, " - ..n r... j,,- mi,,, j'' S " ..-J',, ,,, , S ' '"" j I I . i f 4 4 J t u-4 I i UlriH L-v Ji 11 M 4 i: GREENSBORO, X. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1892; I Br ifce I'alrloi I'ul,llslil,,,nnyi lu Ad race : i i TI r irN H v TT "v . t. W v m t - L ,lNSI5UKO.. ! Ir A ' MIC 1 . r i'.s l.4V Scales ; t : U. t I . , ! 1 . . I I , I -n . j ; 1 I 4,.,- itiJ.I 'I lit itat. i Tic I;; Ltdbciter, ..'OI-itUBSON. t ! I. i , f i t ' i , i . i i i t i ' r l' ! i 1 .v ! t Li: i i . i j . f ; 5 . 1 ' t ! .n'illll... 'ti . 1 - I LilJ. ' lilOili .filUD OU i i r )V'SrA YORK- k s y- Cv.) (ll)H. , v f 1 1 v I i t I'umio uacor : Af:- ' i 4 ' . 1 ! j.', S S ! - AT MR I". ; ' I if t A 1 . t Levi's Decline . re . .iu, i . i...t f t i,.- j.crliiT. t. i -II. . ' I .1 iv wn :..on.-.t ,r l.iht, it !..n ILc Vr 1 s ;r: th.it i: -at I.-ri nr.i 1 1 Ttfl rtral!, r..- j v., iV. tli the lily's 'r'':1. f it A I i ri;;: - ' " ' i: : ,,v - !:"- life '. : .1 t. rr..r I J ' I !. ' -l.ir i.'.i,; ,?...' s -.. ir t!u u ! -!ti' 3 ! t i i t ! - ; 1 n:';i i i. " i i i !. v. i.i.r ...- ! ! ' 'nr t - r;.i 1 I v . i v. . !.!. or ir.i-r..!. ;.r-- ! .; :; . r .' r r ''y- I "j ( !". I -.: ... ! h -. ' f I ? 4 " t:-N 1 : t.s yrth - V.i. i f , 1 : t . ! ' ! i lr v 5 . !. ' . ::.;; it', , i t . . . - r. t . ,, 1 .: :' C r; 1- rv. .o -.:....::. 1 1 tt 1 i .. " ! I r i ;'V:, Tl.ry it .; t .r :..! I ' r.u ? 1 . 1 . 1 : . t ' ' :;: ' t 1 1 r t i . 1 - t v. : r : 1 " I 5 l' -: ' 1 . . . : ' " ' " -' .... f I! r . t t i.r 1 , I rt.o I t it , . 5 : ' .i.-i- it. ..- :- :.ay-n!.e ' :: r.-.:t,,.e:!,a - . :..: da-ram: ' f - " ' I Mi" I .;. I " I . f rt' - t r 1: 1 ! In ! , i. 1. . a . 1 : -. .: 1 ;. r I '!(, " :w 1 1.. 1, .'. : ; a i .r::: r 1 a 1 1 e r a -.. , . . - t r.at.:, a: t ".t. v..i -i 1 e pe-rf !. .A i.--:.:i . '. c.iu a private bti-;n- v a- la 1. :- 11 : .1 !:' h ;41 ;.: .1 vi n - ! . . . i i i Ir-. - t t. c .:. a ., t ; ; i r ar.y other e;!."'. I ... i i ...; C. .'. li.s privat" ta- a, ;,: :.r."i! b a" t a i" .i u f H. f bat. :. t::.;.i::di::r t!ii. 1 ', ia.i 1 a .-.r' th it hi f . .a i, : - -My rpp:,.'i.ite hi 1 . . . -i-; ). hi n din t in- Yl - 'J:v r-r-::l ... ; .:..!..: r.-bi-.mr. tV. R. K ii vui-"X. i I;: Trcir. Giover. Si A' Yi Nov. I L Th Itroo. ? ;v . ,J, ,i .4 the statt n:eni u. n i'ir. :,,l..:.d g:ivo pledges to the . t..v b ,i.kt at a .uniar -t t ria Httd quuti" Mr. ., 'a:. ! a, - vi;:g t' Ln -ut. .-v. y. . Via i I have li-tt:ad t ' u!:;.' : a:ttntl"i t v. hat . ;.(..-.-:.!. 1 l:av .i.o"t.. rv e..r,fu:iv arul I think I uadt-r- t'l- '.' p.-rfectlv aiid . wliat I J "V" , j i ,V UI'".fip!:, .Mr. Slut ban. I "' 1 ."I d iLr.- d bO". re I'll '.' . ; t. arv la i'i ' ''' 1 .' ! .. t . Poet3 Laureate. ' A vrsificator regis was appoint i l by Henry III., liT.O, with If( 1 00 j Hulling? Falarv. j Chaucer was appointed -: by Richard II. about 130. laureate j dohn kay was appointed to the I pure! ly KUan! IV. about Ii,2. I Andrew r,err.:irJ was llw laureate m.t i:.c rej-u .r . Ilf nrv II , I.'-in . nins: in I ! ',.". .j,ir, ;vl !(,,;. r,:i, ;,(j.,,ini. .1 'to f'...'1-vi 1;. ri..i:l 5iv II m v VIII. r.!...i;t I 1 ! . ! Lv li'iu n ii. i ! i ab r.it !.V. Sauiut'l D.t!:it ! .a.s a.toiutt 1 lv i-J:.!xta la fuccctu i r.c r a!, .ut U'AtJ. lltn .Ion.jn w- appointco of Charle? I. in GZ). Williaa Divenant fidiv.i-d lo-i7, appointed by 'I:ar!cs I. Iidin Dryilca vk.! appointed in ! C I v t hail. - II TiK'MaH Sb;:dnt!l i:etecIcd in I0:, ap;.. ;:,u by Willi w.i III. N'nhma Tate wa iipintcd b William III. in IVXl. v :,i ,l . i' :. . . 1 1 . ..,,.7 V. .s. n okucu y 1.1.. 1.11. L.i w re Lud-.i i;..!.i I t'.iri ile by tlioro 1. in 17!'.'. '.,!. y Ci'jVf r v.r.- r.pp i.nud !v re i I. in 1 7 .'. V.'jl-iaiii Wl.iit h: .-id waa ;jpji.,r.t l 177 tv icrv II. .... ... , , 1'!.:i--;L;Il":! w:'" WIe I;iu - !,., by HI. lbv::ry .I:irt.t I've appoii:t-d v t.. III. in 17'. ari. !!.!(.': ' v .1 i.i.: . V.. .!-,., til: . : ;.p- :'v:ir:J sn ll.i .N ! rt 'i Ti ' - u - :.Vi .,r.'cd ' v . : "i t i- l-o I i : . - r v i - t;. .- :". 1 - wl.o ri .. i in u ijo ." :i : t .. r u -a r I'd : i -1 . s 1 1 : . arc !'.. .... "...... . . .. ... : . . an : A ?. i !i:c lit of -. a ' '! 1 :i '..I i ..... t'.t t! . -.A ny .f v , - .. w ... . '1 I... tl.;t' (; -t.A iavcr rt.-.-iwd I'M'. ... o!t in lhi State at tkv n-c: :.t . ; ctioti i.o;:hi coun-, , ? , " .,1. e. . i .' a i. 1 a I e i l-v at a.; t::,.t-. 1 ..ere ar i.::.::v,i .!.- !!,: '.i.u : - wh o.i. d f r .".'. , 1 ;. r f.ic-.t.. . " ' " ... t .1 .: r.-: . 1 :.ty are 1 r .... . v. !.. i.aVt i a :i irtirvl from the . ib - ui (":..!:. ! . .: 'd by ib 'ri;:t! fl'diticiut:. v.b. !.r-t gair.ed their s ! r, r,vc ;h-n bettau-d ii- r p liti - d ! ... t ! t b io.r.ted o:t to ti .I be 1! f.e ! V an ir..'.:- r it., it. a L : r r i : tu :.t i.f ! 1 .1 -i , ' . . : !! v. .. 1 1 , . . .... . . ,.f , , .: :.!: r -.r -.. t ; ..vr of vi-t-:; l .1 .. t. a ra . I ,! iV. 't .:.;:..t,, a "if M":,-!;:h..:' . 1 I. : t !. 1 f 1- ,.. -r . ( ' 1, j-.vi rv :: f-A . : . : . . ! i: . ii.,' ;1...: 1 1. , . ,- r ,., ,., . 1 ;..-,! !e t ,", i-.r--. (' ..... , . : . v . . . ' I.'. !... i.. :...!... J'. li.i 'I l.i.. .. I . . i i' ti.-rd party we . i- , , - l'-iit t.'tai:. wit!, tlumthiotli r--i r i i.f i i',-.- iki'i a ,:. oiri: ea.m- . - ' - - - i.i. vv. .."-vi N: V. ia l'. Not l.:e 1 , 1 ... " . ..1'. .. .:. ,, ...r.. I'. I ( r. 1 1 "fi.ee of .Mr, b-'..l-ir.ii to day was (?.,. fact tb it ! fore 1m ent to tLi - r :' a e... it ( 1 1 v v 1 r i ; g . Ii . - i . 1 a t r 1 v.'a-i 1 j a -... a , . :.,n.: an extra t .r it: '. u t : M uch lib r.ext. Mr. I, ,i oge-tian un i ;.!.l lln'.'ly i;n : d. r 1.. !. r. d th .t he w-i;l I ;.td e..i.;mif j j,;,, ... -f irJy l,y his own werd L;.,,i( jn ,ir:,v iv:iy concerning i ubj. i t. Wi.i!..' pcr-o.;-,l!y i a' h . at pr not t:;e s:;g!iU-t :.. i r. of calling aa tr:o.r din :ry m .,..n he ! 1 1. i s Iri- ml- that in w r.ot :. one v sviwk a fur hi- , . ; ( , . u ,it pi:::.,.f : v .: u:. 1 ; c ar :;':: tua ir.i nt th..'. I.' c :. tempi itis h aving tw.vn f.r a vacation has pit-'lpi- t 1 t! arrival of iitlegati Hi- of de:::t..crata fr't:i al! P'r'.s of the :.trv. 1I: v. he re ibuats wid be kept Mcret. It i .-'i l on the s-und t--t a-ati ri!y that of all the visitors Mr. ( level in I h n received at his hi.-e f iaee eleeti:: day, not one ha di-ee-Md the formation of Jiis ea'-i-itt ( 7 ft-diral patronage direct ly ut hi- di-po-ah Many people vailer for years? from trotu troublesome and repul--tve sort a--, boils, and eruptions, without ever testing the marvelous curative properties of Ayer's S ir Mprilbi. The experiment is cer taii.iy. worth trying. P.o sure you git Avir's Sar.-iparilla and no nt hi r. It mav 1 e thnt the Rcpublica! 6 I aive out the rt p-rt merely to . . i .i t . ... mIt!vrr.tf the joy which, the Drmo- x!.t ritnee in consequence of f c t ...::t ol the late election-, but .ot d - tro-;! taw. put ta n,o:,; r.:.- o n.- i . i ,.r.jlu,,11...uu n,,,,, ' ' V , i t. 1 i-t t!e -. wl name a-d v.e fare ; 1 county, v,;h t-t bndlv injurt d I ,! .lIt;t,,! hev ...d aid in th ,,t he has sine, died t!, - T.t.rvati..n of both. Let ti- Another man, whon- n.ime has ,,-.' L .-,!!, rand - di.lifv demo not i a . n iearmd, was also killed, V;,; , nFbrt forever ir,vin-!l-iftec peron.were injured, some ' ;f;,:lly but their have not : "';': '..' ' 4 . V i -' ".a : alAayr i;av . ' '' i : -v "l ' i ... :r :.a ..a a th-- ni!!',:':-; I-.,:, ,.r. l.i..-:.;,.. u:Uil x:c combir.a'ioa ..v t. iv da;. :. inn.. ; ; l, m. A' c'im.1 "' ; The Mysterious Disappearanco of . Editor Wilson. I 1'he readers of the Atlcni c will rc-jret to know that Mr. Claude F, Wilion, wlio has been editor of this paper, has left WiUon. The cir cumstances f-f his departue are shrouded in mystery, lie left Wil son Sunday morning, October 30th, rn the '.) o'clock train, without tell ia any tu: that ho was goinjr, and t.t tt Weldon. lie has not tincc lih laard from and there was al li:.-J ixji:-h fear tint he had come to an .untimely end. I.ut it i nor l-ijctt t i.at he departcil delibcr- i fr f(,r mipjv cruise that is not vet la" explained. He owed some btK, l-tn creditors were not p'r i:: i.ii a:: I he had friends who would have jrladlv asisted h:ia n in iny linancir.I stress. A few mi ao he received a note, paid ; to be froiu CJidcon's hand, threaten- i:.:r iiis life. Hume think that thid frightened him tliat he became ti li-.r rariiy crazed, and while in this condition he look the train and wr;t toCK-apf the threatened death. hi-. 1 .. . . - I .. v u no ut. ai ine cause '.,:- Mm len aiui unext lainol Je- ! r ir!::re, hoping that the reason udvanctd that he was suifering f ryv.i tempora ry ic.-anity uiay turn 1 o;t t be the correct one. It is the u theory ured that i consistent ' v. i;h the contulence that has been I . , f, ... 1 !',,:l,, - 1,i!1 theptople of Wil- ; II 1 fan ily h .ve bet n greatly 'Ii-!re-':d a. he left t hi. 1:1 no-word it. ; hi- n.otiu r h. !!! 1 ! uti:'er t!..- b! t- t .1 i:.t xplie:,!-airiinver known '"".1 !' ''"ta ("arolun, r should be no, tiring. My post w M r. il.o, 1 ,: voung man of un-1 was iadtr ajle.,a tre. w-th a 5ere tuiA t..,- . t nr.d capacity. IiO;of bl!shc.s in frfnt. Having': : 40 a ur.e l:i l.i rc and no a:. man in the State 1 vvr i n- ''!1 '';rro Ivart:.-, to win n:r, ,'ssfu! and n-i ft:l c uctr. It is " ' l i- I'i -cd - ')".- el l v ami . -, ? :-r .? ' T' i 1 tl .!h M MM. i . ebmd --M I;,a. trcu- Uclcbiati ja. l.w i.ttj.v till:, Ark.. v. 17. . . - - . ... i ..t i ci;.- rut-; 1.1 .Mountain u w 1 Id 'a - ::r .-idetrtia! election ( It- ''ration in t!;eir district seho-J. last ntgi.t, and a lerrnac 111s ... 1.. ... . - .... 1 : . . 1. ! t 1 . a a m :: 11 r ; ;u.u it i 1 :-- f'.-.rei i ,.ae.vor.v? were ieaii.res ! '.e jniliilcatii.:., and as a conso oiee :t lar-'e ntTTv if e V 1)1 u ; . . . ' . - J . . . , . ri nr.ivifl.i . A tiur. n m t 1 i:.;l""b..n started in i.iie iS.e o i'lfi.;-e i".t:ring t he t-pecch- 1 ma.sing. an.t win.e tli- building, - " , : i .: a. keg of powder es- ph ot il. I':.- iv- was frightful. The I : - iv 1a f..: .!' tally wreck ni '-i ! i.e;!;.a:ts w re bdti- I I w!i could . . ... ! . . . . ir.u i:iia -Im- s,t once sri j s- I i r-c-l; g l -tl err. Shrieks ! ; f 11. i.- i r. .1 1 ti.,. ,., . I .' 'I'k.i I 1111. IT". 1 ii - ! Jhe'i't: . uml p! icv., and it ' !t nr. d hard, work to presi vi ii thf . ere! i.-ii; : . 1 . e l !:: 1 - r ir 1 1! 1 1 i The ! im s wire li.ti. 1 i- . r ..itr r.prtn'i , -, -....j .... 4 - - - - -ti!r.iit ;r fr-.'n the .... ...i : . . . . i , ., . r w . i . 'Craha - wee tiikt out dead, and j ;ii;i n.i . jiiu r ii .'ii. i R.nv Sh-r.-d. ..p.- .f t1.e mo-t : .. . . . a. .... . f vt' t.:.. , ! i 11 learned here. Sin. roil cullVr- e.i h rriiai ag-.r.y oeiore uv . I o.tti n out 01 ti t- ruin". II '.v.i- i.ir". . a, iwn la- mi rr ;ir a v. , , . , , 1 i 1.. ....... 1 i ;..n it.. Irt.i s, viral hour afttr bein- i!'r!it til I I i-p..!e'-. ri. 1 ' r in': Mir in ' to tow r" '"rked a , , , . m r.e.iuain'.ince h ii .d ti t s "Will, riot-. . 1 1 .n T.urifv mv 5d 1 with I eo. a-: - ir: ;.-' v. i-i tilt- apt r.;lv. His m.-r. knew wnai ... . - . . 1 - v- T i s. :a:; ; i.oui. 1 1 : .... T ;". " ... r.ntii? ::-yib A tie nit lid'U- !a'.t!e li dcpbtc i; ar Peru, In ! , Cr. u i irons ha - n. i:i! v I Ii t - q. 2- :r-. t!:e ( tll i r d '. The coaiLiKnts were llv. . a pa i Diicit. .!. a four-ton ioii-o. and Pr:n;- . w k . w ei.:'n three 1 r- bi-eii j alous if 1 t ...a other, and er.tlv in the morn- ir.y. during ike ab-senee of tnc ke. t t r, thry br-ke Ime nd lagan lb' Siting. 'I h" tk.T three e!e ph ants' in the ti'-uj .. became excit ed and to.'k put in the fray, l'rince h td the last of it, and soon broke Diamond's tuwk, and butted hiui through a brick wall, which fell upon the lighting brutes, hurt ir.j-; and frightening them so badly that their 'cries eouhb lie heard mart than a mile. The keeper bad gre-t trouble in quieting the ani mals, and the place where the light took place was a mass of wreck Mgb. No State in tho Union deserves mTu'a credit for the part it bore in the late 1 lectio!! than. does North C.itolinu. The old North State wa- early in the action ft lected as one of the points ut which to drive the wedge tliat would split theolid South. The R. opk- party was the wedge at. i the Republican party v.- the skdg. . Rut the conspira-;?-:.:.':.! witlo.at ih'.ir ie?'. 1 !. : i.,-. :n a : N.-.rth '.iro!l. 1 v ... ! a .!-. liav '. I .i ' JERRY SIMPSON'S MAJOEITY. Charges That tha JJockles3 I3 a Demccrat Kansas Returns. Toi-eka, Kan., Nov. 10. Ullicial returns from Jerry Simpson's dis strict give him 1,400 majority. Two years ago he was ' elected by 7,132. It is now believed he will not be a candidate for Senator. The leaders of the Fusion part fear that a j.cw mnn would be de feated in tlia't district if hi? teat in Coi:.rrcs were vacated and a.-pec-ial election held. 3Irf. Lease eays Jerrv is a straight- out Democrat; that ha is 'using the People's? party, and that the mem bers of tliat party do not seem to realize it. At two Democratic banquets since the election Simp son has appeared as an invited guest, and in his speeches is credi ted with tho statement that the Democratic party would -r.ow take the place of the People's party movement and carry on the re forms inaugurated by it. lie dt nivs thu.t he is connected with the alleged plot to assassinate linj,(.if. He E3VS I;e is in favor of a Democrat for senator because 'they (the Democrats) played fair with us this time and we will netd thern in the furure." I va i on one of the outposts in I ITU ) VII "111. V HIV V'HILVCl front f,f Shcridan oa theUnequ: om; afternr.on. when it' be'an in lo rain, 'i'acre was a sort of lull just 1 ftva 11 1 ii ( 1 1 4 o ill loi t i i t j j t ,Tct n f,pi, ...in-rockets that there as recn no Douche to keen me dry. -and know- ;ins, that t;e rcHef v.olI(1 no CQ1UC uar;)UIi,i ft)r OVer an hour yet, I ad- .5 ... .toff. fli,!;m.r.' riP .,,,, f SO pace to n large tree, which j promised shelter. I had stood with :Mf f,. Jbn fr.l- f at 11 fit 11 r,j:.u( ,s w;f n j thought I heard a j m.ie on the otl.er side. Pigs were ; often met with in the woods on our j front, and as I turned and carefully .poked my head out from behind the . . T I I irnuu 1 xuiiy exjecieu 10 see one. Vi'iat 1 did see, however, was the 1 face of la man who had poked his ilV.ili UUt I" riV ctlilltllli Oil LU V !IUt. The trunk was about three feet : t Ii rf.p trl iml rnr f-n-ii IrJ frftti 1 11 . - , . 1, . . cioe logeiner. 1 h.new ai ursi glance that he was a "Johnny,'" and he also knew I was a "Yank' tt-j.l.-l... 1. . 1. C - M e ioimeu 111 eae:i oiuer xor u minute, and then he calmly inquir- Ct ' 1 nar you, lank.' Yes. That you, Johnny?'' "Thought you was hogs." So did I." Wluit -.vc f-wiru tn iln nhont it? ? 1 '-Nothing'"' j Tnnf fc-iif c t.w. I'nio .-ni : nil I vere on mv dry sr.ot ' I moved around and we sat down, ait't Willie we taiivett 1 wate.nea one way and he the other. Al the end W tliree-quarters of an hour we g't i!p to "g'!, ami he said: " lieekon I'll know von next tune ,u ri'l's nl'"-':lT: lliin high." ...Hi-. . " 1 1 I . Ciimc over to my iKuse-soii-e day.' " Thanhs and you drop i.n on me w, i"-ver yon can We turned baek' to back and , , .. -ieh full- tritin- ',li't ,l " , "3 a 1U1V ,11"- u-'- the oiher, and it was our hr.t and visit A wee,; later, after the hattle winch routed Early, L saw the poor feilow lying amongj the deao, on the ou.ty l.erryv .u, , (i .u. j AsiCciate Justice Lurwcll 1 1 1 . n r ti 1 -' 1- ! 1 1 . i'.r 1. a 1 1 . . - i, it . .. , -! tioKilcu 11, iinv. ui'.i Af.n.-iiia- d'-ticc of ; no Suiieme Court in - the place d Justice Shepn.nl, yes teal rv took the oath of olhee. Jus- tiee Rurwell w:: barn in ISL'., in Iliilsboro, N. C., where hi4 father, Rev. Mr. Rurweil. lien had liis ceit bratcd .s:!:ool. "lie . graduated ftt l).iids-;n College, in l.-bV.h with , hoiion, and went West, vhete die i ' 1 . . rm- i . . : I.. .. - ... ; . . -. V ftcti.cn n nil - . . ... . hi-came tojonithe Uesteparmv j where he served gallantly and with . jreat credit. After tho war he studied law at Charlotte, and received his: license to practice in the county court in l,Mi7, and in the' Supreme Court m. D0f. : . , . ..... , ' i 1 ll Joa a:e lUIIilOI a aim imi sht'o with Hon. Zeb R. ance. Vim.ji continued until the election of Vance e.s Governor, in iTo. In 1S0 he represented Mecklen burg county in the State Senate, where he p:rvcd j with distinction. Subsequently he was associated in it... nrui.iir.il aif 't!-.i l av with Plat. ll. V I' -V l - V. ' - ' - - ' I). Walker, Esq., and has steadily increased in reputation as ane ol the leading lawyers of his section. Justice Rurwell Is a. man of pleas ing address and engaging manners, and he is esteemed as one of the finest specimens-of North Carolina manhood. He 'stands very high for integrity of character, single- liess of purpose, and sincerity. As t t A- I - . . n lawyer lie is reganieii not oiny as, learned, but as being Vf'y gifted with clearness of intel ect.. That he will mall respects be equal to the high nation to whiii he has bieucaiieddsconibiently predicted by all who know him. . The Mesjc-nger says Fifth Street Methodist church, of Wilmington, is to lose its chime?. It will be n membert-d that John C. Davis, 1 th - sen'andrel who del raud-.-d i- m my p' e.-le ia Wilmington bv ,v .ri.:: a ti.e '-paous racket' ;a; . .,....,,,,.,1 r u'nishment by being de- a.prc5i:nted" thei ; clVirch with the chimes and they os wtien tne war oroKe om. """I,., and .01 -our.e cuukl A Democrat's Soliloqvy- (With apologies to Y. s. j .Vow are the four years e ( 'our aiscon- icnr ' it .Made glorious prospects -l.y thU son of (New) York: u ; And all the measures aim'4 aaiiist our HOUS9 In the deep sea of obliv burteJ. 11 fll lie ion Now are our brows crowned with the . , crow in rooster; j ;p Our campaign torches kept fvrlnie - nientoes : ' i i j Oar stump speeches turned to 'orijrat- uiations. i Our ilrcadful marches to jirepa at ions ! iir ine nan, nm-visagd war bath made Iirreat : Iinvoe, far and wide; ; . ' And now instead of elaiminr 11 the States j ; l. j To fri-ht the souls of the poor litpub- cans , j i We merely take the lest, and leave to them the worst, ! ! I That they may knowyiii times gone ly they had a party, 1 : And console themselves, that since 'they can't bo villains, I 'j ; Of necessity, they'll be honest sneii, but Kver strivintoeorrup with their hhal- lov rihteousnes.-, M They that tried to use our ( iovcfn incut to lienetit the pampered fewj, That played at Laocoon with American workmen, 'J'he builders up of cities. i Cheated of their spoils in this last battle Hideous, unprepared to battle for fheir 1 i v i cj "r in the world. I j 'I hey downward o, never to rie again, e nin, percnance, it oe as honest men. " Fjj.vxcksck.'' SETTLING A MOMSlTTOUS. Captain "Jack" Crovfprd IUus- trat.es an. Undacic!e!tTix3a. ; Capt'iiu .Jack Crawford fthe poet scout,'' :.s i:e is called, is an lnteresti-Mg campaign v speaker at Republican meetings, largfe and small, and he mvvr fails tJ inter est the audience. Touchiugjon ,thc great question of protection free trade at one of these mceti.agsjthe other day, he acknowledge that .great minds were eon::cieu!tk:isly arra-ed on both sides of it. ille then quoted the rem a;'; of, 'a puz zled voter, who was unable from ! his own knowledge to decide jv, Inch policy was the best, and wlio wonndj up an argument by saying ir "Well, if free tritde is best the 'Kepyli cans are in a mighty bad' fix; and if free trade is a fraud, the, Demo crats arp in a mighty ljad fix." ; This, j the speaker said remind ed him of the experience of an old acquaintance of his, out on the Western plains, Wild liill by name. Wild IJill was a heavy drinker, and his wife feared greatly: j that Hie would have - delirium'; (tremens. Pleading was of no avail, so Bhe triedto frighten him. 3?Vr rowing an ugly jinonkey. she perched it on tiie footbord ol her lied, (tied it to the bedpost in such a manlier that it could 'not climb downj 1s;h1 jet- tir -j ir.td be i hvis .If. ;rol for t?i- whoop;:g Willi-u to. ip-. t . ri.ac h . i The .il") fr-V thOl'-.1 some .tr.ne be to re u ila.hu, as it came straight and he came zigzag. but twhcn lie did arrive, the first tliinsi hejsaw was the monkey "What's that?" he demanded.! What w hat answered his wife, innocent v. " I i "That tiling on the footboard." 'There's nothing there.? j'" "Nothing, you say:'' i "Nothing that l ean sce.y j .' AVild Rill backed away and be aan to laok seared. "Perhaps I've got 'm," he muttered to himsflf, bu added aloud, as 10 drew .. , , k. his n-vo ver and pointed Jt at he .aV ; . n( Man it 1 j it .1. o. Kti a ..-y n - - Jfn J," key, it's in a mighty bad lis." Then Wild Rill firc-il, and anybody who Lt:( w hiia would think it pn-nvces-j'irv to 'inquire as to the fate of" that .monkey. New York Tri- om.t. Citv Girls Water Theh-Kcrs?! W. W. Hall, a young; farmer near Montpel.ier, enjoyed himfelf hugely a ft w days badv 'itiwatich- r a couple of city giris, atieoipt :-i tv.it.-i' thu-ir horses a 1 t'n-tr-agtif iaee. The hordes were II ll 1 I checked up, ami .01 1 ;i!is soeme(1 o a 7 , to ;the surprise ut iinal- the vounir ladies at lirst, Iv realizing the trouble they both crat out of the buggy, ahd gojing hrhind lifted ui. on the hUn-l . j,: the hin(Uvhels clear o!f the ground pee pel around t!.e -i.-le--.Tf the veuicie x see ;t lie horses drink. Finding ; tjimt it he horses didn't ccm to knoi cnosign to stiek their heads down at :thc same time they raised; ilie .iiiind wheels one girl remained :1 hold the bu-ggv up ..and k ehind. toj e otSu r went to. tho horses' heads ; nd tried II . I , , 1 .- l ,Ul1 ,'!e"- noses down to the Ai sev- water After laughing till he shoua sev r.r.,1 boards oil" the sid of .the bhieksmitii sliop irom woeie .oe watched the'girls lift on the. blig gv hud puli on the. horse.' heads Fill they were red in the pice and aliuostYeady to cry, Will, went to their assistance and unchecied , i the horses. . . ,. ( t jn bewiidci ent. ami then with a ,:t-vou-e vr -rl (it!i,r Ca!mh tii - arolllj;! .,!lt.I:K b-an-d lUh and, iift,r ., tltir horses to drink,-d e!l l(ok :.. 1 the bl-k in lii.g 'ir tb. ir horses to drink,- driove -' on livincr Vvlll to sit down on the ,rnpr nt the trough and ifuminate ,A-or 'ie eifv toil and heri. Way 1 ff d :nj t v.in Modesto U rab I !.. .V -I . !-. ... : ' ' .'H-.I ..;- 1 !:, " ''': '' 'l1' ,i..'.V "VV.' i. u' t iro,! .iedreiieahi. j and gweet breath. Sold by Itwdianlson I . : HP iiook at Ued Kooin Suits at 15.0, worth 21. i ! : :?37,0f); Hall Kacks 5.C0, worth IbbO Sie Hoards $10 00- ' H. worth .f 1.0.00; Ladies' -Seeretarv ariTl IJnok Case at $1200, 1 t ' ' j wrth;, $16.00 i 'llandsome'i Pictures ! and Plush ' i ' i 1 i. : . ' j i ? "U Kockers at jf:5. 50. worth 0.00. i : ' 1 " r ! - ):' : In fact we have a lare and complete line of FUUNITURF at prices in proportion with the above, so call early atid make your-sehfetion. V . j Yours CAST. M A K K E'T t?T I J K .for SIIOKS. We are Low Prices and . ire good plank to have in business 1ST wm4 you wiant SHOES. Ve arc the only exeiusive Shoe House in Creenchoro, and handle the eld dbejliable lby Slate ' ' -. j S!i!i05 when you" "want them:. ; '- ! D AR D E N 3& G AV-. "i ! - : r 1 22H SOUTH KLM STREET, GltKKNSLOKO, K. Cj ,r!j rinDv your cat hi at onif. To lie f r.u un til u. u t lie l'listollice, ilrot !i-: i C ;. N. t . an.:,;, t i hi itt! iunrii'9 jjii urn mm ai IF YOU WANT " WALL PA11ER" CHEAP ! ' MY PRICES ARE VERY- LOW. . y ri A K L 111 South Elm Street, - t-k! S LM S3 - b 1 HEADQUARTERS Oiotliing, Gents' Fiirnssliings, 1 We have now- in stock line of men's, '.youths, Ipvs and chil ; dren's suit's a.nd overcoats lor the Fall and Winter! trade.- - BVERYTHMG NOW ana Our lines of Furnishing (UhhU . r.t Half? jure j list-Mindly immense KNOX IIA'iS in alt shapes and eohii- Rhase giv;j us ;a call . - before ptirchasiiig Ao:rr ldb?sd Winter. (ols is itj - w di'be worth' v'our will a j 1 ; . I a FISH I; LATE, ' , rr t T l - T 1 r Y7 T ? U VV C ' i.i.-.' Iiiiv- a, 1 1 h ;-'(: i-rii -.-s m-j ;.'; t" o -. -1, i.t. lit.. Veil aivl !.,;-'.; a .1 I- .'i:-' ,-rt-:s or !:i.m.:y ia:e.t-r'-, w U:-it i- ' i . 1 1- ia o f.T t aca" a-in.i n i :i l lit.' . I 1 : UJ.l Ii t - i The Most Ooo.Is for C3-- HI- OSn?EBIS -.X-.-.C T-la.'-c tol.. iv C.II1 , ': i ",' '-- - -lia:, I a:s. U.x.i-. -'!..:-. a--., ni.a -- --. -' - h' l:j-i'cr Iii i-:i . n:.-i " 'I m;; ( J.-MiuV -o'i' Or;iu !...!! --' :y--'-'.',1 la-:lni's at .i.2. aii .- MM-I' rl!Xs, i:.-f aai'l . .. f:wt any ki'n.l "f ! . fit ti- I !.'-'-- V; '' liiHMlVhirts at I'-.i t :"":-! i On v irom tii i-ii' a-' -' 111 ;i! rout, li-ually a.ni.- i la"--: .. a: il .r I ; ,'-. it.- n-.-rar- i -I. V , . r....- !. t'lllHT Hli: l.-ir'i; wi ...... i . . ' h i.ik-ki-(-iiii airl !". i .'- , i - i i -x i y jrati'i-J will nnn im'i -A'.: r.i'.-c i.-i'jai! !-- ,...;-!, -a im- l-K.i- - ' -'! ; H-itMHItil Kim MWil, Au.-'ii-l 17- ! THOSJ N. ! GENERAL f U i 1 ; Assets ilepresoi Ah ri tf Jfh Lift fl 6 9 WnUMn$ ; M l t , Otllce-lll Soutli.J,ha Street, i March 2, lh02-ly. Next. to ;out m O .XI rices. 1 5 $2:;.00; ParhlrlScts at oloOworth ! - l- - ! - i respectfully, K T, CKKKNs!lKHl( ), X7 ( i .1 THE FIGHT IS ON! ! " j."."--. All llitknll'artiGls: Are disj-ussihg the merits! of their !it! i "ut Platforms! We have ! :. a F-latf TIIK liKD V ! n inn too. Ours is ! ',' KOCK ,PLATFOK3I nil 12a ncc-3' nil ;C? rl We have our OES: hand on 'the. hea'dlrjf the man who; would get higli prices eeledlf - I' 1 going t be Square Dealings -Piat lVr;n.' iCome to see us when Jji, Jt SILKR,? . i 1 '''! lVatchmarkeiv Jeweller AXI) i O Tptjxoia.TjL . 1 i at ip lira in-, ffrtttneH ova r.yi .!av,t-. fi(' lii.,- i'totvkiiot cii mi-is an (...I 'I aii'i !:. I', r iii'ji .i-i.l ck I: :uas ami Uollcl I I .. I '1 ac-i- ;; are s .!i ... i:.;- . than l-y an ollift ' ...n-e i.i i Al! s-'ii -It :!!" !! I laiaraf.ti.i iliai .".. ! .t u'.vit; '.5:':i1 :"1i ' 0 ' -Tr . 1 1 , t -jt t-; -Hie " ! i ' . ' I , ' I i t 1 i-i-f- :i t" 1- !. M.al.M t:-vl. tHraitr'i i ii timw 11 a mum ECT, ileAdofd House Rlnek. fcO) 0i M nI.. IPS Li "" M B FOR ljllRsT-tjLAS ! -I a la&e and handsome y 1 : of ilie; LATEST STYLES ; uuini n Wt UlVI AGK a is . '1?0 South Eiiliij Strejt f, Green boi'o. N. C; 1 ) Ob' :.. i. rT7: :in. r,-.'ri-! :i n. i -!! a 1. ' - ' btl -l -lii iii- li.it lt.;is-. rjiiiiii.-.; U iihah.' .n -. f iT.-v ;.ii'-i.i!f t.!i".ri riiK.i' -y inlv-'Li. . . tiiH .. . h : "'! lei-l ' 1 1- ,:-i ; ...!f-. Vi.Oini t- - .1. rnri i: i i-r.i i--. I Oi.'n . - . j. i :..,..-. i . 1 1 1 f . . n r 1 1 '.!.-',", :; ,Ti'-i aH -."i't .aOa-r: i.i i. I mi'- !'i ! - ! . i.-n'- -'i1-l "'?" ;-.! " !-l -'''' ' : ai.-H .. t W- l.a- ..r.iva-" 'ii.!- ..r-. -,iii.-' tin- t'' t:- J..I- :.- . inajiiy rn: ... ck.- i.nl t:.i-ir if J i ii-f- " I :.: !-' i "M '. -V a I Ii V'lrill i ....ir -...a .- J - i i: i I i ,,,. ,i, i;,;,tr i! - -l.i-; (., :. .' i raa 1, : - N - io i : h s . ; . 1. si . A 1 I 1 ' W !1 . ti 15 I !? Post dihee, GREENSRORO, N. C. .. ' GAS Id b-Tr I af c i m i S 1 I ID L "1 v! i;tfr. T. . T' ... .i i ; to tltstrv this I U'kv -(!,, :" - , t f t,,. .-a Pi'! were never paid for. 1 To t t;j y Lfo us-e Iiltt i 1 in-- J v j & Kariss. .... ....;... - Ilit for t l.e . ... Whisker. V i

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