i I it u"ir H.SH. UREEXSIJORO, X. C, TODXESDA AUGUST tfj 1892. ! I ... TEB31S KX)0 Per Year H v V KjcROty'ifK i;SiJTiST, i ' li Wakefield, .1 ! 111 1 .1: U s 1 ii:. Dr.Ai1iuir I. heubstler;- - 1 1 I tc t i'nn v. ! HAM : :OOi z V J f-Vid - i s - M d - 't ' I X K .Coleman, 1 c . A- Tlio Eeliablo-Giri AN ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC. elass of Republicans, to make the v, i.. i , r ... t .: , j . r a . - ! f r : -.. r . i v r ; r. j.iti -. r r a . : .; r ! : 1 h- -,r! ! - - : r : ! wing sirjcrestions ; . . - r . r i . - :. . : i rfi : :. ! ! ... .ir . :' Sr .!i.fi::i;. . :.ri . ! .r 1. 1 r.rt' v truth. ii 4 r; -I:.!f! rt-: . '. :i : r r i.Mir liran b'Mte 1Vk-b ur. j . i. ioit, tLi3 "Iron, L"--". or.y.3 A I understand it, nearly every incre V lit Lie I.o l.cpu-- bkae of the Allianc- rnr n,i!i. . , '-v '"ill lie met T i v an expansion of I he currency. !! i ti:e State ol, hey want a changl- if ' eondi- Norih Carolina w!;r are iuti rested (Vns gnnvinir out of shrinkage, of in the' political conditions which nines in all kinds of property of a. :;. t. r 1 i:: oa.itv to nil Wiiat they own Jor THIRD PAH.TY -1 1 l ho I t-iil ! :.: us r. a nr. 1 1 ; :l v.i!l. '.. t.,'.r- ti-.t t '. -e n. c i v. of iratbi!;ty to borrow-mo:i--nlit :r-- bad t-.,J take the lih.r V-v 1 :i.ny property they h tve, add It r.i'A of t he gi r.cral lark of capital to ; !" i . ri : i ;.! wcrks tiiat . an u?e our tim- fy t . i !r s tki- p-p i.;r ir 1 --!!-:i-r i i r1)'--'P: t ated! for a Eu'jble3 1b-xZ Ilav3 p Whiio en tL j Poltirrl Sei T IvV i k A. 1 Ho' I A I. et this one J.errai.cd fr l,er beauty. " ue.oue iK'rehets aiij.l iu .f VVitli: eyes! like soft bits of biu he-tve-n them eink to the nrofo-ind tlr nt'is Alli teeth like the lrost oflaWri ' f.F I. . . . , .. ' . . t v mtej'f.r i j;:m . .er pluw:uct h..'t:tiilJd. " The first in tiie Uniinl b'taie.-- to hold eor..-ntion ant noniinate Presidential eaadidate, was tiie .!.. ... 1 U'..r !.. r-. i- ti v J-'t- I i..v t. 1 r 1 in iiif t t'. ti .-. w I have t !i 1. r, i;;.'; ai:d ot::er raw n-nteri il3 "ti-ilasonie party of 11S.12, with f. r i : v u - ir. active .:irti;ipi- 1 n crt tl.t:n into iuoney. j William Wirt for President. Tie lu it j .in-- of tl.e Now. p:nricn er.n take da'-e ; y - ,: -':V ,)irc,.V one ob- L: I k ?..nn to !.e p'tblie. Ar. 1 i i to tl:e ti!i-;.t limit of per capita j jet't ti. e ostraclsni. of J Maohry v f;y.'y r.,.':'..l it -t t t:j ' a. lia:---iJ.N' ' circulation dt-ired by.tl.e Alliance ;,ni1 11 carried the electoral of "one -1" i ;, ur.-l-r ti.e eist:ii'; filv r act, with- f 3lJlc ermontj Nout j.r twenty- nb.;.c of ;out .depreciation 'f thi papor iiimi- fV".r ,Str,u-s' r',::", '!p'i'r,l the u'.!i'.i:i t.-tr- '(v i-'iK'l thertoii. if! the law is ! n'"n- That oi.e caiMpaitm; was i ..t t..i"i ! : r.v . t-1 ...'. i k a. n t: 1 - - a ?1 HO')1 I'i ever I'll r rai?c mr own riin., The blefed reliable -rirk ' ? I-et that 'jt;e be to the heave::.- I or wit .like the iun at luitl-thiy For thoughts -that tiash oat like the luetiors lattftri that in the ik;es plav : I houh keen be l;er w it and Iier genius. l r me not' a harnj thev unf i?rl ; 1 huy'r naught when I'm with mv r,w n ilariiii-r The MerWd ia liable -ir:. . When sb;k:ie,s with skelton In.qcr.-. lias .ei;:fil one with cruekM oTiin; lieu tr..ti!,i.' its niarkv cloiol lower. larsan 10 15 FPi"'H"-.yi (1l M 'IV fa J 5- C S- HI H 1 Special i Sale oii i Black Lawns at4 J vt .a- ohXLW CJSlPQtgl i ' ifv 1 1 ' L . ' iij : i" ; : a i t . 3 . . ' : ' i ! a - i - i i vtoultiu wisdom of ti.Mii' - ii liitr-!ivi; c:: ot ouil. MMKU nins ti i i 1 Inferior (IOt)I),i s,1,r more ve thiiik aooui jr, . f v. ;:nicridcd increasiti-' tlie purchase J ils he-inning and it vtul and it ...'V1 V'v"lff's pfain - ' ! - V ' j T . ' ' V"T Ul.'-r h ' '.N.r..v'tl.:;t v.'orkof t!,,, natior.of niSver Wilier.. " ! ' , Vwl i nto history. rVho.H w.VV "'.a01; V V""'".-- re,,Jf ' "Ml is t !ii.v js ti. Al'vr" ' l nvtntio., i, ,A,r, h h plnin. it i, imp-sihle to depreciate n Sin( t!i-;Hhird prti.s tlure Thevre'S ' k , , fr- m ail !;:. i i f r. :a f h . . j. at er d' !la r that has a dollar's have come ar.d; disappeared tliej' ness ! ' " 1 ' Wli;it l!Oiv !o- au witil'l -IV roVina'n M '' r -uf t !. ft r.'rtli of "M or silver alepopited in Abolition party, ;the Frcjc Soil par- ,)f blo-cl reliable Kir4.. ; iVrWm' rTT"Cl Ar a . a 1 1 i r.i i'iiry :. t,;: - J 'Tat i" pa . . liar t I I i- i. I :, ., r ' a i r f ; v t : I t T 11 4 4 ' i?.d v. it ii t i jiiati'i.'i" t- c r,t' !.d .a-rain-! in tins ;: in!lati.n of 'tich a currency we ve ralher (iwr .-loo ... i i .' . 1 v.iiciij-iiii dsnik voii, !!!! J lh'! lint r.: ii (I;.-. 1 ; .'.-.. r ti ' r'ain' !i Jt : r ; 1 1 ! :; ? ;fti :, - '.: : ; : ' r : - v..- 1. . :.f .I I .t , :u- ' ,,f ;, jia! wca.rc :-i,i,. t::-a ::ts ni tin "ovrmmen a ."".m-.m party ami t lie f ;:(:!. ih iai s. -urity t v iv it. Tiiere can be I 'reenl,ick party, The American party was tne only one ot them '!!. r --'dt iiti- If, a!! I )t mocratie districts I i llJat voles in every State, and rhan-v i;r :., tifs. K..f ' w ,u!d vote ft.r the Third 1 D..rty an' il ''arri-!l the electoral vote of .... ..-" . v.' .... a ir.' .. .rs i.at- ;;nnf ? ttMdi- ulilatf for "onrre-s on thi n :i . o!d li.'o of tb feus.-" p!;,f torn), with the ;;cn ral un-lT- ;. t . 1 one State Th tl. ::. ;k ! i -: .s.:p by the ; 'uarnntee a fair selection in the tt: '. of ik- . t:k ("ar-dina ' l'r-ddcnt tal box. Ot ' course they ' . -. . : . .' etior. , v. t v. ill : fur their own Presidcn- tr:y r.:', ! , ip- ' 1 1 t'. r u:didate, and they arc aide!'"; ' 1 ' '" ioi :i w in- : . ;-"-i:st his vote at v.i rv box in . ' t "A '!. - 4 - "i 'TK 1. iboliriori iartv caused the defeat of If jury Clay for President by tunning the P.ir- nev- ticket in X"w York, whieli way fr(rn ( lav over la,0(i'. bet others,!then,j.in- of their beauties ! uu ionus mat nre rare anil tlivino; ; si I heir w its; w ith bright crowns on their ! g S fl iorelic:hs, ST1 tg 5 Nl VJ aF h'.: pl'l IIM.O.HI ti'ieslitill 3MOT CHEAP GOODS, BUT ! ife b iVo: till! .i ! I w ay. a i'Q.s n. .(he !' jibith'fj liUb lj0 :l! M't )l;tel!tors. j: I hej t Sf" uiiik bb-ri-i now lioy il -H in .vever, ever vl la whole .loVii j )o oil luiiiw it 1 1 e ,v Whig votes and jrave the! electoral vote of the State to Polki. To re buke Henrv "lay on account of 1 hat slitter like Keii:s frta.-i the niiue: I never will yield to their landings ; Though i th.ir ii..ikiio's'"thev iiiai: j; "y ;- ' lint ever l'lUi. raise the truc-hearl. .!'. i'fio reliahle irl. mi rs i Clieekedhvoiio Xati ior 'bi'tli 5 . bia-Keti Aaic-ook Jfoi' ul;; i tr ) -oiHh iji'iyyard. Wernave a!! :th i!) Hot Y.Valhcr o-ootls and ifov, K 1 rem? a:t3 tire a.'ie- his s-laverv rent iments, . they, in X ..-th Carolina. Thev are ft rnn t cct' 'tftt I obc and ptit m pow- '11... ,.tr.-;ti,:i n,.v, h.ve th in nuinbcM t" d it, and fr tlj parly devoted to . a very. employment at satisf;- rt. ttair i:::i..N nr.. b'r ; 'm'v have the r-e r.r.l curaeet! The Pree Soil party wis fou;ub , tp a few nnndred ? I . -, i . - 1 r r - . i . i. : -, tkf ' l a ...'pr : v i ::!e ii ai.' ;il' l i:: ;. :!. i f it wa-re done, taere- . a; - n- tv a;:- ai!;.!'i:tv. no.'iit he the otft;vr oillar- .- Na:j :.4i. and it h. s th.-' : i- n'liii ctors. Hut what consei- f i:pp ,rt V'S :i hit j aMi- in'Jj.us Third parry i.i in, his -main; Can any just man ".defend the principle cjf taxing all The work ing peoplejin the "country to gio employment at satisfactory wages he tax oil ed and organoid, by Ieniocrats, ! t,n 13:1 tax on tIie sweat and life who had become dissatisfied with ! 1J,l1 ,f tIie toiling masses. It falls the party. In IMS t lie movement more exclusively upon the laboring ana poor people than almost any j t - S?egul tr pj'ieej - . i i - i'oi . van -i ;ni will I... M.f, a u.t 1 j;;-! r.- j s j v i FIRST-CJiASB1 GOODS atjHc.Mii ("las- Priei'4! J.lyoif kvaiH To b:n can )Ieaie you. If. in 'scareh pfj-jb:4i.L- go the one oiiare IoOiii!g!ioi-.! : ! I . . h r ( having ri'fti-ed t'i r I ri T t re -t being t he linar."ial Ojiies. was made to defeat General Cass for President by carrying New - n.ct a 1 w f. prevent! inttrftr iti i.; w. :-;i jr.fer Clevelaml to I v,,rk ;ir--isj t him. It was nut ex h'.tin. with the oi.vration of t his i Ua rr.-n 1- ' pected to prevail in any other -r'ein. and tii.-' :.-( t .ana i.i !:ey j lit st aU th. r - -ten:- of h'.dd in ' eh cti.-n- i the drv b -rox ..f hard t an n t ll'vidttl between Cass and S, 1 . , It:. V. thiou-i.o'.t the o;,tlieni State- to ; eoiupar. il w it ii Harri-on. Ch-ve. ! r:n'- t,!" doctoral vote. !. -si-nMru- t: e South f rum .nc.iroi j 'and represent- dl that i-; sterile j YorJi twa:? ca!!t for W t t b j i ti !"," h would -a.ti.1 that :i p;i'h. j in Widl treet to a greater degree j lu'l" f'on- Taylor, and i: v . . ci. n.ri-ir of the ib jMiblieans than any other man in public life. u ,V "'a'-re. tax winch could be levied. The rich use comparatively little tin and pay but little of this enormous tax. ;ta!e. With the Democratic Vote ''ie workingman is taxed on his Van P.u- u,nncr Pih his cookin- atrd hitch- of aoy I oieiisi, uiu rooi .ins House. ! 3 ' towed (v 'iulak1' g)()ds o!sonr sin!11 is-iioi Nve mih'nvf.ciiri V lig nomi-j iIJ1;j 1111 lux 1S 11 monstrous m uf- ni aue Ins i i,",u 1 : ' "lv 4 m-cm u jj. -i vu 1 1 : re, j alltl the rvf:tt Wi-.m.T nf tltn fnt,,tn ' , of v.rtlern S: at.- re - nut to j Harrlton si -ued the existin-silver I Froe.Soi party wrdught the "tal and, underlying priacple i " iff . f . . i lit CA i ral nfob"iftiAM d . - I : o!..i-.i 1 tnUiMto int.. the U-ja-i t .at act and made it aw. where the 41 ,l 1,1 vjivnerai : .as .:..: t- the : ,!i-,n..l s-.-ifftv .leiv.-nds , n ! expar.h.n of the eurrtnev- is going Democratic party in ISbS :: :.::.kc, h-.r.t -t cation-. a::."l t!.at !:n(-t . a at !;ftv million a year." j the Abolition party had a I ( ! . v . i . t t r. to a nati' T'.al !a.r. Tliis law h;is been tried and is ! .a-!; ' I i - t !. r. f :.'.!:." bt poli.-y ; u!.t!er.:o,Mh and no derangement of a !. .:: for and ..r -a::v," that v;c Ke- , b'iness would follow from dis-A- Mi y , putdieaits i.f south neeept it tn:-t. and we co;;!d imme.diattdy' ; 3 . i 1 . : ..'" ."ileee.- Soiv"- 1j! 1 I NATIOXA L ' 1JAN.K flJUl U)!N'f. L ft f i - . I Li VTiifiiul V. Powell, , CPKKXSljUKO, Ni. C ,.f a the trt: a r . . . I r.i f . f - i f f 1 e. pti: it th t wc .... x.- p-. Ir-ii ?.y c !; t,r or ..r.l 1:1 ;i - , it ac'u rt-u!i-. On the contrary t tar away any untried plan f.r remedy would pur- ! hau.pcrcd for want of theexpe- a ; the p h : t -iii. ," , t oj t . . a .v . : V i ci r I o a we i : . T - I . l u ! s c i.;.r- ihiicr ot the pi a: :ad the results rp rate it ia wo'M l c 'mv la rcac!i. This is rr. i i.: : a f '...". ', : a i I. did v v on .-"state j I itfotm this y ar and the way v. 1; !i all Democratic plans reji;ite oi t- i ry caiaiafate w iio j ti.e . f ucuverarco is rev r i . 1 W :! 'l i n,.f.! b' !... Ivft the pe.-plc j comes bfoia t:s for .our -"totes the! in si.!, r . t.r'.i pri:m.' thai I.ewi.l opp,-c t'een i J Land the i oi? f" called 'protection ' could not just as ',e hetter illustrated than by this i ilVefed ! very tax upon tin.. Just w hile Re- the defeat in 1 s 1 1 of Hearv i lo,. I publican orators were protesting and.the Whig part-. Iu .each in- jtnat protection does not increase stance it was the work i ir.cn who I P'ces and that the ' foreigner pays had become disaliected w ith the j thc tax the tariir on . sugar . w as party in which they had before i removed and the price of sugar, in held" fcllrawhip. In ISIll it we : stantly fell to the extent of the rc- res-olute rebuke: in- 1M it was! moved tax, - and the tax on tin partisan revenge. Neither the Ab- i ,w,s ilJU V-y olitionists nor the Free-Sailers oh- i wtut nI a,,I1or V-Uii the tax. I he luarwei reorts ar.d the strikes con tr:;tliet nearly every protection ar gument. "Get rich quick,'' is the basis of protectionism, and the Our rl)0terinmatioii -!; O ' ' i) fill' ireensbbr -I i ! nuile.jjgiiie. l''j'oii 3 . ; ' i."- '1 Is a't';Mii"'! bly u 32" vc Wi,ia SpXl'O-ixi? tained the electoral: vote jof a sin gle JState, whereat ! the Anti-Masons and the Americans each car- 1 s:o consultation with irit'a the electoral vote of State th , r.;b n, b, w,r, ! ntmer.t of ?uch a la, . anv :iL::d ,rtv mar, I merely" anti-Ma-ons of; Vennhnt : the V ; a3 s hiy s . he whoie r., : ,h-atari' Tl;. U jo. ic;u;s ,.f the S "Uth see t!.i- itio:i, ami openly, lain- Americans, of .Maryland, j ; : -'.ntrv unue, contrnmtion.-. ; i . "t-v t ..h f:. hav other inter, ?t than this. : , -i!y ..nd caialidlv state it. In Ks0 the Greenba'ck purty.antj : ! ; ' - ,:. i.jim. . f , w !.:r.i i;,.-v are .a pruial ot i-vtlie 1 1 . a s v ; h i riir t ar i ble ceraes of i t, 4l1'" 1141 1 1 ' ' Ui lUil : l;;u j v,,l,-,r,,i ' ; . iwr:d u-e wiii.ii" the 1 ). aocralic party a far as the lb publicans are con-thc w5,h preside.-Uialj candi-. i , ; -i-M tT- had- KKik-of bore., bid- antl4-:,' cerr.ed, there will he .t raiht con-"- Noitio'-r of them carried an j A bevcrei 1 nuuder Storm and . rile.- -bn-fah tl.rou-h. Any Pepubli-j t,!tral v""' ,lf thirty-eight Listmng D:d It. , It, i, .... 1 !.:- ve.,r . j i.dlv v.. a r- t- " casdidate in a Democrat ie di-1 -st!eu.- Ti.eur ean.udatcs for the- Prrr-nrKo, Pa, duly iS. Dur- , V" - '. - i be p,ed a- a - .rtv at -r- at.-r iri.-T v. ill be dcnour.c-d by our Presidency, W ca ver of I wa and : ing the prevalence of the thunder r-. p.... ,.t .li-,'ha: t.. - iVer in t ;-, r - eh.-; - of Republican 5i- an anni x t ,)ow of haino, "vere; both former ! storm' which swept over the south- it t and the Prohibition; party Sir r.i m ( I' Winter lrto(as. aial.we' r o? 'p.' 3 . -e Hfls II I " Th ijooiir i 11 itia v'v .w'tiiio of these !()() entered I FLALIIIaG TANKS OF OIL. - - As wH'i'.rtt.it1 iiui'; ' 1 . . . O a : . i i u a i j a i mi i .. . : i . 1 1 r r . uiuiiiier uoour. iai our ri c vrai w i if win nj siiu . xizXi HJizJ JLT -man -:oar (anriu.' 1 1 ' ..Ipto'&GA'fc-'-l ROOTS an S1JOKS, i i: Kast ?.rarkefjk tree), k';reensloroN.C. ;12, 1S92, i ,'.v : i - it j a or our ran am cVinonev llian t tilors liu- tie- ii j - - lii .'..--..... S'. j 1 ' . i t ! . .:! r . . it.-..- 1 !.:- ; ar i j :.; il v v. a r- t .i '. .-t.r-vr v., .. rthr. v. o :,r.-l . he p!ac d a - ;i rt y at greater . "2 ! 1 t .'. '.'... r : . : ... ! d i-- f i a- di-a'h a: t : ' .:. i a r in t :ii rt -f ; ' . ' '.. ,-r :. : v. i. , i II nry. bl ': 5 'l " J .' araeti-r of ! ! r ' ! :,. ' ';.." .- T oar I "t State i .: i. ... ' " . : ,.: , v a j . e...,'n t :. t a-t. ! :'.. incidents I hat ' ..' : " , .' , -,;,,; t:.,:.;r, Jvd i;.:-' , l - . the t;er. wa t :,. v ;..,.;; i": ., K-iay,' ,.-:,'nl...::,i,,'! t, ',' p;,. i : iat-lit than the ' .-. :.:.; ; a:, i u. o ..:;.oii ,' a;p.:.i'!y . engira-ertn the 1 . t . i:. . .. r, ,i - ; ' :. v . .it.d evidently tru.-tt d Very re sped fully, I. d. MoTT . llchcolboy c:i Corns. the other a -ratik o:i his c! by. ; ! Again in J J, t he or;r tii put up ea udi'batc-i . r ll. ! denev llnllt r, Greenba- ' I ; '. r;.s .Me of two kinds vc --jet s ; dohn, Prohibitioai-:; d. eided U. o:. and Animal. egetable corn : . 1 " 1 "onou mm, i...u j.n.r. to it." :;row in rows nriirnaf corn grows j in 1 Ss. Pre-bh ntial tit .f. rtunat-dv. a.anv thir -- There are several k ind j 1 le ,iel'b ' ' ;r . :d a:.i t! :." - 'in th- tnveati :t "' cu a : there is the unicorn, the ) I' id well, of Chic ...... jis thei Republic, .ns the one ' diilfected, v. t stem oilj iiehl yesterday' affer- t . ir 1 t and :.. the cour.- i ief hob- a.hin. liizhtnin' struck tank No. 17 of t!:e " Sfiutinves't- Pennsylvania i.atioi.s ; Pipe bine ciouipau-, six miles from pre!- ! V.'ashingto:!!. ! The tank .contained r : Ht. i ::7,0un luirrcjlslof oil, a::l -when, it ' burst lly.' burning fluid spread to :: ::.:a, twenty tard's in The vicinity and at in so -n all were ati re. neral ' The conllagratian . was still rag-ciin-U- t iag at l'J o'clock', notwithstanding ! of '100 men have been ."V I HAY b i oyer. b i-ioo RObbS a' and if ,you eoljdrr.'io.-jtej doing . any papering in t he- nearj f i t ure y will "do Weil wisli to rcihi'e o "l ve ml? a !ao' irow, 'IV I , n;y sloe.x j.a-- raiue.u ;is p 14.' fore moving, .'is:d will 'giiv'e. y'-U spJen "aiiis. ' Si iil at t iu?" oh! stauni ;M li Sitailh I a. - . .. , : ! vi r its 1 i s. 'able liir Rar dm Stree ; f':eh i; i- i ' p...-s;.,., capri..m. the corndodger, the plate for Prc-hkia. Ho is a. pm-'the c:T..rts of poo men nave been ' '-mi v''rh t' DeuoK -atie i.tr- ':1 corn, an.l the toe com which I Kc-er of California- -$n hor,esb light i:;-. it r.Usc yesLer.lay. The f...' t..V,e'M-.-'tb. t.'-ebidic ' ' the com v.a feed most. It is j right, conscientious man. He was; heat is so intense that trains can- i' tM-'.d ' T . co-'ve-tioM ; l I u liAf, that -..pliers like j formerly a Democrat: haj since i not approach within an- eighth of. a ' -a !'v pr .v d b i Demo, eorn : but I ersot; having corns do j heen a Republican namber ,f Con- mile of the fa-one, and the passen .f ..j. v .....j n.,v "aive t!u. not like to !-o far if thev can help ! irrcss and .u in.hgxnden t can !i- ; per, on the Washington branch of (p ilA:t IL !".S AiL- ;I laKCK ffYKi - ah i . a : t '. . : '. j try l'r..:a the Abt- i . Ii. r . . 'it. T . i.... "i...- if.... T t ; I ... .1 ...-,-.-. ...... oris h;i e ia-rn els and sninci"'111 1(,r oooino. ;nc i ;i i a ; - at- i a:: i iuooie i u jo o.o . . . c- u ioi- ,!..rn'b hnve c .r:i. Vc-jt table-corn ! n,er of great wealth! and to ; ble t reacli their destination last iv i M .f 'I in I,,aa ia r. . 1 1 I. mv" il IT' ..... 'v t. jiiv .--..j ..j .. . i'hiin-; j! is thotiirhjt to be very heavy. the ! ' - ! ' j - ; .Tint ;;rny lvtr.i of y.,.:r-e..n he col-! t . , : -rows" on ears but animal corn sensible to iao-igine that he v.i ' .'vi: .11 ''" n't !i'"V-i.'rov'-'o: the fiet at the-other end elected President. 1.1 is car.di . ":'f, '.", r'""u- ''.'.; t'aii.f.lv. Another ki-d of corn is to attest his b-ydion to ;'t"i" !" . t'i .'.'ri- ih.'-K-rn: tins.' kind :-n,w , a, ! cold wafer ca-a.-. ! '"'' ."''' .i.aOMtb-t,. is ,M. hoax :;b....t The fni.-n Libor Party ii it C LOT H f i N (g j AT CO S T. "We liavq deci'Iea do e 'bf lor the nexl Sll: and desiral ose a. f i ! f yon wan' nil . ( w . cost now isfyour liiae ! iiay-.arvia Jnier 1 -: i'o.-a good- :oi hing al C(;)ST took '-is ad"! in-w - ' ,.- ) a i( taa n n hnijl.il fees e l l.r v.- l.T ...a- l.e i t .i t ' 1 1 ...... ... ! , - i ti. - corn. Many a man. .when bein-uoi organ.aTion-; ... ,,: has ,s , , wishes it was an ae. rn. ! wlitch can :,, v. r -xp-ct direct I'oi .- !' !io have corns somctimt s ' wealth. ;.d for a .l tor, and if the do.-- The Fe.-rmcr.-' .All jane.- or IV... i... !i u i...r.if. I.. .i iii I .es naiivi- ll. e j'j . - iit-euioi v. ,.r, a i th. a'a.t -lite i !-.' O . : t! i - '-'-;.r N . o!f. i i t V. :. e an i ; . ..of a r i .is . at :.; v, and f ..rni-h to ! sh.-t v !! v.. -air; hia; t! :r t'ri ;-. 1- ia t;.- -.-t ciri .-!'; st.ttt tick t. whii - o' j i - r ib d to run t he ' t t f t; . '. !.:! b..i.. the t ; . r ' if. to a r. w a . rc ;n.:.i c in fUtt r t i;l :. lias I hit o to;!es!a CLOTHIM anfl HATSi, Auvortising IhvaJCK; i He sure to eeann- sloe: :yai lean; n; ? i -a' Boys plotliii'.: ..h.eive.h ho-ewaan?., to "! VAlir OW: l-rteo. if h i-n't. The do.-toi-.tl'.c third iv rty organizations. 1 1 --e e- ; . a . i t... .;.,t..starte.wilocah walelv se.,e-.- Ioack despa:r-woi not face ov ;. " ... . . . . . a- i I ,-. ifctt'i irz-.m b,. !. v:..l -h..w uhi-d. is .r.d.ablv e.b phenomenal svvee;; It ' '? I , . ...,..:,! - I 1 W , ' ... U ,,l nine members of! Congress in! Patent dOtnos se-n.aa a . . I ' , I,. V l Ll k ... ...... -(.-. ... ....... , -i . .r.i. .-jt'.eiT if . ' 1 e .".. II ll' lini.i i";' 'i'".i 5-2; and SlfcaTW" IHCci1:r IV . ; r a f - the ii i! 1 :: : -:ae j --aL'e ti t ot I.i r : i a- !t a V ! , . . . r - ". :t- ! r . f 'f'l- i A ! r a. -.. v '!.. .-: . r - rrV ' i r i ;'..' aa It i" 1 1. . Cetiie " ,j, ;.. it-' . h J bai!'"t t-i r.ti.-nt. I by a fries, w ,d -..ri, "ie" ta-vi r ar.-'v a- jetter 'ia ... . r a ta'are na lauiiip.i'-" ta ti tale ? s a-it vce, !". t unnir.-' a Mj ! i ket. -..!! : !;e ty to a iin I . .II I. i r race, aliens an H.:.:-uoU-. Ut"!t:i' : j ;.: tii.- s:.tt. Si. dl we tb. it afti r f! r i a .. a tot in I i;o 1 ae t :.at t ia. y can p.nt )!'. A v.i' Vol! ! ItUV. v GOV . . -. a , r i . : D). il . T . I d IV 1 t.gbt t.ey.ay be co: red. i: i. ' , 1 1 '' TV j. j' , , a.r. -! I V .' . Li P ' ' 1 1 f ..... tana, r tar !,..:,- ar-. be can grow . aftua.t.ai... ..... v.. ' r . r , V,-,,,,..,, ., w-il! Mecci boiici. heading line I'rice i--u loiuing -aiKi.. im-p-u. v -., j f I" a :s I del of e,.ri. ot, an acrobat liesota anl Georgia, i It d.spaued ; "oi -d .. ug s- ih Mtoahun . . (; ..;ksb(,: N. V J!;;!;:! know , farm, r, bat ha, one con. j JIN. PaitcV Sates senator hcauuf .... ' 1 - j 1LJ 1 ' ' ' -.!... . . . i : . t .. i- fro-.i Knfis.'is. and chose 1 'filer in ',u,t ., . .,! . , 1 - i u i-- ! V ' I r , Z" i: ' .r' i IU luce ,.,,1 Senator Kylk from lectors le-e i.mme.oateiv .n - . u , Vf a . ,. . " ; : 'LV iM,,,,!, iLkota. It caused the de ! reading the b-u.H.. , A H i J , , 1, , V, j' j -" I . I inoiv ryiu .- ii!.i. uu-vf I ill i"mi - - ;. i Fold n hC eloC il U tO'll Ul 1CHI,- ill U17 JUil A-i V" V'Jf - ' " '.1 7 i... rt... i - . i.i ..r I feat of Senator ado I iamr-ton m nmi1 .- ; V . . . . ,. i I . r a c . '1--- ! uAi.- .. i. ot i .'itt "i' " ' . ,. , . Iv on Sundav s and at I :-.d !. m. , r , ui-, , -Tshri-r b ...a,.,-.! .-,..? .,.... a.,,., ,,..,' S,.uti Carolina, ami raised tnep ;a . ..;'.. ,.J - - - ' ' T?;TCDjr3VLOjDrT!XD- i I ite i "'. ."v i. i.,fa,.rirl.v t. the evalte-1 , vv ens oi tate .10 aim ' u; 1 ; t . . x . , a -, , T.UV.:.. .. :V, . It , love it. Anotit-a- I.iiMl oi e.,rn 1- 01.0 .. , - 'b V- 'ravel . The- lift v-liftli Annual Se--s: .a ot the a.-..-o -:ei ai.-i ..0.-1 iiu.-.-oi. . w.o. p'- ; . a t i 1 p.r- ., .f. , station. It made I ll! man ..over- ravei, - V-SKITKM itEbitrtb. 1 -a2. and ebt irii;e a N-.,.,..:,' U . -j i . j- : up as "traitors ;' ;-' ; 'N , . . nor ot Sotlth Carolina, and with humbugs ..mod pi r.hea-er.ol - 1 .. IJ, ;,r ;,t!l,r i.a.r.e.t .vrir- t. JofT.b f,, C ,,. ,n, f J to our M-etio:!V,' ,0 Y'f. M.71"tS . ithir Prohibitionists, Roies Cover', fcates hereditary insanity : two hot-! J(lJr 1:;.,n- - ., f Ti:,. ,-, y i,,,,!!'., b,-or ,.t surgv. . . . fn'.if,'. t bat is it villi want to r. 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 I.i ill ,.l,,.! i,1taii., itv i . - : i - h.i -et trying : . ' .- x. g V ' - . ' !Mo,(lf 1. On thi coaM, in ,.uc - 1 - . . i 4- --4- V . . - . Know 1 oa ar' ai.mz i.e sneei. .t v-vrt s h;i mvaiuaoie to arm- s " : r . , 1 - ; i ...r tii-urt. ru.er s ' , 1.... ..'Oregon, it was electe.l several J('." 1 . r 1 w , --h, -r- -. V- fuinviarsof . . icvii.l.il in.."i:i)pr to the Legislature, . ors, wiIlstieK !ig-. I Id iHV I CtHI IrS ! h . IJ - , . corn, .anil w 10 is a ratner ru'' a v.... . " r , ,i i-a- ji ' --1 w . - - . :,;!r,;e.rr.;1a.-)et;ithen yeu step on the ' hut it did not sueccc d in the eVc- ; q. R . BlCJIABBSO FBISS, V J- "V Wlloid-isAL-i; iJjlircGIsTsvVAXj' ;SK"i-;i;sMiE.V.: . j rNVv.M'rJi. Tarriit. s.od.liVt .;rriv(.J. -! oVlVit- i rt ia b;-e -vts, l'by-.ienifH : V ...!) nave .yi.u -I'jiiie- . x etirboro. -N'-t''! 1 V,' .l: rub- n o,r I,-t convention, as an I l' tI: has t!i, corn on it, and see ; u m ,4 . . - f .... " lulti-IV control of the RcV'f v'.udoa thavc occasion to dodge ( ; i . Sx Fkaxi i-t o, ' ala., duly . 1.; p .!a-aa t.a:y, and a,f the State V1,ul in J1" w.3 will lind what TwQ Hundrcd and Sixty Families ! TLeV,7-000 ;i(.res bf land forfeited Gov rarL-aj; if ihe Republican ; a ',rililuJV: r is. Nashv, lie -I'''"" ! Destitute.' V t(, the southern Pal-itic railroad tb, r j - ; h; T rtv attains t it. . I'"''' ; r ' i JUv Cixv' Mich. July .. Th'e ! eompany. were opened to' settlement ' I have toe,:, to know that:.; Mindful cf Appearance. ! relief committee finds that the exg yesrd-.y. Many entries were made . '..'at!. ! !ar-.- V'" a-'-r;;oa of the Republi- , tent of utrerin" among the via- 1 here and others were had at Ho.- as Prices as thinir InVi'iiae Viia.l 1'reiirh't. ();.ji..ate 1; tibow Jloti.-b a-:.lne ronui't 1 V et v. . -. a i t i . .- ' r . r rt a ; . ia r . , t r. :!.- ! . .:. r th- e o. f. - - r. . r tl. -.. - : . . t "I. ! 'ita .: tatf, wait'.' and Mac; a:.:;.: Jo eater - ;eii an un i'!'...i 1 and have b a n for at-.x t 4r-. thoagb submitting to th. aat-.i.d ib -ire t make a ti.ket aa 1 rati up the ;hig. oai knowing i' wo all b o aiy .1 drers parade. I'...: the :. I ha- come to a'.l ruci. ar.d tl i- star they will r.- t -upp'-rt -. R ; 1 ". 1 " " a : : ;;. ; law. .1 ::-!- ,:. 1 .' ' ... .. . " . I . , . t , - ; ' " . .... ",.'; . ! . : . , , I i . ... 'I.. ... i "A. 11 I ..." - ; . . . , S..vstlw.( idea-, yy.voov,.. There thus of MondaVs flroso greit that l.ster I ne most of tae.la....ei were v.,-re four of them, all little -iris.' outside assistance will have to be by o.d -. tl.et : 1 eofeiii. . be, Thev wire travrdir," on an inbound asked for- Two hundred ai.P six- j made ep and .ettic wi, .n -:1 suburban train, an.! in ihe cvuber- ty families h.st everything ami are months. ai.ee ,,f their youthful spirits they in a very destitute condition. gaaoli-'s Cdnsuianvion Cui"c-Thi- were laaki:;-lonsiderable noise. ; Circular Advertising. iisbevond Mu,;-tien tl,., m.-st ,,J-e..-sf! (.i;!-1 said tl eldest, retaik- . 1 ; cough me ia a:K- wo have e e, I, a i:-ly. '-w. -re cuttin" up too hi.'hV A .Medical Company .some time few 1 Folk -'I; '.link wa-"rc a . Sunday! -,g. received in one. consigjrimeh t a '.', ,.'.'0':'i.' r', I; . ,.',L.V ; r, !').." a re - -boo! .mic gettif.' back home 1" ' ejht ear loads of pauiphlets for ))f ,.,..,...:. - a i;.- v.i. a .. ,. ..-.li ; , a.hertisit.e on-' of their medicines" t:u. ia-: r. V ;i M' ". A- i.a a;t-r-.iiar.er rjlbtostr. ntoeii . , , , i..1,.- ',,.. di-e..v. a :,..- n c; : r.-o.- JI'U P1A -o.i i:,.,i iviiv 1... " ; II!" vM.l a'! a.dr t I :,M i . I i .A J I " . , . . ! - T ! ' I . . . t C(V !. I T GENERAI, IUKPfPii AGENTS. Assets Heiireseiited (Mr ...i,.li..: !"..: 1 rt r-. ai t-,ar b,.ii,S Ol f...-s.oi aa.,Mi.t.!U.ien.a...v,r . 1 o.s. m.,,u.r. Think. .fir, Jbivbe a:. . re -tal'-h it v-.fl xal e a i .a Ja la;. '- - - ... .. , . . ...v...-.....v. ....... I . prifde 1 matter. 1 I, ink ..J It-. fV.a tie . ,v Vou to trait. Pr..- V ' . V " . . , ', , 1 ' .: f " ' -..r:-1.--.r. .i lb... best. Kcir.g Jir- lvt.rt. t 1 ,,.4V but tlie sui-. $1. ibv-.-.r lut-L ar-' sV.r.-, . i or ; C :" " ' ' ' " o-o.o'tis f. r or.gr me.4 .-. afil.tUy are as rateable as any in-ti'ution r oul- prove ' b.-k lame, .rue shi h.h's '..r...: I'.aster. ..1.:: :!i. :ti,,!ar;e ,:, ah ; . e ri .-.s of the S'j'e. 1 r. nfe.aion, a,,.! v be taken bv the V I . I ohl by Kicla.nl.-i.vT an-, .o-p-r---J , -r wl :r,-in b. hnlf ,.f 1 hi-, ,., a ate ' .othervvist. I ing druggist. Oreens'.oro, N; . - Oilice 111 SoaltlrKIm Stre 3Iarch lb H2-lv. - . 1 n fill . i (M. ? i 1 1 V V Next La IVofet Oli .ce, . - !"'!- (, RRii rV . ; v -ft . 1 XSbORO, N. V .!'. u i I j 4 a I . es;F I J lii S i i 'b i(.