Greensboro if i iL r ? (JliEENSLJOKO, N. C, WEDNESDAY JANUAKY 18, 1803. Kj the k'atriot laI!s: UK ' . lit ! nr, In ,i it 1 1 . i . . ; k.i-ii 91.-4.1i i'-r f .'-if il i j 1W1 'O- i . ' ! ' i i - u. ...... f ' ' Dr. vr .u. r : i . : : : 1 . ': . r' i i - j - - ' r. Dr.Ar i ; 1 v IT -! i II. 1 , I". ! EAV.H YOU- TO PAY (1 i -r 1 1 1 - ' II L l . .t .Ay.'r. H v ... r j .v ' ' r :i . ; I r i ! 1 1 i .1. 1 1 : :. ..i "i 'i. -rv lent -; , i I. t t t f ir - 1 1 r I - fr ' .. ., v ". .. I r - -i' . ' . -. ' -..l.r . w. ft ran. ii" , t '!'!: Life ui: Mew vork. ! ASS 11 r t i i I: i. T ! K. V r V r t 1 . -i j.. .. j '" ' " ' '' ' " "" 2 V. HL'i 7h: V.'M 7U. ' . . . ' I ' " " " . t . . . . :. .::. i i.- uum 'That "Ilissioi Work for llountain: A MANLY LETTER. On a Tandem. 4 - : I i I V'i't ''( !!. h I i.V I j b :..e-r, ro ul 1 !.! j 1 e .1 ; 1 ' h r oulv coil i'i -a iul f f buvJ icv I i . r .. V?.!icIic-M, ' M t i ' . . . . - ! : Iai : 'a.: i. I 4 . : ..r ! '.1. . - . . r t. - , .' . ' '.. t I . '. . ... i ..r I I . J.i. .m i ...!! i- . .. h' in 1 .1 to tL - f-lr : r." ;.. ..' 1 r f.4.l. r .-.ri-.!.. 1 .f u L.r arul ti ! :.c i ! .:?y f I.i h u 1 f r tJ.'. t.r t tii.;. -A!-, nr - all i..t-; ..!.:. J Ar.j iu lj the i-i-ci- I. . . f o ;r ? 1' V" i i i f " i i l. r t;;i wti. ..; ..ilU I., r ! ...H. ! it t ! . '. . i l. i. I i 1. A r, - ; !o i i.i KlGHARiiHON. .i;i:u;s rimin:. r- 1 I t. .. I . I !,: . ;"!.." i" i t ! f. J:. l ! ' I t '. . ; . I ... , , : . t" j . . ; . v.;v- An- .ri v. .sk' ii I-.- v it:. tl. it 1 l i l- i .. ; . 1 !. r ... - J !l AVt !- is-... i ;:r-I. il-.- r .-f :i . . A".: !..- !i . . . :.: 1 .. . f " i ! s -". '. : i . .. .. .-. : .;:. I.:, i ! : 1 r. -. .4 , ;:r. :.u : . :;.:' i- ,. :. f ;' t ' r. . .,...: r ! : I J I i i 1 ;i ! n t 1. .; I ' .-'i ..r i . 1 r - 1 . . . y :;t. 1 Ur f 1 v ! v f. .ti is. if i.'iaol ia .! Mlj- I.M- will. 1'i.ty . 1 " t. T. r. It l..i l r.Iu u t-. 1-t to i' :i i. r K- ir ii;w'.!.:r !.--!i:jin2j lay- u 1 v.'.. :!! a-v.'oin !!; h t-' task u 1 tv h- r. AV.ilia l..ip;inc; i'.il- I !. r "t.i. S!i. mw l.-rclf yt-ar. hviivV f!..i!i!,i 1 r.ueu fr h: ia- 1-A l..!i ti.i -.Ji thv i .it Ii Tvl.ioh .! no coulJ I r l'C.if-' f tain 1 ari.l !oJy. ; a. j . t" a . i-ii auwcr ti Mai :... I I. i li L-iilv tli-jc -.inr; c f t!.. ju. f-I.o jmov.uI.'I . . ! . f i t k 11 i i:i rati. m ;M it 1 I" . a- t ilv.. ii a ni.;i, :. - t!i i lii 1 V.ii 1 t;i:- !l II .p- j';!.--; a..:.l -t i. i Is ry. . M.iJ .11::, t!.i:.Lin a:i.- xv.r-. i.i In! - ::i 1 r i i i v f l.- r l..:i; L. r, Mi1-ii:t.-J. Ijttl. tli.l hl.o s-a-nc.-t C.w i::.!.,. :. iv f tU-y i ..-.tL'.vV. A:: I tiJ i ii l.nw t'.o a i.i.ij . u c ;f ,o to c!v . i. ( r !-r::i-..-'l I- .tit t- all r.-i . -j.k.i i-.j. j. I!-;- fi: ! ;:!. ! . ..! 1 l.,.r f I .si.'.. 1 K. : j ti lvly ;. ill :-i I aii 1 l..i I 1... .) . . !::.::.: . I i-i m.' Hit i... i 1j . :u t!.-: r, . ij-ii :.t of tl. tr .i u t I-i ! r a-i 1 1 ; . 1,. r .:.-l.t:- , ,U 4 fi- . f ... WT. Ar.;;- !: V.ill I...- c :i, .--.. :,j (,) I.w, ul.i.1, aa .! 1 !-:.- 1. . .iti- n.lii. I . M v1(....d!...I f..Uv:,:u eu-- , .i . . v. r .'M'-e.l tl... o.-.t'i, i." .t u i: ;t - . i ! t! !.! r !..!. I . 'i'i , , i ..if Nov V. ;v t l N'.mv i : . !::.! n huir !.; l'.. ;..-; ,r! ..ri.! ,.( 1 t.-ti if tl..'y i.,..y I .- s ..I' .!. . f ;.y .;!.. -r iii.) j'-'r.-i,;u !. . ''. ! ! .:!. :.. . ...l..r . u;:h !.. i .. : . ri i.r - h .n: . i i :i - . t i .ir.i! I. i t -J '.:;, !i iVc 1 , 1 I i : l.t;.; t' rii i ....- i f.t !'... "Whites." Scctiona'jsis w!m tle?ire to cre ate for themselves a field of opera tions and an income in a charming arul healthful Southern climate not infrequently vrite very touching articles jt,r th? Northern press on the (kp!oraMe vondiliiA of the nountiin white.1!"' of the Sr'Uth :-. the i.ttd .f "iuiion work" at t urn perswr;, in - t ; tr; ! 1 1 t!.- i'i ! t- t.. .... t ... !., !. ..-. .4 I I . ! . -. .;! Ha .... 1 V. I . N' .t :r- i : .; f t ::- i .. : : v. it. .. !' ' f: r .. t i.itl v. I 4 I U:i L.i! 1 1., r .. tl !. a- I t'.t" i .! .j ! : V,iV ff !.! .v. i.'r ; r 1 i -i I. r 'i r " ! ' ! ': ' - ! - f ;. t f I I! i .'. .' " i 1 . . r.' i . ! '. Ir v-I.- ii . ;:.:' ; t: ' r tl- i : ii r.r..-.-1 1 - .:!. t . tl.. v . ! ; :. i ft.-' ;" 1 . ' 1 ::. l- !.:. ! i ,',. i r I : 1 i . r i fr i.i :.l r. . !. f.T t- - , i'i a ! ! t .1. lw t '.a' ::! :r t . ; . I .. . v !: 5 'i c :;:n.:c :'. i . r.i.i .ti'i . i n t')i' r..;- ti. i.i i !..! i i . ,11 c.l..- th i! i.;.;y I'.-j r! i ; : iw. i li ; .1 t f . i ; . .. v l.i -h i, till ; it' l. . :m : li . . t L .i : i it v.o il l .!.., i' 'At-.. If i; :...( .a i::.:. ; i ..r- li. I io .r t1 i. I'v: 1 1 ; . . arc t;j- i:.ip it. ! i i I .!:;:, -, a-4.l ti. a-f.un-.' J. .ili U'.ir.' i-!. t e-j in a T.v.ivo I r .!:!. il l i . s . ij-i.i .'iti s t Al.. Ji'..i ' ;;; t,i..,,.. tC c. a: i ' I I.. il. . ;. !i K . 1 1: y v, i' !i, . .. . v. ,. .. . , i i:. .. ". r, .io.i.-.i. !.;.,. 1 1 v K -cri' tion of! Iii'.- asaon tlx b. iiattun of WVstt rn North Caro i::.:i and Ma-t Tennt ssce, "pile on the :u in n iuarvtlous nor. Sometinics thev tlo it with an -stter disregard; for the truth. Th?v r'preent the exception to he l!io rule and picture scenes ami conditions common enough in parts f.f tlio North and Wt, perhapp, in larire cities as well as country places, hut very rare among the s'Kn!e of liie Appalachian region of the South. One would think f rt i i tii-'ir ."..'counts that the South ern u: . . ins were swumin-with rave-. i.. tilers, i he aim Eccnis to !. t j trpetiiate the ideas of that :.- of philanthropists who find a j eeuliar pleasure in conteuiplat in :j povett, ignorance uii degrada tion in tit? Soutli since ti.e civil war. Not lo t. situ.'- the n-itL'o d an appeal of this tort for aid t '"luifeion work for mountain whiter," showing thnt it was in t-llVct a hhtl upon the people it ; r'.ft.ifd to ile;i ribe. Any person faiaiiiar with. )'? Appalar.chiun ri.'i.-n of t lie South would see at a v j'bstiid t!ie whole thing ...a- The ( .iristian I'nion forDe i n.h r 111. IS!1!!, contains a letter fr-.;-! l.cV. I). Atkin?, a Tdtthodist i..::ii-ier. of IIe:i.ler.'.nvi!!f. N. C, which coajplotv'iy dMuoli.l:cs tie " mountain-whit-" myth. Mr. At kins will he concciu- l tokp. w wirit lie is writing" a'l.nit. 1 .a '."rn and reared ii th? :.!.td told Ui;u".taiit ; region f p'vi rty, i- t'he hillside blazed iu ri d and rold The fields LaJ burned to umber; - The air was cri.-p, not yet too cold, -As down a winding way I bowled . With Jennie on a Hamber. - j Sveet Jennie, with her cljestnut hair, Her roguish ey'es and laughter j How proud was I hat she was fair; !o.v glad wjil tixsee h. r fhere, And k n o v that n o r. e c a m e a f t e r ! IIoji. A. Leazir cr. the Alliaace Tho Present Head Cficf ts aro ro ll tic al Partisans, and do not Rep resent the Principles cf tho Al liance. Some-time since Hon. Augustus Leaz:ir, of Mocrcsvilie, was invited U r.cldiesjhe Catawba county Al liance, inT-coronanv- with .Mary- ann IJutler, t!;4 State Preside-nt. ; Oh. dream of happy d.iys gouc by ! i ?.,.ii'n.i ivif-itifi i u e spoke of autumn saulv; " , Mr. Leaz-ir declined tin .mutation AnjJ l 66eme(, to heairher gigh giving his reasons therelor m an ! j i;pcj her name, I know not why "pe:i Itdler. These reasons arc so.- somehow t.h'5 pedaled badly. 1 true Ktul so pertinently express the , j. , hfcr n &vd growh)g hoU . irue Piiuaiion oi itie- iiiiajiet- us ui present controlled, that they will prove of general interest ; and are printed below. After stating that kindly personal feelings exist be tween the president of the Catawba county Alliance and himself, Mr. Lcazar writes : " "The constitution of the Alli ance plainly declares . the , purpose of the organization; any good citi zen could endorse these. -The con stitution further, both in letter and spirit, as plainly declares against partisan tests and aeis, Kveryhody knows that for thirlast two years the principal and al mos; role topic tf interest in the Allinn-e has been politics, not on 1' partisaN, but personally partis an. ;.J v course in lite oas leu me E5 H v5stT JJ -i PrZZ- ?- 'ISvSv kszzrt. ?. . i i-k.' ajt.ui v-i t c Hi IIEADQUAR1EKS FOR FJ RST-CLASS llliC Xo wonder she grew sober, Or that the wheels so slowly" rolled Along the sunlit leaf strewn moid Tbh rare dav in October. I lisped her name and bending Jow u bile iieuals turned at random Till cheek touched check I bat you know-r- Of course 'twas wrong to treat her so Sweet. Jennie on a tandem. ! ABOUT .SUPERSTITIONS. Trivial Things-of Life Discussed to tPasi Time.; - j A number of gejiflernen sat around a stov,e the other" evening, says the C'hfi rlott ville (Va.) Pro gress, when on? Of them said: ; "What would "you t ht.nk if I ivr i i - .. ... i . i W t!-!i Oii (i; re;i i i Sa 0!o -ut . : o ohstrve and' tuuv -vit!) A b -en- sufi". ri M . f....;. ; ir hi - are the :-iici?s and mctlid-s ir ! old sweats, a? ni.-. those organizations which- have I ("tli!i4T "va sarurateq. n un . wa.ier when he tro'e , in the la-.-rnirig umg, tews t r o f s o m h; n a ts, Wc Have iiov iii stock a lame and hnndscjme v,i .men's, youths, boys .and chil dren's suits and , overcoats iuvr tjid . J Fall and Winter trade. ; 1 EVERYTHING; NEW aniiftf fee LATEST STYLES. Our lines ojT Furnishing Gor KNOXHATb in all shap ds and Hats, are just simply j immense, s and colors.- I'lease Cive -vJ a before . p.urWiH.i:nsr jur Fall and" Winter (ibods, as ii i j. , will Me worth .vourwht!e. '. v K. ITSHUITil. 150 South Elm Street, (ireei-shoroi, N. C. D . ... la ii ds an s r ! i m H I r . ' -CoJ:n -i ' , ; . i - , i beet: knon n.opcr.I v, the only prop er way, as political parties, I have never seen anc party more zealous ly and stf matically apply the machinery of its organization and ill the jiower it could demand to iceoniplish partisan success than has een done in thw Alliance, es pecially during the last. ear. Il is true the leaders have 'declared upon occasion that the order br its constitution must tie non-partisan, ai d ;-o!.!C of these, of the com- !:: :! called traitors to the Alii norance, vice an.i la-rauatioti ..c aRv; duhl hoaestlv labored to attenu,dol!.::e tverc, tnttre., t!u- Sii,e .he ori!tr hy h.ddlng it in ministry there ur.d nas spent sevt-n uhWnce U) iu institutional lim- t:. . r...:ia . . :.. ' ' j r.t :. . i e t ".v i a t i : .' : ! 1 1. i ...,.!.;: I .1 1 t . t i i... .; i-r:i . . . ! i the -i. 1.. i el.. .; 4 : 1 i i . i v. i. : .1 I ; . i i.i.:...:, 1 t... t t.. t: r (':;!.' oi t'.e e. ... ! a..::! a- I i-v.-r ',' : . . ! r; t i. . i - , . ! . -,- !.;. . . ii I'i :' A.V. .1 i I :. : j 'I . . .i C :: r I: ,-, i- p-.:t-.r .ft ; J',,. . , . tl, :. i ! .- i . 1. i'. j.... tl :.'".". .v h i. . i! - v .. i . il, t:M ,. !. u id i ...:'.! .1 i i ir.i, .k' 'i , J.r.o :l " - "j: I e'.l- i !,.-. t." j ;.' t . i i' i i i ; '! In- i I t ex- I e .' at. L'. 11 1 -dun, -i. ,!.,- t. ..i : e.t ." I ' .' t . a a . I 1 . .. ( '. t , : v .... , 1 - ; l i..- 1 " V. .1 , . .. I At b : ., . !.. ,'.:-.. b . . :: i . if 1 it .'.4 a f-'i! i'! .i i! '.;. b-;. i-.ui ' tie' i i ' a id a ' V f , ..II'.-' -i V - - .- . t .: . t-4 r. " r ! f. ' , r it.. I . - I.;-.' ' " . .' 1 I - 1 v. v.,t ti, f '' ' i i ' ti . 1. -.j i:..- r.. :1j- i:..i t pj , ... ; i, J ... ., U i" ! i 1 I.- . x I l"H J" 1 i-i tea ,1.11 .- ea. i- r i. ' .1 I . i. 1 .i 1 1 I t-i. ..I'.,-. i !.i :.a ,t 1 1 A-. ;. . r .' ;.. a, !. .', i y 'il . . 1..- L : ! :: i- lit;,"j 1 t .! w:i!;: r" it w.i re r i .1 ::a 1- r that ; i:.ijle 1 . a i.i tho .! I ... ... . j V;isIiinvr:'4i I - - f ' '' t:.- - 1 a:il Dcstiiv.t!-?. A d 'torn Ii- ' : i-i j-iil S ilv ' . f ,: iv i - : At k o , . 1. 1 1.; ,. r.'i:.- r a :..ti:yil d . r. 1 i.e. fr lie shaft st i: j - .::k i.T the lie -7 Ivt. ."her t'.r.nel h i i :f t ' - I. .11 Of -1 Iv'k-. Il V-,:. a ;.:.:tr. !:,!- .:. I i'.' .... . . , i '..-.. --.".i p . i. re i-' it.e "inn . !T s:! it- S. s2 nini.OiMi. ... V. !- !: t.. - - . i; - ! . 4 n . . t i.'. . "o - l : t r t t!. t.. -'..! . ! - !... t 1 a , i i r i. -v " . . i . r g 41 ij , i n i . i"v'';'i Il,,,ll,,r.; :':':i,, :'-i''" 11 "" V'l f "r it" 1 ''-' ''r for l::any bl.teli around. s -j At '.' ' cl..c. nine h dies v,i r? rc- :tl i.. I'.jj. ; j i "f te i t' h.'e t t n J t.. a fit ti! ... )..:, I.-..- : . ,,. the "'.aft. A fc.-i' or mere v! . .; j j :- j: were i:.jurel by th" failing ! b. r .. ' 'i 1 t t p n a s- ttrnlic i-.-'V:;i t!.at r.iarlv t-vcrv huil.liug on ' ! ' " j.!i.-;.soa awtaa-, from - lilth ttree , f ', . l' 11 'hUti avt-r.uo, wa either do i', fr. - .i he r lft ,t.! or d.iu;aged. Thoe in the ':il ---.l 1. r ii. .. 1 v ieinity at the tinte of tho explo Ui'.'iSHy s that the hock which . t; ..11 . , . t - j f, tni d . like h:i c irt'iopuake. ill Lam- I !!.. u ;:,-..:u-nt houses il and J1 I.I.ik-'.r: ai!iu.' 'were shattred. Ti.c m r and l!lct 1 clow wire ' k -tr. il. i l.e v Ha e was in i N . -7. 'i i.e trails r re harit il I e i :i tv t.s of ruins. When the . i t ; ! t t i ' ! - - : tr r'i.. I ' - r -t l' ; t.J . ' r . : . '- ' I M. L...-..V..,.. V... tieri vears there as ministtr and teaciur. "Asa methodist tainis Itr." !;o says, "I have gone into the t.j. oat (if the-v, ay places and uunh'i freely wi:ii all si.t;- of people i:: twenty counties of N nit. Carolia.i and Virginia and in near Iv .::! ti;" v..r-t.pirts of Eai T ri i.. .-. I have vi-ited I In -e people ;:t their iioines, L.ra eaten with tli;.:.. skpt in their Itjuscsaud sun 1 1.. m in vcry c -nditi n." Vet. Mr. Atki:. has j.ot ii.f- '.eheld the slcr.i s 'er.' s Mrs. Paddock describ ed i.i a recent ntr. ii". r --f lh; Chr:? Jian lr." Y . ir e- rre-porident,"' lie m.?, "iai-! St.irv iVuiid ome s'c'e.u-! .. J nevtr saw, for in a!! n: y t re v I never s i kv the thiags !te wi n- t , end it r i ;u Strang" t!.4t f I not tveti hive heard 4f s. i's j'i all these year-. Tiiie;- p nt rty iiCTe and ' ignor ance, tu , but neither is in that prevalent forra you would M:pp i: !.. the artteh'of Mr Pad :!:. V'i s t aiht live here an age 1 i eer hear of sa -ii savage a nd ueird fun' ral cu-to:as ::s Prof, -o.r lle:i)4-. aiiothtT c-:-rri s,e .i.deat writ ing f.-o:n the Stmt ! told Vour read ers ah jut' Ti.e sitti ation i rot - "! ;: was de.seri!ed by the l"ni n"s corrt sjioridentfl. Putting it in a nutsh-'U, .Air. Atkins saysef Mrs. l'addock's picture: ' She lias presented the very worst possible case that could be found in the rem .test part and made it a sample of till the two millions here, so that if any on- hou!d receive an im pression from such writing he v. odd suppo.-o no other kind of p- op'e e: t.ld be found here." s a :..atu r of fact, the "moun- v. hitcr.'' are not a distinct class. I k r ant-tors. pays Mr. Atkins, rti re outlaws, but pioneers froui ; ,. coast'eountrv. 'i ii generally ov. ;i ,t kt ir farms ard make a cona- for table ii ing. To say they hunt for a living i-i aljsurd". There is little wealth and not as much lux ury" r.:i,!ht be. but the people li-.ij d .-. i-ih. There ? re some log ho'' s, t lireo-fourths of which have windows. None are plastered with nr.! i, as alleged, i r without wooden I'at f"w have onI one r.. .!.!. (er.rallv the houses are H :ite cotaffirt able. All have good oj ( :i I" re place Fuel is abundant ar. ! cot r.otidrtg, so that corns- :t ient'- story of children "cv SoLue on tolel him to"put a vessel with clear water Under his" bed; at night, and it would cure him. lie did so and was ucit troubled again by it. Now, what possible virtue could the water ; have in 'effect ing this i slt r" Of r our sc. i-Npiie could answer this," a rtd a general discussion en sued. Another gentleman related the wonderful results of carrying a ii'iTFe chestnut for a certain hem orrhoidal disease, ard ;!serte'il his faith i;i the no-trum. When press t . i. y T x v i t ; s . T ; ; f !. . - - 'Tl'ii'c Ah! vf'-rp. Til -S-f-V rW'c - 't - v at ml.v.KSa a .--. Ri -vsV ,J itatii'iis. Hut the constitution ii ;-!entr'inipitd under foot and (h sl iced, and that w st llagranfly by those in hiitb position. T!:e annual address of the pnsiden-t of the State Alliance at (, in August l ist, the annual address of the supreme council at Mem phis in November last, are partisan papers, calculated certainly, and' ih i.rnpd !..,v ir !- re.isovabk i he KI1CW ot a c .Ne x,l rheumatiSUl ami neuralgia t h. it hail oeen en tirely dissipated by th .v.aringof nutsaiegs arcun i the ck. -earfonable prices. Pnrtiesdesirirur furnitu-fe n.u Vnd lfis prices and f.-rini wi'i. i 'mi n't ft 1 y."., tii.To !- i J . cd ro the p ..r:r, however, .le, refus- RFPAIRINCJ and CPIfOLsf tu to admit au v virtue whatcyer '., ,..t.i in the hoe'Tchcsnu.t, but he felt confident" that 'br- . cont -a ultl jre--ence upon hi? person served to ;re--miiel him to sueii ne-tsures for relief as-, he wuld note-therwiic. This se-uied t!ie mo-f reasonable theory va, e have evM' heard advalie ed of the cure "by" means of various diseases. j Ar otlur gcn-lf :nan elated th.:! i U'eli, jr.-r'i: a :i Hiity. her, li 'ved, to con vert the order, in de lianee of the constitution to the use of, if not bodily into the .Pen pie's party. Iu a mea-ure the log icd resnfr w'aa nrndnead. '' ;?!"-' 't ;'!i" ;r. u: liiii- -bu I f State Alliance thereupon jadep:-.! : j- ii vea "i:-i in the moon. I the St. Loui- -platform, :t h e mi j o-j,-;e the '"-.o-.a- i: i;.;, ne. , gita prcme.council thri.-up in jad. pted j and ia -.n kill, d ar certain the Ociuh'i plitfi.rm; lirstjis pn;c- ;i'-- l'ih' shouldtrr lit? ticallv, nt'.-d th S'.-oad l'ormalu . j 1 1 i;i !!-"'"' s t he t ides.!" the platform of tiiet Pvople'ti party. Then follow.,:! a lively disess- To all real intents and purposes, .sion upon the moon, and many ar- , OF Ky'Ki; Before dispkiyed in ..-u. City o Also carryi u full line o!' QA Come and eva-:;ine thin. ftov! that lie meaeis businr?? f i r ho Maui n 11 Imi ! i' KIM;) ANiSTV-h'. 0!JEESHi-mf).' IPETS.' - ' ; before vou Imv and he w iil eir i:J tre;ared to: .' ."' ' 1: H -UK-ie vou tl niafo Co nijiet jdoiiT i i M-idc tfi cjiif nil ' . - '. 1 . " I. . ft - ceh a ::-,-. lor ff-.-od 3 '.'l. ; - . -i , .. '-';ie ? eeaiiy a nil gll ti sf.. TJ j i i, f (!tiriCt ' '.-cd can bo acoMiodated bv'i'ir'jfJn us. i".."t rr-;;d. i .' yt H by these oHiehii a.'ls, zealously secoiidt d amongst the people by i he tru.-tr if h ioie rs in common of ?!. erdt r aril the- People-' 3 part, the Alliance h.-rs been made an iu tergral part of c. political party, and ceases to be lawful, fairly judged, by its own fundamental law. And to the Alliauce hi.-s-been betrayed ar.d ruined in the' bouse of those who claimed to be it- only real friend'. And now, with pro positions to regulate the pirtisan features, and from those, too, who have been most iniluential ia pros tituting the machinery of the orde-- to partisan personally partisan ends, an c il ot t' iJ to' be made, it stems, to restore coaii de'nce is those who' have so wickeil ly abused it, and w bring - together again the scattered ts. What for, my frichds? Who xre in command? The exiremest of the extreme cleme nt control, ami with no other interest th a to Use (he organization for partisan ends, an;! shut off from any posihle hope .if success in any other way, the in ture promise? exactly th- same kind of work at thrir hands, whic h we have seen in the, past, and which has virtually aceorn pi is!u d the disintegration of the Alliance and left it utterly with'.-:; influ ence in a State -.bore two ago it seemed to be in abs ilute control. If I believed in the platform of ing lie ir limb with warm ash.'- the Jhople's- party, I would be a : keep from freezing" i- specially j Populist, . zeal one to ; and, i: ab;urd. The pooplej Mr. Atkins j I were a liu-mbe r of a sub-Aiii atlirms, arc idready religious r el I y.otihl thro-v the ciiurter' in f , uuiral. They oh-'erve. Sunday and stoe, op. n the doois. and -convert guments we re advanced to prove the truth of the moon theorj-, while as many.were rxhfuced against : it. One man would have certain ire suits from a piece of ground plant ed in a certain phase cf the moo.n which he didn't have from another piece planted in another phase hut he didn't consider the probabled elifference in soil, tillage, atmos pheric conditions, etc.; so this vexed iiucstio'n remained unsettled. Another told of the 6uperstitutipn generally prevailing with reference to setting a hen. -That is, if you put all the eggs in ' the nest with the b fr hand the chicks will all he roo.s, i-i -. if mi put them all in with the rigiit hand. they will: all lie jiudets. So that, -plainly, ! the way to s. cure a proper- proportion was to u.-ebotl) hands, with care ful re I'ertwec to results. This was reganh d a "s a jiure absurdity, of course, and yet people believe -it. And so the disens-i-.n went on, pleas intly, nobody arrivrag .it any Coael usiof:, and ;re!. a-tid-ng t;y his own theory; b it it served '.to shi.s w i t h what -trivial thiniis I m-t (;f cultivated iiiir:ds divest them selvt. ami also that there is a v m of" superstition iu the mind of --every and woman. ; - .-''- ' -.' Sow 2-0:u. mmmr IF YOU WANT rfCJii"5ait I i ill-., it lie E i l ti .: (UliiS Ei 51 I'i -f " WALL PAPEli " CHEAP, MY PRICES ARE VERY hQWl CHARLES AGKETF -311 South Elm Street, McAdoo House. jilock; NewMill We are now read v to sbow o OCR CSi'O ME ItS'-rand PAT LARGEST a;ul ITiETTIEsT STOCK' OF.- MILLINERT- AND- NOTICaNS, - IONS the Provide yourself wit!! iioith of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, and so ha ihe-iu'-an at hand f; r;cnn-ti-ndim- SU"'-( s -l'tdly with a s oidee co'd As;:ii i ; . i c r .-re t ; -y-ii . f d lc ; n e, it has no t fpial, "i;d u o'l ir e j ji-si-clans ever wh re re"om,j,eri it. X,rot For Twj ...e. we have ever had the !'i..Mi ARE.sLTlE TO J'LMA.-fE V Anybody. We-aie vvi::nrig r of GOODS. You w dl 1-t 111 Tcckku behind i.ur eouh'ter-l and custorrers. Come ar.d October l:-t.e e of showing t J . la be -1'q. e, a re'l o; nr. ,:. . w ; ; i i. i h ui.ue? - e. i,n ; ).. ; c ji; a i! v iTi..;e'. . A hid Vi ;sst Li t.Lr;:' Oe :i ill a no !. - . - . ' 1 '. :. ; iUX.oI.sIo - .-J t r. .' j ' Mi.'".' ee US. i4.CS p C' l !!I.IV. Mrs. Omohi4ncirq, West Market Street. On .r K. T- VICES- --V M r. -o.iu :;ny n I l .M .-! A !.( ;al- fflEGOILfflfflmHT'E attend Suruhiy S'hooL There is scarcely a dist ri. t where there is rot a school for at least three months in the earr Feu- ptrs-.nti an- unabh; to read and write, and such cas-cs are so rare as to exeilej surprise among the neighbor. As re.-pects the girls, who v.cre described as overworked and vi cious, Mr. -Atkins ailirms that not one in a hundred would know her self by that description. The comni iU virtue's,"' he says '.chas tity, hur.esty, truthf ulnes?,- ilc , are rather more prevalent than in other Metions I have seen. The girls are healthy, strong and full of spirit. They marry at a gooel age, it into a Populist club;, J would thus relieve my ci.i-eie-r.ce of any trouble about i. biting my oath to support the cons tut ion of the or der, which prohibits partisan ac tion, ami the constitution and laws of the State, which prohibit secret p dilicl societies. Since; the supreme council has" adopted the Omaha platform, which is the most radical and abominable of all the political piatforms I have ever seen, there can be but one conclusion, that the Ailian-e is bodily and formally committed and incorporateel into the People's party, and that no man who believes in Democratic t ! t .. ; 4-j 1 :oa oc-um d the 1. t'. r case tie 1. .v4 14 ! int.. strips and the iciv-rk- liur.eil luadlorj in the de- y,rs in i he West. Thev do "not ". ' ' . ," j ! ri"' S !i.e of. the (tenia I and work in the field. '-It is by r.o . ,i . ... ,';. , . ,1 ! .ting ter.TTits it to crawl moans,"' sa s the writer, " the cus- i .. . . . . . to i !"'. r vi..iv;s and make t,.tn of t!ie country. Home life is . i - t , ". t.. . I '. ; '. 1 1 ! 4- -. .-." .:.!- - . . . v. . . 1 1 ;.'' 4 i . . . I . ru r . . ' ' : . i i ' j. . . . t '."-- i.t t . . o 4- x ' I I o -. , , . , .. ,f t!,w '.ii. ,4 l.,.f l.i- let.-. - . t..t: c... . . . . , . v , -. . t r.- 14. ji '( t ,i i.t t f v A i it . make excellent wi.ves and mothers i principles has a r r ;,er nhicc in it arul 40 much less hard work than j j j . tt.tir sirl4 rs of the North and; ', j uv.i-- .. ; .i:-n,...i r..; lne Herald is the name of ' t!t - v ! i . iia u. i i i. 4 e. u a, new paper soon, to Le started in Henderson by Messrs.. Geo. M. Newell and Charles Thacker. il-.r- - .- .... Tl:- t- !., pure as it is anywhere I have! With his thumb, a boy saved . wt :-..!! -. their ' i..e-. . In a word, the " mountain ; the Netbti lands from ininlation whia '.'i4 t . i i i : . 1 ; s i. the j hiuy H-th his abysmal degrada- j Many people hav been saved from ' ,; vx; n. Henry i ti n, is a isvtii and needs no t ' 'J"Un of diisease by a bottle . . ai .', i . , . t .j. cut I run tar to ear an.! his '" ' ' . ti , e., ,.,n . T dro as badly mutilated by living rj l.-r T-.r'hr. H-r t r t. .- f No headarhe with Tuf Pills. -ilia. This med- ito. the system rvorgan and Sotae pcojre w ho w ent, 'biwti into Mississippi rnd took a plantation, had a black v.- rtiau in t'.cir . iti ploy who we.-s vt-iy pieitis. Tils fact di-i not prevent lier one v k from stealing .i c.!ip!e of :-: i clone ing t a neighbor. This crlir-c was found our, i. nd properly ? pta. bated !iy the mivtresj; ,J the- j.! nt-i ion. Nx? Sunday t!:e negro worn in .pre partd ti go to chur'-hj and an nounced tnat she would not be at home at the usual time IV ca use she was going to commujvlen. The mistrc-ss was a? tonishrd.,.- i.d asked the woman i i' The t he-ij . ; ihiit, in view of hi r r er.t p.-rfor ' nee, she was in u eotoliUon ( ' .r: -ac-ra a.-!: The e'd '!:-:' y. ' :- (;ened ht-'r e-"s with ,t.-t jjn.fhiritlit. ' la, mis , s e t'Xfi 1 1 :;v f!,. yon thif'k Fse trv. in io mi-f: ; oavr Jesus for two oi' gir-e'r iintlou Ti'ct imci'i'iif. - VJf'XTilt. Hi Is better preprrted thanjeve; Scsh, Doars, Bilpi-s, MjjIcIo Ji ! mm v . v y : -i- ! v ",zi.!::.i- stU'i'.y tiH-if. 'cu'to.ot.i . . ,- - It' ing in tfifc way of . . - n - i i j :J p.: j- ri rvrcip i P : o . .rjlarit-d' .A!p;r.,7 Mpn UiuUfiuldl iGiHoJ; ju.'it-r- K';Ji S -ii I X G L E ;S , L A T US, In fact any kind of: BUTE; Please exa.iu:r'- o;,;r wiW a?, all times a l;?j;- Sf-a'-c-hent ail odd sizes -ar irregular sh the same. DING MATERIAL th-Tlt h. ge:. ':;'ir ,-ri:-!-, !,-.-1'-'-: f iUV 1 g. i j L .' -t.-'-.l e., o jOioi .L; :a: . 1 ipe.-, an.t maice no ftxtra en rg thos; iu 1ST. Wli J vv h :.r y- td for. m p! at :ti v ir r lifting .isi'f-lv . lectrlc Cars for Durham. iA ' , i DrniiAM, N(C, .I-..n. 12 The citizens f Dm nam will vt-ryj sejon put in ;ctrie, t-! run ;f--.n Erwin co-ton niiil- to E-Vt i).u t f;, :u. via. Trinity College, n. distance of two miles. Cars will be run every ten minutes, which - will bt a great improvement over the old system. T Assbis; (lepreaenfeii ufgOi M ln y -zj t n H U s'MI' n 'is u t n ri 3 r4 U n ii tit M U . ,j h ,h- - Ollice 111 South Elm Street! Nest to Post Olhce it March2,:i8-ly. si GREENSBORO, N. C. - ' !