r 'ATM J GREENSBORO, N. C, "WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 22, 1893. (Bj Ik Falrlat P-h-MhfnKrmpany, In Adva MEW I IIM. . 1.1 - Tuufliuoreric rear E OT.. r V X II I X X B B I'KOrLK'SJJOLUMX. WANTED tged-r in a' " "aatt. 9t A TJUiH OF A CARAVAfL. T SOBtBT BCCfllXiX- -irtin. Afttr Mr,t rr Una firat r.: a at ntt rtnta r-r no tf. If n-g batea -. borae. , ...-. fan., h m I lot lt M-U. ad- j f j,; -' I a "ix"'1'- rt If f. - r ' t . ot s f- L. - A I tr f t -." trrr at - . n a v t-rtoa. Write i t - i , r. !? r, V.I'. . r '.r- I raft 1 r.rtr. Cheap t t. 1 i .re-n- Mil t . r . - 1 ' - , .; r! V. r ,xii. A ,'fin!li'UUr .f Ir. lt.-! !-! a I l- Mio t rt., t . I I t - t " . :;.' c$ V f A I Matt w,t jt a directed, and It a a - .tii h. ir ff. ahe returned. Sh f .itd h.r ruiriUn a-rated in hi - (v J - .r. looking at vacan- r x ll star. ! ii..rr!!r as rc vnterra at.t Laade -.'... h at th. rvi-!- piece of h.p s ima wh. h wru'l ti f,ker. "!' It T'.o. Matt l.r. how you tartl Uh-' I wt-rei w--re - tak in "I a l---ii .;. ,:. r. Matt. t (i h-rr "t'ja to the jmi ntrf tap start. If a r. t .-..m Isi- !', rl !!. man i in I'M i 'i. fl ! 1 "'nril! it v i thr- r rr;.!acr. ittii. t. r;. 1 1 - t:.- s i: a - tAiam . i Nfw, for . . m li. -"-tiakt-r. ..- . i- r -t.i r f ! i. all T. cifT ?ri a ! J 1 I th iin ..f iuitirnr th- rnl i !!. fl .-t ti. t J I uuirt.t Xilliam 1.1. I i. Jt eSSlU.xL CARDS. SI1AU .V S(;.VfiKS, vM)I'X10.y3 Cat JL.ii.-W- tal l.. Hut in a ut t !! match ixt kt.at.'lM -1 th 1 fn.ri. l-r. j "atin Yir III 4 !.!. if tj.v -mkt oiut. 1 ..u 11 ..it..- to flu wi.rkti'. t.rw-, th attlit Itiaii. Krrv !jV ! jt m r nt . !.. tl.- arataii to ii.akr til -. t ljt :.:kN: iO. N. I . .i if i v n alt t. .: Nu 117, C'tMir? iur-. !"' I r. i i. nit i i. It KIT I A IN . I . a r i . ..-s.ri ATI OltNEVS AT r .- I r i . - : ' -V. : t ., 1 V. i . ' a ii , i i a !r--! t " N I . i l.rl t it !. t in- !.., x , i. nn. : .. . . t t!r r -1 m ' All at ... . ? - iff. in ii at i , i 1-f t ... . jtt .- r t !-tt hat t . j Mook EvlTfTIir hon at the coatt- fTjaru atallon. Imountln, he rtV rmpidlj awij through the anl hill fa tb dirwctlon of the lake. Aa he ap prxtchul the apot of the old encamp ment, he uw that the cirattn had goo. II rode od thoujrhtfallj till he Olaed the hlhwaj. when ha pat hf horae Loto a rapid trot. Jost lefor he twined the rate and avenae Dear to which he had Ert en-cntreI Ilriok.-lej-, hr uw the caravan N-f.r Lira oa e !utr rao. lie hritatel f.r a in. .ra-nt: then hurried rapidly forward. u l, arrltinj, rloe to the ehie!e. av the Irishman'- l.eaI lo..l,ijif nUU.l ikt Lfin fnnu th lri r - tt. He tk.n-l. aii-l 1 im flas ..nr ruaktrr rettirtu-d? 1 urn in-f- -t :.! that he hms lx-eri nti.-.imr f'' -!; !a '1 iru f.-.k lils head vi-rr iloli fullv. "N. :r; ..rr lxht hate I Men of ! him f..r three lat and tliree iiirlt-. I.f.n, to tell Iii f rit'iidi the Lad Tietv. M1h it s making ftm .f me he i, and I It Hud hiru votuew heres on the roa.l." I hop.- m.u will. aid Moiik. Ttn patheti. -ally. 'I think huiu it It iiiili" Msil.le he ha. m you u(rtfet, afi.lrrrl lionieward. t.xl ilav to ." .". saying. Monk turned off l-r the .'at.' which they haI jnt reached, and r.'.- i'v ti (i tin- avenue. ! t ... i i.: i t. . ' rroi,''t "'i . I. .'"'Mlt.i iOIS 11,1 4l "i "vU " f , - 1 f. jr.- !. f n t atne vnri-jus chan'o .ti,i- o.r hifi which had crne iv-r 'iatt aitrr -.he had b-en listening ti I t'- i..!.mv l-fre-u Mnk at.d tVil I i n .l..r Mr !,l n-h. lark, so tvatkrd to l-.t -f I u- ri urr a ti1 a ploomy ana lian-doff appear ance. IVeently there etnerjjd from the door V. iliiara Jones, attired In a drowned reaman'a ault several ki2s too lare for him, and wearing a chlm-nej-pot hat and a white roeette, Lean Is? on hi arm waa Matt, dreaaed In a dreaa of bine alik, newlj made for her. out of damaged material wpplled by Jonea, by one of the eoaat-gnard women, alight atraw hat with blue ribboosto match, and a lla-ht Khaul. Itehind tb!a pair hobbled Wil liam Jones father, whose costume wa nautical, like his mu. but tuore datn- and who alsn sported'a chimney .t hat and a white roette. The eroiv.l cave c feeble cheer. Matt lked aroiiml and omiled. but itiin'Ied with lu r Muile therv va a kind of rai-iie anxiety and v-qiecU tion. It whs urrunired that Mutik should drive Matt in the ilojr-cart. while Wil liam .lotu s :.n.l Iiis father followed In the eoinnioiier velii. l.- t f..r...-... where the ceremony was to 1- jer fornied. th.-y were to meet with on Mr. IViiarvoii. A country Mjuire and hi lid red spirit of Monk's.. wh had promised to In- "-U-st mai.." Monk took the reins, while Matt jrot in and M ated herM-If U-side him. the IJ-room jcttinj; n; Inliirnl. and a war thej- wei.t alon- the sand-choked road, followed by Jones and his father. The day was bright and merry, but Matt never thought of the old proverb: Merry is the bride that the sun shine on: she was w busy examining" the Ti : l I 'e. AM at onee. uouti.l round lake, she ut- There. stand- In !e?',i- U. v ; ; : i. a 1 . !'- r I I . . U hat r.! frrs .J v i i f ni at h : 'lift II ! I! i tiifi- term of w rap;- i in .ro i. paiwr lie to.. it r f - -.ii t r- i fr.-'H I rr ab t wu 4 it i.rtouslr. It . " r I uii'T. ' as i r. .n portrait f herself r- Dr. V. II. Wakefield. MAlT.K XV t..ii.i. -mr iti a iiiili srnriiisa. A .. passed i . ay. The shadow the inravun no lontrer fell on the ; t Ti.eadou be thv lake, atid the J '',i,Vi;"'" p-.ul4tion of Ater(-lyn, nti . -! r. eie.l tht sf.e suspUiou of foul ptav, bad already i.rj.ifi'i! Im.IIi t F.c caravan an-l the w in r. At. 1 if facts were to be taken into en leiati .ii in esttiuatlfiif the extent of her memory. Matt, too. had for irott n. It was common talk now that of ?! . -t.t. o I I .' . . s here?"" cre-l ti u.t.lin more than ( " t. V - n. .. i I - ' . r J t . N . I. I-, r ," i.ii n lift. Cat ' t - n the lt ! r. i ur ! jr. ; - i, I . r f, . ..' ... I ant I - tS. t. itMitru to . .r uud Tli rout. n .tI I v t ! t b i at- I II .-u J .ne v r r " 1 .1. AM-, s Le flba as a.'- .. tr arter his mas ter. T he r-ainti r hapuitt't round; au,l 6o 'Iiiti aa t the cart to tcU ht fr.r.!. Ai d ..- me t!iis- Dr. W. J. RICHARDSON. ' i " o f i f4 ; i: i: k n s .;n ;:i w ,.; t - i - it I i't mn$rt la N. O. The EYE A SPECIALTY. Io ttot rorji j i i n about v u r t-'ind iivlii'i.i he r any e$e irouMr lliil ' m 1 1 y he ' '.I r f . U. I AKKAK t .. if .t..-e. i f,. r iU t rU f ' I il it l :.. They arc Jf ; r. i i r-I it U 1 1 i 1 1,. in v pi. lur ; ! I . lika (na-'.-r v . r .- to hate it: and I fcie.n to k p it t.. he's .!. a WiUiatr J..i.. s hai.4. d 1 a. k tlo pie tore. . and .. m. d r lieed. in. I. e.!, whea it waa ...:t uf his hands. Ia -XT' b- iinittered. n..t meetitiif Matt' rn . .it l-. in rtrht out to aaaw '-Who t.dd 1 'U he was dead? Matt did not reply, but ircd at Wll l;am . lor- and si.-ni f.. antly that the man. inv iou s ..f hrr crutlnr, turned and plunged into the darkoeas .f Lia dwelling. . Aa hour later a l-md voice summoned him forth. " lie went to the door, and there was M.ik. ..f M.mkshurst. It was the rt ti.ue they ha I met since they parted on t" ti"ht of the mur der. Musk a.lrrwl in atlttk um mr .mi ttl ..U f i.. .ill r fi( k !' .(Mil ., 11 l. r . s 1 1. - i . . t , f . . i - Hi cl. Iz;rait4 C;ltilK;c i ... ... ?e.. I xx s 1 x moatH , il l ji.ii juttlce In ciamu.itif e tc er. .-.j -re,nj--tr r any f.n iu aiice rr tci aitti.ut pain. l.iae "r I t ru all a! nrmal tifionary t - . .-. -& a Atiiiitta. Ily ri. .'I 5 i. If. ?. .j i . Hyper I ' r .! i.t ll. J"r tM-r. )tucu Ur trtt.-v, .r nr compound ?..' '. . W-irr at nt f..r t he j-rcat .ki;m av I V k u a r k. i rrirM-d f.r lr ti.M.n. Id u.!rnnf.lr fr mt , .. o,., ranu'tr r . .!cv eyc ' i .tif !;. t rufi, l j;ihi ! j n. tr.,-, h. ir. He. tii.. to 3 p. m W. T F;rrar i Sin, riO.wN., Ill I.I. NURSiiilBS, I si I. t--l t'.i .o.VMt..fltr.et3- I", V.. ii -.., I'Br of t 0 K. ,1 .1 . K. I.' thr..tif!i th, ir ; nd t i! .('for Iti f,.-t o( the c.f!.ce nd r.s.' :r.. r. ui ; r r maVr ri X'llar t - c .1 ait r e b y. Ii: K IXTrlKESTKU IN 'ran i uu flowers Arc .-fw ally lavttc-l ts iBvpcet cur YOt CAN KIND I 'iff ie Mi j ..ri Kri.;t Tri w. Vine l.crreen. 1 f eea. NtU, l.. . rte. In ( t,(irf;tl. i..jtll.r kept in tr U ir r . 1 1 . .:.... J((. , . - In l...'f t tSe . j S tatt ..;v.rr. at th- .l.-i.r No s..ur r .lid she er rri.e Monk than she tremble violent ly and frew tcrv jst!.- i ..nn- h-re. Matt." h- said, with an ii!!niatio sn.iie. see! I've brought somet h.tif f r t o.s. me tiling pretty for y..u Wrar." As he spoke he froi.i his waist- cst skrt a wtuli ;..". I ritv". st wtth lunimii .tiMu s b it Matt still trctn I led. and shrank ami. I d..n t want if - I O,., wear It," he t ried. -Nonsense. Matt.' ai-l M..-ik. ' hy. It s a T.c St f. r a Lid v. ..-i.e. let me rt it on v.er tin-er " . a: ,- it-t-.l h. r ;.':tation. s. i- ri N. .? "er .'read of him. that she could t t s'ir. so that w I . n he approached, lauhiua. and cau.-ht b. r round the wt;. he slipped the riniT on her tinker l-efore she c m.1 I r. sjst. :ut it only re tnair.eil there a moment. titli a tiitick. fee. and. rifht sharp try. she tre herself fr akin a" the riti oflf". tbn-w it ") from I cr tijs.u t' e. ard It irU : TVS . .'-' ic. tiie -ramniarless castawav, the l r.. jfie, t.-d protejre of W illiam Jones, was to be sia tried to the master of the rrat h"U Nay. the very day wan Iim-.I; an-1 that very day was only two sunrise distatd; and M..nl.. of MmiL.s hurst, had in bis psket a special li.-ense. w hi. !i be bad pr.K-ured. at an e petiditurc of live j .u nd fn m Lon don. Is.ubtless. iii anv iikti pipulii'it In- eallty the affair would have icc.mi .ne. a , no nine s. an.tai. an-l many ominous shakings of the head, bet the inhal- itants were few and far lt w ecu. and liad little tr no time f..r IdleossipinaT The coast guardsmen and their wive were the onl- individuals who exhib ited anr Interest, and even their ex citement was faint and evanescent. like the movements of a fish in a shal low and unwholesome jsd. Hut the really extraordinary part of the whole affair was the conduct of Matt herself. Apjarcntly- .tiite cured ef her former repugnance to a union with Monk, she made io oh't-ctiori whatever to the perforniauc f the ceremonv. and lauched merril v . h. n . ... ... 'ir a iDormi ir.al the ..- w Bed. MtL. in his trim, ta.itueu way. ii jniliit. H-- iiuif to and Iro ioL..laDtly. and assumed the tr.-ti tier id a lover. Had he been less bent on one particular object, twothinpn ruicht have atruck him as curious: U That Matt, thoof't she bad eon- sente.i to marry him. stea.lfastlv re fused to wear hU rin or accept any other present; and (.) that she still shrank, with H-rsistent and ill-dis-i'ui-ed dislake, from hla caresses. It was i.f.w late in the month of August. anH the weather was broken by trouhlou winds and a fretful tu.-roi. tr several week William Jies. Jn his mortal terror, had re frained from visitinir the cave; he had i.cv.r set his foot therein, indeed, since the nijrht of the assassination. At last he ould U ir the susjvense no longer. nppos. Mitne one else had dtMotrred this treasure, and mbl-ed l.ini? uppos s.ime subterranean change had obliterated the landmark or submerged the cavern! Suppose a thousand dreadful things! Tired of no- raid- siipp..sition, William de termined. aure. So late one t'espite his terror, to make wind v an t lie bridal j.rK-e . -,! the eil'H of the lonely ter '! ;i .tv . f de!:'-ht. in :t .oi.. 'v. t n I tin. curat:; ii. Monk- loo!... pale there wan . some thing iT'iostlv in the reapjiearance even of tliis iiKiiiimale object. He wait a man of tri:y ,n r.-, however, and he speedily Minle.i ; I i. owu fears; As tliey npproa h.-d the spot they s.ixt I I'll -taii.Iin; ii. ;i rlli.: tehlcle 111 conversation with tvto strange rentle meti one u little man in black broad cloth, tie other a tall, broad-shouldered fellow wearing" u I ';-ht overcoat and a xvide-atvake hat. l;rectly tln jircx-es-sloii a ppr-'a.-hed. this jrroiip separated, and its three memliern walked several ly to the road, he w it It the wide-awake hat standing in the center of the road quietly smokint"a riiMr. An the !o;f e;irt catne tip he h-dd up bin hand. ( liable to prm eed w ithout runtiiru hii:i down. Monk pulled up an-rrily. -What is it? Why do you block the road." he cried. irccly "Lvciise ific, L'overnor, returned the other, coolly. "Mr. Monk, of Monks- hurst, I believe?" "That's my name." "Sorry to trouble you on such a day. but I should like a few-words w ith you "I cannot stay I am v'oinj- to be married:" "So I heard," said the man, lifting bin hat and bowing with a grin to Matt. "Glad to see you ini.vs. How do you do Uut the fact is. Mr. Monk, my business won't keep. I!.j -oodenoug'li to step this xvay." Full of Mime unaccountable fore bod Injr, Inspired partly by the stranger's suave yet determined manner, partly by the r pp. a ranee of the caravan. Monk ali-. lited, and followed the other across the -.'ra-sa to the close ricinity of r?i boii-c on wheel. The little elderly man :ollowed. and the in n who had f.ri po!.eu went tLrotili the cere- Ill illVOl IDtlOduct IOU. 1 his is ir. Monk, air. .Mr. Monk, thin gentleman i Mr. Llghtwood, of the firm of I.ightwood JL Lightwood. aolicitor. Cheater. And you who the devil are vou demanded Monk, with his old savagery "My name I.n Marshall. Christian name, John, though my friends call me Jack, answered the other, with "II is daughter," said the man.quietly. 'lie neTer married, and he never bad a daughter." "Ills daughter, an Infant twelve or fourteen months old, sailed to England with h i r.i. wa shipwrecked with him, "hot save. I by a special Providence, and has since i .-vn living In this place un der the name of Matt Jonea." "Your intended bride, you know," added Marshall, with an insinuating' smilo. "Hullo, where is the young Udyr Monk looked round towards the doj cart and on every side, but Matt was nowhere to be seen. "I see her go into that thcer cart." said W illiam Jonev "Call herl" cried Monk. "I'll stay no longer here. Listen to me, you two. Whether you are telling tiie truth or lies, t!i; t girl issuing to .:.ie my wife I huvc her rua.-.iiaii s consent, nnd she herself. I may tell you. fully appreciates the honor I sua doin;r her." "Indeed!" said Mr. Lk'.'it vohI. smil ing. "I'nfortunately. I. a Miss Monk's legal ailviser. must have a say in the matter. Ikiuhtlcssthis x:ia rria'e would Ie a very pretty s:rr::- : ci sent f..rl..-ep-ing the late Col M.n;k's fort n no and projierty in your jn ...s-ion. but I can not conscientiously approve of the young- lady's marriatre to an assassin." "An assavsin? what what do 3'ou i mean.' gasjK-d Monk. stacirerinL-as if from a blow. "Tell him. Mr. Marshall." "All ri;'ht. sir. Well, you see. Mr. Monk, of Monkshiirst." continued the detective. !! -i ly. yet playfully, "you're accused of making away with mur ' 1 '. . mi ::i, t - a .in.-- ..; :i..-a v.ho cam.? to Abi-ll . n u few weeks ago in that little house on wheels; and this uiee irieiiii of yours (I.ei-c ho again slapped William Jones on the shoulder) is accused of being j'our ac- couipnce. '.No! nol I never done it! I'm inno cent. I am!" cried William .Tones "Jell 'cm. Mr. Monk, tell 'exa I'd now t to do with it!" 'Silence, you fool!" said the other. Then""he added, turning on his ac cusers: "You are a couple o madmen, I think! I know nothing of the young man you speak of. I have heard that he is missing, that is all; but there is no evidence that any harm has come to him, for his body has not lieen found." Here Marshall turned with a wink to William Jones and nudged him in the ribs. "Don't you think, now," he asked, "it might lie worth while looking for it in that little underground parlor of yours; down alongside the sea?" William Jones uttered a despairing1 groan, and fell on his knees. Our Delayed Letter. Tiii ruined: j he cried. O. Mr. Monk, it's your doing! Ijnl help me! They "knows everything." "Curse you, hold your tongue," sakl Monki. with a look of mad contempt and hatred. "These men are--only playing upon your fears, but they can not frighten me." "No." remarked the detective, light ing his cigar, which had gone out. "I think we shall wen manage that in time.r As jhe spoke he carelessly, and as if fmadvertentlv. drew out a pair of steel handcuffs, which lie looked at reflect ively, threw up and caught underhand in the air. You accu-e nie of assassination.' said (Monk. treiublfnr violent!-. "f warn you to beware, for I will ne-i u- fer ucli accti.-a tiou- without seekiuar redren 1 f you have any proof of the truth of your preposterous charge, nro- auce it. to bk coxtixtsd.J : KILLED HER CHILD. ' ' ''3 m t . a lm; v n m oNL JoOK TriE Ktt.Ns. -.all. Tin ti I t'l rn' ii a , r. t . I. 4 l I. t i t . i: O II S S r and - r SfrifiC iur.il - . I ar o J. VAN t In o N... t. ! t : I r. . t.t.l t . I, . . II I n Il...:.c -i i. a i.t a. o . : jot- Tiu ni kt! "Wtt t I 44 J"tl, CHttW tla I I I, I INI"! V. lr. ; 'r, l..ot..i. . N. C. a t. ii. vmrta.; j vrjth a wil l gesture of fear and loath j he rts!.e-l t ti t the e .ttaffe. J to.. am Jones wa'.k.l over pu k i l ts N I n II I A M rrilKM-V r I I , !:.) ! I.tii .!nfi to Car n. lu it'.-, sr-riiif aac- ". j...;,-. ar r.4 TI . ; ..!. r 1 ctr'a. II rt r. -l I'e. Ac. " t - . aa .t St a d.acotifct r.t a xt s-.-ini t k m f.f biurb leaa 1 1 an l',.- tflr tfi'r, 1 olio tnj t- l;i'"l! - !.: MAM'. !;. r, t. i.t.-vn?- r. V. C. V . V. I '.f.n'l b Hit kt'liY H'A.hs I AVIKKN I:iI CKl-. I ... r- - an I li.t.f I. aT'r-. I s, f.n. !i'-i are t.- . : . k -!. t.. t: e puMi .i tirtJ r-s ua..n I r f v t M i. .v M.VTI III'AVS. ... ., Is Hid Monk !o! fn it ive i.-iri ne.j ttli. pin'ket- --ov lli;- .! f .. t . .. U hat t'.- .l.-t. a.N t!.. tl.e latter, tt it b k-a t&e i rr s. rt "I-boo. hr- s net. r Wrn the sa aaee aio.e t!- paint, r . hap went BaUa-ain. J n afe. re.t be ttirtws! the pad s ha-i - . . ... Ufll turn t. tu-'ie toads. tut! Breed Monk under bis breath. II -iled al-a.l and with decision: There must le an end t thin. She Baavat W Btarried Ui tue at once." TV yoa tnean it. master .' When toti apnbe oa It fast I thought yu waaj.k- la "Tfteo you wrrv a f l f..r your pama SSe'a old enough and bold BooH and vixenish enough: but I'll tame her. I t, !' . u there mnt l-e n. n.a ! ti'i. and I'll N otice. S Cei ..! '.! t- reeelve.1 on lt M. r.-!v in -n.tr l-' k f.-r treper of tle I out ty II.-ne Icr the axed aod i .)'.. I. r ".- is. ,n to vara. . If. MILI.IS. Nev. . ! ;- Chlrmo delay, ly ta rid watt ! l-.t.e. - " S:j.',li. tt..r t.-iees they entinued tota.s t-..'!!.r- f.r some time. Now Matt was t roa.-hing tlose to the thres hed... a ad ha.! bear! etcrv word of the al-ive -onvrmat...ti. ant much that f.dlow-d it 'M.en M..nk at alke.1 away an-i aisapt -a red. teavin Will Jne nin.in-nt at the broken she nuddenif reappeared. I uriously e.-n-h all her excitement had departed. Inst.-ad of weeping or protesting, she l.-ked at William Jocee and langhed. Iiam Tate. a'.r; . I.n, .iid. nee. "I oh". ! fnr"cr, ( f th iU leotive t.-c.' ' '' Monk now went pale indeed. liut, re. viteritie himself. h. crii-d: "I know m it'ier of j on. I t.arned you .that I was in haste. l a do you want? Uut with it! The little man now t.iok t it the coii- ' ti-rsnt io'i. s .iki-i r in a pr'iu bniness I like voice, and K-casioiially referring to a large tiotc-look ttvhicli he carried. "Mr. Monk, you are. I nm informed, tiie sole heir male of the late Col. Monk, your cousin by the father's side, who wes siip-iosed to have died in the year 1 ".-.'. "Yes, that's true. What then?" "On the report of hisdeath. his name being included in an or!i. ial list of olli eers killed and wounded in net-on, and It Win- nti.!, r-t o- I that he die 1 w ith out lawful i-s.-e. ti laid claim to the Lula Iseley. Colored. Takes the life of her Infant an Inquest She is Held for C urt. Thursday night Luli Iselev, a half (white woman iateh from Greensboro, took the life of her new born infant by tying a string around its neck and hiding it in .an old box near the house of Will Iselej, near the shpp, where 6he was ftopning. ' It whs discovered early) Friday morning and reported to Coroner rreeinan who proceed ed to hold an inquest over the body. A post-mortem examination showed that the child had breathed, and the fact that a string was tied tight around its neck was further proof that jhc hail taken the infantVlife. The verdict of the jury was tlu.t tiie infant curie to its death at the htti'ih of i's- -.o,f!lf.r T.-Tlil laelf v. s-wa- h'liimi "r in Court by .aiir Ilali ami i ju ird placed over tier till she was able to be car ried jo jail. Alimance New?. and riinr niirht he stole forth with bis unlit lantern j and fought his Way in the t-ell of ' ha!f a gale to the familiar p'se. w !.:. h ie io-aid. l.owcter, -t Hi. ,.:iu littk; 'it, idtv. fie wai neither supersti- ji-for ini.i -i-i -tive but throughout i joi rn.-v be tv;n : -r-v t ri:nnelesn , " r' ' "e t of wind went r '. u i i-. her -I like u knife; every I .it d of tvi i. rr sea tuade the sane ' i.- t..p and list. ii. Onlrsuurcme k r. . d and tiis, rU au&'ety led him oti. lint at latbe fa r .-d the .ate. within v. .'ii. h then- . a --il- d as of clashing .. iiur.i.n . s,.-..-.ii..'. druuis t i .. .. I I . . . 1 . ... f - ' ov ... i aim i-i I -s,v oi t i.e ( awful waters clashing ou the cliffs ' without, and Is.ilin:- with unusual screams ts.rough the black slit be tween the cave au I the I Wil s v al- t'.rou. Treuibling. with rspiration stand ing in 1,-reat bead on his face, he fc arch-. the utc for the corpse of the iiiurd.-rcd iii;.n. cp-ctin;' to tind it well advanced in decomposition. S.f .-... ... . . . t. - , ... iiowevcr. it na: Uis- apjeared. lUiaai Jones '.van nt once relieved .:..i i i . , -i.-. ..-iwi. ti - r. .i ve-i ihtjum- i,,. vas spared a h.-rrii ;.- experience: alarmed W. ause be c ..iM not account for the disappearance. A little reflection. nowrter. ugi,-este.l t!iat one of t hos. , .. . . nj-rht have rtsen well up into the cavern, washed away the Usly from It place .n the shingle and carried it away in the direction of the Caldron. "In which case." he reflected, "them cast fuard chapn would find it some day among the rocks or on the shore and think it had Wen drowned in the way of natur." Satisfied that every t?iin: else wan xin.Iisturl-ed. he retired as hastily an possible, sealed up the entrance to" the cavern and ran hastily home. i r r. - ' , so completely worn out, by prolap- The morn i ii nf I),, ma-.;. i "Ir" Xfv l.,nl ..V... I. .v.. ... n . . I l : . i . , " i.-e . aiue .-.t. 1141 is mc luaurr. rur, JieriouifUl UlIUCUllieB ailU Deb f.ne sunny morning. An op. n d,v j Iook ye now. we shall be late for the Vou prostration, that she was a cart belonging to Monk, and drireti In- weld ng. ,,if' . ,P . , . , " one of hi. servants. st,snl at William ! An hApoke. Marshall, the detective. t uirerer night and day, Jones' door, and eJose to it a light clapped him playfullr on the shoulder. . i1" 1 ,ep, " onte Prescrip country . art. Urowct by William j "How d'ye do. William Jones? I've f t,on rtei 150 P"omptIy and f-vora-Joncn himw-lf from a nci'M-orim- , often heard of you. and wished tok-now 1 bly uponthe uterus aod other or- Speclal to Patriot. Wasuikgtox, D. C, Nov. 13, 1893, The result of last Tuesday ought to serve as a warning to the demo cratic party. It ought to teach them that there should have been no delay in rectifying the mistakes of the republicans. It ought also to teach them to move slowly and conservatively in regard to all pen sion matters. Two things are im portant factors in any political cnujpaign, nuance and the old sol dier vote. There i? a disposition to criticise the Administration severely on ac count of the policy about to lie in augurated as regards Hawaii. Am erican?, regardless of party wish to encourage republics not mon archies Mr. 'Cleveland has" not yet fully outlined his policy, how ever. A well known politician hays if the fclightest hint of an inten tion to restore the deposed' tueen to her throne had been jnven out before last Tuesday, that day would indeed have been a democratic Wa terloo. A number of representative to bacco men from North Carolina. and other .Southern States were here last week to try to persuade the IVhvr nnd Means Covimittee not to alter the tobacco Hx. Thev saw the Secretary of the Treasury the Commissioner of Internal Iieve nue and the leading members of the Ways and Means '"Committee and profess to be satisfied with their interviews. There is a strong probability that the tarin bill will not be reported by the Ways and Means Committee until some time later than the mem bers themselves expected when Con gress adjourned, and than they led the public to expect by the resolu tion which Chairman Wilson intro duced just before the adjournment. The committee is putting in some very heavy work these days, or at least that little circle of the elect of the Democrats to which is in trusted the framing of the bill. tor two nights past there has been a protracted conference at the Arlington, participated in by a Democratic quartet : Messrs. Wil son, ot Weet irginia, Hreekin ridge, of Arkansas, Stevens, of Massachusetts, and Bynum of In diana. These gentlemen were closeted together in Mr. Stevens' room Friday night until after 1 o'clock, and last night they were together until a late hour. These long sessions mean that the com mittee finds some points of wide dill'erence in their views upon the details of the bill which they have in charge. The impression seems to prevail that Chairman Wilson favors a more radical and sweeping change from the McKinley system than do some of the others. It is known that some of the most important schedules of the bill have not yet been even taken up by the committee, and as there is likely to be a wide difference of opinion over them, it will be seen that delay beyond thetime given out by the managers of the bill is likely. How large a part the recent elec tions play in these conferences of the sub-committee it is hard to say, but it is apparent that some of the Democrats are shaken in their be lief as to how radical and sweep ing the changes from the McKinley bill should be, in view of the votes of last Tuesday. Cljrdesda le Stallion. 4 X r-'a-:rfv-.. ; i .. r -V- I-i. -a " :, " as-s-ar-L - V." V i .,tsJ-;-:js Hn, 1 ai. A. OXJ. - '' -- k. . oi Having- F from Hon: -u. Graham, Ncrtli I Oiler his Services to (he Horsemen anrt Fanners -of Giiilfonl Coimly and Vicinity' He is a DARK BAY with bh.-k ooints 'vn tebit -;..i. i-ii . j.il;ii i.iiiii 1CL- lock and small star in forehead : i;; ir, han,l li.Vh WKintru i.n.m TEEN HUNDRED POUNDS, is' active f "-.V " ' i .. , . ' ... uip u(i5uiun, ; Hire foal getter and not yet six years o!U. i LAIRD OF DUNCAN is at inv l'jKHA'1 '-OA u :".'.. , ... erly known as the FOULKES PI. A( E ) ,u ar Brown's Summit N f TERC3S saaV w llllBSIl Services io CASH U be paid at time of X A -e-- TT "V -a ar - service. 1 AbhUM no R RmYlMQi P.n ITY for ACCIDENTS. "Owners oi mnns nustsend their own men in - cAtnnrn nf thlr W fl animals. J. W. M CARDEZA- Nov. S, 1893-3m. Brown't Summit, Guilford County. N. C. A COMPLETE STOCK. VISirrNVT?!m5daiiy V"r FhL STOCK' of CLOTIIINO,?nAT.S and FUR WISHING GOOD. We. have just returned frym the Vorth'pVn ai-.w.--,-" we spent about two weeks n select itn- our sr.i. L , ,i . V " t " T,,'rK the VERY LOWEST CAS If I-R . "a1 havtrbotight gornl at benefit of these low prices we have sold our siirintr and umii!..r ,r,. fall will be a complete X ew Sto'-k- - I. , . . . oe-,iii Miotv you m;.TI10 l.:)fcsr Sr-.i, im ti nK.I . .I . . . . - - ' auu oilier jfoous :irriei! i ti Ibiy.s" :ind chiMre:!.' ) i:irrr LOWEST CASH I'HICKs , Mn'7;: " " v i. i in Km- uurcustomers tm - very clfl.sc, so our stock this aim iiiinun' rMi s s - n." best suits for child r n t we ask of y.-n is t. no trouble in selii!.- u-i Verv t r : nr ;ir;.-;et:f ens' and ch i ..'ren' "loHii .ur it.o ... i.. ii sjn i ijii itui'iinon to We I -':-".'). e are haii.dliui- a line of ! t OvllH f -I'.-if .-.Hi.! rii.r..-l I our demesne ( and T ..it .f M of t! or;;,vji-;r t. ia Chelshire. same name in Ati-rle -a. Vour claim tva reco-nicd and in 1V,: you tn.k in-s-M-vsion." "Well, have you detained me to near only what I already knew?'t ttaven so common on the coast "l arJon me. I have not finished. I . . v- .o. iuiuiiii ou mai you in herited under a misconception first, becauneCol. Monk w as married and had iaaue; accord, because he did not die in India, but reached the shores of Enjf land. where be perished in the ship wreck of theves.se! 'Trinidad' on Christ man daj-, ls;4.' Monk was livid. At thin moment Jones, who bad been watchinj- the rfene from a distance, came over pant ing and perpirinj- in ill-concealed ter- ! -1 Trinity College. The Norfolk & Western Railroad Company has presented a car load of Pocahontas coal to the football association of Trinity College. 1 ids is the second donation the as eociationhas received. Through the kindness of Mr. B. N. Duke a duplicate ceiling has- been put in the belfry causing the mnd of the college bell to be heard much farther and clearer than jbefore. The Trinity College Historical Society has elected the following olheers: Prof. R. L. Flowers, Presi dent j M. T. Hartsell, Vice Pre6i dent.! Prof. E. T. Bynum, Cor. Sec retary ; Mr. J. II. Fitzgerald, Sec'y and 1 reasurer. Christian Advo cate The Bkst .Pj.astek. Dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat of pain. It is better than any plaster. When the lungs are ?ore sucli an application or. tl'c chest and another on the back, 'between the shoulder blades, will often pre vent pneumonia. There is not!nng mi ;jooa ior a lanio bacK-or a pain in the side. A sore throat can y :ipi;!v:r:, a i -mr:?'l brin'l:i 2' (1. ri pened witli Pain Balm ,".u cent bottles for sale Iy Ward A Wat kins.'s 1 lie tail ot the year its a trviny; seaeon for elderly people. The many cheerless, dark, dismal days act deprtssiiii-lv, not to say injuri ously, on both old and young. Now n the time to re-enforce the vita energies with Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best of all blood medicines. a . iii-niilji i, ! - i" i.iir . i tiii iees- I'oiigb" n rv I hj- r U fii ! - ' .ti :;Ki(vi. May '2 ill, lll HU) o:it! ll- if His Own at Last. Little Johnnie , on seeing a skel eton for the first time, exclaimed "My, but they skinned her might' close,! didn't tbey ! She looks worse than Aunt Jane did, before ma gave her that bottle of "Favorite Prescription!" "Aunt Jane" was are. Ill i.ini-r. i ne popu.axion. consisting . you. i ray stop wnere you an area cua.l R-aardsman. tv.o east talk you preaently." iltin! .niiint' sri... r. I 1. . . i ... . ... - " - nan a unzrn I uon i Know what i-am m..n lejevtesl children, crow.le.1 in front of Monk now said, with dogged despera thecottare. : tion. "with- all th! riimomt. t. The bride-frotm. attired in decent Llhtwma! or ho -JLJ t." t.Iac-s. with a Cower in lua buttonhole, t It aeeina to me rou r aim-,!-, r.,u. u 1 ttaltin? Impatiently in the gar-jlf I am not my cousin' heir, who is! den. IWp;te the festive occasion he tell me that!" ' pat , that he utfers no pain at any time, ar.il her general health was never better. As a remedy for all female weakneetes, as a strength giving tonic and quieting nervine, "Favorite Prescription" is unequal ed. Guaranteed to give satisfac tion or price ($1.00) refunded. Mr. Hoe Telle : You have changed washerwomen, I 6ee. Mrs. Hoe Telle: Ye-. How do you know? Mr. Hoe Telle: Instead of getting Brown's, Jones', Smith's and Robinson's shirts 1 am getting some strange garments! I never t w wore oeiore. 1 suppose tliey are my own. Truth. Perils oi Modern Life. Contacts with electric wires, railroad accidents, broken car and elevator cables, explosions of steam, natural gas and chemicals, poisons in adulterated food and drink, are a few; but all these dangers, com bined do not kill as rapidly as slow and sure Consumption. The death rate, however.froni Consump tion, is being eariy cut down since Dr. Pierce of Buffalo, N. Y., has given to the world his celebra ted "Golden Medical Discovery," a cure for Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles that lead to Consumption, if taken in time and given a fair trial. The time to cure Consumption (which is really nothing more nor less than Lung scrofula), is in the first stages. A cough generally sounds the alarm, and you should take the "Discov ery" at once. . There is a time when it is too late. :C-V. ',- ' C, .: '-'. ''I f :M Dj i' - . ' i ' - Mi4,3 1 f&y: ----- '' -r . -H BT1'SC, i ' Ak'i ! n - ' f 1 ' w tH-M - -s L'"'1..- -- . . . Sash, Doors, BliiidsrMoiiJiin, IJrackcis, Haiijtels SIDING OR FLOORING, FRAMING, SHINGLES- AND LATHES. Ill ii 11 in f ii iirnnir t iiiinrn in vi;iuiirriinii uiiiirunu IjH.iidlu iiLiru iiiii (111. CB-EEJLsrsBO-RO; jst. o- Can supply you with anything in this line on short notice and on the mott reasonable terms. See our EMBOSSED WOOD, something new, being highly ornamental and co9ts very little more than ordinary lumber. Used for decora tive work. Agents for Ilill's INSIDE SLIDING VENT TI AN BLIND, best ever made, and costs veryjittle more than the old style, . Any Size Glass Kept in Stock. - - i - i ' - A Li; 1!' A .... I-

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