-, ' ' ;1 . . ' , ; . ., " v' . - ': " " - r ' , ' ' ' ' ' " j I VOL. 75. GREENSBORO, N. O., WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1890. NO. 22. t - - mi tttmm aaa aaaaa i- 7 . . i I Professional cards. Dr. W. J. RICHARDSON, Offiea orer Portar'i Dm Store. (i K K BNSBOltO, N. O. . a-.VTiil i-nwtie in Medicine and Sorcery ! 5-r,-n-'P n1 urrounJint country. Dr. J. E. WYCHE, UKNTIHT, f faT- ttrf in Smittps Hank Huil.linft, south Kim ftrcct,tirecnUro,N.C. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, NOTHING IS LOST. Nothing is lost; the woods and fields grow green again In spring. The earth and flowers are full of life, new life iflfeverytbing. We fall asleep and rest, and wake, and call it daily life, And sleep at last, and end of pain, and end of care and strife. . , - . Nothing Is lost; for life Itself I only a passing thought! We lose our yesterday, tls true, but hold the good It brought. Nothing is lost; the sweet, tweet songs come to ns o'er and o'er. The same fond faces oft return, and will forever more. J. W. Donovan, In Demorest. THE CITY OF THE CZARS. x . .. r.f charlotte, will be i;..r.mt the McAdo House on Wedues-v-tv. uie 1 7tb. . - PRACTICE LIMITED TO ." anil Tiiroai. in Greens- Moscow, the Cradle of Czaraom, ana Its Sights The Coronation oils, but Mongolian in cnaracter and costume, enlivens the thorough fares; " T ' 'V: ' With London city this part of Moscow ha! in'cmmon that; It" is almost without any residences and exclusifely given- to business. But beyond ! the waits ortlOld Town" splendidly butlt ; houses and mag nificent' stores flank tfce wide ave nues,' whose hotels and restaurants vie with? those of Tar is, Vienna and BerlIn.Tet even here Irfsbetter not to looK too ir peiow . me var n Ish anil the glittering ; surface. I f PUBLIC CKKEMOXIXS. The ceremonies attending tne Czar's coronation may be divided into three parts. j First, the proces sion; second, the coronation, and third, public festivities. The road Car, Ceremonies. Moscow, the city of Czar is to be crowned., or rather to crown himself, all thoughts will be centered on the Cathedral of the Assumption, in the Kremlin wans. At an early hour the diplomats, visitors, officials and nobility, all, in fact, who have a billet from the master of ceremonies, will turn their horses' heads toward the great Kremlin gates. There are posted guaris in white uniforms and past them must walk the long procession of favored visitors, through the Winter Garden halls to the red stair and to the group of Kremlin churches. The corona- tion functions always take place in the Cathedral of the Assumption, which is the most sacred place in all the Hussion dominions. On the afternoon before the cor onation the Emperor and Empress the far corner are an orchestra and choir that furnish music during the repast. Around them and at some distance sire many tables of the royalties, foreign ambassadors and nobles. Has Gold Appreciated in Value. The argument with which the free coiners of silver have produced the greatest effect upon fair-minded men, who are endeavoring to ascer tain the real truth of the free sil ver ease, is that gold has so appre ciated in value that the prices of all things have greatly -s fallen. They say, therefore, that what is fall in the value ot su- called the ver is not really a fall in the value I was 64 j cents; in April, of silver at all, but a great rise in 36f cents, and in April, the value of gold. We propose to 1 79 cents, put that theory to the test in the - Now,! in all of that time It does not treat the case fully to make these comparisons with 1876 as the starting point. The demon etizing act was passed in 1873, and that is the point at which compari sons should start. When that is done, the results are very startling indeed. 1 We will quote the varying prices of a few articles, from the earns Senate report, beginning with corn : Corn in New York, in April, 1873, was 64 cents a bushel; in October, 1894, was 95 J cents; in July, 1876, was 58 cents; in Jan uary, 1878, was 64 cents; in'Janu- : aa a w ary, ib7, was iv$ cents; in duiy. 1882, was- 80 cents; in January, 1885, was 56 cents ; in April, 1888, 1890, was 1891, was A 1?. A TT. R.( A T) CENTER. r I "6T0a Ureenahnro ia tha railnal renter or North Carolina. II ta the natural ilit-trii-iitnr wunl fr ln entire 8tat, anil ia peculiarly well aituatel fw ronufartiirin c-lilililimrni. ( vhi iom. kunl. Mthaa a great abundance of raw maU-naU rkiwe at hnl at ilia loit wil le n-. Iiliihi'i auor, enap coal, anl a ilclir liliul climate, it ha the xerr m Ii'I iMinlr-'xni an iimkiitii intprTementa nouallr founu in ritiea of atouhle itamxe. Tlirint alvutavr ii-re tin mrrliil consiiieration of c(Uahtu ami inannfa4-turir, errially IIioht r-iiirin.lmiii a riH at tt thru plants. For apecial or more complete information write to t lie tirwn ! Iiilutiial an. I Imlti gration Astiociatlon. I , the sil- A. M. 8CALKS. 1 t. Ml AW. S11AW& SCALES, Attbrneys at -La.-w GRKENSKORO, . c. fill atttcntion eiven to all busi- ,11 M - s k Mln itin Ugh' ct!n established facts Ter dollar was going steadily down, !i ?.lJrn 51 rfr that cannot be controrerted. down, down, while corn was some- lrr .f dSS-h are In answer to the claim that a times going up and sometime, go- ' . a UUBblUU sua Ajsaaaarva by which the Ctsr and Czarina Will i divine serTice. and ' J X & asl aa A I J th C.Trm enter Moscow ioaay ie rrfnrm. hhind the irolden er I . . . . J 1 - thai ti fh cradle of wardom. whither siraigni one .tuj- a. '."" of the shrine - . . . . . Antar hirrinri nr the C1LT lO IQ6 I . . . .t t J . 1 V. !K ..a now the eyes or tne worm are turn- - , u. rntm in aeTouonai uu - ... .v BB ine down. How is that to be ac - 9 m A i rrsi t n i l lis? xviouiiiua a mv a x jm a i.miA t a s rnn i iufaiubu ouivi uuuai wm i o r. wi;.a "Sction. much today a. It would buy twenty counted or IT gom was apprec The Church of the Assumption in years ago, and that tne e on no way correspond, with the ac JTlr: l!VSSJL centedidea of a cathedral. It i. a buy two Mexican silver dollar, was II. -. -t M'l.-t in Wharton Buillingt Xo. 117, Court Square. o.-t. Jv, IsW-ly. T r I 1 Tn nrATAtlt tflB I . . . , i I haoailBA t h iroia DIQ QOUDieU in 1 3 t jl. I m. villi, uaiiiaicot " " - i Kutiimf r fininrin crii mr miaiin. i - - n and characteristics. The proyero ----h- k.' Y P w., .-.uw-v. t. -f ftirt.,B articles as of PAVIP Si'HKNCK, JR. SCHENCK & SCHENCK, ATTORNEYS AT com le and for nualiiication i-even . .i Mmcnw. The times are past wnen the Russian was only a Tarn Mongolian ia European costume. And so it is with regard to the large cities of European Russia. tt. Petersburg is a modern town that . it 1 l. oonlfal r9 inv a migul as wen uo mo i;j"v" ""J GHeral InSUraUCe AgeUCy other continental monarchy, and mnar nr me inurr iai ci bunuv, .mv II LAW, ,.,; . I a law i.nir in the ol.l Bcott . . will i.rartire in the ftate an.l . . mtmn rai malu al ; i I -I I i . , ........ ... ..i..!i, ili-e h-ui f tnn a. m. to a . tn. j Ames . l). glenn, monly attributed to Napoleon 1, F5"V-"- u.-V. i,ih ecclesiastical paini ng. ..u ""- - - . t ear. rattez le Russe et il vou. re.tera VIa r D?M0 51. . i nf 1891. and those Drices show- Tartare." (scratch the Russian TA"h m7. !..,u eSthelrer dolla would not nothing but the Tartar is leu i il". L"" K.rW In Blu.a"- A"c lUtM h much in 1891 as it bought vou.) hetertheless requires r uTl"' IS li ?a.loilj aome are cojereu w - it hM denreciaTed a n a xi a w I f l m r h bt a a a an a a luu mm m a a iaaak w Mm w wm m mem .m. u m in mo moo u i r L- l -. - .. e"" e . . i the route to the Kremlin as a pre- ing, and it tne tans mat toos piare in the orices of corn were due to the appreciation of gold? The ap preciation of gold could not possi bly cause corn to fall and to rise, t-l I In commencing this article, we I hsd ; intended to give the fluctua tions in the prices of a number of articles, such as hemp, oats, rye, wheat, lard, and pork, but it would carry it t too great a length, and i . . . I r . i. since 1891 considerably below what iney! ten ctijr u oam- By,j t t,An ftf itmin. it will not tnac corn lens. 5IMMONS VREGUIATOR then will follow the Emperor's prl- ificent body of WBV www. n C men. Fire, Life and Accident Insurant. a-vii , but. Kf. Li Ani.i: Coininiercirc!ente.l. nines: Us W. Marktt trwt. ' ; O.U1 Kirflow r.uiiung. Odessa, Kiew, Charkow, wiina, Warsaw, Riga, Dorpat, a. o.f well compare with those of neighboring countries, unless exception be taken to their sanitary condition and want of proper street-cleaning. THE PROCESSION. i pVete pleural make no apology for reproducing jd Ml of the Chris- them, as follows : not .Xh Sold and In Jury, 1876, the price of rough the y. ! MOSCOW. Mnacow. built on both banks of ; it l : i:'!- i toito, n. c t 1 have a large surplus of the finest . m ..e late Anple Trees ol me very uiieat rktieTfor the spring These trees are first rtrffcrt. This is Ttrv line trade of class in every a,.--hance to get the t varieties at a reduced price. tUo liMve a very choice lot of Poland rings." Circling around Tkra ia nni a flinode Inch arouna WUvU I m I a . a w w - o . . - I xAsiafK1v lafTAinat anareniBLB I iif. i .. tiri ished cuy- fv 1-6-7 " or aoove wnicn.nuumuawu - t , f . rtleieg with bomDs conceaiea on iucir h- preoiout Btones and metals or pias- j iVk.7.i iaqi sons. Police will head the proces- with fre.coe. and portaiof referred to a. it .wouWbnjia 1891 ion. according o the programme martyrB, 8aints, . patriarchs, As the figures we thenj hajre tha.hUf f twelve aids leadinur. and v. ,. ,w T.nffe- as material a bearing on the subject ... . ii Ll. - prp" r , U-.ifd.r dUmission as thev bad lists, the virg n ineno.y r.u.y : - . We shall ana ine Ateraai ruvi coes furnish a com v 9 ik. kiativ rsi'uiu i m i i . i mi... .m onma raffimentiof coi Ui.n faith Coated with eold and! injury. a UVU nm v - d w sacks and deputies. - The finest ens- Biiver play will probably be made, so far erald - l m 1 1. AM.a, a as gorgeousness oi amro is gm Dei and in October. 1891, it Czar. These oriental magmucoa, t0mts oi tne Yeneraieu flfl'Ant- M vuahei Beans in with their steeds and housings, dered sacred by religoustraaitions, ----- January. 1876. leChurcn oi tne AssumPw. ---- - . d j Januaryt ell calculated to be the scene of f J.W Ppt ?UA J t!.! Ri off ee. the Russian coronations. nVewwas, innuary; thx act or CROWKiNO. 1876, 17 cents a pound, and in On the occasion of the corona- julyf 1891,- it was 18 cents a tion some 300 of the clergymen of pound. Eggs were, in New York, every grade will be present. These in October, 18.76. 16 to 18 cents a will assist the choristers in the dozen, and in October, 1891, they musical parts of the services. A were from 20 to 22 cents. Codfisb between the pillars oi mo i was in ew or m y, ; ill be occupied by a scar- cents a pound,; and in Aiay, ioi anrrnnndd 11 .nii nniind. iierrioe". iu d .a av l l i. fMNAiMfiafi sswsasj xi lis npr l i nnmn in uiuuiuustn n w t - i aloin l L:::Yir. Si d in July. iSm. it w.. HIS thing. -alone in an image oi tne vir rincin- I I Ifj the case is looked at fairly, the evidence is overwhelming that silver has greatly depreciated in value, whether gold has appreciat ed or not, of which we can find no sort of evidence, and that the bless ed fall; in. the prices of everything due to any appreciation in lue of gold, but to the im proved methods of producing those Richmond limes. Sound Sense. THE DEST SPRING MEDICINE is Simmons Liver regulator. Don't forjet to take it Now is the time you need it most to wake up your Liver. A sluggish Liver brings' on Malaria, Fever and Ague, Rheumatism, and many other ills which shatter the constitution and wreck health. Don't forget the word Regulator, it is Simmons Liver REGULATOR vou want The word REG ULATOR distinguishes it from all other remedies. And, besides this, SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR is a Regulator of the Liver, keeps it properly at work, that your system may be kept In good condition. FOR THE BLOOD take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR J It Is the best blood purifier and corrector. Try it and note the difference. Look fdr the RbD L on every package. You wont find it on any other medicine, and there Is no other Liver remedy like SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR-the KIngof Liver Remedies. j .... it ii i DC M1IC yuu i IV. I! 1 J. II. Zeilin & Co Philadelphia, Pa. Green, Moth. Balls And Insect Powder. SMITH & (i lull IUjI dhugoibts, Corner Opposite roMoH'ire. was aaaa . v t a m m a. a mm m tm m m ma mwm a. a a a h n u t mm .a m kaiiiiavita vnniAi i a i "ik.aaiAh At tha a aaiimniuin i a- a a mw wn a h s aa a a a a bii a.H& tuuivwt r iih .inirrii bib tuo a mt w w Liicii iuaoeva - - - - w . auv w - the Moscova and covering nineteen emeralds, pearls and precious stuffs, hillsides, has a circumference 01 Bemi-barbaric Inf effect ana wnony j about thirty jniles. Of its 25,000 barbaric in acquirement, will be larger houses a little over one-nan I enough to take one's oream awaj. are built of stoner. while 10 per cent. xhBV -sit eoliisS the high noDimy of its dwelling-places are in cellars. of Bussia'that will follow in state Among its inhabitants numDenng carriag jn the intermmaoie una naarlv fiOO.OOO. there are saia vo 00 .f-r the KmDeror s Araui buu knnnn nrmanL Lli.tnri nn foot iaCD OI tnese The city proper consists 01 iour Cl,in Pijrsntitled to r. :t-. n :itle pri-es. registration, at oar antique state carriages will be drawn "Pace lh bv six splendid white horses. A church l- risef from these will be the occa- let-cov t-covered platform, We :take from the Washington Post the following editorial article The South in Case of War. Referring to the possibility of trou ble between Spain and the unitea States!, a newspaper in Havana made,the other day, quite a num ber of idiotic remarks and prophe cies! -j Host of-the papers in this pari o;f the country passed them by with the good-humored contempt thev deserved, but the New Orleans States has seen fit to discuss with Characteristic vigor: l OABTWID 1 tub 1 Merchant. Tailor hasUkceived the Wj':,!"; ALL THE LATEST in t.i nr. them Kremlin is the Kitaigoroa, u.- relier from tDese wm u ; . ,.frRl1,. .nd within aaAa. 1 a m mm, v Mm w in w 1 aaw aav wr iiuou J a a -m m m m i. a .1 a town " the seat ot tne irau0i u. gional gnmpse one mj 1 J . ,iw-v. .dared a dais follow the Bjeloigorod. "white city," bedumoned and bepearlea nooies s thronM IIooT " taJso ner barrel. Salt boulevards and the h- tha carriages. luppuHiug aw s-ev ' 7r , ...iRn.. John A. Young. Uh.r aemijanoigutuv, inero wmi - ,f ..j. twTreceived bv the metropolitans 01 $15.50 per Darrei, mowbwi Around these )and thence the su- bUie ocoi0r in the chevalier guards be 2.5 NJorod. who Tr91. IM ner barrel. Mackerel, burbs of the city are far extending iniwhite uniforms, shin ng "ea. - - cross No. 2. was in Boston, in 1876, $6.75, a J W . U. aM A ftAYA T ri M TTl I WW IAI IV I ' i. Sl plates ana ue.u..-. 1 . w-te. After bowing and in October, ii, was Boston, were in beptemoer, '"t t 'K.hed in Havana, calls on $3.75 per barrel, and in September . -"dec la re war .gainst the finite! States immediately, and predicts that as soon as the procla mation is issued by the Cortes the Brick! Lime! Cement I1 Brick! Lime! Cement! the into the rjlain. WhilA the ceneral aspect of ranital. with its numberless painted the guards, mounted and mostlv elided cupolas of about hlaev horses, have llr.l.lp Thos. WoodroffeJ four hundred churcnes, is gra. Ht lct quality, at. lowest prices, 1 and hlgniy aitraciivw, i.uo nisrlcrs for all kinds of limlding an(j narrow streets, for tne Die- Materials. . f Dart dirty, and interspersed wuu vacant lots anu ibmo .m.-.w 7 ed-in estates, offer very little that is pleasing w Still, the larger thoroughfares are ide and lined with nne Duiiainga, aces, stores and restaurants. THE KREMLIN. In the midst of the town, like the Akropolis! of Athens, rises ; the Kremlin, upon a steep elevation, ..irrminded bv turreted walls, the historical ( and architectonio focus of Moscow, one of the most f re quented pilgrim shrines of Russia, and indeed the most sacred spot in the country of the Muscovites. Providence seems to have held us hand over this "most holy" taber nacle of 1 Tartardom. Like Mos cow's old Tartaric cWiliration, the ..lla of 1 the Kremlin have stuo- and helmets. Above tnem wi" J"D1" " -V. -i I ! i rww imi. was $U ;ill float the imperial eagle. , After ana no 7 w oawed! all in ties will ascend the steps and take in January, SLV . 1 a. 1 2 a a m ! fpnn r nr liih bilbi isnn in i inLUiwi . m.w a. n 'n,?r "LEt thrband. M in : the thrones. The8e are the gold prices at the U.r!!a;! ! The metropolitan of Novgorod re.DectiTe dates. and they are taken will iouow, ow,' r- . 4. -nai.u -d reanire the I. .u. rart f the Senate Uom- I Will tucu 1 iiuui i,uwwjwfw Emperor to read aloud thertho- mittee on Prices, made at the sec- ing national airs I At this Doint in the the Czar will appear on norseDaoa. Hi,itaria and the other tw. .111 fnllnw the Czarina in her I . .1. r-, M. UVU Tt vaa ' Brick! Lime! Cement! pal Brick! Lime! Cement! j POMONA HILL NUBSBBIES, i Pomona, X. V I-woand one-half miles west of Greens ,ro, X. U. The main line of the K. A Ii R. It. passes throughjthe, grounds and within K feet of the ollice and --ro.ide.nce. Salem trains make regular stops twice daily each way. ! THOSE INTERESTED IN FRUIT 0 R F. LOW ERS S."i'w,te?Sf.?K rit-T r.f fiolden Domes" compara- - - -.I .Urn. Itively inviolate, ana neimer nniffin pnnnupror nor bbiciu Vv.v.v ft . . 1 ' vmm .t.K tinraAM and carriage urawu uj attended by the master of the horse, pages and footmen, and fol lowed by grand duchesses in white .j AxZJrAa? and ridinff in ted auu uiauiwu". " y. coaches. More troops will follow. more carriage with showy nussars and lancers, and finally squsdrons of different regiments and bands in On the same day the new em peror and Empress will proceed to the Alexandrinsky palace, near the Atv -W thev will remain - - when there w - This finished, assisted will 1 - . . 1 m mr mt ' t-mn tTiAtrnnoiitans. iuo don the imperial mantle, which is presented to him on two sumptuous cushions. This robe is made of cloth of gold, with a border of er mine. The Czar will then bow his S 6thern States will secede, as they did in 1861; that Mexico will at once Invade and take poseession of Texas, California, Arizona ana New Mexico, and the great Ameri can! republic will be dismeraoereu and! j rendered powerless to ? cope withlthe army and navy of bpain. It .is quite evident that the editor of ia Correspondencia has a head likt. .hnnldArR which contains a I till h U la diiviv. a .. nn r. 1 tne r iitv-avuuu . , mh hrina as can uc : w w rrkAiB 1 : Pnaaraifl. Volume 11. A UCii curacy never bas been and cannot be disputed, j , Now, in 1891 the silver dollar stood in regard to the gold dollar . 7S cants to 100 cents. IP" . f yi iv i lias Cluctt, Coon . nmrt :' 1 1 .),. o WMTft IDT BltIUIll.-n. n. .nXr'SrVid'df ShiMs, Dress, Negligee and C. vit Underwear, Cane?, Umbrella, etc. etc., etc. H. H. CABTLAND, GREENSBORO. N. C. found in a baby's rauienox. the! event of war the first section of thia'country that Spain would hear from in a very unpleasant manner would be the Southern btates, anu so lfar as Mexico invading this ,intrv ia concerned the ides is so v-v," J ... tne Durron uim tti o -..4V. TTIm Jt ! t. rtm.m unui . kneel snd read aloud ,,. l9l the bullion In one hop- ... . th. Union, or fouW ill rm m err a nil I --- i -, . - - I i ll m I ri I . .. ! . ,ur,v; Z,V i prayer. IThis concluaea, one oi dred and fifteen goia - 4. t si SAf and I aUaS u. Kni nn in one uuuuicu - a:.:Ari The race is i . aw.l . if took 100 cents In goia to duj . . n i . . : i v-v whi.A nna or tne Dreiaiet wm I fusn(y tn ikui. ie iook uuwui.i- .,.,,,. m J, ml""" 6 . .. ... r wall l"VTi . . --r . . utter a prayer. The emperor wi 8iiyer to buvj H won. to Uugh in their peculiar way. then receive the crown from the Take tbe caBe cf hemp in the above f cour8ej jt ia perfectly well un metropolitan of Novgorod. (.Then, Btatement. The bullion in one hun- dor8tood throughout the country taking his scepter in w "8"" dred and ten goia aouar. that, with the single excrpom. thA crlnhe of theNfempire I kiin a rnn nf hemD in 1876, and tbe I ril,ri..tnn News and Courier, :n hia lft- he will seat himself, the bullion in one hundred and ten sil- .a rtArnon or thine south of the EmDress still standing. Then the! r doUars jwould do the same. A and potomac rivers dreams of P. : Infants and uniiurcn. for CaatorlLwnHan, t.hn.ntl,it m m. a . M tin r na riir i a r . review oi vne iruF. - - . nraiateB -m makea snon a a a I I m-m, M.aMaBAl Wl Slfl I wmm-mw onation will oe iormaujr f. - the duties of the I Are cordially invited to inspect our i8trtv" YOU CAN FIND : Over One Million Fruit Trees, Vines Kver'rcen, Shade Trees. Nuts, Koses In fact, evervtliins usuauj ad dress on the duties oi me oun. ill follow a mass, after which the imperial couple w a .An d from the dais and w tbe lora id ioi - -- - , , seceuiug it I and fifteen gold dollars would befinduced a ton of j hemp, tut it required flt mo culture were able to take rootw ith- iika lirst-elass Nursery. Three Gr ecu Full of a great variety of Flowers and Foliage Plant,", l'ot Kose for Spring i.l.nit inr a iec:iltv. Catalogue No. 1 f Fruit Trees, Vine etc . and Tatalogue No. 2, (ireen llouse rHtalosnie.fiirniidie.d free to applicants, (Correspondence solicited. J.VA.VUXD LEY, Prop'r, Pomona, i. O. its bulwarks breached by are the in it. j Now, indeed, hm and" there 11 n llSfiSI erection i of a huildin7' Ol gardens reach up. to tne wan, arc raised upon them and behind them, thus investing the oppressive orien tal grandeur with a sort ol peace ful charm, and slowly and calmly winds the Moscova its shallow course around its foot. within it five p&tea.among which Valuable Land for Sale. U- SrJ' gUlBUCU tJJ " - style and the image of Christ on the cross, the Kremlin incloses thirty-two churches and a Jarge number of palaces ana state duiiu The Cathedral or tne I by heralds to the people THE PBOCLAMATIOK. fhia ia also an Interesting cere- ,i tUm ia hailed with I nrnnlaimed. as among moor auu uuo - - it . , . tu . J a-iiu. I tUm. ntmilaf.a. I .nantntAil ' The Em Deror Will intense aeiiKMi' uj "w ii"" ...u .i.m.inn .ill ha made un- take off his crown and touch iu .... I,. ... m Um.mA f thA Rmnress der the auspices oi a mimary - ii ine '0"EU r corU Th. 4lry will b. dr.wn ho will ikneet before hij p. j . KriiiLnianiiareaaurrounding vet cushion. After this ne wm UF " . r . ... ,r is" I , t,..k.1 tiArnirnerown. the approaches to me aiuuu. p.ace upm " , , . v . : -i: ."it ot.nH I mU. ill Hi an be robed in an (baa 14 DUV naaav - imperial mantle. Th leadini? prelates, with a twig of gold, will then sprinkle the fore tn rnnai(lr IE lor uuc buy a ton ofhemp, lu. .h fleeting moment as nuu.r. iin one u"uu' I gition. ine met . forty-three dollars ana """ "'ltipnal spirit is stronger known to uie. Hi X AacMKR. M. 111 So. Oxford St., lvoUyu, . 111 de- cents of silver dollars to buy that 1 ,n any other part of thecoun "1 beUnnthen. Now, whether gold h trt and this for the very sulhcient Lr.riatedi in respect to other r 4 , only in tbe South is thenLf1,,,, ol4 no, it cannot be denied j r -n overwhelming majority of with I .u. t. .tiw.r that has depreciat- .tt Americans. There "The n of .OMtnria b f" tinlv-wl anj It, u,eriUl a- ktWB.that "rrrITlT f R,.iKroiwatlon to -.1.htt JU " ar tl ISSTSnttfe. who do witlliu easy rem-!u , f r kuixa SLurrva. P. & palace, a treasure . .n(,Plli commanding will stand of a cloister. lerracea . middle facing the troops; around him, aU mounted and wear- will be tbe sec retaries of the Sen! camp, severalmasters retaries of the Senate, aiaes-ue- ; masters 01 tne cor- 1 m - I onation ceremonies, pursuivants and heralds. The pursuivants win be arrayed in' cavalier hats of crim- ed in respect to gold, when they are jo does one hear the English tested by hemp; ior nero language spofcen oy ninety - buying almost the identical quan- hundred people one meets, tity of bempin 1891 as it bought There a,one do we Bee the customs, in 1876, while silver is buying 25 ideag the thoughts- of the per cent, less of it. founders of the Union religiously The way to test the matter is to prpetrated. The South ;ieW tak?hel?the purchasing agent m on an issue of pr nce iaao ucujp r . ,tinn. iust as their lore- nd to looa alter Km vw" thw nff the Brit- HAiinrlir a ijub 1 f al harfl.. In I i i a" UU U mmm. I BtUVl 'Hrl ourf - r. !..", r. .nM tt"l. 1. 1 ii 11 1 !..:. Kni" ". WUliout lllJlliolHllKl'!l"', -For aovrml .T-nrs 1 h.W W1, 1 a. Il l rial- I-r.-l.---l l-'H'- Tua Cewtm r CoarAWV, , 77 Ml-KttAT STKMT. Nk Y'. K ClTT. Greens Doro mmm a t Roller Bins, NORTH & WATSON, PK0PKIET015S. a the things j to be I tested, we find that ton of hemp atl a. a nt ll.afitr TltO'l in Hit? a.,.n..i-trnor. U-ma -luiy .n,.'inte. an-l mu.Ii v. ..rl I..' . .v..ir. rl .r :iie ne Plantation ,..1 f;.t ,n i wtt'.l ix itls "th ea1 01 u,e (ilyott.tirtboM. Awly to head, the eyelids, the nostrils, s tne lips, the ears, the breast and the 1 Am - tha F.mneror with the consecrated oil. Another prelate buy the bullion in one hun ... f - .., Thair males I . . IJ dnllars in tna win wiuo iuc uaik. " 1 rirn ana ten ' - . - 1 " - m -1 . 1 n . . r hsmn ... . m tiAtri.i. than niriiKB ill luo in in;u a uu r on. wiin piumca ui jwi 1 nc f . ... lyear. . 1, ,,n ' ... " i.t 1 t a tka oaremnnv will con-1 J , . , It,, imllion in one nun- ana wnue, maniiea ot sm.Wi. muuwu . J m iwouiu uuj " j .. . . j j...bu Lij :.u ...i.i.a no tha cross. 1 . . i a t.m ttrAA dollars, ana slashed nose anu uuwatu CUuo wuu agaiu ....B idrea inu uiwu e , . boots. nd the fh yoktVand in precisely the same ;s, L hnd and determina- spirit ui ,,l41 hv nnD1TV . I but tne issue wo j irunitt satin, riding given viuus o-' - . 1 ureu aua -- o , , n; A signal will be Then the royal pur sm F""" theiametonwouia duj heralds will raise under a canopy held aiois oy guar . one hundred ana i or.y-.u- - ... 1 1 their trumpets and blow a iouu Mot Tha multitude will men ings. it T obacco. , No crop varies more in qual ity according to grade of ferti lizers used than tobacco. Pot ash is its most important re- As I .nrl Itha aeeretarr of the sumption of the Virgin, whosein- genate win re'ad the proclamation terior all over in gold, Js the f lhe Czx 1 TDK RKOALIA 1 On May 25 the day uonrnnatinn church At the foot of the steeple of St. Nicholas s ts - . . a tbedrali stands Crar KoloKoi, famous great bell of Moscow. the before the . ..i,,a thn tnmh nf their ances Q DB1U KV vmw tors and kiss the holy relics. BANQUET AMD POPULAR FETBS. A grand fete will follow the cor nnation. On the three succeeding . H.namelv. May 27. 28 ana j - - , - .-ii tha imnerlal Pair win 29 receive THE CITY. quiremcnt, producing a large itg dark, narrow streets and vield of finest irrade leaf. Use chaos of dwellings and In ma lli.. SuaTJntnSmficr t Here rise, a modern palatial edi only least 10 actual Potash (K,0) Around the Kremlin extends the old Mongolian emporium, which j is likewise still encircled by its an int walls and distinguished for . 1. ana its ates. edifice m . a. by the side of a decrepit 01a cot-t.TA- there vou see a banker's or merchant's ollice, equipped in Pari sian style, surmounted factory with broaen smokyjwalls. "I . " ' l ' . 1 coronation, comes the ceremony 01 congratulation8 at the ivremuu. transferring I the regalia to thel Tnird in the order of attendant thrnneroom of tne aremun. Mrmon ei at the coronauou aw. a a ? . z a a a- a ... . aa.Aamawnw bearers of the regaiia wiiijw t the imperial banquet on iu -7.'. and assistants of ihe persons aeiegatea ftf May 27 'and tbe popular, . ,T . t: . i,m. ..r... I . yer uoiiara " , ., To say in this case that silver rtt depreciated in respect to would be absurd. . f . When iUutrated by any of the article. 'V'i'T for it low. Take mackerel, No. 1, Jo r stance: In 1876 a nun rels of mackerel woWh sl.550. ROia or - to carry the regalia at the corona tion in the Church 01 tne n.ssump what are termed popular. ings. rejoic- dollars. muL n : .JntA ouch 1 It WOU mm auiBiaiii vww. 1 . . . r 1 . . . 1 Ia.MAMT r LI . . B . . . . . w I . ...A. mmwmmr . W . K . B H . V w tion. uurina tuo mgut u.v.-B mn,, ,nk mucu mum H-.-- i , . , .nnraeiiieu a and there are today within the boundaries of the United States no iHere patriotic, devoteu, au i : lu of the American wart ciiauiji." -n inn than the seceders 01 1 Ha .k.ir de-cendants. Only a h. I" . . i:. -mild be so ignor- Spanisii ui.i , . nt nitlTr. - .mnr and feeling 01 a" " ant 01 i i..f-- - .u. this people aa w n . 1' .r!.L- -nnld not be among pouiueruciB . t. . . tn arms at tne the nrst to iubu IigM,. m.n. .aya-T s - P. .1.- ..tlnn. Even the rit Xi or Yno-.b....r.h.n ...... w, .u- i?.An.h and the oerm iuven tuo x i"" editors suspecrlt General Washington's Other Name. ! i (a large .any ;f lr- J.-t,-, oentlT by the nl'ry J'f.SIV.!. .nation but in ":Vthttf.ecm HIGH OXJBBEANDS: 1 -.n. 1 piul' civllY FI.0!IR. roinu P1TPNT blAK. a - CH1KM 0P CREEISEORO: THE POOR IBS FRIEND. a T a m. m. . I liUVF These brands have been Plcod excellent by tl.o leading . 1 oot iaf)irtion ami are )"""u ... nn . given univer--. . :- ;;- -urrounding country. . " fV"? ,v -s familes 01 orec. - - merchants for aNUii i " formity in each graue. ....... - kinds of the f resist and i.r.. rr.,... KAL ever raa.10 in urrn.-....... n..mtr we handle IVCUTU J ... . l t.cirtA tne I M M. 1" le the 1m st M Uii f. . Ii Mill at Walker Avenue and U K simply be ignoring the 7? aav that in this .... tci ana an- 1 1 :... ihut 3 a j aa a aw a . 1 ' a a m h niirnuiakvw 1 aa'M m mr a - w - - v ... 1 - 1 Am. 1 a sisa avniii ; iieaai aMi" " - a. i fnnMinn thAV Will remain on I .t.- .mnncr An 17 lo-Saxon peouiciv B !--"", .t.arlv. Very the atneru.".- s . . . . 1 o ..J r 'hil TemsiUBu - j - r alias. ine table specially prepared ior wwn Their cheers are j "" 'Vli Every consideration that ap-u that on the right or the tnrone. . a y hearty. They wouian t uU - - case applies to e.cuu-; feftatbj ill Ha o-tiardea dv a aeiacuuieu 1 imarlnn eoneee jcii. r .L .l.t.. k.thiTe quuv- ,,.,. scivfuiai m - "- ' o , . . 1 ... . . .l. thA niner ciirn tu - , . 1 routmmim.m, 1 .0 no nvsi "k . I a t alt -of -those cases, - - - , ssociations in The banquet will $ it....la . rnmP to 11 fof fl caniiia. il a it a .... miiarrrn a iiiii uwiin to Ml!ll lir eiiiaifi- J , - - 1 Wo Will lUr T1RV Afmtrk Msipriiit 1 " We maWe a M'"iaUy f of the Grenadiers, of the palace ul banquet will be by a dity and by several gentlemen-of theiin tn tbe Granotita; indows and n th ,.m. day their .it h endless as Here a wealthy Bus- ...',1.. -hi mAtfl from the L n Matorv. Th sian dashes by in elegant cu8e Alexandrinsky palace to the grand COBt, it Is said, about $2,500,000. but in the garb of the peasant; Kremlin palice. In the evening of The Emperor and Empress sit on a this day a special mass will be cei-idaig in Cne corner 01 tne room uu In form of sulohate. To in lfnn lmrnincr leaf! avoid out v. - wfc ' riii ... 1 1 Z Am. A-m, I , 9 f A amap fertilizers containing ciuuniiu j there are seen rusnmg ojr our pamphlet, a .drmisinu cku booa. ' a true Tartar is his red shirt, ana a ebrated in an the churches. t. l- monk in his filthy "a ;u-. - l-Joful to farmer. They are tent nee A teem ne CrOWO. WUTO auu m-j, 11 1 ...-.1 1 nn materia.. n'm-lled to tell hia fellow t rt D T-l .WBSlrw " ' " rVeTSMeU fof , D,5nute w. ..lllng ..U-. I - - - uur Ilioti". .'"'is ' . mm f the ar- as tnucn or,uiui In 18a B" in each case it CORONATION DAT. hicb der a them the they are hicrh eanonv. In front is a small table, on which served. Facing them in buys tt.ia referred to honaht in 1876, but .ti. im vi a firreat percentage :V.ha article. " In aU of these cases therefore! silver has certainly preciated in respect to fgold ,wn. tested by tbe article referred to. lunK scruiuia "jMSthatcan be implicitly rel' (Kll oy ui ' ilpou de when fn doousi - ejej wssir OW OOMB3 TO ' ' j.n .ho. vou t!.. Urge.. ..-ok .n .... .SO...I.- !ft?3!.S .f1..,,,W Company, Greensboro. X. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. less and cannot oecj -r cnstl. Knal rrmVdy it cure, catarrh te Utiona. ru.r i ; . . cause P"flu" - la.-'.ih for the Patriot now th akug. GERMAN KALI WORKS. 9,NaMiStNw York.