e Geernsboro : Pioj -1 I fr"'. tl .HI- 1 GREENSBORO, X. C WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1892. (Ily I he 1'ntriot lnllltituK ( onipauy. In Ad vane I V TERMS 91.00 Per Year 1 ! . M :itl i so. i. is j t - - j ' Safa in West Virpinia. Can Water Run Up Hill? Tlio Heroic Quality of Persistence. A. .V. : ;t!t i: ScitlOs, CYS AT LAY. ,11 -! ::. N. . I ! 1 i :.. r.d if ! Wakefield, .1 n ui. M i. r .1 A. 1 . : 1 i 1 i 1 ;.tl I It oat. Ill LSI .iLedbeller, i I i; ICHARDSON, IT ass: .nili'lll v I i v I 1 t . i ! I t t 1 i """1 t j - J 1 I nirf ''I Uj:..ii 1 1 1 M til Oil Lit miMt Co. 1 4 t i YORK. (inu.iiiiit. w r I'.u i. i f I .It ' 1, . t J '.I'll i I t "V ; I 1 ' ' 1 ! . 1 i i . ' I I V !' i ! ; i S I"" 1 i ' 0. ii 1. t; f tl ; K N R 1 . ., o ! ni"f UJ-.i - t , , ... ,. , -.1 1 . - '.-it: . - Pre:. T i ! - i :-! I:,-' r ! O i 1! ) fi:o,'l,xo,Jlimn;APEifflMISlIOE. CLEVELAND CARRIES NORTH i CAnoLIJ.'A ' ! I a at .- I " I fl ne soo n ot fioiio; If :K niri'riM u 1 I'v Orcr TLirH" Thousand Flu s I A rt!i ('..r-lira has i ttry by the unpn ccdentcd er itie n:aj rilv in the State. :.r ! the i! t -n t in nnmnj rank? "f t !:o Partv brought I the I 1 u I i -1 s and l'rt hi ! i t, it vva th' . ht that we nil 'I r-i fliro'l-Ii -f n sir. nil 4 U.'l the contrary. Lot,-! . 1 . i ; two wars ago. 15. th r.l r-vl.r!:ii;-;'-!v Ik:....crati. Every th- I .zi-J-ture will 1 ! : t --I- n.ti l);tr orati v, itli .! i,a::i a:.tl t : i I v 1 :. . : in 1 t II -.f K-rrr nt ithe- 1 . . .in--, J." 1 I s ! vet ( '.:jv.i-:r ; t. n:"tn in ' CiiAKi.tTox, V. Va., Nv. 10. I)( mocratic lioatlqtiartcra here arc , jermnnently -l'scil. No ruateril ! variation is to le noteil from "yes tcrtl iv'h liuren. The majority for X levt-Un-l an l lie ftate ticket is pluct d ut .",00U. Alilerson, tlemo rrat, in re-clectel to Congress from the third district ly about 1,000. Wisconsin. CitUK.i, Nov. X Cliairman WiiH aye: Wisconsin will -rive b.tw trn 1J and !.", i00 plurality for , I .if 1 i-tiKTrat. 1 ( Cuu tin.r IIu-t!l wan elected in I Mu-aeLut-etts. Harri-on carried ! t lie State by about .10 000. - - t Si ' .... : lVnnyivanta went republicMn by 1 nbf ut ."O fiOO, a falling otf of nearly i :'',ooo. - i "Mr. Clev.-land'es plurality in New Mer.-ey is 7,500. The Democratic ; State ticket was elected. 1 Conservative men of all parties eoiit-cde that Illinois is democratic by about J0,O'O majority on the State n:id national tickets. The democratic State ' and na tional ticket" in Connecticut were eK ct. d. Mr. Cleveland's plurality va 1,000 and Judge Morris's ma jority 1,1 15. Mr. Harrison's plurality in Ne braska Is about L.Vj". 1 t Th Michigan Democratic State j committee concedes the election of ' th.- Republican State ticket, bt ; ci-iiia that live and probabls six illicit m. mm mTrlrT' :-':?? J the election of all the Republican i eindidatcH except one, a Weaver , , J. c-tor in.b.r-ed by the Democrats. The Uut ntiiniH frotu the-Na-, . , . Mr . .,, . m.l ii iir:i 1 v in Del- : : Ke- tior.al edectior. e.aiin f r Clev lam! i ;. ; ;i are is .11 . j irty t-r anywhere lr..t.i - I t . 0 t .cetorai If,. vote. Ne -' a ry t-. vlect 0:1 y ---n . - The N.Y.Ader:i- r. i bitter Ucpub- j ..i,..-!;,.. " 1 CLEVELAND SURELY ELECTED, IlisMainritv G router than anv one Dreamed nl'r i.e plurality iaMlybrger ! TIl8 FOiCe BUI QUtl Hi(h Tarrilf Robbery Re- - State 1 pt, n ceives a Terrible Rebuke. . tb L;c!i is 1B1BLY 0310 WM ; 'Mr. Harrison , carried the State ' ,.f V-..)in-'f".n about I.OQ0 for C lican iicc c :-.( i dea Jvansas is claimed by the Kepub- i,!y 5 1 Thnrs. ! vot(.j tu flcvd u:d. Tho Ilieliiiiond hj?..,,, aIl, Third party'leaders. nd 1i.1t Diwpateli t Fi ld.iy gh s i Vl I ft .', Ti.o:;:a. re-A. w the r- suit .'f i Mr iMi I . Harritv. cnair- ninrj of the I )ciuoc-ratic national I 1j ! t t 1 I ? ,j 1 v.K I . i r 1; :.g :. . 'I t. :u A. set- rd -f t " a n v .1 f e r s re- j .s tt rt ( icd ; 1 i. :n i A. S t tie ive be i b ction tv t cKunuttce, announceu last mgiii i 1 1? t Mr. Cleveland will have JtJl ieb ctoral votes, andjadds that Cali- f.lrriia is in doubt, which would Ut 1 Mr. Cleveland's vote to 278. ry j: Tl. :; I r. ! n f 1 b. 1 1? (j-VrrA '.O, Fcr Cloveland. 1 1 1 . hi;. 1 j v . . . v. ; - . t i V a !):. d ub; tli.it tl.e-e . n.b.l for Thomas I i i. -ura c:.i i r.ti 2 r lvS-"Vr-J v' Ui.;-.::-:.it.:. ) A i i a ma Ar A.n..i" I 1 "alio rnia I 'in ;-irut T;. ri.i 4 , . . I . ri i !. .n r j rt the o!e n t ' rl. d to the iti. r : l'. ard f 1 an w i;i bv t!. ir bu-i- h t ' r !! a :. ..a- r, and there a. i ii. e 12 t; A 4 i. la 1:1 s 'i . f 11k pr. - e.: ilvt s m rjM- t r- lit TJ r v t cl. 1 f 4 -. w t i:. 1 tl.e r. v . 1 crs :s r. inten t!.5 t'o;.tity Mr. .ut TLty l.aiv -o:,d Io Ir.wa will ra for Ilarri-o'i. I... r t !e floral ,ote Return :i ruajori' lea-t . fr. -i A!ab f r icel t:;i 1 and nov of at to ..iv that .1 ! KS,,N II II. I 11. Nov. bv -2. I ' i- j r ft ''" - 1 j '- I.,r i Florida .c. Democratic lu-latheii, Hfo time. Wo , - as!;i2Gtca. nil. Nov. !. It is estimated in p.,, ... llarris.-u ha- earned af h- , uh; ,,1;Ui( t r- 1 . . .. .- t ! ? ' v ' ;- if ar.vth in ; jnore -!i that t". !':. Ni'v Y-r' Trib;:u r i it ::- in 1: - v i . ever . i , ..-'.v .kr.ey . ... i Ni-.v York : ! Ni'dii Carolina Mill.! ' ."vi'h ";iri!iiia . T til l --( . ' V fr.ro.i J W i 't Virginia ! i- ..!t-:n i T-fil ' For Ilarrisoa. ! .o a . , Miiiie. I Ma-.u-liii-i tts ! Mi-bi-.m. j M iniit -i I :. i Mont ira. I New 1 1. 1 in 1 .-hire I North Oakota . . 17 10 11 12 la 12 : 12 ;;:) In an article published in The , ..curiOI,s like," said the tree-tod, Co)niiiiioit pome time ag it was stated that eince the source of thfc Mississippi River is about three mies nearer to the centre of the earth than its inouth is, therefore the water of "the river runs uphill. This statement produced a wrong impression, which it is desirable to correct.. It is true that the waters of the Mississippi, in (lowing to ward the tijuator. gradually recede from the centre of the earth, be cause the earth is rot a sphere, but a tpheroid fattening toward the poles. Hut ; this recession can not be accurately described as a llowing uphill," because that would imply that the water dis obeys the law. of gravitation. ' The direction of gravit- is al ways at a right angle to the. surface of still water,! and if the earth were completely covered with wa ter, that surface would be not in the form of a sphere, but of. a spheroid, having substantially the same shape as that of the solid surface of the earth taken as a whole. This is the form assumed by the surface of the oceans which is called a surface of equilibrium, be cause, without some disturbing in tlucnee, the water has no tendency to How . in any direction, and-a phi mb ithe hargs perpendicular to it at every point. Rut owing to the Uattening of the earth toward the pole", the plumb line does not point toward the true centre of the earth anywhere except at the poles and along the equator. It follows from these facts that if the Mississippi Valley did not slope toward the south below the level which an ocean covering that valley, and having its northern edge at the source of the river, would assume, then the river would be in equilibrium from source to mouth, and would not llow at all. In fact, as the article referred Jo stated, the valley does slope, so that while its lower end ought to be about three; and a half miles farther from the earth's centre than its juppor end is in order to correspond with the general-form of the planet, yet in truth it is on ly about three miles farther from the centre. This half mile of dif ference represents thd true "hill' b,;, which, not which, the Mississippi llows-. The source of misapprehension in this case seems to lie in the overlooking of the fact that the oceans, having a mobile surface, which cannot be permanently de formed by local causes, measure the true level of the grobc, while the continants are simply elcv:r tions thrust ""up above that level. It is the -direction of the plumb t of. the centre of the I've twittertrd for rain all day. An' I got up soon and hollered till -! noon, Rut the sun it blazed aw.17 Till I just clumb down in a crawfish f hole, Weary at heart and sick at soul. Oozed away, fur nndiour, I Then I tackled the thing aain: An' I sutg an' sung till 1 knowed uiy lung ' ' Was jest ahout give in; n An' then, t hinks I, ef it don't ra n now There's nothin' in singm' anyhokv.; ncc in a while some farmer Woichl come a-driviif paf, An' he'd hear my cry and stop an' sigh, Till I jest laid hack at last An' hollered 'Rain1 till I thought my throat-' -Would split wide open at every note. but I fetched her! Oli! i I fetched her! : 'Cause jest a little while ago As I kind.o'set with one eye sliet ; An' a-singin' soft an' low, A voice drapped down on my fevered brain, ; Sayin', 'Ef vou 'll jest ITush,! I'll rain.' .lAMES 1IITCOM11 JjtJLKY. J ; it 1 Having-bought he La Lire iihd Attractive-Stock FURNITURE belonging!) to W; 11. ForTy-E-ast Market Street, and wishing - 1 - - mora for an JCNTbRE NEW.i 1 LARGER i$TOCIC, ;,i St For the Next Thirty Da! The Magnitude of the Exposition Buildings. 'j Chicago at any tune, in its most normal state, if it ever lapses into uch a state, is distinctly, show city, and if you pay it your first visit while it isk dedicating-World's Fair buildings and making room for one million strangers, your im pressions are so many and so vari ous that it is diilicult to know with which to. begin. This is especially so when you must tell what you saw to the accompaniment of a type-writer and the rattje of a limited express. And yet after it is all over there is the one thing which found yoic unprepared, and the" wonder of! which remains with you wren every other impression slipping away ns rapidly as the miles which keep you from New York. And that is the wonderful beauty and magni tude of the'. World's Fair buildings. Ever- one who lias not seen these buildings thinks he knpws exactly what tli,ey are like, and does not want to hear anything more con cerning them. At least one man .thought he knew what tbey were like before he saw them, and Cjer tainlv dreaded being told again in bewildering statistics of their area, height, and cost. Hut when I saw them around the lagoon, .in front o' the main entrance, I wanted to be left entirely alone with them, as one wants to be. left alone fn front of a beautiful landscape or a great picture. There is no use of my trying to say why this was so, why thev are impressive arid dignified and beautiful, for I remember hav ing read all this before of them, and of not .considering it at all. Their ni jgnitu-lo and their beau- nt of these quail- ""'; rity,-not on accou earth, mat uothi i. l.nt Jn snite of them, are not things of which the best writers on ' that i.lit.ri.l tf Nov. j in-ton by a plurality o: ..o.ui j Vermont . t - ' ' 1 i ! H o-iilllg .4 .1 :e to a South Dakrvto. i I in : 1 ' ra i .-..!!; by IV..:: 1, f r I iter re -v C. it i!.c' Nortlav -t ha-l t . 1! w It ; i'. TV as . !- . :.; , w !.ic!i , - b .'II 1 .!.!. d ii Rtp'.!.- water and the course of us llow. On the other hand,; it must not be forgotten that i "centrifugal force" plays a part in producing the present surface of equilibrium of the earth, and that if the rota tion of the globe should cease, there would 1 rj a change in the direction of. the plumb line, and then the water's of the Culf of Mexico might oversow t. eyaiie I.of the Mississippi. ir! j VANCE THE SOURCE OF CHEER. ' Democrats Flocked Around Kim all During the Dny to Know wha He Thought of the News. Everybody who wanted reassur ing, cheeringjnews yesterday of the returns sought Senator Vance, and had their faith, if weak, strengthen- 1 r..l f s .,,1 lv .- hok at ins. cneeruu i.e 1 e i . i '. . . . . . . I : - .i it- . wa Nov. I". bat'. i r ..,;:t;: D ak 1 t H tti Ke - ii'j :ive :t:. n 1 -1 . I .led . .f . 1 t i.. F r Hi. the Tri!-';:.e w id m ' 1 oJ!l for i.i! I'l! i: Si. :-. Wi--.-:..il and w 2 1 " .: d I v IV; vi t. Lite r turns f dicatc piuraity ;;,.( mj. Gccrr.ii- t!:e tat- ; T-.tal ' I ! u ! " . . 1 . . -a-N 1 r.-ka j N- . .. 'a ' t i.Ior.i.'o 112 1 H' "i. T. ..11 Ma it I KM 111 l.O. 1 1 '., .1 ! lind at Chicago."- That is exactly ; right, and one ol tne secouuai architecture of wdiich I am cer tainlv not one can give any idea: neither can colored prints with palm-trees in the foreground and blue skies above, nor even photo graphs which- '-never lie." Toil can hardly hope to give another person an idea of anything unless there is something with which he is already familiar, and with which you can make comparison. In this case vou can only compare the World' s Fair buildings with Rf.me as we believe it was in its grndaeit days, and with those days we cannot claim to be intimate. One of the -Spanish legation put it this way. "The Chicago build ings," he said, "are the bildings we" should have seen in Paris; those of the Paris exhibition are - 1 1 . .f r,,l t It those we niigliT nave .... v GREATREDUCTIpNS will be oirered in evtry deparlim t f Furniture. -An immense stock of f.' . Parlor amf Bed Room Suits, Hat f Writing Desks, Book Case?, Plush Rockers, Side orth it pricca in (election. And hundreds of other llbuseiiold Articles at .feateductii ! need FURNITURE now is your opportunity to buy jci " Yours respectfully, ! I N". J. Mo Xj 13.1: ON! TI1F! PTRIIT TJf 1 Al 1 To I it i c ;i I, P Are discussing the . inerits Jave diH'eretil .Platform s ! We - !".. a Platform tooj Ou''01lJI THE RED RO lv PL- j - on all Pricea o '.C-- "V r, r. f a- r v SHOE a. L-of We have our hand on the head o,. prices the man whowould get high j for SHOES.; We aro'going to be elected if ' - -- " vl- : - ' Low Prices and Square, Dealings nro mm.l nl.mk to have-';in business Platform, i ( VTme Co see ui wd)e,n " I 1 v: !:'.' ;. ii '.! you want SHOES. We are the only exclusive Shoe House in i Greensboro, antMianiilet he oi(l Jieiiable isay Piaie , (, I. Shoes when-you want them. 1 22S SOUTH ELM StREET, GREENSRORO, N. C, rx 1 L .Knov your CaU 2 . "1f. 1 i at once. T In' ,r":n mccl of (1ms lii l , tlie I'o-toMii-i', Orccn.-ii. ro, N. i . N.J. SILERi Wiitcliiiuirkorj Jeweller Vis... iii,o ;tljn-(c'l, .iiiekilr;iinc!t fcailroaO-.. Rim Kf. r.MV A l IIKs a r.i ' iKlly. Km.' H-kH s..li.i li..il.Ui.l I'lilr.l ft.s;.S, Ka.llcs' anil Units I lime W.idli Ii:uih. lino, 1 .j t I a. l'-i .'iin-l l.y. .la-i -. I.a.li.'r.' line U v. k ii l l... in ami Mler, ii 11. OumI N ' U li ini-i anT K'.lli lt I'lalc. Tlu'-c (.V.!--aic .'i1.-1.14..' t Ii an l.y aily uUm r . li .ii-.- tu 1 in.- ('u'.n.arv. ! 1 4 !! A !1- ir.i.i'U 4 ii.-ii-yf.' -'- U aii-l j-tii ant.'.! tliftt -( .1.! . -.. ... . -,t .if -ii-i inn im-.-.h'. 1 1 1 1 ir I.-, tt'c 1 vi.'"'. ' l lF tit III I HH1 i; j S. . . 1 ci t, ni int'.'i-.t .-I 1 !-'-' max In-f. uirnr-j ain -. u..n !1 an.ar t I rice? al lo: a-t. Mat k.'.t t-l "Will I'l reir'-iiiiiiitTfiiiseiiffiT.1 IP YOII WANT " WALL 1'Al'hU - uhaxi, MY PRICES ARE YERY LOW For Weaver. Cleveland of ;S..tl, Oak. la :t M l ti.c! ..II. 'A 1 "i. f -.;r l an T n j. 1 ; a as p - -' l 1 1.1'iv !;alf i f t ..a . n 1 i-k's i - .: f t!:e Oe..:.;ia lh t.i..cratif ly 'cr l n.i..M 'r.a; .rity. T'-:.: Wutn.n i defeated by ....".i ' majority. T. -t.nl .. t - .ry to n. hoi. i , "2-"-'. A Terrible Collision. 1 . .. v.,, Tlw 1 vnres I.... !.'., . "- g 1,...,. H e Pies dent. Sen ite ""v - ! - ui HouseTandif we warn 10 u , , . wonderful white 'l 10 mi- . . ,, , - 1 1m city; that me cuy 01 an ters of the Madeleine and of the tM.-il ivervtmn.: lrom present time, and begin all over again like the little boy did on his slate after rubbing out wrong re sults with his s:ee." The Senator! received calls all tl.o l:.v ! in his room at the ! hotel. He was also hcii in the hotel ojlce some time after meals, ! and was always the centre of atten tion for politicians of all kinds The Senator nun ' AClEiTT r U A D T h K , 1 - i I Jl i : ; 311 South Klin slT..ct,:.McA.l"ii. House lilwk. .- Rasa J a! t 1 4 0 -I Hats Ms.ryl.iiid. 1 " 1 fnitl, i r A.. 1. :hh Edinburi? in the even- . . charlotte Ob- . . . ; r . a 1 1 1 L ij vipii.-u.-. . be found 4 copy 1 .1 ! tSui re . 1 1 ' I ui 1 1 1 f t !. is county, .r readers will little drpirture 1 1 .rati in n a tor 1 f orniaa is im-n ::i. i 1 . .... r .r 1 .,.! iv rimnin" at full ' A " ' . server. ! 'peel as it iipproaclitd lnisii. : . - . On lue in- ' , ., ( .,.,.,.! ... 1. , if .,,,1,1, nlv aooearcd a ! in.llCalC ilia; .'1-uo-i '.10..H ' -11 . Afr Sll- .ioaui dvS,gatiou is folidly Demo- I ;t.;iViiy laden freight tram I''z,,7 l 'tcari the A II cil i. 1 ll. " " nv Ar 1 ban ui ".v. - reversed hisvngine and put n the 1 (;lllc;t rtident in tins ! brakes, but tho momentum ol tno ! heavy express was too great and it i dashed into the freight, waking s 1 ... 1 mot terril'Ie v. rcc.. To a '.'id to the horror, the car- II heart V :: jrat ulat ton. Cilifjrnia. .v P.-in. 1-. o. N.-v.'.t. Return? , from' t!.:s city ar.d the State at i vet incomplete and . 1 i; r r:v 1 t iri'p which are 11 ,rri- .-i ' level j :;o.ll 1, Weaver o, L Sol rii O u.oi tv, Nov. South '.1 .. I i..iinii-r.n,v. Carolina 1 " - I l; 1 J . I. Party t ' U 12 I 1. :d . I M:i:.i.'s Evurarr'r H ::i k: at.i I at'r f ! , . ... il .('"". j, ; UYtu : .1. -vere v.k- when the cy a ; 1 utrui .u .' 11 " gres county, and m.bablv tin' Vnn n,th(: ;tate. met her death in a vioitai manner last night, at the home-of !,cr .Tantlson 1:1 v' She was Mtting; in a room alone, Wklion; N. C, Nov. '.. Six and probablr 7 IK mottle co-- nun arc 1 .eeteu. Virjxnia. Va.. Nov.'.". It 19 - tuu majority m uiw... " i.o irt noon " . 0X. riritimnhant campaign. 1 cannoi " " . . . - r express my aiimiraiion 01 vu. Teat abilitv ana succet?. b M. W. Ra . ?: Ua .. .ut lire nnd nine persons ,,.uijn., when in some manner .... their lives." S.meof the bo- L-jotbing caughti lire from an open .He.; taken out 'of the debris were te, ami in an instan 6ll 'e . ....1 ..11 cmMnneii lo ....j,,, in ilames. IhoUan.es ourneu oe.ojo. HH'"r , , f .-.ip,! her ! .,n1:,ni.v A large "number of Lntered her lungs and s tilled 1 cr , in. n-orrs were injured. ' j crie 1 . . - ! 1 .... 1 Ransom Congratulates Simmons. I rinV'one knew of the accident, ine Roaux Arts should nave nuiui down and worshipped i:ir Eid'el Tower and Edison . lectric light iroS and that the city .of grain-.cde-aiors and pork should have reared a second city as. classic in its beauty as the Athens of to.day, and ns true in the detail of a! cor nice as it is grand as a whole. Richard Harding Davis, in Har per's Weekly. j Two were Born under a Lucky Star. " - -4-. j . ClIAKI.orTKsVII l.K, Va., Nov.p. The wife of Capt. Eugene Harris, a conductor on the C. & O. Rj R-, to day presented her husband with twins', one boy and one girl, (f apt. Harris immediately named ihcm Grover Cleveland Harris and Fran eis Cleveland Harris, in bono- ot ex-President Cieveland-and wi e. . i ; L U. Dun jig a In-f ni-rht at four Marshall. Madison ASHEVILLK, NOV. ..nlitical excitement m-. r ho house .of Zeth Freeman, miles from stored her lungs and stii e c , - Vvears.old son of 1 rics. and she; ,;n dj..l. Her oun . )mly was burned to a c r p be. . RiciUHM., a., Nov. is j . j. M Simmons; imatid to-night that Cleveland? L congratulate vou with all my Majority in Virginia will reach j j,C;irt Upon your magnificent, and New York N w Ye:.u. N .v. I Latest re turn from New York State give Cleveland iL"" piuraity. Ubio. old ladv came to tnis cou. itwas vet a wilderness, and has tincc fesided within its border,. "r children and grand-children " w into the hundreds. She Jl 'V . .... - -li.aib laft night now to save moneyis a pro tht interests everybody. - One t,. do it is to invigorate the syi with Aver's Sarsapariila. Pei hi.rhlv concer.'rated biood 11 was'halc and hearty up to meeting he m6sX Pwerful . ... 1..,, ir,ht. htle (.l'i'oH" I ft is sold for a in" niiiii 11 ui. - - - ree-ar- Llem way item ieihg a edi- and liar AX-OM. j i If you wish a fine head of hair ' Co i a bottle, but worth live. : - 1 '.i'-e. It is as 1 . 1'' the numory f the Cr. a. l or a t: t a 11.' 11 1 ,Ua:u-. lb.th Ohio. T side .it!! ex.. J t tb.- 1 l);:n ' ' A . v t.iv.rv 1.1. n do f. n is hiuifelf un- . c .' .,tnr-.l hue. use Hall's Hair ipenewtr. are lU! claiming! Some of the people who expected ; to s,,. the Democratic 1 party of i- . . . to niece Tuesday, be- ... ' .1 1 r. . 1 i r.nw . ea . -. ? iiicv i.au iui ... - 4K.;... in-k-;. preci ate the sensations o! the citi- ..--..:::i in - ' ..i-n wi... stock hi linger in the river ... ........ ! uliin 'lt 1 1 ... ij-iivr." 1- ...::tt as asioiiisiien i- o . . ...... 1 ' ,tt nliV oyerwhebnh.glv Deurcn:tic i .icvcjout to una mai u u . ?mU i-j-'ri"y r' arh S0'00u- I I'c.-Cbarlotte Observer. i i. ; no easv thing to dress harsh. coarse hair so a make it look grace- j th ! ful, becoming ; Hair Vigor. On,whata Cough-win you mm, a i"-nat perliapso . .1-i.. ,.f Avar's irftannroaciioi uut... lg. nyuifu ,r,;n,i(, AsH your.-ei this dilbculty is re- - r&rJ for the sake of si. 1 the hair made to assume p ,n nin the ri.-k anl ;Io noinui . ,t 1 Hit mav u. k now 1 rom. c-ai-v. anv stvb- or arraeuw-. . rre ,.t!U euro yourcuug , . - , I. - cite u - yo. ........ .-'o. .,,,:,,.,;,;- ny : . . .. M;:i'.-.n I' ,tties were so... -I)., you e:-y fon: "a: t ebeve . roupand wl . l(f ti:e man !iO next to ;h u, J.fH e. Mothers di. ' . .. . .s "S me. "-vre vou a playerV t'ton. ' .Washington Star. . .t. For No I'm a sur-. use shiloh's I'orou.s Kicliariison a. ri.. tck, .-ia: r SOi HEADQUARTERS-FOR FIRST-ASS-j- Clothing:, Cents1 FurnisSvings, Wc lihve now in' stock; a la re and handsome' -line of men's, youths, hoys and 4hil dren's suits and overcoats lor the - Fall. and Winter trade, EVERYTHING NEW and bf !he LATEST STYLES, if u.d Hat's,' aro just siuiply imjlieni. and coior. Pieae give'iis a -alI Our lines ot i- urniMnng ..-. 1-vayi tr A'i's in -ail- ltaM.- Jvau- " . . ,. ,1 . , ,,:.. i,1,;t before purchasing -your ran aau.. ini;ei . -.oo,., ..- ... will be worm your wiiue. : F. ITSHRLATE, 2::0 South K I tu Street, --Green sjboro, N ' : 1 mtm THEFOWhK CAS 1 1. T r t t .in- h in i 1 1 1 r 1 1 I'l" i.a-t. '"riu: viin an 1 t"' -1' "r,',!' n-m f i:i .:.- ma! cer-. w U..-a n V. .11... fiirtlicsr ikur.ui'' OK ' i. . ih. r...M.;..,r-.i v. a, f7-'jr.:"i':.A?;rv?.!l i -1 ti :t tj' iii - H ' " ' ' s ! .' - r W .-.! h,- t ii: t-fir um-Iv l-v.s-,.1 : '.i tcif -r-l::cM.- The Jiost Goods lor the boiist 3Ioiiey! GK H31. BOYSTERSj i , U 1 1 ll'i-.V in'.-fiv i: W.'i l a-. .- .i... ..1 til till V t tl '. ,V.., Xt- . thiit it-.- ee 1 1 ill.4. CLI'i". "-,-- .1,;.,,-,.,t,..ri !,:it t-!i:u..l L; " . J ...i.ch.7.lae.- a... J... .e . - o .. . . ( t;i-l an. mil '. - . . ul, .... .... i. ii... .-Ii-. , t li.-t. -i-n iiiniiur."' f." I 1 1. t- -t.k "ll ITV .nr.. j-. -hiav ni'i(. a. .'I at .I'i'i'-es l-'W N.iti..'iiS I t ti U 11 -I o - d .-. tiiitJtiiu Hirl nr..-. ... .i.ll'i V Ti.l'll- .. mV: fi.ViatV" . r i'-o- t . i;:e. lk-keci.-i.4 ' ;;ff- '.'V.l'. ovu-v - '...;. iit '-1 ! ::i-'' l'i.-.i-.' ...-e.. 112 Si'.e.tii K'.'f : ,r' Ai.r-i. -t i-i n- ..v- II. i.-;i:iirr Ian C. !i It, ' I! i ;t 11 i i i i Ii ..' "I o '.f ni-.. I i !.: . ! ,.-.-: aiel I -.-If .icri.-tly f.-r -a-n. -aviiip' f;ii! I i i::- r .-iiaii - luilr nut U.i 'H'efH )U 1 !i; f . ill -' 1 1 1 L 1- IH-H'l-. .I " r-.lv i in V'.o .1 .'-..- 'j j .ill.'., SI.M.iil'-lii r. i 1 .' ; . ... II. U s-TKK. ri f.iil !Anlio, i at In rt: -ni ii lit Iraiiirr; in i; i. cut-. , 2-i per tu v --- ijivrntl- M'-IMl t Hi. lent c. .1 I ecu the if King i i hat i It iliore : the lOJ- ! THOS. ijk'NEUA'j. Asset N. WINSLOW, lYftllSiANC, YL KJ J ii liii vjLJ iiAiM.' r Henresente AGENTS. Si S CI. 03 000- ( t !'t oaiceTU South Eim Street; Next to Post Odice, - 'Vhii ,r t Visootv ' GREENSRORO, N March 2, l&y-I- i: C c : 1 1 1 . 1 . ; - . v , c r:-i";i"t i 1 1 1 t