Pi FT. GREENSBORO, X. C, WEDNESDAY, XOVEMBER 89, 1802. m n m tin .". I t By the Patriot Pii'hliittilus Ctiunnnr, In Atlvanre TERMS 1.00 Per Year . ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. V HI VOCC WITHOUT A Y.'O.O. 1 ' ' ; a ' , r .'' r j 1 ' -uf- j n v. J.aa. tli.it v . 1 uiv in- U r-. : i ; -. .rt !!".;-. -Br; ! W. j VaiseficId, b . .rtii.-r a: tin ' 11, , 1, , i.Mt. ,.,.-).-;: A. M.t.. !i M. i , :: ta t r. M. . . i .: v il l i !vii5 ; T" ' lljr, l-'.r,! or ami T!itn!. r t Pr PPiP. j' I '. 1 ' 1 1 l.ct.; .i .. 1 '.-a t. ...... .p .- i c a.ttit fcf : i t - 1 , . t "1 i . t 1 ! r. 1 t 1 .:. i . n .... . ' f ?. ! .f :..c t. rS.-l ! :.-tl; it cjiiif a:. I t!.. C. 1 11. r. 1 GROVER'S SPEECH. t -.1 1 t a I -a v I. .re ! I k: - tcu v. iM Lc. Au vi-u haven't Xtw Yokk, Nov. IS.- The c. ikV- I .T .;r, rati naaa'.ur-l fcl- ppcech which 3Ir. Grorer Cleve- la.v! Ii t L.-1 rtv f land made at the ilimer given in M.r, r..--.-.:t up t!iL.i1r ,. hell l ira , jg honor h ;Ir nenry -Villnrd Ul:-n,,inU mnlcx uj lc. J. ia AV,nJf,ff nnTv iust made nub- kT V V J w ' ' J 1 lie. It 19 a? follows : 1 i. .1 .-. Li l.iui. Jo!. a :n-t o:ioe ! Ar.d I Li i -d th-3 crutro of ILj Moriao ca i. a &o:t cf iaecliALir.il ol; lioaco t or.'. -. 'i ! a 1 41 lit;,:. J.Vi ! Ati.I u . I'll t II vt.ii liuw v.c It.-.pi'i'Uovl t. : a. . M 'v 1 t : v u v.' u v. r T. 1 t"! .... . l ::.'Vl: -V:,.' Vl, which hM crowned Democrat 1 : . . 'V. f in flu- cinv:i uist closed. ..r.d I cm nut forgot" how greatly thc.-f tll'-rts h ive Ijeen c!i?racter i;.d I'V j-.erscnal attachment and fri. n.l.'iin for t ho candidate gelect- . . . . ... 1 i ... j :. -w i vo:t J 1 ... j Ctj t,, enrry the Democratic banner. . . ;r !.-t.MW",ti! I 1 vil i:i tl-: j.... :....rfn, Jt cenf.o of irratitude "Mr. Villard and Gentlemen. I f.nd it-imposible to lid myself at thin moment of coflictiniT emotions ttl.icli ciir within tne. I Fee, here ; a-iciulntd :')fd and staunch U 1 It hd-; who h ic l.iboreii lneis- -antlv and . devotidlv for the puc- t. o ' -s'.u l.A t .-t. . :.l t!;) depot l- mo Dr. Arthur E. Letibsiter, ' ( - i : fc! .it : 1:. " : ..1 (v. I ;:.-!".; i."--S. i f . r i I, At r I. . l!. 1 I l,rH;r!i! 11. 0 i I it I. An 1 I i it rua dv. a to ..i.r U f ... if t'.e tit'.; v. ...s c- .. : :: f ' "' I 'I . - )- MISTAKE. 1 i ' ; 1 v. n !Dr.V.Ji RICHARDSON,! T (I f r .,r lii j. j .': f, t u i.oa I f "uil XI. h,n J-': ..! wl. lc -Me I ia lJajaws-i-. .Lnwd ! i I Lacv I 1... 1 Lit upoa thj ri-Lt 1 v," v... r it in;; :av ovt-r"'.it L i't a' . 1 - :?l.,v v.i 1 .u.. 01 j a. ,1... t..II.,-,l. v.i:h tho t:n-:ir.tV..;fua- 1 , . ' - V. . u. : , s j ?;- 1- r, tU'.ir J'-ha, : ",; ;.:V:V 'Y' I- c.l ia a v."i t!..a thrlllol n-.d ; ' ' v-; ' " J f,:.i.-i ic 1 vita 1 1 ri i l M-'. i "-a. ".iu 1 - .::.'!' i .. ..!,....' ',,,1.1' .ii..:i'r 1 1 i v j I tt r f -a. t" v 1 j. it ": i 1 -n it ".' . 1 1 . " 1 1 ID I I - 4 1 i . i . r I !'. This awakens a Fens-e of gratitude which it is a great pleasure for me to thunkfully acknowledge. I con fer, too, that I have fully shared in the partisan satisfaction which oiir grt'at victory is calculated to arourf in very heart so thorough lr IK inoeniti. as mine. It Is gel i!oai rivi n to any man to contem plate -pKr.did campaign, so ina-:erfr.lly arranged in his behalf !v v.a-li g( tl friend?,, followed by puch a stiiuMiendous and complete triumph. . . . m:.-i:"cii kij.n-ii.ii.itv. -I j-Lould lii't. iTvrhara, intro- I !:!( jin thing mbro 0:1 thisnc- ca-io::, Imt I know 3 on will forgive u . wi ra I my .that every i ling 1 - J:- '!"";''1'u' j,.f ji;bi!at;ahi..l f.cn uiy wr,e of ' , 1 1 . .1. 1 ". .r . t.,' ita.!-- t u pen -I as to be I. I ,,: Lvn lift.-l froai L-r,ai:ii. iiim-t vattr.y ...-( rl b the 1 , .;',.! l U t 1 a a i ; i . I v I. ta ti.. a. lit v,-, Ov -I l f Pt t-r U-.irL::.,', i r a.- t!iia , . . ' t j u t ... i .11 x ! : v f'i a in; .. uvu't 1,1 1 l' -'l ' 1 v 1 ..v to- Ii:t!.. 1 cm ::l.olst a. : 1- ..-..I i tr t :n.l tao v. m . 1 1 . :. . I. . A,'.s? :.L al!. t a aro !.! ' i A !.. ( i:. a v-. ;!.l la- l.iv re- . . 1 ? 1 ; n .!..; r.; ! - i a :-.:.a.' I - ! . Ii.. r. it s-v : i a- 1 ' :a i 1 . a . , , t . ; . t I , . 1 . 1 4 . . j '.Tin! of t he -i:aied 1:1 ft- ' '; An.; r:- 111 p'.-ope. Mv 1 'c of ;r:.r. ;nv a 1 1 r.H.munt THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE. Mann Page in the Chair An Ex citing Debate, Almost Fisii ctifian. Memphis, Nov. IS. At S:30 o'clock last night President Loueks called the Farmers' Alliance con vention to order, e iid nomination? were in order, and called Mann Page, of Virginia, to the chair. Congressman Oti?, of Kansas, plac ed Mr. Loueks in nomination for president and General A. M. Weil, of Mississippi, nominatel Mr. Macune. In former'convention, il anv delegate from a State or Ter ritory were absent, one delegate was permitted to cast the entire vote of that State. The ruling of the chair was asked on this point, and he ruled that a delegate was entitled to only one vote. The de cision ras appealed from, but two thirds did not vote to reverse the ruling. A motion was made to ad journ, but the chair refused to en tertain it, when an exciting debate ensued. Several delegates fwcre on the point of coming to blows, when at 1:10 this morning, tnf motion to adjourn prevailed. The light will bo re'.ued to-day. MACrNK' XAMK W 1T11 IK A V.' X. Memphis, Tenn., Nov. IV. Special to tlvti Associated Press. The anual convention of. the National Farmer's Alliance and In dustrial Fniori adjourned last ni liit at midnight, after a ballot had been ordered for the ejecth of a president, and with the name of o.ih one caiitlit.ate. 11. u. L-tucks", be loi e- the organization. The adjournment was made neees srv 0:1 account of the confusion which prevailed. After a very ac riiaonious debate, General A. M. Vv'tt, of 3Iis.-irsippi, withdrew the iiap.K- of Mr. Macune. A. bailor, however, was prevented for tne ' ' ' ." ' "' ' 1 ' " " . " " - " " i II' ' '- i ! : a - - - I '' I ; QT7 T T ! M P HTT T ! A. :T. Op;S'Tli. ' ":) ' ' -I' - - ! ! ' 1 Mese riees. r t 1 A FEW LETERS. Sbcwinz tho End. of a Painful Cor - .; xespondonce. i They had been separated some time, although they told their friend9 that they loved each other dearly. She was in Calamazco. 1 He was in YaHrt Walla. 1 She learned through (a: friend that he was reported as emitten Look at T that lie was reported as emitten , . - ( with a girl in San Francisco, and j ' ' j "'? - is she fortunately had found oneBe(1 -iooni ' Suits at -t 15.00,' w:orth .fi:L00i Parlor Set at $25, whom she hoped to learn to love" j ' 1 - ! ; tone who was ricli and infirm) she $r.7.00; Hall linens $5.00, worth 'O.dfO.x Side Hoards ifp i 1 . ... t 1 ! :4!id i-:i- ,,'.-- to nil mv i;a::at nnn r -l.T a!i-i oMjir-;s-i wj, 1 ii '".. ti"... W ii r rt i poii-i irr all 1 . 1 . ttr ; s 1 'A' II. I . .': t. i' o v,i t- :a.-ht. j . - - f a ewn 1 .; r u ti! lilii b.I.n. :f: I I'll o.I ... j fl4., . v"s t .' -a ' t'.- . I- r ;. f ,n ! :i.-. l.u-v?. t, .0 I- '. 1 'T- t Mt a LMt..; t.v:.; y ... i , V;;s!j nnll,.l of the . . Ul.i::.t b'.x.'t; tl.-J mat 1; ta- 1 a ....a- . ,.-.....1 , . , ,al ,:a,t,U...i,T.. in-tead of b;t:i;; conr.U.'-d. , U ligLt raJ I 1.. K.i- j i.- btit jt:.t I eg:;n. k.:rt-. w-ir -UMl 1 a 1 ; 1 v ii:i;i.'::M.Nn: -.,1-1..... 1.1,. i li. -v r.-. 1: 1 va:vui, i.i- 1 - lift .1 ti.iiat 4. fa 1: : , .1 ! w,kU I ;i.v.v. . 1 1 1 ,:i 1 t .. : via- b!, t! .: .v I . - . e v.'.I.-a 1 l..:e.l I..'- U YOU i ' 1 : PAY i' t . , . v t r. . I f.;..ri'i.e I t . :'v "l, "...:.,: M.v M-dl-av, tl.o ' ' ' a.:u . 1 t-.J l-:.!f .a ;:; . ' "'"' I -'..r. ! I1 r i.a?;r, vu 1 :- ,!i..a..'t t ;:,;:.T..!''.''i".o V : ; ; ; f a '..:..... ' Mr. M rl.i " ;' ' ... : ,. S. - ; .- w-.;r . t t ( 11, . v .1 a li '.: :I l.a;i.r P' ; -ir I t u... t . ::.: k I 1 ir.-. 1 A t..i-;..e I J .. L-i'vr u- .1 I .. 1. v. t, v. 1 -.1 t 1 . , ; .... , r.iv ri! elation ; i tiieoo:!- -"'. ' J : i ....': .! f.4., . : t.-tr .1 f;.fo with t1;! i1;;? .I-,..!1;"; ri,- ionn.ling peoplcltin.e being, and adjournment ,oo . v.i-s a: : iat fi'iKuni- 1 , ion k.s K::-!::.EtTi.E-1 uksiii:nt. TliC programme of the Third p.iitv faction in the order was car ried out this morning, however, and II. L. Loucks, of South Dakota, v.4- re-elected president of the Al liance. The other oiiieers chosen are as follows : Marion Butler, of North Carolina,' vice-president; lienj nu in Terrell, of Texas, nation al lecturer' L. K. Tayl'T, of Texas, editor of the Ti! r, secretary and treasurer; Loaverett Leonard, ot Missouri; .Mann Page, of Virginia; II. C. Demmin-r, of Pennsylvania, andd. E. Dean, of Nev York, members of the Executive Commit tee. MACLNE WITHOKAVO- KKQM TUE IHlOV. rotIatak au.tv fnna th-.sy What vnail our perlor.nanc-e i Lad iuij ii-vii. dl:f.-. S I. tif.ul.aa ? j ,r ,!. ,-. a tract v.e 11 ive uiatlf wnn S;.t.l I 'I .-.v. t t i Lad iiajai-4va-a hf.- t.v 1. 1, t lf.u f .ta - ,,r ti:. ,..intraCl v.c 11 ivr laaut- w m , I t ' ti. Mr.aaf, rNc'v V. j, u v.r v..n I i-.cLad to i-: it if ur Coi::itr men. and how well .. v 1. .:.. I t i.cl...t 1 ve .- : s , . , j . jt - ,-:.,-cU :'. i-h.-.'. V.y ! v ., ;jStjfv t;.- tn -t that they have ;.-. -., u.t-pn:.: . ;. ; ;j; ,.. if tc nothing It u. ..!-::;: 1 lot. .. . a ... -..dt , .. V., .'.. 1 ..;t;!y. Ft-1. rl-L? N. a-it ; ...,... ... ,;,..nHl. , r,vd li.l.l t. : . 1... I. -t;.:: '-t- ,:,T. eVoii. wr- -hall fail at l;::;,.. ' " 1 : 1 i" I.'mV; ! ' If c merely profess ' i.iu-n b,-,M.'r,-d yor.r- j ti.tt'r a'. n our work, and if we . u ... , . l, v A- i whea. ::?- .t s.--.'. i- -ir ;i irent en u-i r hi uh i i v Ja i. !i-i 1 1:. , .U lit: I ; ' . , v . : !.: i..- t . ' .- ... . i ,-,.: ! il w.. i - v.a ;..;, ) : a . e -t i"iu :;,., . r for sikiim partisan ' ..! we raali invite con- :, f di-gr.u-e. If e ! ;, : , !.. .ii-ch; r-e our duty to tlie ! . . !. itlilioi.t cotaidete p ii ty liar- i. in p;tlriotic action we shall I, v t-i.-i... . I , ..,....... ... i,.ii'lU'tMll'V.' : " f : ' ' :! : ..:.::. i.iv v. Ut.U.X. -;ie !. 1" 't ' "; s i. ; - ..i i...'.':mi,h t i ' , I V' I - ,iJ. t - 1--.I. t"..U v.l nj -.tail, -ill oi, ro i..r 1 : ! i ; j; I o i ( r i ! ' T i: i' E oi: : i: ai V. lktL:f0 A tec'jTl M UT.fj -H. -';s :iI-S;-.'.-"'.--l , i-V V;.-1;;- . ''..: ; ;V;! M!,t:;k;odthat,for ah ail : i '!,. ... .. I I" Vi:J4V,..-..a-ii'. 1 l.ttlo U.ry,r l i-.W,-.'. : "tv. .1.:... '. d.od ts :.:.d mi vivirs an.l away t' " J . I :-7 't-i Li- i"t;t v I;-.;: dcu. He itt-.t 1 ..vv, ,;v..r ., t :; I. "I it -it c;.(l!v m - tl..- ligi;t of j;ope :-nd I ! " ? ' ;'; . f Vt,.lT,:i,c. ' a..,:! .'..1 !' i - :I.'.; - suf.tv. The light we ree is an v!!v ..It if .-.r. :i,r.i.-tU : t:oi i-i-i- tv.:,:i i a .f.ai a.. .'i.i I in tract i civ 1 ! I I ... :: ii, ..tl.ci- 1: -r'.t 1 t- t..- la -t t ..a'.t'.oiivi:,' . I i. r I ' ' 1 : . i i a k v.r I t ... t. t'. - .;5va v.-. r .. !-.': -.o-..a. ...d b '.1 . . , r-. .t tar b..'-y," b- 1:1 i r I.d-y, Life Jr.BiiraiiGe -uo. ' O F NlCNV YORK- A.SSl'.fs. si!oaj!im.:';.ri:::::;:::,:r;..; . ( . i ,. x. - A Ni . a: i ..v-r - i ... ! ,i.v i. .1. i i ' .i v w. .1. I r a- U it natii t!a- t xpl. t..a, 1... I ,. 1,',.. . the p. t o: all, d v.tal ti..e,Pi p.'..:-ltl.r I f.iily c :a- Ill,- vi.'.m to f .,. .1 , ; ,-:.nVl I.;- ;I:t: 4M..;a -f ll. .:.;-. . t-: .tV . a. i i: . '-..,.:. ...t. a ti. it be v;d ..V;..r p.a..- i d,.!.a S.;;:ta I 1. I . i t. r ; : ; f - i v i ! i d ; t:r '.v ami- ' :i 1 , t:. . .. v. , .,- u u ;v..t: a 'i 4. : t.'i t :,t?rjt. S TH 11 Y A ,. - ... .. "... ' r. i- -, . . i :; i-1: tl.j: f.i-t .!" l-.v 1 ;. 1 4 i m : :.a. . i : t: . .. .: ..ii"...- ' ' i: t i . a .i v ,r I. j t i " t : v. - . t ::.. 1 I !.: i - ! . . a tl. 1. r. t ,t I a a t i ' I i i i Li a. 1"' i i fw-.ta 1" a :. . .1 l It i ! . i : I 1 ;' ; t . - . .r. . t v. j i 1 t ; ' I . . . XI -4 it - F i. Ml r" t 1 A--. .... t j,'. 1 !' v .: i:l!::-i- V t "I" ' li.ll l ' 11,4 . . 1 " " . N t ,1 tJi.;. ta a J-t.i: I p.tU-.-e, " -.lu- f I . ' i- ' :- " . , . t!.c t;." r o . t:-' -i ' ;: . : -.! ,'..:; -:'".v 1 . 1 1 r ..t 1 1 v.'" . , 4,. .. r .1 I ..V.i r bo i. .i:iicd. . . !v. hi I f :I ! .' - i ! ;.. .'a :i.o : : nil-' 1 ' ,:,.. i F:at.:. i :. "d -i:'i -l - . . ... ' 1 .: I i . :a:.'..:;.v , a' ..... I. ! . 5 t :i! .:! t .:.' ..! . 1 -..a. I ov . f; ! I VP. . a 1 p ; " , f P. ' ' i. ... !. i : . ' .. ." . . . ...... a !.!. v" II, ;1 b at v..i . ; F..-1 t..u; IP' a .:. 1 ..a. I -Vt. i." A I ;..". ."a -iv! V.'c.i 1. .. :r ua t. I Mrs Annie Gator j : v i .... . : i ... V . . .... ' - 1 . II .i rt ! i t ... 4 (-,, " . i-j. r a. .... a - t....v I . . -,'!.' ..'..I'v t v. ! up.-!. . ' A;. I I ah,. . d'l irUh t . ; u t..O a ! -iat t I. i ' r ;.-.n ; ; . P .:,ur c i pi "' HILLI IsBR'T I of the 1AT !.'" I '.'i -t -'-f. I ' .... i v .1 fiL I a. vi ,w-u t a J Fe ..t a!l ; it - ' nr. e ! . d in t " x c ...i.i. a:.d- - Ar :?l:s"!1 : l,()i;i OLD MAAD.j !: I :.p. ' - ' . .. I rr.Mior.A i.iutaktu." i:rc. It Y. r. - t:.o L. . in.. v , Vlv ;3 itr.t SpoF-cI II is AP- ' v-;t:to lorWork. T!.- F" ntuckv iuo;intai:;ttr. . a r..; . i; r ! tiu nv-t ir.-luptri..u-mania tU -rbU ut there are r a rae a'.e r!"- s.rapp..-, . , y i . . tl,- po .r fare oi 'rJ: n ai---vpe of brawn ;dt:e h, and 1 Po'dliketo god.iwuinto tLc l.Iuc Cras re "i .n as a farmhand. l er.arpcd up t r at once, mvillyiu'.orkr tnn,u,r- 1 i a t s i . ' f t - 4 1.. - tl l'.i ', i!':.-'"- . x. ;,i:;S. ANNIE a , ; ; ; i ........... . - j i - . I F. . : - .- 1 . 4 a'l I ' 1 f . ' - . .v r .r..-.I 1 f t' -'V ho exclaimed. id. ... p. .. . ...i . - . ..r'- t'or cat. Ax anvloly -rouml here an d thev I! t. M v..ti the . 1110. . UA ' 1 ;,.,nirv I engaged Milt .1 liUir I , i . ;,.r,' a- a lloirai V v ,..? unusual conul- j.ne eo,.. a -" ,,r,ra full ! V. i'l- 4 - Flaiaif-.ti ui f torn the principles of t.ue, i.oiut. and -pure Democracy !i..v.in.' the wit ia all times of danger, ir.d leading us to the ful ldhaent Jf political duty and the rtibmption ir all our pledges. This liol.t js kin.Ued in love of jus tice and in devotion to the people's ri-l:ts. It blight in a constant patriotism ar.i ia a nat ions prmic. p. t i-s n..t be misled tmnir undoing I,v toe li -l.ts of falsi- Democracy, vXU U mav be kindled ia broken r aad whi. h, s!iinii;g in hypn i!i: if followed, !urc us to . . r ..;!. .. -mil iiisi-race. 11 -e -t'-rh 1 .! orahfad nf u, and .: .l;.a-altiio b.-oa upon our hori- let us niini.'l r that in ti;e ,1 ''. K -t wi athcr the mariner s i anxioily for his true ii.:':;". , S;in P. 7 ill I'Al.r.'s ' I A N 1 . 1 N 1 ..v : ,. In our OAitV charged with -,v rr-; n-ibilitv to the people ha 'p t V1 hU V.evotion t- the 1; s , f ti a- Denu.era.-y, and .iia -n- b "' 1' ir.ttnt to dtctive V I haye f.uih in ihe m;:r.iir:.ss ;?!.! trutiw r.dncv? . f the D ta. r:.tic party. Mv la '.ief in our pri:u-ip!ts and my f, tt it. o-;r Oitty e.-rstltnie m i, , -tth.it vac -ha'I ar-suer the ex ,, ;.p,5l- :- -r .;:r countiymen and m hi. .5, aloft the standard u'f';ru4 D.-m'.eracy, t - i-x the gaze ,. v-, -iv i ars t . come of a pros- .,.t,ps, ia.j.ty. M-1 contented people." ,., p-rs r.i stop - vi:. u.vh.ano. Tli.-dinm r took place at Sherry's nntl besides Mr. Cleveland; there "erc forty guests present, among whom w. ro Vw C. W lutney, Carl .chu:.'.. D.mi-1 S. Lamont, Con ' ;.-,rcn Hreckinri dge, Fitch, and Warner, .Toi iuincvt I-rence U.Godkin, Wayne McNeagh Don M Dickinson. Calvin X Price, Oswald Ultendorfer, . li. Grace, William Steinway, and Ilarrity. wrote him as follows Deak ciirtLiE Yoit have brok en my heiirt. t know all. Con; sider our engagement broken, but remcmberI shall always . nope to be your friend, j maud, j He replied to this : . Deak Maud' I am ulud that I have learned that you are not to be trusted before we made the awful mistake of marriage, i ! Chaklie. After this she wa'sj afraid that he might interfere with; her, ar rangements concerning the one she hoped to learn to loves, so she wrote him : j : j Deak Ciiakeii: Please send back my letters.: I will send you ours. " . j' lie answered : j . . j Deak 2Iai d I imve j already learned ndt to trust you. Sepd my letter back first. Chak'eie. .Siio dip so, inclosing them in the follow ing : Mk. 'AU.ivi:i: You are very un- kin.b i ' Maud II azeltot. 'J'licn s :r w ait e d a ' l e p 1 y . S h e waited three ' months.. The reply did not come. Neither did her let ters, so she wrote the following : Mu. Tolxiviin Inasmuch as I have not received my letters back. and as t litre has heen plenty ot time, I an if forced td.- t!n painful conclusiod that you are too poor to buy tlie inecessarv postage stamps to jsejul th-m. I therefore inclose stiiiieient stamps, and shall expect my letters by return mail unless you arc lost, to all sense of honor. j: j : .Mai d IIazletoi'.. She received rsiiaswcr by -return mail. It was: Deak Maud I always knew you wee conceited, but. I did not know you were concjeitcd enough to sup pose that 1 would keep your letters. They were all! thrown away inytJ diatJy. Tiianks for the stamps. ! . ( 'hAKLLE ' They do not correspond -mwV , i rriH f. rt:, ft !he result . --.eneial . (UMiu,,. inirupariv tut .m.. 4.. .... . p i . p. ;.. ,v.,r;,i.i.l injare the organization, especially U hen U.e ' in the Soutli. where a majority oi the members of the Alliance are Democrats. AJ ready there: are un mistakable " evidences of a bolt. Dr. Macune lias withdrawn from the' national b:Mly and is preparing ..n .i.l.lrt.ss. which will be signed hv the Ut-Ieirates from every solith- t rn State, atnPwhieh sets fortn tne position he assumes and which was made necessary t'.V tne aeuou ui the- convention. President Loucks rei.resents what is deHTr-atcd by inanv of the delegates as the pollti- taction of tne Third pirty, ami nnder hi, leadership theythink !u Will endeavor to swing the organ i .,..ti,.., .-l l.odv into line with the. leaders of the Third party, and the non-political standing oi the ' !'.; In fact we have ii large and complele . line of FUUNITUKE proportion with the at above, so call early and make .your selcctioi'. Yoursrespectftdi , p.4 ..i prices ,00, worth .$,10.00;. worth - $16.00: LadiesVLretary arpl Uooki Case at .$12,00, worth1 if 10.00;- Ilandsomei- Pictures- and Plush . . i ;. . I ! - i ; V .. . i ... Rockers at -.apj, worth .f 0.00. .. '1 it) MdD'd.ffle EASTfMAHKET STKICJt, G liKENSPOKO X. C - i i 1 .-, : . U 'r- ; " ' i' - 1 , : I "-or?;1" L '- '- : Mik ' " i - j.,4v -.i .lr " 'J- - .. .m t i A - i r THE TIGHT IS All PoliiiFiil P; Are discussing Uu merit?) diliVrent Fiat forms ! . Vi n pi it fiitin -too. ; Ours is; l lilv .FK!) POCK J PL mi all Prietfs on ON! of tl ei!r e have ATFO SHOES i We hi tve pair hand on tlve! heaj ti e ni in who would get high pr r.n eirective, po.vcrful, and econom ical tonic-alterative, Aycrs Sarsa parilht may be relied on every time. - i NIAGARA IN HAUNE33. The Ma--ii5cent Falls Will Soon Be Humbly Turning .Water j. VVhcels. - Niaoaea Fai.es, Not.. 10: The month of July, Lt)3, is expected to mark a new era in the manufac turing world, for the Cataract Constructi(m; Company hope to have their mammoth turbine wheels and monster dynamos at work for fi,. who 'miiv desire to use their r than 2,000,000 and ', tve been sacriliced to Ling of the mighty Nin- rve the manufacturing coa i - fif SHOES. We are ghiiig! to h- tlccteddf Low Prices and Square Dealings are ood planki to iiave in h'lsines Fiat form. - Conie to see iH.wjhen 1 ; ' i i i -! ii! ii vou want SIIOI S. We are thejoiJy exclusive Shoe-IIo Greensbor , and handle -t-iile old Kelbel le Pay Statt - - ' I, , - :lr f : . ; - - i "Shoos when von want tii'Miv- ' V! I '.. 'If Pi - -'V . T. "- I .v ! ! .' ' 1.. . !!-.' - ! I - ! i f J. . : 2'2S SOUTH ELM STPEEIT, GU E ENSIiORO, N.'JC, Til -.I W' Vur Ccp, , i : .rV3 ?ilv5rr?4 ?Z.iZcjr . ! tVt N: I -JAILER. I iWatJiiiiarficifewcI,Ic.y a," -L 1 AND i A '-.-.! l'.'.w jj.l'iii-O ijiiir.k-'lrainc'l ft a ....! ...4.. i t" Mi ll! v ... ..Tii'nlii'. riuo li i'-H-i ''"'I t-ilu-i ' i:.S M lies' mid .ti.t ti'if. iSln-.M- 4. WaoiJi ( li-iiii . liii.' Sin'cj .ri . I a -: 1 1 4 - la'.O i.a ,.. mfl.l .4Mf hi P.,!-! :S.-L ( 4v.-nh!tH l.'!l'''l s '!:ri' rio-i t ..-4 tiiitn iVall ib t '4' . .?a. I ', . P I i !-.; M P ,! ar.'- !! u-iia :i i : it! ! "t( ir-l!l'M!l MiH:"il!'Z P OK' :J. : ! I I 511-1 ( N"li:i.S--'i f. .I" l tor fit lilll'4' 'i'l. In1 tia V"i!l: 4 t. die l'i.-tti!licf, t.r.-cil" r.i. . I '.' i : I ' I i Ea: P p;.i i f-toci. nUitin "WALL S,,ll!0!',iFi iilil':n' !l! P - Iroii'il d k l-a I ii ini 1 Maijm. "i ll,.-tt - IF; YO V WANT "WALL PAFFll" CHEAP, ilY' PRICES AI1E VEUY LOW power. M many iiv- ; this harner it .!.... Wid no .t.si. r. r!l lo gt. . During the neateii '-;'"i ,i UH,, pntern:ic is now. last night John F. Tillman i.-': j 'r p0;irj- (f-vo vears work' draw-" jounced Mr. Scott, t.f Uaasos, as a . romuli coward .'.tula s-eoundrel -OiTllEKN OEMt.eoIAT- NOT WANTED. Ing near cf mpletion. Now hero- iii th civiiizt"d woy Id I;a"::iny.in draulic.wojki of -such magnitude i- ; Kin -ifpipri-ed. Nowhere e.-lse art Congressman Oirs.-ef Kansas, la - - ; . t ,m, M.cop.ding the ru-minalion oi , t " ie'of developing 5,000- Ll)ucks, said: "If Macune .s eai I T e citiacf for the t..lrbU-nt o of toe ie-t Aio, VJ j j ig b,,n au-anlcd, hav-e to withdraw fro.a-thc nation- i.al.r ,uper-ffiposed alitor,!., e have ha,, enoiig J i1;8h of , oohorse'pow- of the purciotsed a.lie . id l'1 c.u.,,.- tiH oi.t n the ipughbor- .outhem De.upcracy ! hood of'f lj0,000.' ,. t was a iter the-e utttrancts, ; ; - ..ih .re lou-liy applauded by I the triendv of Loucks, that i.eiifi al.West, of ML-.sis.ppi, witndrew V.r Jlacunes name from before the 'convention. Gene ral Wet went n . .i.:t. I . .. ..r.d hl CO - to say tun: wot.--- 04. .444.. .... . - HOW OHIO VOTLD. i : . Republican Ilfjorites Ver; Small . and Ono Dcraoeranc x.iec- tcr icay wiii. ; . . Cjm iNNvri, O., Nov. Ehlac e n t GB LE; .3 1 HACKE15 311 Siu th Elmi Street, McAcloo House Plock T 1 ' ; ;.-- 1 jat.;i.f Mi MM : ill i ii I p ; : ! ' t ': ' i i ii i i . i - . lri:.l)(FAK'l EPS I OK ITFST ( 'L Aif Clothingj feiit Fu rni s hi i) gfei'Ham T liofi innkv -Vn st(ck ii arMe and handsome line of ihen's, youtlus poys anclichil (h cn'sisints and (ivercoats for the ; ,Iall and Winter trade. ; BVERYTHIM& E W and qf m LaTESTSTYIS. Our lines of Furnishing Gdods, and Hats are Us(t nrriply t.imtricnfie T'v()V II ATS hiyill bliap' s ;aiu( colors. Please' give us a cal . : ; . ." .i.ii . it. : . .. i .' i ; . l before; purchasing 3 our r a.i auu iiuwr f ' j jas .i t , I - "! ! will he. v. ortii vour while. j.j. ! . - - j " j ' . Ft flshhlate, p: : li.'iO Soiith Ejm StreetpG reenbboro, N. Cji ., ; L to say uuu iu - - 4..,-y, - lea nie froi.i Mississippi would not (.l)iv lete retains irom the recen . ? , i- ... !,.. 4,r,lr.r thev ! t. id ihu si r still 'Uliobtalli withdraw i i -'': v , - :utan" -r". . - wo'i'd reti.e from the hall, and .iei.,, alul ;ilrkely to loniaui so i.ovel und attractive feature of .j . Fditor's Study in the Decern- number of Ilrrper's Magazine I, ,' .. r5o- of eiuht dainty il- tt lll PC 4i -v . - . t.'-on i.-.tr-'ior from drawing M I ran ... th. snbiectB which Cl l IV. ,. ; .1D ... .. . ! ;!' in I-444- Air. t.rne r left, , Ih n Terrell, of Texas, ansdfd Otis", attack on r.lacr.ne ami-t tha.i his (Oti's) utterances wouhl drive 50,000 mm out of the Adi- .!u.e in the Snuth nispaicu. for , '.me days to" come.; The of- "TH i PC) V ! i R of GASHf . , , , ,'t, , l.-iP- .- Si' r.-!!!oiil.-rfI With, ri-iior-.- u-M nvit a-: n,i(-ak4.7i of tta . 1 - 44. . i . . i i I ti.. 'i::l 'IU'1 ;..il-it '..i .4'. ' ,: . . f ' - 4 v-. - ... - ! . . . . .1 ......... I.'n i.'tr- ,'ir.tl . i'--" "'..,..- j,,.;, . , . ..,. p,. . vr an, M r.-.v i--: i- ;i i'arpf Mi:r.-, i , riii.i.iuii licial returns lr-i-m: rauMc ..44... , ..ri., r t.i tVli-y r-. w 1 - , , , . i'tc"""" Oooilstor. Oit i4Ciist Jliiucy! .........unto r.-tdts are accurately . .. . , . J ' a. j,,. pa rt:--a a awl i-a virf nrv s results aire accurately - - - - i . , . I ... Ttr-. L 4 in ,' ... . - . ( ........ 1. e :.. , .,.1 t It.'. u an ill I K It 1--- ,1 r-nt... I;.m.i-. !'? ..va-.o.-.. - .ation' U the parent 01 . V . ,. " V ,pm . iori-v.! liaV, v,ri.-n ..ii'. - i r- ... pllbilCan UCni l 4 . ;. J I.a--ln.- .'; i;5;F. " '; turns are held tjac.v 0.0- --"':;;. ;.' :,a..,-r....l V....O-- an.! uia a-'.-.a -e 1 v . . - - , . . 1, 1, (. - - m !., ' u - V 1. . ... 1 I .... 1! I .....i! ... it.. 4 r 1 J 1 If II 1 :.. i . f P. h .lio., V. I I 1 II H'l 11..1 i souai.!-:e ver ine ire. ... ... pi-a a.o k .... ; y ;v; ;.. ..,, ,,'..,,.,,,,. i m l.'i-n. i- Tl U'WI'l . .Hit:" ' r. .. i 1 tiiiii.v" I I 1 .... f ... ; tii. I - i 1 ;.t- ft :t:i'I. !; nt -"''.rk of iiry,fMi'is, Noti-niHj :...... ,1U.-:,s.s. and should, thct,fore, be promptly renu.1 ,1 ,,,,1'CiM' of AVer's Cathartic 1. II-lim-e pills ;do rod gripe, are per- tVttlv- safe to t:Ke, an : tenancy tolivtr and biwel com plaints .1 ! -:. .. votes for i. Judgeship. county is K'nipieie, o.it ..- , back bv tlae Republican members of the board? of -el-ctions, who re- 1 . .... '.,! . - t i-i-.T :i '"'i 1 . 1 11 : : I Fir... TO Si it IPC i-4U....- ! .. .a.., ir.it. i i ' . - ; . ,-. . . .. P.., t ' !- ' - ; " bv ! Fa-leite cuHH 1 . o --i .. -y- . 1 ,.i.a lo.ii r Piiii'al' 1 1. .ii .!:. liii! P'in Inn ; ji.ii- riaa-iia.. Jsllj !-;ui Ji alln r; mi-n't lit-. 1 t-r. t Kt r "4; v.' 1 11 p . l:',y'i: e-iit.-. ' i- ' T. -f.'. lliif P.' p! VH- i ; .r........ 1., 1 !...(... :,.!. i.r. -tn. ti.st P) P.i. i.i r.r I i.i.v rrii th.' .a.'t -M-o. Vi' : ,,r .p, "., , ; f,.,i.,iv .,.,... a,. K:.1i,'rtiv.liJ ,'..,a. e-iia-.jy 'V'y XV-'-',',','Vtn'.- u'l.'I.i t.'.'.'i'.- i.n:rir:.-.ii t-i.e ...it ti..ar v H'u-f u..,t'...a vol '".a-. :.'! " " '.:'V. :.. . ... M ! , ,u - p .. . .!..-.a .-. vl:' .;.,i!-r,'!MM;. I-. .a-".... ,. - . ; t .. ii. i;i -.TKI': ji . - . a. ;: a KV- i.i HI' , N. 1 ' . .....P. ,v. '-.P R' fHUill. w c .incprntlll was ni.i'. -.4 I.-.-- . , - , L',.,nt m v . 1 I i":: - - - The missing reiui.i .4.. ... . - 1 r if lire ritiCK De- f.irced. 1 . . 1 i ' ' 4 . I ' IPO .1. ,. .t 3:. ii ' I H 4 I - III.. .ft ' ' : ' ' ' f .. . ... . i! Oi .4...- bjm:i ('(tllll- '- ' as-ne in t IS .-,.,.in " (.PI PT uif r..- , . - ,r;1 PI li li:i.,j.4.'i . jtnc cook, a no; . " Mr Warner vviu ' u . . . I-. . i po r-.h mih! tl r.r.t lung tor ivepu out 'i ... -- rr..p.u- I ' ; a;,,r, IF..:.- G.ra C.rme.,. r ih xc u, of Arnrn- : ' n .w r.m cM-,rU o-, .Of el, -il J o--iti.y -n ht.Uttau:-. n. - - . ; . , , : 1 iter his cmpbn or ! of whi-)'. Lc is . : u ;;1 v,Ur . -., -a. ! 1 : y.. : a. x, L' 1 -' ' . .: i! -. , I- ml" I miuitol- !l0 ,vil! also mak- l1 h' r.s do io t la 5.j0 pluralju w ,.eL ' the . , V. p - ' i ' . ..rtirent Hti'l diirncterstu' : - -l ;f;i , , and ciouti.-t3 rect-.m-;arV,uncerning the '1" i.1'16" 7 KepiP" f; York cotton exchange from the .,m :.turiiav that uie m' ;,fy-lawf prohibiting trailing a f- and 0 larc;, ..4 ; ,,Vv'n ,unA1 F If I Q f I U A1!!?. hours will iiereauer ... -r-v , ;; iU-1 aL;;,it -;a. ; the ; 1 j h 1 ;l i l ii kHJ Xl ll 11 VJLJ i - illepubHcan We i ' J J .'f. ' ; l While-1 the olliciai ugutct. r lacking tJlie Republican: State ticic"; e is Vlt-ctc-d by pluralities rang-i froAJ 00 to l,05n. The entire Ilenublicai r-I,ctoraltiekt t is .-.rct- ' U1 ?WV0 On wLata Cough-Will you heed the warning The ..gnaij-eruaps of the SrP.PPn.i-h of that more "Hord for the f.'iko cf savin- - ' 1 - : SsaslsiHepresenleoiOir ; ;' ;;. ...' ..'';;. V.T'. ' aii lcinti.-u tt.c..o-vvcelng n. qo.iity ..i ' - . ';; ';; ; " J r.'. a'n.ir. uM, Kt-.r for ,,.,,. for lb. hoi..!.,.- 1 .' 4 1 . 1 1 a t V l; '-tr i nnd thin Iiir. Richardson & ansa. P. .'..-!. .! . - -"'a ; , : ! - . i j ' .!-""--. 1 V." ' :fi i, t rl'.l :' ' ti.-.t. . . .'.-..'... . t 4 .Mil . 1 ' ; i - v w U U.e tlnai t office 111 South Elm Street, Next to Post Oil. c, Ti ;Jrrectfons are maue. March 2, IS92-ly. GREENSIJORO, N. C, ' a 1 1 1;: 1 4 til . . . ' .t - i 1 t J ". A M.IL Fr.t-. . .a. h. " - i . : 1 a... " ". , n ) .i II C N- - j Lu Lui cuaiiuSir c a rar UaUtf. Ax