an. h..:J" n,bi, .-rVhVM.f .:';;;. i l - . ' ,i if! .-. "; - I ii . a Ii 1 , . . '-M - - e I ' I - I Cleveland v.a .".. v.;n the mouaai -"'.... i. r. .,.:;., i '!. .rfe - -ional I a !,i.-j 110 i-r. i- P3 ill, r- n a .i . . mm. y iimM. in'theevenimr pap.-'r-' iym- that ; i . secretary ot tie- j nav v uom- c u -o-rrin t ! hist di '-i-iun af to ' ... ...F.... .l .-.i .ii.,-...-. I ! :i.v t t ,f. ot.e ; 1 1." to..-, --v'-e a l"'1':" v ' i" . . i.. .... . . I,i : i jr. r . i" . u! i i .... 1 1 i 1 - - i . 1 1 n . - r ..- t Mr. l:-v.r as tn 'Oil, la: e . I-a - . r ! t r v. i : . i I iv.'.y -h r? tin. to ri.vi-r th m llari:.!' li..- two d:vs siiootilUT t:.- tea: i Ui it'--;. s eacli day ( ii. ti-! ': frst team scored I '2 I. w l.ethc- he chairmanship of the iPmoerijOie no- a:.a . - a . National eomuiittt tL In eommdiit- 1 A" "' ; levellu.d r if: t ue f):'!iee i'l 1 Sou'li K!m ir-',r '." .M;ire!i iih'-l s- b. e - Pi t.: o CO. N;;' amiihu .d-literate th . ' "hath tte N". 1. lid. A-h vii-e rh I..V.1...P. .r- ,f thtt tr; irir,:vI,. irrj, ,tU- . ... '. t h J f - V :i at i '- r .11 oi; ! ! ? ... ...- ni.d a i w i r.d t. . : t h p il t .. 1 A . .... ;. a i - a ... I v i - ;n :;um r .1 b o u.mt i t ie i a is. -. 4 i.ialer. P A Po:P.i Croliniaa rrcmoteu Wt.:m..T,.v..h,ly I P-Th, i'rt-i hul a- J c van iioio-tl Lie ii ! 4 .t. t ',la,, 1 f '". la l.P , . P'niJed SSa'e : . v. : do. i. A it " .i'i- ie -' - ral of the Navy, with the r.bik ; aptain. i . iror on the matur, -do. . levelto.o , , ,. rjLnsu-ntno.i Cure- -'! hi-: said it v.a very plain tnc.t j--r- u . ,i. -p,;-b'.n th -ha.-: -y''' 1 , f 7' d !S 1 .ce Whilnevh accent. tree wa- oc-jired eot;-ii 111.-:.. :.c wo 1 a'.e -.v.,r: . , - , s - - bv the '.mammon consent ot party. ' , I.Pai or of Danville D-;a.l. i ' NVI i I . a- v I .'. V. tin. - t -,-ma r '. P. . 1. : ... .... - 1 .0 -, , ii i- i..- i i.. : . the ' f.-w- d..-e-i i'liiinamy euro 1 no v, ,.f . i.-iih. eroiq. and br-.c.clu. 1 ' ' v. Id-, it- v. ,a h rful -n.-o.-s i i thecur- ... -.1 a t..,-:' o;ir t !i.- la-t-.ro i. ia fhu ;.., . r i! li -0,000 -Roli Stock to cl(i(it :i''-.;Tsiir'-r. We take back reiniinni T-fb-. ;;;hi s- !p A'JU1h o: bofili't ;! . '('U i'. Wila a-V De.-oi a ! a' iii - i -fa-- - bap ' . than tlirp a? , Iii . '- 1..; !-. "a 1 i . I'le.-i. " N!;OiP, XP 1 Q. ' i ' Or--y b j. jii-l re.-orVofl. t . j . From. - ' ' 'A i P. i.r " i dmaP-d.as T? V-ai- .bl -'1 :;k.:nVb u-i ' - tir.oh - Pr-;-Phater' pp .U A f'ff f?M,S - L lV4S0?"I serv.d ait!) di-rin.-Von i a t ho (,on - ... ,p; !y jP.-hia'.'.-n Par ipori5. j &f Cl lltihlLUrl I O, " ;- Qlkiis.f ; - r- d . - . v ' i. 1 - wrs. - M : ' ! the number - ,,' ( 'oiling hi a 1 ":p Elm Stree,. ! t ir. i !!. I- I I 1 1 : I j 1 federiitu army in ' driiPr.'Orce'!-aoro a,i -i j-'i-sot d. a .opm. ;;?, cm, ! i t i ' i i - 1 .it. . Z V i t I 1 1 ! ,' - ' - i : I - ,! ; " ' I . j ' - ' . 1' - - -' 1 '

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