' ; , . - ,, -.-- n The Greensboro ATMGfVvi. a I ii - i i - ;-. . '-i-. " v , I i ' . . . ,,1 f 1 orkO ny the Patriot Polllhln f nPny, In Al nfj f( I GREENSBORO, N. C, "WEDNESDAY JANUARY 4, L893. . 1 - ? -."rfrfS-'-: ; ! M.wM UU.N.i.''J ? ' i : . ' -!. r - -j" - : : " 1 -' WASHINGTON. I Isa " fc-l N VT feWr 1 I U U fc U -uJ.- Ed WJ i . . v. Svnlvs A: Snilrs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW.;.. 2 ;i:i:i:nbui:. N c U U ; r t r Dr. TIT il. ,1 if. Wakefield, i's .r. t.- r at 1 1 :.? Ii. ..... mry V. .!: .fr 1 1 i:.r A. M. M. t.. t r. M. rt 1. LIMITI-U ! . ur ami 'I III ;!. 1 - Dr; Arthur E. Ledbplter, 1 1 IK ; -. -i , 7 ... ... t , .. J . i e i r , Driw.J. RICIIAltDSON ii i: i: i: n s r.u i !. ro.l n lx-in.tivf In the railrox'l ai w iitirjr in in; run.iuouc. u htrc the lc".tjjftltt tar: It 1'intin fr the j urncj, it was r s't- :ii).!jfiil)y n.antu.J, Ait.! it had a ! x the lirtman JliJ in fi::i -f :ir, !. It ;.;( . rr that !;!..: it" rannotal ivv gi. ! a I r i t " 1 1 , t: lr u l' t ir;i p i inor.!, au-e I!, w ,r. ! .-ire aj-t t 5 1 p ; .n lfll,'ii!luvTur!iJi ?.!ij'iHry i"t, th..ir t.v ln- they rMinrajn.l. I ri:i':e it ith nrt !. It n'.' ut thii ;vay with travel along It ft-" Ii'IKry trarW, I f y-'.r I'.a-l i rather heavy anl you're " si!m ay -U.liii h t' W ; if a r..fiiri)n lcoiK.tl vo yru rn-l-U tt lr i.n.K r-tanl, V.u;l irVil.? yunrtlf in starting with a mI uj-; !y f f can.l. II y i;r lr. W tt-cj utt.l hilly aini Luc heavy sra.h At 1 if tl:ie uh-.'u- C'tie I fore yu hi.: t!:? ra!N -luite :ii iHry ma le. If y-.:iir r.-i-h the untnul ! I lie t:;-; r f ihU Ian. I. V".. -i "ii iat.l Xfu'tl !.- t" ! it w ith a ; ! rr! ii e -f fi I. 1 Dike Hook Coinpaiiv, it i I : A - i'Mtt in! iIiriKtit.f, I r .'il Ii j. &w ay tut hi- It t t'l i;i::. i, t ui lit lr I nl i '! l..1 U I. r t . A j ..-i'II r-a-!i If .'. r al. th .1 --: t II. iao-t licautiftil liein-s-with the jo.-;iLlc exception 'of her mother 7 thnt Ic liaJ ever eecn. One tlay in early autumn he sent her on an errand to the picture ftorp. Had it been cool enough to necessitate the wearing of a wrap he would have gone himself, but it was such a gloriou afternoon and Celeste needed the airir.g. She wore a quaintly pK-!urtiie fr L which lilted l.er straight youn.f figure divinely. In tlt tn.itter of gowning only they practiced no economy, l'icrrc himtlf f-clccted Celeste's frocks and they were made by the day dres-niaker who occu pied the room aero the hall froro t Ii n. On that afternoon more than one fashionable dame turned her heaii to look after the bright vision an J wonder who die wa At t he pic lure plure th- proprietor, who wak a a connoicur tf beauty, mad her uncomfortable by lii i-ontatit ..tare. i When had g'no l. turned to a by--t under and iid: ; "If h.r father wasn't such a confounded idiot, he'd paint her ia some original pose and make hif fortune. Hut men miiit always go g:ilavantinr away from limine in search of the beautiful and good. Wingfi dd i-i a talentc.l fellow, but I supp'.e he'll gr on painting land scapes and ideal head t the end time. i Oleste vras walking rapidly home- 1 . . i.i . u. .1 Hu-it- warl wueii eftmcinutg caugiii uer -1 ; ii tha i;rsn.i. C-ir t ! 1 t ci i.-eI her to stop abrupt r jd.i-e..-.iea:,v s!.e w in front of a iauic :tre inside of which Homeone was finning nart.nf an opera to their accompaniment i-T; ! frigid weather and . . . ,-1 "'ir t td . i r .1 ' ! i.ri a he i ' fr.. il t, i !t ! fulfil w iii h'.;t'in if jr ft- !i . 1 !e . 1 . ;l r.- !.fiu! h i!tc " t.itt.-ti thrtt i iii r i.f :i n- int. Tim I.NSIiriED I'.UJICIAN. 1 1 A Cl;:iitzr.i3 si. 'own n film trani men t She , 1 there listening until the ceased. S(C li ltl forgotto.'i r v StU'tll grasped both of her hands in 'hie. "I recognized your face the ins tant I aw the picture," ho said, without explanation. Then he turned to Pierre. 'I congratulate you, Mr. Wing field. Such perfect expression 1 never saw before on canva?. How did vow ever m inage to catch it:-" ' Then Pierre told its history fn m llrot to ltt as directly at the. ugh the eminent critic had been a life-long friend of his. When he hid finished Mr. de Lan-( cey said: i 'U eu, vou are certainly a most talented . pair. Mis8 Celeste, you poee trie true spirit of the musi cian, w hile you, Mr. Wingfielu,. I d i n.t hesitate to call a genius. And ihat masterpiece saw ith birth in thi dark room?, he added, af ter a pause. "Yes 'aid Pierre, srailinir. He did not tliirik it a breach of cti putteon th part of the interro Kator. "Well, ir would irive me much tue.i-'.ire t. see vou installed in brighter apartments at an early dte a possible. And, as for you, Mi?- Celeste, if vour father will consent, I would like to have the titeaure of niacins vou under the chaneronase of mv daughter, the Haroness von Mint, in Uerlin, until you have perfected yourself in muj-ie. From now henceforth may ! consider you both my especial friend?": Anil then followei! a long eln-rer.-ation fn art mutters between the men. ? Finally Mr. de Lanpey ?aid: 4;Well, n I have an I -. ! -. . ! - ' , , r. r- r - ( f ' -'. 1 ui I I'.'v A-.jr.-i:: ar. i It.th t:i C-rKe. " . t l - ' - ' ' ';'.' t j ' ,'t. :.ti t t f,u-t j i tli it . r !. i.-aeU r i j RAVP t!t li-.;ntht I . j v. r a 5 . :tt . i l v 1 ", . wi .' (S sr.-.'-r- mTTTn ' 1 l iXX' l ' ,r an,i illilL t '. 1 arc r::iarke.l j at lt d r f r. !. TO ' f':rr.;-:ii e w ry U -ark. a! t !;' I .w- tji y j et p. iihl. pr;.r." liil I A t r i i -r U r, .!ieit- . d, .a r I .t;-J. I j g'laTantt d M I I i , : 1 t . I 1 1 I r, I X M engagement music ; at Helve I had better be leaving. where. . j ,.aj nriin before I leave the and hi r cheeks flushed and ,.ilv". ,1, ,.Veiii.n? I n-ould like to he. ! : . ' i: ,:'.'. l 'i. t' w i.en I f i 1- si. derat ! V . 1 "d -tidy 1 r. f-'ml-ire d line of her lovely face wa l.-sf to him. . When it was nil over i 'eb-ste went pnntingly homeward. In th studio parlor Pierre sat listlessly, bruh in hand. Celeste did not . . : 1 wait to nive linn ine picture ueai- ri 1 it 1 ir.i 1 . - w Hit little -be ith i!ot:i than a wealth muc.i vourgrr 1 el ior. GfccHS j3FQ I I I John m. in 1:, u .. .m artist. ad b'siuii life we i!;i.y, but tt n nd-r the great r. u iuMirv- . ' riat 1. n . 1-i:td eon'ended t- :. i i.-ja t V-i'f .irative iio'.i rtv. W ; en ! e return'. t- .nd 1 LM.-:r iSrh to ett!c of hope, worthy a n. an, ar.d U te. Ctltt-te was a tiny thing" with at violet e s und curling hair as !or'v as a piece of flesh, as one -."1 . .-t i ttr. ,. if lit t l 1. f.-i in a iue-m::v. ,p was Pierre's daughter and idol. Her story was known to everybody. Her rxotkt r u a Pariian, famed a a good actrts, but not famouly s:e, tl in any other direction. Her ltinds piiicbil tl.emseht s oer her matrimonial fancy for awhile, then i!ir!niftd th. i'i!'ject with the aord-. "Will, she i a woman." Purre wa handsome enough to I r t wai vears. time Celeste wa lied Verv happilv htr eyes tilled with tears. T 1 .. riltr.ni 91 r. rli'.l t .1 . .lil i'r, Hill rim i-.i,. ... U i . .. . .ill , carriage ny i.ie ei;r!'-;om-, naieuen ,-,r,v in the I her with attentfve interest. ir tru ll, uv near, vour c: nreosnpanving me : ft upi l ot me attract. a nv woman . - i tairing wiiirii w a born, they wife ana mother was mimg left no clue behi.itl her. After that Pierre went with La! v to Florence t continue Steam ; faundry fii jf r. Tlif ';ihiiiuton ... ,i - Life Insurance Go. OF XHW VOIK. I f..o:.r..!nt . f , brilli.nt v ict.rv ! V1' , 1 '" wcre lms of fast.n- ! !I.w Mcidilv - worked in ihnl !n '''W r,"IU"' ,llIlfr ' '. n I v tS I W A " 1 1 : ,'..-.-r, d I.f ttir j i.M.fii.: ' ' .. . i ! " rt i .. - ft.l I i -;:re- ii .;. t .-,,. I fi.l a,r- j,,u:. alJ". lil'-lt iinui iMiuini t.. . .r-. .1 j nothing, fer thy remained unsold, Ir.- t.t.tat ' 'tt r two , U.,,J , lt i r,,j trange that at Inst r' .jf, J..:i.!iv tl n:T r m e and all the i;.o..rt" tr a ires of the apartmrnk vanish Together. Then one morning the and the the tudits so long neglected. For six ars he studied with the energy of a hen I in one place and another, keeping the child always by him, then he came bnck h uue to-search for fortune. He began by renting apartments in the I et and most fashionable put of t own and therein lilted out tu I: that a the f -jri.:i.il br-'th iny f his from all ovt r rrs mfsai:e: she hastened to the pian and lifting the lid put her lingers on tlie keys and burst into n flood of toorig. The, curtains wiredrawn" back, and with the sunshine streaming over her she looked like one thrilled with db ine inspiration. Pierre looked on like one dazed. Then, a$ though inspiration was in the air, a brilliant idea flashed through him. "Why not paint Celeste as she was now? What could be more grandly beautiful? "Celeste! (tlestc! he almost .l:t. 1 t I .... I .... ' Flit IKll 'WHi JlifW l jr tt..i ipr.'M'rl'S pression until I catch it? I f you I ,.r u.,, can fame and fortune await us" J Cilefti- caught the idea "I will j try," she answered, and grew .ins. j j, tantly still. Hut as though it had been stricen thre by lightning! the expression. remained not tense, as though it were affected, h it with the ran-'hi;- of divinity i upon it. For li:. first time the j talent of noting that had c ome to her through many generations en abled her to d- the work eirective" ly. Anil in the long years of his work Pierre had never felt" his blood thrill before n it thrilled then. I'ntil the light died from the skies he worked with the m adness that i born only of inspiration. And not ordv then he worked but decision to Ger- t-pririg. liut now o forget my errand Here. J came M r. ingueiu, 10 inquire w dint ou would take for your picture? as I would like, if possible, to purchase it at once. Would you listen to an offer of ten thousand dollars?" Hierre was nothing of a finan cier and conseouentlv showed no a a reluctance to eiosing the bargain at the price.' In fact he accepted the check with something very like childish eagerness, while Ce leste held her breath. In a minute the door closed and the famous man was gone. Celeste threw her arms around Pierre and kissed him rapturous- "Let u go at once and hunt up new iooi..-;"' i-he said. "And, oh, dear ?t, w h . t a happy Christmas ) we will pt :. 1 and what oceans of . . - . i i Ii 1 t si si 1 n ill r in As we got out of th ravine, which wo had followed back into the mountain for a mile or more, with the ascent so 6teep that our horses could hardly make their ay, we found ourselves on a bare plateau a mile long and one-fourth of that distance broad. What made the width was another ravine to the north. The lovel began just where we ascended and ran to the west. It ended on the brink of a cliiF 150 feet high. Sixty of us had been detached from the main command and sent up thereto drive oU the dozen Indians who The "Tar HeelV' Lofty Aims. "Do you know," said a member to-day, ''that- North Carolina is aiming high I this time nothing less thana cabinet position? Yes. Letters are received from different partsjof the State urging several distinguished eons of the old North State for portfolios at Mr. Cleve land's council table. - And the claims of , these sons of Carolina are pressed with a vigor that speaks volumes for State pride and i the hold which these Dsmocrats haye on the popular imagination 1LAT -HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRSTp CLASS- Hats had a pluDging fire. The ground down there . Our people never do was covered with erass and as clear as a floor. We had formed two lines across the width of the plateau and were advancing before the Indians took the alarm. Their first move was to charge us, but we knocked over four and 6tonned them. . lhen all but one leaped from to the north They had an almost perpendicular cats' from way back to far front descent of 70 or 80 feet, and we af- anj I we i tiePtP(l rou and are gtad anything by halves. When they went into the business of electing the national and State tickets and a Legislature they swamped both the People 8 and- Repulican party. And iiow, when it comes to parcel ing out the oflice?, they walk bold IvHip to Mr. Grover Cleveland and eay : j Mr- President, we are Demo- Clothing, Gents' Furifishihgs, We rave now in stock a tared and handsome line of men's, youths, boys and chil dren' s suits and overcoats lor the r- 11 1 X T r . 1 rail ana vy inter trade. EVERYTHING NEW and of the LATEST STYLES. are we terward found two of. them dead at the bottom of the guloh. . The ex ception was Little Eagle, a grand son of Sitting Bull. He was a vounsrman about IS years old and alreadv boasted of having killed three white men. lie was mount ed on a 6plended pony, and as he fount! lumseir out OU anu ueseriea Delaware. Arkansas and Missis- he uttered yells of defiance and be- gi which gtatC8 an i,ad ge;ats we i elected you and na 111 sir pa thai rii-m think we know how to provide strong timber for we are a time Der-producing " btate lor 3'0ur cabinet and we want the contract iOt one place at least. Such r!an appeal as this, coming from folks who feel themselves creater than (ran IS ti rule uacK ana iorm across in thfl lnet nPVplnil e.ihinPt' our path and fire at us with a navy like,y tQ moye tho t01d Man , if he revolver, ins mcuesier, does not hear too much of it from afterward discovered, had fouled otner States of magnanimous incli- and been thrown away as useless. nflti0nn resnectino the new I'rpfii- i.ientcnani uavis ' lnsianiiv i e- i ,i - w i 1 1 r 1 1 i. n i ii i n r i ii l nii uin inriii . cognized the young chief and call- "Well, who are ta ed of?" ea upon us noi 10 nrc. nwcwuiu ,iThe jetters re!a ? chiefly to take him prisoner he would prove Gov;1 Holt. 'Jule' Carr and ex a vabi.ihla hostage. The lines ad-1 t ;,,v, r!.--- tin,imn " - - j i i tiiriiiri nui. iiii r;i him iiiriiiiian. vanced at a walk, every man with lis carbine to his face, and thus we slowly pressed him to the west He fired as many as 20 shots from under his pony's neck, and his bul- ets wounded two troopers and three horses. His only possible hone of escape was. to dismount Ex-Governor Jarvis name is ;ntioned either for the cabine or a foreign mission, his service from 1888 as minister to IJrazi having, in the view of his friends entitled him to consideration An cxmerauer ot tne iiouse from! North Carolina makes this Our lines of Furnishing Goods and Hats are just simply immense. KNOX HATS in all shapes and colors. Please give vis a call beforje. purchasing your Fall and Winter Goods, as it will be worth your wbilc. .', ! : v. fisiiulate; 2oi) SoWh Elm Street, Greensboro, N. C. , ,v r I SrSi n7 Pi T3 R Yr -' - : " " - i . - ' - ' i CoUPIAM.V INVITES Til E Public to Call in at G. Will Armfleld's eld stand, 236 Sooth Elm Street, i ' .11 And examine the Largest and Most extensive Stock of I El and go over the bank of one or the cabinet el;ite for tj,e South, while t wo rich neof)le i each other." Every traveler should x .if Tutt's Pills. i - carry Th2 Gould Family. Tl i- : . . d i . r. him. wall v r.-oni i.i a:. I Wcice ilav afir day only t ii -ti- klu u. The I. 'led l.p w ith brauti lfi!itiitd frame: ir l i nut v av.iiieii .ti I r. n ti Til KY AUK m;. r Hun I. A - I.i I . ; .-. e-i'i " M-r I ' r I .a ::.n . r, I, . r. !. Vil -v I .-n.N ril. 1 i ftf :i 1: I i ; - te eoULI neve - of'k- i-v.1 nrt j f,.r!Z, t ti e si::gui!i of thai hour '' ' j'' ! Alter th t they went down into f ' ' l i two dark r i :ns with dingv broken i,.) t.v the 1 p!ati r and d.d llu ir ewn work. N't:,.!o Itughed at the odd look of 'tie ilken curtain that t haded the h : t ! . -! mav wind iws for Celeste IT a- a ehild but Pierre would sigh t them. The some W Mar- t. r Paris'; Iti f e tUn ' " l-!iUi !- as i looked at Hum. ! - . .o.rt..:n-. a r.in 1 pur." and -i th r. l. Mar. i-Ti-r. I t . l.ri:ir.M). Kiel :-; 1. Va. i . . VI I.-. .... ri.- a b fr.Ti th' a- was w rei k. all they had Iele or Pierre seemed to ear anything beyond the picture. At lat the time came when Pier re was putt ng t lie finishing toucli- ; es on. It wrs f he f.rt thing he h.i'l eve r d. ric with w hih be dared : feel entire sat if act i C!-tc' wns as i nth'isitstie as he. Darling Pierre, am 1 rt ally ; i that beautiful, she aked, llushirtg ; rierre matle no answer; or.iy giz- ed at her adoringly. 'What will you "call it?" Celes te wi f.t on afttr a moment's plUe. -Inpir d musieian," sai l Pier re. . - : It wns, two das before ('lirist mas th.it it was pent t tlie picture dealer's. When the picture dealer it hn He grapt saved ; s j w I I i fee t-'fo. N. e' Mrs. Annie Cat or IUs rt !d fr i 1 r -s 't : :a th ew I North- with of MILLINERY They lived rl.it ;!y i n bread fnrn the baker's, and canned goods from ' i.t :hb'iring s!.op. Celeste made Stir! id- as !it s!4e eutiKl while i Pierre w p: an ! tlu-!ed,- and then thr would tu operate in eleaninrr up I lie dihv. . Mist of the tim lli.it jjhe was frie from 1. oif keeping details C I - te nudsed the use of the brush and plavi accompaniments by air on the piano. She suug in . -ar.tly in a clear, pure, l w voice. t!.. !.A'H I an 1 i.. io.NAlil.K TYI.br :e jti.e r .i r. l IM as rt in t f. FASH and at ip as n. ent!iuiam was hoi: r.u - d Pierre"- hand warmly in the excess of his feel-nrs. beautiful thing 1 except it point of words he kl.ew only street ever, thev sounded ang them, f r t!ieta witli a CALL AM ln)l;n i:f. r-t at mi: Ui.D TA.M). I' rider the F. r! Mi:. w H '4e. song, hut well when she her voice invested new meaning. At least S'i thought Pierre. He had never seemed tr fare for music be- it-, and he bitterly regretted now hi. at h.- bail tl;r.wn away the op- p rt unitif "ef his youth. If he ha '. I t:t taken advantage ed them h. might now hir taught Celeste what !.e was eager to learn. H ws h ; know, thou h this bitter!v that he would ever be on .1. 1 at her w hen she had learned a r g .;.4- w as o perfectly happ'v IVVIf C ITfl .' .. . i uif starvation Uftr uui i:e loveu It M. II. HOLT. ' t t .. i ... i . . i . i. i .. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE. u'r. j i . f They had Ijved in two little dingy tn V.ih, 1 f r..-..-Kl j ir cohort - j frrjjs a long time and Celeste was .: rt.:r.b-fcrv1r;':sSrM J) growing into womanhood. Pierre't M.II.HOLT.a heart bet w th pride eTery time i r ik lil zt N. he looked at ifer for the mat the "The most ever saw!" he exclaimed. the model. .Mark ray will prove the turning your fortune. Early on Christmas Eve there : t . t. . i: . . i was a wnocK ai l irrre a oaiior door. It proved to be one of the househole servants bearing a card. "The gentleman would like to see vou at once if you are not en gaged,' he said in that tone affect ed by servants in the presence of poor persons, above them in sta tion. Pierre read the card. He could scarcely believe his eyes. Mr. J. Wentworth de Lancey." That was the name of the world famous millionaire art critic, whose opinions were waited for eagerly even at the salon. He was in an inward tumult. He glanced ruefully around the ugly rtom and at the unfortunate pictures that adorned the walls. Then he eagerly exhibited the card ! . John H. Gould, father of Jay Gould, was a farmer of English de icent, who resided at Roxbury, Delaware county, N. Y. lie was married three times. His first wife was Mary Moore, whose father was u farmer of Scotch descent. The children by this marriage are: Mrs. S. li, Northrop, now In in in Camden, N. J. Mrs. A. M. Hough, who resides in Los Angeles, Cal. Her husband is amethodist minister. They have I no children. I Nancy died unmarried. Mary died unmarried. ! Mrs. G. E. Palen, who resides in j Germantown, Philadelphia. ! Jason, or day Gould. Mr.Gould's i Maine was Jason, but his father and hro hi-rs ami sifters always called I him - Jay," and he finally adopted 'that name. I 'I he second wife of John U. i Gould was Eliza Chase. She died ab-Hit six months after marriage. '1 (it- i hird wife of John B Gould w.a M try M Corbin, .whose father was a farmer of Irish descent. Abraham, or Abram Gptild, "now purchasing agent of the Missouri PaeihV Railroad Company, was the only ehild by this marriage. Mrs. Northrup, of Camden, N. J , has eight children living, as follows: , Howard, i mploycil with the Amer ican Refrigerator Car Company in Chicago. Frank, residing in New York. j Peed, president of the A. R. T. . ( 'o. in St. Louis. i Snford, with the A.. Ii. T. . Co. ; in Sr. Loins. William, residing Jin New York. Ida, Mary ami Alice, who are school teachers in Camden, N. J Mrs. G; E. Palen of Germantown, has two living children, a daughter, Anna, and a son, Gilbert. The son is a medical student in Phila delphia. She had another son, Rufus, who is dead, and a third in infancy. Jay Gould's children in the order of their age are: George J., Edwin, Helen M., Howard, Anna and Frank J. Abraham Gould m rried Sophia Kegler. who died in .1S77, leaving an infant son, Fred J, who is a school boy in San Francisco. George J. Gould marrieel Edith Kingdon and has five children as follows: Edith Kingdon, Kingdon, av, .dajone and man. other of the ravines, but lie was too nroud to attemot it. It would 4 be a disgrace to him to lose his 0- war horse a stain he could never hope to wipe out. "Little Eagle, I know you shouted our oiucer. "lou are a brave vounsr chief, and I want to save your life. Surrender, and you will be well treated !" . i T A 1 c r. T nri nr T nrro VO replied the boy "but you cannot make me prisoner! I have no more bullets, and I am only one to manv, but vou cannot take me! - As we advanced he retreated. Any one of us could have shot him dead as we pressed him back, for he was only 200 feet in front of us. He fully realized that the game was to force him to the edge of the cliff,-and that if he charged us a score of ounce bullets would make him a target. Twice more the Lieu tenant called to him, but he only returned mocking replies. When great others give that section only one or two places !at the most: Her bert,! of Alabama, Secretary of the Navy; Culbertson, Texas, Attor ney j General ; Hatch, Missouri, Secretary of Agriculture. rdr the smaller offices a comnetition is eoinsr on. I hear that the marsSalship of the wes tern district Ls wanted by Sheriff Allison, of Iredell, and possibly one . other prominent gentleman whose name I am under promise not to mention, as he nia' not, af ter all, makei the race. A full Joisen wih tojfbe collector of the upper district.' and it is useless to call the roater'until it is complete. "And still they come!" Col. Paul r. Faison. of Duplin, seeks the eastern or lower collectorship. Mr. Stone Cowan, whom I did not sue ceed in ; finding, probably wants something. S IM.vi!t Gould to Celeste who wa seat calml1" on mv. oiai... n"tu.. ioi inc '"' ,1... .,.l..,i..l 1 . .l M- .! T . t. ....t . j v li ioicii aim .'it. uv biiiitti iiurn'j.i 4t i. rv .. . . iii .i ! Dr. Shrail v of re w l o He was the same elderly- gent le-, man wuo r.aa waicucu veiesiu eu that eventful afternoon when she had stood"-gj;c music 6torc. He t uraight Vp to her and murried recently daughter of k -Ex. Hall's Heiiewcr remtily for and baldness. rm r is the natural hair, dandruff, favor, so! Aver's Almanac "is the most universially familiar publica tion of the kind in the world. It is nrinted in ten languages and the annual issue exceeds fourteen millions of copies. Ask your drug gist for it. i As Ayer's Sai-saparilla outstrips another hundred feet would have all other blood-purifiers in popular brought him to the edge of the cliff he wheeled horse, took a fir mer seat in the saddle, and with-a warhoop which could have been heard a mile away ihe diove the animal straight for the cliff. "Shoot! Shoot his horse!" shouted a dozen men in chorus, but before any man. could pull triggers horse and rider had disap peared. Three hundred men in the camp helow saw them come down. The horse turned over ami over in the air, but tne young cniei ciung 10 his spat. As thev struck the ground he was underneath an 1 got the full weight of the horse. lotn wpre killed on the instant. W hen we got elown the . body of the boy was stretched on the grass with al most every bone broken and many nf them nrotrudins? trom me flesh. His face had escaped with out a mark, and it was that grim smi of de i?ht whicn told us as plainly as print! that he had out witted us in yielding up his brave young life. .31. tCAD. Writh many clergymen, public speakers, singer?, and actors, Ay er's Cherry Pectoral is the favo rite remedy for hoarseness and all affections of the vocal -organs, throat, and lungs. Its anodyne and expectoranteffects are prompt ly realyzed. Back ward, Turn Backward 1 Th9 Old Alliance Cotton Business Those Left with the Bag to Hold. Slor.lv uftcr the Alliance be- ' . . . . . gan operations- in tnis county, ii opened a store on South College street known as the Alliance store where the Alliancemen transacted their business, principally their cotton business, and for which Mr. F. S. Neal was agent. The fate of the store foreshadowed that of the Third party it was soon out of ex istence, leaving the endorsers with a debt of several thousand dollars as a. reminder of its brief career. The principal part of iha.indebted ne.js has been j paid off, there is still a good large sum to be paid, and as time eloes not decrease the size any, the endorsers met yester day to eliscuss the situation of af fairs, and to make arrangements toward paying off the balance of tho notts. Charlotte Observer. One Ihalf the world doesn't let hia better half know how he lives. Elmiira Gazette. r 1 he following pitiful wail is credited to a Republican editor, and respectfully referred to his a comrades in the consomme: Rackward, turn backward, O time in your flight, give us a vic tory just for to-night; wipe from our features the torrent of tears. backward, roll backwart, O tide of years; turn back the clock till it reads '88, blot out the present un merciful fate; give us . some hope for this nation's concdrns, change tha returns, Mister, change the re- turHs. Backward, flow backward, O 6tream oLthe age, seasoned to night with Republican rge; blot from our vision stuffed prophets and crow, choke off Democracy's buster and blow ; jerk from des pair a few fragments of hope, 'keep a good eye" as we roll down the slope ; never mind now it's too late what a seooj! Rring us the soup. Mister, bring us -ihe 60up. Shiloh's Cure, the Great C'ouh and Croup Cure, is lor salt; hv us. l'ocket size contain twenty-doses, only 25c. Children love it. For aale bv Richard son & Kariss. - GlossySheen And Tieorous Growth, so much admired la hair, can be secured ty the use. of Ayer'a nlr Vigor. Tliere is nouung uener man thi preparation for keeping the scalp clean, cool, and healthy. It restores to faded and gray hair the original color and beauty, pre Tents baldness, and Imparts to the hair a silky textu. s and a lasting and delicate fra- grauee.! The most elegant ana economical dressing ia the market, no toilet is complete j without Ayer's Hair V Igor. i "My wife belJeTes that the money spent for Ayefs Ilair Vigor was tho best invest- j meat she ever made. It imparts a soft ' And Silky Texture j to the hair, and gives much satisfaction." ' J. A. Adams, St. Augustine, acxas. "After uslne a number of other prepara tions without any satisfactory result, I find that Ayefs Hair Vigor Is causing my nair to , prow' A. J. Osment, General Merchant, I Indian) Head, T. Vv. T. i "Aver's Hair Vigor is the only preparatioa j I could ever find to remove dandruff, cure ; Itching humors, and prevent loss of hair. Ij confidently recommend it." J. C. DuUer.i Spencer, Mass. Result From Usin , irr'i TTair A'lror trill rrertnt ttrema-! ture loss of hair aud when zo loci will stim-l ulate a new growth. I have used the prepa-j ration for those purposes and know whereof I affirm." A. Lacombe, Opelonsas, J-a. Ayer's Nair Vigor Dr. L C. AYER & CO., Lowed, Mass. gold by Dru(glrl I'trtojaiu. FUENITU ! OF EVERY KIND AND STYLE f Before displayed in tn City it GREENSBORO. Also carry a full line of CARPETS: J ' Come and Examine this stock before you buy and he.will convince you- that h means business for he is prepared to Meet a 1 1 Legitimate Competition And his prices and terms will be made to'Euit all. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. RFPAIRING and UPHOLSTERING neatly and substantially elon Wat; reasonable prices. , ; f: j Parties desiring furniture packed carTbe accommodated by calling on us. "Seeing is Believing." A nd a rood lamp jgMtisk must be simple; when it is net si'irde it is lfjjjjjp V'1 not good. Simple Beautiful, t7mthesef p!-- mmm TT jrvii!.'..L ...il . . . . . . . . . . ...i.i.. ri. i-n.if - - - ' KbJ lliC MUU1 IriOr.uUlUL'll, .111 Ult. 141, ViJiM9'-- will impress ij$ci'-i:'uieiy safe 6fld, it is indeed a "wnr.i rutn mcrcUorcibly. All metal, 2iZ s, end rriajie in three pieces only, and ;;fii'rehkable.- Like Aladdin' VCK-U3 i softer in .rti4 lamp," for its mdv than g3S I i cither. r'it i-j purer s.r.d Ltmhter .1 . i -1- r r- .i - n eicrciric nznt anu now cneeriui inaa cuncr. i l.r.-.M i;r tl.:itaiur Tns Kfcnusvi;s. -if the laajp dealcf hasn't the ce.iwlin iic-ver. ami t-e mU- you wan;, seud tu iii lir our new i-lrnstratod cauloKii'. I tirtss your caoice ot over It ,Ot)J i UOCUKS't&n LAa? CO., 1Z rarb Place, New York City r?fcJ.S. ?. iic-ver. and t-e MK- yoa wjiiL, seud tu iii tiri -r'iS,',iWais.i v. c snvj yua a lump sult.'ly bv cxtirts KS H L; varieties from the Lhrsci.t Lamp SSy' a i'te It Nov. 2-Cui. "Will I'MiriT 1 (illlilT illStiiT. IF Y'OU WANT " WALL PAPER" CHEAP, CHARL MY PRICES ARE A'ERY LOW. Tl O 1 HACKS 311 South Elm Street, McAdoo ITo'upe Block'. I- NewMi We are noiv llinerYandi otions. readv to show to OCR CUSTOMERS and PATRON LARGEST and -PRETTIEST "STOCK OF I MILLINERY AND NOTIONS we have ever had'the pleasure ;f showing theun.)cfore, and our PRICES ATiV. STTKK-TO PI.KASK YOU. W6 will not be UNDERSOLD ly MV. Anybody. We are willing to compart prices at n,pj time of GOODS. You will 'still find Mi$s Lim.ie On&Em TuCKEit behind our eountert) and are and customers. Come and eee u.. i Rcppeqtfullyr Also qimlity and Mi-s ,E anxious to-serve- their old fne Mrs. Omohundro, West Market Street, G reensborp, N jthe 51 MA 1 nds Oetobcr l'J-Jiii. THE GUILFORD; LUMBER; M'F'6 G i ( E S B( ) KO, N. C, Is better prepared than ever before to supplyitheir customers wit Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Brackets, Mante s, Siding, Ropriog, Ce iing for. SHINGLES, LATHS,! j In fact aiiT kind of BUILDING MATERIAL that can be called Pli-nse examine our wins -itiid tret our oriets before buying. We keep at :,11 tim ft Ur-re nVyor t rnirii t of GLASS, ahd can liil orders promptly ior all odd. sizes or irregular shapes, and nuike no extra charge for cu tiling' the same. - . - i- " 1 ! - ' Jl-;'-'y ' THOS. Nr WINSLOW, :1 1 T M O GENERA INSURANCE Assets Represented Over n or . Oflice 111 Sou March 2 th Elm Street, Next to rxat uihce, i ! GREENSBORO, N. . . ... i i . . . 1 r