, - 1 " LL'. ,'ir- rrmt THE GREBNSBQRQ i i 1- At I". Dr. ' 1 w r ! I T 5 I'- i tr If. i t i.i; v. r. J - 1 - T ' .3 Ill r I v !""' 1 ! ii ! ' f ' - i:l! i ... A I x, M Hll I.ISS GREENSBORO, N. C WEDNESDAY OCTOBBR I, 1893. t By thw Patriot PbMUIiIh Cn.r in-Alfr lire - - t COU'.MX. "AATT." 1.. . jq TAUE OF JV CARAVAN- rr r -mr 1 1 r ii a f. t . t I i .. . v - f - ' . r :.. p It i.. i: v . t; . f . t. . - . f f ! t" - ! r f. . . . a in .nil- : n - e em- I .,i !. . ?.,' . r.-l i ' n -. !..-r tin. Re miM i.iv -t-n flft.v 3, ,r. f -,-. His dress was curious. , ;n,i,t;r.; . f a vel!ow M'lVc'tor, ; rir . f r.wrfanv tro-i-en an.l a blue pi . t-ja. k.-t. ornamented with bras- button which We tn ln" . i -ida uf b r maj-t S naval service, j lY. -nt:v, with-mt turning I.Ury l?1 from the far distance, the man, tkc in a husky. 1 .r-away wh'.-per: ..jjtt. ! vou - e snmir.at ut y-n-,Vr:-- Mj-t -trained !..t;-:i-tlin-iirh th . . , . i .... . ft:)V l. j-t t r. the ". i,'ht erpun- of wa- I.- k ;. -it Iti.i V J" t v r - . . I - - 1 1 . t ' ' I , .. .ii . :?: i Irifthiff vc--tL or it may " i : j lit it'- . nu..t. Ik ',1 .:.t 1.. ilHam .I..ti--.'" f. r t It . . .r 1 V. .r l.toncy. r-' f Wanted- : i . . :. . : I.. ,:r". , .. .. tr. : 5 . t:.:- I. '('! . ... v..: ...i- i. . " ' U .r i a -ri,li-" ..f i .. n a !. i i . . V . . " " "' ,.;.:. -f t!. I . i ' . .ni'i r r- i.t n.-Tit Sit.'l , -. ..! . :. a-. . . r . ... ,. ..::.'inr t. i -..ink.'. v:t -,..,. an t it - t :a-:;t t... it jr.-. I th- ;.t. r wl.it.- ivh. n- it av mi t rv.k, if- W.-.-.1; if it am t vi. a - ur.vk. .t.. i th.-1 ;.:.'- Ir" it'll rr af.-ri ni-'lst at i i-.int. if I v Hit ;..r it. i:it I :.a:.-t "a;f." 1..- a-l.!.--l .-a.rly. "X n-l .. rl ai1 it if . it i ........I ,..,,1!.! ni.-iuu-. an 1 1 i n III- i rv . , Malt. - "' "r """ r- :i't -'lar.l ...- i- v. .a rn.' - ' ' . V WiMiatn .lunt-.' Th..iht n-.t. I i--V- Tip IVnrnt v ., , f.S.f ' a)-.": t)..T.-'-a rl.an.- ir;i ,'..nt-t ma'i I ' 1'-' nrt.-r hi- liv- . -.i iiiiiin?. l"Ui'nii'- ri-tai'n'insroiil.-tht! lKtt!f. which he un corked ar.l aj p'.U"'. to hi- lsp. .;umr h,. .mackiii hi lips an.l .i.lsnir at Matt. Thr n, rtH-ork-inirthe U.ttlc can-fully, he returned it to tho x. tan.lins' up. recon- noiten-1 the -a n t-rery si-le. Hut nothing rl-rewarU-.l hi.-.ea!:i-rwari-h; lie threM,- him-lf h.wn in the stern of the 1-at and ord.-re.l Matt to pull hark to Khon-. A thev went h.? elo-e.l one eye tho!iihtfillv, anl nni-e.l aloud: i"ht H-i.re l:-t it Mew lial f a pale j from the ..Hh'ar.l. Thi- here U,x n:,. awa-h fr "ii tlie ea-t eoa-t of Ire land. MayW it wa- a Idir .ip a- was 1-r-f. them 'plank w:- a p"rt of a we m I - l-.i.'r-l'.it. Mora's . omir.jr if the wind don't eome up from the nr rard. The ni.n'- full to-nihf'aii.l . ....v 1 11 tellthi old 'un. and -harp -lo-. ko.it ott the aKirou , The candle hoinjr lighted an.l burn ing with a feeble flame he informed the old man of w hat he had found. In a moment the latter was down on his knees, opening- the box and -jrreedily a. i i' w it !i tt.-. lti i rind if it i 1tu-t ie -om. l..e I-v.- f.-'l for -t I a ... i . ;.. tnriH-1 to l"'K h V t r-t tifTie on hvr attire. j What this. Matt.' What an- yon i d.-in.' it; otir Mmdav eh t he- 1 1!..- rrl wa- at a lov- i.r. ... .- l,' ,,!s,-arVt and li'iiv.' .'.own her h .1 i - :'n..t.lv f -r her th.- man t-. : ..-. rl-. 1 in hi- mui.i obj.i t of '...ij-!. !.. , .it.-. l.t- 1 - f'lHher. He '...-k 1J- fat head in severe di-- j.:-..hat a-l .d tie way .io-An o. ....i? r.H-k-. w h.-re a keep a p'int." r I Matt rowed on -to-a-lily t ill they came ; within a Viart.-r of a mile of the j hore, when William Jor.es sto.d np , ( r,!,, ami reeonno'tered the prospect j inland. . l'ull in. Matt!" he haul, after a mm- I nte. ail vjuarr. SiKm aftrrwnrd- ttie lKai rraeneu u.c ro. k. W illiam done-ipranfr out, and, ! running up to the platform ahove.took another Mirvev. Ttii- bein' satisfacto ry, he r.--i down ajrain and lifted the ! Uxoutof the iN.at, rarryinjr it with ea-e under one arm. ,.m..i... fa-t." lie sai-l. in a -ummat. J 11 ...in,i l.rinir them bits f,n,' ' w."d nl.V.- w ith you for the lire. Ml rut ontothe cottage wiui uus nere. It ain't murh, but it's snmmat; hn I II carr it clean out o si-ht Ik fore them pre. iou- coa-t guards eome smelling1 al" 'Ut. - With the- a r. iKd'. h.VS SCAi.KS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ! ! I- , ,-...!. v a- 1 i . !, in at.'' I ! . ITS m iri'd by r,.,i!'!, . Ill t .5 Hi.- t TUf trl .!- -1 and leap"'' in' ut ,.( .r,. -i? t , i! v -i -:i- i H'-e-i j t. ler kt - - t . av..idthe iirtv .t I-. ..f the IkuI. W il- ' JOfiK T. BRITTAIN, kTini:xi-;v at law. , r. . . ' . . r h r. rv I r t . r.. S . . r. : r- r 1 1 . ..it ! - v 1 1.. - . ' . I. ! ' - - :,; -i . . -i 1 ,,. ,.- - 1 j- j- r .f :. - a i - l r' 1 s e . -i ... .tr.-. ? ,i, . :.irj: n I r w ai. r mi i - i - - l am - f -.'.low. d. and p.i-hed o , ship - timU'r. and wr! he clambered up the r-H-k- with h:- burden. leaving Matt to follow lei-urely in his wake. HAITKli V. f OS. I t LI - WITH A Not far from the .N.t where William Jones had landed, and removed some little di-tan.-e from the de-erted vil lage, w ith its desolate main street and r.-t!es- habitation-, there st.Md a low. one-storied cottage, .juite a- black an.l ;, 1.-.V irt ' a- anv of the aban doned dwelling- in its vicinity. It Was built of -t.ne and r-.re.l wunsiaie. , ... .1... .1. - ,ru va- (-(itniniM-'l of old imi i.it- . - ..... . th small w in I r i. .1. r. l-.v t!.r--A iii' a t: n ! J"I--r :V-.v ai-.r- . . . .. . ,1... a T l..f..K i ... Ml .1 i . i ... ,' w. th.-r.- wa- a heavy -h-.reward ' "' "f ... !!, . ? which they were immediately ' " .... i:f...,l ,i s.me :-er -f U-in , j.t h.o kon the r. ks. r'.itt handled th- paddle like t me manner U.r i.andthe 1-s.t shot out swiftly on the ': init. -e.i I. -).. va. in f 'i'. 1 sl.'l.t .f f IJ ' t'.e a I.-:4 eatrn. and red with If. il. Hftvuw.ut .u -l-.it a mile t s I T . I. I V, I I I 5 T f- .1 u W I hmal. -f th and fat ft . ? 1 : , u !i - r.-t. a r 3 ' I a- Dr.Avthar E. Ledhelter,;;:;? .! I t I. I! . - f . O Ml !.. d aa toth. west- r e . ...lid e. Jl'it to id ca-tard. that i- t -ay. in l.r.-rt:.n t..uart w h.. h !ie wa I . r- wa- a l"ff.r--'y promon i:'i;ni( 1 i-na-l hab.'ati-m. U;,T i:stO. -a ir -..ke fr-.t. Matt RICHARDSON, 1. 1 1. N iis EYE A S rEGI ALT Y. .... r 1 i - .' . r ". t r I ? . . t t . . t A I. . i. ? . i. !- t i: ai: r 'Mi - . . If -ss 1 Inhtruiut." e . j ' . w I j i t i " r ' v j i w . S V" I . t -JUVtM! . r. f l Ml. I.I!.' ! i T. .1 ..II TUK I i. r 1. u i'r. - i 1 sr ,r . ii- . in : f . V !- V i! ,,, s-... mar-h. I. .. I ft d'Se t -hr C If ' l.ar.'on ati-1 rud.dy ina-le w. .-id. 1 a'.-;-.: th. r- '.y Hit. r -sir! i- . The fa'! 1 Fan ;t r - r r th t f r ' ," 5 i I,-. .i - a w -a i - r. f H It ..' a f.-.tj-it! o-.:t t:r-n a rsid, wht.h t.r- e.t. rv. ai;d.at h:'h I. -! at h. .!:.-. a- .!, it J .!.fa;e-t from 1 .,- r- -i t- ,, burning w ith almost in- i a n.-o and one ey 1 ),ad oririnallv formed the window. .f a ships evibin. Over the door wa placed, -like a m-ii. ie .. .i., e -, r..-head of a young w iunan. ...... I.. Hie wai-t. holding a mirr.-r in lirrhand and regarding herself w ith -... 1- ...n.r.:i.M-ni-v. ile-nite the fact that aecident l.a.l tW pnve.i ncr ... JiONK STfUl IN TMK IXoKT7AT. examining its contents, -r.ut William pushed him j impatiently'"" away and closed the lid.witti a !.,i:it. 'Theer, -r.jK!gli o that.oia un: 1011 hold the light vvl.ih- I carry the box in and put it uv.uv." "Ml riirht. William near an rigni. returned the -!d man,, oi.eying giee fullv. "1 know'.', vve should have luck, bv that beautiful dream." The two men one holding the light and the ..tlur earryimr tne rK-, - iil,r,.ii;!iaHH.r at the naciv oi the kitchen and entered an inner chamber. This chamlter, to,. con tained a w indow, which was so blocked up. however, by lumber of all kinds that little or no daylight entered. Tiled up in Kr-,iifc confusion were old sacks, wmc partly full, some empty, coils of rop -, broken oars, broken frag ments of ship." plunk-, rotten and bar nacled, a small boat's rudder, dirty sails, several oii-kin coats, bits of iron ballast and otlu r ;l..t-,:'.n aild jetsam: so that the chamber ha 1 a ;-ait and ti.-h like smell, su-rgest iig the hold of some vesstl. itut in one corner of the room was a str-.ill woolen bed. with a mat tress and cars., bed clothing-, and hanging on a nail close to it were cer tain feminine attire which the owner of tV" caravan would have recognized as the garb vorn by Matt on the morn Ing cf her fir-t appearance. The Keeley Cure. One of the most distinguished physicians in North Carolina told me that he had visited the institu tion in Greensboro and that in his opinion, whatever might be the vir tue of the gold-cure, it did not feeem to him to be conducted on ecientific principles. That is, there eeemed to be no careful examina tion of the peculiarities of the diT ferent patients, but alt were treat ed alike. My impression is that the medical profession generally do not entertain a high opinion of the oectom Hp that as it mav : I am not competent to pronounce an opinion on the philosophy of the remedy, but I can speakTwitn some degree of authority as to the curee that have come under my observa tion, an-1 I !. uinst'jiij'je.-tionably pronounce the results of tho prac tice in this State as highly sti f.tctorv. I per-ti Ily know a niu':. bt r of men Vvho liad I t t n conlinii ed drunkards for many years, n !n have been treated there and have been reformed, and the genuine ness of their cure haa been proved by several years of sober living. I was told in Wilmington, during a recent visit, that of the fifty-two mpn of that eitv who had tried the Keeley cure, and a number of these were not graduates, all had main tained their integrity but nine. If nan ueen made sober men,-then I maintain that it would have been a blessing and worth all it cost, the 'whole number. I repeat, I do not understand the philosophy of the thing; it seems unreasonable that the treatment the patients receive at this institu tion should cure them, it the fact remains, and this is indisputable, that the great majority of them are cured. Hence 1 can but regard the Keelev cure as a blessing t( the world, and advise-all who have un m IS w. I 3 and -II If vou NEW FALL CLOTHING- rVTS everv dav of the Latest Styles and llestIiikes. - want New Goods, Correct ?iyies and j .h i "'vv-. cash tr?Ti'Vs; itc-nrp hpfiriou.'irters and ciirr save money on ever- suit and hat you buy you stjm:mee G-OOBS We I still have a lot of SUMMER CLOTHINC, Underwear jid IfAXS . i that we will close out at LESS THAN COST. f vou want bargains-;eome anil see us, Very respectfully, !c. M. Faiistory & G6., Leading Clothiers and Hatters, Creen-baro.'L A Chance 1 a Of a Life Time. The entire Stojl of Goods of tliclate W. R. Murray, wilj be sold at and BELOW COST to close out the business. i f riunately enntractLii the uiinK i nig habit "to try tins remedy. !-C iarlotte Observer. '-- i - ' Tho-rrbc-f cf tlis Puddiu.?. HATS and most! The stock is oumprtsed It General DliY .GOODS; SI of it 15RI0IIT Fl ! II '. S. v a n-d GOODS that will still at 'sight at tlU- i'i.'i 1 them. It will pay any jT'- ;" , Goods before liic Stock is We c , an-1 that the Wati- Miserable bri.-htnr . and t:e lini b!ard on the g..ld. u mirror of the wa- t.r with banding refracted ray--( rs-.i. t. it ' the stern of the lat. W. Ilium .loi.cs sha-led hi- .yes with l-.th hand-, and gaed intently on the f.biect he had di- over.-d far out to sea. N.e.v and th.-n he made a rapid motion . . . l t.. t-ui le tfie ;iri m tne rowing, i-ui ..e !id not -i- a' a word. ,. how- h.t it w a- out there on t!i. . . . i- ... m . w Se-- v -. i r e- '' .-.... .., ' ...I tn si'.-'.. -e. but at la-t she ... i ... ... t..i. . i V.: t-efi -nr-trove. i.;i.ii-ari. I..T ..ar-. with the warm j r-puation without ceremony, louna nimsr.i str. -asmng '-..w a h. r freckled fa. e. . ajBJ., .t t al darkne; for the light ......il ..- f j? t " v;.;d the man. nt ! i.;.i. ..p. ;.t tlnmih the blackened I Ull ... .- I i. f t .. man w in. iow t if til r.-d complexion and jet-black hair .1... i.a.l .ne.. i -ssd liad been en- ti-vlv wa-hed awav by tlm action or the elements, leaving her all over of a leprous pallor. The rest of the build in', as 1 have suggested, was of sinis ter blackne . though here and there i it was sprinkled wit:i wei s.-j uu. j .-.and. t.N. lay on every side, covered a -mall patch originally meant for a garden, und drifted thickly up to the I verv d - r. ! l,i tliis cottage William Jone ran and, entering 'Vo ain't tired. iit J.M.kir.g at her von!" U .t i a b.fig-.lrawn bn ath Matt drew in the . ar-. and. -wilt as thought. jm . 1. d :T l..-r j.o k.-t an.l pulled otl h.-r l .. 1..-r b.-:i.l l-Mxi-fll t' the l . -I . , ... . . . ( bu. nin:r -"' ' V.. -a. the suk g-.v.n -he w..re ha-l t evi l-i t! .- .-!! a d by it- original j :. r a - a r.--!.t raiaient. f-.r it had hsni-.il l.iw. and had short sleeves. and v ftv .... . . ... I 1-.... wU.le ju-t sut.icteni o iiwiK.-;.ii ;.it this worthy -.aside character, having, i't ad.'.itioii toa cat's predatory in-tin. t-. souie'.hirgof H cat's jvuver of vi-i.m. clearly discerned everything in the ehaiuU r he j;-t entered-a rude, -i.., .-T.ave.l kitchen, with an ojH-n I e . t .1 . r:.tr- black rafters I I.i . ('l.l . Ml'. . - - -- -. . i overhead, from which suspended sun- S drv lean piece- o to i e coxTixrro.J AN ANSWER FILED. I--in : h'ofehe.-': ti.., iv 'and s'1 ; H-ive y o i Ir i ii'tr.., e . 1 I loos on r blood t il a i Are y. u dr sv du l a id hmg-a i I I . i ..... it. i .iiir iiKi.lt h ,1 i(I t-i..,vi r, T)oiAa Is vi ur tongue all furred an-1 cnateil.' Miss f bacon, a couple of with in 1 re. in. k. t t'a. t.lfT. .It! .t , 'A !e!l -. lit. .!. ..'.i!.-, W i! h- a 1 . !e further . i w a- n. - r w 1. an .--a -1 . " i it. I I t K- .--tta "v . rc It.' anii. ' in !n- ,led .1 t .' of w ,-re i...i: . - tr' . -lie bare. Ulel ...-d .n .etra-t witlt her sun-fr.-.-kled hand-, her -uu burnt face and h.-r war-:, brow n net W. Her bu-t was as vet undeveloped, but l.er neclc and -1';i'.!its were fine, and her arms beaut tfxt'.lr m-Veled- Altogether. Her .t.. i- i the pan. t.-r. could, he navf f.x u ! rr i-t ih. ii. w-..uld iiae n-gard.-il h r . re.;-i'ig adaiir.it i. .ti. j .f n. r ! Wit !l . .. , .1... .....ii . -a-v grace a: -i -khi. i ui t further the l".:it receded from the j -hre. till tin promontory they hi'., j M Aa a cuple of mile-, away. Sud- j Willhim .!.ne- made a -ign to t '. - i-irl t . -t..p. ai d t.l up in the ; !.. t- r.-cimoitcr. I Jbe' ..b;, rt at whi.-'i he ha I ln'.-a j r.t eg - h.iu- w .i v eh- -rly v isible. It e..:i-i-N dot w.methiiv.- black floating j !i a vI--v stre'ii oj water, and Mir- j r. ; ..:.! !-. fr.. -m-.t-.d bn.-e Vinior j f .i:n: it w.i- to ail appearance motion- j I. bat w.i-. in r. ality..lrift;ng wear- i arms were ; voMj(.ri ehair-. ; V. hite thev i from the incumbrance . -be now filled awav kill. Further receded from -. !MVu'. lill.l. IURS3R1ES, I'.t .ml: I I . f . I - . r- . 1 . id ; , ' : i .-. . r a; : i .'. l. , 1 a t ,.t . t - r ! oil ti:e !'-W i' ,t ' id e. l.-ii.-- now .-vim .-d iner.-a- :.t. ui.d i:r'i-.! a. - -lap i n v oui. klv f. r.-.ar.l at 1 . ... -.-..1 rie- I rap., i ar.u p ...... e.,!?.. r .ivi.rter ot an t - w 1. Ic! ....tti.v" ..ut ah. her strci'gtn : ii..:h.-r .p orter ot an h iir a to ti-.- -p'.t V. here the.ib- : i.i I. a -.e I.. ; l It - he s. a . Fid ii in: I'i.uw : t t h th if I , . w , . . i i.. i u-i AN F!M ' g fi. 'Ihriv Urn-n 1 r . . N 'it , llou I to i: - M'S til g . -ft if rr i ; I : . r ; K n t " ,1 1 1 . nit. ii.! r r.rg t. : : -a!.-. t ii- -a.elilig i.i- ey e ., s'ji- I- k r ., u t .t -.4-1 s r v t-.. .a 1 w i- l.e . R - .-. cup.it i..n - ... .-.-a-. ! -i- f Matt'- ap v .,- i.t -oiig -" t.iria t h -. u; -ti h. r br m t: . i.t and then !.-. ai. re ea.d -.it t- A -f-rt. i! u ii.;. th ic a r-i:.d. ..j!',,it U-4 w ....! I hat.- hri, g- f..r i!- r Ir.-- i, ti . r..---an l gree 1 'I he .- were blue, but v rv saiall ar.-i keen; thrforvheal 1. 1 "Vi-.i ir." i- ii to -!... in a t.r. . .-!. t t j.-'.t w.. r i. ....t - -;.! V, he o; 1 a : v w 1th a cit r i U hat i it. a-k. d. le't .Hkir. .ei hn.w ! e o .. ;' .l'll ing t tl..v . ..me- it won't be t.U 1JI hl ti.ie. 'i ,,-. d.twa at the bottom now at.d a n t l ro-e. 1 u y t l.ean t'other i... -:,ke lu- struggle; wu: s..m. thing iii the water, and at la-t an effort which almo-t cap-i- lreiiib..!!' Willi h il-. d over tl.O i rrtch.-d hand . t". tur::. .1 h. r la-ad ttl-e of dread., ani .lone-? sh - at hint ' It i-n't t)i -m'. ' table and, in one corner, a - rt of bed in the wall, where a human figure w a revising. Setting down the trunk 1 e marched right over to the bed. and unceremoniously shook the individual lying upon it. whom he di-covcre.l to Ih- a man, muttering in a heaw sleep. Fin.ling that he did not wake- with shaking. William .lonea In-nt down and cried lu-tily in his car: "Wreck: w reck a --i on-:" TheciTcct was instantaneous. The 1 figure ro-e up in bed. disclosing nit head and shoulders of a very old man, who wore a red cotton nightcap, and w ho-r hair and beard were white a- - now. Kh'. W heer? W beer?" he cricl. in a -brill treble, b Hiking vacantly around him. Wake up. old un'." seizing him and shaking him again. "It's me. William Jones." U i'lhiiti-.' Is' it ir.v returned th" old man. peering outluVi the .h.rk --. v.. f.tli.-r. IM.k ve now. vou was n-t.ib.iii" : -rain in vour sleep, y ou wa Ak..Ml t1i:t'g no one heerd you but , ...,... Ui'llaiiL Some o" these .lays V.'Uil '.- ;c 1 1 ing summa i ou i. .. ... if vi. ii '. on lilo this." 1 he old man shook his hi ltd feebly. I...., ..l.-i-iiie Ii!- hands together in a A ..f r n.tnrr. be l.MiUed at IllS SOJl and -aid: Ye-. Wii'.iam. I wa- a-drearaing . it a- -iic'.i a h. :i vinglv dream! I was u-sfu tiding on the shore. William, and it was a-bl..-.vir g lirsrd from the ea-t. and all at once I -ee a ship, as big ;is a.n Indiaiuan. cme in w i' all sail s.-t. and go a-hore; mi. I I lov.;c.i rmiim, son .William?' the Promises to Mary Pollard. V. C. P. Ureckinridge has to-day filed a lengthy an-wer to Madeline V. Pollard't nit, denying in detail all her allegations as to promises of marriage, etc.- In answer he pays that in ine pprinc of , lSSl.eing on the train from Lexington to Frankfort, he was accosted by a young omau between 20 and '2 years of age, who introduced herself to him as Mii3 Madeline Ilreckinri'hge Pol lard, raying that her father was such an admirer of John C. Breck inridge that he r.amed her after ti e paid Breckinridge; that eub-e-.puentlv he received a letter from ti, nh.intiir. saving that she was in areat distress and desiring hisj legal advice, and a-xing niwaunx her at Wesleyan ( ollege in Cincin nati, which lie andwereu was mwu venient. v She then notified him that ths matter about which she was dis tressed was an engagement to ni'ii- rv which had assumed a conditit n worse than: a divorce suit, and re iterated her request to see him per sonal! v ; that he did see the plaintin at said college and t-he gave h;m a full recital of her relations wnn one blames C. Roder, aud there upon he advised hr t,i consummate the contract between, her and eaid Rodes by marriage, and subse quent! v, afti r a 'lull conversation with said Rodes, the ueieno ini re newed his advice. The defendant denies that he then or at any time or place, by wiles and artifices and protestations of affection, .or ly any i ther means attempted to take dvat;tag of the youth and inexpt tiera of 'the plaintiff. lie aUo denies that there was at ai.y time any agreement, contFact or understanding of mar riage between the plaint ill" and the defendant, and sajs the plaintiff knew during her first e.j.iaintance with the del'etrd-.nt that a marriage between the ; plaint iff and defe:n imt was impossible. Ni w York Press. j MAYOR OF WINSTON DEAD. Id coiir sleeo with had dreams broken? Do' you feel down-hearted, dismal, Dreading something, what, you know iint'J " Then he very sure you're bilious That you nwe a lorpiu liver, and what you need is something to rouse it and make it active enough to throw olf the impurities that clog it; something to invigorate the debilitated system, and help all the organs to perform the duties expected of them, promptly and energetically. -That "something'' is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery, the great Blood Purifier, which its proprietors have such faith in that they guarantee it to cure. If it does not, your money will be refunded. BuTit will. Buy it. trv it. and be c onvinced of its wonderful power. I! the proof of the pudding is in the eating, the proof of this reniedy i in the tak- OKS. "NOTIONS A.'! I i: t I !VE '!! -' - Broken. and vill give vxlu RAlilv UAiaiAJNS. Ourjwile: obj.c CLOSE 'OUT .'THE -BUSINESS noon as -possible, j is to B. W. Murray, B. P. Wharton, - pAdminifctrators. ing. The Corpse Objected to the Post Mortem. h w-m K 1 ;- fc ..... LA u I ts1 9 euu eie nn lr'3 k'si l.on HM t IB' ' H W rt3- 2STTSI O'VTESK.IjXiS I U tinio and hi fi iriels are only- to be p meinhered with remor-e ami regret as mistakes of t he past. The vim an I jm-h of r. 1 1 cut erprfsing and selt-supi.nrt-inf patrons coupled with the present crises .T money matters, which is caused . I . ' , , :... . r .1. I ...... ; ciOH.i..!.! .... im,. f.ir I l.f.i r ill'llinllll by tno extreme iv iov jinnn i men (. .v ... . ...... n;,- 7: vot'i (ioonsi Fiit Tiu; Li:A'si moxi; r i i i d II ROY.STEB'S'is the phi'-e to buy theiij, who is now n ri iving the largest and best stock of Drv Good, Notions,' Hats,;Caps, Hoots, Shoes, A:c,liat has ever' . , . , ... " i. ...... ..i n n.l r , .rien j Inwuf t ti 'i 11 i' ft liei'ii . if l'rrod hof ore. - lieen uls pleasure 10 su.'. v ,.... r .v..., . ., SlIOES AND SLIPPERS THE LAR(J.Ksf .STOCK ANlLOWEST PRICES, 1 . m , M'n iv ir i vri,' icrri'i-iN' I'lMCit-i UK VDol'AHTEltS KOIi SHOES AND" SLIPPEfiS. Ladies'' Slippers -ISc ; us rand no worth Uouhlti the moriey. Ladies'. (Jh.ve (ifiiin button and bic( i. ot Os ..,, la. tips s did leather Dongola button and lace Mm" at '.(s tents tlCO allsoliil; women's evcrv-tlav Shoes from ,;-oriTs up., an : soiiii .ma.ncr, men i ch.Jw l..re a-nd iraiteri onlV-5'S cents and lip; men's coarse' Shoes only itH ' , . . .... i . J ... . ' . . 1 1 .... t I.. ... .. ,.. ! i ,'i r.i t urtv ,1't, 'MI'l .1,11 IK I , .l.li, . ... .. i.toM.i ut.- nu n's cnarst1 Shoes ciiily '.is kind of Shoes and Slippers? vou want ut IIAUD i 15A!;(,AIXS IN DithS.N (.HM) l.no?iir :. urn! i;c - (iimrliams from;... e n thelow.st prices. U'hitej Coods all kiinl kindsof black Lawns, Percales, Jied ford ( iU.i- s.iiiiw flntron Chcifks at 4'.ic. Goo- lllOVnf.i 'i . , !iSc. Straw lb t'alicoes- ." and t'.'.c, bc-t made;' hp. All kinds of Dress Good at .mi prices ami lovely dcijjns. All, rti, Pi ne A pnjle 1 i-.-ue, liinaMlk, ii;,'o-b-tjrom 1'ie. pi r yard up. !iau price, j .Mm's-ami b.iji .s shirt tiiTcrs ttnd vljol"s:ile jobbers, saving . . 1. .. .... . . . J I i i.i I. . i S3 n ri l I' Mr, "..-I man. with ten (ace. "huh .'. hn:Ti.rtd bi;t i xtrenic v atcliful- " r. - '. ted tl-.e f-an. b an r the ' ' '' ' ,:' s,,! ' u-x' j nijrj, but vi-u and mc: and. when she ;-!in-h- ;,lni..-t t . the water up," see e; M and silver and I.h. ..r! v for them. .viau. n ........ ashore in-t S!.. . . i .. . I . I... .I...,, i IlKe lloai 111;.' s-rry .1 :, un- ,i .- .... ... every one of cm. t.a.i rin-s on i.-ieir t'm'cr-. and vrold v atches- arid chect-.s, nn.l mnn-'u that, that their hands "xu,' I vero full .f shir. in? pold: and one of ,XV1, i Vm-aladv. William-had a bri-ht dia- 1 thei. , ,, nlr,,,.. I,,, W illiani dear, and there wa- no one I .at. Thes,- ..,..! run' as ihl' as a wiiiiim. mui I,,nV ! when 1 tried to pull it off. it wouldn't Hat. I , ... . i ,..,( Tin- li...tlc f- .om,-; .iiio jii-i ... ... - - I . . . . . . 1 - . . ..1 .x. it in mv piK'krt, vou sIiook tn. William, and woke mc tin. h. it was a hear- ill tarn secured and threw down on tl .nl b " ,r V A IM i v t Tree. V I . r- . ti 1 1 !.! . Pr. - r. ..?. V.I" Gtecnsbtro lo College -1 t.. i. . Dr. I , . . . i . lb I. te P" ! ct. Gr.i.oUiri, N ii n tU .t t- v t him. a l ,,. I !..;-.he-.l there's IioWtm-.i.c ..r mavh..p it w..uhl have Mink. H w ... ... -v.-r. we .1 -ee -rave anott.er pruni or uikusschioo-.i li-srnst. U . n. T.ui're aw ake now. old 'un; y )- s - "It It w V low and iiarrew, l. e hair ors an.l feudj; the Ward cvfrT and unJirr l-.at. pulled it In. Matt b.ke.t i ... t .t it was a small, iii, -- i ' H ome; aint ju- - . w.--leii trunk, covered w ith pieces et s .f cnt lin ,or sl.:nv wci-1. I ioaioik M-v.-rat piece- of splintered w.--l J ).;. '.! seemed to nave tortne.i pan oi a . ,lr,,aln- ' William .Tones had listened with lll l .tU'tii-ed interest to the early part of - . . . , ! l,; nu.- i lint, nn its conclusion, ne : . I . ' l . . . t. . - t ! s U 1.11 il 1-. 1 11"! . . und uumli m v I ... . It - a t-ix. ur ." -aid J..r...- -Art .'- i,ed. t.v .vn. i. i.H.K t ,-,,, I've brought kummat Lome. Look sharp, and pet a l'urlit." Thereuix'P the old man. w ho was .iii. v. r. w ti -.-e. ,- fnjiv .Ire ei. in a pairoi oei ATt.-r an nn.iv ailii: effort to fon-e it : ' nrt u .-..,-, -ev.. slipped from . l 1 . !.....- . .rtl. k . . . .' . . i . . I. - i the bed and l-etran nenoiin-' awrai mc at the . ,, t titit be wnnted rtM.iii. . i -'-. ..... - a l-.x of matches and a rude, houie nia.'.e can.!!.-, fa-hione.l of a lonj.', coar--reed .lipped hi sheep's tallow ; 'but owinj-tothe fact tlu.t he was ex ccclinirlv feeble and tremulous, he was so lonir in li-htin' up that hi trentle Mn pre-v impatient, 'Here, jrive :rt to mef'sa'd William. Y.i.rre wii-tinL' thern matches jnst as if ilifrnv.1 novvt. A crcci A father R. B. Kerrer Passes Away After a Three Mcntli's Illne-s. Winston, Sept. i:, After three ...nMti'n illnr-s wit'i tvnhoid lver I....-I? It h.-ri i r of !ll-ton ,,i,'l -.t t o'clock this afTevtif oi at t Kerne r vpars . l The deceased was a membej. of the law firm of Jones A" jJverner. He wa one of the brighter young iiien in the State :md few men had moie frienJ--! II was a conserva tive but successful business man. He leaves a wife and one child. A queer else of super.uition is reported frenr MisJ-.i Hungary. A yon i prt'.t r.'b d to see the Holy Virgir daiiv. jin l to converge with her. IIr nod :cr enenu'raged tl;e pious, who brount preser.t5, and when the priests interfered the exciud crowd threatened to ill treat them.' Some days ago the would be saint lay in a coffin. Her mother told everybody that the Vir gin had told ' her to die and she would resuscitate her en the third day. There was terrible excitement . .i i in the place, and thousands pre pared to wait the prescribed three days in prayer and fasting. The local authorities came with a doc tor toput a stop to the scandalous a (fair. In the presence of the crowd tiie doctor said : " It is very serious that slu dkd so suddenly. We must have a post mortem ex amination." Immediately the young saint sat up in Jier ctiin, crying: -wn, don't cut me u;.. 1 can 1- resusci ta'cd iiLm-(';i:iielv.'' New York Sun. A Little Fatherly Advice. u If eve- (,!:' isiH'rv." Said en ou i LTentlemat: to his o!, " Set-it be ;i ,v..i.ian v i-.o has judumnt.. enough to st'perinte.i.l ti.e -ijetting of a ij mea!. t.-i-'f erio.ii;li o drss tiersf f, pL Al good Ai :kel Clock only. f mm 25c. up. v .- jJ i, r.A... ft. nlin.iT.Dini.t ftf.n iii.-.n il lac ,ru m -)-; T..r etiir u.-ilallv added lv iiuee houses U. f..ver tt.eir 1 ses, and J -ell strictly for e;l-h, saving mv e.i-fomc.fs It lit- ia.sff percent, n-mllv ad'h-d by tin house's to fover their! losses, nrd i :!J strictly for c,aM!,. saiinj; my ciisLmu ers'the lar-re per cent, thev have to pay the r -fail tiije m.ercuaiif s to ek out rhkdr ivneies of book -keeping and never-payers, whi is always he-iped upon tiie cn-umers head. An Invest igatin wilblconvuice y.m that .this is the clitap- ... in t .u i,irr in n v r i'hiiip.. . - ALL Ni C E CLEAN G' OD- Nn OUi siocK. PLEAsK'CALL. Author Stack is no4 with m'e.and w Rij be gl?td to see ad serve Ttis friend Yours anxious to please. ! ' : - g! h. royster, 112 Soutlj ElmSreet, Ih nU.c.v House, GREENS BOiio, .v. c ,cr IL R. I kVrM-r, of Win-ton. I Prlu"" ' u?' - ' V j U I at 5 o'clock this af't-rtK or " '-'- ' '.' X ' - fie home of.h.i father. Dr. E l '. J : ; j ; " - ner. r, Kernersville. age.l ?. ! nd - , : . , I -V ' j j .. e-. i ; i i - -. i w i i . r ,- v ' i ' 'I r e- i i. f.'-' . . ....I.t ... r Ueriiiti in" to oe the best for the 1 Q cure of all female w eakr.es u-s and derangements. Good sense is shown bv getting. the remedy from your druggist, and using it whenever you feel weak and debilitated. It will invigorate and cannot possibly do 1 etveii w ifi '..'. bar-..!-, he drew w orked away f.trce open the lid. I- e! rt-. a- Iar;e . :.-p knif. l.- U i n. t tried t ......... n 1.-.1 t th.- ...-C.ei of the -alt vtater had al- ri .-...- is -un t rot the w.-l. t:i - ;:. .' t;.- '-p. i.e.'.. he Ih.v wa- fund t , contain only a .s.ip'.e of co.ir-e linen, -hirts. an . i-t i ew-jx-r. two r taree b"l"-ct:its and half a I'ottle of j-.iue dark Atler .-autiir A Good Thing to Keepat Hand. From the Troy (Kansas) Chief. Some years ago wc were very much subject to severe spells of cholera morbus; and now when we feel any. of t lie symtoms that usu ally precede that ailment, such as sickness at the etrmach, diarroo-a, etc , we become scary. We have found Chamberlain's Coin-, Chole ra and Diar;ihi-a :i'medv the very tiling to straighten one out in such cases. . nd awas keep it We are not wrinriiT this for larm. i - --. - - - - - . . " ' ' . i : ' ' ' -i' - ;. ' : . ' 4-,.' Prl -' ' ' fi -' ' P . . t - ' ' tWj i I. - LJ ii iMi''T-'---". ai- i: JA . T 'JO h-J S-e . ' - I : Zl rs-iliU i j til : " i r i oj.-" 2 Tr- ( & YH ' the-o article one " " , . . t ll ........ - t - on,- W liiiam Jones threw them bacic , , mistake.' Vl.thelx with gestures uf di-fuW " A precir rat ..... The pecond edition of the Cos mopolitan for September brought the total edition up to 211,000 copies, without docbt the largest edition of any magazine in the world for this month. It remained for the Cosmopolitan to have the World's Fair treated in a single number by twelve different writers. J I J For a lame back or f..r u tain ;i j i tt,.. side or chest.: trv : saturating a , about, i . ..rrt .nni ith Chamberlain's ! iiicm; oi 11.1... ...... - - j i'a. i pain I'alni and binding u onto uie testimoni-i', but to let our readers i alj-et.te,j parts. This treatment will know wh it l a g'd thing to teepj anv tjrrp,mirv case i,... i.. :..bliJ bouse. For s:e bv ! i . ." u..;.. tt-lm iinji.it iu." - - - - - !tto .;as. Aoiu . -r Ward at;d Watkins. rheumatism. 00 cent ' bottled ... s sh, Doors, Blinds, Moul(iiiigr, I5nu kds, Mantels SIDING OR FLOORING, FRAMINtii SIIINfiLLS AND L AT I IKS, fjinf.riiuii iiTiinKn'iiliiiF.ir.TiTRrli UUlUI UIIIf IJUillll-Ull jiiiii ym-.Vf- i -- . ' - -. t i Hi Tutt'sl'ills purge out Malari Pain Ralm i. oO cent sale by Ward and Watkins. in one or also car" GBEBlSTSBpRO', JSTO- A, piy you o u rF il 111) KIMV f'u ) Do m'et h i n g ri ew. I Ang 'li i g'hl y rdasouable terms, see our Liltu. r.u j. , , for (ecora. 'H-m, .naScoAS wrfm.Ie oiornmn ffl.e U ...yl.. ny Size Glass Kept in Stock. i : L 1 IA ,: .