,4. PAiRIOT., Greensboro V ji r GREENSBORO, X. C, AVEDXESDAT .SEPTEMBERS , 1893. ; liy the I'ntwiol VnMiNhlng 4,miany, I n A J wane 1 ! 'TKKMMIl.OIH'wfmr . E i i . I tti v ! r f. 1 i f i .YAM! D 7-3 3 r.p .' f lb , i , . , t" ! i . r. ; 1 . t i. r. " ' t i A " : r, y : L ; f r to If", f, h, i ray 1 I i- r ' .a r ' v !,'' r; ' ! i if : Wl-fn nn.I while the ferv c&le was many island-. -A the waters re flV. h w!irg through "the torn, rede and th pd mnvp deeper threatening airno; total nnnihila- into the wreckage gthe rt J by the t n a-Iong'the by wav and on the storm, the ghntiy picture are un- thoroughfare, vou cmiM ec the covered. So frequent are the dis- J.oRtrr.f wo. 1, "the African At.icr- coveries that the finding of a sin- ;ir.. of i li.if'n'nn trv.p to ele bidv attracts no attention at the intirc: of their r.TV, armed i all. It take the discovery of at I m lh !,j ami littlo hatchet. clear-!!eat a clump, of half dozen or r,s ! in - a ay the thbri with n pro i-, more to induce (he people to t. i ... t..r r r. !t re. n t 1 . i liW liTtV Icl.in? H Hilt Vf r. 1;tr j .e i A im : the A . 1 f.. f ' . ' 'I tl.-' .. .r ; r i:- . ? r ' "Iv place it t sauicfiiin u;er i mil- li-r: ! .Ilart. There arc no . ,. ' in t .f r. . x,i jr-i aj..l ilntrii- li'it- v.i- .ut, and th rt- !,:, t ,, :i r. r ulri.ad ct uin4: n !. - ' ';th f , 1 J f l v J ! x . e '"' J 11 ti, ii. IS NAVAI. Tl;i. l,f of !;:'c V WN Uf. At .f :.;.vto! r-rO !v the Those Who Noiniaated Sir. Cleve ! land Should Stand by Him. I::rir tin- tlt.!.ate in the IIoue in; iit-j rt't i.'.avts on u.c ir. .Hatch. JDe:i.'CraT. -of Missouri. ' epcakir: in opp'?iti';n to the re , peal 'f t' e .s'.i. rL'ir.n act, made un attae the York hitiks, and dtc l in d that t--ry one of . thein had oinlv uii o itra'eui:?!r vio- THE PRESIDENTS MALADY. ; The North Carolina Trotting Horse i Breeders' Association OPERATION HAS BEEN PERFORMED. This Association held its second annual meeting in the city of. Kal eigh on the evening of the 23rd inst. The annual election of the oillcers of the assDciation resulted! ! in the election of Capt, 11. P. Wil- Tecth Extracted and Tart of the J aw Removed Traces cf Sarcoma Re- moved frcm the Bone and Tissue-j ijamson, of Raleigh, as president, Present cause lor Alarm. i and Julius II. Hirdin, of Graham, Dr. Ferdinand Ilasbrouck was i as secretary and treasurer. found 1-y a Press. reporter at lii The meeting would indicate to home, No. 117 West U'oth street Hie most casual observer that the last niirht. He was very reticent hrcedin? of the lisrht harness horse A Chance Of a Life TIma The entire Stock-of Goods of the late fW- R. Murray, will be sold at and BELOW COST rto close out the r- r i' .- I i';ij!i'H ! urr.-Jiti! .f h.irrtN of I,tt.I ti.e .'.iw f..r the past thirty I J ' . ' 1 J I -, . n LAW. Til. !MM '.H !!V TIIEM'nllM. f -1 ; r i - : urp-;i-.ine ami !:, . KlAS ::- .t.'i fri..a :! wli..r;ts aid :. Auio .1. uinmin, Democrat, of v. i r-t ,i r: I 1. o k t.;i 1 1." J v lu;.t)-f. ycr. Yoik. f i kc next. He said J i 2m A i 1 AT LAW. :nr.i.ir- ;s :' dollars wor.Tii ,f l.irnlarc hur.-t ui i)iL. ew Vi-tIc Democracy needed at: 1 t!.t spirit-are rurmi;:,' to wafte. a) ritnii.-ition at hi: hand.-', hti'l t am i.s: to 7i 1. 1 t; i-i no. tLe ;j.;tu.rii Democracy needed .-.NNn. A'i' : .. It vii:'Vr!l'ir)lior- l,pore.lhe People when Ty!- e I-la'il. H-Jfidrfd- He reprcf tiled a district in" which r i r. 1 a!:d hvl'e wrfk- ! (;.--.. Vc I. Dr. :V. Vnkelicld ? . . r r 'i:r. j. oir c: : : . r..'. ' . A-: !. !:! v .-':: : n i pt ' j r i a ! ' .v. u I:. .;. -i i t..v ' :t i.iJ i ti 1 4 it. . i ; l! if In t, ' f 1 .eh ri ! US ! V, i - ' I I i ; :!. . -I i t M. :f- ! r- ! ;:!' i v '' - j "i r :.'.irc , .'t- :!.. vn-, v. i re - i; r: t hi re v. ere ft v L inks fewer, per il, apa, than there were in any other r.- ... : .t . t . : . . .. . .... . tt. It K :..,w .Mimatf.l that t he l Ul"1 riri 111 1 "" aie. lie !,,.H-,f t!. rieeplnnrer will f reprecnte i tut- teeming and toil ;," : gr. .ter than at Srt il.-l1' ii::iuns of New ork. lie P'....;. earivtii. wh .Ie crop U repres-entvd a district where there d-rr.-v.-!. 'I'-f l'"- " '-tjm-Htd Iil,,rc ,i,1,n workers hv- j ( , ! tig i-i ne h.t.ck : he rtprcetntcd a ir.v, Tl K-id. t.-riv having .-n IMU u:( il ,! ,u lvin ,Kra rfUSlu rd ! i f -1- t-rtw of'the llriti.a -earif..g the in-rription -Bread ' ! i Nettie .Murid.vi fr- m Pen-a- ! rcp: ntea t!;at cry ot -irea, ( . : . f. r P..r..i.r. II. ir i -l Kin ' .1 ;.. r xv. r.. . could t was I ":. The M.i t v. : froi. liaiize . r.d i- in 1. r v. .. v to I In!!. ti,.-!.x i:ot At, -lai'iiv. n rri:u. s.-. AN.in. A-i -t :;. Tie . .. . ! . i i . f. rce Ued 1. ! ' r ' f - ( ..l-'rnir.g ew ir iu i ;.un ri. I tie on Iv work these toilers from the manufac- l ti rt r- t !d thtin tl:ey could not get r.t nrrk ::ritil the pur- . . . - iii .L. -tr g C i tu--; t the Mierman askeu. i ! law v.i-? rep filed. No man. friend) " Ye?, hut the disease was in-its hai inl when asked to give an account ofjjs no ionger an experiment - in Ir. Llevelana e malady anil tne op eration lie assisted Surgeon Gen eral liryant to pefferm the Presi dent last. month. " As.vou already a now it, sam he, I tlon't see as there is any use of denviag the fact that an opera tion was'performed upon the Presi dent, hut as to the detail? of it, I must refrain from diseufving them I was on the v-u-ht r !y i:i the ca pacity of jut h--sht Dr. ISryant, who had thf u!:;,!; juatter in charge, will no douht i:''-v assume t!te re sjonsibility of giving out the facts of the ca-;'-." "What v.as vnuriluty in connec tion with the oierationr" asked the reporter. ::.vn i:i: or rnr:. mai.adv. ' I .TThiiinistertd gas to the Presi dent a- a:i anesthetic and removed the teeth vrliieh it was founl neces sary to take out during the progress cf t ho work. The surgical opera tion, which v.-as performed by Dr. liryant, consisted in cutting away a part of the upper jawbone and tissue as fnr as the orbital plate." ' "The disease, the progress of which it was hoped to arrest, was sarcoma, or, in other words, cancer, was it not?" Dr. Ilasbrouek was .1 VI. i ev r aeeu-td Gro-j earlier stage. ' f iioir. ' back un. ! entirely local. TI.. M"i i " t t . I T r .1 -ffi' r. a I i . f -rt I . : v. i 'i'itc: i'iil n SPECIALTY. r- i- t- i p. f ' i ! I v i: - r P..-a: i lie t rt. i r;t Pea if P rt lln ;u .- ;:: redjal la! i: ruction in I !!! w iiig v. i-. N are either t : n k ur a I. re : : ir i Mi-Cilviiry. Abu i un i n::-. W. H. Sumn r: the tcu? lr-i:.ti:e.. .lur. Wry i iout "... Kin l 'r a!, tfitig e:.c j t ( r title ! i!.,ar a! ("i. tt'. rr? n fr-rti tic t, . i . t.K . I. N ::i 1 urii r t -ti. . iti ... t . . . ; I tT."! a .1-. '! : t - f rt v. ; ft rt i! : r '1! I. . I.. ... ,, ... ,... . I I" f 1 - 4 V J . U JlH.'IltH, , . i An r: , .,. . . r. itt.o l.er r, :?, in v, ,,;., '. ; ' P.." ; . J. iri , h r m . i i i ii i pf i : i ; : TCt.i ! i i t ; total. ii-; e;tiv:ct i on. At !mc C.iieago - " e nver.ti n Aii.-soiin nad voioi sol Mir.davN StortU. : lt- t,.i Kim - Midaicsiini l.n.t .lr.n the ii. ie tiling. The time to enter a prote-t agiri-t him was thtn, not i:n.v. applause The time forgrntIemtn from 3Iisfuri to s ay t h;it they would desert the standard of Democracy was then, not ik . applause. New York Democracy had bowed to the will o T t h e convention. New York had Carolina. PI T nccj ,...,.,,.,., . 0 ..Utform. New York nro .ir-. The f- hoorK r i,r!;IMt.ra.v jia,i Rone to the front r wu- t ...wn up iifn in ; tjnrt r,r i...ttt i ;.n I lli I il lattY, 'ft ioiliiv . l lui'i I ' 4 1 l ed the centre of the enemy while the Wet and South attacked the wit.--. The New York Democracy td. "'ii by its pledges. It ) had iiiti "ted the platform. , m; r i:' fir- ioino. j lorti: ling Mr. t'ummings said .t r . G . Aii4Ut New s I that e ork, m accepting the knr.1, Kent. Storm. Dove. I ;a .-hi I . Itaiti.ot ar.d the u auier Pibt I Jay. I The t:s:: I'.i i- mi ! Cecilia, 1 1. . U'niucr Ki da! and the schooner . ;h.. s . ith at:d Sh i' I r-'i river !.! I the , iinr 1 r. ! cinu'c lo: f hi r anchor and cahh '..., r r i ashore i bott , u up in Port i; t ' i i ' . i - I - ". i' ' i - able I i in;; bv m ii. .rr'and fwo!!-n i-- were tikt-n from f i.i ib r- , .iiii r.-;!i. ir.oirs'sn v. a t !. i w r i ver t o d I y by eareh-.li'I-re "I! pr. nt!v i if-; in partu N't on'.I,!f of t!. Jtu .! r; -. l.orri r-t oj the -torni h.t i : bet r !.:. : . i had accepted the plat- vv York and the nominee vt rv ..re. the r.Iv new obtain- !od o:i the pi itfurm to-day. Gen- from the l'irm-'Mpt district of i r. :a : io P. rt lbval n?:d U aufort n -t ii! f tm. h jht-si.ip i- ! I' it I - -it l - i i ' i 4 V I , iS'!l. . ; i t i n i l -U.le t ;m i;if.f. rlUR SERIES, i :. V. I! .4! ,t i P. ir t. b TI e cr i ir d 'i :.!- hne i. if tt- tn , f.t rh'irN'-i. i- f.lt. The . . ! i '.t ?i it ti !i f'-r , u-t n--l ..e . r l i I'.r . !'.. -v. . ! into .,r. I ., ol number TI.- r..i.:t of to .In', J the re,; f p irf v p it- t h ' of mt-in : ti; f a ! un 1 r 1. b it '7i-in t p or fiit i'i- t r liit.i'ir.i ' e it". n t!. I '.fro-: lift t ' imm: t I - o! tair.t d. ' ! !.rr a! ' the ( St ':tv dead tirmcn from the South 'were re- fpormible for the President of the Pnitt d States. Tl.eyouht to have the ma:ilines to stand by him. The troub!e w,n there wa a great : arth i f politic in-. applause and b.i.htt r. rk The ail'ection was The tissues of the from ! throat had not been attacked."' i " I lie Presidents ntllictioti is much of the same character as that from which General Grant fuller ed and which finally ended his life V I I KVr.I.AND'S COX-TlTI TIOX. It H pclhaps of the same char acter." s.aid Dr. HasiHouek, "but of a nAich less alarmin? nature. (Jen. Grant's trouble originated, as I understand it, from a jagged tooth in the back part of his lower jaw, which ' by i rubbing continually nrzainst the root of his tongue, and by beingconstahtly irritated by his cigar smoking, eventually produced an ulcer-sore, which developed into sarcoma. Various operations were performed to remove the diseased tissue until tearly his whole tongue had been removed. With Presi dent Cleveland it is iliiTerent. The- disease is f;recer.t origin, and had, therefore, obtained but a small start when the instruments of the surgeon thoroughly removed all tiaces of it from bone and tissue." "Did not the' President impress you as a man with very strong constitution""' "Without ii doubt he has an iron constitution,! and thi will do much toward warding oil any further at- North Carolina but a business es tablished on sound business prin ciples by some of the most progres sive and most successful business men in our State. Our successful manufacturers, merchants bankers and our leading farmers are turn ing their attention to the breeding of the trotter in a way that is an assurance that the business may be looked upon as one of the great producing forces of the Old North State. . lhe most important step vet taken by the Association was the formulation of plans to establish a State Racing Circuit, races begin ning in the year 1S04. This circuit will cover the entire State, and the association will give a race- meeting at every track in North Carolina where the local as- - i The stock is composed of General DRY GOOtiS, SHOES, (NOTIONS and HATS and most of it IJRTGIIT' PRKSI( ATTRACTIVE - business. GOODS that wi them I sell at sight at the PRICEjS we are ollering It will pay any one to cal Goods before the Stooii We can and will irive vou RARE IJARGAINS. CLOSE OPT THE IiUSINE ,and get is IJrckeii. bject is to. Our solo as' soon as nossiblel i . i j R. W. Murray, B. P. Wharton, I Administrators, THE Lon time sociations ana ousirtess men ol tlie as mistakes of tlie ?ast. The vim and push of all community will co-oncrate with its big -patrons, coupled with -the jirescnt crises 'of monev matters, whirli iseiicrit oillcers in providing remunerative by the ex,rcmely low prices of their produce, is suiiic'ient cause forjheir demand purees for the horsemen. This ! - Ar i JIJJ JiUSJ (,() DS ()' 7 :, A 7.VI.97' JfA".' J' action of the breeders will greatly 'b KOYSTKIt'S is the place t'o buy tiu-m, who is now receiving the largest increase the earning capacity of and best stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hkts, Cap.- P.iwts; Shoes, Ac-'tUat has ever the trotter and will be a great in- .c""'s '7 ! V, T ev,f enoifered before, ducement to our enterpisTng citi- IIOE4 ! . P 'm ff1 S'n CK AN I. LOM'EST. TJUCES, . zens to attain to their sources of HOLGIir AT LESS THAN AIANI 1 ACTCJIKHS' PRICES. zens to adding to their sources of JrXIUS II. IlAliDKX. Sec. and Treas. " Peak and Weoble." I' 1 III!' 1 TTl'lli! T-rI cllM' 4'l. .1 ii. i . T-. . . , niiaivjuiuiuvito i Kjis. .-muivn a.n ni. i i i r.it.. i.ailies Slippers 48c. f3.98 and up worth tiouhlo the: money. Ladies' (ilove liraTn button and laco"' Shoes at 18 cents ; ladies' solid leather Ponyohi button and lace Shoes nt '.IS cents all solid; women's every-day Sboes from' rTrents uoJ nil ..oli.l mnn2- I nice shoes, lace and gaiter, only lis cents and up; -nietfa coarse Shoes onlr OS J'finffl Ollil lint m'.i mna.A w'1'..-i,,, l Hi' i i . . irienti oi mine iiai an oaa way : tr"x "J , "i-, . o.n .?. oui.- nun-ceois, smm icfimer; and in ract anr of mixing her words. Perfectly "'r pSVl iTvTCm1; 'A H A ;I f PKIC;KS- - , ,, , J i'AlvijAIN.-s IN I)liL (,OOIS. a i, fesi . and C ,c tist mido' unconscious oi it, ?he would often Sheeting r, and Uc; Ginghams ; from r,- cents uV. All Kinds r,fVes GoSdg at make ioliS latlgil. Slie vrouid speaK the lowest prices. White Goo s r.'.l kinds rices and lovely dens All of feeling "fcak and weeulc," for n1 nf V,,ack Lslwn?- l'erca!e. JU-lC r d TCrd, li.-o? A.ple Tis-ue, China Silk, weak and feeble, and "castor ill V1 Checks at ;i',,c j;,.o.ll-.,nt ;.fo,ls from lue.-per yard up; ., , . ? ., , , A god Aickel Clock only Me. straw iiats at hlf price. Men's in.l hov li!rr pods, for castor oil pills. I Jut sdie from.2.")e. irp. ' . i ' . 1 4, -'oi;s.ii.ii,o9siiirt was weak and feeble, until s'ne took tin 1 "bur from the cheapest net eish in:. n u 1 ;! I! riM's :ieil u liniiwil., i,.M.ni.u iat powerful, invigorating tonic, tht?. 3f ,to -5 l,cr "C- uially added i x !iu,c houses to cover their losses and J ; l Favorite Prescription," which so , , , r " :" : r"' Ti ? i' "; ,' "-7, ,;'r-e l'er cent. UMi.ilTy;a( v, f i, . ... .i ,1,ao no'es to cover their kses, and 1'.- il strict y for ens h. savin-' my v onderfuily imparts strength to the rrs the lar-e per cent, they have to p:ty the retail time merchant.! If, c wonderf u added by u.stom- whole system, and to the womb and their expenses of book-keej-in- laid- tiever-payers," wl.ieJi is always lieaped upon its appendages in particular. For the consumers head. An inveMig.it ion w ill im vwice you that this is the cheap. -.7i in nm i:ny n Oily j I'll r I f 11 1 S . - . -vi. i. MUt; Cl.KAN ;jOls, Mi o,) STOCK. 11- overworkeu women, run-down wo men, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is unequaled. It is invaluable in allaying and subduing nervous ex citability, irritability, exhaustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symp toms, commonly attendant upon functional and organic diseae. It induce refreshing sleep and re lieves mental-anxiety and despondency. 1'LK AS Iv CA LL. Mr. Anther Stack is now withmo and will be glitj to see .and 'serve his 'friend i ours anxious fO T'i''!tse, fl. H. SOYSTSR, 1 12 SoutirElu: stn-ej, fkiij.ow house, (jJiKEXSP.OliO, N. C. V.IEGrllTiA. OOLLEi3-E: FOR YOUNG LADIES, t V - ROANOKE, VIRGINIA. r ()IU:NS SEPT. 1 Jth, lii.:: Maitiii.-etNew Uuildisisrs w ith all modern JiWnvc"' . - iiicttis, anions tne hiium in i no .--(mii ii. :.ew I'lanos and Iiirniiiire. Ciuih.ik r Two Citizens of Davie,Wcke up-the ten acres; magnificent mountain scenery i in the Valley of A'iriuia, far. famed 1 : Wrong: TPassenger. Prihtlitcry Ijiiw in Maine. fo.;.; I ti. b ll.k ! Ir b idi t o-t t!.er. J tiie dead In "Mi-ra! .".w river were Ivin- ori the G'.ive were i tack of his Inalady." - , - 1I l ilKt AflXO 1NPI K Af.AKM. The I.ewi--t.wti .lournal, com-; Dr. liaPbrnck setintd verv anx- menting on toy enlon-ement of the j ,-,, tt; jli:pt(-- the rei prohibitory biw in Maine, says : "A the lresidetil's .-ondhi.':! New York traveling man wa ia n.;irv bm! as it would tt.e .fi-urna: oiJ.ee n lew uav. i ''.-:'. pocd, r.nd tljat tlie act If: M. ti.r" ; t . ; . ; , i na n oi: . : 1 1 I i IN i . ! i cs 1 !. i i r n i N r ' V t .1 1 '! !:f. !..t.; ! t- ; II . k "ki t !..-. I .1 r N. -1 .1 1 1 : 'b prt r v- y a ', i e :t :e. !.;!:. . !.i:j . f ro:.i ' 1. ' t i t f "! . :-.!. n "ir!t". i !, itlli" du m-ar the p! f.-- of d;-i- v. ry : d nitli uit cer.-i.1onv t !. t ra. victim were pi ice I I er.c ith ;!. rth Many of tin- d.-nl wort fit -.. a-. d if. I s t n .i - it ion ti..t tlu- ::!.: e. ? - k. tii":: and re o ir w ; rut, : : m t A;.- i- :er that iv as not ii- SUj) ts if his :ne very with hisi..v,..r;.j,.,...i t ir,. i.i tb.,t he ball !v aww:, i ' '! - - - seen D. Prvant iibout ten day.- tt out! iwiru' the Jiouor t.i,,, t!,t ti.- tratoi-a t.i.mg tiling, heeatise i i, : t !;(( ia;,.r Dr. Urv- .r it f tik l lit Ltz it I ant tie saia ttial tne more be snv , ,..i,i.-s,. ,..ii!v- i ,'i.uae. vouiiariiig ii ori State, tlie tu re thoroughly he b. lit i d th AW III, fit. V-i..f-:t. S. . - :.Ur, irfi;!lv r. ! eP'-e plartt T:-. 1 n I !l ret'-1 oil r I !i s of d .11 to- tir h i of inn I' -i-i tri'tie- ! ally Mippn ! the jirog.Khop, while in tt.i' Maine itits. with few Imi f i r f N t : s t v a:: ol "1 : I V ! t t i ; -1 Gii-nsboro Foniale-Gollejje.. . , . . . ...... . t . .;.!.' v . r . . i. - i . . . ' . i " . . - ' t :-. - - - . - s t... 'f . ,: . r . ... -. Iff", ;iil b!oH n i . r !. ; r t ! - t;th t ('! ntift n ?!.. livt-r in . r ! i' ' ink arid i :. t 'o a i i I h ti ?!! ! :; I" t'H'.i Up. : :?) r.t to - .: I ! b .r- ' .i : :r r I K i r : j ; r n r r. - . f -rt. st :i 1. .': .''i i la.. t ii ! . fo .i ii .. r : i ' ii i I ! 'I 1 Til !-a : x . fr t : !..:f o Ilin.ii': fort i vr-f!o! a lid that -fi t I-! ind- t'.i ! f iif .n.i. t : to rnN t rv t ar. " tllv . ' .if t !.c p ip ! it . a of l ilrowm i. ! T. .rrvi. i -: m ..-i.- i A; . i i . : , . A :;' -I A i i f roriH'U' i r it,i it ' ec v j 1 Ti tin trail . o:Mplete was hope! ddent in Ii'lH'l to- Ci' i r. li.f I'. - ik io:,ly t. S-". ph o-P-i A i i - u Pri midone w ho i- '.ti'I tin ini ii j.t..- io oi .ii, a , i. t-r t-.rr vv i i'r;.T ircneral'y tlriv. s the crog shop in- j ' .. wt j ilUii thilt ,1;rr(. v.,, u,,:e that thei inidiais disease !,;a I b-.-er. elleetu il.y 1 1 a.h'-.itt d restoration Of health for by keet.-ntr the Pr - opt a air a!! da v. i . i jJKS. fl.KV 1 LAN!' K i:i'T IN lo.M i;AM V. Wiiilc tio- i're-idei.t's mouth and il l- v I l -i to n',Jw w ere-w at tieif in uriri-.'ai t.arvi- b;i-il,ess i iei two wt es aner use opcr iioiii great' the physici-m Winston, A-ugust .'H. News was received here to-niht of a serious shooting scrapie at Advance, Iavie county. Two men named Pleas Gates and Jim Crews rode up toi the house of Acting Policeman Sam Poindexter. When the latter jeametothe door the men began j bring at him. The bitter went to. a room, ot his pistol and shot; both men. Two balis struck Gates'' head and the third went through In"? no-e. Crews was shot in the 'eg. Loth men had to be carried home. Gates is in critical con dition; ' i ioi ut-uiLLi. meiiij xurojieau ana American teaetiers. leirrnM nf ii s n a and JI. A. conferred. Cns'irpassed advantages in bus'c a lid-Art. One 'of the most airraeiive anu ueautilul t:olk're holmes inr Youii"- Padii s in ilio Souii. iv.- Catalogue, address . W. A. II A Kill k. I).b . President, konnokn Vinrini., July 5-low. '. 1 . .." Pi - i I DEATH. Miss Duscnbury, PoGtmisticSo at Concord, Doad. Mi-s Mary R. Dusenbury, post- i- -really mistress at ( b.ic or.!. died August n tr si: t A." - i jre.i . and a od i;. ra! i f lei:ifiuiiite her of .t mor ur- not bv M r. I. .1 h i-l niiN ! York t .t i . i HO S U I: I p b i; i I .1 i n tr lirm in. New hr cti,us, t.i,.-. a!. i !r.o.i Airs. i.i cntly app. ai. d in c. art , 1 'e emmi i nu i ore u. i e -j n t ! i-e-l' the tantini: of h.:'im which tad btm performed r....- t . ' i!-. -as i:: the vicinity f and tlie awmi ukuuiiv mum ii was !:s- works !l.-,i i: -U'e thevl hoped to uproot -o!i !v for b"iir,"s r.' !""!!- to th i r. f rt. S. I . -i -drt d atiil :.!:. ! . . : f i -I Oi. r three huf,- pr"ximir "f tK i" f '"" drinking ! I i in i in- i-. 1 1. : I'xi.iT bli i. ! Willi 1.' w n t . r:a j i.i' i"Jt for f - ;a..a n irc kt 1 r 1.1 r l lCr i i rt R yal f pro;trty i r t Ii- it; .ie l: i 1 ri . k . I i r w j i i bee n i joint"' r t w i a t v Ontd n.r exer cise and Hea air ! h. i ve i powerful t-lltet on Mr. Cleveland at all times .... ,.".,.! r .. i.. ........ to. .ti,. r...t.r , v. nd Dr. IJrvant has been with him ing !-. a.bl to the r. n:o!istraacesj,ut in a' boat , 'much of the time for two months ia tne nope ot i. ma in i un his svftcin and increasing n i Iiis vitality. A healthy healing of His already tii-d. The al actn-iliy at our itt . and hnvt Milted in mmv iiceiibut and the -Ini, at her illn.ess. She wee!; ii' her i.-na! health a si; day 'ician ;' ( 'oneori ioiiie, after abrief i is in (.'Inriotte last i J! i i.-, phy ire re- tiie wounds i.i the inside of the w a s alter. The were assist ed in their tt. anient of her case by. Dr. John. Whitehead, of Salis bury, but niedieal sh ill w as of no avail. The immediate eause of death was heart failure. Mis Diisenli'iiy was a native of Maryland, coming South more than io years ago. Her relatives first settled in Lexington and it was from there she moved to Concord,; being appointed postmistress first 20 years ago, under Grant. She was reappointed under each succeeding administration. Miss Dusenbury was reappoint ed by President Harrison just be-; fore his term expired, and her P3 H 5 Ph C3 If CIO t, r- - - S f ' - - I - V , hrlr 111 J ;. ! --T", v1; r.-: -.-.v- (' JO -:'l. . z, ..." -r M -. w to Ul s wi i t. , 1. 1 i ktitiii - l M t ! ! l 11 1.1 . . t in till!; in: iIentorHi;:.iti n !' fur mtn. 'il',..! hi. .V'.r--t I P -ri l'.vI! Prof. WiPani Parker, a di-tiri : wpper jaw is 1 i that is necssary nomination went to the ""Senate, :,V ' ut'.l "p.-'.' if V.,..,,. ,i ir,rorJg.iih.il p'.ysicim (-ul Mirgeon, : ' make, hi cbmplete recovery pro-1 )nxt t wa:? ,t.,t confirmed. Her Meoj.' I l the one evil ' iue, .uia iimi i- no mchcuh i"tfeatii brmizs a lonjj eontroiersy to r i I A Good. Thinr to Keep at Hand ' : . .t . r )n e ry do-..- knob there i a bsnrh ,.f r.tp and up..;j t ery : b".ni fe t.. re are I rt ii-m iv.e -rave i mf' atftadv lilitd while otl.t r a ,, .iii? ti e i ' he which wiil be !- ..... i, j ti .. ...t.. f-'iUiI in 1 1 . tu Jn! a mica i i r- r:t e n ni l, wi.-tlo r in wir.e, or ale, or be assured. whi-kv. aroi is killing the race of f men. SMy the rav.ices of this one; p--i n. 'i 1 co hd, j he kin;; of poisons. From the Tn-v Kansas) I'hiet". .. , i.i , i, . .. j She was ;i tbiughtej of Captain Dusenbury of the United states Navy. Charlotte Observer. I - n I b f i.-et no'iinin i.f tti t .. i I "". m ; i .! i mieb ctibi"eri to tf-vorc stiellc tif . i -i i i n on i nt in i u p n n i ii m w 1 1 1 if ri i nn j - - - i' ,i "r.ii can ih loiina to u ii;e Kinut - i..,i i.i..-.. i ...i . 1 1 . :. .. r . i, .. w.) . . i. i. i... i i - . i .i i 7 t r- i:i r..::.n.::.i- ' " " ' " 1 " r'"" l,i - 1 i wnifr naie hvfn jutu ny tne frfj an-'of the svmtorn that u u- r t : i i e . 1 1 ; i : !. .!, bi; ' ! t s. : I i . .-. r rl I .1 i r.l.i ' I "1 :- ' .... r.-n h f art r.i t 1 f ' ; t' i tie Inn !rt ! rf l.n-ti m ect of cling th. ;p -:i the yottin. The bvcel.e i n i. il I' t m t. r . t tl.r.il.t n ). . . . . . . ...... ..... l t ..'. '. ! - iiui nil lii'i i it, j H.l? jit ! I I j' II I Mi I .t - ill.. .r' .i ! I 1 1 ,; the I turning up r.ew time an ir.etfiiaCon h made t h- manv di.. !i r s m :: a i.aie tl.Ti i f the c"jr.lrv. n r:e i:a C i ance ha In t n Mum ivhat Tt tre n f o f t t i' i r e fori 1 wav dirt; Order have been isutd by li e Irca-urv Department to all ub ; ttr r..A.i ! - iaiit piiiiMi, uiui uiiiiHiiit ruvit Id (ver the ! cipLriPij ut l!.k strmarh il in rrr.n i e have Chole- it- N.l. t ill- i ntti '.tar Ittsiu unlttntxi t llh. I t. t Ji.ni. r -.;-! i c ; 1 1' ..'.. r trt. I a... a r, r . " MV. ml:'. j, A.) 1 . V i r t i. ... e', ant t " H I'lf i ! i r. itb . - b r !"r".r:t itli it t !.e :' t t of a I , t n ! which mere th in .' b H i t..e m.i t are ! counter-, the s.iine as other classes , etc W(. l.eeotie scary. W dead bo.tV ew-ryjof m-.ney. The rffet-t of tin is to fmi"n1 (Ihainbt-rbiin'tf Colic, ai!o.i i luai.e. mii praeneal.y place the -o.d reserve r.. ,.n,i Diarahoa Kemedr the ven- i:tr and aemta- am Dg the i,v ,il !e Treasury cash thjng ti straighten one out in such iev;;:ed tl:i Ha- ,:,..t. A a r.u' the grid bal ! C!t?l . and alnav keep it about. ir.lry. none i:ate ance .a bet n M.mt ivha! rctlu-ed, I v r iiot wiitin.r this f..r t.r.,- tt. ,nfri!,: . tKfre: ,,cln Fli-!i!,y I"0.00O.000.!tf.stimonpal. bilt toht our reader"- tine Sur.iUy. A I r r ml v 'The net Tr.-i.nrv b.tlm lie baie been : 7"o. o. : $ii,- r.ri.. rid. piled . f it-, ch srel;e att r- fo .:. a:. I t !., p. ff.ra'oui tfe country a r. i the Isaldt of the peoplv in the storm viitt il -2 v' t i n are confident in thrir prt .heti. n that the tbath-r.-!! mil run a hili a ."on. s .;i;e ! t.I 1 1 t i.eceipt continue ii'lit'ii.,ii- in !.. i:,ii.j.. ;o are at ua an 3 the exper.dti.rt I t avy. so that ' Ward and Welkin. month of Au-ust ex-' ! I I toe re i '.e- ir. Some; years ni we were very Say, Mister! it possible you are suffering from catarrh, and have not used Dr. Sa-'s Catarrh Remedy? All t lie terrible consequences of catarrh in the. head may be averted if you'll but make the effort ! You know, too wt!l, its distressing symptoms! You p )sib!y know, if neglectetl, it invaii ibly goes from bad to worse, ami is likely to run into consump tion and end in the grave! Here is a way of escape: Its makers are willing to take all the ri-k, and make a standing offer of .$500 for an incurable case o.f this loathsome and dangerou. disease. You can know what it good thing to keep lor sale by Treasury bibmce may Ilarrell Denounces Editor Rosccwer. Peofi'e whojeame up from Golds boro to day ay Secretary E. G i and . i ev it r .it;, it). a 4 w ir.d b ai pitied - r Iff :tii: ; .. iii. I.", t'rt. i.e.- -i. ;.. r .o i i.. la the tc u. l Lm Ii the b '! j oj,:. t!;e s :. ?. ev-n ir ore thi it."n f ice the ! it ,,:n I, ''. Tin re !.. ti.tf ' n an ! -ur f any tby in tl r I v I ut of Mon-Uy i;i fair? tht tt t d b dv In- n i bttn ar of tt.e iIj. f-Jnd at u-o point on one f the !c by Ward and Watkin. 1 .1".! I Ire t! both 1 .- liiwr r th.n tiou. V v "et-T-jO", or tietter a cure lor i :.n,r- i.i.k or f .r a pain ;n Harrel !, f the Teachers' Assembly, ! t!i- side ..r C.t .t, try -i.ib.r iting a denounced Editj-r Roscower, of the! pit Ce of irn-el w ith Chamot rbiin' Ilpfwllitrlit Cie street Sere. i Pain Ii t!:-i r.d bindie- it onto th ...... it I-.,.!! d i. ... n t.a i Jules Verne is C , un Ijailill h uoom i'j mi. mieri- itl!ertt-d p trt-. Tnitre .tment will t ,j a peace warrant, but his train cure anv ordinary case in one r ! leTt before it j was erved. Editor twod tit P.iin ll ilm also t ures jpeower ha made aonie severe at- rueuuiatlai. ..'I cent bottle for tw' jr.n Spcrftrv Ilfirrell that and ofi tacks on Secretary Charlotte Observer. or. Jules Verne's Industry. Mr. Wickwirej. I notice years old has written just UG books. Mrs. Wiekwire: V'ell, that is w r . nor so ro;-ny. lie only na t to write; jot the rate of one book a year tpj do yoT nsTDsmx) Sash, Door.s, ISliinls, 3IouU.inr, Bracket s MaiitIs - 'n ' ' ' : . ," r SIDING OK . FL MlItlNlrf KJiAMIC, SJ 1 1 NT; i.FS A NI 4. Ail IKS. mmt 'ipiEB iiiFifiHiiflaii. Can suppl- you with anything -in thij line on shorXrioticc;jtnd on f he most reasonable terms. See our'EMlJOsSKP jWOOH, something new, helngjiighly ornamental and costs very little more thNn ordinary lumber.'. I'scd for decora tive work. Agents for if ill's INSIDE fSLIDINGV E N IT' I A N KLIND, best lever made, and cots very little more than the ol 1 style. ! . ! Any Size Glass Kept in Stock. :2 ST.O0KS INI. The Hudson Store Company !IIas bought at les than one third wUedesale prn-c; t he-p'.jwi-ll A- V "har Iton stock of Dry -Goods and Millinery, ai;d leiooved it to their old stand, :51S South Elm street. We are .now prepared to sell gpod.s at, less price than other merchants fcimdy because we paid less for them. All wool 'cashmere Dress Goods .'", ineheswide, .10 cents-per yard, worth 50 cents elsewere : bandies and gentleman's dress? shoes 1.25 per pair, good styles, and good quality. You have paid .$-1.50 and .$1.75 for shoes no better. Try us and we will convince you. . f ! HndsoxL Stjoirro Go-m pany, I do that. Indianapolis Journal. 51SSoutl Elm Street, (TOM SHERWOOD, Manager. GREENSRORO. N. C I