The liREENSBORO PATRIOT :4- - ... .I .. .t5 r It x A : A j-. l g V. AM: I I.- ! 1 !l , I ' ! ' ,, . ; "I .- :. . .. .St. LI R J :: r :.-Tv - V. r p. : :. I r r. 1 I ' i I f SllAVi' . 1 t A it l.,:i-v ! i t D t t (l.iw.l '- - . 4 . .", t. Dr. v' J. iiU'-;iA225.G:;. . Tii-j rt ASrSCifJfY. r " J f . if- '! I ij : -. X il' I ' s ! ' . (. , s r , 4 i . ; I' U : i ie '.. 1 1 , - a a a i ' I . to i; tt A :t. e . i i A NTJRSEBIES, t . : c -r in : n.i ir on FLOW i:uks 1 1 i it i i N t" N . .. t l IT t- 1. t"v. r. . ' 1 1 . i - 1. 1. s. 1.-...! . r- :.v. i, i,p N . t., I M VT nii.u. 1 u, GREENSBORO, N. C., WEDNESDAY DECEMBER. I3t 1893. fBy the Pfttrloi PuMlihIngrip9iijr, In ,1 1 tKJIS 91.00 rer Jfur L-t! C-c Go! Jen ITcir. r.:.; our "VTAsniNoxo:-; letter. , f r in the task which custom andnitc suggestion beyond patience, Uhe constitution have inirciscd upon i observation of developing condi- .. He IJ. w r! I may rcaJ, j II refers to the rental of the lion and resistance to I h lemnt. ' rfAn.ae9 ?cLfe fni Tret. - - - - - - 1 - ' - - I - WWUJb&W.3J A'J. LLJ A I AM Uiil AAA 4.1 a ?r i.fci 1 r'.lt' P 1 h rn !.c f .r s -, I P ir. H . ! r.-I - m. t felt. ! -. "r. j y - . .: K:i I. :r! g ii. rn. ; silver purciia act. a he might tion towanlv.nsifc experiments. j refer t anv other 'event of linan-, Lou; ville Courier Journal, j jcal importance or rccen: occur.. iVcsident Cleveland ha not lost j n nee, hut r. ithout one note 01 per-, of ar(. aM.ra,e tUe. j ,:,! partisan exultation .oyer the . ,n nt - op iu; in lhe art rf In rr ! '.., . ;t. - .-. r i. V e. r-r. i a . a V. ' T " t i I ; -, . A l urn i , t h tide, ! i !..u ; . I .'. - ear:. hr. "I fa?t, t without a trace of -the heat peniu- tVputtirj,' thin. His uita2 to c nndcre l !!; gr-at Mr..:r?le ; .,p whi..h is pul,:iiIi,.(1 in fu w.-ici precd.d r-al In .j-int -: htf N(! V.Grier to d,v, a:.! uir.I. -I ter::i--. h M rfail s.l,Sorhin- intvV- t!.e of .Mer.uKnn. tiruUjh,MJt lho C(.untr It is nHh prtrHion nn.l ui advam-, n h,t s ;. ,,1.u,..;.n,ive irl f firmt.,u,hini: 1 1 c v.-: r i r i'' r s ' o f the Cona try Lave t : y C r. -: i r. ; s ? I r . C v c I a n d L .. C::..r.; :r..:-t:c ta Ccscrcss. i k- i!l Mr !i i I ir.d' t tte i.p r. th- -?.. s . r-r.Iiti"n- ill ! hrouht ao u. I v!. thu-" ra'.:I- in i i n- f.irv ail currency at: ur-. hut ex- : prtv In I U ( that vtith a r-- j" r v . ; t '. I ft r a:f .:r ;.rv th? ..I 1 I. ui- ii! it : t . a t) ith ri!l he found U adin to permanently mhi ml currcncy.hund . antly fuihcic.'U t ineet every re- j iirern nt of an ir.creain;: pop 1 ! -it ion an I!." In ti. - -r.: . wi-c and conservative fj irit he de e!r'H hiia-Ii avcrc t ;;!:iri:;:.; an 1 t mp'T iry i J . lit ::" .' n n 1 J :: ft. r i :uy of I ::r j ! -..u.p:--hi t::.anei.! ; ! m." f .r v. ;.;.-h rta he hfti'Ae that tv:t a1 ' d! i- irs '.a'in ui:!i th- -;:: ir..'( ul of J.. iri i.juri.-. f ..ii diinir V. ' u? r: r." t!:e-Ii-ss dlVctivp-! ; o-i ,!! tu; !!'. :r- of the ::;-- I i ; t ir its v.u irr.H dep-irtjc i di-ti;t".:i-!! ' I !v a ui ad t i . - mirjii.o avi sta:e?i!:anlike con-t-r- vati-in in h'.i!in with the complex prohlin. Th'i-i wie solution is :it i ! to the prosperity f the The lar-.-r part- ( f the :iM -- ij. i-! oci -.pj. d with a review f t x. t!; of, the li:!'i rent exe cutive dfp.;rtti.eti!- ar.d this re- . i-- -n c iruplctf in itself and so ; if pi" ii di tail t!:it the intelligent rt '.? I p! t"td diati !y in i -f i n of the fact eonnee t I -.visli t!ie admini-trali .n f the ii T 1 1, e p- - i . !. i- ..a !.'-. ... :-r the --.n . ..?! t! u.ctit. .- Iltclv n ii! increase t!. pro';;. !:liiy aet i - n." I a rt for: t ti: tart' :-e th d ::. -. 1- ' j irt: t r. 1 :.. imI: : -f Mr. (1 vc !:. i'. w. r '. ut- p!ai.!y, th it it i i!.e il-.lvi f c:p:ri- t' r' f-r.var.-ii'i 1 witlio-;' ur.ti" -t tr d ! iv, nrrv t c mj lt-ti a ti; v t iri:! rt f.n:s. U i!ti:.: -::i. i; pi rr.'i!: ;;;. It i-; an al!e "t.ite pap-r, and doe 2.1 r. Cleveland prt at rr -'.it. There could he no higher praie th in tlii. Charles to:, Co-.iri'T. f it.' k . ! ! : f. The t.Ha i clear and pr h-:iive. The reform it --t' are r. d d. It i- - ; ' t o ji:- t. .. ar'utnent it ive, arid ,hn',v.' a ,t ft i ti.orouu Kn'ift.oi.'o : I'.f f.r t ; ti.-n e.n.;it i"n o ari'-d thi ;tc.i! u'itry. !i::r It h 14 not the foree th .t rir.di-!iv at. I ii:!y "I It autJjor pa.: .ia:e .v.," t- r-. ! ut thU v a!d not t;.. No tiii ne that Mr. Cleveland ha sin: to eLr ha been more ';re to e.::''r'n the pcoplf's confi de:;' e in hi - s u:idif s of ulm nt arm p irp thin tin. Wo pro found'v hcj t!:at h.-fore another a:. i u il iu -ae is required the r;;!,;iv will le udvancetl im'the lir i i" r h- principle and f- und p-.!iey r hiclj are hire laid down. New ".r! Tiiiu-. It i a -ti..nj aJ. lintert -tin;: tn -ar.d one t!: it uurit perusal tf i :n a K'cut:i- n! v. :i : m t ii. . r. i ! v ' . t-.. ta ! i. .1 - II.' d. .te s: I. v;C; Au. :a r!,r..:i. view wit'i Vaiica and Henderson Hop1 Elia3 L.;i3 filed no Bond Mr. Jerr.ifjan '-will Prjbalily 1?3 Minis ter to Corea Otier Points of In terest. Icftrrtd fr.isi la-t wttk. V.siiixi-;tox, I). C, Dec. 2nd, Ib'J?,. The .".Iru Congr;f 3 meets Monday morning at 12 m. The only hufri ne?i transacted will probably he the reading of the l're.-i lont'a mcs, which I karn is ready to he givcu to t he public through the various press Associations as eoon a iti transmitted to Congress. It is-also possible, if from any cause the message s'koiKI he de layed, the House und Senate will tnei.-t an 1-adjour n in memory of the nears younger, lo have a clear i smooth skin, bright ayes, and good hair. She is a chemist and a very clever woman besides being a hand some one. There is much sense in what.ghe says. One of her first requirements is a knowledge of the rules of hygiene and no fijht lac- Deferred from last week. Field Trial? cf tho Philadelphia fennel Club thi3 Week. late Charles O'Neiil Ta., the length Father of the IJ- us,' in of s:;ice, wl. t'.h-d la.t with. It H a jjreat .pity this senseless cus tom cannot be forever eliminated It i frr.m t!;e 1-. no compliment t t lie dead man. It is a wa.'.e of trie pcop.e s monev. Liter in the -session an other -Iei-i itive day" will be con suuud in v.. livcritiir insincere and fulsome eulogies on Mr. O'Neill The-e " eulogit s'' with a steel en- ii:av:tigof the deceased will loen be ordered for his relatives and friends at a cost to the Govern meni of about .fl.i.OOO. If there is either o..d taste or strict hon- e-tv m tn;- iutna n laKes a Miiaritr in man l a:ii toys-ee ii. The Tarid bill ought t taken up at once and pn"sed. viLLX' Wil- .n bid .a agreed on lessens taxes bv .."0,OoO,U'Ji,. Hut as there is a driference of . lO.OUO.'OOO, between o!jr national income and outlav, tv.v n rii hint it: can not figure cut t!i? problem which confronts the s i!.,., unless there is a wholesale cutting down of expense?. This cutting down ought to begin in the National Capitol. A number of faro-y sinecures, eif which I will write in detail later on, ought to he summarily abolished. Clerks to Congressmen and Senators ought l- be dispensed with immediately funiess said member or Senator is Chairman of a Committee. In this care the Committee clerk ought to receive .3 a - day during session .n!y and not -f lt0 a month for do ing about three hours v.ork a day. Htm? John S. Henderson who ar rived vesterday looks well. lie says the t a rill bill will pass the House without a::y very considera ble amendment. The internal reve nue features do not suit our folks and our members are prepared to the best they van for their con stituents. Th tax on cigarettes is to he eloub'ed. The whiskery tax will al be increased. Senator and Mrs. Vance arrived last night -from llaltimore where they hace been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Ib'ykin. Senator Vance says : ' In North Carolina there is a wide snrcad feeling that the repeal of 'o l : i v. routine. -. ." I j l ' npr i.u- :i T it- t .re ef n- for the grt pi; i t fat- a . r,- ,J a." . ; r a a : k . , . "i j j :.!! of n '"ere ..f c . -i b rati' n f- r 1 !.: . i-f ir: thif : : c ; :i'- Tim.,s I ii n. Th itie-fSAiire of Fn -".'b fit 'e'- ::. i" si:e!t a il.-ct;!i:er.t .' hi I friend ate! s .pporf r- eeti -::. !ii til, and it ;.! . be ; T."e t::e.:iu- tt't'l he f r its frar.knc- an 1 elearne ef -t.! u c:. It i an abb- s-tatc pa j r an I Met lins the prtident's nputati :i for statesman:iij. Nt v ir n ah- News. ibi.i: y "f it t ai s:ie.:i a ..-.j,... r fe ir 1. - ii ie t Mat-. li t : v.i i :i -1 rate . f t !i It I admitt. ! a'; ar that a r: i I-re: C.i: d .h t i t, : r :;.. tr me ;r - f-b-rji d it;i I r r ! . i . :: il f a !;;.'..: r ; r' tie; 'rt IJ. 4 ri-eeisuendj- I iti mi! I ti nr.. Hi- r -i . i . it - i N'..t a r.'eiec in i ' 1 1 . .... t v 1 I i . ... . . . . . . . i . ta iind ..jiia." p - iv i ir - ::n. i ! toea i th If hi ; yoa i. .. v. .. c ... irti ar ts." .-.!! jn Ii;ci r tht in are e oi.ibv with him nrr wt i it :. b-i to eon. m 'vr'f j- ab!e i- ii-tn:e. u :;.it 1 1." pre tij. .it m-ai: -a:ia :ty M.4.'. wl. p ct I ' ' !.!. t : i 'ig :. iti inal from hbn i will i e ui- ir i:;tf I. It-- i:: I'he !tusTge i- a broa d-i le of th- puh'ie busine-'s, in singular i :::r.!-t with hi t-ingle shots on h- firid and the repeal of the :. r :. act. It is cneyclojedie ra'Jur than argutnentati; e, and will n- g i d in , hi-tory a his bt-st rt ite pap.-r. It is notable rather for v. it ib ts say. iVrhaps a.t thit juncture such a document i m t timt-Iy. lb me Tribune. 'I : he s i T: t-i-.'i r w i, fail. pr-.:ient mesa;e is a -. i i:t-n. vi.-r. document. ie m in will jrove satis- t i:. thi i;i e u - m, bl i e ' hind :r n t!. t . im: e t 1 V i. i -1 r- pin- t i t ".'. MC-Sti.-tll! 'I he pn -id -tit 1 that hi hi chart staking th,r o-;r- t n nr. :e . s n - e : ! a. t". t hi- tr rr o.:re - the !;a. n. ! i i : ! '. re-o tiie party. In some mi . ;eu! ir we think it will C pp"intMient. : :l e wid-1 di:hre nee which i l'u - inrtv it was impossi ble forIr. C!e eland in his recum j i:i-: dation t please eery denio ent. I'. :t he h-.s well. l'.y -p-.:k!:-.g plainly hi owni mind he m .M- c nipromie ot uiilerence. " 1 . .t . 1 . - ,.(J'.''lil. 1.4 Mill I It ill I , -M-Ik4 t, vrt.-;-' t !i it e,;!: bis r.;" and ... . , ,. , , hr ' , . . , . . ! n ! t i matt r of whie n he treats !1 ' 1 ' - .....i i. ( . , tnoi . j.r. b ;b c. Ma'-on lelegrapll. -..; o..-.;,r n:;v .p. eisl plr:..- , iae mng a v- ..:e.i I . i- f he i ii: ! ..n'ent, ' ,:,r'- ' l l 111 ' He s. e: Tco Cirelo! With th": English T.H0MASVII.LE, N. C, Dec. 2nd, 1S03. This has been a gala week in Thomasville, and a large attend ance of sporting gentlemen were present to witness the Irish setters the lirst elay, then all ages the 2nd and 3rd days. The Irish set ters I am told did not as usual dis tinguish themselves, while the all e.gc'3 of setters and pointers were very fine. Pierre Lorrillard, of New York, bore oil" ail three prizes the third day. The lirst elay the Irish Fetter day was won by Dr. (1. G. Davis, of Philadelphia and Geo. II. Thomp son, of Eaton, Pa. The second day our "Little John nie 'Cassiday" won tho 1st and 2nd prizes, the third prize was won that day by Joe; eloret know owner. , I have not given names of dogs entered. - The "Mock House" was full from top to bottom all .Ve week, and Mr?. Minnie Mclnlyre sus tained her reputation as a first class Hotel proprietress, and the gallant old " Captin Mack" did the honors with his t:sual pleasant suavity of manners giving satisfaction to all. This is the first time the field trials have been held here, and i is snid they will be hereagain next year. Among the most noted field gentle men present was, S. E. Brady, -of Greenfield, Conn., Mr. Luke White, Mr. Jack White, and Johnnie Cassiday, of Fredericksburg, Va., Dr. G. G. Davis, Major J. m7 Tay lor, Philadelphia, both were clever gentlemen. Suffice it to say, a cleverer set of whole soul,' good na t u reel courteous fellows is rarely met with. 'They seemed to enjo' their visit, and many remained over until next-week to hunt. kThe elogs "wining prizes yester day: Irish setter Gem won lirst prize, e nrrie lieu, won second pri.e. Horn ay in?, won third prize. j Second elay Derby Stake Anto- niete, won nrst, prize, Lightfield Ilosalie, won second prize and Joe third prize. ' I could not get third day trials, but they were all won by P. Loril- iard, of Philadelphia. I'iie little orphan boy who was run over last week by the freight train. I am glad to report is doing as well as could be expected. Fath er Mills is doing everything for his comfort lie can. T. ui f- - l,,,-, ' ,M ii.,.,,-,,, llnn.-iillm..-M,.MI,f,i...,.-l j, ,- i , -'ft---'--- T- Laird of Dimcan: Ko: Having Purchased the .above Horse from Hon. L. Banks Holt, of Graham, North Carolina, t 1 Offer his Services to (lie Horsemen and Farmers of Guilford CouiitV and yiciiiity. - He is a DARK 'HAY with black p dhts save a v e tu'gh hilnd fet lock and small sta,r in forehead ; is US' hands high, WKIGIIS h"X)UR TEEN, HUNDRED POUNDS, i.. active,, of good disposition,! a euro foal gutter and not yet six year-- obh - "-: j LAIRD OF DUNCAN is at my (1 REAT OAKS "Tfaiitatiivrr 'I Cfnrtn-. erly known as Jjie FOULKES P!. ACE) near Rruw.V.- y'umuxir, ,N C 1 feil ft;-; mil f P H Fi '3 J.-'.? tr mm t i r ;:'; f ir-.M ; -f a t-iri n : raei be i:;i.'d H'lttl kind of I'.'SlvT b fiat: I ut reform bill. t Language. A c' g dt a! r, in R elmi, i ad form bill. - i ariure :r..ii: uoctrine. wou.d In , vrtied a'.!-wod p mtapw.ns f -r 2. l.-i d by I-.. intrme n s,:f attainn.t nt .f the real t r d advising th" public to make Jiate ir.;-!r.t. r. .oit He- 1 lt" :reful step. A su'-o the and secure tiie great bargain, say- :t:o -.ige l- MaUMinnlik" and n ill j,;.r; v v ill rot I -1 long." 'item tb . e ;.:.:ry. : pr .' ,b.v the v would not Ne it her r re - : .! .'. . ! . i.-t '.. r- . o - .. he . ": -ti IjI W i. Jell e : p-e. -.ti ,.f , fTIe;-.: ". r.i ! .- o.r;- i .n .. - : ' --. IT tbi- - u i f w ..rkings i,f -, : t - .f i ! a iTt e! ft .! r ai ..".! t:.' -t ! said f the . . : r e .!,:.: , 4 v, i.ieb ot:. iy t;:-ja?t i r-o : 1 i. ri!.r. ; - -.. - ;Vi i. . I . ! ! et.rri ! in; 1 1 - . . j ,.-.' . ! e . ..eli ' t he p- lu.d r ' j... :t.:. g a.- in ti.e j(. i-..u :.! of ni;j x,,ir i--altli la.'t i .e in ! , ei:;. ( ,vi - .. f- .? : ! he id I; i f' .- M- is; j b t : i . ing in Aj.; t you (! n t e.tre oi it. Ke-eti 11V. g iw rn- i pu iv:bt in vour They are iiidi:e-risab!e to 1 ; s - h o ! ; - i vX '- . . . j' imilv. as tio v p i-itivelv c irr- t' i I.r.t :-n 1 re- e :::mi!i 1 iti-ui v. i run throu'i tae a...- wiil, I ht-artii, . d b t!i dei- -rati. , i--e. -ur. !'ii ion-:.' --, with it rd.e ss -. 'u iii-?rt .---ing ailments sic!; -'ie. ii rifa' iii'v, n-tir-ation. lie a i o :.sru an l iiulig sts.m ; a n-. ir p 'eiiie for liver and I idnev i t.e i ' n , t. iv j i) r , t r . a . . t I . . rv i ti s:raibt to t; e. e r v s 'd si :. t. ? itt - nr. i ad I ti d - f i r.i- a-; 1 many ! er i ng..'iee .t. . f r. .:: :. d. la u:;; to 4 t . t . I , . II 1 I.:.-. Ih a'ui'e i ; i rv is W i '.. t's v. !.. -f I. ; ; g can :..i-t I ra:..:i --. :. r- v ::!! and t' are t!;e ditin-;ui-hing feature u f theiue ; -s . lie i s'.ea if :-t to e e ry lv i.) . cr Iti e li'lii t. His H tw tiiai i ,fv d a ti-.I v irv a t '.' " J ! ."i , vi ; in-. 'p-e::,d. a'i 1 -i pure ve;; Tin v .' re su 'ar eoaK d. e the ; -:n al'est pi'is m ide, and t be ne I . b e.i t: t hy h ai! t he-v pr.un- kit ii.i :-. .... iru'rg;-t- -e.i to'-iu. aiot the pr.'pri-t'-r git u arit e jiivni, and out . I It - . r , i s a t i ? a v t ,. , n u : . : i : t an i t t ti.e .-'.'..! b. r. jn i it i fr i or : prejuaa-ev f tb, i i . '. . e dorn - 1 't -: f-f iu. .-rv .d : ! ji r I v a ry a j -t i i . h t . r; i rf .-isa ii .- iiia r. i iri".....,. i-. i.i , ' y juietly and vj;h i:t; .:,.;ai ral e courage ! !.:;d t!e great wrong i;-n m is r. ai: o;. . r to. protte ti .'i of t:.. ? ta: j and ?t:ipi . far a it lie within i.i p.vr under re:tit.itioa t.i ( . Ti.e ao,. i irt , 4 re 5 rtant . t. . I it.: i e 'Die I Ml ti pri- if thee fail. NORTH CAROLINA INDIANS. Clinging tb Primitive Implements, fcv.t Votirs tho Ticket Straight. The Eastern band of Cherokee are an interesting race of people, i he Western North Carolina Rail way -passes, within ten miles of their reservation, Rryson City being the nearest railway station. The chief Cherokee tow n is known in English as Yellow Hill. It is a rambling niirbt. He wa here last rat!; and j place-, through which rushes a bold mountain stream, the Oeona Rutty t4-; on national hank note will a long way lor.anis iur'w.iuii i::e dep.e?- ion which now exists. There ,Aip f.ln. -t unanimous sentiment far its repeal. 'and' the p. ple-lok to this Congress for relit ;". Senator Ransom is exp -td lo- Seryices.$io CASH to - bj. paid at; time .of service. I ASSUMING RESPONSIBIL ITY for ACCIDEN TS. O wncrs ol marcs must strnd thci" owrii men in charge of their animals. j. Y. Ai. CARDEZA. Nov. S, 18'j;)-3m.. RrowtvsSummit, Guilford County N. C, A CO MP LET EST OCK. Ve are reeeivin? daily onr FA I.Ij S I'OCK" of CPOrifl Sii, 11 ATS aid 'FIT ft XlSLHNi; bOODS. We have ju.t tettirae.i frrm the N'ortlierit M.ik,r? .,-h.pi we spent about two we -ks in -...! eett a ' ear st';k. ami we have f.oir.r'.r rrt,ta a- ' at'if e -:e-crto give -eair custoiiiieri the w a i n? t riir.K nta; m b : Jet nig- m .-t ! Co:. -a. The i made- at a n t a : ( 'ollecti-- ! i t'd us MinistT to ipprdntment- will ' be !y elate. . Sinne.ons mane a very alike in desigi i ' . . ury Dep.'-. r tin tut. Mr. Eli.i hies notjyet filetl a new bo;,(. I wa !t'dd at t l't Dt'part iiitnt that the wra!igle.ever his con firmation was 'having a bad all'ett ;n the wori.s of the bureau in Western North Carolina. Thi. is "nut natural as Mr. Eiia cannot v eil appoint his suboniina-te r hi!e hi own tenure of o!!i.e i un-er- tain. It i my opinion that he will be given some; eMher oi!i by Tiie Indian houses are nearly all They are Imiit of well fitted.with a Dorc'i on one side. They are built to stand the eold, which is great there some times. So hinii is the altitude and the V Lit Y LOWEST O.YSU ..nip. benefit of these o- price We have soi-.l our spnn-anu tnai fall will he "a-com-ilefe e,c.v S'oeK. .We eao show you alt the Latest -and other gOoi's Csrried in our 11. Hoys' ami children:-.' Depart moef th and Tuaihle Suit',- the pants are nddi r uown t rv e. e, so our sioefrthia . ylos ;n ol e' ri' ;i rid . b: i r.-o "oi hi ng, Hatf, ''C ieive give-.o- j.fWi'a.1 at tent ion lo our sst:l -.t,:. V','(. ha n-ili iil' a lint of itnnrrh . Ii t It i ' 1 k 1 1 1 '( -C-- 1 t r. i' .VTT" I h he.-t suits. for cliiblren that have eveir beer; brou .,!,( o i All we ask of .you is to give us a ekli and m".- our New. Stock and w.-i, ill have no trouble in selling you. -j ' . ' ',, " . , o -encircled by mountains is the reserva"tion that there is no hot weather. ' ; The In lians are mainlv engaged in farming, but Jo not do an exten sie business in this--direction:, though thev raise tdenly of food. The present number of.'tiie Eastern band is about l,bO", atul it is cer tain that they are increasing. The healthf illness of that tegion is re- ?nt thi Wroas lUa 0:':. A trav;:.:;,' mm nanxd Edward vt.-i.ri . .pic-d a -I ;! v.j cat de.-ire- 1 : h aj . the train : f a . 1 1 g 111 p rtr r a. "v. w.'.l t ; I 'i . w:b t : t .d! I a' a a - .:.i 1 . !. ... ..... ..r li: . k.ab.e. at Now, at Syr a epT, and S vr if-UM", I e a .r, bat fo.get me." All n.:bb -ir, voubl i-i:::e rdl the train !on-i:: t., arr r o. a p ir- are : a i Cr..- e . a : " t r a ! T e nr , in j i sle.-p A r.o-t. w i-tbe reply. Tie travcl-.-.:; d -ova i- jvaceful C ilifornia Review. vi:n a stari. he e:i, a'ot foi;nd v.. , S V . . ; i -i .: ' i : v. Hi :-' i t! b It r. V a. 1 ee "ling -.'ate I a tl e national iie.. I. t now heart ily j .i.i ban U v it! Mr. leelar el in carr ii:g e.ut ai! pror,,i,td e.'iin ocratie n form. The outlook i ; u''!i ; w?;P, , din-.dv pr taisint'. Nahvi!! h thiA.:cr;.--n." A a .4i '.e. the t;uH'e : a the : r'er at bs with or., i-v.. b. strictly b im;.- .- tloeumetit. full of (,l and one arm tied in a slim mid presenting a deuor aiu-d nppvar-au'-c oe:..-r.a'Iv. '-Hre. von bia'-k n ore main the people, bit prob i- urn-red!" "he exclaimed, "why eveiand. That '.,bbO ad mini- markablc, and many of the Chero- tration paper, is, I 1 1; ink a.lirs ci.i faker. Mr. Cleveland hes not need an organ and if I hrar of any man with "2. ()UH burning a hole in hi:? pocket I shall :rivi?e hi-n, as a friend and pliii anthropi-t to. di vide it out among the papers ai ready e!abli;.j:cd in North Caro lina. Third :A--istant 1. M. G.( uees reae.i a great age. 1 lie cldes t inhabitant is Rig Witch," who asserts that Ids age is ! 15 years. A recent visitor, who talked with this venerable Indian n a Sunday, found him in iking mut-asius out of t he s-fci.n of a gi-.i:nd hog. -T-he-vf ii yet u rover in thii -.c-in, and t here is a ou r. t v b u n- tv or seaip, not o: v in toe count it s above named, but in sever a Kerr Craig-' returned, to hi de Siturd tv. I wih he w as l'o-rma.- ter General. "JIc is a mosrcapable i ot hers. The bear. -is more officer an.l a staunch dem era-. ant t.'ian anywhere else save in -tiie I ; O ! r a o ' .. I! i.iiy ir s-in.'. 1. I r -t-nt Ml. n pa- an e.i r. :::-. i the J car m no pieta;it mood and 1 ir.d w ii! u t with gn-1 l't:ines vim and nard hir-e sen . It -;nkt u t:.Mt;I: i a document that will in the thin le wa e ightjear-iiigo Idy ilignt the professional poli- ;j !a"t uu put tu? oir at Syracuse V" ,., . nT. I ee; !CJ ticiar.. Danvi'.la Register. The p.'.rter gave a terrified glance -. i; t . . . ' : it a uti . .ry . ! . I n t caref'.d. t! e n.i age ir.die i ' , Th. ei i-i.-i-in r.!irh P-. .bb-nt t t .': e n t o r.i a :. a th- I t . I -e l s ih' rM a in a a or 'Xtri.-j,, 4 t(H( j, ,1..,,,, ,,. ,.pti.,.r. I put oft at Syraeusf!'" U-. i.a ir. .n ft, rv ..i. . . .... , , - sail an i liir-,! i- iiit i; " partn.ent report.. Aside fr'-m tio - a . '.i,i rai.r -a 1 1 Ii 1! t! r. said : -For h !;. w a d at man ;.i- -; - t ..:. i ..... :i ik-........ i " ' it of earne-.tne , elirectne- and r. ate to t.e i ' clart.e t?w hich elitinguih t he puh- :r i-t i.b th it i: tee J Rr utterance of Mr.' Cleveland. d t Up n the three ijue?ti.n whi.h the ngrt ! n.pi, 1 ! President 1 f :r. of fore :not intere When on a visit to Iowa. Mr. K. Dalton, - r L-.ray, Rns-nll County, Kai-a-. called it the laboratory of di itnberiai.-r tv Co., De Moine, to sin them hi si; -ear old boy, wh -c f(. !;,! be -:i saved by Ciiam beri iiif- Couofi Remedy, it having ft e . tari.T rt-f- rt a , i a : -::, - a , , ! x d.n::ii:r.ation . ar.d mir fi-rrign r lati t p.: d i p-i -id--it i eto'dcit a t hi a'tt- '! i!ii of it vt ry v.'T MttHi-k p. Mr. Dtito.i j, certain abund iii Josephu Diinitis, chief clerk of j great swamps near the coast of the tho Interior Dep irtm :nt and the i Sate. Deer are also abundant, and most pe .-pubir (bheial N. C. cv. r ha'l the pheasant or partnoge :s found, here i- in Ra'eigii b it wiil.b? bi k : tho-ugti long since from otlse'r Tuesday in time to get some new t parts of the State, r.pp ointment jf-ir elescrving alem-1 Tiie Che rokees vote nd are on o.-ratie t i rh' tj Fie is aiiother j the sum : -footi'ig as other citizen.- man I a.'ii;: t -x - -: proiuot- d. lli-s ''t thy i:tt During the late war! ii ind-opie young brother-in-law, ! their chief was a strong believer in Worth liagleyj wa "full buck" in ! .the Confederate State?, and a line the Annapoli-eteam v.-hit-h beat the j battallion er legion was raised. West Point team last evening at the 1 1 his was commanded by Colonel U. S. Naval Academy. Ret ter than Thorn, who years later tiied in an this, Worth sjtands high in - hi asj lum, antl it did effective service, das-?..-. j . ! heing known as the ''Thomas Le- A. D.,1 Erj., Consul Gene'r- j gion." Earnest efforts are being al to Shanghai, has secured leave made to educate these Indians. ef absence for sixty days on ac- ! Those educated are very intelligent, coint ef sickries-j. ! speak English well, antl are fond Mr. S. V. Nicholson lias ranved ! f nhite people and tit them fayors. 'J'n .'e'fe from Raleigh to this J Many of the Cherokee?, however, city. j 7 I d not sjieak English at ail, und The President and Mrs. Cleve- i as wild in appearance a any land have iued f.rraal invitations I Indians in the West, to the official reception at the! . White House f-.r the corn in-' season ' F?,r poro throat thre is noth- Hegirmin" with New Yeit'g Day !n- hett"r t!lfin . Uannel bandage E, M. Eisiibiate. First ChiSS.CI .tiii'l-r, Hauer and Furnisher. ' .L WILL II. irANKIN,-.lI:tiKer. ; 1 ' , .;. ' '. ' "-:') Spuih hiim St.. GRKf.ONsiH)Rt'T. N. C. May -2 Uii, 1Mb!. ' F - "" ij p. . - 5; ! '! i . ' f - O - Z 1 1 T- - r' I I " -.j i ,y . - .bJ , "- r . .. -J-J -t -J - i;, -i? -, x I EH r . m r,r. , . ; -r VLJ ' - r x & . -- sfc&ziy. I ? d L 1 - -. ', III n . hr? rz . ilr. - ? h 3 f L -J " , -3' iju.. : st'--'a.f..sf.u.K:.A-.if2 ?i a v - k n il c j r c fZ ' . " ::i " t ' Wl - Lr? f t - H " o an j j4j and inclosing just before lent. f tl e , i ir - i A tea the fir: a ml the I it : ; of t!.e. be declare hi iewa:.d prcp.ed hi recommendation plainly and po-itively. A l th. th .: it ive d !ii boy's life cr.thissi istie if. hi nraise of the !tet:,.de-;,ui,vv-.r,i. f ilecture ebdivered in thi dampened ivith 'hamberlain"s Pain I w-m verr much interested in a) i-l!lu 11 nearly always elfect city last i a cure in one rugiji. s uae. This e mi-1, Mr. Ci.4t.d if. I national f.nncef, he makes no deli-! Pills. ok by h oret'y wnman. Mn.lam.i remedy is also a favorite for rheu- Yiil... on a wrmun's duty t be : -natism and has cured many very o change of eliet with Tutt'a 1 1. tifid shn'tn,-.. tv severe cases. 50 cent bottles for - - ..-, . u 1 u eiiv ii 1 O lie .1 any worn in how to become twenty ,y Vard & AVatkins. ZED O "2" O JT JST JS jZC ZED SasliDoorslllinds-Mbuliivg: Ornciav.s jliiiiicls SIDING OR FLOODING, FRAMING, .SHINGLES .Ni"LATUES. it1 m ilUj m ran iffiiii; i Can supply joii with ar.rfhing in this lino on short mbtiee and on the most -reasonable term's. See our KMROSSRD WOOD, something new, being highly nrnfi mental and efeds very little more than ordinary lum tivework. Agents for Hill's IXrillMb -SLIDING VEXl ever made, and costs v-ry little more: man rae oia sryie. I'sed lorefecora- f T I A X JJi.lN I), best it, - Size Glass Keptdn Stock