Patriot., r T fi TT sf TPt "v GREENSBORO, X. C, WEDNE SD AY NOVEMBER 1. 1893. By the Patriot Pahllihfnf r.mnt'.t. -TEBMS SI.O0 Per- hew tiin,a. t .its PEOPLE'S COLUMS. 8 Ce-U Per Us Issertioa. 44 T WANTED jn, t j. ,- 4 r. ! r 1 1. - irsd at ? r k at rWe er After j . fVio- tf. nATT." A TAIiTJ OF A CARAVAN BT 0tT l CM iJll imftUe pray. Juddenly lop of the sprar. a cloud If J'M a r- w, r'C. brse, , ;.r. f vr', b"4 h't l !!, ad- . e" -- i n t !. - ri.iiiUia. f... r '." t't r f Bute dated j f .. j h , ', f. r -re hun.!re' .-, 1 r re-t by . W. II. caitb, and m, . -lr. I". Il-r n. 1 i tibUr i. ,., ; rncd rot t trs !- f- r said r v. . 1. t'lKKN, 5a." Jlrink ley, dryly. "They used t I romra.B enough fiftee o years "J heir eye Kiel and tne eyes Ol .MOM ff futl of fierce sipiclon. "Why fifteen yeer sjo espeeiall jT The yutijr man shru:ied hl shoul der. I was l-i!4 only to-dy of the loss of ot crest sh:p t that time. Matt told thin, prism throufh th of rock pffeone emerged, wlnjjinjr their flif ht rapidly alonjr the crag. lirlnkley kaew by this last phenome non that the spray Concealed the en trance of some Urge subterranean cavern. If any doubt had remained In LU mind It would have been dispelled I rapU ahoolln to the fall, turning- at i mg, and the next instant William I IV. V . . . r f tk. .1ll.t. .U.J ! . . v.w ui jones. "aniina-. ra.ninir. nersmnnrr at . . . - " r,. . . . , m every pore, appeared a bore him. "How d'ye do, Mr. Jones? he cried, Eayly. Tome and hare a cirr. Instead of replying. William Jonet looked completely thunderstruck, and after glirin g feebly down and mutter ing Incoherently disappeared as sud denly as he had come. .1 ..II. I I ... .... py in? appv-armnre oi wjnary pigeon. ; tnl then strolled back to the caravan, which, leaving Itsrompanlon. warere! lightly, flew back through the spray with a rapid downward flight and div appeared. r . t-t ri I r , 1 1 A V i .fi I : '- Z'-- 'Jf n cf X."" acres at a .i.trn.s. Write r I'r .uti!lr lligt f ! t ait. reenv N .. n. I Ltr.' tro 1 t-r"n r-' t-'L'ff, (Jir ..''' "0 I fvJ u r'" , J-fi Lit !...! Iy morn- iff, 3rf, at 1! 'rlfk. J Wit sr. r:r.ini !tn, n. r. Monoy. rv itt l lnr'ff .. f ti..DCT trr. ." t fi. and ili - i rt ti..rf g ge .n iJ tjt run real mm? Wanted. "I tors rxaiioji," us s AIZX ' It. tf'r' T.f . : t ,ttv : ;5 t r th the I'.ar.w t.f tiMiil-rL A i -1 . 'tit r4n, sit n UHi AKT rnOFESlONAL CARDS. r. U ...! . a. M. C UK, ! f .LAS A: SCALES, i.i':jRNEYS ATUW. .l.r Nltoi:o. N. r, - ,ria th an 1 'e1crl U'lf'. . i r. r r,f i'p 1 1 a n k . maiTAiN t. SATi air. 'ft oux::YsSat lxv . ir.-, tit i cry term of t. rf . t I t :Tr r tt rfeinal bt- t i-eoj.Ie -f tiui'fur J cunty. Dr. W. H. Wakefield. 3'' V! - Hue In .r-cnb rof n the lt r ! .stMrUti -f N'ntfmWf. stur lay , S. KSiWf tth in 1 Ith. rii'Tift IIMITID Tu .jr. Car, Nor und TUroal, : .. Dr.Arthur E. Ledbetter, II . I .... I I-X l. IXV III' I lh nl. l.r. . . ... 1 4i r- ! i e r.-w a Ir J . .A i i I ft- f r t m t , f k I. ; ! x.v f. r j-r-. ujS-. ll W.J.RICHARDSON, ? r Prtf te M-e tl kllllN.SHOUU, N. C. Nn j rr-siry. The EYE A SPECIALTY. Ik not r'tu I lain S .. u t your Liind-nvhfiJjcLf r any eje t r u U i e trial .u may bate H are war . it r.. t.. W. ll. I A KK A H A . .V at mi.c, an 1 tliry mill giie JU r- trf If ! I -if It. tbrr are e!l l'rt prl ith all the InHtimmontH, an.! will !. jat.-e la ctstmning Inlirrw. t .t:i.f c ur soy frtlgn 4 anre rr e I ithut pa!.lar "!!' I t rriiove all a'lni-rcual tiinary I fi'i I- .'-, vuih a Atlgina(tara. Jlj Mt ;-, Irbf ofia, llj-cr-I 5 r i. .aunt Uef. Irupb.ri a M um-u-Uf I nurtien"y, r any ncuj-unj tr-'-i. ;. We are agents ftr the grrst . KM AN KYK WATKIL t rt-ribed f V I'r. A;N l.w. The t-. t rmicdy f..r irir as.,.1 r c. granular rr aoaiey ete- li t, mliitur la.I t rwr. an.J git ra t j a n. .- f !! r f fifn t tn , t' J p. m II Karrar & Son, the l:!t!e fv.unditng. Vou know Matt, .f rourwT "Hri-n 'l..nt you tnran. Kicuaa rae. but j4 to I ery familiar Uh brr I:l5,e" I aupp I am." rcplirj 1 5. e young tLaa. "Matt and I are rsrelient fri-n-l." Mnk !!d t. A smile now; all his ef forts t.j dj were iocffectuaL With an eipreAi.n of forage dislike he I -'f el a r.rit;kley face, and Lie v!ce, tSotjgh h!a wonla were still civil. Irembll an I crew barxh, "aa scrannel p!j- f mr." "May I u If ..i rpryve remaining" loftdT In the r.e!gh!or!MlT I i.n"t knoH," anawered the artist. My boa la my own. and I shall stay as long as the plare amnes me." "It I can assist la making It to I shall be hsppy. sir." "Thank you." I you care for rabbit shooting? If so there 1 some sport to le had among the snd bii:. "I .ev,r s!.rt anything," was the reply, Mevfpt. I suppose, 'felly aa It s, thetgh with what species f ire-' arm that (nterestleg sport Is pursued." be aJJed jealf to himself. I haeen the a!ightet idea. -Well. mm I day." ai-l MnU. with aa uneay .L "If I can t-e it any servlre ! ua cmian l tner And raiMr.gbift bat again. br!'ied away "Now what In th name of all that Is won lerf al.d Mr. Monk. of Monks hurst, mean by 1-e.mlng ao clvlir This waa the the you eg man aaked htm!f as he at rolled away sea warl. He could nt perua.le hlmaelf that he had wronged Monk, who waa In reality an amiable person. Instead cf a tLm! nee ring bully; no, that sug gestion was vntrUicte.l by every em preasjon .f th man's 1-elrful and sua- ys fae. What. then, could b the cvplanalkm of his sudden attache of courteav? An hie: u Inoplratlon? As It f.aheI int- ).i mind th young man gave vent t a prolonged whistle. Po slbly Monk wa jealous! The Idee, was a j.rrpoterous on and almost amuing. It was not V) bo concelve.1, on th brt bluh of It. that Jealmisy would make a surly man civil, m savsg man gentle; It would rather have t!. contrary eiTect. unleaa -here Urlnkby gTew thoughtful sm- leae at gloomy rival haI some aialatrr dea!gn which h wlahed to cloak with p!lteneaa. Hut jealoti of little Matt! IIHokley laeghe.1 brartlly whrn he fully real ise.! th a)nurhty tf th notion. II rKvv.l the sand Ml! and cam again to the pth w hlch he and Matt fallowed the previous dav. A rar breer was coming In from the suwet and the afr was fresh and coi. though anony; but clouds wer gathering to (ndward and the weath er waa evidently broken, teaching the c!lff. he lecn.led them and lie was floating a little nearer with an enjoyment deepened by the sense of danger, when a figure suddenly ap peared on the rocks close by him, wildly waving Its bands. "Keep back.' Keen back olee. He looked at the figure and recog nized William Jones. He answered him, but the sound of his voice was drowned by the roar from the rock. Then William Jones shouted again more Indistinctly, and repeated his ex cited gestures. It was clear that he waa warning the swimmer against noma bidden danger. Hrinkley took the wsralng, and struck out for the shore, and then back to the place where be had left his clothes. Watching hie opportunity, he found a suitable spot and clambered In upon the rocks, lie had Jat dried himself and thrown on some of his clothes. when he aaw William Jones standing near and watching htm. How are your asea the young man. with a nod. Tray what did you mean by going on In that absurd way Joat cowr MWhatt?ld I mean?" repealed Wil liam, with a little of his former excite ment. "Loo ".i ye, bow, I was waving you back from the Devil's Caldron. There's many a man been drowned there and bees washed away Lord know where. ! heerd tell," he ad ded, aolemnly, they are carried right down Into the devil's kitchen." CHAPTER IX. a rifccovcar. The young man of the caravan was now thoroughly convinced that one of two things must bo true:. Either that William Jones had ben Instructed to keep a watch on him, or that he (Wil liam Jones) had a secret of some sort cried a ( which be was anxious not to have re .reeled. After both suPDOsitions had been duly weighed the second was accepted as the most likely, and It forthwith received the young man's consideration. If there was a secret, he argued, it was In aoaie way connected firstly, with William Jones worldly pros-,-erity; aeconnly, with the reports cur rent of tresiuro hidden In times past smong the sand hills of the dangerous 1 . I V.W Kt.KKS. r .tre-t.trrnsbrrn. N.t' e nth I roMONA mi.L NURSERIES, . I'uniona, . t . - , . .-?. il' iu.' so! l t.rrns- I . sin .!nc of l e K. A ' . t I .t . . -e in I '. tr ti m. V rrguiar ' . j w s j . it I N I KVFI) IN ..?! i itii;.vj o lii-ert oar Vin, v'r ' AN KIM ( - ..- M.'.o.-.i rru I Tnts 1 .rrre.i. s !e I rers. Nut. Kse e r. In f a. t. usually afpl n a t rt- Nurs ry. Three (i r ee u Houses f'ut. ft.f a at rc at ssnrtr of l.rr aed K'!tic 1'isbt. lt K-vs for prlng 4 taatiog a pv-i-iaUy. . Catalogue o I ( Fruit Trtv. Vices tic; at.l t'stsh gue Nw i, t.rcvn House ';: :. luruitio ! I rre pirmii t .fir. tr r-e - i cited. J. V AN I.lMiI.KY. I rop'r. r. Lu. na. . C. 1)AVII)S0NC0LLE IA V 1 1 N. f. I Til) -e ewlli Irur llealna rlrmliri I till. 1h?IJ. Te I'r r r -d instructor. Junlr an vm r ' e tue. t heml-sl " i !) t'-i I "-'ji"n ill ejutp- - J f .:.., 1. 1 T i" rr i. ;. location nrdiMul, roomunity ex- ft.t.o. iet l..iig ttivr-vneh. islcal, l as. .f'o-, IJtcrsry, t unirn''!, t i,-.;. - H I ! f S- S "g e. J. U. sUKAi:trs rrt. J!y li-Cu. sitkti T t.-o tiir aso Till I. Ot T ron SBOMK. cam dov n on th r-k) neath. A loag. Jag-.! point ran out from the plct where he ,! and the water to leeward of thr same was quite calm, though ruing and falling in strong. trubed awe'. - bright and tempt ing did It !-' in that sheltered plaoe that he trrtiilned t have a awiaa. He stripped leiurriy. and. placing hi clothe in a safe p'.ace. took a head er off the rock. It was clear at one that he was a powerful swimmer. Itreastieg the swell, he etrwek out from shore, and. w ben he had gone about a hundred yard. fl-etd lacily on hi bk and urvyed t - Soee. The chft were nt very high, but their f rm were flneiy picturesque. Here and there were still green creeks, fringed with purple w eed; and large shadowy cave, hewrd rtxighly In the side of th crag; and rocky U!e4a. for. ered with !imy wee,l tmth with the lapping wiirr. little to the right of th p..t frota which he bad dived the cliff Wfmr.1 hollowed out. forming a wide pag which the sea entered with a tramp and a rush and a roar. Toward thl paivare ltrinkley swam. He kww th .lar.gerof ,ach place, for be ha.1 often explored them loth In t'omwall and the wrt of Ireland; but be bad einSderu- in htsov kl!L Arnoachin; itli natatory "I'm much obliged to you. Mr. Jones, but I'm naed to such danger, and I know how to take care of myself." William Jones shook hi "be. d a lit tle angrily. Ion"t you come here no more, that's all! be said. atu!. muttering ominously to himself, retired. Hut be only as cended the neighboring crag, and. squatting h!mslf there like a bird of Ill-omen, kept his eyes on the stranger. Having dressed himself. Urinkley el!mled In the same direction. He found William seated on the edge of a crag, looking the reverse of amiable, and amusing himlf by throwing stones In the direction of the sea. Yoa seem to know this place well," said the young man. standing over him. William Jones replied, without look- lag up: ought to; I were born here. lather wa born here. Know It? I wish I kr.owd aa well how to make my own fort in . -And yet they tell me." observed the other, watching him style, "that Wil liam Jones, of Aberglyn. has money In tae mdk, ami is a rich man." lie saw t imam a color chaoge at once; but, recovering himself at once, the worthy gave a contemptuous grunt and aimed a stone spitefully at a large gull wnich Just then Coated slowly by "Mho told you that?- be asked. glancing quickly np. and then looking down again. "Some tomfool, wi no more sense in nn than that gun. Hlchl I wish I was, I do!" Jtrlnkley was amued. and a little curioua. Laughing gayly. he threw himself down by William's side. Wll nam shifted his seat uneasily, and inrew anotner stone "My dear Mr. Jones," said the young men. aoming tne flippant style which Jiatt round so irritating: "I have often woortered how yon get your living." William started nerrously. ion are, I believe, a fisherman by proremien; ye yon never iro fishing. You poueH a boat, but yon are seldom seen ion it. 1 on are not. I think, of a poetical disposition, yet yon spend your days la watching the water, like a poet, or a person In love. I conclude. ery reinctantly. that your old habits stick to yoo. and that you speculate on the disasters of your fellow creatures." 'Thatdye mean, master?- grunted William, pnrxled and a little alarmed by this style of addres. "A nice wreck now would admirable suit your tastes? A well-laden India- man, smashing upon the reef yonder, would lend sunshine to your existence and deepen your faith in a paternal jTOvmrnc. .n, Mr. Jones?" r a i . n ft kouw now. anout no wreck." was the reply. "They're no ronarn o mine." An. fcut I have heard you lament the gol old times, when wrecking . .a. w a res peetanie occupation and when there were no Impertinent coast guards to Interfere with respectable followers of the bualnesa. Ily the wy, I have oiten woooere.1. Me. Jones, i.' popular repor, is true, ami if among these cliffs or surrounding sand hill there Is nuned treasure cast up from time to lime by the sea and concealed by ener- getse persons like yonrelf?- llllam Jones could stand this no longer, fxmking aa pale as It wae poaaible for eo rubicund a person to be- , , , . .. v"i muA giaocing' ironna mm aua- pleloualy, he rose to his feet. I know r.owt o that," Le said. "If there I summat I wih I eould find it; but sech things never come the way of honeat chap like me. Good morn In', maaterl Take a poor man's advice and don't you go swimming no more near the Devil's Caldronr So saying, he walked of? In the direc tion of the deserted village. Presently Brlnkley roe and followed hlro. keep ing him ateadilr In view. From time to time William Jones looked round, as If to see whether the otherwsscom Ing; lingering when Brlnkley lingered, hastening his pace when Brlnkley hastened hi. Aa an experiment. Brlnkley turned and began walking back towards the cliffs. Glancing round over his shoulder, he aaw that William Jones had alo turned, and was walking baok. "Curious!" be reflected. "The Inno cent one Is keephig me in view. I have a good mind to breathe him." He struck off from the path, and hastened, running rather than walk ing, towards the sand hills. So soon aa he waa certain that he was followed he began to run In good earnest To hie delight, William began running too. He plunged amons-the sand hilla. and was soon engaged busily runnisg up and down them, hither and thither. I'roru time to time he caught a glimpK of his pursuer. It was an exciting chase. Wheu he had been er. raged in It foe half an hour, and was alnn,! averns of the sea. Waf It possible after all, that these reports were trot and that ii some mysterious mannej Jones had become aojualuted with thf I. -dinj plj'-? It seemed very improb able, for many reasons, one of the chief Wing tho man sextretne poverty, which appeared to touch the verj edge of Kheor starvation. A little inquiry In the neighborhood, however, elicited the information that Jones defpit his abject penury, was certainly w i ll to do and had money In the bank of the neighboring market town; that the ruined village of Aber glyn belonged almost entirely to him, and that, in .hort. be was by nature and habit a miserly person, who would prefer hoarding tip whatever he pos sessed to purchasing with It the com monest necessaries of life. An old coast guard, whom Brlnkley found next day on the station, waa his chief Informant. 'Don't you believe him, sir," said the old salt, "If he tells you he's poor. He's a shark, Willlsm Jones is, and couldn't own up even to his own father. It's my belief he's got gold hiddi-u somewhere among them sand hill, let alone what he's got in the savings bank. Ah, he's a artful one, U William Jones." Brlnkley had said nothingof hlsown private suspicions, but had merely In troduced In a general way the subject of Jones' worldly position. Further conversation with Tim, who had made a fewatraggling acquaintances in the district, corroborated the other testi mony. The young man became more and more convinced that William Jones was worth studying. Matt had not turned up that morn ing. Instead of looking after her, Brlnkley took another stroll towards the vicinity of the Devil's Caldron. He had not gone far before he discovered that he wa watched again. The fig ure of William Jones followed In the difttanre. but keeping him well in view. It wa certainly curious. He walked over to the cliffs and looked ! own at the scene of yester days bs thing sdventure. A strong wind was blowing and the waves were urging tip the rocks with deafening roar and foamy spume. The. place looked very ugly, particularly near the raldron. All the passage was churned to milky white, and the sound from beneath was, to uo an old simile, like the roar of innumerable chariots. - He glanced over his .shoulder and saw the head of William Jones esgerly wstcbing, the body being hidden in in tervening rock. "Strsnge!" he reflected. "My preda tory friend can't keep his treasure, il he possesses any, down in that watery gulf. Yet, whenever I come neer It, his msnnef tells rae thst I im 'warm.' ss they say in the game of hide and seek." To test the matter a little further he set off on a brisk walk along the cliffs. leaving the caldron behind. He found, ss he had suspected, that he wa no longer followed. Returning a he rsmc, and resuming his old position. he saw William Jones immediately re-sppear. That dsy he discovered no clew to the mystery, nor the next, -nor the eext sgain. though on each flay he went through a similar performance. Strange to say. Matt hud not put in an appearance, and for reason of hi own he Led thought it better not to seek ier. On the morning of the third dar a lark, chilly morning, after a night of rain l im put nis neai into the cara van, where hi master was heated at sis easel, and grinned delightedly. Mr. Charles! She's come, sor!" Who the deuco has come?" cried Brlnkley. "The lady, your honor, to have her picture taken. Will I show her Into the parlor?" But as he r.poke Matt pushed him aside and entered. She wore her best clothes, but looked a little pale and anxious. Brlnkley thought, greeting hr with a familiar nod. "So you're come at last? Tim, get out, you rascal. I thought you had given me up." He assumed a coldness, though he felt It not, for he bad made up his mind not to "encourage" the young person. I couldn't come befor.. they wouldn't let me. But last night Vil li a tu Jones he didn't come home, and low-necktsi silk dress beneath. Mean time the young man placed the sketch in position. Turning presently, he beheld Mstt's transformation. Old and shabby as the dress was, torn here and there and revealing beneath glimpses of coarse stockings and clumsy boots. It became her wonder fully. As a result of much polishing' with soap and water her face shone again and her arms and neck were white as snow. Thus attired. Matt 'looked no longer a long, Bhsmbllnj jrirl, but a tall. ' bright, resplendent young lady. It was no use. Brlnkley could not conceal his admiration. Matt's arms alone were enough to make a painter "wild with delight. "Why, Matt, you look positively magnificent! I had no Idea you were so pretty." The girl blushed with pleasure. THE JAPANESE DENTIST. 1 he young man worked away for a good hour and a half, at the end of which time he put the finishing touch to the sketch. rinis coronal opus!" he cried. Look, Matti" Matt examined the picture with un conscious delight. It was herself. little idealized, but quite characteris tic and altogether charming. ".May I take it home?" she asked eagerly. - I 11 get you to leave it a few days longer. I must get a frame for it. Matt, and then you shall have it all complete. Now, let me look at you again," he said, taking her by both hands and looking up at her sunny face. "Are you pleased? Will vou take care of the picture for the paint er s sake? Matt s answer was embarrassing, She quietly tt down on his knee and gave him a smacking kiss. "Matt! Matt!" he cried. "Yoa But she put her warm arm round hla After a couple of years at peg-pull- neck, and rested her cheek against his ing the young dentist would gradu- shoulder. ate. and be able to lift the most re- "I should like to hare pretty dresses fractorv molar in the flame manner .ft 1 1 ft J .1 I , I. . "m Jrcie" Mna "ineTi, "a go that he now lifted wooden neo-9. - o An Interesting Story of an Amerl can't Experience With one of Them. A Japanese dentist is a thing to marvel at. A gentleman who was on a visit to Mr. Hubbard, the American minister to Japan, sends the following interesting narrative : "One day I was troubled with the tooth ache, and Mr. Hubbard took me to a dentist and explained to the saddle-colored operator that I wanted the grinder extracted. I wm placed in a bamboo chair, and tilted slightly back. The dentist examined my teeth, talking volubly meanwhile to Uncle Sam's repre sentative. Suddenly his thumb and forefinger close i on the trouble some tooth, and before I had the faintest idea of what was going to happen, he lifted it out and held it up before me, smiling at the same time that vacant smile peculiar to the children of the Orient. " You were waiting for the for ceps, were you?" said Minister Hubbard, with a laugh. "They don t use em here. Look at this Here is a young Jap taking his first lesson in deniptry." A twelve-year- old Japanese boy sat on the floor, having before him a board in whirh were a number of holes into which pegs had been tightly driven. He was attempting to extract the pegs with his thumb and forefinger. jar. iiuDnara explained tnat as the strength of this natural pair of forceps developed by practice the pegs would be driven... in tighter.; Olotlling' HALF -1 PRIG .i I aave ju6t returned from the rsortnern markets where I eldeeu rut- some big lots of Clothing and Hats from Inrge mnnufacturers for n o,i HALF I'KICK. - All New Fresh Goods and Latest Style Is. Now, if you want BARGAINS IN FINE CLOTHING AND IIAIS, ;iut come in aid takea look throi.gL our stock. Our house is PacW Fiiii of New Up Stairs and Down, , and-we are giujr to Tell them i All we ask is to take a look at our stock before you r"T WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. j C. M. Vanstorv & Co., Leading C!othir a l I lt4tttefs,"Gr.,ehrf oro- A Chance Of a 7 The entire Stock of Gen kIs u Murray, will be sold ai :mi-BKLQW COST to close out : i ma away from. William Jones and to stsy witn you." "My dear," said Brlnkley, laughing. "you couldn't. It wouldn't be proper." " hy not?" asked Matt, simply. "The world is censorious, little on'. i am a young man; you are a young lady. We shall have to ahake hands soon and say good-by. There, there," he continued, seeing her eyes fill with tears, "I'm not gone Jet. I mut stay as long as I can, only really you must look upon me a quite an old fel low. I am awfully old, you know, com pared to you." He gently disengaged himself, and Matt sat down on a camp stool close by. Her face had grown very wistful and sad. "Matt," he said, anxious to change the subject, "tell me something more about William Jones." "I hate William Jones. I hate every body but you." "Keally?" "Yes, I do." - "Well, I feel greatly flattered. But about the gentle Jones? You say he was out all last night?" Matt nodded. fro BX COXTITCXP. A SADm1 STAKE. AT BRUNSWICK. Many New Cases of Fever Report ed To-Day. xne stocK is composed of ueneral Dll Y GOOlS, SHOES, 3 and HATS and moat ef Ht BRIGHT FRESH. ATTRA( GOODS that will sell at sight at the" PRICES w ar oil' them. It will pay-anyone to 'call and get- Goods before the Stock is Broken. OTIONS TI VE . ring We can and will give you RARE IJARGAINS. Our eole CLOSE OUT THE BUSINESS r s S(lon HS R. W. Murray, E. P.WhartoT,. i Ad ninistrt' Brunswick, Ga., October 24. Unolllcially reported this morning as dead, one white, Ernest George. Officially reported at eleven o'clock, new cases, whites: 'Robert Hoag- Iand, Katie Franklin, Wm. C. Mc- Cure, 28 colored, total new cases 31 discharged, whites, May Brooks, Isaac Bailey. Mrs. Goodwin, Wm. Rainey, Chas. Thomas, Phoebe Thomas, E. J. Perdue, Mrs. Annie Perdue, Theo Johannesen, Mrs. Johannssen, Louis Walters, 10 col ored. Total discharged 27. An Arkansas Horror. Memphis, Tenn., October 24. A bloody and fatal battle A-ith knives occurreu at unanuo, atk., a email ing patrons, coujuea wirn me proM yrr. of in by the extretnel low prices of tb4l- produce, is ui' ,t ,.: . . OF the :foiT r.tfoits tint rii e i:a:-t i - G. II. ROYSTER'S is the place to buy them, who is now iectivin n, and best stock of Dry Goods, jXotlons, Hats, Caps, Boots, Slios, Sec , thai h to I - . fill Pinra -firlRfi ai U U hmZM ss af af Lo3 tJ U Id - V ft ' --V- F - - Long time and high priced are only to Ik as mistakes of the past. The vim hu.i iu!i t m.i id. t.- fit. t" Two Men Claim a Certain Body at . Battle Creek There May i be a Lawsuit. Battle Ckeek, Mich, October 24 -A sad mistake has occurred in the identification of the bodies ta ken from the wreck here.. Dr. Sweetland, of Edwardsburg, Mich editor of the Argus, identified th body of one of the victims as that of, his sister, Mrs. Eveline Aldrich of Edvvard6burg, and fhe body was shipped to that place last night The coroner has just received dispatch from J. D. Wood, of Cato N. Y., stating that the body is tha of his wife. She was identified by both men by her clothing. Mr Wood aaeerts that he lias poeitfte proof that the body is that of his wife, and Dr. Sweetland is just a positive that the remains are those of his sicter. Coroner Gillett has telegraphed the circumstances to Dr. Sweetland, and Deputy-SherilF King has been sent to bring back the remains. It is feared that le gal proceedings will have to be in tituted beforeLtbe body can be re covered. Married in Haste. 1 1 U0 Mr. Schryver, of Rhineback", N Y. and -Miss Kipp, of Red Hook were riding to-gether the other evening on their way to attend concert at Red Hook. As they nested the residence of Rev. an Ness Traver, it occurred to Mr Schryver that it would be a good opportunity for a marriage, if the lady were, willing He had never asked her, but he had a shrewd sus picion that she would not be averse, so he put the question on .the spot and pointed to the mintster's house. She professed her self "perfectly satisfied with the arrangements; so he stopped the horse, they went in to the house, and in a few min utes more came out man and wife. They went on to the concert, and afterward went home to tell the old folks what had happened. strong. sl'O irsrwre ieuurly b.tan.. himif. he aoddenly paaed - s-xt-u I in nn O r IlSa r1n hAll.swa V V I iV. . i - . .a . I " x " IUITW Ai i--. &m I mix down ca hU back, tad lit sW a aa-.M .M.rl.. .V- i I . . : T .v.,.,. . . ' i-""" a lew minutes arterwards ha beard a shed, ami quKkl Jtaelf lika 3 sound as.of violent rufSng and VresU 'WHV MATT. VOC LOOK MACMFICKNT I broke op." the box and took out my clothe ami straight off here." Her face fell as she proceeded, for she could rxt fail to notice the cool- Tammany Democrats in New York have nominated their county ticket. Ashbell P. Fitch and Col. John R. Fellows, both of whom are members of the present House of Representatives, were named for comptroller and district attorney respectively. Col. Fellows was dis trict attorney before being elected to Congress. -Landmark. "Duting my term of service in the army, I contracted chronic di-arm-ay says A. E. Bending, of Halsey, Oregan. "Since then I have used a great amount of medi cine, but when I found any that would give me relief they would injure my stomach, until Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar- town near rine uiutt, and as a re sult Mrs. Doc. Trammel, after be coming the mother of twins, is dead, and Mrs. James Trammel and her husband, a cousin of Doc. Tram mel's, are held by the coroner's ju ry for the double murder. the trouble was caused Dy re marks made by the victim against her slayers, who became infuriated and beat her in the face unmerci fully, knocked her down, and bruis ed and mangled her body in such a manner that death resulted short ly afterwards. James Irammel and wife are lodged in jail at Pine BlulT. lit d id iver ;es, Deen nis pieamrt to show you, ana at prices lower tliai- ever been oliered ! iWe SllOUS A.NU.Shl 1'1'KK.SJ 1 11 K LAItG EST ST( ( JK A X I f"1A)Y PST 1' ,r- BOUGHT AT LESS THAN MANl FACT.URKRS' PRICKS. ' HEADQITARTRRS FOR SHOES AND -SLIPPERS,.- Ladies' Slippers 4$c $3.93 and up worth ilouble I lie money. 'Ladies' -Glove Grain button nnd Iaop onoes ai y cents; ituurs soiiu learner uongoia button and lace Shoes at :Hscents all solid; women's every-daj' Shoes from 7"ents wp. all ?,olid ieathrr- rnen'n' .nice shoes, lace and gaiter, onlyOScctUi niu up; men's -coarse Shoes on It is I cpnf A anil nri mpn's i-tin rp Slinpa nnlv li noit a cniiil l..n t r.,.- . 1 : .. r. .. " . 1 1 i - .- y - ...--, i-iMii 11 . 11 11 . n 1 ill ill 1 -( 1 I u 11 1 - kind of Shoes and Slippers you IIARHJI'IMH PRICES. JilU JiAKUAI.NS I.N IJKKSS GOODS. Calicoes 5 and Grc bnt tnn,t0. Sheeting 5 and (Jc; Ginghams from 5 cents up. All kinds of Dress Goods st a trooa jicKei uiock oniy yw. -.straw iiats arn.u price. Men's and bo' m irom zoc. up, t. iimc jriwvju iin tv i ii (i 9 ami j riv.v s n ti ( i lovely ilesigns" A kinds of Black Lawns, Percales, Bedford Cord, Pino Apple Tissue, Obia'siil Black Satins, Cotton Checks at 42:. Good Pan' i.oods I'rom 10c. varj u Mrs. Telling Stars New. Papoose, i I buy from the cheapest net cash niiinutHc?-!. (nd w holesale jobber Charleston, S. C, Oct. kl Gray tne 10 to 25 per cent, usually added by m b ii'vs t- cover lhir !fww' Rntrslo Robe an Indian snuaw con. sell strictly for cash, saving my customer.- t a- l;.re jior rent . hmmIIv .m Hunaio Kope, an inaian squaw con- t5me bouseg to cover their ,osseS) an(1 , sdI slri.t,v fr ,. u Mvi , , nected with Pawnee Bill s wild west ers the large per cent, thev have to nav the ret.iil ti..,,. Lt.r,.i,...'.1 .. i '. . show, gave birth to a papoose this morning on a train. The child was named Carolina in honor of Mies May Lillie, Pawnee Bill's wife, and the State of her birth. The moth er rode in a race ten hours after the child was born." The mother is Telling Stars' wife, and a daugh ter of Sitting Bull. . hii-h is jtfwav hc;.; ol that, t his is I An Introduction to the Queen is an honor conferred upon only a favored few. But every lady of the land may have ready access to the Queen of Remedies Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription Once known, always a valued friend. It promises to positively cure every tomi ot weakness, pecu- ar to women, and confirms this promise satisfact case, or money returned. lhis Royal Remedy is carefully prepar ed . women imly, and its. efficien cy is vouched for by countless hap py homes and countless thousands of teVtimonials. A trial will con vince you that it is invaluable in correcting all irregularities and weaknesses for which it is designed. their expenses of book-keeping: and nover-iiaver the consumers bead. An inveatigatio.i willcotiviiK est place in the city to buy your goods. ALL NICE CLEAN GOODS, NO OL I)' .STOCK. PLEASE CA IV... Mr. Auther Stack is now with me and will be glad to sec and serve his friends Yours anxious to please, G. H. R0YSTEE, lis South Elm Street, Benbow Hou. . GRPtSX.sBOHo, a'. G. XX, Oi C3 . S S3 ' viiu I. i, nit" VVUli I 1X1 CJ lliir i JM . by a written guarantee of p P ion, guaranteed in every Hf -? 53 3 We regret very much to learn that the Rev. W. F. Wilhelm, pas tor of the Presbyterian church of Hillsboro, died at his home in thai town Tuesday night. Several years ago Mr. Wilhelm most acceptably conducted a series of meetings in the First Presbyterian church of his city, and greatly endeared him self to the members of that church and also of other churches: in our city. He was a most earnest and faithful preacher, and has no doubt gone to a glorious reward. News and Observer. mM nt th vmitiir man's i,m.IIhi "Well, since you hare come, well jret I rhu'a Re'" w brought to my o work." sai l birinkley. "It's chillr ' notice. I used it and will say it sissd dsmp outside, so we'll remain here taahelter." II att took off her hat and then pro ceeded to direst herself of her coarse rJth- Jarfcet. rerraling for the flrat tiise the is tne oniy remedy that give me permanent relief and no bad results follows." For sale by Ward Watkins. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a specific for croup. It is very pleasant to take, which is on of the most important requisites where a cough remedy is intended or use among children. I have known of cases or croup where I know the life of the little one was saved by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." J. J. LaGrange, ruggist, Avoca, Neb. T0 cent bot- les for sale by Ward and Watkins. Gov. Tillman, of South Carolina, has begun an investigation of the county liquor dispensaries, some of which have not been paying ex petiHes. The Governor says the and j dispensaries that don't pay will be closed up. , l f r 117 " 1 Li 4 1- - - : . IT-" '"":"-'' v.i - ' ( I 1 ZOO YOTJ 3sT Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding I?pc sintvT. nn Kf.ooklN'G. FKAMING. SIIIXGLES AND .f 'll llillFOHD LOiBER;lliFMilk-JI. GBEE2STSBOBO, JST. Q- Can sunnlv you with anything in this line on short notice atnl-on the most reasonable terms. See our EMBOSSED WOOD, something x.ew, being highly ...i -,.,i ntfa verr little more toan ordinary Jumher. I h r.""JA;;nrs ror inn's inside kmding venitian blind. ever mane, ah! costs very little more than 1-ho old style. Any Size Glass Kept in Std 1 lor'decora best A I