Tl fi -TTK "TI TT H. TV T" S1 TT V TTk - - " ! !. : - : ' .'-. :v " 1 ; GREENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 25; 1893. r atrlo-t PablUhlnfCcmpanr, A yanee II iLitanfi.grriMr ) I IBy the N. tt .. M Scales ,V Scales. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Hill r. f . in t I . 1 1- .rt Iff i.'c. Drv W. ' iL Wakefield, rt l I i .; t 1 1. m ; I.iir, Mr I - . t . M.f. I i M. III,!' T.- II. 1 LIFE. ( II. ip n.mui ta t Co . . .i l'jink.:ii .. iit. i.r lut. i. f t!. tf1l. I I ''. I tvl lift- . tlttur. -.: :j f.r. -. ( r b :.!- t I... .f t'.c ..-l ! r- . !.". ... l;fn: rvlcA Ir t!. .: k '.'! I I . t t l . ' t ;. ;-fr-llr. J I Mr. . . r, r.i !. r. 1 I ft fl -U It I-.1 jota. (,,... .lrl Ufn I i, ! i' f--u t - . . . ....,.:! t 4 , . i 1 1. r.aj . J. I . i :. .., trtm. . i r.. t .ni. t! S'p. 15.. i. i- l. crt rm 1 .t ami 1 Mal. V ! I '. : 5 ! Dr. Arthur E. Ledbettpr.j;. r 4 ti ). ti r. !. it t L' r S t i a j jwU . ! . . t !.r l.rrt it U ion!.' ltt-f . la i i,.l ; r.-l --.tU . r i ; if 4tt r t (. r i.t. t f . f-r ' r.- fa r s i it i n.K' rt. tl)' :. ) rrr. t .. tt ! Dr. i1. J. RICHARDsdN, -i ; i: i; i: s r.o i:o. i ! r.'.t si 1 f. iiicr'a ta. ,. ..s,t .r -f ll.r I Ittfbt l'0 t. ? . V t t .f !U U. W ul trr. .ii.t !i- .. ! ttcttf t.n. -. ( :rp la lifu, c. ai ' f t-o !'' l-'m I - I rrUcric AV.'.tca Tar?T. r v. TIIK AMATEl'R COLUMN. Dike ilnok I'ompany, v.w n-i.:: . N. i lenilo lor I nlri.l l:tllVr M. Ir J" J T-X - AM , t t 1 . V. I ;ir. ! It i.i r. ..-.., v; t . . - i I - M ..--. r i HAVE YOU TIME TO, PAY r- !. r.l a It ..' I I i.-t "' t - ! t th f.rt r i .- !rr. n t h it V-'i lr..iv l.i iU ',!t l-f if n! m II I . ; n-! t " 1 4 r an! I af f.Mkt.I I. I !..? alitor t f tbe ltX 'y din . LaJ 1 caUj.-lt r.piicff I .ftcr a Cto t ..."' f tr :;-c!-) with tie inLatitauti of ! j !c. l.c La 1 1 lice J Li j tpcr oa fruit cf l.t Ulor. liTinp ccruf rt4lJ :. I -tata-!itn a Lome fcr Lis cM a. " l"r j-t;tr H.teth a l.lTO for tLt f'l-.-!.. Li! i..lTtrtT iaMractMu tL X; ; " I tL-J4 1.1 I S 2CC0M Iwuiled tla t'Liarr r.litT i:.t al licit tat i: t'. tt L to'iM start an a'ujatour !d I .:t:.. t f. r tLd l-cr. f.t of jcaog writ-cj-. r:.v! tL t-acouri-'ctucnt c-f Loud Tl. Terr Lett ilaj .SiLn Mar via I !.:.!. t a i-Hstn!'t.ti.-si front. Li rii.rj -t 1- -ir lit tr ti !. . 1. an a Mr. Mania .- n:t oi I anil .ii;i .trilutcr, na l . um ful fiio:tl. IVt.i"i r ft U oMil t. -t t!.- itrticL', tLouh l. mou!.1 t. t I. ite c-.osca t aa iutrcxlactioa to Li I n ! rtf:. lit. v "1 L. f I!ai!;SaturJaT morniti' tLo : a'; t r :. r. i f.:m:. V. -t .- rk. at t!. t j '' prict A tr; ! -: r I. I 11 .''t l'fl rrv licit- l . i i -. ... ajiarHl a. u:ial. Lut i : ! f tLo tte ! i.rtnro La 1 tlowu '. tJicr tL tone, ari.l several cLrotaic l ir'ri l;a-l Ton l.tglat a copr fur t! o akt c f !'-, -l.oi;;o t-I"tit" ia r -!. m.'Uiitcr ftf!t that Lo La i am- I ! can t coarrataUto Liruvlf uoa t;." new i Ira. Am!: Martin r.a a joaufj iroraaa I I aJraraCtsl icx aa l qait practical, li.irt-f it tot ari'ri'iaii: tLat L si "ti l trt Lcr i rcatic LaaJ on m prate a satjct a citil rtice reform. La I ta l.fvl j-clitical ccoaomj aaj r a I ctal a-et uatil raanicipal C'ttru: r.t Lai 1-ecorne Ler LoLLt. a:. I L alr.i-t fascioj tLat b ccalj r a urual! tow a Lfre!f. A:i.ia 1 I a jxr n wLo woilJ -I-1 tLe prai rr f t;a.l- r L- r fe! ," o he rrotartlT I t! o r La: co cl tLo 1-tv -a cca through Lor at" -. riio ra;aKl altcatioa tj tL s-tor 1 i.ctte ia IV-oa Smith' i UN M IH K. Tr r.'r. The EYE A SPECIALTY. t : . tl i !il- i. : .V'bl i. r 5j . r !- fr ill3 that I t t'l.: i:)t( in vn- r ! .! t.. H . H. I AliKAi: rtliff f i i j.,....';.... Tii- r art'mtll I re.-r. ' itii : ! v.. " . " umonts , . t ill! l i t '( J ! 1 II I t I'll illl tl .-.f ttii. lit. IV.-.: . II r j - r '. I r. j 'i- n t M n ii- , a- : i i.:l..'i!l J ? ri t'l-tlt f.r tr i I- r-t r4' ' f I. I t t r- i . s r i.s .I KM S r. . Vt, I 1 -x lr i .; .. . I : ... I. I. 1 rt- i . f W. B. I t t r f . i ar i" Ir at; I gut ti r- I . n . t' 2 t Fariar Sn, in t'sri tfi. 1:1.1:1:-. fll. ;!Nllill''tlll : Life Insurance 'Co. t a t: Main trcc-t ; caae4 sotao cf tL- onnr t-f trar cattlo tLat wcra pa t-.tta,; ia tie tnt, alika at oMic rxj'-a cl 1 p-aMic iril; nLowisl 1. . t!.c rt a I r-iaC l.t La iraprvvsl iu t al i f Uiri,; coUvtcJ ; JocuuraCcl the I aftr. ai;l sucntovl orgaaiin tl. i.j i;.! a crrnpanr aa.l co:ujelI;cg t!.- ?n t Jt'iua t!a" str.;. trr.e it to ar tLat Ataelia Marria fin-l j a Rcacine Lornrt'tt nest in tLe t -w;j. aa 1 fir nee Similar .a rift .! i.S .lar. f ir u'l tLo rc-i leal of Sirs py 1 ;. u Uh".;.il tLu uaaual arti- .:. l i h ll.f T tiaaaimouslT iL notmcM uuL'j I of iraapaJoiico. m --alar I roaLt a u. Hco of ix r p ttrj, pcro itio m raoava. aul vuaf;aal utrr. 1 rrr."r ll oiu'l.t torj rcn; tru t j u 4urt anJ il. cilcJ t i luitluaj it. It lo. ktal t. rv wt,a wl,:i mi nn. anil rorTiii v I iew!,:i.,' 'IU- alt- f .rtlial 1 i.t ia ua' sai. aa i iii tif. wa - .u tt. it uiit capacity to nit-rt tLo 1 -t .i-:ul f. r itra n i im. lKintUr a-aiti orsgratulatf.1 Liiu. !f iijK):! piat iti.; hti tarv t!e nf Sic. IV 1'tiv an.l Us la i." al I Li!. At tito t.Vl.nk I.iTcr lVtti'rw ! :;r t i:.t' tl.. luvUi, n!u.jM l i t at hlo wit!. i:.LtiatiiM. V n.Ll Iv tou iuju lr p'tl' it t '. a i.l- l ra m?' Le .l -tn.iii lf.l. It ut t i kt. w Iwt.-r than t :.!:. l,r a n, :i kuua ritia'a an. I ? of v..tir I-! j jiin; a"cnlort? I: .pi l!y l. r.t.L ! 11 a n pr of tLo It".- 1 , l". 1 ... aa.l inttNl o-it e:ta a p.i i-,M in tLe torT tLat La.l cia!!y rt. itt I L: aaer. All the f.i:iLi"t a a. I I . -t p i::t Lvl cTiaJfutlT U-n taken fr t:i lifi-. u 1 Lawter lVttirew La.1 I l a tlm Uiolcl. Sa.1 to atr, tLo 1 t li.t ic-ti::j; piitintu of tLe stor ic:!a -etc- r.o rr lit n t!;e L to, au.l thi nUat L I tntaccj lVttsgrow. uf ;:. 1 tL MJ.iw," Le rar J. ' La t kn that. u j'l i-iii.i,; lu luc olifjiiiu i.toij. I nt tLis story mjseiiV though I put ca t. ; L- w's name to it, for rva-ont of mj oa. You see I J.ucv iVttirew wcil ttLcu T.c ere Loj toother, a:il of lat- I cire Lira a prn.lo, so I a. lal to I ate the i-i jortnnitr of t.LoninLim up ia priat, Tl.ero aie hevcral ttLo Liiow Litu of ol J a.i well a I Jo, anJ tl.. v will not l-eni'irr to tell tLo st-rj. otir spiia wLcti, it ia jctr japer. Hat 1 Lope hi do re no Lain i a Lii anjjir; lm a tf'igU cu toair. WLatf St, ppcl Li jtaper? l.IcTe, Lo can't live mtL' it it;pratc-t n.aa fur news I ever saw. Wt Ii. iil, J tthea lie c- v.r artml tol-rTOwt f Lii r. uLLors wo won't L n.l it to Liia. Kcckca we'll fix Lira tLat war." After a few mere ci uo!atorT remarks tLe oM gentleman left. anJ ienistcr reigac i tiinwit 10 foiitart rcCectin. Ia n into tLo n-gLt livl Lo fit, ttalj ia intently tLo pit Ll.-ra of Low to jret Lack tLo otTcn loU sal scriher, anJ nl.-o lroj tLo Aiiiatear C'olnian, wLich latter feat otiLt clearlj to lo a-'eota-r!i.LeJ withmit tiu lu-j Late. a.i tLat wouhl Le practically u p:illicconf".sioa of tlefeat. Alih 'tih Lumaa r.atuio 1tcs variety anil liiuls coatra-t nreo al4e, Nueces k hkua give aa appetite for failure, an 1 Henij'ster loro.l tlefeat 110 ltter tLan tbo-o who wrro nioro familiar with it. Apparently- Lii effort were crotvue I with ucct'i$, for when Lo left tLe runcturu Lis face wore a rene inii'o. Next Satarlar'a IIV.I ' "! tri.n con lair. eJ tLe following t irtliu. anncnuco Hereafter, all pcrsoa wisLin to rontrituto to tLe c jlutans of lLo Y. - k!;t Ci'-iri-tH caa tlo so on tLo pariaent of tLo rcguLir c ntriLutoi rate. I'o litieal letter, two ceut j -or line. IaTs aa.l fketcLo, sit cent- per lino, SpriEg pottrr, tea eeuts ih.t liao. Other pottjr, iLum cents ptr lino. foatinae.1 ftoiits, tueaty tivo cent ! r cLaj ttr. " Uinta oa Low to run a ucw'papcr, fifteen cents per line. Term trictlr cash ia a-lrauoe." l).rap-ter fully espeote.l to Ik? del tVtl with articles from -Veritas," -OIil Resi.lent." un.l others of that till., Lat to Lis sarprio their griev ances w re net aire.l at f-o per line. I'evr j eople, it seenioil. cirei to grumLIo at their own exiene. Uat if tLcs iutere-ting iaJiviJuals lij not ro- ppond to the call. tLe re was no lack of woul l lo j'uri.alils who tiLel to give thtir iJeas to tLe wotl l. Young luen an 1 woiuen at the aea-Iemr kipt Liui well nuppaieT with tuleraMo puotry, wLilo soiiaO of the oi l taalo gossips of IL town uevelopea a talent as Mory tellers, ruauagiag to secure tho ia teret and Ilattef tho pride of Sleepy lK'tap.ter ju.lieiouIy f-elected tLe Wtt of tho artieiei ofTiieJ, aiul care fally aviide.l tl.oe likely to prove 1 reeJers of strife, like tLo tir-t to ill fattsl Ci'ii'ril.tition. U Ara.iteor Col nr.ia prove.! quite r a lal le, and kept .-..p!.j woa.leiiiig w Lat would come ret, thus iucreadug tLo fale -f Lis f ajH r. leiupster Mill lives and prospers, and e a a wLo Li MiateLed lictory fioi tho jiws tf dtfoat." Warerlv Ma 'n.c. President Cleveland and Tammany. 'J'Le report, which is apparently well authenticated, that the lead' era of the New York 'f am many- organization nave disclaimed anj intention of antagonizing Mr. Cleveland personally or seeking to pmharrasd in any way his adminis tration doca credit to the sagacity of thofc experienced and veteran politicians. It is in keeping with the courFf adopted ntl to all ap pearancS loyally followed after their own defeat and Mr. ( leve Lind'n ii mination at Chicago. Their chief ureunient lieforc the convention met and until its choice wah declared, was that Mr. Cleve land fotild n-t carry New York, and that it would he suicidal for the democratic party to nominate a candidate whj could not possi bly command the thirty-fix clec teral votep of that State. No soon er, however, was the contest in the convention over, than the same politicians turned to with com mendable zeal and energy to prove their own predictions false, with the gratifying result that Mr. Cleveland did carry New York, and was elected even without New York's thirt'-fix vote?. To peek to analyze tho motives an 1 cousiderations that inlluenccd this course on the part of Tammany early American legal phraseology. TfIE INQUEST ON ALEX. HAM ILTON. The Recorder Has Found a' Copy of the Record A Masterpiece of Pbrasenolozy. Among the papers in the. office of the late Mr. Sparks, clerk of the Court of General Sessions, Re corder Smyth founcj shortly after that gentleman's death a copy of the inquisition held on the body of Alexander Hamilton, whom Aaron Hurr, Vice-President of the United States, "not having the fear of God before Lis eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instiga tiqnof the devil," mortally wound ed in a duel on July 11, lsO-1. The copy was in the handwriting of John Vandervoort, clerk of the court many years ago, and he had written across it a note to the effect that the original had been lent at the request ;of the District-Attorney, ta the lion. Fernando f Wood, Mayor of the city of New York, who was about to lecture on Alex ander Hamilton at Richmond, Va. That original was never restored. The record of this Coroner's in quest is valuable; not only as a memorial of the most eminent statesman New Y'ork has given to the nation and of his untimely death, but also as a monument of .thought, did kill and ' murder against the peace of the people "of tho State of New York and their dignity. Ar. I'. Worhl. GOVERNOR ELI AS CARE. TV Duly Inauetirated as Chief Execu tive of North Carolina. Y'esterday was the scene of the inauguration here at the Seat of Government of North Carolina of the. new Governor, Lieutenant Gov ernor and other State officers elect, for the next four years, and the ceremonies were ""celebrated with fitting solemnity and pageantry and a general outpouring of the people of the State The special train bearing Gov t m tt a ernor elect uar lroin nis home -in Edgecombe, arrived here at neon. The Governor elect was accompa nied by theLegisIative Committee, who went to escort him hither, and also by a party made up of Mrs Elias Carry, Mrs. 'William Carr, of ashington, D. C, the Governor's two young daughters, the Misses m !LMTH Cordially Invites The FQMic to Call Xat G. WililJfmfielu's old stand. 236 Sonih Elm Street, And examine the Largest ancKMost extfensive Stock of Ml .v - i Ml" i! ; :! i 4- ' I ' 4 -- - ' ."' i ' I i"" : i! I 1 i OF EVER.Y KIND AND STYLE Before displayed in sn City df GREENSBOROT Also earry a full line of CARPETS. Come and examine tlm stotjk before you buy and he will convince you that he means business-for hej is prepared to j Meet all Legitimate. Competitidii Anil lllfl unil arm n m I 1 I 1 1 , ,1 a .. la. 1 1 I 1" .. Ulnar) Illllilio lUIUBitl D U 1 b Oil. Country Produce taken in exchan?e -for ffoodp.l RFPAIRING and IIPIIOLSTETflNG npmlv o,l o.,Koi.:iiiD.'iiia; Li r-o Afr.. r-!ii:-m ' . , . . J ""wLian uoue ai u"i auu unuiauj, a-aiias v.yiirr, reasonauie uriet-S. j ; "i'z.iMa . i m -m-rm.-. Jr.. Miss Baker. Miss Alston. Mr. hJPartieH deairinir fi-nW ii, i yV ,.i j '-v i. r, . a- w p aM.u.iuicjjnyncu tan ucitci-omiDoaaieaDFca nsDn up. Bryan Grimes, of Washington. N. 1 - J- a ' citizens special Edgecombe wouhl be an unprofitable task That it was dictated by the sound est sagacity and prudence on the parf of the manager of that or ganization is beyond question. It was an illustration of the homely Wisdom that knows when to "get It io indeed a triumph. Hundreds and hundreds of words pass the be wildered eve and not a period is seen, and yet the I whole composi tion is grammatical, and, with dif ficulty, comprehensible. The pres ent Recorder, who is the most in out of the wet." In pursuance learned and experienced lawyer in of the same wise policy the public the city, could not do better than is sriven to understand now that Tammany seeks no tpuarrel and has no quarrel with the President elect. Richard Crokerjhas said it and Bourke Coekran has said it. and all the indications are that they are sincere in .saying mT. In fart, it will be well for the politicians everywhere to recog nize the f act thit Mr. Cleveland has behind hitu the masses not only of the democratic partr, but of the American people, as much today as on the Mh of November. They supported him against the politicians and all the power of the political machine Tammany, and com mation as a candidate or the peo ple's choice. On the 4th of March ht? iries into office with the same popular following, and any at tempt on the part of any political clique or coterie within the party, in the Senate or in the House, to embarrass his administration or tbrotv ob-: ..elt s in the wa) of the f ul li '. hut nt of those promises and this, and it is probable that he would not try. j Official record of the inquest upon the body of Alex. Hamilton, shot in a duel by Aaron Burr: City and Count of New Yokk, ss An iquis.tion indented for the people of the state of New Y'ork, at the Third Ward of the city of New Y'ork, the thirteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and four, and continued by adjournment until the second day of August, in the year aforesaid, before rne, John I.nroer. Coroner for thf K.iid ritv line, including anj countv 0f evr York, on view pellet! his nom- of the of Alexander Hamil ton, then and there, to-wit, on the said thirteenth day of July, in the year last uforesaid, at the ward, citv and countvl aforesaid Ivin? j . J a dead, upon the oath of Alexander Anderson, George. Minuse, John A. Hardentrook, Peter BonnettvElam Williams, John Coffin, John Milde bcrger, David A1. Rrower, David Lydig, Abraham Bloodgood. Jame a 'ir4 LnHMil tLat there emiM ! i " f . r 'T..-. 1 i v I ,r r n I - I . m . ...a .v-,. , iBift a l r.i Ik TLete,'. old ... . a M,i!h. wii ia a Ueare of Ol-" NtEW YORK. AaSSi-:vs.-Ni2 mi),t)oo. ! ! ! f T?i- i wr.' INtfloNi re t n : l. .. r.' ; t. r.-ti- i. f w.r f t the U ASlb I h tlte 1 I i- 1 a to lie ... I Trattl.Af. x'.u r t wo t r. -'r;. t ! ' i ai t a - t- r, ;.-otite ?' if.. i ! I It a-i In t rt v, " s-ii v !. -, I I. t. r.'-r! c t - . 1 II KY AKt n.l. r'.r-t ' e. !, ' : a 1;. ! I.. U r t h va' f jr.'... i :- ; vrt r. I.. t!t r l av in Ia. f t. ft I, in I'mtftl a ueare oi a t f.r fssch tliir.j:; Lo will recog- t i. i :, cir"t:t:i-ta:u"" ia a Uiinafo. aa.l i: ' .II lv ill'our ton to taorro. Oh. 1 ;,-!.t to u y.t for ulan.Ur!" An.l 1 Vtturew al ;it tLo room iu aa -ey t f i a . Afitr lutu-h pieticJaiac.- tLo lewd. t! r I ctlitor d. -otfry-l that the try ii pr e? e.nw orthy epiKle ia I'et-lir-tt-w caily life whieh wa unknown to ti. rc.'i.b :.!. if Si TT Kve gener ally. ar.4 t.i-t cmL-arrawia to bate iteailel a-oi:t a tiiovlel ciiitten, a i'etttirrt w" ueiLUr fondly deetacil l.ti.t. .V IV:npter looked ujon the rr" fv t anj gray Lair of tLi portly, e!.ler!y Adans, and recalled the Land y. n.e S.CAJ e-ra -e of tLe tory, Le in- ! :;tt.r.Iy lart iato a Learty tit of Unc'.u r. Tl.i wa ia.leed too ranch hi ; -i:i,ia end.iraace La: rettigrew'a. th. Sr ofl,tt M ooti. in arcuaio ii:.t s ino iu "i v.a-i re gariKl at a ina! go l. Trtmit ito liiea." a well k:i na writer, "saw tLo mo- ti a a lao-t c .a-pK-u jtH chjoet, wh -e -. :s at p'i i. Is Lai the tem Llaaco t-f a mau't nhn.o waxm-j and waning ii.ere. d their wunder. wLee cenimi and g-iu iu the it ill an 1 .ol'iu mht al l.-l t t!ie mvterr. t'iUti', fr.M b ia vieael a a i.ian. it wa seated, eq ii!lv uli. ?i .ipj a titly ar.gry. ia a n.;t yr an eelijst. aa I t-o revt-r need ttud w r.ohippe I "a tho LeareU I. a-; tie- luoutLly god." Wo learn from .Max Mu! ler that r.ooa" i a very old word, na I ia Au :lo Sax ei, wh. re it was uh a nia-i-ctihae, and not fem'niue, w.i itt,.n.i. In all tLo Ti-utonic laiiaa; t tLo i-ua w.-. ftiiiii.ine. and if is only thr.;i-!i tLo i itl uneo of elaieal luol 1 tint iu Enghdi ii.i nhas ln chm.-l into feiiiiniae and mm i ito m ai ' ihue. liven ia eotiiparatitily r-eeat liuft Ui, Ier l.ian wer"f'n'l of eaiii: lt the s in an.l luoou "Trail S"tine" aa.l " lb rr Mond." TLo practice pi evaded iu ancient P-gypt. .Vnotli T it a.n," say .Sir O. minor Wilkinoa. -that the- m :i i-i th-s 1'aryptian mvthi.fov- cmld n..; K re lattsl to H il ali i tliat it is ;t male and ijot a fetiiaLv ii ity. 'ioroiii.i 1 in the Th.tli. "I Li was also. he eas in fome leiu'i 'ii of tho Vet. The K.- luan ree. uiel th god L inus. ;i!id the (icii u K. like tho .ia', e i ii Ir the mt:i ina- - iIin- aud not foiuiriine, a were S. Ici.c and of the (.reeks and Ihnsians." Iu Slav. ui.. a iu Tt-utonic invth- oloy, tLo uooa is male. pledger in i liance upon which the Cummings, Amob Curtis, Isaac ,H-ople e'.tc.d Mr. Cleveland to Burr, Utnjamin Strong and John the prtsidei. -y will bring greater D. Miller, good and lawful men of C, and a committee of from Tarboro. On the train were also, the Guards, sixtv one srron rd t !;. Goldsboro Rifles. The citizens' committee, Govtr nor's Guard and the other visitin military, and Chief Marshal Frank Stronach and staiF of mounted as sistant marshals were at Union Station to meet and escort the Gub ernatorial party to the Capitol. Chief Marshal Frank Stronach and assistants, all comparieoiiied in regalia of Raleigh colors, orange and red, led the procession and were followed by the entire mili tary battalion. Col. W. A. Bobbitt being detain ed at home on account of sickness. General Glenn detailed Col. E. F. Y'oung, of Charlotte, to take com mand of all companies attending the inauguration; The men made a very fine ap pearance m their overcoats, leg gings, etc., and the State may well be pruud of them. The carriages bearing the party followed and as the procession moved along loud cheers rose on each side. ' j On arriving at the Capital the procession was joined by the mem bers of t he .Senate and" House, Exe cutive Ollicers, Justices of the Su preme Court and others and the back down ! II "Seeing I . is 'Believing-'. And a good lamp v ?hen it i not simple it is wWtjll.lwu !? ve; B tf t w must be simplei when it not simple it is (i liMl - nui ' fWtU tMfV'iC J-?tilUUJ.Ult KJUOU. Ta..L l a a m-. .... .a - . vvorcs mean mucn, qut to ste " ine iriotnet wial impress the truth. more forcibly. rougn ana seanuess,, and made in it is absolutely setess ot old, ;ht is purer ly. iill metal, three pieces only,J?.-f unbreakable. Like Aladdin is indeed a 4wo.nder.ul lamp," lor its mr.r- ani brighter than! gas light," ?r tlin electric light and"?nore cheerful than, either. I w for ibis stamp-TilB Rochester. If the lanip dealer has n't the sen wine Rx hester, nnd the style oa waat. seed to us toil our new illustrated cat a log -j en ! v.-e will send ou a lamp safely tv express your choice ol' ovter 2.U0i varieties from the LareiiLamp Store in the li'orld. , ' JUOCHIiSTatK LA MP CO., 42 rarlt Place, New York City. "The Rochester." Nov. 2-Cm. 1 !llt JF YOU WANT ;i ni K WALL PAPER" CHEAP, MY PRICES ARE VERY LOW. CHARL 1 Stronach's roriluHoti ar.titieieai upon uie con- tfce Bai(J city anit county of New -pirators man imhi vvnicu neiei yorkf duy chosen, and who being tnem at v-mcago. thcn and there duly sworn. and i We tlo not anticipate, therefore, charged to inquire for the people anv serious attempt on the part of 0f the Stato of New Y'ork, jwhen, tLe machine politician to inter fere with Mr. Cleveland's policy either by "hanging up his nomi nations in the Senate or seeking to tie his hands bv adverse legisla tion. No man in public life who wishes to continue in his . career aad to be rated as a democrat, can afford to poe as an open opponent of 31 r. Cleveland's policy, which is the policy of the party. Any se cret or underhand opposition will be inevitably detected und exposed. and will carry with it the addition- of New Jersey al shame of treachery to the party. gaid Alexander The recent declarations of the State of New Tammany leaders are, therefore, b th encouraging and significant. It does not follow that they are any the less machine politicians or where and by what means the said Alexander Hamilton came to his death, dt, upon their oath, say that Aaron Burr, late of the Eighth Ward, of the said city in the said county, esquire and Vice-President of the United Sjtates, not having the fear of Got before hi eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation df the devil, pn the eleventh day ofj July, in the year last aforesaid,. with force and arms, in the County of Bergen and State march was resumed Faretteville street to auditorium. The Governor elect and party and other State t Hirers t'e-t were escorted to the stand, the party in4 eluding Mrs. Elia? Carr, Gov. and Mrs. Thos J. Jarvis and other ladies who accompanied the party from Tarboro. The members of the House of Representatives having arrived first, Speaker Overman called them to order and. requested them to arise and receive the members of the Senate standing. The Sena tors then filed in and took their 6eats, and President John L. Kine. called the joint session to order. 1 The ceremonies were then open ed with prayer by Rev. Dr. 31, 3Ii Marshall. I M. HACKE .ill South Elm Sltreet, McAdoo House Block. LA NewMillme MI mi pit itidri 11 Ml 111 Mill lid J Ti THE OATHS ADMINISTERED. j The oaths of office were adm.inis-j tered to the State officers-elect by His Honor Chief Justice James E.1 in and upon the Shepherd of the Supreme Court of Hamilton in the Uoriu Carolina, neginning wiin ine Superintendent of Public Instruc-j tion. Maj. S. 31. Finger, the re j tiring Superintendent, introduced his successor, Hon. John C. Ccar-i boro, and he took and subscribed Jersey, then and there being, feloniously, wilfully and oi his malice aforethought, did mako an assault and that the said Aaron Burr a certain pistol spoilsmen, or that they have been of the value of one dollar, charged to t,ie oatn of office. Auditor-elect converte into civil-service reform- and loaded with trunnowder and M. c utnian was presented bv ers. Nobody will anticipate any a leaden bullet which he, th such miracle. But without neces- Aaron Burr, then and ther sarily changing its nature or its and Jbeld in his right hand stripes, the l'ammany tiger shows and aVainst the right side paid his predecessor, Dr Sanderlin, and an; i. the j tt i i; :. i. I I.r llv;.- n.i" than j I I -- ! i. rit i ,1 rti1- t - : I r, v., the f . K. ; r.--. , I li. . t 'ty. f.. . T. L. .U.rJ:l!..j. vi t w. . i;el...f r. I,, Va, . T. r. ; . ?.:-. ipceifcl Ajt'nt, ! 'C.yraper: rooreu tne r il.i j frora tLe ro.m, and ; , f -mit aad ,;ecttaent" sp.u tLe ?airway. wtlL, eelice Lad acarcely ' w Lu IVacoti Smith entered - -t:itn. He prented a utrong t...-t t the i,v, i i visitor ; cleaa t:t. :'.. f"; d and bright eyed. - ':.' I . I.ttI- he an old man as ... !. H .,!t? Aul Low i buioes? : l..-.Mi!r. a. he jTCS-ee-led to Li.!f ia IVrai t cLa r, wL.Jo Li tLrcwd, te !..,-,! almost to com- r to lu fjoest-au. ! aecrel to tell je," continned ti e tld caaa. leisure1 A u a- t " '-, i-. 1 eye I : -i K-t a Lito aeer Milts f tla IlVl.'y lii VV ritatia; Iwn. Littlo (lirl -l'leo..', iiia'ain, Johnny Smart is inakia" l.iitake in Lis writing e-s.-i;i. TeaeLcr How do yo:i know ? Little Gii! '1 Lore's three capital .S's ia the copy to day, an I Le". i.iaktu L's. Teacher ion caa t j.eo Li pen.. laittle Cirl No'rn, but I cau Be Lij toogae. ( o-kI New. To preserve a youthful appea r a nee a long a possible, it n in- dipenalle that the hair should retain its natural color and full ness. There is no preparation so effective as-Aver a Hair Viyor. It prevents baldne-s, and keeps the icalp deal, cool, and healthy. Carlisle's Kesigcation. The Washington correspondent of the Atlanta Journal yesterday telegrapheil to his paper that Sen ator Carlisle had stated that he would mail his resignation to the Governor of Kentuckj last night. This action would make certain the report freely circulated that Carlisle had been tendered the pe tition of Secretary of theTreasury by Cleveland, and that he had de cided to accept it. There is no more able man in the Democratic party than John G. Carlisle, ami his resignation from the Senate will create a vacancy in that body that it win ! haul to till. If made the head of th Treasury department that important o: the gov had took the oath of office. Hon. Oct o, at Coke, Secretary of State, was pre f the rented by 3Ir. 1. S. Spruill; Attor itself wary enough not to court its belly of the said! Alexander Ham- ney General-elect F. I. Osborne by own destruction. The elections ilron. did then nhd the shoot ntF his retiring predecessor. 3Ir. Da-i last Novt mbf r, like those in No- and discharge, bv means whereof vidson, and Lieutenant Governor- he, said Aaron Burr, feloniously. wilfully and of bis malice afore- King, of the Senate, and, the oath thought did then and there yandWotions We are now ready to show to OUR CUSTOMERS and PATR0N$ the LARGEST and PRETTIEST STOCK OF V ----- -r .....' J ; v- ! MILLINERS AND NOTIONS i i'RICES we have ever had the pleasure of showing them before, and ou ARFa.SIIRFa TO PLEASE YOtT. We will not be IJNDERSGLIXbv3Ir. Anybody. We are willing to Compare prices atany time. Also tjuality of GOODS. Y'ou will stil li-nd 3Iiss Oruei.l and Mi Tucker behind our counter ajnd are anxious to serve their ol and customers Come antl seti us. Oetobcr 19-3m. " Respectfully, Mrs, Omohundro, West'3farketStreet, Greensboro S jJ'.-MMA-! tl friends ' jvemlitr, 1'0, were in the nature of a popular revolution. 3Ir. Cleve land is the man above all others upon whom the great majority of the Atr.ericaii people rely to carry out the purposes mid accomplish the objects of that revolution. With this view they have already over ridden the political "machine," antl before they will permit themselves to be t hw nrtetl or cheated they will grind it to powder. To place Mr. Cleveland natn in the President's. chair, they have disregarded all the tYaditions, the precedents, the counsels and t he warnings of the so called party managers antl boss es. Before they will allow 3Ir. Cleveland to be hindred or embar rassed in the work' whieh they have set him to do, they will chase the same would-be "bosses' and masters of the people out of office and out of public life. It is cred itable to the sagacity of the men at, the head of the most powerful political organization within the limits of the party to be the first to recognize the true nature; and fcignificance of the situation and to proclaim their readiness and inten tion to abide by it. By adhering to this politic course after the 4th of March, Tammany will only be giving additional proof of the shrewdness which guided its course, after the Chicago conven tion nominated not Hill, but Cleve land. Baltimore Sun. . THE GUILFORD LUMBER - MT G " GllEEaS SIiORO, N. C, -- - - r 1 T Is better prepared than ever before to supply their customers with thing in tne way of Sash, Doors, Blinds Moulding, Brackets, MantelsSiding, Ffoorin j, Celling, . S H I'N G X- IS S , A. T Hjtf , , N. C. : j; i i r to to he of office was duly administered them and subscribed to. When Governor Holt arose present Governor-elect Carr was greeted with prolonged ap plause, which, would not be quiet ed till he waved his hand. The assemblage seemed anxious give unto him, the paid' Alexander-Hamilton, with the leaden bullet afore said, so as aforesaid, shot oif and discharged out of, the pistol afore said, by the forcti of the gunpow der aforesaid, upon the right side side af .the belly J of him, the said assemblage seemed anxious to Alexander Hamilton, a little above adopt this opportunity to give the the hip, one mortal wound penetrat- retiring Governor this testimonial irg the belly of him, the said Alex, of their lasting confidence and af Hamilton, of which said mortal fection. When Governor Holt wound he, the 6aid; Alexander Ham- presented in graceful words the in- ilton, from the said eleventh day of coming Executive, the applause July, in the vear I aforesaid.! until was renewed and continued, and " -4. I the, 12th day of Julv. in the I same was again renewed. -After thcoath year, as well as ih the county of of office was administered Gover nor Larr took the oath ot ollice in a clear and distinct voice. ht n the applause had subsided Govern or Carr delivered his a 1 1 1 ? t- r.. C c ten In fact any kind of BUILDING MATERIAL; that can be c lied for. et our prices before buying. WjK keep at GLASS, and can fiil orders promptly fori all odd sizes or irregular shapes, and make no extra charge fo cutting Please examine our workand all times a larii? assortment of the same. THOS. WINSLOW, GENERAL -IN N. UTTT A! H Ir Assets Represented Bergen in the State of New Jersey aforesaid, as alsoj as the Eighth Ward of the city, in the said county of New Y'o?k, of the mortal wound aforesaid dies, and the jorors aforesaid, j on their, oath aforesaid, do further say that Wil liam P. Van Ness. late of the First Ward of the city of New Y'ork, in the county of New Y'ork aforesaid, attornev-at-law, and Nathaniel Pendleton, late of counsellor-at-Iaw, committing the felony and murder aforesaid, felonously, wilfully, and of their malice aforethought, were firmedVidgment. inaugural Death Sentence Commuted. Ralek;ii, the same place, at the time of ernment w ill be more ably man aged than it Las been before in thirty year. Salisbury Herald. Tutt'a Pilla never disappoint the Invali'.'-i present, abetting, aiding, assisting, comforting and maintaining the said Aaron Burr to kill and mur der the said Alexander Hamilton J in manner aforesaid. A Reiuarkablo Case. Mr. WaL- i And so the jurors aforesaid, upon ter Wheeler, of the Washington : their oath aforesniil tin oav th jMillf, Lawrence, Mass., for two ; said Aaron Burr and the eaid Wil iyears nUlictfd with varicose veins, liam P. Van Nesr and Nathaniel 'accompanied by a troublesome erup-i Pendleton him, the said Alexander N. C , Jan. 9. Gov. Holt to-day commuted to life im prisonment the death-sentence of William McKinrion, of Robeson county, who sentenced to bt- hanged at Lumbe.rton. He was last spring convicted of murder, ap pealed, and the Supreme V'ourt af- Gov. Holt gives these reasons for commutation : There was r.o malic" in this case. The Judge says it was technical murder, and that the prisoner ought not "to be hanged, and earnestly recommends commutation. The Solicitor and jury are also very emphatic in their appeal for Exec utive clemency. ition. wag completely cured after Hamilton; in manner and by the taking only eight bottles of Ayer'a creana aforesaid, feloniouel j, wil- Sarsaparilla. HaH't Hair Renewer for caring gray hair, dandruff, and baldness fully and of their malice i afore-1 ia not equaled. $.18.0,(1.00,0 Office 111 South Elm Street, Ni-xt to Post Office, 3farch 2, 1892-ly. ; A EWSjj Over GREENS1J0IU; N. C. l.i.) ! I ' ! tL I f 7-a. YFya ka S XiKU,.i-'...., The argest 5eed House - in the South fa . i. .,'J - A. . a arc first in t ime, first in pnodUc-' tiveness. first ill oualitvi Wc know the wants and neetlsiof tbc, Southern planter, and stake our reputation on our ability to 1 supply hitn. Our . NEW SEED BOOK for 1893 tells vvhatlo sow when: and how to sow, cult uat ion, etc. ( Write for it and current1 prices of any Xirass, uovcr r otlicr Field Seeds required. 4-1 ! Send yourerilfnulimct If rouf iHT.:hant does hut huhdtu VVtMtil's fe'd. T.W.W00D & $0NS Secdsracu, Richmond, Ya. 1 t i 4 ' 6 ' - ' " '. -