.- f . i THE i . ! T77 n nn I OF GREENSBORO, N. C pita, $70,000.00. Surplus, S7,000.00. M. U'aekek, President. R. G. Vaughn, S. L. Tkogdox, Cashier. Vice-Pret. DIRECTORS : v I.ki i:. f . i! i ..;.n--rt, of Hevill A Walker. Ti;ih.ki, i t I rntH State Court. i;KM K IIOl-T. i ,,..,t.ili-t aii'l Manufacturer of Cotton !,... (-. i:rlinuii, N. C. I.I.I r., i.-.-.i Maitufa-turcr,of J. X.Wyllie A ... I.urri!!i', Va. K. M i J. S. HCNTEU, Wholesale Jobbing, of J. W. Scott A Co. ROUT. M. SLOAN. Agency Southern Express Company. II. W. COBB, i Leaf Tobacco, Buyer for American To bacco Company. . IUED PEACOCK, President Greensboro I'euialc College. IOL'GLAS, Counselor at Law. I ...f larmi'i-s. Merchants, ami Manufacturers solicited. We shall be plcaseI to corres wlu Ktateiiiplatc icning bank accounts r whose present bank accommodations ."-iti.ry. ... Bpecimeni as any state in the Union. Scarcely less varied and valuable are the; mineral resources of Georgia. The Agriculture uuiicung will be 304 feet long, 150 feet wide, and 110 feet in height to the centre of the dome. It is ex pected that this1 exhibit will give to the Northern people a . better notion of the extent and variety of farm products and stock in the South than has heretofore I been possible. The progress in agricul ture in the boutn has been very rapid in late (years. Southern farmers no longer pin their faith to one crop cotton. The "truck" farms of the South now supply Northern markets with fresh and green vegetables and small fruits THEY DODQE THE ISSUE. "I Statistics of the Railroads. The Republican League Clubs Ignore I thA Kl I VAT i Onacfinn TIT men and Coons in the Convention. ITT WWT ivn Yl ' Tn.. OA 11... national convention of. the Repub lican .League clubs met here yes terday and the. first day's proceed ings was carried on entirely ac cording to programme. The speak ers were D. D. Woodmansee, chair man of the Ohio delegation; who made the address of welcome; mayor McKisson, who presented to 'the delegates the fredom of the We have an abstract of the eta tistics of the railways of the Unit ea Mates for the year ended June: d", 1894," Issued by the Inter-State Commerce Commission. It is datJ ed-June 15, 1895, and thecommis-j sion is to be congratulated upon its energy in getting it out. it having taken only eleven and a half months for it to do so. It shows that at the date given 192 roads,1 operating upwards of 42,000 miles of line, and representing about one-fourth of the total railway cap i italization, were in the hands of receivers. On the same date the L f i aestlon Raised Concerning '- . . : O ww jaarnage or a Citizen of Raleigh to a Young In- dian woman. The lother day Mr. A. G. Bauer, a wen; Known young architect of iialeigh, and a young Indian wo man, Miss Rachel Blvthe. who ha for several years lived in Raleigh, wen iqm wasnlneton Citv together and were married there. The rea son; given for their going to Wash ington to' have the marriage cere mony performed was that under inej laws of North Carolina the union would not be binding if the -A. BA TI 'ROAD V v ; I a i . Jr. . LiC i ivRSv JZSTv h i t av"1' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TIT. TT A TC T.T (prion u r nnrril UKtllld 1 1 ! -'- I - ...I I ' f . i ; : I thc.pubiie a. a pr.t.-titioncr it-t lr.tnrlies, lacluding vli- vi.. r r. ami TIIKOAT. , r .I li A. M 4 to 5 P. M. rin ' IV lni'int liank. Dr. W. J. RICHARDSON, ; Oi.v over Porter's Drue Stor. (IKKKXSIIORO, N. O. f " i WtH i rartie in MoJicind and Surgery In REST. "One of the sweet oll chapters. After a day like this; The day brought tear and trouble. The evening brings no Lisa. "So ren in the aims I lone for Rest and refuge and home; Grieved and lonely and weary, I nto the book 1 come. "One of the sweetest old chapters -The love that blossoms through Hi care of the binla and lilies. Out in the meadow dew. "This evening lies aoft around them ; Their faith is (imply to be. Oli ! hushed by the tender lesson. My God! let me rest in Thee!" THE ATLANTA EXPOSITION. I (;-.,rVro anJ surrounding country. : nr. Mr Dr. W. H. Valiefield, Kvv .f rharlottc, will . be in Greens b.,riat the McAJoo House on Friday, July 2lh. IKACTrCE LIMITED TO 1:3 e,! Car, .o4e and Throat. Dr. J. E.WYCHE, I . DliNTIHT. iiili. o in savinji-s Hank Building, i outli K!ai street, Urecnsboro, X. C. 11 AW. A. M. 8CALKS. To Have Many Attractions, Includ ing a Midway Plaisance. Will Be Opened in September. Atlanta, Ga., June 22. Just now the subject most discussed in the South is th Cotton States and International ExDosition" its prospects and its probable results. This is the first time in their his tory that the Cotton States have attempted an exposition of the in ternational character. The gates will be thrown open to the public Sept. 18, and will close on Dec. 31. The grounds cover an area of about one hundred and eighty-nine acres. They are two miles from citv, and President W. W. Traev. 01 me Lieague. h I fcUiai railway miienge in me unuea ceremony was performed in the Oitr twA linn..i.1 4.' I States was 178. 70S KR. n inira'A I etaia I nr.. t J in abvItv on,lnr T" H Bnntl,... I . ! ! T I . , .. " - . . I - r mv nvun r,: t:j -u. ,lrm evry Btatfi in the UnIon but auring tne year or 2,247.48 miles, on from;; Washington after the cer- r i.fl T? enorm?us1 Maine, New Hampshire and North Eigt States and one Territory, emony for a tour of the Northern rU.V. 1 " Z7y jr Carolina, were in their seats when "mong tne Maes Deing JNorth Car- cities a$d it is their expectation ine eavel dronned for order, ba- vima, uowea a uecrease in muease. upon tneir return to mak Rii(h J, ' . ... . . . I?i.m 4 i J 1 I.L I . . O Biaes a numoer .01 visitors of DOtnuo -iueaBureinoai8 anu auan-1 lucir ! rjorne. in the meantime, sexes who came! with the delegates I donment of lines, this decrease ag- ho we ven the Btarthncr development anq neapeu up tne full measure of i i aoo.i mues. xne toiai nasjcome to iigbt that the same enthusiasm. Music, flowers, flags, nunner or locomotives was 35,492, Iawjappyes in this state to the in and, streamers! were abundantly an increase during the year of 704, ter-marriage of , white people and provided, and fthe arrangements and teetotal number of cars 1,278,- Indians as that which prohibits the were perfect. Each delegate and 078 an increase of 4,132. The inter-marriage of the white and press representative was furnished number of passengers carried per colored traces, and the marriage with a programme which served locomotive was 62,639 and the pas- above referred to will be null and also! as a ticket of admission toBenger miles Per passenger locomo-1 void in case the contracting parties Various places pt amusement. intiTewere 1,444,400. The number reiurn td the state and attempt to addition excursion, banquet and j 01 passenger carsper 1,000,000 pas-1 nvein the state. Among other street car tickets were provided. I sengers was 53, and the number of things o4r laws declare (Sec. 1810 The surface lines were free to "eignt cars per l.uuu.uuu tons 01 oijtne uodej that "all marriages every visitor. j freight was 1,888. During the year between ft white person and a ne- The first delegation io enter the I1'579 locomotives and! 30,386 cars grb or Indian or between a white hall caused treat applause from I were fitted with train brakes, and person and a person of negro or locomotives ana oi. were fitted with automatic A large proportion of. the total Ider our laws such a marriage, al- equlpment 74.80 per cent. is still though it took place outside the without train brakes, and 72.77 1 state, will not onlv be invalid but derful. The Negro Building will be 275 feet long, 112 feet wide, and 70 feet in height. Here will be arranged for display the wok of the negro. This should be one of the interest features of the Exposition. Par ticularly noticeable will be the ed ucational exhibits, including the technical instruction connected with the industrial arts. The Fine Arts' Building will be situated on a hill between the Man ufactures Building and the Gov ernment Building. It has been de signed after the Renaissance style, and will be one of the most attrac- .... i . . . uve structures on tne grounds. ith u-a .t.. The floor area wijl be about 15,000 eembled. At its head was a pretty square feet and the wall area about brunette, bearing a silken United 25,000 square, feet. The floor gtateB flag ! in Jier -hand. It was space in the centre of the building Miss Fronnie Knowlton, of Van will be given up tp sculpture. The Buren, Arkansas, daughter of the two large galleries at each end will head-of the delegation. This dele- painungs contriD- gatidn was auicklv followed bv 1,186 cars Indian descent to the third genera, couplers. I tidn,! inclusive, shall be void." Un- uicciHwini 11 me ru ruiii mn a. w k t . i . . . . . . entire State, and is iwiT.i- . . 1 . 'i V " n,ur uiMnuutue point me in lthai.Tr&abnnd of t.'.a, kt-. abor, cheap coal, and , liMiAari TummZuV. . . . w - " .. w.m . 11 a . m-r t uru I M M U ll .11. . iwunncmniu usuailv Tan ml in . .. . - miAr..n. r S..ir.Z .1, . VV """"" ' hwm xiTknt&iM Utwrrva t rarrful planiiioV al'oV ZZXXrtX !2JrZ!z 1 tho c,ntm,.U. rtmoril tl.r sration Aaaormti.n l ' .-.-.-.. 10 me ureenMxiro iaiutnai iwi u It kurkftu I advantar and all tm-lvrm I Wai Sick Ererjr duy, suOc-lus with nunnacli. liver and kidae trouLlo. also frm iau-r eUccU of Ui ; automatic coup- be reserved for uted by artists fof Europe and America. The Architectual League of New York City will have two galleries set apart' for its exhibit. others, and caueu per cent, without lers. f The total number of railway em ployes on June 30, 1894, was 779,- 608, a decrease, as compared with the parties will be subject to in- dietment ln the courts should they return; tot the state and live to- Jr. B. llarrlH 1 np, wiui .mi in my i.a.gc mid limhs. IMffcrrnt tuediclnes lAiled to bent-6t inc. The flrat dots of Hood's S:tr.iai:l!n ri li.-rrd .my sUi;ioch I uave conuniieu ami I :ui, now iM iin.ai1(.i,n. i Hood'sV ura. au pum rws lert 610. my a;.iHtitc U cood. 1 m.Trw ."ii.iu nun rrirpxiiiiig. aim 1 Hill and welL I never eujoved b-tu-r health 11 a BBia, V hite WulT. tmMe. Hood's Pills curaU liver HI. 2S0. Cures pood trii 2 U. K. gether as man and wife. The par-j ties are both well known and high- when the convention was called to nrdar. . thnrA wafa about four thousand personages- the number on June 30, 1893, of ly psteemed in Raleigh. The bride ent, sthree-fourths of whom were p3,994, or 10.76 per cent. This is an attractive, pretty and accom. delegates. I I decrease is, of course, due to the pushed young Indian woman, well Every delegation, besides the neavy falling off in traffic and the educated! and of unusual bright- badffe of the national convention I endeavor of the railways to econo-1 ness Of mind and personal attrac- frontage of 150 feet, 128 feet deepl wore! the badca of its state and I nme. The total amount of reported tion. She is a native Cherokee In- and 70 feet to the; top of the dome. few were so conservative as not to ""way capital was $10,796,473,- dian and Was educated at the Ox- Mr. Cooper, of the Department of wear 'also badges of either silver or 813 or 162,951 per mile of line, ford Orphan Asylum and the Publicity and Promotion, has said gold, -as indicating their choice on I Tni" is an increase in the amount Thorn as vile Orphanage. She has that every Southern state would the currency question. There I outstanding during the year of been in Raleigh for several years be i represented. It is probable vara itibtiv ortlnrArl rlolikrro f ob imAnff I $290,238,403. . The amount of stock engaged in work as stenographer Will cure any Sore or Inflammation : i I i Without regard to Size or Location ! The . design lor the Woman's Building was furnished by Miss Afercur, of Pittsburg. It has a SIIAW& SCALES, GREENSliORO, N. C. 1 ! rarcful atttention given to all busi- i Oi!i e in Wharton Buihling, ' i I No. 117, Court Square. ' Oct. ', S3-ly. l;C. 11. IIACKETT, Wall Paper. Decorations i - MOULDINGS, &C. !Tlie -latest Jesisns. best iroods, and I loweit prices. Estimates furnish- cd on application. li:K.at Market SfJ, opposite Y. M.C A ! Jan. 5-1 y. ; f Greensboro Nurseries! i ! GREENSBORO, N. C. . ! 1,000,000 1 Fruit, Shade the centre of the city, and are easy that at least half a dozen Northern I those' whn sat in th cnnTentinn Ipaymg no dividend was $3,066,-1 and type writer and was a ward. of of access,' by trolley lines or by the states will have exhibits. Calif or-1 and not a few of the delegations I !50,094, or 63.43 per cent.- of the the late Maj. Jno. B. Weatherly. bouthern Railway. Piedmont Park nia will erect a building of the old were laccnmn&nied bv a numhr of total amount. - I be average divi-lonewas tne official stenographer now presents a scene of great con- mission style, in which the varied I fajr enthusiasts,: who clapped just dend on the dividend paying stock of the j Ndrth , Carolina Teachers' fusion and disorder. Horses and I and wonderful products of the I Wdlv and veiled lust as luitilv I was 5.41 per cent. Assembly jfand has from time to l. - ' m .a I tf f J t m I. a. m I if. i 1 wacons ana a score or worxmen state wm pe aispiayea. Ane oiner .fl the most ardent diaeinle of Un-1 xno numoer oi passengers car- are engaged in digging what looks states likely to be j represented are coin's principles.1 - i like a big canal. This will be fill- Illinois, Tennessee, Pennsylvania Just before the convention -be-ed with water, and will form an in- and New Mexico. New York and ean there was considerable discus- land lake. A number of buildings Massachusetts have not been heard Bjon as to who would be the presi- ..... A.wub&vuu mui J I j j j . . UOUt Ul IUD IU PIBVO Ul TT -CCRfc8 Sores, Boils, Chafes. Galls, Piles, Cut. Hums, jruiHcs, neuralgia, unenmatism, mih joints, Internal and External Inflammation, i Catarrh, Locnlized Uold. Corns, chil ! blains. Chapped Hands, and all ' s skin and scalp diseases. " Onlv SO cents mr Im. Itaarsra t.l imitation. For sale bvWuiririhU ami ilrrrhmi. or sent by mad on receipt of price. S03K-I-CURE CO., UREEXSISOUO, X. C. i . - In 1 PoOliT Health ' means so much more than 'you imagine serious and lata! diseases result from u 'ir i ifl 5 auments neglected. Don't olav with Naturf, greatest gift health. II'yrarrUc out ol sorts. Browns Iron Bitters U yr ars fU out ol sorts. snd tmcrsllv hassud, MSTVMS, asv no apptit sad caat work, begin at Hctlik. I IhvBtost rails, bta strraslbcsilii Mrown's Iroai Sit. tra. A few bof . tWs rr brti.Si s Uom tha ry first doss- u a"' SiMim m terlk. and plcssaat t Ukt. , Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Urr ' NeuraI2U, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood ' malaria. Nervous ailment ! Women's corn plaints. Get only tb Renuinc It has rroasad rad lines on the wrapper. All others are sab- 4 a receipt of two sc. stamps a J m" tawa ana DooK lre. DDAiiiil u . . "vr. vniMiwi, to. BALI IMURt, MD. It IA AAA M.. nea was oiy,ts,iyy, an increase aver the previous year of 26,127, 587. This increase was occasion ed by the World's Fair travel. time done reportorial work for the Raleigh newspapers. Her educa tion is thorough and she is refined and modest in manner. Mr, Bauer is a well known architect and has Guilford College. The AdvnntaetiHorThlH ProsperoUN Oolliro Open Its Viiir I Mcm and Yoinrx Women. the Atlanta Exposition will be to however, practically acknowledged distance traveled by each passen will be electric launches and gon- One cf the principal objects of w. Tracr. who will resien. It was, I in a train WM 4 nd tna average l.l a . 1 . ait w J.aV..-.. A ..1 1- uoias. . The main entrance to the Expo sition grounds will be on the Pied mont avenue j side. Here, facing the avenue, will be the Administra tion Building the longest struct ure on the grQund. It will have a frontage of 440 feet. Itwillre eemble a mediaeval castle. The main tower i will represent the The average number of passengers I for jseveral years had an establish promote closer trade relations and larger commerce between this coun try and the countries of South and Central America. Special efforts have been put forth to have these South American States represented by exhibits. The j responses have been most favorable. President Dias has announced his intention of on all ides tnat lien. AicAipin stood jtho best chance, in faat that there would be nobody else in the race to stay. The; convention was opened by a song by the National Republican League Glee club, a body which sprang into existence for the oc casion; inev recited now tne Rheinstein, while at one end the! making an elaborate exhibit of the I Democrats would be surely snowed architect has reproduced in part resources of Mexico at the ii,xpo-1 under in 1896. and for an -encore. the tower of Warwick Castle. The sition. The Argentine Republic told it! all over airain to another cicular doorwav of the principal has appropriated $25,000 to make I Rr. After the band had auement- ger was zj.uo miles, in ireignt traffic there was a decrease of 106, 932,929 tons. The gross earnings of the roads for the year were $1, 073,361,797,, a decrease as com pared with the previous year of $157,390,077, or 12.07 per cent. The amount of fixed charges and other deductions from the income was $429,008,310, leaving a net in come of $55,755,970 available for dividends, a decrease as compared with the previous year of nearly ed reputation in Raleigh and over thel State i He designed the new deaf and flu cob school at Mogan tonj There is great interest among thelfriendy of both to know what Willi be theputcome of their return to Raleigh. I i it j ! - '-f rORMINQ ANOTHER TRUST. Four Laree, Commodloua BuiMlnf. Noted for Its Christian and home- like healthful influence. Classics r, Mclentiae, jaiin-scieniinc couraca. nor- mat ' Business. Art land Musio Departments. Uoiieee and society libraries. Scientific Laboratory and Cabinet. Faculty of able Instructors. Charges mod erate. .For Cataloguts addrtvs, Guilford. Colloco, XT. O. ii tali -AXD- UA3I i:TAL THE K. entrance will, be patterned after a display. The Chilian Congress ed enthusiasm by playing a medley 50 Per cent- Tne amount of divi- fVinc ami Shrubborv in almost endless i j varieties. i f Tlioroaghbred Poland China Pigs, entitleil to registration, at reasonable i prices: also r ascv 1'orLTRY. i.Vnt-s 6-r n-es an-1 iret the lot.I luili. tall 'i-iai attcntiiiii ti ny SUaIc Tfit. l-irirc :iti. ihii't axirtiii-jnt in the Mate. jlYU'i'liiie a!l N. i-ii j John A: Young', rroprietor. IfOMONA JIILL NUBSEBIES, t ; Pomona, A'. V. . i . . i. .. i r ; i . 1 1 r auu out--u.-tii uiiics esuu v ri'uua- l''ro. N. (. The main line of the R. & IK Ii. i:. passes through the erounda an l witliin lim feet of the office and ;rcsi,L'n-. Salem trains make regular stops tw ice ilaily each way. j TIIOSK INTERESTED IN FRUIT Oil F.LOAVfERS I Are; ci.rilialljr invited to inspect YOU CAN FIND our I i !"ljver One Million Fr::irTrees, Vines j Kverret ns, Shade Trees. Nuts, Hoses jttr. I-n fa -t, everything usually kept if a rt:-class Nursery Thred Green Houses . i - i- - r u.! .f a great variety of Flowers and K.iline plants, l'ot Hoses for Spring I'iaiitni;; a specialty. nio-ue.No. 1 of Fruit Trees, me M"i ataloiruo No. 2. Green Iiusf (,:i!;i'iie,furnisheil free to aipi.oanit Iirr.-.T.A.,i.. ..k,.!..i i i i- -'vui:cn,c wilt iivu. ! -JJVAN LlXDLEY.rrop'r, I'ouiona, 2. C. l. LUMBER! ln in nveil of Lumber call ii- . j address on or M :illU mi acturerof and dealer in kinds of all 3 fllnZhf, i.&th. Siding Ceiling. Floor- f'i,'. atj-i all kinds of l'.uild-. j ing Materials. , Greensboro and Eed Springs, N. C. Desirable Farm for Sale. ' r.., . ;:i - tit , ... !'-:nV.j. i 4'lu;..T f m i'li two ttorv eitflit rwnr1 ;i l.ar ; ;u ! i.Sli.T 1UH itBUr f Ut ':.. V'ui. . .r.-ti.-ir-l of l.-st selwtion ,,vc "r K0 aT. bottom n ikt r. 'ri-liur lcirsM anl Lu i i"u- w,,, lan'l. Hit- ; i t-i t(- jr-mif ," wheat ' ' .mi 1 al: j.inils i "Jm-v-iesrnl r. :uifi l.v.-aif.l in n f tli? X'if x. i'.li. liiiri'i.t-s. ? l:N'b l.aiTu i.l K ;nH foil vemciltly. - v su;t iir-liaMr. A'p'y t 4-tt t.l. the old door of the Tower of Lon don. Adjoining the; Administra tion Building is the big Auditori um, it will have a seating capaci ty for 3,000 persons. At one aide of the building there will be the music stand and along the sides, cafes, so arranged as to give full view of the main hall. Last year Congress appropriated tf-uVjVVU iui a uuiciuuivut uuiiu- ing and exhibit. This is on a summit of a hill to the left of the Administration Building.- A pow erful searchlight will be placed on its .dome. Nearby will be a email building for the United States ord nance. Here! will be shown mod ern machine guns, rapid-fire guns and projectiles. - The exhibit of the Interior de partment will contain' several new features. Prominence will be giv en to those industries which affect the South. Machinery connected with the manufacture of cotton will be shown on a larger scale than ever before. The exhibit of voted $10,000 for the same purpose. Venezuela, Honduras, Nicaragua and Paraguay propose to make ex hibits, j i " The exposition will have a Mid way Plaisance. The amusements and attractions will be stationed on a oroad street to oe canea "ine Terrace." There will be about the same features that made the Mid way noted and notorious at Chi cago of patriotic airs, Kev. Lloyd Darse, aena.paiawas jao oio aio, a ae- of Cleveland, called down divine "ease of only $5,353,909 from the blessings on the assemblage. A amount paid the previous year, call of states by the secretary the jear 1,823 em- showed them to be represented as ployes were killed and 23 42 were miureu, s cumpareu wnu i- follows : Alabama 22, Arkansas 34, Cali fornia's, Colorado 78, Connecticut 22, Deieware 4, Florida 1, Georgia 5, Idaho 4, Illinois 68 and alter nates, Indiana 62 and 62 alternates, Iowa 54. Kansas 30. .Kentucky 54, Onpi nf thft nrinrinal ohiects for iTAnl.i.n. 91 Afrr1nr1 3 Afaa. - - X S liiUUISIHU. x. auo.w.wuo ,. I . . m 11 knli'nn Ik. Atl.nt. V.nnaitinn ia i I .... on nrt.1.1 . EQ. allQ UnCOUDllnZ CarS. 4dU tO ZBll to attract visitors who have never Ulternates. Minnesota 38. Missis- in8 irom "ftina ou sippi 4, Missouri 64, Montana 14, Nebraska 31, Nevada 10, New Jer- killed and 31,729 injured in 1893. The number of passengers killed was 324, an increase of 25, and the number injured was 3,304, a de crease of 195. Of the total number of fatal casualties to railway em A. Combination of the Iron Manu facturing Concerns of the South. A; New! York special says : A movement which promises to result in the formation of a combination of the more important iron produc ing and manufacturing corcerns of the jSouth; was inaugurated in this city to-dayat a meeting of the ex ecutive! committee of the Tennessee Coal and jon Company. 1 There jrere present at this meet ing John H. lnman, C. C. Baldwin James t Woodward, J. Edward Simmons,! James Swann and Presi dent N. Baxter, Jr. Although the entire details of the meeting were hot made public it was stated that been in the South to interest those who know little of the re sources of the Cotton States, j In this way it is hoped to bring set tlers to its fields; and lands and caDital to its industries. The rail roads, which will be most benefit ted, recognize this fact, and they are ready and willing to make lib eral concessions.! Vice-President St. John, of the Seaboard Air Line, says that the rate will not be more than one fare fori the round trip, IS M, mm li n w a - I : . 1 P 1 t J ployes, 251 were due to coupling PLWCU T " "Tfh Z Mr J L . . I ( n...t mtn Ion arrroo m flnr nrlrn tnP an. 430 to fall- P" -61 . ' Sloes Iron and bteel Uompany, Which has heretofore been a most active icompetitor, for the forma tion of ja I joint selling agency, the object of jwhich is to enable the two concerns toJ market their, products overhead obstructions. 145 to col lisions, 108 to derailment, and the balance to various other causes not easily classified. To show the employe was killed out of every 428 M?1 "duced cost. Tho rutin hf I M"vee iiikCTfioo uistuoecu jj.aua iu sey 10 New York 148 and 250 al ternates, North Dakota 12, Ohio 94, Olegon 12, Pennsylvania 130 I aaVSV V A A llUjJa. MlaKSHd-CBMiaiiaiilVn tl BH a. Illl, m, W UK iL W M- mm S-r 1 ' Ii L , - a a ana zou auerna.es, uou xd"uvi i r-j - . , . ... j ... - Tt is understood, that the com 14, South Carolina 2, boutn ua- "-"r" . " : kota 18, Tennessee 50 and 50 al- every w empu. "?fi" " the !regulat oh of prices and took ternati;. Texasi 27, Vermont 7, casualty to passengers is m .triking We8:rjokine the prevention Virginia 12, Washington 1, West co ntra to tna to Pi0J" 6t the sharp cutting in prices which Virginia, 26: Wiconsin44, k Wyo- 1 passenger having been ki led out Lhuul to the Indus- E"c ?Mr aTTrAi oVii-- a try in the past, it is expecteu 'I - M j :- ; ' 9 " FRIEND. THE BEST. The superior merit of the' light, running DOMKSTIC SKWINO MACIIINK in too well e.tahliihed in this com u; unity t ucn any further recommendation and is uni versally preferred to all other ma chines on account of ila nitnplirity, durability, Ac. , They are now being sold cheap by FT. JJJ MBlH)IUIPIFinE Si Tlio IeuliK Iiinilturo 1iulfr r Ort''ialor. will show probably less than that. The pas- recources senger agent of the Southern Rail- the South. way says that the,1 fare will proba bly be less than $50 from all points as far north as New lorfc. miner 10. Arizona 4. District Columbia 10, New Mexico 12, Ok lahoma 4, Utah 14, and the Ameri can Republican College League 10 a total of 2,280. The organization then began by each 44,103,228 tniles traveled, and 1 injured out of each 204,248 car- ithaf new schedule lI. will be an- ried-or for each 4.709.771 nuei ." r traveled. These statistics are very inter-: HOW THE HOUSE STANDS. It Is Certain There Will Be No Legislation Favorable to Silver. Washington, D. C, June 19. . There are 359 members of I the House of Representatives. The the Geological Survey more particularly the and mineral wealth of Perhaps the most striking exhib it in the Gevernment Building will be that of the United States Fish- Commission. I Thefish will occupy thirty tanks, whichTwill be arrang ed in a grotto. The sea water will he brought in from the ocean and will be stored in an immense reser voir underneath the building, from which it will be Dumped into the tanks. ' The fresh water supply gold men claim to have 250 against This resolution Was adopted, and chiefly of business men was held nan va nhtainpri without atorinor irco coinage to iut in iavor oi . i .u - .nnrnpri till I in the court house lo-aav ana or from the city's water-works. There will be 244 Republicans in morning at lO o'llock. : ganized under the name of Th f avaht nf ' tn-flaV BIIQ IJemOCrailC DOUUU iuuucv viuu. the feature of the convention was Article three of the constitution gonessman Harry Skinner Talks th rerWt of the committee on as adopted reads : "The object of resolutions. It! is a complete this organization shall- be to pro- The ! Washington correspondent evasion! of botr! the financial and mote the intelligent study of the 0f the! Charlotte Observer says : tariff nuestions.l and neither was monetary and financial questions, Contrary! to j his custom, Harry rmrlir Afri tn. The to foster a loyal support of the skinner 'submitted m V W a "J WaWa I . I - I nil out witn tne names ot mc mucin . rK-- of committees. IWhile this I was o very oldCharlotte Observer. being done, the coming fight on the :i 1 i....tl. ... fivaohai1nari1 by a Tmotion m.ie by H, Clay OneOrgaed at WljW, Evans.'of Tennessee, that all reso- w.rwB intinna Via mffrred to the commit- WiLMiNOTON, June 20. A mass- tea on Resolutions without debate, meeting of citizens, composed The Tenjiessee company to-day made an advance of 50 cents a ton in ! jhe pri0e! of pig iron, which makes an advance jince April 1st Of $1.75 pee ton. This advance, it is calculated, will increase the' rev enue' of !the company by nearly $1,000,000 i year. ! The stdck of the Tennessee Iron andlUbal'cqmpany reflected the new order of things by advancing over a point from Saturday and selling the top figure or tne year. 01 Green sboro Roller Mills, NORTH & WATSON, PKOPItlETOltS. a i i. i. af ii ' ' OT7B BB A TT33S: I f PURITY: A HIGH GRADE PATENT. STAR: A nUK riliLI fLQUR. charm:op greehsboro: the poor maits friekd. The exhibit of the Division of Forestry will be placed in the For estry and Mining Building. It will show the splendid forest re sources of the Southern States bet ter than any previous exhibit. Ac cording to Dr. Fernow, Chief of the Division ;of Forestry, one of the mo6t interesting exhibits will be a set of three models one to represent a IGO-acre farm in the hill lands of the South, which by bad cutting and management has become gullied, furrowed and silted over; another, to show how, with bush dams, with ditching, proper drainage, with terracing, sodding and replanting, the lost ground may be recovered, while the third model will show the same IbU acres restored to good condition. The exhibit of the mineral re sources of the South will be very complete. - North Carolina alone can show as latge and varied a col the next House. 105 Democrats I and 7 Populists. Of the 244 Re- mlilli.no nnlv 91 aire for free UUU11V.UUO. vu.w - - - -v - - coinage ; xf the 105 Democrats, 75 are for free coinage. From this it is certain that no legislation fav orable to silver can pass the next House. News and Observer. Tkii ranhrli & 1186 in the StOCiC . the I : . hninta within n month. UICL Ibli s.uw Banning on Full Time. of the a loyal support of the gkiriner -submitted like a lamb to report is based on an old article of Democratic administration ana to Rearing interview this morn--ii. jinni Tl.n Renubli- endeavor to preserve the integrity hn! F He tells me that as all three .k;.i..A.M.. that the nr1 Aaeendencv of the Democratic I nftyHefl in North Carolina are for 1"-? - . . - i . . . . . t . John lnman writes that cotton r League "snail not meddle in any p any. . iree,. buvci, i ii a- Li .I.. C..W ... nv ai h thA alfalra whif h COmO I ' . m -u I POi OVer ilO mini) ia an uarm yi mo ouum "T ., . a xraveuuK I S. I 1 1 , .? . s . u nu workingfull time and makingmon- properly within! the province or n Wa-hingtoo, Mo, Aomklua t " TOUZ' . , tu'7 ey. "Some of ! the large mUls in the pafty convention" Thus the Jlitter taking Drf mm'ond's North Stat than Mckinley; hat i l t ... financial mfMlii. ..s ilnilfffll ind I TBomaAv tnr T7honm.tI ftm nil fllg COUIlt. leaVlOST 8UCO SiaieB . .. - . .. . . I . t 1 ... .ska I m ..aI Ka n.ln had almost left I n IfinhinraV the Populists will not the Democrats: that Tnwa n ri Indiana in not only worainz lull lime, out ine ireo enver xvepuDiicaus iw uu ; .Jiivi..6-", hdayaUsfngadoubleVorce snowe under, j So the do'b cdumn sdver of hands, and although they have U l A jr, SSd He so wro?e that he would not Democrats in h"n arlvRnced the nrice of their pro- In the eveiing the delegates f' for what the remedy had tion will still lack 80 votes of a Anliinn th! demand is 6aUr iwent M Fost City Park and lis- Vor. There 1. no waiting majority5; ihat nevertheless he fl gf tened to a concert by the Iowa week8 and month, toget satisfaction. fbey ! will largely influence j lection of geintj A Good Appetite and refreihJog sleep at this season indicate a condition of bodily health. ; These are given by Ilood'n SarsaDarllla. It makes ; pure uudjjeologieall blood and good health follow. State band. Tq-morrow two laKe excursions are td be given, and the day will wind ub with a banquet. Tho Hmpdv attacks I Send $5 to the Drummond Medicine Co-43 Maiden Lane New York, and the full month's treatment of two large the body. Hood's Pills i uc a M.vru - . I . , . : r rt .In rt.r :i tn ' .. . mnat in u.i ..in k. .ant tn con dt reiurn I nriBicB8, tuwwmc, v Va U tnfX-MiZ I express. Agents Wanted. 20-27 grPf. are purely vegetable, pain or Th aba hrnnrla have been DUt on the market on their merits and have given universal satisfaction and are pronounced excellent by the leading familes of GreensDoro and surrounding country. We guarantee uni formity in each gr!ade. Ask your merchants for NORTH A WATSON'S FLOUR. i . -.,, ....... Remember we handle all kind- of the freshest and BKST. Yhr.u i beside he best MEAL ever made in Greensburo. nsroRO?s: &c "wa.tsojsi", j Mill at Walker Avenue and C. F. 4 Y. V. R. R. o o j - No trouble to puild a hous if you know where to buy the cheape-t , material. We manufacture all kinds of DOORS, SASH, ULINDS. MANTELS, DOOR and WINDOW FRAMES, GLASS, '1URNED WORK. SCROLL SAWING, STAIR WORK, MOULDING of all kind. FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING. CASING and all kinds of HNISHKD LUMBER. We carry in stock ROUGH LUMBER, SHINGLES, PLAS TERING LATHES, and all kinds of BUILDING material. See our New Window Fastener! Requiring no weights and 75 per cent, cheaper thn weights, and can at aj a I i fit be used where weights win no. wur. Guilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, N. C,

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