PATR (jREENS BORO i L ; I GREENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY MARCH 22. 1893. By the Patriot Publishing-Caninanjr, loAdvance TEBXS floo Per Tear M s Kll i.XO. I.1SJ 1 HE v i r i vl .- .V i i i f r Ar r.r ! i nit HAVE YOU lira ;: TO PAY In unf h it f r : i f if i: Is t'tt 1 ,-r. I 1: Ut-M f. pi . I ? ..r,. I 11 .. !! I IM. AS My UNCLE USED TO LAY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. j y-V ! . v" t . I ... i: . .v ar. 1 I .n I! ra. i'iC. t v, Dr. W. d. Wakelield r,. f, to. At .-. : I i at. I . ! I'h : '-it t' 2 t.t, s I- It.. a ! .!jt, f'r If Ixlii r)r. r!, t,J .r. n t Uf.t.i :. '). trf . . i l,f.. U-t -4j . II. -...m..!.1 kb tL. Ir A It . ti i i i? I i ! t.' f f, 1 V rt . ! . : -1 V I r,4r.kA : . t f i ', t tir. t !. t. r r li m 1 1.. j ! : a f r!. -.;V..-, Is , -4-1 ! . I k X'.t LI V III t T L"f. lUir. .osc and Tliroat. Dr.Arthur E. Ledbeller . 1 1. iii- I - t f IT u? Dr. W.J. RICHARDSON, . i: i: i i.r I f ;..v s r.o 1:0, N f ; ft I . ,?f j it Dikr Hook Company. i;i;hi;.M;i:o. N. c t ? ItrnU for I nl iat I'allt in. t . t J. X-I. 3STEESE, 0 . i 'i -. . i, i r r ; f -.' ; 1 .. i !. I : . I - i . A - ii.i . :. ir. it. i if u..l u l .lay ; oik. at. 1 nr.l.l i. t .!.. in.jr'.l a. i I !-!. :.i !.. I. -4-? t , - Jllir J, I -i.rt.). tin: vi:st pasti iu:. 1 2." atst ui.iri W4- c!"i'i ia a j!..ry .,f j urj l l j-uM ; L la--t rrs f !! -etiiii n!i e:j rsl tl.o tiailyr f t! - f ru.!i.-i-. fUt.'.in T'i tLo i f i.n!k&. fornusl n !.'. .f i-..!. I tho li.- I t f l!.a !-.l a! tl..- f si! 4il of luslk H.a-tcl ii l. r L tu-.U thor.Lt criotiIr, a rru-.v Tnttr Lo wn nvt. Ltit l.t r r. r.i'u f..-. l..ktr. Jaci.llr lout fr.-m li lifrcruwu f real I r Ik.iu. H i! )..r, tl.. iitt f all th' TillaO IS.cdria wtro coi.uas iu fr I I"r' ',uiT living a iLo saa till 1 .t.-l ti.' r ilcutlr. l.urie.1 n t ,t, a:; I isniiiiu.lful tf iLat ;': C : ar iU t Lt. A j- r.n; fvr vour tlio:jpLt. ( Vo r J" j ' a t::4:.!r .ijo, aa 1 J Ncto:i Mi All ww quiet tLf u jo reached tbe gjte, nLicL ai Lx-kfJ. VLat LoaU sLo ? Nl.o look'-U up at tLe LigU pickets itU their cruelljr tiharp point, aL.l tlica b- Ka to climb rcolatcljr up ; lal4ucn L-rM-lf oa the top kLa lrc-j-o-l to the Kr0"'"'!- Her tkirts raaht ou tLo hL.4rj jK.iut, bat ebo tain :ig".I to rtuch tLem tree, &al 0',-vor lioticiav; bow b.r baa.U were l lft'Jitip', mo.!. bor wt to tbe bouse. The l!atu--s h',t iiarI ; tbo smoke roL'ol i'J lnijre .!ui:ii toward tLe lirkuin klr, I. at tjll no soanJcame fru:u the i!iitthi of tL burning baiM ('u'li l wv.! tl.e:u ? You!J bcr f..tb r ijovi r imc ? L'jvkit. a!iii:tI v M')'iuJ sliosiw an c-i-vu tia bw; tl.j ).rIrlg tLrougb it, aa.l fonii.I that Iu ts iu tbo tLickost tf tLe Mu.-ko. WLut sl.e li-l inu-t be iloa) qnickk. .She -uati-hfl a woolou .warf sLe La.l tbrou u over bvr be.ul, an.l l ia.ling it aroun l litr mouth prepaml to Cglit b-r to tbo foot of tbe f!n. Iut b lv mcb fbo prt-cJ for war l. til!, Miu.U l r tLo niolf, fcbe htriu k Let f-it aai:i-.t tLe lowest step. Wjth a bltle ncrv.uu of jor bo Hew up tbo ttair-t anil tbe vi.le ball to Jai k"s rvHiii. Jack just awaking from a trouMeJ 5kti. lleariuir CVcile'n voice be iu- tatitlr prau up, co:i:prcbenJin tbo laacr almost before the coul J tell bim of it. 'Mutlicr hleeps doxn (-(airs iu tbo lit tle rooiu oa tbe rigbt," be saiJ ia an swer to bcr ipi-!tiun. "Wait Cocilc!" Ho fraiiticallv M-arcbeJ for Lii cloth ing, but t'ecile wm a;vaTagaia, bat ting with tbo smoke, Mbich almost FOB L4.DIES ALONE. a t::a:.'T nuv, aa 1 Ja 4r 1 ; tLo outer Kn.r. Cal.i out from b cr t r ! i K is a t if rx t . i ; r ! .f i p'.i Marble. ti f rt r 1 r i Iirn t!.4t Y-U : ,;t i. I rf. f 1 1 r r -rk. f ri i' an I A s i 'lfl-if t -t r i!f t'i -i r k ! r ", r -!. !. t ?.r Vffv i! t:.. It r icif - 1 1 f a t s -, G:-enL::3 S!ean ,, Laundry -JOHN M. 1T"K. I'ropr. The EYE A SPECIALTY. I tt.iLkiu ol tbe picbi to iu.r- . Ja k, N . b ak.l to I I : I'H 1 if 1 mut star at aftt r a'!. IL tt m-::.ti.t.-ui - - l ui that I f SI- ti uty t k .l itu-." Wiii x. i . ith tu. t-: ? It M .!!.i ac.-..ut.t t!.at I late Dt.t 1 v I- f -re i:t a I i -trv.!-" l i t, b! iii. batsl to iiv' it all ui. 1 4 v U' l. a:..l t!.at st-tt.'.Nl ur doubt xt t. bt t ! .' I I. r ta a tcu b rjilt iatbe joun i.. 4:. m i u bo fki. ar..l tL "prcttr I i:.k c. b-f :!u bo I icto IVc1V the. kC if ,.,11 I mill r. J4Ck! WLt ill b r .li-I.L. to v.h1 oar pi. auro ? will f -ri.e ti.. ozllO lar." ' . it ti .vJtk-1 ? lou With I..0? -' V . Ja.-k." ii j... i.. tLe ran Ii .- t;;cif Mrs. Nvmton Jibko ' I". -iia tribal ta. Vh?a b bill I'fcile's Lad l v.l of a pictareMjuo bit 1 t!. ot iatnro. mLich Itr 1-tt-.:t tbe Nt-wtoa farm an.) tbat i Mr. To tears U fure our 4: -5 !" -Mrs Newtoa Lil xuale a:j :lvr f r tbo lsJ; it would .t coriit 1.? bt-r eat .iln ii t!io corner, thus nik- I'iMru tbe is- orvrpoaereil Lor. TLo llames were lickmg tbeir war New toa's rHm. Cccilo mw tbis, aaj breatbe.1 a prarer forbtlp. Sbe fairljr tb'trdonu tLo f.tain, auj rcacbeJ tbo ibr jutt a. oao cruel tooguo of tire darted across tbo top of iL MiO fuua.l Mrs. Newtou ia a beavv stupor, aa.l all ber cJTvrts to rouno ber wcreiavaia. Mje coubl not wait for Jack, t-o sbe wrapped tbe hearv furm ia a bl.iukit, and bow, 4o koew not, ruauage.1 to drag lor into tLo balL Tbcre Jack juined ber. He proruptlr tchcTtd ber of ber burdoo, and in aa i:i-taut bad led tbo war to pafetr. Mr. (irer and bis men, baving but ju.t rcacLc d tbe fcccue, were prejaring to l'gbt tLo fire, and after taking in tbi fact C'ecile's courage and strength gae war, aad tLe slipi-od down at Jack's feet. trer now came iiurrviucr ut The New York Styles, Straw Hats Already Being Worn. Jsew Yobk. We are all beginning to realize that spring ia about to dawn on us again, and vet tbe weather, for the' past week here has been something abominable, windy, cold. rainy and of course muddy. Yet in epite of this straw hats are beginning to bud. Only last night at the theatre I counted eight or ten quite near me. T It was at tne New Empirc-Jtheatrc?, and one almost holds Ins breath at the magniiicent architecture and jzrar.deur of everything at tbis temple of histrionic art. 1 ne most prominent leature on entering, is the elaborate display of rich marble wainscoting, in vesti bule, lobby and foryer, and the ad miration increases even unto the end of the very beautiful drama being presented there "The Girl I Seft Kehind Me." Hut I must stitle my enthusiasm, on t us subject and return to my hats, which I left most abruptly. i he euitegl one 1 saw was an immense Empire poke trimmed with a broad double alsatian bow and a big purple rose in the centre of it, where some aigrettes were stillly perched. The frame was of brown straw with long ears, broad ties came from underneath the brown velvet bow and are caught with a rose at each side then tie in a big bow under the chin. 1 oniy spoke 01 tins as ueing odd for these big poke shapes are certainly neither prettj' or becom ing, but nevertheless are fashion able and will be worn, because Fiancois, Louise and other of tbe Fifth Avenue milliners are show ing them. Then too they go with tbe big sleeves, short waist, and very full skirts as the ilretcs.ire made this Oresham A Democrat. Wasiiingtox, D. C, March 13. She question has often been asked since the installation of the pres ent administration if Judge Gres- nam had really become a Democra or was simply a discontented Re publican serving the present ad ministration because of his per sonal belief in the patriotism and honesty of President Cleveland- To-day Senator Vest, of Missouri called on the Secretary of State. Gresham and Vest are old and very warm personal friends. They had not met before since the day before tbe Democratic National Conven tion at Chicago,-;when Senator Vest in passing through Chicago called upon Gresham and lunched with him. To-day, when the Missouri Senator called at the State Depart ment to see Mr. Gresham, the Sec retary grasped his hand warmly and said : est, when we last met at Chicago before the meeting of the National Convention, you little thought that when we next met I would be a Democratic Cabinet oflicers at Washington." I hat is so," said Vest. "I always knew that your associations were Democratic, that you thought like a Democrat and "talked like a Democrat. I did not think you would be in so soon, but I am glad to see you. ' Well, Vest," said he, " here I am, and by , I am the best Democrat in Washington." This declaration it is to be pre sumed 6ettIesMr. Gresham's status le reiniorcea ine ueciaration a ittle later when Hon. W. L. Wilson, of West Virginia called upon him. V ilson and Gresham had never met before and the brilliant West Vir ginian was introduced by Mr. Gres For the Patriot. Between Two Cities. Just between them I am staying, One the city of the dead And the other of tbe living. Where men toil for daily bread. Looking Northward from my window, Many a marble shaft I see, Standing over the dreamless loved ones Hid awhile from you and me. Th re lies Charlie, happy playmate Of my merry little son; Dut bis spirit went to Heaven With their friendship just begun Little Christine, too, is sleeping' ' Silently, tbe year3 aways. All my household fondly loved her, But sbe said "Good-bye" one day. Many dear old friends grew tired And they laid them there to rest, " With folded hand and brows of snow, On tbe green earth's mother-breast." Men lie there whose warning voices Thrill'd us as they preached God's will, Now they are silent but their memory And their teachings linger still. Some have father?, some have mothers And they wake not yet from sleep; Precious children, sisters, hrothers; Can you blame us if we w eep? In the city lying southward, All is motion, work and strife; Eating, sleeping, waking, loving, . And we mortals call it life. Some are sad while some seem happy; Still the sun shines on our bead. While we all each day draw nearer To the city of the dead. "G." The Man "Who Doesn't Drink Mr. Cleveland Looking for Him. A prominent New York Demo crat is reported as follows in the Hartford Courant: "Those ; who Alwav s in the Lead! i I " I j - ! WE ARE NOW EECKIVING NEW - ciiff iTJlrif TTi I J r? !: . 1 ! . n If jou want the HATS wd have leaders of j1 styles in fail to tke a nuib aim r uniisui m II' J2 I t o II ig Goods "V Li iT vH -rrx v v r- 2(H atesf styles in CLOTHING ind intend to remain and the best makes and -al wi 1 in era. e nuv tlSSK CLOTHING, HATS and Nebkwear. DrVr. look throiu'ii o'jr C ... 81,11 f avo a hiS lotof -Overcoats and Winter Suits- that we win t-iose ouc-ion less man cost to inake room for ouri I SPRING STOCK Air t . . - 1 we ark is to see our stpek and learn our will buy the best goods and latepjt styles prices and you i Leading Clnthiera and Hattors. of Grensl)orojN. C I CordiallyIkI-ites The PnbliC;to;Call ia atG, Wiill.tenfleTd's, oId-stand.236 'S6ntt;Im Street,. I I 1 And'examine the Largest and Most-extensive Stock of 1am s private secretary. uresham said : ' oeen consulted frequently as to Mr. Wilson, while I have never I the forthcomiug changes in all the r t t F KVERY KIND AND STYLE Judge constantly see him, and who have Before displayed in tht City of GREKNSROROJ I m 1 " i Also carry a full lihe of CARPETS' Come arjd examine khis stock before; met you before, I sat within two or departments of the public service, that he meanS iI. f, "uyl ? V" onvinceyoU LiA ; T r.. .ii.v, m . . n men 1 , . spring, or rather tbeones copied three feet of you when you deliver- say that the first question from imported models The prophesy that big hats were going to be iust used is coming ed your speech at the National Con vention on taking the chair. I agreed with every word you said and to-ctber sbe and Jack half drawd lrue or we f ee lhcm in every show then and I am perhaps ready to go C'ij Iaa sect ' .4 it'. I .ir. n I 1 r t! ( 1 1 t. I f . r. tn. I . . ii a ! 11 t y 11 r l liii l- n.0 - ! Ii r .n n f r r t r u ! I . t ha! tii i;.r lis- u . p. i aku ai: .t 1 -. 1 ! v are w ! I 1: .-. . H t.- InHt rumiuitH , r.l , 1 j -' i iri t; iu i 111 i t . , .,.., , r x'.t f. -ft 141. .!.' an.-r-. ti.. . 4 i" . ii 1 i ti. , ...... 1. u 1 1 r- i. 4 a. ; .1-. r n t ! u.i.ihu tr ;t:. . l j A";C''ii;i"i. Il Ml; I: I r I ; I 1 . 1 tr ... ;. . w . ,r tii liM W r t. t tr .u Inl1 11 . , 1 i. , t it. I. t ; 1 v r 1 41'. : . r. rr l"r i , 1 1 i r r, I'r. j ri.-rt M u-u , -r -41. v . u nl Vi I t. K. I r. nr-. .1 If. f . r, i-..- !y f.- r . . r . . a . , r 1 ji- .r . at. i it r . r rr. ! 4. 1:1 . t. : p. j W. l.gjh.iirar &m, t:i u:v ki.i i;s ri . nr . r4, . i' Tin Washington Life Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. A4S4SKT4S. Nil' (KIO.OOO. ! it t! 1 I r. t. r-. : rf . r r -.- a; 1 I trir. t rc:a t . if-. u r. 1 t I .4 K ! I rat, t af- -4.':. r two r 1. r. 4 ft K.-l hi 1 :i n ! ri r. ' ? I . '.. r. l ly th- fir inrt- n'. tn l'i4;ls !... !. .4- 1 tinit tht. A'-r ni.-r.t t t r.,'! !t..r,- I r ILm th !. K. .i :ff4. I t.ntra.-t. T. I. ALFb'I KNI, Minir, KicbcosJ, Va, T. C CALKS i''il Agent, .. 1.-. r. 1 t ii., 1 i- 4 i 1 u: r i..'ari in !ar.. 1 .1 t .vij.. l.,c l tLe rJj.- .n.l e.. ill n- t 11 it. Mrs. Newtoa tried I.. . . .. ... m ... 1 f t 4 j 1 1.1 ri o:;crs 10 Rain r ;t.t, b it iL- nrl was dttcrmiuel. ! Ut. i! it.j a pxvin. the cider 4 't ? 4 -I tL- Tyur..-r s.-::a Mr fvr -a - .-j I i..i:. 1 wL. tLotiLt Ler"!f - f r b. r pla.-". aa I tLo ou! l i-, r Kit l..-r J-k. for whom Le bad t b. r cap. And baring tbus re-i- d l.i.r ii.Ki.1 sb went bor.;e. b. r two ,rbo Lad not entered t'i. tirT tt rj,L-.!i.4 uile-K pLe knew :!..' . r.Ir 4l..;!.t, r w alont. tJocsl. -H-tl.-rlv Mr. tlt, x ovvr!o..k4l tbo .' .-.u !. :. n.o I J i-,.rd.aJIr '.r !.c calUsl, puil Jittl n.-i-LU.rlT to Mr-. .Nrwt .fi. ari l ia ,.vtI'r " riid t. n.ftid th,. Pnach wLic'i frvh bv dailr i-cil. w,.-. .1,-k bad K' h. went d- -U h.-r.l ttu's wit!, a luht st j. an I 1 a ' .t-r 1. ft. Wi.ii! at li-t rverr ' i! w.t-4 ,1 ti.- .tt rt. i L.r 1 rvtiT . .. t . .! .. ... .l . ..- r .... ;.ii4 w.- i.4'it uir a.i .me.! or ba'f carried tbo two helpless ones to b.r b"iue. A doctor was scut for, aad tLe Mmplo application of restoratives iuoum. I Mr-. Newtoa. who listened with tear to tLo story of Cecilo" hero ism. Turniag to Jack ebo said simply and bua.blv : I ml-judgcd ber. J'orgivo me." Jack's face bri;bteacKl, bat bo con tiuued bi- restless walk before tbe do r of tLe rom wLcre Cecilo lay. Just as tbo Kiorniu dawucd tLe oj4 ned b-r yes and asked, "ds Jack afe ?" Tb a tho fell asleep with a happy 5mila oa bcr lips, Lo bad bumvl bcr baud aad arms ; ber 1-cautiful hair was singed badly, anil bcr strength bad Una terribly taxed ; I'Ut a atuoiitu t-uo La i recovered euni rientlr to take a b rt drive, nud Jack to k bcr to co tbe ruias. Lrt rr bnibliug on the place bad Loen bnruevl to tLe ground. I au gla-1 if it," said Jack. I intend to build a new bouse to tLicb I LaIl Ihj proud to take my wife. Will you come, t'ecile?" What will tour mot ber say ?" hhe asked wit'.i a touch rf .Iatfulnevi while htr ey s give bim the answer be cravvd. Mie i more than anxious to wel come you as a daughter." Nitwas settled; and Mrs. Newton, as .he LKks at bir ilaugbter Cecil'u bands, aJs, TLiyarj the mod Kauti ful bands ia the world to me, if tL.v arts earrsl aud blackened ; nud tLe feud f tLo et pasture is at au ead. Jack and bis wife are very bappr. are talkiu of aautLcr 'piehic to take tL place of tbo one platimd a year ag. and it to 1 bi Id ia the tst pasture. a little further now." air. uieveianu now asks as to any person proposed to him for public! place is-does he drink? Mr. Cleve land, I can tell you, has discovered that it is becoming a fashion not Meet all window, trimmed with broad rib bons, and very pretty they are with If Judge Gresham believed every to drink; that the men who do not the -rasses ami dainty bowers. word that Mr. Wilson said in his drink are the men who do the Still too there are medium shapes splendid speech on taking the chair greatest things in this world's af and the dearest little bonnets ima- at the National Convention it is fairs. He has discovered the value ginable made of jet jewels, lace, entirely safe to say that he is a in commercial and in business life tiowt rs. aigrettes and so much gold. Democrat good enough to serve as of the man who does not drink. Secretary of State in a Democratic He knows that there are some rail- administration. ! ' ate Comptitioi), And his prices and tej-ms will be mad to suit all. - i Country Produce taken in exchangd for -oodI !' ' RFPAIRING and UPHOLSTERING neatly and IA r4r!.-4n I I J - Parties desiring furnature packed cari be accommodated bycallin r eyt it a r n I.aa-i. aa I fitting ly the wia I . r. b.k.d 4.1! out tbe'LilN uu 1 Icrvsl sf t't.v r-..rTo.r w..-iM briag :i. f:r wra'.bvr 1 ou'Lt pr.'iuis,-d. M-4-iwLi'c. Mr. Newton, b.r f-j 1 with a:)i;r. to.d hst.-iiing toJck, -:.. iff, I;,, lvI,,H,,u Un.p i.i Lis L ... 1. I t-irnrd as b i acbe. tbo !- r a .d 11 1 : I J.. :t L- up eirly in tL' laorniug, i:.!..r. f r I am g.iu to tb picni--. . - I.- 1. 1 p...rms tj accompiay iue. I 1 .; -a 1 to sk L-r t Im i.i v wij,,' 1 si.! 0 i.i-i i.wfuuf i-i.a. "Mi J -'i a iwvl dati-Lter. tuftber ; 4 ti k:. w tou Lave alwayt f,.( t.c I". .t t t x:cU a tue as you wact to ;ne ...-." rc:a:mvl Mrs. Ntoa. A-.. Ja.-k. I will titer welcome bvr to I i I. i.,-! If it Lil ,,va anr CUtJ I b it t ivi!i tlr.-y Lexer '.' -AL !.. r." .I.-k. tlruilr, -wLr Ca Ii- t 4l ovii.t.1110 f,s..!i.i. .r.s- u i ? I j.l.a'1 s..irry I VciIo if abo III t.c ; Utttr accept tLo iucvi ' " And L.- b ft tl.c r ":.:. Yi N-w to'i wa. tak(j by arpriv r a v. I.i . c.k.IiI down a little. A.'!n:i !.c tLo ig!.t. if be does n nt I.CT. w-t tisar will i.,it,i,4 us. I will mtcr give ia, ml '" I s r tl.t .U i nLII l,o tLa f irri f b mtri. s I'.-.-iK- tiriT." I i at iiuh! (Wi. 1 1 1.-r pi tt r hito d-i a!.r I i f Ja.-k. At first Lor Ir a- .s wcr l-iastful. l-.t as tbo dL-LI r- cn t" tr ly. aai.' itistntl I, and at it .in. k w it'.i tbe :raaco bvhag L 4t I . r I-., r u. ii darker. M. !.:;. u'y he an- aad batia "-" 1 rtp;. rand bpr, went to .I-"". As h t'arew np tbe sa-U I 1- ;; I .n!- acro s tL sill. Le aw t! it 1 -! Ir kr bal taken the I l.e l" tirry , tua b had paxl at ' f 11 ti tiiLt. Hi wits.l I..! ri-. 1 .1. I i m cists aroual t' r cr-. i f tLe hotis A t , ib. I tb nbt of tbo pleasure 1.4 I a:.t.-it te cani to lV'U' aad t!..-n ut on.-e. a a irnst t.I m l Caiie t Le iurl.r 1 a faint tl r of t-'i.k. Ixxk:n micklr t tLe sara and otb. r biddings. be c"ti!d V !. ';.!ng uausaal rail bvr eyes a: i i.fce,t aanans.T m th uiresrtion of Jack !.ou.., WLat was that ow rrcadiag alora tLe trvtopsj J L wondorvd ; and tLea aba realized that tb Newtoa farmbonsa was on fire. I.nnr.vrj down tain L rousod 1 XaiLrr : ttea out cf tso door a t! ' IViiii.i Woiurn "i.ill l i,.,r. Among famous woimu who voro r.;otl eia of tiiall families comes li!i i lcth Larntt Iho-vniiig. who bad ouly oae h..u. Mr. Sum-n ille. tbe m iih. c:u.i!ician, bad two .lattKht rs ntid one son only, tlu-.:u' s.u. xi twice mar ti"l. Mire, S.uids bid tun tbiMicii. a in and a dau-bti-r ; . bad I-a-ly Mary Montagu, who.v- I. tt. ri" are 50 admired iu lire, and Mine, de Setin.-. wnter -f e pullv fa-i... n b tti ri' in l'rench. Mui.. de'.Nu.-l , ,d three 1 hi! b.a ia b. r early m uu -d life; b, n forty- igbt ye.iis old tdie ii.-.l avv.-nJ time -and tle-si b.-l auotber son. tbergo Lh.-t (Mrs. Chsm m, cbildlc-s. an I o was Mrs. I Vaig, t!.o author of -J0L1 Halifax." Mrs" liar l auld. wbM j rm.' and ptn-try w. io Uth much admire I in ceatury, bad no children, and th" same was tho cae with bcr epially prai-ed coatem pcriry, Jlrs. Opie. I was standing by one of the windows at morn the other day when the sun peeped through the clouds for a few minutes and the glitttr was dazzling. The hat that bids fair to make the greatet bit, for early spring is glazed sailor with a high crown, and narrow brim trimmed with a band of merald green velvet, a bunch of violets- left side front and another bunch in the back to fall on tbe hair. Tbe llowers this season are more beautiful than ever and while we see a great many " plumes, still llowers will reign. Naturally as it is spring, violets are everywhere, on bonnets, on girls hat on everything in the way of mil linery we see the saucy little bunches. Some are wired into the' aigrettes for the centre of a cluster and stand up naturally still" and upright to give height to small head wear. Pleated lacea-of ribbons are one of the new things and trim the dainty little plaques' most grace fully, the soft pleated stulF can be made into such pretty fans and thing to adorn the flat brims. Purple veils are 6till worn, and green ones are shown but I havn't seen anybody yet who has had tbe courage to wear one of them, as they are most horribly unbecom ing, and a woman is quick to no tice this first of all things. I gave one of the Irish maidsln my boarding house a .white 'veil and seeing ber dressed on Sunday to go out. I asked her why she The family t medicine world Tut t'e Pills. of the Catching and Kissing Bullets. Many and many thrilling 6tories of marvelous and -hairbreadth es capes have been related of the late civil war but probably none more wonderful than the two incidents we give below as furnished by a participant in the Nez Perce Indian war of 1877 known as the Cotton wood fight. " F. A. Fenn had a bullet cut fnnr linlpd in Ilia ra t a 1inn a viiKnnl rcu,e drawing blood, and one burned both ts and in fact t;na n.i inoeo.i r drinks at any time; . that no"rail4 road company will permit its em-j ployes to drink during the hours t;f service, and that tbe value of a man who dpes not drink is each! year increasing in his countr He ha9 discovered, I think, that it may be worth while to apply this principle to politics, and to discov-l er .whether or not a man is not worth as much for public office who does not drink as he is in com-l mercial enterprises." , She Was Stupid. spoke at ZOO TTOTU ZtTiEIIEZD ekeis, Mant rriQ1 rr m r r r x a a w ploy a man in any capacity who OaSll, iiOOrS, lililKlS, JlOIlldillCfl BlT Sf DING OR FLOORING, FRAM INLG, SII IXG.ES AM) LATH EST iiiiiiii miiif:iiifi.iniTiiiiii .aaSSS7if Can supply you reasonaole terms with inytl See our K rr hi n if in tlilcl ..a t. . . rV Af lolL'r' -fi'iuisu EN-1TIAN 1JL1NI I,t t little more thiiri the old style. j - ' - ni. r tive work. Agents for ever made, jand costs very Any Size Glass (Kept greater or ning a They a tront tooth, i length uno.i LioJiticQ.- relicrion This was kissing a bullet in reality, f weather, millinery, gloves, necktiesi AOOUl one week later 1 Was run- Ukatina. the drama, sneiptv rfnnoL race with some fifteen: or ing, the public schools, the churci twenty Indians; the goal was a Und its mission, the Drobabilitv of a small mound; whoever reached the continuanceof chighmg, the". diffi-. mound first could hold it, We had culty of getting hired girls, minor some Inends coming on the traib im nnrtonpp Krill tiai;nrroH i which passed just at the foot of etinct told him that the old "man the mound. The horse I was riding was yet awake, but he set the dan wasquite fast; I had got a hundred ger at naught and staved. yards or so ahead of my companion There was another danger which and stopped to take a shoLat an f he wished to broach. Indian. After I shot I iumned on "Mv Wr fripnri v in Stock. young fellow my horse, ju6t as a w m-r .1 came up. e were on tne move, when he said, "Lew, I'm shot." I asked him if he was hurt bad. He said, "No, I have caught the bul let.', "All right,' said ! I. it inj-our pocket." I let my horse run,, and soon left him, for I had the trail and the Indians had the grass.) I reached tllA T rc r f tho In mi r- i l-i s u,aui wear, , sue answerea quick- nearest Indian was about 150 yards 'J "ivumiuK iu 1 r mm tlia fnnt nr, , a Q T U A model wife The toor arti-l's. There is quite an excitement down about New Heme. The ne groes have built up a little village Just across the river and the courts have decided that tbe lands on which the village is situated right fully belongs to James A. Hryan. Mr. Hryan has made several at tempts to compromise the matter, but th negroes indignantly refuse and swear they will hold possession unconditionally or die. The pro bability ii that there will be seri ous trouble before the matter is finally settled. Wiikesboro Chron icle. The Handsomest of all Coins. This proud distinction is gener ally conceded to the United States'! twenty-dollar gold piece, a marvel to my complexion." Of course this settled tbe matter, and I knew I had to give hi r another veil. The most popular as well as the mot stylish one are those of net closely dotted with tiny chenille mound was tolerable' about 150 feet high.; horse climb as fast us When I reached the top I olf; and the Indians were on run to get out ot the reach of ,?,. -. .: .- . 1 tl'u" lu , . -""""j. long-range Remington. I opened though not so becoming, made of plain brusels net with three or four rows of very narrow ribbon to form a border, these are shown on tbe glazed sailors, I have before described, gathered full on the brim and caught up loosely at the back with "11 fancy pin. The Eminence shades are every where, and are going to be the swelles! colors this spring in every thing, dress goods, trimings, mil linery and even gloves, these colors would soon become common, were it not for the very trying tints of reddish purple in them, that only a person with very clear skin need attempt to wear, for all of the Eminence colors bring out everv blemish in the complexion. C L. J. It seemed a very cold and tant form of address, but he previously decided it was the under the circumstances. "I wish to sneak to you of 1 a 1 1 Ul I somethiniT rerv npar mv hnrt I o J j "Why " As she stared at him the per- 1 . 1 m sista piexity in ner lace EUdaenly gave, way to intelligence. 'Oh, yes, I know; your lungs. How are they, anywey? How stu pid of me not to ask." steep and He never knew what he murmur- I let UlV ell in rpnltr. Wh W I k m m.M w s-sv-.av. S-A llA l.ll.l f t . - jumped walking home and the crisp snow was crushing noisily under his my feet. - j . ' I - I - II - ; ' : : - ' .-i ? . : Jess r?iir7 j vff&au'U , rhP.'hinniTSn n J mm mm 1 & kmj ai r w a. 'a w .m w- aa -v tx 1 . z.m , - - s r a 1 a r 1 " l! ys i -4 n a ,q n . i. ' -. best ' ri I i '--it tiiilV! iVifir i.; H. HI r ; i CA1RTMND, I !l - ! 7 I"-. iHas Received a Large Supply of ol all kind lor FALL audi WINTER SUITS. M m Mi fire and kept it up as long as they Didn't Know it "Was Sunday and ncie.iu unco ine CXClie- mept was over the young fellow The ceremonies and festivities in connection with the recent mar riage at Cairo of Mahmud Pasha showed me where he had been shot. The ball had just grazed his arm, making a blue streak about five inches long, and had struck his gun barrel (where it screwed into the frame) and had raised a dent on the inside of the barrel as large as a pea; it then glanced and fell ino his left hand. The gun was ruined, hut it saved his life. ... I. 4.l ... . i ne snoi uan oeen urea at me. as the young fellow had not been in sight for an instant. I tell you th ose bullets that are out of those Government guns, with it) grains powder and 45 grains lead, are dangerous thing3 to be kissing and catching. No, thank you, I don't want to be around when there are any more living." Little Things That Tell. '"" n.. . .i , of beauty in design and finish. The 1 , ,, Pcnwr ol c ue canai, loveliest of God's handiwork is a I ? h JKher of the late handsome woman, if in tbe bloom i m latea one V' V0re th?n i.vuu gueeis were inviteu to the wedding. Many dinners in both the Arabian and European styles mi Plowed All Day. One of the funniest and most novel cases comes to light. Our good friend, Mr. David Parish, of western No. 11 township, tells us the facts. Notwithstanding March 5th was Sunday, Mr. Adam Stough caught out his team, put on plough gears and hitched up. He did one of the biggest day's ploughing in his farming career. Ry pure ac cident he discovered about 3 o'clock in the afternoon that it was really and truly and without doubt the Lord's day. The ladies of the house put in the day baking and preparing for Sunday, which they really thought came the day follow-, ing. These people are all good Sabbath observing people, and to make up for the lost time they ob served Monday as Sunday, except going to church. Just, how they forgot one day in the week may be a dream. Concord standard. Iex-feo-b PITS H. H. Cartland, Oft South Elm Strekt. .Gretnsboro. X. " ,tr. I - ---r "117 itt mm HALL 1 ill-M hi "ft if you OHARili WANT in liiitii iiisimvf. ,L PAPER " CHEAP, MY PRLCES ARE VERY LOW. H StH 311 South Elm Street, McAdoo Hduse Block. The Nankin correspondent of Xl9 dark nf hrAlrh if riA ii n rf Tip 1iovi t Favorite Prescription will restore her. Lsdies who use this peerless remedy are unanimous in its praise. for it cures those countless ills! which arc tbe bane of their irremlfxt les. drarcrinir-down nain. in, bveteru, sleepless-J ' all gone" sensations their daily lives. Ai without alcohol. I pens gots$I apiece were served, requiring the services of i0 ctoks and 100 waiters 'marriage waa on a nf tl mnat Krit era il . . , . iibqi ceieoraiea in l airo in many The first wcrkrri' who hem. It is the little things that tell little brothers for instance, who i i L hide away in the parlor while sister Shanghai paper' sas : "fianwawi entertains her beau, etc. Dr. Pierce's man came to t h i - city, bringing rieasant rellets are little things with him a remarkable" freak of that tell. They tell on the liver and nature in tho hape of his two T, tone up the system.' So email and sons, aged 8 years.'boys nre ,J c I ... er a r.. . . i . i I i .i t.. .i uceiuaj, iney are rapidly anae in lace anu loriu, uui iney supplanting the old style pill. An are connected with each other by a iniaiioie remedy lor Sick and Bil- niece of nesh as tnicK as a man s ious Headaches, Biliousness and Constipation. Put up in vials. made convenient to carrv. Their use attended with no discomfort. S , 1 a arm, and loinea -togfiner, just oe Iow the wa!t. making 4he twins stand face toiac3. The twins nev- er falL" 'ie same time." i k i r s i m m wy r 17 v rms . t ijt Ik Seed House i rr-r.t'4 vi&K -i s:2:tJp'rz? :si hl:K' - cj:T.ei& 's Seeds arc firstf iu time, first in produc tivenei, first ia quality. We know tike wauls and needs of the oouuicni iianicr, ana c OUT!. rcputntfirm on our ability to supply Itir.i. Our . . IMCW SEED ROOK J , .. " ror 1.-593 ici is w"ilt tQ sow, when! and how to sow, 'cultivation, etc. j Write fr it .am! current prices of Crass. Clever, or ofher tiFlcIJ SdCJ3 required, j. - j .y tse.Tl voui-y.M rsdlrwt if your nr n-hant I ik J not lia;.uk- OiKl'n tst-i-e. I SONS .VS.. ( 1 -f :

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