1 " - '. i ' - : ' i ' , 1-! ' . " . i i : ! I i , i M i. i- i '. . ' i- i i f ! I TT- TT TT 7 1 Tnh GREEXSPORO, X. O., WEDNESDAY, JUUY 27, 1892. mm si mi s. . i.i' I TLKMS-SI.OO Per Trr - e - ! e i I ' 1 ; - i ! . ! ' ' ' " Br. CiiiA.S. A.'T'JRNSK, Dr. -V. .1. Wakefield. I It x .; " a n I ' 1 tmt: ituii-u. t ' Dr.ArlhuriJ. Ledbetter, 1 iff r. 1 iU Urtl k j I - w . J u . .'.Iv i . .I - t a ( 'i r . ' 1 , i ito.i ; . itiiiilliV. ; 10, . i I:.':- .;.) ; i x;0 n'-b . ; Is I t ' , t ... .A i f I i: in i. o;li I s j i r , ; . t I . t I' s f t ; X i . . i ! i ? 1 - .' rl A fV4 " t :, . ( . "' , I Pi T... "v'-l t: ti-' I'cr: ". .-'a T.uty j an 1 bah s rubbing P'gi tbcr. Then a lie !itl been lashed U a ring t f u .u.I.!.-n, 1 heard a voice sing-i bolt. At :3i o'clock the captain I ' ' 'lT,' r' 'x'.v, x . Xng. I: a faint, far-away voice. ; invoke ami went on dock, and when 'r ' ;' V, 1 . 1 V ! r - ' ! ami I hnd to listen cb.-ily, but it j the nhole ailair becatio plain to ' ' aY ! ti .." i'"."t,:.--l."r..r:y k't.'-v; if:, certainly wa a hum in voice. It w,-i him he nearly fell wn in a lit. t . , injjrf.'-;i.V ti locate it. It stem- " l-ir position was oil" St. Paul ...". 1 .' , ; l r? .; !,' '" .l t come ff.tu above as uucii as I P-amlo, fairly in the pathway , p. i. ' r. -'ni.' i ...it : in any other direction, and 1 wmt d "t r;ri:;, hut it we realized that .' : f.T; ' !'.rty k:i..u', ll'. :i ihx thinking kw:' .f th' hand- v.-" miht knock about for a w , . r . . ' a-i I'rr1' I I.ain'a - k . ' :.. Is t h ' -r t wo without sirhtin-a v. ,v - .'.'Vl. . V r , il wir,-,!irn a:": , It v. ill 1m arj LL; - l.:.t a j a!!. Notl-in- could be seen of the . f..r the lu.iii w !4u'.- jl.iviiiu' t !. i - if 1 niUn it froin aloft w hen da htrht r- ;"' ' i.i il- : I raTi i at'h him at i: ! : . I .-aid as, can., and the llr.-t tiling we did -!t: I' ; - Parry kn.'.w.'ttb j .. tj. , . tj... ;, -k and fu:; I but It un t- reduce sail ri that we V, : : n k: 1 t!i-. j -1 1. 1 - - rn '... j. w atcl. - ''-'m11- apa:r:d ! !. h.iich ! mt-ht p..s-i.Iy manage the hark a:; I v. ..it; ni r nn in i-:im .f heavy weather. The A;- ! rj.rc'd -i- r-..-: ff if - bi.:Na.'! j ,.f i, rA j.,. didyo-i l.e.r auht j brc-o freshened" with the sun, and. ,."r"' , ! iv. r ' l,i ij t!.- carj liter, a- it As a 3 fair for the coast, w liicn j , 1 !T ",'"' ;:-"ru.i: ' ! -iVi:..' r all. ! was about '.' miles awaj-, 31 r. . ; I i!n i. 1 1. re. but I hi ard ; flroat and I supposed, ot course, Facta Abo"t Weave. i i ! i CHILI PAYS UP. Egan has $75,000 for families of Sailor3 Killed at Valparaiso. W'AsiiiNGTOjv, July IV. Sei retnry of states Foster jto-day atinouheed that a satisfactory stjtt lenient had been reacli. d l.t 'tween tlic t'nited t:ite and Uili ri-.-i-ct-tin'lliQ indomnitv to be paid by the latter om .i-co!jnt cf t lie assault upon the rrJ.v ct'Tlie Haltitiiore at. Valparaiso in Ootut.er la-t. "I'lic Chillian iovernniont lias iaitl t) Mini-ter K'an $70,000 in ''old as full Bargains IN I ! . ; 1 : .1 ! v. " h tt. v. If -'1 .l . t r FUpj :..t .. i:::ii:i: up hcr-." I the'eaptain would attempt to work '., ir! I p'tdro o:i my wt.id ; iier in. No had diti'cront ideas, tl.-tt of i -., ry la.iti J.mo 1 ha: j hoiytvt r. He was very juict and .1 1. .an f v. uttend a whi-ptr. hum lib over the first shock. Then ,.,',,. ;.tv.. j !4f;. ,lt ;h -;:..!i;iir y: i,.,:trd, sir;" ! he k-t Iooe and did swearing ' ! "Vis." . t -i'rtt'j;h iolast ten pliipmasters on I -Arid tail-v. i.a! the :.k ;t 0 :a-i t a l-mir vovatics. Ho declared . ,. . , ... ; phii:. i.t, ;:. :!.'!.' :no-1 of ti:c ' h "d n;l i'at. tly hark tir Liver- ti:::e. out i.-nv mvi li.vix Muattiun'X ' pooj i 11 to;; nve vcars 10 mane MI- tri- v.i il - ir , j;e j,r;lvij. and cuiii ..1 i.ut." the voyage -and he never got an 4- t .:. Mi.gin an.i- jiraving wi.t I nour s :j..rp. r; ! !..:; ;.:iv ! ou. t wu if it-' V b:.d iut i:.t liert.il' on bercour.-e, . t... ;..!!. . i She : that t!:.:. It"- i:i the ear-S h-'W- ; .;i..2 the ild man biinelf ; w as at the . , ttr. We've g-'t thne or iour ad J wh-1 ! ;n d t-WW !weariig, when a I rv h - .t . j ,i4n.t ide.-ir"! going to Kngl.it.il to i tr;:ivf figure emerged frbiu the fore . r. si. t .ti. : il be f.M l i. p. it't" the o.;;e- r-ib--, ea-t'.:' and e-une aft as far as the laain . ' t :!:ir u hi-d: tuakes th" ! i;:.-i-t. It w a the ilgure of a woman, ' ' fi:.gi:: ; - .and. I: frte !..::-! and ; but i,.-r face was ? white and pinched, ; . . , ., !-..::. ' .! la I gla f i : . '. I., r M mi large m;d gbs-v, and -be . 5 w-i'' ! ! 1 ;'. v. att h and ' t"- hf ar :: " t r. 1 ! .!. about in -i:' h a iniiiin t that I, ! 1 - ' ul.i.'v ... ti. or. r I.i r U'.i Ii hv. i'i.h.l ill Gen. J. 15. Weaver, the People s party candidate, dot s not deserve and should not receive the vote of a single Southern white man. j A few days ago the Herald pu!dihed the text of -the bill which he intro duced in Congress three times fa voring the payment !of tin differ etice between greenbacks and gold to Union soldiers, and this record alone should condemn 'en. .Wea ver if there was; nothing vl.-e ".uu;i 11 . iur 14 !'nt ; 1 ........... .. . In' rtri..J .l,..il ll . : . L . ' I ; . I J b"11 eau Hv nvr IS.a pom- t.- .af. ,1 nrr..-..i fb. fa..,!!!..,, f tl. i..- ical turncoat and renegade and has , s;i;;or5 kU,(,d the .omuvd m of - ftiferior GOODS. Hiai lv r:.i i- . e ,r ? cvery. l)urt-;'''f thecrv. . iiioi we think nbout ifthc inure iv ii" milieu oe jius eer ajiuiaieu. Special Sale I ' OF 'j-m-m.-v -v.--,' Ahont (lie wis lorn of iloing-il hijst w o f or ST. MM KK I)RHS I(HU) t, r i ; r -i.t ! to o en i t UWlbS IT- i : ' ! el!i cl I'i i .. avii (he jtriees: .:"!i!i- comiH'tiiurs. 1 Jh j? u(-e. int-Iiiif.1 (o tliinkjiuit a ? Nl'n I Vnbnw i.?-!,.i.. ...,,.. . - I il !l j ' II . and ho has been, a j Kepubl ican, a i JUtea J-cyer Tries to Kill his f " T ' . ' V1 ' 1 ; I 1 1 4 ,l iil : ninriv. 1 uu Ijliuw how it is f'.rcenhacker, a I)em,crat .ind al-1 Frionis if-3 and Commits Suicide. I W.iefi Virn t-liink: you 've ?oi ihji.C- Iluwrtor, i-vervllihi no-t everything t; ,jle ': has! ! -7 - 'guoa 1 lie r;( -ri , t? .-i k ' .-as iil Avhrit jl LuvIkIItiwciI :i wloilc. 'lowji1 been aggressively antolernnt to- j -li., .Inlyl.:. --At f(u burg, frtUu.Unni, ihoivun.l ihWa III stUys. I ) . v-llttuw' il wards the people ,.f the SoUth ami al",ltflm,mdi"lc ",!!e oth. of tins ft:, j.,. . , :!!Hn , .,,.,. a,,.,.-,...!, ,(,.,. :.:.;i . '.:., i . has hurled frequent tirades iof c" tbis n.orn.ng, .Fi.hu Walker r.-U;,,., V . . m .wm ..-i .,, , :''"':. abuse' against us. In a speech ae. M'rned home alsid foune his wifl-gaggea j u f11 'b.o Voil-WUnt, i. , ,! ' I livercd at Keokuk, Iowa, in 1871, i 811,1 ,vinK pru-ftrate on the bed, and his i iitn. V caver sanl : 1 u1.l....-i.-a menu, i.uwura v. imams 'W.I '!--: " P. . i. .rr . . in 1" s:.. f 1 gr , 1 . m : 1 .. Tia ;. a ! u:. , b.i.ai .-r a 1.; j i.ftk.:r Mire .-lie wa-en a human be- l..i. :.: .:ti! ti.-li f-dJ -'.ad on.- aboth- , jtlg. T'l'la,- mi mite I e:u;ght sight of lu-r ; . r ". -v;;. i;.t. their -.iepi:ig ijn-ir- p.ri4ed lif si I ;ran to the scuttle butt t-r. I was !,.",.:h"-: ia what I had ;,,, r :i pnnakin of water. It -1: !. A - - 'i ii- I ri :.a :u!a red "i-iJlv a dr.-t to I . r. and she had t.. ia.r .- I u.i Mire that t.. 1! aa d fully two 'piarls before I C: Vt . t -i. ; rg :.-.l-e c..i.ie from t!.. m. 1 1 ; , a- !.e 1 h- r oir. "1 1.. n I .-ignab-d the t - '' .bt I !;. il iea-o:j;.bIe tn t!.o .ti.'.ur.'. n.w :teti:g as coi5, h.iil r-.a- r.'. thing iu-.ro wa heard :.."..u.e br.-eht l; r a big bunk of meat f:. :.. li.cm that bight. I was ,.;f :i ;,. (.f j.;., MieateliW-a at I ..r.d on again at tax! iu rn-, u ..-.f, f.tid ir w a- n balf hmir before t.!,'. "i'iie breeze had di -d nut and ' j.u. ,-j.,.t,..- a wr.:. Tin n it was to say : v..- v. r re an t ;a; :i Lit! arid, liot r Ah! me t-j c, bat M'.liy Mchavis ia :!..'? g -. r two miles an hour. .eg-:is to bl like h..-r o'd if i-n.-e 1 - -! i 1 i ri 1 w oia:. 1; w f i.:i ia - j 1 . .... 11 , . "The record of the Republican Iarty appeals tothej catp.lid judg mejit of all men asl iiuptachabie, rave, perhaps, that it was too leni ent with the leading Democratic conspirators. The' -same old gang, save those who were j shot or htr.ig, are again conspiring to get jxishtis sion of the govtrnmdnt next ye:tr Woe to them, for thoi loyal hosts will cruh thm forever and forev er, out of all possible danger of -;:-.-!i a misfortune P.j our comi'iwn country.' j j ; At thi tiriic Weaver v.ais L Re publican, and the fault that he had to find with his party then was it did not hang and imprison the Southern leaders. i In another speech (delivered at Oskaloosa, Iowa, in 1S7l', hq said: No Kepublican can ever,junder any. circumstances, have any pari or lot with the .hungry, rebellious, man-h iting, woman-jselling j gang near by, dying. .Jledical a'ul was sun;- a moned and Mrs. Walker wa3 rest to her senses. Williains is till NOT CHEAP GOODS. BUT SI-.GOOD &0ODS iCHEAPil- ttir! Hlfillfli in n ci.;ii.".l , .i.i.'a; .i." ir ; .. i' : bachelor, and had kept company with I ( "eeC'l White A.Hi-ouk lor IhIu . . " i 1 . J .L 1 . . " . " -1 '11 J . - . i: H-v yni'ii, win go ;i tins veil -X.uisHuk Regular price 8 Is jier varu. ' Ve'4i:iVejull tl: Mrs. . ulkcr -before shu was married and was engaged to her at th time she married Walker, and it is thought this was the catiie of the attemied mur der and suieide. both parties aJ-o well- I to-do eiti.e.H at NewbiYrg aiid- the ' i . 15' illage is in a Kvhirl-of exf-itemer' ' : !.. 1 ' : - lit 1 ixtraoi (Ur.aiT iue.su res. a ee Che r eeii linll 1 s; 1 U't s4j ia :v- I.M)i.x.i of,i-, Ind., July 18. -The Republican State Committee, has? arranged to open the campaign in j every county: in the State Saturday! j Sept;':., at wiii. Ii time ninety-two J Republican orators will speak in ! j as many county scats. The meet ings will be followed bv others. in ail the townships, and it is propo ed to have from one to thre j speech es in tverv school district in i:u rowe n;ee'.-or.- c '. iLor van igrUdf'S ill t "wcadier gudiilsunul now 'we -I'lb!. so to .- FIRST CLASS 'Oil-! " Iri - I'l'lre-. If yeili wanj !6. 'V; pilll 'hlea.-e vnil, If- ill S!aU e!t :Vl -o i-!u V ui. ihe ojie vdii my lu living: for. i ' H. If- I '''I'd!;', r price ents per ; vnnl. will be .s.ihj at I I;Hest styles, ii ' ' . a ii-'e :;,:.., -we- Mi lure i- nu( I'll 4 i ' ioi Rhviuuiid v Powell. NATIONAL RANK i;UiLl)i:G,! G R K H N Sd VO R ( ) N . C. : I: '. 1 i 1.1 -n-. ( i; : ni. 1.. m,i r.i.iM.iii,' mio in. i t i 1. :v.i x all f,,., ,;tr.. t..ke aboard i 1 -;p.- i.vn, ar.d .: v. t . .1 v. . i r tbir-' :i. 1 hunger b-. l lm n -ut- . .: - th .r:. r ai.d k. ; i:.g ..n e ; e on .t, y. t..;.i i. lu: t.-rv- '1 he la-t . e.,rr::g. all: - ; a - .i! ji:-t i...vi;:;' I- th.-. ti.,. ,...lu. :,!...af.l the ie n were at :.d .. .e j wiieiv. .,:d of P.- v.'hU ;;r!.i-:.t .uj.j,,r i I'd the .argo r.ear.:y siou.d. , j.mke .. v.-, . m .t r; 1 terror rang through the sidp. hi irid her plans j.ll saadc ami she . j i j.:..' A i..u.d : f- I VI- ..n Run.- ; . ; ,:..n n 1 1.. afti rhat. !i without :. !: ' r: . r- !. . 11 . . t; it:! . t:.e fa.p(.ik ufur, j. ll ,,:a!v hr v ay ..cr .. . 1 -I t 1 :-.c. thing wante 1 .:s ib-ek, ai. 1 i! ,. , , r . . ., , 1,.. r.,-, .. p,.'; 1 .. 1 ....,1 I . . . ' -v. v,.t, l.e w. eai!t d out a- he ti::-b- ; , r.. .M.uarj, r; :..u..iig the bale. :p ..nd n - t.:t d . r a !; !: :). , f drb-d cwk:ii we had Jr. d tin re corporate!- under, the name, of state. A big ratiiieuinn meetin-ri Demoeraey, a namq s, fiili Of will be held In AuUat at tie! open-1 stench and poison that it houb.l of tl;0 Kfv.-ood Tin Plate V.'.irk. be blotted from the Vocabulary r Gov.IcKir.lj-v, of Ohio; Gov. I'i. i civilized Jaa:. and ;:.imb dj over fer, i Illinois : -Gen. Alger, of! t the barbarism lha'j it tiUj- n-w ; Michigan, and Gov. Cha-e'wiil b-I and in a'l t he p:,-t his ri pr-s.-:.- ' im-cm-u. f Our etprnjnatidn il! Til IK'.' i To en. Still a Repubiicanj and. South loiter. R:;t hi-l friends 1:1 a v till j: j 3hi-.::rariaiit for Carnegie's I-lill?. 1, .. l ... .,,.-,.!. ;b i 1 n i i.a 10:1 i ii .1 ui v i:. i :ie su a:.i- 20 vears. and it is not right t, ; Krit l!rh;ces? arrived bep this judge him bv the speeches j.j. i ;-teT.o,.,f Iro.p Liverpool, and among made so Ion- a'-o. 'T come Inearl 1 Iu'r l-'W vo-e fa-ailiei of rrt,,Ut, e,f,'U'(,,x.ir,c, lm.,,,1 ! 11 U!i-'' 'H r, who, .the'i ! . . .. .... ,v , . - ... . . V .. . V ... a I. i SHOP' I 1 fn Oransboro no t'e iVgiu e. !' i oiii j-'cra-z'-ms,. 1892, '' -P " 7 : :r e.: o.w..:n. we n:,. :t. ,1 un m. - . .. f i b i Krnigraio Vinmi-b.-ac-r.--, are bound ; .-a.r uue!. ..m,,' :;t?l;r,:f!Uit!, !i r ;4rr ,:v ; 4,d ,vs p. an1 r ::: ,: . ,V; . -.ViaV ',;;. ; ; - oreeniacker, ami phi --iresteai1 to rk in fa --es in ,,1 : v.anv : t.r.:r..:;,-t . .;a.e oet. He w a- t - ,. r,(! froill 1( anJ ! -al record w as ventilated by Getr. 1 - ' UyijV lit o!,l .OHOaperl itnui o : v.--1 fi.rs . R:.i:h declared that a ! .Ir,. s. . v., arrhul d. V wi.vti Henderson, a Kvpubhean Iro:d A lady, whose, hair came out wilhj j . ' ' ' "T A :T3"Pll Pit -kij , , d 1 1 ar; had ...Ilvd to him I . , , - ni lu r "r.-ir inml p-iy- Ia, the satiic State Jfrura which; ttery. COBlWrig-was induced to ghe ''r-;.,l . lJ.bJl :.aio !. ; w I ;! h- w h-w h:.d the i. , ; t r.., -: ..,..;, , pm i:i the )Vt-ivcr haiN. In a speech ,aa;b! AycrVlIair Vigor a faithful trial, hc iQ(J)x and SIJOKS.i - J 1 Ihust JIaike toe e t.. il n-w ;...! hy witii regar.l f, .iu -,.t litur hv -:.igt.:g.md. t raying, but th. ..., t.. L t. l.,r..df comt inv. he : :.. i I ' 1 :'t,"';'1 ":-n" wa- rr.:.d C'n:;!i t";l( ,., ri:j .,n.i watir k;-t.htr a .g." ' . d ;. -'.:ap j kid b ..iy. lie dr.. e tliem for- ,. , k : .'i jtl ,: i... tried to attrtet atttn- a , ' . 1 -.-::.g w.trd a:..! then foil.. nod them up t:..:iby rapiiugoa th..- bulkltad, but ra'-.-.rd v. ..- ighir "g and cur-' d and berated them in , frigl.tcaud sailors paid no atten- . I.- i'.. S. t.;Jr.-:.i r.--fi-n. a:.., ina-i up l.y t .hu ht lt.. a , oek. tknife with btr, r- .- vat : thirat. :.:;;g to j ...i any m::: into . ,.),.,. .-.fu m..,.;, ,.f tbe idgkt they t .... a a ir f. r . : o; th- 'v - :.i : a. , tb: h;j. -he i i.t the band. SdlT Our ! -.YJion-j rj:j (';: s. in Congress on the l'hh of Julvl ' ,, -., jl.t onlv was the loss of l!vS Weaver said he I ' had h..'.u ; ;,:dr c'.cUd, but a new and vigorous jtiin iur our F;il I., ami ;;ive til;' liKHiey lluin tlie r. to ne of these goods jir j'OHipetitots;. buv.theni.- DARDEN & GAY, - J 13 ICast Market Street, Grecmsboro, "Ni JLZ. ! a! .. - ' the -ir.g.:. ' a .i-.. i . I -i ; t .... - I .. t . r,! . " . I f-.ar I i. . . : ii.ii' :t- t". -- : -kins and moved them :iw:-.v : .: d t!i n .attr.i ki.d the bulkhead, a; o. a s.,,; .n .s try . 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 1 - ... t.i... ... nil' -,.. ..s i!:ii a- : s.- .ir . t - wit! !!.. at -I :.:!;! - p ! and oar captain ia. A t..e t..i ui ii.i.v . !. aid tiothirig ft;rth r from the a t.M-ti he 1... g'tM to b..i of had dis ig f dva I the ic. t ry aad put Ja LV i.- t caver mm i.t j nau .-; ; aair eiKektU, :!.ia a new ami vigorous s . ! I . . i ing to take back,'" thereby emlors-t ; growth su..n sU-cee.!ed that wLleh b?d ' jf X T "T i "J ;T " AAtIP Y" V O'dp' ing and ralhrming the abusive epOI10. ? O 1 lfl t IN V J 1 ioUO 1 . ithets quoted above, as well as thq I X Cf, Jn-r - I : ' i '-- - X " ' tf. 1 . otner caiumi.iis oi u.f ."-ouin. :i And st;ch a man a .; this is: navi ! Carnngis Steel Boycotted m.io a man a a o.s , ...o. Boston, JukV. 1:.-The liflv-six rep- e, hi, ,u.v r C- tr "Op3,-tXs ' i,rM,.t., n, to !.c the fienddour1 . .." i :. .. . . ... .X l?i 'U11? HCXb- kZ-L-2-U-V .-VtyjiO. t ' , , . rcseniaitives of ino i arncnicr i mons - . - , .-i. . . , , . . . i a i ".- !!'. i on! aaiii; no.; ji'.o r-. :: i - t- Th c Me ..nil I i : ...a'- ar ',1 h:.iw :.li"gt th: r bettt r, I... w f r. 'i i.-- 'j'e i r must s .-1 . ; I . ::::.'.. ! th. m, U hnd be- -a' ; ! .?ik-. .-.ml wb-.:i -he nppt are. ...i .!. -a h i 1 b . n forty h :;r witb- . ig r.;-l . r w :.t r. ! ! i :pt i-:.-".! tin' ;pt..in wenld give ta - -tiovi.way w.-a .-:: a o:--iiit-'. A I t. r -h- had r.nbh. 1 lo-r story h- did s? .rt ia to. I at -li s could utter .o .. . r 1 - t . I i ..ne and she m..:i tired bim. at.- He .-'.-lit In r ta tbe gaiii ry to .o i ;.- c.-t-k; am! I !on"t think he w a- people and n a -king for ,.r Xew Kriiibind, v!m met here Venter- j v.dcs No whuc ma:: yi NjOft .ie .K-eided tiiat the member- of their j ( a roll nti or the baut,;; w no -i pd f-(; or,"..l,ij.l!i(1.1 e ;.i handle none of the repe-tmg ami wuo iovfs 1'-.?ru,.,ur.l, irli ,tCcl of the, Car borne an t s-ectlon snouia v,e i i such a political mounti bank land;' X, , .,, ',, , - , ,.-f , , , 1 . . ,. , ., i , : set o-1 with til' lo..Aed-ont wo... blathershjte. ahde:ry . a. ': ie w ir- a a: . : me company uau men. "' .' , ."" . , . :ii ah i- it out a he i retn b.l to be. . '. i . -.. .o 1 I!:- ir ! :; - at.d kept : 1 . . .. . ..' . I hu - far, as von have si en. three very .!':!..: va. v.; , .eaa.o. ..e d.- ap.;:.e , - " . , , , , , . . . ciir.i'iM i r. a ... -t .!. ts e. i-iirrol e,::.;,..,. ot tl..- "!.!,) v,.e !.!!;' upset bv a i , , 4 , , ', f- t he ..i-eo'. t v ot a i...o.v i n I he f.. e:.-- . r ".. :.:.d I a:a Iree to c af. i - . . .... tl . th- i o: .t . tii- ef w an-1 th : p- A .-. . : . it .: ...! a : -t w..;.a. n -. ... , . r.itcrnalism Itr.r. .1- If tie n an . . im iple dt ar i .5 the I Vwclve Thousand Perish. Lonoon, duiv 17. The steamer Catterthun, which ha-s just arrived hearts u.ti.e r. i . ...aiojy ;u. ."ui- Svdney, N1. S. W., reports that wi.oei.mi . a- i . eo,,.e i l- whe!1 ?he tou'chcil at th2 Island of aa.ent is a erea- t . . ' I I :s i v. oei a-i :. I ! ! : e f. i . ".. a:; 1 ; .. . i th. t- c r. t:..ir to -. : i . ? (ia h a" d i nftf rrn n I t-dd fh- v. a .: -:-.ry t . t!- captain and - : ; i :Xi I '.' 1" -i ward h aii-h : . a ... ira: e o; u .i i i-. in-rev. a t. ! a s'oi. rili curio::- ire!iu:-tane,', .. ! -! a ! .lay of oiix -hor! ha adi jl i . -v . V a 1 h-i'f a g e .an d a rt i:n. ' ii.g - a. a. I i!.:v .vol far it-.U- tilgbt. b rk ,-. i i r- at..- ! ak the f.rst sail We Cet a ! d a-k r t a o . r t ! r c men an 1 t-u. h 1 Timor a rue or was current that the 'Inland ofjSangor, in the Malay Arehapclagoj had been destroyed by ;i o!c.inid erujition, and .'that j the whole p.-ipulation, comprising! 1 2,000 souls, Jiad perished. j Xveiliave deeidedl tii.elosf out all Snjiiiitier (ilotlring -at rOXl )n.r Jstoek l ;ill new oils ;! t niiiiiufaedurcrs eost iHw is vitur -iiiie ' l;r'-i;i!'gainsjiii , I. . - . X - CLOTIIING iiiicl HATS, i . V Je suilirj- to so.- our slock iibti learn lid; fVff-es that the 1'e.b-ca! tare and not ah.--. -' Near v a ihe biatberakites .n ; lie i 1 1 land are alarnud w hen they com em plate th ti rror- ..f Cei;tr.aiiatio:i, and vet the if.ll -.tioni.-ts and Kvild theo"iis of the' le-'!-U" l:rr v ebvimr tf.kir platbirm f-r linvtrmnfii! eoiit:r ii d ,Sho Idnrried a Cclcreci Coachman tlie railwav-. and the tele -frapa . i hy i " X I th I' a. l pt So7-3 OXo1b:ns an at votir ou h piiee. i Verv lespeett'iiilv; icfore yon buy. i Lead i-Hii One Price. ( ashH lottiijig and. Ha ! rs e-vj! i E II NSi Hjb'f ), N. ( '. - r IT.- i .. mad .'. e':e- a:;i l ratirg t : for an "I I v. - ' ': .a o o i. r - i .;x;-;,x:;;:i:"v'T'r":- Wliv s-boi:',1! t.r:..t- e.rt ore! :b;-s be ;!.'irl, h.as shocvO.l her, 1 r lends by i jt .. -. f ' , X1 - '.;;;.!, r rv ,.n V U, r,y .nn,.v y-;;i aarrying a cored coeehmau nam- , . , , , ik-s in tliis .ii'iirv? I -tr that .rndti r, .'i-d Is.lae Gould. An lv.mira preaeii- .e.el a.-:ig at a g-o. rate of v i I , 'i . , v ., . , . , , why shoio i ho.! ihe i..er!:iH'i.i be kr married them. Gould is lmuis- 1 h.-.e-i! ! am meant to keepl,oar ' i , ., ,1 . , i , , , - . ,. .. , .. X . .asked to s.-Xtlo Stan .r. oi !::-: ft nous ami good looking. 1 he e- pans ph.tit ail I "pro", id ; a .'f;. I -dy . pi a na ' ion of (t!ie bride is that the with cheap -il at- a iiiid'orm rat eg I : hi a n ui ted Her. ii' he didn't suit the iilivlii'tb Annual S.b.d Sp-iPTKfn.KU'27t!i.. !:'. an! -ij 'or c:i!ltdog'if' -r other infers duiv i iii. .. - . . r .! .. .1 a-.!.!.,. ii -.ell'. , ,-.!.-.-im lli'-lll.l'l'i . i .,,.1.1,. ins.iaie OHair.o n: .: i t--;-'o a i .. - , . . i ' .. . ' . i- . ..v , . rt !" i ;;t..Il lav e . e V. a: blv A list ria tii" o. erifm ut tak -V.r : 1 .'--:-ru -a.lor. t ; M ; - .-. t , ; r. 1 J.X ; v. :. r ! j ' ''e "ative to'.a V" --"j'p'j" aul l-rjnie.-j 1 I. BICHABPSOISP . ' -V ' j ,V ?.a,;tl i"1rl'Vi:!"'' wiudnrr.l.f l. riegdowni:d; the cigars. Tiny ar-f i-r fgtrs.l- , - f i .mom , d u !y IS. 'I he Rich-X X- . J VvdK )LKSA LK itil JISTS AND ' 'VV'" '.",V; Tj"".' It. V- ;' va,n-t ov ri but they arX::e-.;, j" '' '" 'f I maml grain elevator, h.cated on N(v rr Tlirni (1 J,,., -rirriv, Orl.'r.l . 4 ....... .-a, .... . ... . o. . ia to ... . . . v '.-i ,X Xray Weaverii.-s up a howl for ; iil!C of . Lt. ( . vV -(). R. R., .in ' - ;i,.d grocers ,il!ed m, . ... s,:...ediib"fore I:.-,,, p-.li a natch ever. ; t ; ; ' ' - " r,;..,u.rritIlCtii p.'a a-mon .poly?. he northern portion of the tcity,i. ijricc,: low as i:ielo,,d-ff.r same ,,..;, -ty . f gol. l1, t!::;-.;:'x ' ;: !- ir::;,;-::!, ;::;:Et.;... A,;iI,,,bh.fb,b4ei,,M,,o,lu,hH;ret,;i, th,te3r, I - - - f" -l ' - . . , .,:.,:,. .,. ..... ,., , h.ra ."'o, r-:ison whv the ip.iernmenr ml- im , ; v p.. ,e-t royed with contents. r - ' ' .' - ' - - " I :-'X;;";;X-;;:i.V'- ':;:;,1,nV"v '-I-'. wUbib.;-dbe graphs thanthatit -ho-.Moperati.ja j ,p . ; fTHOS. NXWINS ,rom i... .., ... ... . ........ . ..,,;. ..lin , ..... , ..r ,.rt..A wcrt. the city stirfiv- railway t or n.aki. ad. j - X ' I X -T...:;i:-;;. m-ming. It h:. ! lo-.n;, a.m. -f ' .". " !.r,rA'.erL . ... 1 ' rti'-rht Divorces in 5:3 Tdanulen. ,M hx1iit t f ' rn 1 I I I t Yfi'l r.a- j j j,r relatives.! i -IMIIIHi!l 'T l !illli)::tl I Hi . Tn! ioti write to I . ' i n of. the I'.-e ID. ui of Hie abovif-tiaifit.p ' i u-l it one will (.? rr; ait i n ne si x: moUt hsv I..S. I mi !. v ' i i i j , : i'l'ul'i vor of Snr:'i-rv,: ii' i- " " i . : .- ! i , - : -, . - i , :-es i . 1 1 . . e:d ti. . - i ; '. : : . - c :. ir it. :n n d. id ni (a..: I ! ft thedeeh i . a i . . 1 ' " i ..: i.i . tiuu:.':ag rib rail a to I gh.d to k- ! b.-d , I-.vtry :rs.i;... f.t- -e i.k,:- r '- - .T X',, reo.iblicanvsteni n gnvcr;im. nt-Iioald j i ( : w...o. -huv Pi Judge ; all .. r --;.,,..:!;,;...;, a:e'h. t,.,;, up bvf. .v htm. a a d I " '"' "' ',""'" 'J . . 1 ...e . j , . ;,;,., j,, cntiie to t he ; liindc .a record today for i,utck. X I l:-t-m Pmti-id that none f tail.- went,""'" '7 in the divon-e court. d:,7,g :- J td.l,:.,. What h-Mpeaed half ,M . -ading t aMm-m. i ae gho, - j; - .tV( rr;X,it s in u I e- i. e Mh e re-i the mat.imo- oa K-m e ft. r ! bad turn, d in c,';";' - h-of,.. tbcm ''',r ! j,,. , .j,,, ,rt7 inokir.g ; rii;ll ooml, forX.d.t couples, an ;-: the gr ,te,T surprise an-l w , en , bc-y got he. story and 'r ; J ; Xe divorce for -each ,t d.y ic.me "f ids life. Mr. Groat, t h, m col - - ' !. " ba-N.-en tla ,r rate n j u , f ra..t j( - : I (,:d,v mate, was r.,cing the .piartcr when --tofn: n wercevyaoreib-gusttd , ; - '' . A,vU,cA Thc . . ! IDtRTJ Q SI SEED S . SK KHs.Md-;.. ' We i I ; n-eli !r?.iu I )n;:-l:x-t.S 1'liv ,ieifii V-i He vai oine- birf-o, .v. ; ur beer. '1 he crank- v. PotJdnk t , THOS. N. , WINSBOW, ; i"ht Diveirc33 in 5fJ T-linutcn it under th nt--!iotJbl i i ( n n oo, dui v Pi. f '.idg-i XGEaMAL liVSlJRASCE Assets' fieDresenlei I 1, ":: t : ...1 - i ,-. ...... ; . v ,,. ,i ...,,T,r.,i w i"u i in u.sv r. t or taore anxious to i " i. is.- ills oauie ijwu.i- ....v-. ".- ..,V "'-X- "'-''TMXiic r..,.i,i,.w,. ::y n.:.,': I ;!-:;; t 8i(., t0 :-..:t.e lastc.oi ; ik'.oiuoi a u. e carpemer s cr.u .....ut.. m i.ihti ...... . .:-.-.t r..-. i s . ; , ... ,, i i... , ... L.,V ri..m.l him to ..oh'f'or la-M . w hi ne ra;.de up a nurse for lor that I aX ' " ' '! A . G lauot.t- . hoi mtL . yn . , , . ,, ', -V i . , . , , . , , , . i A voay oaa jusaiu. 'rim -i ?hf IL.mmocks rnuay ami .1: gutar actio:;. owrb-Mrd. AlXaXrs are l!gi:t -he noght hi;e lime to turn around I j o ,K.4th, that lj - ! "i: v i.oiuired : -What.h the ;, . r :..;-- :a'- ar-. oui . u .-ers . a ci i.i so, . ... . e , ... ,.,...,. ............. , ,. . .J : v.l.ib. was tbiat ; i ' -.,,..., t , . , j rui.v ;. ,v. 4 ...,. I , , .1,,. rn th-r. oi ii-. tiiough lu-!i.;d ber oe.-u.e i ... : , j niatttr wu i . o-.i, uuhh..;. . ilt.. ... ,r.i .-.dun; uw,, th. d... Go a.h..r. at.(! ,..,.,, nl,;.r K.r ,uS ,v'd ,.f Mrs. Kd ward d. ugg. hist Momliiy , . iy ,j .. .j.j Senator - Vance, I : a. t t-- cr.-iv c..pt..n. t.-r I wme tip during the , ., ,. . , ,f . -. , j .o -hd was X . .l ia. :,;..r ! ... . . . . ? i i . . .. .. . - . - . I i.e . ..v.. . , i. luve n an a ii.iii'- mi - a . -. . . ..."r. . .... : .... i, . '!. i. - i i-f- . h it. .T iii.r..fi..tiii'..-.rnf. .-. -. w, . . . ... ....... - ... ... .. ....t-.f.. ............ ... J ; e ; w ; I i a matter ol surptisc .4 f - r ff fih'M m 3 e il'ji"outh Kim srreetj jarch X JsU-l-U ia to ! -;: t n:,-(.-! IS -- ' .Xi N0vBi-"x;-;! RKKNsbOiH.b .W CX 1 L j s d, 1 t n i -'!. " ''! , J. I . Ti. .-'..... rlo t t. I ... r L- ti.tl.. ' - r ' . . . - . . '!.. v..iin!'..st onlv a vau old. Her . . natc!; leb.w wind, : tae.,o-s- a.ott ar.o l!-.w. iuver b n... u"X'b The ye I-s vore carried tot the eutintfv jOa, vrhat alCoagli.-W.ri you m,. IlLr.e.r four hc.iOJ. . out fse .n-b.-.t. and we s.ept fotr -arg continues unabated j ' ; itAt,rvil,vt 'K, 1 the warning. !!jtieigmo perhaps ot he I ' I' -'; t.. kl Ii, -i. ..:...,!,,..: Ur;-, II n.-ii, .Is ..f j. u,-,;,. ,.i.r ,vr.r...,-.t !,v..,.i.r.b ! X, ,,:,'e. r! I t.T .-t f : v i. 'at ". rat !.-. s-o : j r. i-: ::. ..s :,r. 1-,;.- the ei'v. In th- " I., f.o thj'TL-k :.n-l d-ouot..;:.g tor j , .; ; tf c -..ho v..s in with :!..-m. : n'g e.v n.. r ' a - bX:. Ga ' ' '' "' ! - . r t.i .e ..-.vj rroe. t xperi-.e-e ,!,:. . . . - i.7.,.tw , - ' : , ,' , . i ) 't be -lis.1 i..rre.! jibo.-t t lie e .vcNui V-e.,r i.iN.-:ir.' y--ar :g... .e ' . V - ' "."r! ... !'-' X1 " ,!";"',:""l;":vI:,C,'''1" i on .: -WeX .-a.-apt.riila' aK :;:;-. d 3.:'- e:; m- uhy '...-re Yellow Tcver at Vera Cruz. .'t exeeoent 7itile woinali, devoted t( i the Third party." ! h-r husbaud.ar.d four :-:iiall cliihlren. i , :,, . v ,. ; OeEandJQBI ! ! I . ! - i n n f h rn o u iss. :.'; a t . v . i. . ; . ... . ..I i , . r -. .all-.: ' . . .-.! ; b-i; Mr. tir-- .: ma ed'-ais Prices Low untl 8atis!aptl0r!Guaraiit(. iii.- .,.rHi;!..,i.uia ovcu:.i - r.,r; i . I euro .-." o (; .-.--' " : j: ai ,e go a -;er f .-a.-s, .tro... : .;'--. ? ; ; '" ;. ; -, , , , VT -V rvt t t r " T'lK-PMON'T X HiT-H t" Adie- iNT. r f rr,. :..;;;:x ; . . x;;;.. -m .i- Ad... tn,... wiu :, .''i ........ l.t I'.'., r I Mill f .H.O.Mr. j . . , , ! I ... lie -. ti... J.i ........ . . i.Xr oth, i . remedies failed t a.ord any - .:. . I ...I.. .11 .- .1 ...-li'.-.u ' Xy pr, ta'.ioii i- 'aO'g X.t'o tl. t.-ti mi:r..li.f . Iiuu-t.-lt. btu without avail a is e,f b .es ; could r.ot e ven rail along the deck. ' .4 1:tr: n: in. rciitations ..! . ! I r -7,-. e; r.-..: atet a -,.r( ! ti.- com.'-jaiat lor l.ef.. :.' :;. . tl :,p,tl.. r.s, i,. i.i.t be ii , .,, , i.-,.f in,.,. ti.-.i'R. sole or cues i u-i sliiloii's Porous Pla-ter.s. SoldJ-y . JCii-hnrd-on & Farhss. i presses inv VAi Lj: jPi:tt. I ' ' -j ) ' J . ' i ' Orders by Mail Receive our Pern tr pdtic-ntion. J&i . -ri- i; : : !.N'f: i'.UIi; i . i X. hi r a.. , .efiS . -ii

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