Greensboro K f A If LA r lid GREEXSBOKO. N. C, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 27, 1893. ; My the iMtrlt l-MtII'ilnr,-nijr. n Al re V il.oo Per Tear I.I! 1 "Ah!l s.!i-!..- be ius a traveling HI HCPE OP A C0T.:r?.OUISr. Liquor Traffic. - - - 1 1 . r r i - AITnilril-YS AT LiiW. 1 t JunrJ T. iilii'iTAiri, m;:v-:v at lav." at 4 ' Dr. V." R;l'HA:. ?QiK V.. i 1 1 'i i. - e," 1 . t , u ', 1 ; V s v , 1 !.!; l. . P r. p. N . ". Female College. . , i . . -; v . . - - p ! . ".. . . . . . T . , Pr I r s-.-- t . A. V.. ,....-.!; t.;. I . f. i'yf. ... I vt-i-ci td I I - - ' ,iiCt i tt'.:'t'.r,'t-i..'.."irli;r.;r";-. - r- CARAVAN. I i.'.r h. -.1 it!, ,:.-cI-U.n. . :''yi:.'Kt'-::l:::'::r;-... ,,,. r : i- r'- I , ' ' : ; !a-; v.''.: ,;;::rvnii!.r(: ; " Ta;;,v'l)..rLrr"tf..::.,..f ,:,y ,:..t-u-, I- k chi,-:v !;, r- a:,: !-a :. : r.;:. I .t N n . . 4 r' . .- 1 v.. t :. . I. l.-r - - ' : , r. . t ; t ' " . I. -I'.iU.g it. 1 ..! is -'.d !.-r with 1!. r :i i: ,1 at . it - -1 f:n -t tin J. I vt r .: .:'' ' s ' " " v... c! art;...! It-M had a '.- f r the U uvAitnl in arr. bnt l.-r v-dcf rttrac t; .i. v . i -r i I-t.-r.-, r ; r - r-Vi " th. I.e.,. ...a P.- '-r i r :r.-. .-. .,. t:-'- -;.-t-!if f i.s.-i a crn .; r.; i ' i ; i t . '" i I t r. 1 1.. r :;' -""r ti.t I-:i n t-i i , 1 .t t-!.e . I!.- il ;,- i: r-:-.;!..-.-. IT. !;-!.. r.-. 1 , ,:. i .. I- i r." ;. v- '..:. :. -l i'-'. 'r"t - . . - r. 'It - '!r. r.-. : y. ; vp ia t v. !..: i t.t:.-1. nit'i a pr. ::;.-" rxpr.- -f i ilttle J! -r : r a o-r: ". " led i i ... . t-. I '. a. !. anl : ' I t.H I',-. " ' I. : v. I P"--'i i , tl :!" 1 ' '' i :-...- , :.,. -.' "I 4'.- n. ." - . -.. t I r--.-c-. . , .- . . . , , '.' ..r f. ,.r-. i.: "'.in w aVr . ; f. --I .a,e t .-;:...t.- .-.-a . l l "--'.lt:.,.U,:; ' f i V,:,.:.- ;;r ', ..;l,..r r nVv i.,l,,.- : - ; " ! ' " ' , ',4'. '..'..". , , j- ' ,: ' ' ..ttvo f-.r t:,- .u tn. r.r iny e." j.- : 1 : . . . ." v i . i ,-. ;!.-!. .. , ; ,.:L. 1 ; ! : - i : ;-; " t . t: - . ; ! f i! . : I ..'. ' 1 k. k ! j! 1 I-- . 1 ' " -v ; I,"' '',':: I rri-.;.l I had heard m. otl-er. and I had o';;.".::.. ' rl.l"-- -t...:.-i.-.t h.v.-ry.and.- t r.t.-. v.o,...-,j prorr C; ;;;si-Lr,j" - t- r .r.: d .-.!: i ,.- VI 1 . ..' 1 .- !.. -. ' 'WW .,::: - :;. ;;k ,:. . - - u 5 " ' '1'""; - I I i I. T i: " .i i W.i t . I 1 - - i . 1 't I a V v. I i .. ... r ::: re, I !.. i- tk- "r.-.i'.-: a i:s - i ; " 1 v. a . ; . .i ., t 1. a ve .. . on tell Wil- d j .- ,;,! 1 i..,t k 'r.iv J.-r to that ir. -.' i.e.! u.e.' r.-fralr.. -1 fr-.-a i .: .rti.ii. r it. r tk.." I ti...e'kt her C 1 ' ; t : .- :: 1 . . . 1 v ; ". t - 1 , . - - ' : .. '.: -3 ! " 1 r -- . ' : . " . : ! - ,- - . - ' I -a. i. '.V-- 1 . .- 1 . ' -i 11 t : " ' " 2 . : .. . re.' ' '."... -' a ; 1 " v,e :; n "" " - .-.'" - . : . . :,, -t v. '::- " i e. . 1 r 1 "-.-.-..;;.'";-.. :l .1 . 1 . : r. , jrt a " . ,' ..." , a --. .- . . . r N . , ' - ; a-i :. I - re- H...V. : - ' . . m- . a 1 t- :, 1 t:..-oi ;i I . :..i; - - .. t j v -r . ' . 1 i- -a a t- . . ir:' sf. i j a'..' v. st.i her . ' 1 C t j I r I" t 1 : - I . ". " i i eV i .1. : la i. - ; J..- t .-. c it i.- w :-! b- ..! '. -vn '.e l :.- j i,t. 1 e- a-ie -r--? ". IP..l 1 "e irac it t - m,-! 1 :ilt. ri 1 rr: ,-: n v-lf p tl.e 1 . .. -. j...-.v . ! a". ve' '.itt - i a s , .1 1:e;, a u 1 -.c -r. o aary r .". t a , p. t;. a : . I . re P. r I:. "." r n: 1 -.. ;Iy . r. -a :'. .. e l .-at n.t , . .. t ,'..ii 'e- it ' '' 0 ' t.- e . ar. fr- -:a r -. P. r i ' . ' ' : -"i ".- ."Te - ,. . -i... ' t . I . . ; .. ' i :;: - : , --s. tr.. I : .i.t ! . . - ' g J. - I I ! !..i . e.- ; - . e t k'. p - ' f I ,-. .0 3 , - "-...4 I : .;: .. ' . ::. . .. a . -a :t- !.- - - .-. i. ..... i. p-at s'.- s'.,.. ' ! ; : r-.. "; . f iicr bf.'.P e.-ar. - ' P. , ' ., a p-.t n Id a ... i l s! e ; . ".. ; i ! r. me r. I a . ;.ec .v.; !...iv'''i. I p. s-.,. p, ,".fia- ri.'id .sr.. I "...-'-' :i '. :. v. s; , . i t ' . , -.i : . . , 1 .- ,:. " ' t . : '. t r f r r: v - r!..r. - a v u:, . L- r e. faee ! ; .:. I. I .o i..t... " .-I.'. V.e; J.. e-'.Ti't 1 ?l b e that. I i- r t; , cf',..;, S at.t o.ur fa-e t I..s ve s. I ' . !.:.:. a a - '. -.1 I.'o-, I..': .a ai..i talk it . will U- all the U-ttvr. r ' 'J-ast tla-.o I w as iK.k.' she rv plie. j "the chap Kaid I cin-tnt t vivc.' p:..t"-r::i.!.-r. j "lie i.a.l ;:ti:.- l.!a.-: like on ' u C-V) "" p ' ,' ' "n f, 'r:.:,I.U., 'J!.. a I- ,r;,-l ami ; l.-M tl?hU f-.r:- tolc-cprtill as ......:-:tn!,y u-l f.:-ty-an.l I .V "V4-'. , v- !t , . Iik(W " !t '' . -Yes.,u:,s:or. Hut I lx.:fi h!; t!i. 1 U u..:iia'. v.L-. ...rn.i a-l..r last It-rva.r.' -Wit: c-.,nv,r;.:i'. n!.;.. thi c lc- ' !..-.; t.o-.v, ahi't it preU.v? Mas- r. I r.- Ihat? i i a:.v.. r i i . li :t:i fMriirni. likeness, an'l i.ot t.xi l!att rii:. Jler fa-e f. !!, ho-.vevcr. a little assho pro- cc!,,l. j " n- n, i. a eks , r i . i :V. - " ' . ": ! ,-'1"-' - 1 J " : r!,y;v t,..n.. - w.'. . a. tviii o"jrive il j-mH-.I t;..- .l:y, ;:! : pr,.. ,-,-:...! r,jvi;,rfVt 4 f( lf friCIlaiinc- yieatly thrivc.l through the v"" i --wy-r. At V..; w,.x of ; ; d 1)ri.ctj,. reconcillia. ; participation of the government ti p .o ..f i ..m- !ia-l ! -e.-nio -..: I Mr K-,u!k- : .".'That the iuoral sense of the -'-V ''''" -l u T,' . wit.lfaw from n.itson has bee a greatlv debauched '-i-.t- ii- r a r.-t. h Miran,' n:. a:il I tier s au:cnti:ne.K wnri.ira ooi.i i r,- r t.. ;:.-iv t the picture. Th circulation all note., savV the ieal j ".v il.e receipt or enormous sums t:.-.-:!;? 1,-r eves fa: on it hc uttered tfmkr "rt enlui'k?, of deirimina- -;'''!ty eoiiected irom the beer ..,!!,.;., ;..' ' ; He provid, 4 f. r the coinage of .V. 11. v! -. 'silver up to :ni-:rregate of ?s00.- : f. t: -i-el.ap a hillir.g for r0,-M j0 '. ,., v le'n t iiat amount U j l.N. o-;, and all. ;nt Vx.: ryt - j- (. ((f ik( r wiJl ; ' V,n'ni w,tU a' ;r TlH-r-ert; ' ;.v, eo .'d r,t resist. s,l!W.t(M,r Mh.cin. including .,n -I.- 1 -!.;nel l.eelf ! iiliarv r, in, amount to $ dlV 1 ! . I !:1 !. in all prol-aKP.ity, j.i-k,- .. r t:u- pr,M-t;t she tov.-teU. V.. . !:.: mi, :v "in-' r.'en. to-morrow, :. . k -I. I ll ' --iS TVirt". I ll .!, a no.1 I a 1 rU.-!:t fr;.,lc, h'm t :4"tm. : .-. : ,:a.' f..- .b V.f tMi;.iervn - v. - . ' ;:!.. l.s.l i.ot i-r:i m.-'-vrvan!, an.l : i Si s I ws i.'ii ii ; hit io" !r-.i t ,'i .viii in- e .i- e ti uj'n. I. , j Car.' u riVIi: r. :i'l t'Svi- a know . II"' Ha : . ... ,. . , SM-r.- sli.- a .: I eo.ieen. la; j -.ti t. !. - j o ir h -ri .r l;a ..v wU she ! i : "rro-nli.iuay.mriiifohr.antV' ; "i l : ul...pi.-ked her from s-, 'Ah: ''T',n, :i'U f . . " , 1'! at name a ;m. It wa.s bi-eota i" 1.!o.h t'.'... !'.'. i .. .... ,.......,, ..f ,.v - -: 11 o'!"tj ... - ! is t be made the 'detail can be , ' ...MTTerl oia.s that usu- kl - t--r,;.,t The Valuo of bnver. arranel in ampVi time to meet 1 !U f'l 1 ",e ' -v ; ,e ..II ,nr J '.'I . . . . : f i . , a y precede that ailment, Tr---, a ! 1 , ,1,. ,.rv nature of thin-, the the future. 'I his fs. ,n brief . at .1 jr .mae (liarr0(1.a I ,t v ,.r.wlL .T.: ,,,:.i..., of siher asl-lr. l-au!Uner s-cc-vs to a'-.oni n.s. ,. w,,. H,,rv.. We have '"1-,',',-VVf ,:; eun.r.ev itm; to tKat end ho wi.l nu lou!l,j rhaR)1,t,rluin-? Coli Chole- ' .;.r- i ... :. ; i bet endeavor., bclievirg !a-it t.-i? , . . , ,.,. ti.. u - I , ' l.t It'll.". ' I . ; 1 ; , ... fn.-ndlv :.;;i,;:.iu.ii. the only solution owaro- ho o :ilo;. - .:. v..,;- i,nuco,,:..,rceli faction, can at: in !::ru:-?ty. .!,.ear;y.Tif.".oo...t,o U Ace:,rdm-to t prp-cnt p. o - .-. . ki'tytihu .-w much '"e, i-yunoerood th.ta,.. r - il' ti- 1 ilM-r product .f the !;!l(i:.i,v..i;,li1 ,m.:a!l b- t ran- ,..c:..i ..:, h whieh thc only i. :. v 1 1 er-iui. -d for that purpo.-e. i , ear.i.ot e..inpe ! other n.ition to . -.-i iu ilvt r, ano "A e caoiiot j l' - ir,,., f.,:;.of w It a ."..I Its .u IMM I.lo. ... i! "'It! -e -p .Iwv lV,ho V.m.ul. It now!.' 'I4 ... ,. v . t , .i.'lM ni' of 'LlZ hard. praiVicM bu - " I ;... We c.;:,.o. kVcp a con. "' . : . ;. .. ,.r ;-,-. r m:Uiu.V i.ineeni- ........ e-iirem-y at Mr '.V mete force of imoti'.,..,! atPicl.m.-nt to it. The l-e'liplire "in ii favr may be I v.d be en led 1 ;r several y its !. . ... ,i .,; v 1 b -orr .,1 :i " t!i at i th" country w;i; know i o-tiy the H fw of t oe ch.'dci'st" td.e'ssin.i of j-bndition3it li- to meet. 1;.-,. ,, ,t;sf remain s ib-1 " "' ' ' .- ' !:;:::::lo:;::.:mio:Jnhieh JVcsCCw .c ;,i 1 , 1 ... . ,,t ..; ,u ,ml ih I L o.-.i . Ue.. ilate ,-diH' of a'd hi:.d and de- ! h .w far a -ten thin-T - in r , olieetor Vbsirt of th i'er ia ..,lv..:,-;:u.uh utilird !l i naj rt.Ve aue ib-p.artmeUi'. liad oi.e :iiil dirtet.on. "t :l P,!- l" nt sure, that the a!u? of siivir on- f ' at the st a nd I rd of Pi to. I .f j i-t a It 1 i,.ilv ,.. .p:v. iAii -if the -p.,ek..-.;,t'o' tpea.e4 t oe . 0 I m.. .. t t, n- ti. .;' -it r.r.d' . . ',.: :i-,. .. 1' ': , .d.o.ibrrodv r.ot, n uher a to silver. i' . ; , !he!.::..-,-;-fa-:.oyi;,!,e-: b,t it : ,;J W1Url- The "It - t'fl ---ode ;F:7. V - m- 1. m:-h P. i r..-:,,::., ii. it pq.'ilir., , y .rc lirrti- apjiarent ly ; 1 " ' . " Pa.i-el-tiem,... of the ep V , r ; ( ;1 f ni : t. " , ,: , ....ri.U, ..T..I;:, sp d e f or t h-, adnnnistr a t ion Ccr ) I- ' '-:''-:'! R.F.Iiri t , inly h aniu-ed leg,s!ation wid not - J V i-'.-Ml hrtl., .bn-onctal. n s ( l);u:uj:;.l. I '' icing, i.M the repea. -o Lc S:.e,-. 1 . .r.,; an 1 '. s 10 i .. r , , it a I' .: -. . II -Pi; ; : .? ! : v i.-e 1 t , : - -, , x : 1 . ! Ie ri.:- ajer. ii i in 1 n '. : ii Ih I Itp;!-l h il , , " r 1 e! -: ...t.- V.;i .. S- ! 1 -1 " !gO S. f.-!-T' of! .. - o , m 1 1 a -t t !.' I r e -i I :; it. os: P. lU-f-at th in. The S :i . utr i n at hi- m. untain home. . Sen :;: r Ir'.v ls out but n--t v.el!. si.-n.itor Uutb r will acconjeiv Mi-s 1! irt .. and hi r K d ro ti i! .. s. , I.!, rot f... - -. E ia :.ds t t 'or: res-s, c- i roprtari f..r at t : .i . i , . . . . , f . . . . . .j i... .i il 'S.l " i ' i I i , ' I v I i I st. r::-. or-e N-r ti:-" rtiora!i.-n of ii':'.--;.;o No I I. sp.ti. I o:I i: it- ":'..-i.;p N" p-J. stati-. I o:r Ktit - it:, ,I.e . S... .,.'.. v'.. the eoaft t i ,ve i:.U;.::.r-: ( I,-,r Eun, Samp- ties: 1' I. Ibd;t- n; E..t: ..' ;Te'. Xii.i.I.. D Et'i ?!,:;,, r.e.h,, (p.. Go! I in t-uir -i;,Mt:es wasdi- er i in ' Eifor;.! i in Is.m Tuf l'ills are enemies to dU- eae. . Scnator raulkner's! .Aaendms - t.; r r..e' ..irered i,. j "th- Senate v& tr.trdinfnt to the . ,ca U:vr Haaneini bil!, to which he . refcrrcr, -thc ht.r ,l.v in hi speech. i The faet tu:it thii amendment i, j ,oaked up .n in to'tio garter as I i . c-il c !nti fif flip nf. . the I'',s ? ''Iu V" 1 'f l f. ! tnt Ulll.cultV wjji, u is tum, ' Ul.-l k Un-n the' li-nTi r. f t he : fi.rcc-s iconic what and ti .ni le?s than $10 and substitute j . m their iea ijom a:ui ntr emu, ho that thtre tan lie !no expansion of the curienc3'jLXcept as provid c tl in the further 'sections of liis ainendmeiit. He '.i-Iieves that by i ,i r.. ... , ' ,.f !..... hos il- ! vtP ,p 'j irs a: i ;:v- nr.d txv.-and-a- i .M pi-eevin ciieulaU-aio: g- Uj,;,. of t.ach .tliior in the ortiinarv; I course of tr .de, J pdnjM). o that the increase under j , J ' . j,e $lSr,nX- fif.O. If will be pnvidcd first t!;at ! no more purchascsof silver bullion j - j-.J ullioa now m the l reasury, i atuounting to $iO,t'0,000. have j, joined. -Thisj i to be done t ,.r (iiV).C((K a month. ami at thi late it will take more than three years to coin the seign iorage and bullion now in theTreas- . . . . i 1 r iirv tie .estimate oting iu.uu-, o. c .,ur!ip on the coinage value of the 'i.n'ii.o, Whrn that has elapsed Secretary is directed to buy liu- and coin it at the same rate until the limit signaled shall i have been reached. Mr. Faulk- ner computes t hut j: to accomplish v.ill take seven years, and bv that time we will have been j able to determine uhat thc future I ii,.!i-v of the. trox eminent regard- lRg silver bliail hoj Uy that time, j s,lso, the results to any ii:ternati.ri. l- " . m-amenM.mi.i ;. .u..u, f t I . !e vela nd w .;. be v, al e .y nu.o.a-r-toenato.. f. . a confi ugardir:g the hituatioti I in the Senate. These Scnajoi- will rci.resMit the ':t -onervat ive el - i eir.enU, '! will fdv.-.r a coiapro- I . ... , ... ......1 f!-. ''. 1 !fl' rj-prriitcdtothe thc r.lin of all things, should I j Preside! t that such : bill a l eon-1 ,,.4,. , ,erive some comfort froi j template d by thf S.n:.P r icy roin:5rks made in - the Senat V.,t V.rguiu can be p.,- d tnro ! V.-edne,day by Mr. oorhee,. II botli cou-e- m t w i v. ty i o u i oonrs, : . xru.cted. hc;:-.ld, when thoShci , , .1.-,... 1 1... nr.nnt t ami I urn o;, , ne o.r.w.T. . .e r, v . v.. v di-cu-ioi ..f t i.e t.nar;e, qn-tion pf deputir- seize r-evrral I' i picioU i . ..ving pacKagc- III ti: I . , . . 1 .. 1 , ....-;!!.,.;...,, .t ;, i!,, s I' I C . o .1 l l n 1 a 01 1 1 1 o k ; kev. Kii.v it u,i .u 4 , tola i; r a! ird iiiiJ, rest mi:,.'- j : 'p ,i"i d ifi .f.vlu-t. E l'-h o''' two PartiN l-.r:i.-:iU- ' n . a ! i o.s d corn . e ; kev ill ; Nor t i ir . I tm I'nired S: i!es rei.r.ue -Ptuq Si., o 1 i- r ! d , , , ; n 1 . , , . . " f,,-:t !,i, rn 1 ? . ; 1 1 r t V ' -' 'p - 'y.rald.iag it.-ai K'Te.:loor , , , I 1 liil- lllil ill". .e.i i i !'ii 1 ' 1 ' . . . L- i.ef U.r ! ! s - i i t b- a - , - " " - 1 i on, o ". ".W ANN Ml ( 1 Se!;t. Is Urnn-wiek -p.cj.ito th- Morr,l.-g Nev-- s-i;." f'Mirjroiw ciSi- ,f ,). ''v ,Vvt r :,rM r; P rted P--d iv, but On-f is a terious cae ; all the rcstj are; faorable. The llrunswi-U ! eird "f health i ii.w t t.T.e.i i...! ... i i.e. i oia? fug on .-agruu-r v.aU.i an'i sunny, they are fate?-.-ret a it of thc opened Camp Haines th:-- morning. ' fu! If cold and frosty, they are' A train load ef refuges reached Wayrevill- from Hrunvi-k N?t ni 'if. ::r..I v i rt n is una ran- i i . I ir-.l n-aink Wnyr.f ville, which . ' " s' ta f.:iiip Jlaines. 1 ne :i- vannnh lnevolent Association h.smade a donation of ..V0 to th- Ururicl: -iPTcm;. - " "c- to ( .:iuj. Jl;nes. 1 ne ! 1.- ... .. . ...... I..,.-- ,.r .r ........ t ' ! . uue ' "i i 4 '4 j .i i : i iii -..e . c::er.,,r.. ;-i, . 1 .in l: ..m nd Mm.uez it oat- the V. treaimeut will e ar.-v -o n .ri .-e in or e i r ujv 3. i'ai n E a ! -;i al-o curt s ' 'heumatiui. ot cent bottles for 3 ile by Ward and Wutkin. - The Boston Traveller tlu-'follovriDg as amons tl 1 reasons for the aoohtl teriml revenue whisky ta: 'I. Evhlenence is abun ti. eiic-ct of tue rational . hi-ky tax ha. been to bi the practi- abolition of in- tax : abundant that beer and uild up .a r l - 1- 1. !... ,1 1 1 1 P'uvru i oiiyart-iiv uiai ntutv an " l 1, ,T.J inionJ to control ; ; 1 P' , . , That the Ii4uor trafic has ana w::kv interests. l. iii.'it the enioreeineni oi Maie and local law? for suppression or restriction of the liquor trafic has been greath' impeded by the pow ers acquired, or supposed to be ac quired, by liquor dealers on ac- count of governmental taxation. That the liquor tax system j furnUlu s proteciion f.jr almost ?v- j ery elassol corruption m national j P"Hties. i oe'e reas ns are uue, weighty, and th? ab .ve named pa- Vr argues the c.tse oltorially vith great chimes and futCi. " All that H vile is found i:s the -n: vice ot al; Kinds reports there, lodges there, stalks there ev- c rv hour. All crimes and all forms of criminals are harbored there. There you may find the thief, the murderer, the asassin, the an archist, the plotter against the home. No form of infamy, no sort of vice, can be found that doe not frequent the saloon. It breeds all kinds of sin ; it is fraught with all forms of iniquities. It hatches out every day a brood of monstrous of fenses ngaint the home, against the public health, against peace, law, order, moralv, and righteous ness. Its progeny is fraught with I peril to all the interests ot socjct Profanity, indecency. Sabbath des ccration. inhdehty. murder theft disease, fraud, assiulment of pub peril to all the interests of society. lie order, and scores of other eif fenses are the product of the sa loon. It is fertile in evil things, 'proline m viJe:ic:. . ro linn,! , rroI1! the Trov Kmhhs CJoef. j . umti yclao ,sc ,verc very h subject to severe speUs of ' III a a -.1 lljllui.1' .1 i'.t , , ,tr;ii2hten one out in such c;j anl a!wavs kecp it aboMt. . ;tre w r. t.-r th5s for u pay , i,.oni;lK ,,ut to et our readers :k!.uvvuhat is a good thing to keep , haIul in hn i;,u,,.. For SfcJe by , j ana w,, Keep j qql0 g,..licitu- soul-- who Pee in !t,(. UI1cond i t repeal of the sherman act the end of silver and . , . i .1. i roni ite He cr- i , , '. , u. iU ,., w w.,s, i) engage ! ,(1 lirin. :;hm:t :i pr .,pcr Sy stem of coinage for the future aslhere had vn jn ,. jlL. p,. Asked if it would r jrn. ,,c luccary to supplement the ' repeal bill bv some legislation in, lAul( ((f -,i!v,r, die said: "Yes, sir, and I am p-ady to e ngage in it. I ..' not third; it lair to judge an . eojninNirntian bv .any one .more , o-i t ':e legislation on a gr-a ..j- j.-et ikV finavce, esnec'iaily o!; 1 , ; m wid not stop v.-it h , i..r,r a to r"or. otacr tpo ti K :':( 1)3.;?::. On .Monday I 1 -1 the county eon- ' 1 ,. f 'ji-1" r. ; I V. i a short di-ta nee ' ..,... t tie- reH.ri . 1 , . o.'l lii' Mi". I). I 5 t ! . O. I -, il r Wo..;N sup ruiietidcnt i toe j j si ; - .a t,5.5d o, ? a- a la'oorcr w.sH U li'.'tident t of ,.- ..if - . 1 1 . witn Hen Pr.-.H-er, a h ol a. l'.i! vi'iA-d a step or t wo. p. t - d Jii - i fy h ind to his jsi and fell n ; r, neye.ri" Mv.ikii,'.'. Dr. C. W. L.-'i.g "was ;1 I rse( I lii'.e ii-i-ii i o .Path Mr. Wood., vV-i - f.;ir- I I , I I . Mi' 1 T i ; i '! in i. wresjlf f r n ist-time. APi!;iane (Ilea ner. A III ran Therm -meter. ;er ' irritable'and snappy. -If damp and' (.IllU(u. they are downc 4t ;;: ji ..I 1 f i f . t k ' r h ;i n r.r frit o i. . Jl'lt 11 . I. v viii .T ;'luon are sU:IVring from bilio-fsne? . i.atb.che.. constipation, or ir.-lige:: tion the weather will always , ar.., f.,i;,lv U. th-dr local ii-.-.i un" 's thev u-e Dr. Vurce" I'Uat- : 1. na (ir 'e e s ale 'J ' . s:i,-.!, snear coaif .i gran iiies-. ,( ' ,iirt tL, livt.r -)iTi d- - hv rn;,c. ,fv ?pirit..' ami ..,,,,1.,. ' . , L r:;nr.-i i i e . : i e 'I I . c it ' L a'.elorr was propo.-ed in I71K' : tluej af.t tunnel was finished in 1SEJ. j .' "V7"e -Axo JSTo-v- Eeceiring - NEW FALL CLOTHING - "" and HATS every day of the Latest Styles and Best Makes. " If you want New-Gooiis, Correct Styles and IJcst Mak-es at the very least CASH PRICES we are headquarter? and can r?ive you money on every suit and hat you buy. " rl We still have a lot of SUMMKK CLOTIIIXC, Underwear and'HA'l , that we will close out at LESS THAN COST. . . If you want bargains command see us. ' . - . Ven respectfully, ' Chance Of The i'lUi'iv Stock of Goods 1 the iatc W. R. Murray, will be sold and BHLOW COST tO doSC OUt 111: hllkrllH ls. - The stock is crmposed of (ieneral DRY ('U(iDS,. SHOES, NOTIONS and HATS and most, of itIJlHCHT FR11 ATTRACTIVE GOODS that ..will ?r 11 at sight at the I'lflCI-'S 'we arei:!'ering them. It will pay any .one. to ca!t and get ' ' ' Goods before (lie Slook is Broken. We can and will give you RARE ;. RGAIN'S. Our sole obj. ci is to CLOSE OUT THE 15lJSIM-s as soon as possible Ii!)nir time ei . OT.iV t- ns ibdstake of the Thu - im-irT" ini troiis, coupled with t Uv r 'f-nX e: bv I10 extremely low prb-es l dhei r i r- or i ji 1: moz-t- .nois nu; ru ; . ult- jox-k y k I. KOYSTElikS ir-.! k- pkf e to Lay (he.m. w ho is n'o v..r-eeivi iig'Tiie largest an. best stock of Iry fJoods, Notions, II a? s. 1 ':;!.-;, IPv.e-;, S! j e: c , tliat has ever been his pleasure to show, joii, u '.! ar re. es ,' ever t ban ev r . n offered before, SHOES AND SI,! Pl'JIKS J PI I V. LARiiEST ST'dC A.I PoTvr.vr I'iNCES, , - iiir;iiT at Ln-ks than -man r im i i ukr i'ltios ' ! IlAIior.kTi:!;SJ'(ji; SiloKS AND SI.IPPKUs. Ladies' S!ii.w,cM 18c. I f ;1 '.is and rrp vort !i loti!.le the money hoe3 !s coi,t; ladies' solid lentlier Doncok-t bur toe aiid ' :ee .siioe. at -U cents, all solid; wi-iipn's every-ilay Shot-s from 7- 1 ea s ,;. "Hi . t . : i . i -.. th r; raen'i ro-;? shoes, laee iiiid y: liter, only-".;. ecnt.s and iij; ie. -ti's eoarsf ;.iim s only tS ceil ts and: up ; !'H ri's f-oarse .hoes enl v I1 cents-, so'ih! leit!i'er : ami 01 fact . any kind of Shots and "Slippers vu want td IIAiM) T ! M E I'Jill 'KS. . '. i:i(J IkARGAI.VS IN IU! ESS ;nMs: sjall.-.;- .""aiMp :'.,(, best nfade; Sheeting " and "tic.': Ginghams from r cast.- iij. A -11 Minis -ol lre.s GondA at the lowest prices. -W'Jiiie (inn Is all hi ml- a ' r 5 atid lovely desij;i!. All kind.s of It hick Lawns, Percales, H-slb-rd '; rd, i'ln -A j'p-k' 'i issue, .'kii:a Silk, lilack Satins, Cotton b c 1, - at lo..-',. I' .ut (,.. .h Irom -pic. per yard up. A rood Nickel (Mock nnlr. !c.. Str:-w Hats .! ;of '.':ice. Men's arel boys shirt f rom iV1, up. j j 1 buy frfcn the cheapest' net cask ;.;ane!' e rs aed v. h'--.'-sa!e joib r-s, saving the 10 to 2" per emit, usually added by time ie ?t s I c r I lyar ln.-ses, and 1 sell st let ly for cash, saving my euiiaa;i-- ; ; .' r- per u-Luily added by time henises to cevt r tneir es-es,.ii!.d ! .-1 o t'cicju i.r ca- a, s-;ing jay cutom ers the large per .'nt.' they have h pay tlm i. tail. 1 line m rebatits to. eke out . their expenses of j. ok-keepi rig am! ie. fl r-;-..'j . rs,-wjii.-!i is 'always heaped u jion -t lie consumers he ep An .5 n est ig::ti..:e j -Il r a a roe yo-i t hrrt this ji 1 i,e cheap. , est' place in the. eh y to buy y our .g'ols. ! ALL SICK i I.t'.ANf ( uie, NO!(iiJ i u'. h'. PLI.ASH IJ.M.L. Mr. Anther sta-'-k is now wiJli.s.i.e an ! "Yours ar-xioi'ss t. plea- (i "p" 112 .--a.:'! Llm Mr ?. rO -sz? Ph o Ph f H- -.i- ,L J ' I Pall - j 4 I i ZD O it" O "GT JJ" Si -El- TD , i t ' . Ltt. Ti.fiiie r ' Sii-M-V-ol s: lI'lllfK NaSIl, IlOOi S, lilli(tH, JlOlMullI, iil 1 S, Jld U L. IS ilMNV; ok FIO jii NG, FJLV M ' I . IT! I ViiU i IWMDVW Iflil I I 1 14 U I f I H! U L 1 L I lSll LlMthh G-BEiBHSBOBO. C i ". itlrn- in tlin lii- oil-ort notic- and on tlui n ; .J A,, , v f !: p.tPe nmro th.n on'in,ry lam' er. Cs-I for dec ! k. Agents for fiIilPs: INSIDE .LIII NU V LXI Id AN PLIN I., ! , ,o. e., ,-i.-ls verse i ..- niore - " .i...-l.-.T"l . m- Any Size GlasKept in Stock. Leading ( 'lotliicrs ai:u Ila' tei s..( 1 roc n Miorov , :a LifeTime. B. vU. Murray, B. P. Whartoii, Adminrstiatore. rt :: inin red ".rith, reiiK.rsC and rcjrret li of, ;:H fi:terpri,ing!p;..rt' J" laoney ma! ( er ' whiehL - iee, is -ni;,, .,-rl. ,riuc ir rrtaaiHl Lad'(" (..' ,( (irain biptou aiuf lace y. ii ' : i to sec and yr rve his Iricnds TlOYSTIil'R v Hmisc, (;i:r.KNSP.f Lfr, NVC. -, - -V tV3c,- . -si- 'v 33 i J No r- Ii I N-LES ANj) LATHES. "" - . A - 1 'M' Flt'4t 'l 1 8 iS'Si H 1 Sf -l! 1 I i . .1 1 .i . I.' I I li I L I I i 1 fc-- V U t most higTdy cora- best -iia.i t..-.- "m .- '--. , grtl- - . " - ---.I

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