i7 ! ) 1 - T. Tc I' 7 il ;i IT jL JL Jl greexsjjoro, x. a, Wednesday ju:e ix, L8f;i 5 V i I - : . i. ' t't" ' :vv 1. .. . i r - 1 -1 : : M " 1 . : . 1. . ' . i . 1 . . . . U w ill A t ! M 1 .j ' ...1 i ., t i1 w ! i ! !7U:hS i , v, cm : . : 1 1 i x VIA ii oi; V.o VMS il I? IX..: V t I - V 1 . . a !:.... f. r . .,... 4 . . ....... " S . At i;nr k iv.j it .. .. .. 'I ' ipr. '.,r ". . ;t h 4 r r 1 1 ;::;Vv HDWIX BOOTH DEAD. -V :-M';7-!- ' r 1 om 1 a :r ). K ir Iui. at.d l -a ' Mars I?o'..ortis Asleep.' a I t. ;.t I.- !. 1 I j ' ! ia. r'. ad C" I n "I '.pi t !.- I. ,y i 1 adit I.ini f -t.;;.. .1 ,f..i :t C..'-at-d- I! : .! . t I - : ,! i : , v.. I :, ami in l.sfT- '7 Hly M i-s Valentine, of Richmond, Ya i GPvZAT TRAGEDIAN PAS3E3 : he : pub; :-ht d u4i edition of t.V A ' Grev C oat' related to a "Blue AvAY PEACEFULLY. ; p.nys ;m n- mm;. or :n..ieai-.i ,n , Cu;,f' , snorting incident of the lifu en i.'uuic, the text cut . R P-fiTZl T r I r- : -X- 1 M C t ii .- I t :: Tho?.j .it hi h-ja.ii Scarcely 2Tot:ce H'rlr" I;i -hu-ij lur--.- . (;cr;,:al Lc,.t sorc!v (ijed bv .-ta tlio Silver Cord'ia L33se3, I4 f . lni r;V.,K' U " s . ,?.! , 1U'1! : u h rd M't; march, sat upon the rjj f 'frS As fth't. 3 &VW Hi k fel fl - M- -1 :) 3- DON'T FAIL TO SEE tl" j (Jcidcn Fov:l Crrln. patch. , ;r few taotripnls" rest ; in a short 1 ::, i 1. ,: ! ; : . 1 1 I I ' V. ,!!.' -I I 7 ?i 1 : .- J i II- th, t' ti :.t trn-ndLn, .jui-!h ' I'if.v ,-tt,t- astnll! d c:(.r l " U ehu"bcr' I..-...J ;t-...-,v hi .vp.rui.ef.t h-l::it ti.t : a,'! it wii! t- I :ii'I1't'n TMV.g lhat no. nept, the l'l-vtrv ( hi'- : 1.15 ..Vlook !cure .-rdinarv r :c i-.i rUint, 'I'e.l word, of caution not to I'. r mi j. At ! d-ip ,ut ti-:i' if "u ic CliaMl-i i 4in':; Tain t' :. ',;. .r. ari Mr-. (!r".-- lido. Trv it nd n:i v.i!i fj;r !:.:., J. 1 -:n-I m- ;.r i I'-iiriitt-r : prw-d ;:t he proii j :i li, f it af .1. . .iil 1 'ill I il , XliV ill - I tlj jIIH Iil'.J .. 1 f p t ;.?? n- . lit Wit. f :'.. I J. I ,?M ".II ..! I l.,.lt!..J f,.J "! 1 'i I. : ! r I ! 1: i . 1..: 'li-ii i::;.;, a:. lMi::i:.t- lri. n!. t-.ilv lv i ;sr! ;wnl Vhtk;::s. I .'h:ir! 3'f.rrv'!. The- tit at h ' , - ..f th,. r.-i. d a.i. r, !,!,!, ! ,d ratable ry;r. ! !. t, ! . ! I i.t nt.v tit:i tl .r::;' Tho nr:ic-r of K vJl)r. Jfo-r-s.T j3- tv.-. d-u:-, was- v-i y :vi - IIe?, of IJi'dinior-d, t the rrave ft.!, M-arrcly not ic ahle to of lro!i.!-:.t D.vi-, r.vi- poeuli'uh the jui:..u watcher' at hi I ..!- , npx.ite, imj.r jv ai:d. t-iwtefuh -id-. : It w as in .striking '...trast ,to t!ie ::. 1. rii'- im.m.-.' " , ho:..bat a:..! In j: u- ,.f rcv. Mr. !:.. h tirt fcrious iilnc i ,)r ?I1!",' V- ;;t ! !u-Chicago a::;.- o., A ri! ::. when he wa -s!: ,w- v ' ":M ld;- ! cor.y all of . . t'.. i.i--...f'..ri'Vi. ii.i.-.. r..: i,,.:-..- - ri( .. ) v. itfi iticif.ti.t i.'iri! v.i!i . ' 1 4 4v : ' ' '" "r- "l-- .' I . f "y,. -I v. -;,,! ,v ir. .(?thi!o- in "t!:,. '-t-riiof:,', (: It was ij ven-nt, full . L 'V 1 l" I.vceuw 'i Ji.vtre, I.'oc!;ef,!er. The 01 'H "f nd econ- r'. !.' '.'::V.r." -;' l.'-tr.UMct.f Mr. llootir. iif.. -'Mrttior. ? t:t ttu-rcwas ; hetray- i.- i i,. -,i v.. it , ,V. h av. c:i p.--td' t the 1'l.ivcr. aI ,,f ,v!iv!!:""- tnfion of r 1 1 if 1 1 '. t f vi " i i :.-!; I tv-. 1 . t . , 1 ; ; ' a . ; i I V. ...I I t' . . i: ;.! !...- 1 i i ' f I-;?, ia c iatKirativi- retirement. .,:r?'iV it pintane "ver sins Dnrin- the sutuMor of I ! 1 and '"'-'- ' Jy the I rave Men of tin; oniiiieraey who dared to i ligh' for wfenf they hck to Io pa- ! l . ! Mill lor.ll .! . 1 .Inn ui.M urn i iii -t J I It.. 1 h s; et.t eojs-ideraloe time; with Li ; d .iiihttr at X irr i iran i t t. ! i l! in !!: I;.tt. . w-.r. w h ih- rn i! !l1 1 righteous ah ;, j u.aUii. t hi- :iIinUal vi-i. that he 1 ' l ! '' Iu';'rt "f ,;C;' r?;:- the :':!, 'M'!i..:;v ill hr h.-.te. ;V "M r:,i'h' l'ref l.yteri-ii devinr in " Hi- ffi.-r.d... ptnic ilitA- .-licit. 111 prevenceof-the jva s-tni' r t.i.- " t ., w ho r-td ith uM'ov-- d M:d I r.. . a ; , !.. ...,.is- tint I. -.v Yoii,. h t' v ;th v.---. "' i ., . . i ' i Ml ( I i i : ! ,.. t 1 i v. ..... . i i . . . . - , - ' .! , r .J ' I- I 1 i" !. it. .. -tt I. a-.:., r :.1 f 1 ." I .11 'i j-.r I i..-t I :.. : r -. 1!.. t .. I !.: ! I i .--I ! i I. :. i.l... ! t t I 1 . 1 I ! r. ' i :. - ' a 1;.:- t.i . r :,. I ::. i. f u - ' u: 'a I ... ! a ).:- ( . : t-. l.'.e 1-r. Kl-.!:i .'. ii.- !-!ukd i.tads as h,- rs t'p to . , holy, iroit reil',:! hjs Mip!ic;;J , ti.ilt ;ud rravT hear t his devout ar.: a -t l-rv n? ,i .Jela.v a! a f-av- - i Thy help. Lord C-dof truth r -i y , we will he j faithful to a ' I ! ! . l -tory .f .-dp n ho, hy i I n ret i s. r'c-e ar.'t J;eroic tc Hi I, .e, s'rutr uie'1, to m.tiiitain the! tiiiiiirc of rn.it l; 1 tir. . pri::cipL in the 'va:M. ,t::d !i . i N . i r, Is II vttU l:..r.or i-taia.'es.- conseioti. : ! f- r th- t.;. .-;.: rlj.)i; ;;. viol it-, fuPdlrd tiieir ta-Iv, Xoa immortal i- i.-..a. :.:t: r in iaf r i.-r parts 1 1 . m i u i'.n.hen d ;-.itlt ti.e lira .!,.-, I I rt- L 1 1 ! 1 .'... I. !' !v r e. ..; i -- ; - disturb Kim, .Mid the words passed from man to win alonr the line: l;a 1 van li.'i.nl tin? distant tramping on th.lt iiov. in suiamer dav. 'A i l yon m'.-ii our comradt-s raniyng to m et liim on the wav: . t !it u iiiivi vrous saahlen silence, th auaiiii-tarv ri i j A i.vii the !iry t!;;it ratatian r.m ' . tars Ijoovrl is :'.sleej. ' tJive iae your, "ofd Pine Coat,"' let's trril; of tl;is a-.vhilv?: For the prettie.-t taareh of :, the war - of thai .f ran awnl tiio V:ls tho j.:sinC if that army, wlmn it "t was hard I na en to keep- "' Tho.-c men from cying oar hnrrah "Mars Kphi-rt is asleep I" There lay that knightTy 'llgure, c.-ac hand upon his sword 1. I'ii j ot Iter pres.-cl: above his heart, a vow without a word. Two lanrcl'leaves had ll uttered down, for I'o.vcrs their vigil keep And crowned uh:i, tliough 1 think they know '-.Mars Robert was asieep!"" ! In glorious OliTWtsttidnister, no mon- j ument ot war- Vo marhle sU.ry half o grand, as thi, our army" sav. ur leafy ;. Wost minster Virginia's -jvoods noV ken Immortal that Idw whisjKr, 'Murr Kob r is a-ieep !" As -wo -clasp iiaiiil -l -Old r.iuc 'oars," bad li.-t !roth-rs of the North ; Had foreiga te,- aLf.aiLal vmj'r homes. " " Proa a.-ing igii oVr t!;. .-e h.tf.ie.s i? r I had lit'-'." his til l;e;-p Step Suhtlv" Vb the border tlu-n 'M.-.rs lo!,i rt i:-akop ."' ! IIvV yours, Ik 's mitie. i-: IJobcrf f a e ! lie's ours. Ipj'-mii'c. hurrah: i uee tears yoa v-b'.:d have r-aled lite I pa-?, and c!.i-t-it h wamtid of war- I LJ C Tl.,.. ..1 ..tiii i.i.. '. ... I ' 1 i. a uu t,-itt.- It. III.;-, 111 ItlXH: i.nai 1 I 1 . w c'ii ear by t he te:ir.-. 5 o.i w-t.-p. I V The .-onird .f :i- sdiall I,- muiilod. ! U "W. Murray newSgoods, s Staple! Falnoy dry &D0d jjfj .aities and ( hihiren's SH()K and OXFORD TJK8, Men's tuui Hoy's, Jl .ft an" "3I.MUX SH()i:i IlOrflKKV, Cloves IMndkerchiefP, fec. J.adies (.auze Vests -from Shpl. 7 ' I. nt's aeh, MenV gauze ttndef ware; l.lif-K, Hlue, Pink and ( 'feoin, J ; onri- ttas, White floods, an L-',cc5- 'rcpons in-all ,th4 Shad-, Cohu ed and IMain Satin?, , - - a large stock oK (.y jagham s atid Clnunbravf, From 75 cents per pair tip, W fiife Citiiriternina f r I w J . . j- " . . . n -1 . . - ' . -, " 1 ri-vj u .j.i.vi;. i litre i a u;e t.itiens, Aa -and D.ti siii- iT-,.n,.il.. c t .- . ... ... . t. ' j'"inj.i, f .-r.,,U'j.- oi the vert uest . t.uun.s at LONVCST I'OSSIIJKK PIHCKS. j W. R. Murray. , , S:i !i Kim Stiaje!. C-?KKXS1;0M0, X.'iC. )kins r Si ; r- I 1 2 A Pa 1 ii a. H 1 r4"V.Vtjaiiii.M a!; rvpf'--. V. ; "f "Mars Jo.bei r i. nsleep '." HarsL, Eut ? lb said a w-Il-Knoua ... o. .a a o, .:u inane i,:- 'ir-i ii; ;.l. tl.fv ttiil live enshrined in . . : ' 1 . ; ",,1U mar. .-l -mi-..! never h-ln-v. that ' :"im v " r par in rui tp e tt)evrt; ''r wiiat .ey ,uih re.l W()!nall il;1-!he proper judgment !'! I.ic tari ill. () i t. :.( j-ion ai d ! who e;o rt-.h t he r i:u ninrips r i . i n ' - . Ih' ,". : . ' I . i I, .. :......,.:.. . j...i:u .-vii-. t o ea s. a oa I HO , . i i n l e r-. : , r : 1 . I. : I . 1 : . . :i"if i.i if' ' i- iiiii i. i-.' u cr M. t.t li Ii states- j lit l r i OC-3 i:.- I!' f-r - i... -- .a I 1 lie W 1 il. 11 ii 1 i I g i t ' o io tl .1 i::ea. : rt et i . atd III. at tue ham. " hd,at gratitude and itdhmtr-g h-ve v,!!r ilifor v,;iI, ,,..!, th. ! Q ,:" 'J" to ti. King. -r Lings !,. . . Har t(, fcui;!sjJ u n j : M i: ' " ,, '"M I".' -tl U..!..:d;ad.,.d !:ushaa:is,per,l:epi,;;, li;,,,vns of fhe merit,1 4 ' f I.iJM- ifl;:,n. tl.fdvot.-d d.:;ghttt: of I)r. 1'rce.: J-v.vorite 1. eserio 1 1 i i i i : ! a i-;r t ) 'Ace : t i'(:r thanks, -.raeii.ns ; k-. ..... i . . SP3 j 11 f? AsiT! i w 1 I 9 A-.- r . ..'.!' t . '. . a I . i j . ; i : t ; . :i . i . , a tee s-u.d-jHtur. that vrc have f eomplihed j r,!lltll v u ,.,rtailih :M1 indication ! ' '' v I--' re- , ti c .ill. c-e of u.vtng to Our hclovtd ..!.... !..'' v . . - - i , . . . . . i ... ..".I. . . Titers i : w.holeM !-ie kernel of ;:. A' at- 11 : t . . r .. it:, j r - ! t. - p'. i I.' . i .;. . a !'"'7 ate! apreartd a t 1 r. d 1 a red h a 1' Iii - jueo-t .nr ; .. i lo' i'f". - ' i oriv. in re-titu' j.aaa- am, i:g j t h-.so ! r.--:i.- parts. At the ?itn- ??:ard'wih hi -.f l'... rv ...! a rep , ., i 1 1 ti -n d v,.-k-j t i i .! .;.! f . t - ir . t - ,. d : . .::.d p t : a : a r ! n . ! :. ; v i a i -i :i r t i.'... . . r . t ., - . t T , . . i :. : .. . !i;ri.i: ' ! Ata.Ti a in th" fall of I ri .mi. n ' MmM il,.-. n..r... M ... 1 ' F 1 . v i ; , truth in-i rouoii si.eii of thi i 1 TT J . i' l, .i t! .Oil. i :i 1 nvi rue i i i , ) i . ... l..,.....f'!.r... - . ' ! i; t a- . iJ. 1, 1 11 ,,v-'1 , vir H:ri.o, wMh a fortltuae tviil.-h ; t.f.rali...-. displace, ..?c vwoxi I S H I N ( -,o I - 'P Koo I, , x ;r y i .d.i I ( ; ; . Hi sal . S i L. T I K. ! rt-aa c.r.-.rr: . lie ; t:o reers'.- could shak.-'and .r!;Pdi i ... . .. . .J J .. , " v ' . " in l-'.l.atrcarin;:,!., dUster cahl d ,nn i 1, '"' " 1 111 I I ill TEf 11 I V, V I $W V ill V i iU I h.T 'Ih.at.e. I,.,.! Il.ire.onri.is ,',,. ,.5:, hil! it- 1 ... ... ".'' ; rutl-Uown worn- gf I Ei f 1H " .ll 1 11 J ! M V U ' H i al S I "J U , .,, i, ;- ...... ;- )OIIr woiu-n. no mon; f trengt iiening "viiji iri-as? -sj ; 5 tj il 2 J tl S luf I :' I I 'J. . i.: i. A Selection riiii.t.-.t v..ich roe.ik of the risui rectioti o dra ,a:;a ea:. - r. r.uni: g -r-at -c 'thcjt;-r na. of the li:i.d wher t ' r 1 ' v ;a. u aa . ! ia i, .a ,.f .1 h .::ui supply-vu with anytlnnir ija 'in life- ouVlnrt lailh c and on the I ao-d i . . - ' I reasonable term-. S; oaoir P M'l; sN E ! Uiiii I i,.s.hm !iS ;ig n-bciu hi-hly : A I)vti.:t man who is not. ene- i ornamental ;n;d c.-ts a ere little a,d. t;. r.r.ii.iMr.- hi,., -v i,i. t.J .i,.:.,.,r : ;' t ! : it.: . t .. . " n " ' -'Uij . i - a.; atio:t of d.-ath :av r uithtas j alfe-t tol.P, ei.-.li v ih ted for the good clothes he I 'lVQ wrU. .A'gt nts.for Hill's IXsjlt'rr-. ' 1 . 1 1 ) kX ' ' V I )'X" i I'l V.V I ! I . I X I Lent, ' '' II m.e rh, ih., la;-. . Pl-h-trd III . which t.:.-...2:i in 1 a a!i-. : and - fra- v.e-.trs v,a- siriing in hi? oihee the ' cver n,:t'l' n!,-l '"yry Id '.to m'..4; t :,';. . t lo- .,! i .:.' I : aa i ot! cr ln; . -j.. are m p-rts. wad gn. ;; cvt rr-o-r. , her m rnilur when a mendicant i A m-- n: i J r j " i t,!: .of Ilichcli-,.,:, IPdwcr's dr..r:r,o! V. !... k up tn.rn ,! ! grave ! J;pearrd. -f Ally SlZe 0183 Keptll StOCk- ' i. . i .. l ... a , ! at . ! i. I. .1 ...... i' I 1 .. I'h.ai j "U'. :?, vihat is it?"' ashed the t -.... , .". t f t J i, In' , I.. I....':. .. . t . i.l... ; .. v - t .. , . , 1 - . . ' . 1 . : i... ( ii.' ' I i a . 1 w , on i , . , , . : , v ,. ., ; , . , r . , ,. .. ... ca;i-c ndtd.ratid far th- . l-r,-si u 1 a- . u b, . h v.. .1 o ,1 ; ; ; 1 1 .f -: i a t d Ir..::i ts with g r. at live and t -ig a v, it ! p. r.u'!;.,;.'..f detail. Its torv c::d- . rla -t in" . , :.. v .. i. ., l . . .. , .u ; .vt.y, i-wiun ii was i.riai- j In t ii is. th. hour of tiodr fr-'-h'v ' -poi-c ; -J'v.c got - nothinsf . for i. ..on a.er u; it v. n a v. a k :;e 1 i: r-.;v. ( ) r.itior 'n. aiol ;-. !i, a:i : gent:e.u.at;. ; f fTTJI thetrui' faith .I,; "I'd like to get enough money for j . B Jf J 6 i " 1 d; ThtJ in r!ore ' my lae;.hfi-t,' replied the visitor, f , " "jZ l! ! ; "Oh, get los4," was the angr.v re- - y :- o : a r.d after t;;;s it v. i4 artak' :;cd s-i; r-.w ) V i-'-.'t t-amii- '" - ! e ba n-t iicimioI yn im : rn d. v... ..n.I a hh ch of s;or - t.-tnier a:,d a ing. i;. p',.;:; it uav ; "How do you know I'm a traiup?""'i ,n- - A I -a. a iir e of , - . ...... j. . .,-. t n ' t .lit'l u t i ' Mill l , f hy 1;....:P, t::,il the -pii.agof 1n7I, n it pa--, I out of i" --e--. ai. i P com;. 1 1 t hi:;- handma !.;ci nteiise sto, mn ... , I , ,lu ii il i .-V. a I I I I S ( every !serip- i a no a. i r see what v.a hav Ya w ili;t!x a 'i a - h..,..:'l'7h-KK- II.MCK;. And ' SP!Pi'i;fp !:othf:y unti! you oid; of 4 li'U V coons ..-.cMon from.- Civ, I t t I i I . i;. cause you a-k mef..rmonev,-' JL'I LtXlllIlUI O OcLIll I i CH JZlH, CS MDI J 1 . r ' '!...,, !.,,.' .....I . ! .'. .. !.. .1 . r.l. - - -." ' ' 1 - I - ' eT -ia .ng la.- -i.r- u ti , at-1 Ml at tui' j tvidow and fader of ti... i rp.s : pie ak vi.ti for money " ' diifercnt r.TYLK which we w ti. .!,. i:: n to lb .,;h htm-, P. Thou dlutr streagth, th-. ia ' . "Yt-hut n.t like y.u : You look ' if o, ed a 4'AIiPof . SJJOKS 41 ;;. i.. i. s-.:w, ami tie ir saivatma. V.'il-! like it from head to heel and t! hotia - fu h,l,Ti Adam-, d-.M-idi .- mit:gton Messt-nycr. clot h.-s v on tv- r. em ,1, ie :-r- -a, Kate It in to. ( h irlo-jc , ' ..r i-, ' .... 1 fi,.V',i . . , ! XO'l IOX, .Ve , to raa!.e your sc . .; . .... .1 i- ..... i . Th: YireOfL.,:i tJa'v th TTa,b.i , km t d I d g. t tloit wlien J: - ' ' '' i : ' . '" ,iii,fw ,r- ti(- ambiguous: r : ' . Oftentimo I have sa-Vn a ta!C rfTi.V. ' " V " '7 lu."i;dai!;,:roia,r:.:,' ar-- ., (,.. p "Why, I -it this sun of c-Io'hs ' Sant b Kbn St . e ! ' ,. r ! H I ,-r '-; t :-e , ' . ... . . ' i.i .. , . , , . . ; r . . ' tro.., . jt ha I ;il..-r s:.ie w h. e : "' niaoea oioik mr the j ' '. ' i...r s:.r. wheel: vjpi I:li.v. a ., ''d cning. y; itian. S. C.. Star. i Rtl&M oho .-aiMM -- l,i .... . . ! f I Ii Si K ;, ... . a . 'i '. in serine ti;:::u'i as with -' . . ' ' i MM EW ;; :." lT'v- " ;- n- n.t i v tht 4; A.voiccFromth.Trmo. . j '... ..a.acir.--. .... , - Miner s: ic (,i rac s ,;o hidden ti a. trial. IOM-SII-n:V.Wj(T), Manager. .ki:;:mui'o . xc.r i: .i.d A. .1 . 1 1 .: i-. i.. i : - y. i . ! i f.e v a l U 'a'-.j; t.-re ia ?' i l a ; : i i t; - a. : ; ., a. : d i a .C, '.) . 1 M.o. i:.d I . Tt tii. . ;. , ars o -. ' '- ' v ( :C,d;:n-.n a ). ' .1 Cd -. .. o.v ;.f:. 1 fit at !i t!;e great bulk t i.at siTmaj -tic.ali'y. thert toi!- tec to-, .villi a h - .Va m ; ;i- a :t art o! ti; , ..was 1 . rrr I) ci , .ami arm- i.Cir-.n. t.hat was tugin : it bn.vCv on ; I kn-w :t Ohd- Proit si.r-.My voting friend, I ict me "!? V.vi: a word of ;i,lvic" j liv kind to if- 'dull-boys. 7 ; i' Young 'l'ei:cl:er Ct rta i ; : b ,! if they won't ha.rn their les.-ions I . I :. ; : I . :w pa::; potday. i t 4 , i ' . . V T I .1 . 1 I i - . ..; i ; .. . . "fiil a .". I ii " . . ' - - . i a . or ;arv, I - a... -h i'-'I. , ' ; -IP., kind them, a-t them, i . I, h:t:o -team tug unf.vfied !.': ,.,.,.. ' . , 'I'l.- - i. ' Mr--.JP. a.,s ,:. :t:. .:::. .;; 1 a Mi d i fore her m;,r , ri-.g- a' he -.. :ag of ; ., is t: a n c I.'iiiil oar v.arT'iasr frind" ti e .-tiio it would ..ii... - . .. . ii ii , i 'iia -.1 . . i I . ! ........ .. - . , . i : e . j i.-.tf-i ii.,i..t r, anil go I., wiui i i tue i ill uent t ide n in tiieir i.ave n you can. Same I.v. in a f- 10 man know-.- .... ...t ... .. . , ttft.-i. .1 .... T I ... . .;.. uiioa you ill,' oi;. ail(! . il- r:.;.;- t..l Sever. ;1 c:l-r The. ,. i bru.:ry. I ,',4... ph-ving ' '. ' J V V" ',A " r i heiple-s as i am, vou may need the - B,:M:-i i . .hih., t..?!:. !; th'- IPmuo In a;' - i"' ' leC'U,K ful1 i il .f wealth v men." in. M.v'd-uur i .btv hT'; Mr- !5""tJ' ,"4"i" ' t-!; i Ci Vr :itC,!C-a-v 11 .?'.'"" ' "Of course, but-- ti,-, I M'-;" - ,; hidi w;L in Cct a tri Vrn VVl if:-r. '"'' "V.Vil. the dullh.ovs arc the , me. ; . WorM - i . r :... ! ,,Lu -j" uuMd.al progress. Th-i- ,n.U t! .ek. , r ' "V . f -V! 71 rV. " 'K' ,,B- -'I.at get nch."-Oood News. .. .; ; 4-' 11 . ., i i,., :., ...... ,.;.. ,,.,. i i ,,eUlt a f.'Hthtul little wife that, - I.c.r.' .;,.n ii:;d,y ai.l ;t ' ' ;;J l 4 U !'Mt ..o-rlol , him ,l,,r f.,C A Bloody Battle. i-ited. In 1 v-.i iigiin in . t ir. - a !h - -r ' -riMirpgs re ' A :' -V .;'".. e'-tn. '' r v. , ;c X :? t'o a!t rna'ive r : t ! :i -1 1 I. a- Xiud ;rc.i? liritair;. and ne-?!. at cb.ie to liiru c0 that no w ind nor wave ou'd nart them - :v-t. -v .. : - 4- r '. v V. . . --.'a i : . ;. y ; ' '. f ' I; . ' ', . - . 'a ' ;' : ' : , i r; . i ;? C ;' : ?:;.p S' ' I . ;vi- ii - a;..i. '- ' " " ":-'"' a; r j . ' '" - ' " - . ' . . , - ;, : ,c ;." : ' ' M;. ! c--i; 7'-.-..7m;: - ' - '77'- " V ; ; ! ; : - V-v-.;v.,' i-- ;:-M- a -.-.H'-f-:- - - . !; r- : -. H "AT T -. -T-- ' j ct.-d with loilliu.t -jcce-s' j,, - U""",II '"v.-M,,ne dowr. with the. "nd.tv a large cHMVil ,,f ealorrd a ami . ' :a r e,; He w-nt t i o'-uii'iny in the auf.u.u o; : th.- hi;;.' .Mr-? l-.a-l .", ,.r. the-re rerodve.il with "'r.-ani and h-c n" heard of m more. . I'eoti.e gathered at their church at . "clecrrd. e nion Iciuge 1 r-r regular wor-hi'r many from here being present, but ;s ii-Uii on . eicia! ' o'-citcjoj..;, w P r a LSoii-ii - a A-S.. .f-.i. . U XLi4i A J The rsest Life Policy ' r ' ,'','1 "--J ,n:.v , f i ,. '' '7"V; ."V""' I i " I''? noithe l...itine (dan. or ha wai-kw aa i cards were in to- ' ,ri4 Mh. iri.wn.- ;7f';-; ' -' ' ' dawmer.t plan, or Tenycr,' nnew- oods, and v.. re nl ion-in rai-in- ,'."' - - . .7r:::-VL4wr'n-.-'n,UV:; ' rp': 'rs th.- hundred, of ,r,i:. V.Vi-.rn th.-.t the wounded num- 1 ' - : "' '' . . . . ,. rj , ' . -r.. tha? tht in-uranve couipmi -r-t-veiv!. aedth tt k? iv-s, rtorc V . ' 'M ..... .... ... , ' 7 "'' I; ;- !rr"- ' nu-t-n p;-t.,,, ;vrav rais and t rvthin-.r ' -' i ' ' "' ' " en . i. . It a ir,..,; i r, i.- ,.(-.,.,.,-.,, . i.. i ,... . . . r ,i . .. nr.; -I; ir-m il Ua!!:. !!..- 1: .v.-r' , - ' , ' - ' ' '"V;''4'-- ! V"a"" .-oT,... .....ruiigni w a - a .7 ,i-'-i.,i ., , ... . ... . ... .it- i.i-,:-,.r 1,1 1 ,,i .... ..i, , , '. h r i r,, HfT T ' . r ,i . i, .. w.. ni:r ;; i r.ua !.. t.ialtb. 1 .a .v.r-- . , '. . . . - . ' - 1 . " V"'6"- 7 I ! p 1. ar w-hi.-b 1... A':. a ;.. i..''.. ,.. a.4ev Sfar.-Iard Ker- mio n-, ami u.ut the noise was! la.-nrng tyrant-!.", . '. :; . I 7 .7 ,,M"t47' fly. the -(;. lun Medical Di-eov , like a battie. with wild Si-mK In7 " It'.- irlir of tltM 11 the otiteonie of ,- . . ' .1: , . . 1 . ! ? , .,. 1 . ... 1: . 1 - - -4 ,"' 'aii.vi:ii;!U(.n, in i' invo no liuracN, hut we! . " r; ''' '' t,,r. , , , ' , V V ' c-.rty sra.r,.. nndall throat and h-arn t h ,t h knife blade was broken ! ! : ' - ! :i ;--'i'M::--..r:4:Vi;.d ;;; .,;:.:t ' 1 -r,;M I:-- - It th..ct,d ,.,ta-.,!r . in I' u '-" i - - -' tb -" . . v '"' -aid I' , - T-'Ay h ; " 'od , ; -Ms.:n,b,r :-uter;vhis7;-f r: .n "If Ac ; I'- s47'e d s !e m " T 'T'5 i u -t rt .n o !p... if..,,. ," nr. P i, i . ma.te a r.umbi-r of (i,r colored ; - Has Received :'-a 'Large Supply of Elegant Olo tiis of all fcind'iar FAiti Mi?iVIER Perfect OCXIS; ;;G-iaaraAi:Gd .j H. II. Cartland, 1 A' r. i : ' v :. ,.i - . ; . i r. t : : ... i i r- . !. .art ,;. i ... . , . ' ! - M 1 M I.mg !.. ar. O;;; i .. . :r ;. i Kith may V. i- I y, Ki -h.r.I III, s: P a iv.!!. ror . i!- .-. a r.i-Vfr '''il'l'. lb;: the u:;a:t I g' . s an' s tt btr, i ir bu; r . r l' r -ted ( n ! Wall Paper, Decorate, Roam Moulding.- l! I have changed my Architects (iU-'FJCE and VALL PAPKR Stock I", (.'.ic' furl-i.t t ..ni.AL-il,. t?i'..'V- At ' A ., !T. ,. r T . 1 . 1 : .. V v aa ravcaent.yrM.cow.j Hichard I!.. Uenediek,- I'etrGchi,., s picijn. Honesty' the best policy J jKiehelicv, Payne's Jirut, Ikrtuc-1 1 ebbcr peed." Harper's Bazar. to ii- i ' . ic ..I... .t. . . . . . . ... - . ...... n-r.. .... .... ii.i r. is .iiarKi .. u i'is , ine i. .i . i ... r. , utv I t.t ai.r-i , i,rc ii.i.t n at. i ir, ' ;.o do uifij It ( f j -,i ii f eC4jne"' t-'u 1 oi nrit.-- ij .-oiati.-n.s-arnl t'apere . f ... , ..!.,.,, T . . . - . . uu r.ot Ki..,' i;;e laau-i of any who took part in the battle. Iiurlino ton News. - ) in this; year's designs. All -new. C. M. HACKLETT. f i ! t . - i i f i ! 7 -

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