1 i x rr GREENSBORO, X. 0., WEDNESDAY DECEMBER (, 18955. fty the Patriot PulllftliInff'oiiiriny, In Ailr.a Hi It I !.- LIU f Tr-h tt-ti-m imn iTfc T i A A n .-vjn IAnn IW 1 J 1 LA kit J "ir E 1 I J A 1 V B r"B t I ft. 1 XV I.J 1" "V K 1 E 1 - i M -4 ' . 1 . " " : t . - I: 1 v . t v . r ' ..... r , Si! A V, s ui i j AiN . - rr. OIIMiYS AT h - ... - . . - . : AT Dr. I v . . . i - Dr. V. J. R'.CuAUDIiQN, ; Tne L iA ASriiOitiLi n . . - t . i r A - r 1 I f ; i - - . . I . tr .1 i I oVoNA I II I. NURSERIES, '.ii'iiiii.i. IN I Sn.r.'--l bli IN nun' ri.ow r.ibs; I r I f. ... , ll ft' I fr- f Si v. i . v.. ri in.v. - f .. -. .. t i : r 1 ) V. 'V I - ....,! f,. t. r f V v. t. I - - -. t' I ; t . - ib!e advantage to lab r ! m.d to abolish the bounty at once. It II AS" t i pin I'll i r I. lit II I'lLL. apparent j UELISIir.D- r:: ,r.t!. to nin taontln enough or J duty unrefined sugar, ar.d to repeal rent. In e very great lint ofiAfter much consideration it was ifac-ture we cin proj-ice in six decided to reduce I.y one iiif the QHAir.riA:; v. iLioiis A H r . t A r -. r . IV. : Yr.nA: Lcu'sioi ef I.-.ttnt .r.-l I ari vei cf tlic V ; rr -I. f? rr;ir.tly a I:..' r...c l :d Lf-n- U.3 Cb-s TU.. ;!teruU Ccara!!y cn r.tr. r ur i t rx. c miirkit. IV e can et rid of i.:r Mirjnu r.!y by foreign tr.i l--. A I -. a re have tav- t!:-r.in: ril -f in hitry v.e cm-ri'-t l.-iiid un that triil. Henri the . . f 1 t i- . V "" 4 1. k t. bltcrnamc l tru: ' 'I I:? w.: !,;: .ru".:! ran f !;!- -' r:j tl. . ; lie Cm fc Yt'.ttr.ltj. erc S4 arc wiili n ri ... 4 pro I in i r. -. 1 r - Iv::i f i n ! v::ui'. t. isb : v-t:t. that cive n-itur.i 1'carls ,r,j ;., ,';!. v i,:- t." i.r''luctia n i i; ;l t t.inr.H t itt liiu from trut :i::d Iu.p jitat Cr.m- j j1(vr ,-. ir.j). in.it'' r.- of r.ipital ;:e:r.t:r - ti.it.'.ir.i.. iT. If "' ti: 1 i v t!. ! t. . -.ti r.. T A tu tf. detail 'f tin- b;!!, I j tv ill brirJh rcfaj.titulate the caili c n t 1; -. r.. - 'f lli" KKra! fcrld j .!': In t!:e elo.i'.-il fhtdu'i tbr -Trit;" j '.i.'- r : . I rr. i. rir.'if.; rt :re ili.I. j: j : ..r : t J t i . ! r T, r : I . .i ! '. t'.. i -.r. l ! -! i; f i :. r. 1 to the frt t- lift I arti"i t:- d in e i.n-t iruj -rt snt ..ci I, t ' f -n- f -ill e!:. ujic :1 l;r duty nn ei stnr di It;, i ' fr ..n 5 to ;:. er.t p-r ,i: i :. ! 't.c duty o:i !in C I oil. !,;! - .: tl . rai.d t ' v tlie ":ift inrc vn: in it !( i t!." MrKir.l.-y !;.'. aft.-r ca.-h ; , rdv vted fr a b-wi-r y. i ut l.'i cinf a ga n. r- 1 !': j: lead !i"ir.' rtduoe'l fr .'n '1 t-cnt t to I ! : SCALfIS, .. t : :i r r i - I : n ; I. I (.-.id j-.iin! :; r. iir. rc h:c d. are M. Ii ir.i. - b,!l i: orc.i d . 1 . Ti.- r,ir;;i ity j iufu jrtjind fur t i p-.ir:d i:i th" airi -. -t r.ir.;r it' imp .rtati' n. .;.:. j ! ..i-1 ''..','' i- on the i-t dfc' irtd that thi in- I : ' v ' : a I.v I br: ! t:.. i ' d: t ty !. ! ::apiv I CM d 1 1:; i f -fii;sL'-:! r.- t!.i .i';.t i:t f opimn to t he dcin'T- ia;tl: li'juor i!t !!: of t'o :. ? ti 1 - t ! the bounty of one-t ighth of a cent a pound, leaving raw sugar untaxed for the present. "In thf tobacco schedule 1 hee r.t-- wre rour'l.t nhirh would bring the mot it venue. The pres ent tiiics of 2 and -J.T." a p'.ur.d riwr.tj.jerli-.if h ie I : itfcd out a any e!ab!i-liiutiits and ictuilly impaired the reveru. We 'hi- rats'- $ 1 ar.d .2'2 per p i ..r: r-pper 1 af ar.d '7 rents I c.-i n i. t pi r pound on i?ti-.- ;ir.-te(i:c,. d and Mt earned in a. !i. Manufacture -t of to i K C'i are iiiu at l' cents Cigar are reducrd frorn if er pound and jitr cnt. ad valorem to .f: per p'l-.md and 2 per r.nt. ad v- lorerp. whic's is ! lii-ved to be the iiir pn du -live revenue ' rate, and "n higher thai: the law of J. ' Live animal- are put at '20 per nn'. " I'. ir!- y i" reduce tl f rui .;) cents pi r !::-! 1 to o per cent., which i- ab-it;r 1.' rent--. Ire.idituiri, of whi'.'i ,( are immensr exporter?, are ta i b fre-, except when import ed fr-r:i rountrie-i putting duties or i.ur like proaui t m winch cae thr duty i- I''' pt-r cent. I-'reli vrget table, iriiit-', eggs atid like food product- are untaxed for the bene fit f iuir ron-umrrs, largely the r.-nrkir:g pr p!r of the citicP. Salt n bulk free; in packages the siit is irfc, hut t:;e cnver:ir luti- b'e at rat i prc cribid for like ar- H i . iuc lariu on pmrns i; put at ib.'ulde the internal revenue rates on like t-pirif-, and -otri' fliglit re- tiif-th:i fiia-le "ii mall wine, i. Following are MEe of the pr'n- j TJj J, W U hVVQ i VMft VTCTC cipal articles named in the bill and j I IlLi H MVlJ J0.ii .tULUillOlO. the rates of duty imposed: Alto-j holie perfurxery, f 2 a gallon and j MEETING OF OLD SETTLEHS percent; chloroform '25 cents per pound; un! phi a o') cent- psrousice: opium, rujueous txtract and tinc ture. 2't per cent; opium contain, ing le?s than ') per cent, of mor phia and opium prepared for Pino k ing,"ifa pound; varnishe, m2 per cent T.2 per cent, additional on ti e ulediol in tpirit varni-hes; sp ri jg e i, 10 prr cent.; fulphur, '20 percent.; brick 2U percent.; de corated, 40; tiles, plain, '27, pvr cent.); glazed, 10 pt-r cent ; maf b!e rough, 10 cejits per cubic foot ; dressed, .f7." cents per cubic foot; AND NEW. 1 Tlie Trials of the Journey Axross the Waters Two Little Children Died Aboard Ship and Were Bur ied invthe"iDeep Xae Vandalism of Quarantine .Ofiicers at Geca Tii3 Parting at Torre Fellice and tl e Meeting at Vaiiese Gov. Carr Interest in th.3 2sew-Conier3. Your correspondent has devoted to.ne time during the present week to gathering facts about the new Waldensan colonist?, whose arrival free etone, granite and other build- ! at their home in Burke county has. ing stone, not specially provided ! already been mentioned by the Oxi for. dressed. 0 ner cent. : iron. i.ir sluvf.k. ! . " and scrap, and ee'rap steel, '2'2 per cent steel bh;oms, 25 per cmt. ; bar, 10 per cent; beams, girders, etc., 115 per cent.; forgir.gs of iron or site!, DO per et ni ; rai! (vav bars. iron .r t-Ucl, 27 iron or ttccl, '.W, On the 2nd instant a party of ITS Waldenseq gathered at the beautiful little city of Torre Pellice, far up among the great Italian Alps. Manv of these people came pr rent.; el tet j from their little farms, perched per cent.; fPcet mgn upon uie uiuumuiu siues m iron, 'galvanized, ." per rent.; tin platen, 10 per cent; steel ingots, blooms, ere, 25 per cent.: wire rods, :'.0 per cent, ale Kit t e u ! in s service becraycf, in the interest of in !f a i.iilli'-u l u j t. -d revenue. The dutv on prnpn-t 1 i sparkling wines is likewise slig'itly r . 5 . Wakclicld. ! tr . t rd- t ! - v r i ' ' t , ,1 I. M t ! ; r; t: tl.-r. t !:e J'fi t. -. - tv. I by ;U !';u rt I i . r: t t - .rstr.d and In tl.'' and w l.i ! r d :cei r the same reasons, that at!I- imdt r ;vernia n! i ri cham jrti.ne bein put at .7 per i.r.ri-i' n. . d"en iriart. a- against -f in the p.'ttery s'-!u l;:le ;d- i .Mclvinley bill, and in the 1 r-- i'I f!a:.t; ii rt au'-th'ti nn-inruie. l'lain or i. i.;:e ware H dr pj i fi.uu the; "In otton manufactures sub - !.. d .!f i'i which it i iv t eri'i t-ly ! sta'iti f redu-tion-j are made, t . r (! r. :t- If. 1 t e.,r it. d w are i- pei i!y i;i che.;p ciot h and print-. i I fr. la to 5 j), r cent ; un- j and the existing system of taxing ! .!..'. fi- t:i t-t 1. In ci.rj. Il.y n-itnt f threads in t lie spi ir-; ir.d-v.- !--'. v. here r!.i-e i::c! i- retained. Hemp and l! ix i n. aint I tu .;!. ! ;. t i;; -! i have k p' up the 1 t. :'..;. r- undi r the -!. 1 a r e d' free: dressed 1 hemp and l!ix 1 cent and l cent (), tlrs . 1 jj ! ! . iK-pres-lng headache, That u ori": w cur of;-: Tliis La v king and this 5-pittirig, And 1 1 i s hackir.g cough. I've lost my sense of smelling, And ta-te".- going too. I know catarrh's what ails me. Hut what shall I do? My l-icking and my haw king Keeps up a steady din ; I in haunted lv the fear that '-orisuuiption may set in. I feel i;prem?ly wretclied; No wonder I'm Mue, I know iny health's failing, Hut wKat can I do? Do? I'll tell you what to do, my frier.d, if jou'il lend me your ear a minute, (ro down to the drug store and buy Dr. Siiges's Catarrh lit medv, and take it according to direction given, and you'll soon find that this miserable headache is a thing of the past ; the hacking, hawking and spitting, so disagree able to others a? weilas yourself, will come to-nn end, and i:i a short time you will like a m-w man. A n. tv mrin t ! ; i r. L" of t h :i f 51 ml a!! r.e of , . .... ..... i. j... ; t j i ur ii i i . t ii i , iiitii i lit. j'l iv. t vi a v.- a i r :.: d tr I -, . ', i - -i 5 t nid.t re. V is-: " v d :;-s uveragin r.rr ri-pcetivi-lv. Burlaps and cotton - ,. , . , ucli' n I'l in 'ti' t:i i!ic.! '(i:i l !:r.un bairirin are put at l.! . r ir. I , i. If . i- b. a ma le in a!i the larer ( ! I ','m . i . tt -ifr ,r v.-r i. i iv ;-. ! fr t L.i ' Oi ! I iu :: U . : t that t!:i -e rati - will j-i r::;it a very healtliv rth i.f ti.e ii'di:-try !. re. In : : - - r i. ict i'-n are n: i . -I :. - f r us .' i :.- - J r : ire f. .t ; . f til ' t : o nt nn-I :.'r.!in bairmng are put p-r r-t:t., but when imported for c. vcrir.g articles to be cxpoxted, are duty free. 'Wool iiuid" free. This takes tlo-stilt- from under wo!cn inanu- .c; sr. - rid beg"ts the hope that V l -i i -1 In ir ;i and. -ti S -ehedu!. i: d t 1 t;; o J f i ' V. . r a . : a i , - f: v. i rv .t". at. '. r. d i : I. n :t I f 4 ' r - t . I ; r" It Ii!' I :;. -.-t i Tio .;5- m In ',: t n w i; !, f r i rre. , . r. f th- : ni u. ii- p -:- of I. -:. r on i:i the lake f'i .Tn f : r ! ry '.r - in Ala!'-i:i: i. i,... fapi Uv '-nej.t tu fo tlf ! i b r ":ip ! the world in th prodt;rt:..:i of 1 1 : i I -:! an 1 b'.- i t;- !r at l.a'J i "i;r h-p-.;- d - Jpn :trn-y n t!.e :r'.it ; ! ! of nonufa"tir -. Ti.e u - i f -:'..:. -! . Tbera was no Money in it. A farmer living near Shortcrviile Ala., took some cotton to market the other da-. The-next day he left Lome,- and shortly afterward t 'i y it . ir'ov r troiii the Limiuish -, two men ; with their faces blacken u' e..;.i" i ii in w hich tla v have , ed appeared at t he house and or- bt- n f- r a iiuartt r of a centurv, j tb. red the farmer's wife to give them .... I ''"a. .ve iiiay get woolen goods j t lie money. Siie . protested that at r. i. - : a!.!e rates instead of at there .wa no money in the iiotise. i'.i ! 1 .i : r !iv- .- r.w.i iJi! nevert if-li ss to . . .... , .- . . ... . - . - - - . II. ! I ; " I : - - f t1 f ! t'lty t' e :.t ti.i rin- b n 5 tr--:; ' ;. dutv -t o ;.;lf l!i to i j i z p io! 'n it'.r..! van'. Viz : r- :t . 7 . r 1 1 'ti. w h j '.' J t r i nf , t. i v. . tl d :n - r.t v, , r. !.r' n ! :; i- fr l.i uniform f '22 ', p r e nt., a rat. lie ; -r. 1 1 v reacii one hundred per cent , and in ra-f s, two or three : t i'i.i s .that inercile-s figure. Cloths and dre-s i'":l4 are put at 10 per e. nt. i lothittg at 15 per rent., r.i'i i hi::!n r nVin tl:e rutuuiittre .1 -ir d. I. d i iui il N t :ii jM-rarilv e. -- itv btc.iu-- our ina'iufac-tU!'- have - h'V. J bi en excludtd fr..::! t v. o. ! !. ; r i - of tlie w.i..!- t!.i -ar:i tne art ivith f r e wool. ran sack 1 1 l place, i lmting nc ; money, they ord. rd the woman to ret t!i.m a dinner asthey were hungry. " She did so. but when thev found here was nsi sugar for the coll'ee they were angry and ordered her to pn.duee s-unc. She s aid that sh" had but very little in the house of tlie woo!- of which p!:c wa- savin;: for her baby w .: I 1 that tiov will have to ' One of tnc-m struck her and order ed manufacturing ' i I her to fet?h the su ; ; A sliding scale i I wt nt into tl;e closet to g--c it, She and . ,5 a rate I nb ,t !.i;:l.er ia pn-porlion than t!' theref-.rc addul by which the raft? j 2i r eye happtned to liht- n a ?( ' r, ... ,.f ,.. -!. dul , b "eai.se i , i-i t he wool, n schedule are to come 'package of st rychnir.e, v. l.i -h was 1 in a iv.t' , 1 . ,p fr. r: ti - on f. ! .v r,' ' (. ti it ve v i t-.;r- point-, w itli the 1 r : t t : : i t! . t . ii -n ; v ) I 1 e tr a n - ' ' , ! a ; r a t ... I..f -i ; - -a; -i r i i v ; r y . ! t.t. eCti : . : j -ri . t f.' a . i : ' i . i I, if.. v a f ; .r ; ri . r w i. ' 2 ' 7 ; t . . i : . . .i- ... . i i. U i : in 1 1. 1 e..:i:i: -y eios : :.:.' ! i - ! ' i r pro. .; - l.i i d 1 ..' Te.-tio;i there.; 7ue misfit it in l.i-' sugar, s t it n the tabb and taking her -Carptts, an industry in which jlnby, flipped out of the hour-e and v, e will soon be in dependent of cm-; hurried to a i. ighbors. In the I 1 1 1 i n, are put at 115 per cent, for I evening when she returned in com-Axn.iri-t'T, ?Io.i:ctte and Wilton : j p my with the neighbors, tlie rob ..ti per cen. for l!ru--tls, while : her-: v. ore found dead on the l! ior. ro m tyori grade- go down to '20 lu-r ,- It w.i- a -:( rtained that th-v were rent. a a r- Mr. t am- g:e at i i . :vir,!: ;. a: " . in-: f : a ign p r- The bin shall be ; r v idt - t Ii it t he du- white me.-i ari'l lived in the neigh- biir.hood. ' Woil c! rd'i! los slialJ he removed Iron ! n-b l-t, and ndu'-r.l on woolen Sweeter Than Honey in the Honey- ;.o.l- di.iy 1-t. In the schedule! comb. the reduction of rate-' smaller , 4 What in life half so sweet, 1 f .' ierci nt , n.inl t h in in rotten or woolen fabries. , A- th-t .ho-.tr v. hen lovers meet. g t'"t Ir . r r.T .if! '; ' b l:g a l e . ' ! I-- !!.;! . " N i IM' T -' .i '' v .- rt .- - i - ' - ;.i I. i- n..r 'nt ! ! in J r..cti--e, is i nt t i!"v . ;,;-.-'-:;!. e it i- a !.- t . : : ." i:: f nfi art i ,i. ; v. . -' d by !Jr. I 1 4T f . : ' . JI ; "i : .. i-r a:. ! at- - . ' ' ! i rr ! of t : - pr : : . I,.,., , . " 'it I in i - -I ' v S :. .: t .- . 1 . ..'.:!-. i; - -1 . .1 !--t tnr. -v.i::':t ef ti.e 5I '' ' i - j . ! i , 1 r ' - I'.' . f r w r:i a ; : . . T . . - :. : J ! :, tl -ti I j i '.' t' " :' v- tl.iv if..- r i .'I tt'd 1f -"I -a tie ret, '.::! r d ' , ' ' , ; :. ?.,.. i r i 'i .- -v h .:' !s : tt . a : i:t t f r I .! , .- ! - - ' i-..I and tr.-a ; ir ' ' " ... i... r II '. ''-'' ""- 1 ,J ': V :s in : I . ' ;.;.!;. r v . ! . r . i ! j t r - - i - r : . - i I ! v t' e , . T if I'nr r. r . fr.-:- r. N .- jrtrv n !: 1 ' . In. , t . "I t : ri ..- :i- d it..y it j ... p t:'": ; in inti rft rc w-.tii- r r, pr. I r -. a f. w :.:.!.- in th. '" t ;: t rff f tt.e r ..untrv. Iin!,.. i: t i t'.c - .r. e f -apt Iv i- !. i'.. if :: ...: d. i-lv..r.tag t . e i :, . t the country wk!i i;. ' , , rr !.:;rdT.Ji,'i laritl live , L : ' i - ''. e .. I. r k " " . . r- ' ' 1 'y -Y:iV; t , t;. .-.Iiti- pro J tcti-'! r' rf.iir. !'. j p . f i ur r T!u ti.::i' . . . . - - 4 .i . : . . . . ...... .... i . ' i . , r..i . ii .. in o i i - :.:rv. vii? I r- - t t, . i.-I'- i:i u ,, 1. '-illlM" .f t' and I. : ::!:- a' i :.e j 1 1 r t r.-, . ri :. i ' :roi r- ! ' ai.-" ( i t .. ::-?! at.., 'and t ! a: ; : 1 -i ' an 1 :,!- . f t he v of r Jiang in g 1 1 e ' ' Xt--it:-. and ijsrdt r'. ,' ir: rgol t r ;na at it i; s atid i.: i f i ' d r-. -o!e leather is ndu. e. from pi Nothing is sw'-eter to the youth- ?.i .". per VI l.t el i--;'" d ircordli.g to mat . rial and tm many ' length, a: d nre uniformilv rect-ivtd ; in prose" Leather glova - are ! fu! and robust in health, b it, alas "Court in p. et ry a ml 1 i ve after marriage. This is Omit which average j especially true of tne wives whose r ei nt. on the -couj. , rhangttl relations urmg on weaii- in-.ri ari-ti -'. and near I'l per cent. ! ues- and derangements peculiar to ori line lamb and kid gloves. ; married laonien, s tliat tl.eir lives "In tie" -er.e.jule i.f -undri.-. ; htM-ome "prosy. ' To all such, Dr. r L. T!t, j ! r i. it 't i i . ? t '. it- s ate reduce.! t l' p T ad tb rim, more t'.an o e t f tin- MeKitl v rnte. This li r.'if I . t V , -: at : ;.i . i:;.e it any article j 1: :it '-:i t'.t free ke Inter h-t T f rc ' Tierc -'s Favorite Prcser ip; ion' is a duty on ! great b.aoin. It cures weak-b ick '!i.'!i ! ; rmii ,-i ay xi-tit.g Iiv-- an I tbciri-li. !n ai ( r !.i t cf.i!. rv are 5 Table t .m m..! gr.i'b' of j t r .-. -,t ; h , !.,-r gr rut.vry p ;: at . .'i i rri !.!. Tin -e re v. i y u .-f.-ntial r t ' t t i. : -from pri -en r .t. , w ! :ch, bcin.: ;:" re tru ia -.rue prade of p (. t cutlery as bih a- '. a p.-r of 1 1 s n rj i-u ,ti iTiiot il- iir ii - Mm! oflier iiii. ' hi-fi! fi? he ne:i ra I"ic and "tiearine-H .Io ; s -toto - is in-.Te i.-ed. Work-; down" t.' iias, ili-tdaei inent-arnl ir oi a: i i ire. i am if Hinted to s i v. i e'i la ri t H s o I si:- Jennie organs tick on the fre li-t. It i. likewise a i estorat i ve and in n.e a' .v;: is rapid summary i,f , vigorating tonic, strengthen the the realm of the glacier-and the avalanche. At Torre pellece they were met by their pastor, bignor C. A. Tron, who accompanied them cn their iourne-v by rail to Genoa. At Genoa they were confined five days in ouarintine, and the books they had brought with them (many of these new Bibles presented by friends left behind) were almost destroycel by the quarantine ' of'i cials with disinfectants. On November Sth the colonists sailed from Genoa on the splendid steamer "Kaiser Wilhelm," of the North German Lloyil Line, and sail ing through the Mediterranean and the straits of Gibraltar anel across the Atlantic, landing safely in New York last Monday, the 20th. Part of the voyage was stormy and two children died oni the teamer and were buried at sea. Before the lantling of colonists in New York, cilieers of the Old Dominion Steamshi) Compaq were informed that ani attempt would be made to show 5 that the Waldenses were contract I laborers, and this information having been communicated to frienels of the movement in North Carolina,, alli- davitsivere prepared by-Hew E. Yina the resident pastor at Yal- dese, and Gov. Carr, who has taken a deep interest in the movement and who visited the colonists last summer, wrote an olhcial letter to the Bureau of Labor Inspection in New York, telling them what lie knew of the Waldensan settlement in North Carolina, anil stating that they were ntd contract laborers, but that they came to North Carolina to settle ei.n lands. already purchasd for their use. - Dr. Senner, Chief Commissioner of Immigration, af ter receiving Gov. Carr's letter,' was very kinel to the Waldensans .md sent Gov. Carr a message stating that he would be glad to co-operate with him in turning southwarel the most desirable class of immigrants. Krom New York the colonists were transported by the Old Dominion Steamship Company to West Point Ya. At this point they were taken , 1 -t. - f e on ooani a special - n am ei lour cars anel carried to their destina tion without change, arriving Thursday afternoon, November 2a at their own village of Yaldese, after b iving been three weeks on way. The oliicers of the Old Dominion Line showed the Wald enses every atiention and transpor ted them from New York tr West ;int for' than half their usual rates, and the Richmond oj Dan ville Railroad carried the colonists from West -Point to Yaldese free of enarge. 1 no much praise -cannot be given the olliciais of this com pany for their liberal action in this matter. - The meeting between Ihe new colonists and those. who came be fore was very allecting. Many of them had relatives brothers, ei- trs, fathers and mothers among the new arrivals ana ail had many icipiaintances and friends. A veiy impressive service of prayer anel song was con lucteil by the pastor is soon ns the colonists arrived, af ter wiiicii ail narfook fif the least T-.'"?- .:t; vr ? - - j -i -'' -'ii-'-.v-; '-- - Lairci of Huncan, Mo 4561 Having1 Purchased the abo ve Horse from Hon. L. Banks Holt,;of Graham, North Carolina, it. I OHei his Services I to tira llorseiiien i and er mm Fanners -of Guilford Couuty jiiid Vicinity. lift is a DAKK PAY with 'black points savV a white iii-gh hind fet- locklaml small star in forehead: i-j(;hands high,4WKIGIIS FOUR TKEN IIUNDUKD POUNDS, i- active, of irood disrmsitionJ a sure etter and not j-et-six yeaj-s'oid. ! , ' ' ' - - a, v GIIKAT OAK'S Plantation form Pl.At K jj near Provyn's SummTtN-; .' '. foal LAIPD OF DUNCAN is ai known as the FOULKKS i F-i- l-i s j Vl V ll.l..- D 1 KJ Js jJu7 1 1 i LS I I to pauKit time of T A 7 f T T " T T 1 T A T rK T a -VT T-r - service, 1 u Ai i. no 1L lis l'U i b I in L,- ITY for ACCI l.)FN! I'S. Ouners oi marcs must semi their own meniru -charge- of their animals. Niiw n, ps;i;;. J. W. M .in. . CARDEZA. Pro wn'e. Summit, Guilford CountvriLV'.'C. A AVe .Mbiii.Mi.iji)ui. vie nave j'i-r reuir.ii we silent itVuit two weeks" in efeetttg -our the We GO M PLETE STOC K. ure receiving -hiilyjvir FA;!. I. STUi.a if CLT1I IX'"., Jf ATS aiid FUlt irriu t ntL.ijj-i iicrn ?I:ikers. where -to' sit.iLwi? liare hoiight goods at xpeu't to giv e our cm,lon;c rs the i: ii v i.ovi;s r ;asii benelp of these law prices. . 1 l.- :V! have dd .otir'spring and sjitninc-r g .o fall will he a coniplcte-N e.w- Stoc We Uovs' can -shoiv vou all the Latesjt St v. P.? Is down' very close, so our .-lock this and oHier goods carried in on r t. one; and chiidri Department-t-h K'Ve ani Tinatde Suits he pants iire'i i)ia!". i;o he. t si:iits f' -r eh'il Ir'oti t hat have A;ljvvc a-k of yen i.s logive us" no tri)tihle iu selling v-.m'. - Very tri.iy, i-iIeus' nn-Udo! ':-;ui We have 'jicr e'.ii 'H . W-.i .'i re i: .; i i c.: .uitie..- ati 1 ttt. Clothing, Hats, atteation Io our a line of Uotigh " - eii'-i arc 1 lie; .-ti Mr-oi : 11 1. to til - ai '.i r i. ei . ur .Vi'v .., and w . ili liHve Fisibiata! nt. 1 -. w it). r ! the chief !,arg' s made by the pro p i-n! b.il and wid give ;t satifac ! ry ob.i. I li.Iir..-. of it general -tt . ;t. . D l-i e .! Jia , tl;..! a 1. 1 r. i .. t he : e v ,-n u." i .a tlie r t - i - ..f t!:. ..ri.it: ns .,f I :t tifiv ii i i i i-:i -, with ah a mine fi.ei- rut ruteriic t';tn ii.y on j earl : larger decrease of tav burdens c ati 1 iv- r v f'-r ban lit--, li.ey t m th - Aim rican people. The admin ample i-trative I im i-rep irted.wit'i a few J...:!. ropp-.T or. -s and pig rop ; amendment", suggested by exj'e-i j -r are made free, we Icing large rience of its operation. Tliat law' i f -rt' f" o tl, duty --tv ing it i naii.i I. .-. r t -i II iiighi r in nerves, and imparting 'new life to the tired and d -bilitated. bringing hack the To - to the cheek," and t he "rainbows to the tyes." Sold by all druggists, under guarantee irom it- make f satisfaction in every case, cr pri -e ( I (U) re fun ;ed. Mvrtle: You had a which hael been prepared for the ;ccasion. Among the new arrivals lere are carpenter and stone-ma sons, who si!, una ay.ip'e vvorw lor some months to come-Jri building honieH for their countr'me,n. The hoiires a! ready built on the Wal- deusati lands will alf ud shelter for tin- colonists until the new houses are ready. The new arrivals are a line lot of pvo pee, strong, energetic ana 'mil of er.tliu.si:i'-!:i. Onr people have leen par I icula rly st ru vk wi t li the beautiful faces of the .ehildre n, all of 'Aii- 'i.i .i ; t a u u i to read u la - j write when very young. They j.ih- lu-r away at a lively rate in either wonderful ' French, Italian eir their native pa- recoverv. hadn't vmi dearef? tois. Mabel: Ye-; that hateful Mr?. There are about 250 Waldenses latter, and the '. Mas cl.it tly prepared by Mr. Ilewitr, ' ( r.aker came in one day and hinted j oa their 1 ands in liurke county, pr'- when he was in O-ngrcs, and the tint if I died Charlie -would pro-1 an( tlev are working away with a d.-.rs to -.,1 higher M o..r ownrh-inges pmpo-ed in our bill are to 1. ably marry that odious Cunning- j wj;" sawing lumber and shingles, p o, !e tb an v fori :gne rs. Nickel j make it m.-ic elbetive, while nt the ham girl, and I made up my mind building houses and barns, clearing i-fr.-u I. .d or.- I. i- a -un 1 duty ' sa-no time hoftening some e.f thf , then I'd lie if I died in the at- ! anJs and planting out trees and i.f I.. pr rent. Pig I ad i- I cmt fi Mtures added by the McKinley i tempt. ' vines ' 1--1I, ..... I' jH!U-5 i i J t a r;i- n ad M e no ti-Jmble iu selling v-.m). ; j ' "'" ' - v cry irioy, j -"- - 31 I I- irst i-iass Jui ii'cr, ! 1 ;' i r an i 1 ji riusher. . I ' 230 o:u:ii b . m St., G RKKNSHOKGy f. C. : - May 2!th, 1S93. I ; ':) ' ' -. . - " H' j. ii fXj 3 - -JZ- r , " ' : V ft y is. a ag gj mt Ktti a ai if .'j i p y , v.''x:,:!:yi-'iUi- ii Eh- h r . 2 s mw& i I r . q D wo z --' ' y-l 1 1 m n s ? s 5 Mo i tesia - - : i rt LU " r - . . i . . j ' " t '. ; a p i u: b Sdvir !iad or.sarc tr-; bill tint would treat the businesr of importing a an outlawry, not j : r. I to the In I I - . t : r i .. I , - . . l-i'-' I AM" ... , , f . l I The success of this colony means TllEi l.ltsT Pl.A-TKK. Dampen a ! ,to.,1 to North ( arolina. as I'rm n o. f t 1 11 rf , t t ! : ru 1 if r i j f r. .. .. . 1 . 1 ,, . I ... .1... "r .i..' - - r . I . : . I. !... ... l T:'i . V:;.V, V-- " . io.mwi.o., ine;p:eeeoi u anr.ei v. v.nam..er.ain s h , t of rman a!ul Swiss em- . lanu faorurra M;ut at ... per r-n ; government. - . . 1" P.alm and bind it on over the ; oan ,ie brrklt,ht to the tate io- . iu.li ii nay rM. , i ii.'-e jTi rem iu ii;..- committee feat or pain. Jt is better than nv ; v".1i,ic .1 .....1 r ,........ i ' . .... J .... i . i , . i . 1 .... ... - it the w autens i ... v - i . e I.U.IU .i ii'mii i u in - j room i tu iv Miien ine m-'ii oi n-e la r, it Ii:.U be aJaiitted only at ' recy wi? removed were: .Mr. Wi! i r i. n 1 1 r v n . t. t iit -itv i ; k- ' i. '.' ii ! t ii r iiu.' V' ,.. .. . t f !,:-'. if I. ; r Ii i fr r..i tif4 i;r - n ! ,rr; d tl.i-re i r limit . -r-.vit.u . f i'jr f rc;jn trj-b ii! no re lb a ciap-n i:e te. !. r,? r.'ducr f r -i - t.n'i ! ' ml..; iti:X- r n- tti.r. r iMi. ; stli the interior i.f the c m'rv . f..- ny j a! r rehen I. d I id rr.nkit- -.y b the r.ite whi?h are now i-ting. I pon, chairman: ?dessrs sps"".'irp. aincft firmlvr . . .1 . . 1 " --i-v J piaster. v nen uie iung3 are sore; p;ante(l in our inkl,t'; The coming such an aiinlication on the; etiest .. m i a , i,, i,i,; larsney,, and another on the back, between : nintli, MS m!1or of nnnr. extended by will carry next omfortably homes. f-: .. w . , . dl...... . iiiriei .Hi, i ll..l 1... 1 r . . . . , , i, :i! i. . o. - ...... ....... i ii -.. - iia',niMirij;r, maun;, i iinicr ;u,u ine s n o U 1 ; I e r i.iaoes, win mien pre- u , . i, . i ,,: i,.,,i r . ; .7 r rr ni IT",a,,,ri 1 I""!JI ' the t-.eor.lf of the state a.-.- ir,.;-iri.iiii,.. ir..- f:-. .-,.... :.,i,r..t&- ii-. ly& i .... .. I r. .. l ..T- ..... ni. - , .. ......... M, Uoou n.r 1'iiu. ii.u o .i . ram nm s-.ff. v r ur nioh -imI ...... .... Kiiir. m- iiiiiucin!.. 4 v.v c-orriiiori. in -f ne sioe. a. sore inroai tan ,,, ,i.- -;n lM i...i.r.- ... li irni ..: : i. ..i.. i .i.. ' , , si.. autumn ,..e w.n be c ......... . .. . .... v- v.,.o'..oo ...c io m:; neariy h i v. ay H e-u n. established in their new p i. rt-o' v. i -ir. . i.r-ur . were uu.a wun m .vspar.er men. I.y annlvinji a tlaiinI haiutage dam- by aiin:,i: wiiif ncjU'OMn com- j representatives or some oT the pro- petie with Paia Palm ."0 cent niittt v ' was tu t ut an ad valorem tected indusiried. and othpra in. 'i,itU f.,r tdn lie vV.-.rrl Wat. kins. i I where along tl.o c a' oanl. 1 1 1 :n- ( tluiy f to 25 per cent, on it I terested in tarilf legislation. i Torpid Liver is cured by Tutt'a Pills. IDO YOU Sash, Doors, Blinds Moiildi SIDINti OH FLOORINGS-PA MING IS rackets j Mantels ' Sii IXfil.KS -ANT-LATH MS. " '"'- idir-uinnivfi i OflllFOHD WM I , G-jEiEEisrsBOiEaio, jst. o- ii h - i supidv vou with anything iu this lin on .sdifirt notice .mWrCtLe uiot-t .ohfp terms. See our JIM IOSSEI AVOOD, soniething new, Lei ri "r hisldy riame."tal and Cots verv littie more- thsn tvrdinarv hinder. I'sed for Uecori ivewT'rk' Agents for Hill's INSlUH Sb 1)1 Xr YEN PIT A X l.VS , Lett ver made, and costs very little more than tlje old style. , ! Any Size Glass Keptan3tock i

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