j I , 7 . , r - J i H IN . pv 7 1 Hi l .ill S, I . i CiliiSENSJJOKO, X. C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1892. fly the ,,HPMISisini!,.ny,in A,Hanc Hi ''F Trie? IT-,) - ' T-VI' m 7 j I 1 ra 1 1 " -ft on I : I i j - ' I I : . - 1 ; i I ' I - I , i ) I i tit. 1!. i ,5 HOIiAHDSON. -. i:. 1 ! 5 " 1 J. 1 1 m i i t ! 4 ! i 2 H, . Vi.i'f i rt"" .-ft ; ii-id ; t 1 i i I f i' 1 '! i i i j j , '1 I p, ' t Til ' -. LH V I iiJOll. -.4 111:.; Oh : t 1- f j I i ii T v 4 1 , . a M, v. ...I I'1 t . :r - d c . 1 : ' ". I t.t t. '.'.Vi Ilrar. r .- I. I.. ! I 1 1 t t i w ?,r. Tho Vorsor.r.l Appearr-rc ; or" Cj ser ai O ran t. NO INTEREST IN POLlTCS. THE MYSTERY or DEATH. . r I r. n ! . , : r - v f . S -v I 'i 1 i i ar la. ' , v- , r ; scioKSMs WHen the Soul I urrmgto-,. if N w or!.- t .! - ; rm s in a private It tk-r. which ho ; " I v. ;-s r a. ling an article this has !; i !! 11 v iitrrnit! t A to., t.. ! ,oi-n it .... i it tVr !j 4 . . . . r btUn V lll"4 till. ,, " U f 1 . ir I . i V , am jr. i . ll. J,pworui. . i i i.,qiiinr f ihr.g .r I.: V r-f-Jir: Dr. W. II. Kpworth, "No I !-rt !.:.cw t!.e k ru r.-w j living in?.n mn tell how death feel?, I v i' :i !,.. i. .'.I ..3, a:;- i.f .-t-;r--' f-r wijcthc-r th( actual net of ilisfo- ... "I I" I "liljl lilHIl ui rvuiiituil 1 r M.r. A Mm wlio, tl;r(uh ili- in t!.c i:;tt.i;.i'v 1 i ni-. ; 1 r atia!iv, h'i !.t confei- :.-. I :. . r :st.r !y ".trv.tii'; ::- ha 1vfmc toal! appear- 5..'; ' . '". .. I 'A 1 I. T i " :.: i!i .il IJ tlirn roji'if ilnt. A3 BAD AS LICIT. A Lively P.ampus at n Ladies j Cut the Old Spirit Developed Itself Meeting in Cliicac. .1 i,t Pofh nf-ru t Are you going to tak- interest 1 ! k ' . , ' r . -it v.. a-..! .:: I ! : ; rt illy tl! m iiothinj; about ! . J . T I . ' 1 I , . . - t 1 C - .1:1 .... 1 : . rj.'i . i : !.f i..t .-1. I .. f..r !. .vv .1 -:.i-..i..-. 1 1. .t vs. :r I i I n )t die. The raa- ; 1 .- u i t c Hue to acomn.cte r. :iV i;i a... ... 1.: .... . . t ; ! .. TV, ' ' ' rv. 1. i J i!i r..o life force ilitl not . i h .rh. Jt ui ay he tliat the ; j t h lij.j 1 ilcfjcr than the : r j-hyiv-ian iut-i the awful wyftcry ;..- 1 1 1 "i.'i' . (C i ;). I! Iil'lV h.' I l.lf ho !nq II t-;r ty v.-a a ircn- ; UJ-scriheil terrors not visible to the !" ri. :.! J.i i h t a; ! d ( of the nuulicnl nan, who in f.-.fi- : ro:..-. f. r . !t :-?: hiiaelf oniv in the comii h.-." t i( tfi t -v,i!t. tion of the nitimal mechanism. , 1. : : r t , ... i ' -'" 'Mi 1 :. 14 r.Iic.it:.a I h.ic stnoil Jjy t lie ileathbei f .i::!!"v.,i,('f I cT r't i ! i:i hi: j ' "f men who tohl they were : i- u;'4 :u .H ! ::n ! 'i;;:- . ir- :,' to !;.!!, and Paw them pass t.i: : . . ..f ; ' -.f i:!ly ! thir hn sleep ' ;:; : a - r , .! ly o; ii-r : h:.vc looUi :-il at their h?:il faces u ;!..- i.:'-r sr.ti-iK.tt- fri -:: !, A iYw ii.inutes lattr an-1 p.'.w tlicre,n ' ' : r.-! a! ! i! : a i "i .f t!::- Jriir a ha!c of ft.ir. of horror, th.it w.-m w.t t- t Mi !r a : aili :aa:i i,;m .nut i.-ihhj v;hcn the heart av i....- : .-cmj .sr,, .1 La i to a r v it hi -t faint throb ami then Ftooi o . ! 1 . l" 1 ..: ! i- ... r. "i ;.. (I a i:: 1 have lrol others tell uie ' !. " o thv almost witli tlieir hit hreatli that t'. - t l! i : .j x t t' t r wnc xoiw: to heaven. They t i . I , . .. ; I' t-Mil anay witii v,an, v.earv faces t to . . ,j: .1 .. I I. :ni. r. v r 1 a r- thit ...rc pitiful t conttinphite, v v :M ! i f. re tii- v became rii'l a hi' a. ' f'n:!c -v.nt a :;a iinil's lrcatn :f:i:i.-::i.- of 1 1. t r. r a 1 the pMihl feature? - t!.tv. ac t.'t i ii lies of F-j!iVrinjr faihal i t!: ir 'i::.4r- 0:1 t he t- out, aJ: l tle aired looked almost 3 . ; .. ri:v iu . 1 x hi- "tit hl't.l. t!ie weary a::d worn lie t".-- K .1 ... r. ! .-.;.!. -i I., r.,. ea'.i.' ra-!i :!;t. Whu oaf -a s t !i is? 1 t.!.i a ou Iri i tl.f I cli.-ttitrc, ivhich cwry physician haa 1 ::v , r j-n..it:t .! r."ti-r 1? When cs lcat!i omirJ e- -i . ; - it :; ;a uv ;rt :,r.. . ': th" aanaru la .ciiincrv t I i.tv.r ii'ttr.d t".' Thi-? r.a ; i ';-,.. v. hm the ! .-. .,;h and pulse . i ft -i i:ntiriat ia . ' I !. t hi- f. .. lir.i.M'.H or jvi'idal ' drat It, !.; 4 io i.ita eauine ii?-ct-:afar!.: Ih d-atlr after a '.I. The ppirit laav : a .. -.hat :!.-. doctors call it ill av 1:0: rtallv be ; d to thir i. nui of his hind, not h a; e the I. tide, mav not take Thi - trait o,wt.l in his f u-c, ;;-tvo ' St K-parture from earth with the it ! . t: v, a: I 1. v, the sa-i irt a:n, in. ia-t lam: ncart- t: a Ati .t !: :'a ! :: . 11. ... 1 1 4 - a V - '; -!i k : ) r. i t h' .- . Vor r 1: . n ..a! i r t: .. c .. tr.ee. t ;;- on t uo all n 1 : h t ? t ret f !.!' V a th ; a:"ictioR ? of heat. It may fling for some ma :;u::. Y.V o!;aa.' d ! ! ahne in ! m.nt- to its sliattered tenement his r a- r.t,;ht after t!ie Iat befo-re it tah.s llijht, before it al b :r .v .i of I,h cnfidetirf. he laecs taosv terr.Ts or enters into walkir..: t i.s.d fro bv tiu- at I o : th-e t ransccr.ik nt glories which hi- crufe!:. i iet.'y he s!.; j ; 1. tia- : I. s painted. The death and, as if fi.Ib.w in-; ;..I"ud the train f "f the bad v. with which doctors 1 1 -ih .:! th u '.r. i. said. 'I : 'a!y deafy may be but the prelude l.ae k; ad. i: 1 r::!e of i::y life f. ' a mote important act, the de- 5 eli;e li a ta.n 1 -r: ..fur others part a re f tlse ppirit. have uiv..-. him u-. 1 d i.ot Si ier.ee- has ,'ne far, but it has -I i ; a I. t. 1. 1;. a a a-! U t t "., and o.rn:;oav !:ow I (.1.1 1' . ;i. ;an." There ! "t et lifted the veil of mvsterv t.o bitti t:-.i t 1 in hi- o;ce, not ' hich th- Almighty has hung over !e atio-i of t-r.-. It v.asjtiic ch... . f death." .Vf. I.'uis r '..r" 4 t . i- r,r a f -." . 1 ;.r: - : : ; '. . aa t ' ! iti- a of.aa ho.ri- : I 1 r t rt ! v d i:i it I . t'. v. a it I I ; :iii: CATrj DYNAMITE. at - I 1 r 1 i i his ; ltl r, thai u i. ieb Ciik aoo, Oct. lt. The' .Sunday closing iuctinn caused a hurri cane in t.he meeting of the ladv manager to-day. Mrs. ii ati Ida lh Carse, one of the most prominent women on the board, began by saying: "Ladies in the mute-room, I have a big roll of papor containing the nanus of J7o,000 persons which I will pre sent this afternoon to the national commission. This list of names constitutes a petition relative t . unday closing." Mrs. Carsc got no further. An uproar anil a babel of voices arose Tlost of the parliamentaries sprang to their feet, and confusion worse confounded ws the result. The hoard became divided into two part?,, one pympathv with Mr C'arse, the other opposed to her petition. Thee were some of the expressions heard above the fe- ir ine din : 'Give her a chance." "Shut up." ' Ob. how dare von?'' "Ain't you ash uued of yourself V "Why don't somebody keep order V "Call 'em to order, JMme. l'resi dent." . Poor 3Irc. ;liarks .Price, of North Carolina, who held the chair at the time harihy knew .what to in politics this fall?" "No; I don't think I shalj." "That's my case. I don't care a rap who's elected." - j 1 . "Neither do I. I don'tlthirik I shall even take the trouble to vote." i I "Oh, I shan't vote. AVhafc differ ence dees it 'make r They're both irood met in 9 -i hi lit 9 I n f"M"j'v laving bought the Lirge aral A'ttraHive Stock of . I LliNJTUlIK, bcloiging to Vf. it Forbis, on r.asi .Market street, and wisjiind tomake r and ' room for an NTIKE EV, LARGER STOCK, 'V-.-.-f. s a i t r f Above all the confusion the voice of vlrs. Carse rose clear and scornful m one who has a chip on the shoulder that has not yet been knocked o!i'. "Ladies," she said, with extreme hauteur, "I did not intend to present this statement to your most honorable board. I merely .nose to ash permission to be ex cused to present these names to the National commission." Then she marched out. New York World. For the Nest Tlirty pays -First-class. T41 b, rktishedi -GREAT REDUCTIONS w ll be onerfd iln . everv lepartmen j - : vitJi either of "era." j , ; f arnituje. An immense, sjtoek of : . '! Parlor and Bed lorn Ste, Hat-Ms; Wki Desks, Book Case?, Ptt I Rockers, Side Boards, i : have a "Soil I. Perhans. if I choice, it. is ." , "Harrison, ehr"' K7 , i.. nusgu.iiy 10 snj.iee l.ia " -1 ' "Um I rather lean-thq other way." "Oil, us I said, I don't care. Still Clovclnnd's af good man." "Yes, he is; and sos Harrison , "Y-c-s; but Cleveland "iuu Harrison's matte a very fair- an ueh a pretty "Didn't touch G rover's record.' "Oh, you're mistaken! Harrison -" "There is no comparison land is the man for me." I'll back Harrison everV.time." "You'll get left if you do "Who'll get left?" "You will, and so'Il II le won't he in it." "Oh, he wont, eh?- Jt rait and sec; you can't heajt him.' ,"(an't we? Just you wait till November. lie won't know what true in;i Anil In 1 rt tl P II, . .. i t .-'!' VttwVm',; rl rncm groat reductions. If you need 1 URM I L RIv now j3 your opportunity to buy cheap. , ' ' oui respecti . . 1 r t 1 ! t ; ? ; - ;TX - rucic him. G rover's as gtood asJ S'v , hit--T: augu rated." i gfS$CS? "As near it as he ever Will be ; i1 ' '''" ;;v-y-V X All Are 1! THE i FIGHT IS ON! Vlitic al Parties what I res .e r i- mac 1 1 ;r a ' e i ! S!e .d I. a:u-;;a May Fromoto rv .' ' c:r..;;i li rJTrags. J!u ' ''' I.i-NiK'S, O.'t. -'. Miss Co.ens. :U ncss; , ,, v.t !i k:: ,-.vi a-hoeate ..f woman " ''''' ' . " r .. . ' t ?. . a . -i .. ... ...p , l, B ......... 1 ivvvin v"'; :" ;" Woaiati's Emancipation l t ! .t w..:..i n could iro on : r 1 , !: 'f; ;I . iaikia : until ih- eraek of doom a ;;!..'. t m ttin red res from the 1 .-:.!: . 1 a la as "f i' t r ; .- ... t. r I -. that . .-.ttk-.ly .:r : :..t ; .;, -! ; t 1 1 . . i ! 4 , . ... aj.d hi- ; .. 1 1 : 1 ' . v ..a:: t-.iiy. h-..-. ih. Ire-, a: . He .- it., -1 t a ;aa.i:.g las : x iff - an h.r which they puirer. . ; pr.oap: i j c U::u. i t , f,,r them to do .-!:!. st-ry. In t !; ing de-pvrate. Women, she ' t ice u.i- )y-. '. ,1 ir. d. !.a 1 dvnamite at their i. .a ti.; v, i ., ;: t .!'. r on j ; ..4 '! f I 1 1 :i.e scniimep.r. i;en question ed as to v.lu-ther she was serious in t . her n: ference to the use of dyna- 1 r.uou.-t-. I;1j.e Mis Co.ens replied that she he !. 4 I tie gilt ol , Y;ii, if t.urough other means wo- ,v,- M to c.'.r.;i fajJed to obtain their freedom. n I.e J, .. . jr.-. a :Cu f :! i.t. :. 1 . a- -t , : - f n !:.. ;'e - a . i a . i ' . : .-. Wh. .aid. i. . 1 ;: : h; -. - l- r I; ! ' 1 !:. j nr . '. to b a:.: . ad .1.1 V. . ' " 1 :..a a 1 . . .it He ! ..CM . .1 :. . "t ill ".: ,4.' ' f i v ... II:::: ... and water abound in or ;:erms of disease. a ...... ..t.i re oly to infect the debilitated .- f tt; :. To in.p'irt that Strength and i.ec .n.ry resist the cj'.'ect 1 vi i . raie ; atom-, no lotuc irilier c-vaa's Ave, s Sars 1- -. Tlic Rainmakers Aeain. The Agricultural Department, which has been making a great noise at Fort Myer for the past week, to the alarm and discomfort of nervous Waslungtonians, desires it to he distinctly understood that it has not been really trying to make it rain, as some people sup posed, bat has been merely test ing two new explosives those which it will use next week in Tex ts to make the clouds weep. Rose- ine is the name of one of them, and the other is a' compound to be used in a paper jballoon. The fact that no rain ha been produced by the department Is tests of nearly a WvCk'j duration should not J is- ! courage its ohciais or create skep ticism on the part of the? puhae. The intention with which a thing is done makes all the dilference in the world in the results, of course. 3 j The department did not intend tofThenCaL:; oujo.cnbes make it raia dari.a: these te.tsl ' lor tne Local Jrapexi. near Washington, aad the exph. ! He was a well to 1.0 farmer with sives were probably instructed not a grown son or two, and tljey were to briio' down the rain near the-j thrifty. One day not long ago the ca' ita! 'for feer that a disastrous . old maa came into the pliie;of the !l.o, l mi.rht 1- produced in the i county paper and found the edifor lh tomai-r When the ilennrtra, at at his desk. The- editor was sur oets to tlo. hn.ad plains of Texas ! prised. He. had known the far w ith its new explosives and has j aicr for twenty years or more, but plenty -.f r-wsu to ht its.-lf loose he hid never seen him: in that without fear of washing av.av any place before. ; thin" of the value. Jupiter I'luvius "G"d morning," remarked the will Vind himself knocked .ait ut a ' farmer rather sheepishly, j rainmaker, and will prol.ably go! "How are youVi1 resnohdetl the out of the business altogether in a i editor. "Glad to see iyoi. I tit of jealous rat:-; at the sucoess of thought you might he coming his rival. Look'out for a long rain 1 around oine day." peason when the department oh'.-r " i ;-, ami tne oui w-ui s uiu cials get to Tex a-. - When' t he grew rosy red. "V, hat s the aicws." miuircu me ie can't carry- New York." "Neitaer can Harrison!" "Ret 3011 money he can?' "I'll bet you !"" "lil bet you !" . "Grover'll carry it by r0,-060! "I5a!i; you don't know you're talking about !" "You make me fired !" ! "You talk like a fool H "Vv'ho's a fool?" "You are!" Take that back; you infernal idiot!" "I won't !'! ."Y'ou willl" "1 won't !" "Then take that !" -'Ouch! Take that!" f Whack-! ! ! , Whack ! ! ! 1 And when the patrol wcgon ar rived on the scene of actibn, the oflieer in charge found tjie two men who "took no interest in poli tics, in each other' embrace! .. .. . " :f f - IIK LOOT ONE THOUSAT j ! LARS. . aaissing the merits of! their dilff rent Platforms!" We have t$ Platform too.) Ours '4 r.THi: I5i;ii) ROCK' T'l.A'. T-u all lriccs on ! ! . .house 0 O' STT" : i ' . . ar .We have our haml on the head o;l Lthc. iua?i who would get high prices are going- fp be! elected if " I f - - - e in are good plank to have in business Platform. Come -t.o seo C.L 1 L pre- ast r for SHOES. Wt Low Prices and Square Dealing Shoes ' whe you want SHOES. We ate t he only eielusive Shoe Hou''1' '''H" e ', , ,. """'. ; hs forrau Crcctisb'to, ana hanjlle the old Reliable Bay State j , j 1 you want jpt he;m. DARDjEN 1& G A 228 SOUTH ELM STREET, GRll,NSI50R ' ,r.. Know your Cot.a , '. T" A XACKliU 'Waifh'.iUti.rkcr URN. PXtJo: the INistnilici', On i-i:.a.i: i-.), N. . , .-Ifiilistoa, ( . 1 .'... :ar.MjU,. M J1-..S.a . .-!;. i o'o!,f ,,i.a,.-ii:,vi OA- -" l::l; V nij li hm. . i i snnrh F m Sfrftf 1 i ve to.- of . (.Ii;,,--pr:: i.,-, V T3 TTl 66 IF YOLr WANT CHARLES clouds see that Iney reaJiv mt aa business they will probably say, in editor,. the lang'fage of Captain Scott "I want to subscribe' for the pa- 1 coon, "Don't enoot, Mr. l.us.c, v, t come down." Ilallimore Sat:. Bonus Matrimonial IrAc-alior. ; v.. v r O. ." OV TliETEOPLE. t -. t 1 : per. Tb.Ht's news ni:i"? it?" and the farmer laughed. ; J -"Well, yes; very good pews." "IIow much is it a ye.Vr?" "One dollar cash. a aJdoilar and Sociologists V.c-clarc- every now jahaif if p aid at i!ie rend ;of the and then thaj wom-n ere -.towing iyear." U ; ' i averse t marri:ge. c;K inc. way , The farmer too.c ; a u iii pc-e.u-i- i in wntci: women contitiue : n:.?wr hook tor- WALL' J'APER 'LCHEAP, MY PRICK 'ARE. VljRY LOW M, HACKETT :;1 1 South i'ilia Stjeet, McAilo-o Iluse l'h)ck. - f - HE ADOUARTI Ololdiiis, Gents5 f- - I tt n If. - Ml aKPiWLj Sao- US'FOlj FIRST-CLASS , I . nilSliiilSd, f 3 MO 11 ! 1.1 ::j 71: .2 lit a Deciirc?, and L'hc I fraudulent matrimor.ru. .vivertise- j "Give me live dollar.-, worth.', moms anil iiiew;e i:e. r..u:;nt o. siHl. "lucre s iuc mouvji . . lie 1 An 4 . ... ". i .. r a I 1 r- . :a. I it r ., , ... h-r ;: i p-:.-i.td ... .10 1 r - 4 :. ..1 o 1 e- the I ; .r. ! vi.:.- !:! HI 1! ! t r. to ! u- ire r:ar. r..; 1 " r 1 Y '.! Ifl a a . I f.t.. Dem'u-r.tti.- e . r.- i . ; 1 1 t oaao: i a, .:.i;a.tt..-o aaa '.: . f iiag f loo 1 a- ...:a ; the Ri'-at to Vole. , . .. :.,., Oct. .". Miss .roi ". i:a !;rt.p Smith, a noted . :::aa- 1! :!.'- ;-g!tator and prci ,0 a of the W.-ia ai's ("lab of Sey : . r, !. 1- p:;t ; re gistrars of ti. it to a a ia a .jo tad i-y by ile al lading, ii . 1 : n: r. that slo.. be : . r. l and p it .-a the !i-t to b 1 h T s oy tlie Selectmen of th.' to-.va. M: S.-nith quotes from th-- ( nri-: i t :;t . a where it savs that aa -eta alive- -h .ll be elected by hi: 1 e-airas that s!ie is r-p tii l .:. of ila- peoj,... S.:: also pro f, , s to li-.vt- a a ;i:.ion from one t Of- swindled does io-t he-k like it it ,. The 'editor gaveMcfi .unmistak do. s not really. Kecent develop- j able evidence ol' surprise and curi rr.nits have shown that three seouti- ! o.-ity that the farmer felt called on Ire is ia Philadelphia have be en ; explain. making a living, mine or les Lit, " ! guess," he said, ''I ought ;to according to the woman plucked ; have done it before. V"e aad the f..r the time being, by advertising I hoy;; have talked about it, but'we for wives. The m:mier of widows ! thought . there wasn't anything much in the ucw-pr-ers anyway, and we thought we could get more oatoi" a dollar a enr some other othcr-w-ay." N.'t : ang ago ;we ran across; a man with a line plan to ho-d.; I make money. No matter wnat it Her l onliding nature is, accord- ,'Was. We went into it am: Ave are ing to the novelists, woman a strong- short aov a thousanu uonar--. me an 1 single women with want ! hopes who v. ere caught by the.-e precious rascals is tomething a tenishing. Tiie ladies bit as eager ly as ablueih-h snapping at a aare -.'- : " te., R. : abiif.aris did I'-ur ..r.-" I ira to the novelists, woman a strong- j short now a thousand eionara-.; 1 nc -..I .r-aarai.d ia a , , ,, ,uu r...t , ,,-1 to ..;..t,. al i t:i- J'5":" "l tiW P1"1 1 h,:ld. jt was by appealing to this ; ol!it;r f.,Unv ain't though. One of ': '!--'.r.':ho rl.M.Io. : "! .r,,:,:,',.".,,,'i,f r,;:a;5,:,!- ULr:;rvcot, oonn,hni Ptrca'c in the femi-.our neighbors read us idf about t -1 ::.m.-Mi'...a U t , " I b m ea a-- .a.talru-l aWH'T' ,l.iU' '-rs are taking, akf. , lhat tho trio got in I him itl his paper yesterday...: IM a :.'.h,v..!-e.a ort:.h..l. h,v t:.,i,r tt i -1 , !:c to tax i i':u. :t',k''' ''cmand 11 r . T,K;V a;:vcrti-ed that ; ,(t.uun taking your paper twenty ,.o- vinl..r byacare-!; ;. u ,a, f.,r ..,,,,;.., admitted to t he elector s , - r,.,.Tnaan of mean yc.ars r,I ,t ill ha. e 0 years to i If We have now in stock ajlare and liandso' line of men s, ypntlii, boys and chii dren's suits arid overcoats tor uie Fall '.audi .Waiter trade. EVERYTIMii ISW and Df Uie LATEST STYLES. i . - atoij liats --are just simply immense and 'colors. Please, give us a call r J-'all and Winter Goods, as-it wortii your wliiie. -.. j1 r ' IV IT SHI JLA TE, ( 0 Soajh Elm Street, (Jreensboro, N..C.". r Our lines of furnishing Ciol KNOX HATS ia aif r-hap'ii before purchasing yiij Will be THE FOAo i.o; tiii. airl t.ii '.,i1v ! , ! .:i-t. l iic vi :,i ;;i i p ,-': ! C ; '.!..;;.; :i, in BR of CAS M . a!i !:,? an. n-rci - na-taki .;! . . Z .-itr..-. i-..i:ii.:i!'l Ml lt.ll til j-ii' ' ,'. ! Ut-t I ;' 1 ioM' o 'I itl.. ,i4-.'iit i. .i : rare w oui... .a r;! a! s a:- or "pu aau ai 1 up. -a - , . w:tJ..t.a a re!inel laity, "01 same . run nr, tiuit i,uuo e- r . .ii.aj-e of 1-r f. .1 .r;ln j,, trca-urv might be as j ' -l 1 4 V V " lur , - r ra-ans" also, for a f a Forgetful m,thii:g. Send on your paper, anc r.h- kr:o. :.ov. i,ct:y!fia1;Ml;;;i. llf the R'.blicans. "r demard thouga the las nay of - truth that any man, i w,-lCa mv time is up let me know ha mI.!,) are; a r ,f .,, lK.;i: rru!, l.ad (,0 trJiU"n U "'- eW elderly or young, who has money j;00a day," and he went.ruL-.We ..: ;. r na--hie i-i s ( ;,- j. ;iv.rs t , a;;,..., ami were ; '-riaa. can get a wife near at hand any day i l-Vc Vg---. ;:l . h: !.,r hair pins and Uvi:!;:,,: t i,rcak r cva,0 the law ' ATVffr: without advertising for her, the j . . ' - t i .. ... 1. t !;.... , " LUiL.N Al iUlb! , ,:. ,i a, tl,Pir tender rlTti- r t, lil!5 cure Chi Is and lever oat!: tv. e!ii live e ther women mi m- ehned holv, "of some run nr. that i?l,00O we gave up ior IHI 1 1 r o iv. ti. Dr V Nan:?. ; to d it. as the Republican-Torn Smittus arc now doing, they would j A couthcrncr With Sana Makes a j ma n 1 a c a-rc lor mney ircn u:e t.alif? " . public. ( ladi. s poured in their tenuer r-iiu- Tutt's Pills cure Chills amf Fever. .tl V. . , .?." :i;. 1 . t . - 4 . o... .t ... . .-.... 1 - I T : ..f a v arg fellow ; ti.? p .rti. -.r!v hri nr.sv. i t the y ung .. h r th. ;a I 1 u;.h r-t..;.d, t:. bctwe The R-j abiiet.s r- - m 1 t ta a t.air :at-jin, j 1.0 t si .- t . ::e rs, ,, v, a ic d 1 :U ! opi. a t'i ..-ie. Ncv .a,..I Sa'.lt -.U 4, v.. .er.it- ra.-t fr. gifts , 1 .. -ovn'nccin" t ! ! o i r , nyv - . I ,;rp:lt iunkt, have now disappear- StonsBot in Kcv, York. wi, ,ngno en ; , hav5ng giv? place Ni w Vein:, Oct. 2.-T!,e fob .V,. iartncv lo th? oi,l to a few steam vessels. !rr th a wig aIq,ears in the Evening f( ... ;V whfl a, tr0in- to marrv j country is progressing a lit,.. , ax lih-tam this afternoon: "To the - n, (if ,.n!ir:. n;.ver saw it least in navigation.! I.' f , . . 1 1 "l ' ' - - itia.T o. i.M-rui.g ieugr..ui . . Annan ativ women ti. not : fli , Couh.-'bl you heel 1 .. :o 1.... 1 1. 1 .1.1: , ... 1 1 - . . : Oil, Vv'u - ....1...:..,.f!ii t! a w V.".'. s V our ! Y r r- r-- t .1 , ! u . .poan-a'i v vomeii ie 4-"i O'1 " TV" UOUll. 111 iv-... nii! bet tiu- hundred dollars to''-- , h rj,;h, C(lIlfnin of the lews- j thr'ninThe Mgnai perhaps of the -.edolb.r that General Sheridan, or CTtlu.v ,VUM know such ! fcre :.i.rr...-i.-l, ot that lfp as a,.t th--..-rv, to go South 'j,;5;;.cmentsarealways swindles. I e-,, a Mason and iLxon's line and J ' : i ! " ;:iu t . rik an i ..lo m.tftii.: for i: rtt.., th-it Soiit!i ! t'd a.-v.-.-aai rs are said t make '-' .'...''. ?..,, ...vi.r.r'eii're that The Most tiuoiisl foi ilic. Least. 3ney! C3-. SC.- OI2"S,T,E!iRSr 1 j. j 1 --.-t ! h -1 .' k.,r l;ry i ...... i--...jN 1 ,1 -i - 1.', r- ! 1 :.:) a:, ' :.( u: ico l.af tl it i a : ',.1 i N .a iH.'r !. i.' -.' n.iij.";i iiiitt'in t t. A.'-., t.. a ! 1 v.ii - tlie j i.-u i- t-i l':y I Mat-. 1. a.-, i;..r-. - jj.-i-evi-r kirn !,. !( 1 ! :",!;. L:t,ln.'.i' jrl.ivi" . ra ; ti :;!'". 1 H. 1 la.'.- Mi.- a! '' all - .:. ii -Ii'.i.--, Ian- a n -1 l"i i r . !.!!: ; I act any km I ..f ll.Mit- :..,! '-4-..- x i;.nn("Siiirt- at -"i cvia-. i.-,i.t.? 11 I l.ii f ."'11 t tic I-ll'' i" t lief CI o4 -i;i.t. i' -ii:;!ly -i.M. i l.y n.rv !. i i.ii.n r- tin' : .: : , r :. Ir ; ;,:u i. Hik-i:ci..:!ij- aa-: r.- i (.;. r-. if i- ,:i w .a .!;. ii.i-c ; : t!.-.t f i .. .-. x- l : . -'-. ' ; :- -k ' ai -.lutii i::.,i : :;.:,'.-.. a-- a.T - : -,ri.a- .. - : a ti';j- 1 I :::i- 1' 1 ' -. . l. a I M.llil a'atlH fa liKrll'll nt-. -a I leal! ki-r ; in I 1 .'fa: f - ' i O- 1-tAT T T IK I I i LhiI2 THOS. M r i a!a 4 ; a !.:n:. - a.- at a..b." ; t;a 1 r a r i :h i n ; p" - " 1 " . t : W.: i io.g . . t . ali ili-tai .co. i la.ao hi- tt ;!. rent ..r- are 1 . .fers and that they ua ; va-;:;.,b anti-moth wrappers for a ,.',, how. t !- ins 4 ' ' e ; e - IV l a' .?t-L t. " Or.md !!.- R. H -rberr f.,r. lo.teh N'("-- n t.hem .-:.-g nearly as repiasive tn u: a. r otiar.; a ,, -a! kinds of vaaaia ii tar pare .f t!.c thro ro:n .'X :e. en- o:.r.. v. i.l care "Sir co':g!t. It ' Th. expiaais why mre .a I.oa.e- were -'i the - rt 1 icv-.-- erUi anil v. liooo-' '. . -. l! tl,.'p; itri T.if be Tia-v are Iikc- ...V7i. - ';r i.,r laa.e s:e ohor I .shleor chest ,. ... o , , ?. , .-ood to laypn carpets for a I, vaHoh's Porous Plasters. Sold hy iruto wih i-vet rise above fai-e- w f i ) nichardson A Farhss U 11 4 ; - , ! ..- M. ! WlH.I 11 .it-. ,.! v 25;iiit - al.- 1 .j;.' - r-. -,u in ti.e 10 to ir". - ,! ..-n -:i. -a iiiuany i-u- .-'I . :::h r- ::.-m'. -. !i,'l!ivculi- v,i i - .v-.!! - t ' l.i.'fi -i- o. Jl: .-.n .-7 r.l :: i.i.N.-!ini:a, a WINSLOW, 1 1 lit VJ. I- , rj 5 tt. t 71 AT 1 no i n ii.Tr 1L1 J O Assets -Kepresenieouver VMMMM Ohice 111 Soath'Elm Street, N ' March 2, lS02-ly.' xt 3 Orl'OSt; Oilicc, I GREENSRORO, N. C. .1 1 1 . 1 . 1 X . ., t :.. i . l.. !.r . N. Hike purpose-. .;-t r 4 O tr it l re Pre-. f t lu !;-. I hood like oil above water.

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