i.Mifflrr""11- - - - - r i . J Greensboro Patriot. ESTABLISHED S'1. p.mtlHEP.- EVERY WEOHEXITAT. W..M. BARBER & CO. centa; three month. ttnt: Entered l Gref N"" econd-eiaM man t.nt 'V'l L wintcl: and I withheld. hirh no necifll "O1.1" Aaniin- i-continue! t a nee. the time f. rwi.l," .I the oyum ,uunn he ehar.l ! V. ?Jntm i W contra "UI fr IrcTedWcnt eontr-' '- .rtilJi i v i.uhli beiu ...to for the lime aruiany i ..,. of - All ""Vi.Vtbef , the .bapeof candidate r ,,",';.Ji.wiijbccharite.lM : I 1 . kara .A'l'lrw TilE PATEIOT, Greensboro, N. C. - WEDNESDAY. MAY 27, 1890. Congressional Committee Meeting. The Democratic Executive Com niitree of the Fifth Congressional ' District of North Carolina is call ed to meet in Greensboro, N. C.,on . .u 3rd dav of June, , r o AVlnck. P- m., for me of oalliner a convention IIUII""'v c . the party for the District. Chairman. - .Ino. N. Wilpok. Secretary.' ' May 21, 1S9C. ; ' OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. I ! of at Guilford! DR. T. Ill PRITCnABD DEAD. r-'-mTnpncament Day vv. 1 I - ... . , - uoiieg. ! Uot Noted Baptist uiTine m The various exercises uv i the 8Ute Passed away m h.ti of cnmmenceuiui " i - YorK saiuraaj. . VJa'Ja the way for the final ex- 1 23. Rev, Thos. !? . ff nUcMdDhenotedNorth The day was p "",. V " " r-mllna Bsotist minister, ,aie u. before the hour n.a yVqc 'T of this morning at 8:30 ociock. . f thA c an of '96 ana oi i w , aim. fo rriflnu v - j m a nam im. icn n a. Amfl anil cu i ' the College - . - - nortunity l"BUU" - 1 WAS avntinnil KAOHilO" IDC ul ' . !- conducted by Dr. Ph. D., of Bryn Mawr - a m . TCI 111 ftlLB LliU laureaio . . "Three orations were delivered by members of the graduating class. ttiiApntt MinoriiieB. uj MU. Addie Belle Wilson,-The In 0 viotlnn In the Rizbt Ad nuence u. -- - - ... iustment of bentimeni, yj Amy J. Stevens, anu " i" hv Robert W. Horlgin, these speakers having oeeu V. v. .u- their representa eu uy iu - , , nihei had oeen lives. auow -f-- u j. nrnred. were well ae C8ICUIIT f" ' , . IlTWrfwdwdlTbjjUrgj. appreciative, ana imeiugtm r-, wre then conferred as follow! : The degree of Bachelor of Arts upon Robert William uoug.u, and the degree of Bachelor of ScLceupoAddie Belie Wi -.rfr Loyola Morris, ! Mary o.:k T?nhrta. E. Edear Farlow, aw.t fitAVAm. A brief address Hobbs. in which he referred to ine for treatment for Bright's disease. He had a son. Dr. W. 15. rnicu.... j- well-known physician; ana aaugu ter living in this city. The remains were carrie'd to-day to Charlotte, N O, wber, the funeral will take to-morrow afternoon. r1 . Tr Pritehard left Charlotte aboui a mojth ago for his summer home at Wr gbtsvilie, wmg" . J i 1U Ilia fiinii . I M MAA. nHHILII. " i noht'a disease develop 5. He w4.a critisally ill for awhile, but grew better and "decided to go to New York hoping the change woutd be beneficial.. The HIP wo - - lOO Krcak AU . . grew rapidly worse on the way and 6 . us-j ever ' . t-w- r,.itUmrA wb a native or U .... in his 65th vear it -thlVdinflr Baptist in North f the most nhmrminff aid entertaining pulpit orators in th'p South. He was pas tor of the principal cnurcuB .Li. ci.i.whwm also Dastor oi IfJ IB .u....i,.. in! Fredericksburg, Va IT- T.iimX Mrl . and LOUlSVllie, ivy. Okllliuuivi . - . . .1 tt.aaiiiaiit nf Amy J. Dievena. r; 1 1 He was tor ipree yer was given to tne class Dy jrrc-iu Wake FoTegti college ana aiu mu.u growth of the College in the eight j faig dath . the Baptists O ... . larva I - . J . t a,AM vears oi us exiawcuco a. -ro man ikTirl WO stating mai o jruuug men have receivea aegreei, Whitsett Item. - Thi'noramencement of the 24th term Was a brilliant success. Ideal -..iko, and larere crowas, togemer with a high order of exercises, con spired to make it an occasion long tn he iemember. Twenty-five hun dred i.eople were present Wednes day. The literary aaarees uy ur. K. P. Battle was a superb effort. Few men have so rich a storehouses of experience and knowledge as T-. TtattlA ' There are eight regular graauaies this year, and twenty-six Dusiness course graauaies. , , Orator's medal jvas awarueu ii Charles Morgan Sheets, Davie county, N. C; senior pnw ta Fimm, Port Jervis, N. l. - - f TheAtbenian ueciamanonmeuai has been awarded to R. G. Clapp,and tmnrnvpment medal to I. L. iuc " ; Criol : 1 , Among the commencement visi tors we noticed Rev. H. M. Brown anddaughter.Brick Church ; Misses Catrie Speas and Velna Hunter, Forsvth county ; Kev. v. x.ooozer, ."J . rr iJ Ctnith TtAnnettn- itnriini7ion ; x. o. .in. n I line, . ;.l fArrMmnilenCC 1 , r -t . at -Aft. Washington. May 24, ISJb. in "thft Senate last week IHltl P , . . ... . ntpred in Senator Butler's bill to t it nucral for the Tresident of the United State to issue a bond call without the consent of; Con eress. It provoked extended dis- cussion. The Populists and silver , ites of both the Democratic and Republican parties favor it. - The Senate adjourned yesterday afternoon at about half past five o'clock without reaching an agree ment on the bond- issue bilL An effort was made to secure an under ' standing that a vote .should be taken Monday, but complications arose and the efforts were aban doned. Senator Allen had the floor at adjournment. -A ' m The Senate committee has m- serted a provision authorizing the clerk of the Houpe to pay to each her and delegate who is not a chairman of a committee entitled to an annual clerk, for clerk hire from j tne aaie oi mijuuiuuiout I present session to Dec. C, 1895, an amount not exceeding $100 a month, this making a total appropriation of $176,134 23, together with an un expended balance from the legisla tive act for the fiscal year of 1896. This is new fashioned reform. The Secretary of the Interior has made requisition on the Secretary of the Treasury for $10,215,000, to be used in making quarterly pay ments of pensions. Of thi9 amount $1,920,000, is alloted to the agency 1 f -in this citv." The President has sent a message .' - to the Senate saying that he can not communicate" the information . asked for by the Morgan resolution in relation to Cuba. The Senate additions for North r?.miinn. in the River and Harbor bill were left undisturbed except as " to an item for KoanoRe Kiver wnicn was decreased $2,000. This gives North Carolina an increase in the Senate bill of $126,000, making in all $251,500 in the whole bill for North Carolina. Major Guthrie was must pleased at Senator Butler's success in fret ting his bill passed providing $125,- 000 for a post office building at 'Durham. . Saturdav the President sent to -t . the House his veto of the bill to -amend the a&t fixing the fees of - veeisters and receiver of the land offices. The House bill for amendment of the act which fixes the fees o receivers and registers. at public M land offices was vetoed yesterday by ' 1 ti laoManf X r wl ntinrv raotl mony to writing the bill authorized the price to be ten cents per folio, instead of fifteen cents, but author - . ized officials to secure the work for less than ten cents if possible. The .President took exception to this last provision,, as he thought the price should be fixed at some figure. In the House yesterday Represen tative Low, of New York, introduced a resolution providing for- the ap - pointment of a committee of five members to investigate and report ' generally all the material facts and circumstances connected with the v removal, resignation, and appoint- ment of employees in the Treasury : and Interior Department eince iuarcn 4tn, iiy;. Sugar Bounty Act Constitutional. Washington, May 25. The Su preme court has rendered a decision sustaining the constitutionality of the sugar bounty act. The treas ury mustnow pa,y out five millions of dollars to domestic sugar produ cers. The decision is brief. It says it is an equitable consideration for which congress had 'authority to provide. This reverse? the rul ings of the comptroller of the treas ury. It requires the payment of the bounty provided for by the last . rongress. For a Monetary Conference. Washington, May 22. In the House today Mr. Tracy, of Mis ' - souri introduced a resolution pro- - viding that if no invitation be re- - ceived by the United States within six months to send representatives to an International Congress to consider bi-metallism, then the President is to extend an invitation ' on behalf of this country to other nations to send delegates to a Con gress to Le held here. - Great Britain will make efforts to study the conditions of seal life in the Bering sea in order to act Intelligently upon the complaint of the United States that the sealing regulations should be modified. v . a I a OA .nmtn: HB alSO IDOWBU -rforinni nf the trustees In mak ing additioas to the departments of instruction,, via , the depart- f Mnaie. Art and Physical Training, and referred to the large the whole IfBluiug, - - - . kuio gymnasium recently erected for the I thia weeic. of t.k rrnlina lose their strongest MVltU v w-- . , man. But the loss does not ibu.uu tl.m alone. He loved all peopie, he was a patriot, and State will' miss him. 1 1 OakiKidge Items. xrAaara Stwart and Moore, of AUVOBt V V - " this place, are serving on tne jury Prof. J. Al well and it is An Holt is very un- f eared that he is tak j aai Hnwtrer. we nope bb will soon be up again. -r n'Mi ninKnw'a rhild died last jur. 111 v" " Sunday. , We; extend our sympathy to the oereavea pareoko v'-j that God will'comfort them in their ore affliction; QENEEAL NEWS. hlv nf the South rn lWvteriaus is In session at Mem- - - Wnrfc will beiH st once on the erec-'Do .Veople -vuj - - almOHt tion of five rwbulldlngs a, vne i-"" f.",' ol aU 0 vers! ty or Virginia. - i s Three villages in Iowa were almost wiped out bv a cyclone, w th consider able Iobs of life, Sunday ntght. TbeOeneral Deficiency bill, the last of the supply bills, was Monday dis cussed and passed by the Senate, j i Chicago, Indianapolis and roany n,o.tPrn nointa were visited s by heavy storms the first of the week. in S. C ; Miss L. Thompson, HilUboro; Prof. Wr P. White and wife, Graham; Kev. j. u.a"w , Rev. E. P. Parlter ; iapi. o. a . Sutton; Maj. A. Summers ; ur. w . P. McDaniel: Dr. - J. A. jttciean ; Rev.L.Halliday; A. M. Warren, Caswell county; a. i; anu . Reich, Winston, and many otners. Everything was gay wun pins and blue, the Institute colors, last week L - Th onmmittee on the Orator's medal this year consisted of Dr I to the exclusion of all others? They tom.J-M ia the best, 1. e., i T " T" .da nnder pharmacist, who origins it. avy storms tne nrn oi m. The qne9tlon oi ow. r-- - - tk wnrk of restorinir the Chicago decidea in favor of Hood's aa the question - ... i , .i tiiolr former I ..f m mIm. World S! r air grouuuo . . . 01 CUIUliBI.aV. beauty as a park will begin a- ou Eight tornadoes occurred wltjlna radios of fifty miles of Guthrie, O.T in the last week. Nine persons -were killed, i . V ' i l: 1 Ahf nn thA ninneV 011681.100 anticipated at the National ProjjWon convention which meets in PitUburg this week. . ! j The Rev. Dr. Moses D.Hoge,of Rich mond, has decided to attend fvmfarence in uiaiKuw, " Si. Richmond June 30 and sail July I, , m -aarTlla. ThA Onited Statea court nOOQ 8 fllK wim adjourned Monday after disposing oi TTTP O flrt i87 cases and leaving a smaller number T R OLIVfc & tU., ho rioket than for any term Since . Ui v UWIU w vw,l 1876. 1 . " ' ' H ' Secretary Olney ordered Minister Taylor, at Madrid, to take vigorous ac tion in the Weyler tobacco export) em- ThA TTnited States mar re- taliate by prohibiting the import, into the States of Cuban cigars and manu factured tobacco. - - , I j The managers or tne projecieu Southern States Cotton Expo, t on i AaMAaA tn nnRtnnne the exhibition indefinitely because of the failure or the Southern managemeut iu tMi any considerable number of States in hearty co-operation in the enterprise. Vearlv 40.000 tests by the iorestry . .. . . ivl.i Virartf inVPR Anoiner wmg.. .t of Hood's Sarsaparilla is true, is honest. 3dTs Sarsaparilla ilstheOneTnieBloodPurmeUdrsi. rreparedonly by C. I. Hooa are the only pills to k People still go to usraen.iur -u-ff ,t Tp ONLY SHOE STORE in Greensboro where f ! Shoes onlv; because pnPI know this anl the ;ory ,Ut DrTcoods Store ran sell Shoe, cheaper than a SW s,rf J Tfake and trick to sell good, only; because peopU . ti i Sf having to go all over town to get what they want in sw, !. J Yhfn cannot get them, except at I)r,l,n", su AlL becau'eopHkeGOOD GOODS and ,nny U r !Ja that tbey can get them at Da -den's Sho sr. u ' ban Dry Goods Store.. We h.v a lot of , J on Shoe, worth $160 we will .ell at $100 ( It,K, ,u ! Hd! 1 lot o Men', good farm Shoe. $1.00 wor.l, t,. ! 120 pair, of Oxford Tie. at 75 cents, good Don,.,), Inrth $1 25 These good, are the cheapest good hUl I- liere They were bought from manufacturers who hd ,hrTll ! tinned back at less than they could be .made fur. n ywant Shoes come to Parden'.. We don't sell hrt- ,,,:, 1 but Shoes, and best Shoe, for money to be had imjur, 1 around these parts. V i li KemD P Battle, D. P. Foust, Esq., division of the Department of Agrjcul nemp vO"";, 1 . Uaa Athiihed these facts : Seas- Pmf W P. White. Mr. G. C. Bobbins, of Rocky Mount, spent commencement here with friends. The summer term of F. I. C C. opens June 8th. Several stu dents will remain over to attend. oned timber is twice as strong as green, but weakens with absorption of tnois-iu-.r and small timbers 'have equal strength per square inch if equal ly perfect; knots weaken a column as weil as! a beam; long-leal pine is stronger than average oak; bleeding does not impair timber. . .-( rru .Qnnrt rt thA committee on; stat istics at the Methodist ProtestantGen- Wholesale . SPOT GASH DBAIjBRS. We have not yet made peace with our Heavy Wic,t Suit, and Overcoats ' They Must Got Out of the Way. Some of the Suits are light enough to wear comfortably ur ta June, then nice lor eariy iau. um. ... oj . mAH rinirtmint. 1AB " I , . mm - ' IK h a '1 The President men innuuuvo- DrJ Georee A. Barton, oi uryn Mawr College, who delivered one of the most admirable addresses u has ever been our privilege to hear, .bowing how one age, in con.e nn.n. nf it. rich inheritance from the past, need, the very best train- - . . i ; B a U a ing l to solve tne proDiems vi century .o near upon us question. of government, . i I . .inr mAn. heflause ve are .,. .A.vti.A h I Aotincr discourse to young men. aa win Drove ui Krcat bwuvw j ivb..b - , . as PT. , Kltl ' on Mnndav eveninir. at 8 o'clock, awaseninK me xi uu u"""uu i w" . . s . .. junior contests of the literary ana aspirawon. oi yuuuB . . Iu.ij ho Tnotitnta make the most of life. societies were held in the Institute The Brjn Mawr Scholarship chapel. The gedals were awarded ,J rir--. Mr RJT. BarnhiU. of the Phi niahnn Cheshire', sermon before I " r . i . . : of sociology, of the graauating ciasa w iu.F...s. nrion- atlTitv Takine for nis w,"iwnw uuw I aiavMw - w . - VOU. TOUDE XUCU, ucvv jr RnViArnnn of the Class OI 180 ThA condition on which the Schol arship was founded by Bryn Mawr nriAnfl the comDetition to three classes every year, the graduating AW A mX mm class and the classes oi me iwu nrACAdincr vears. The condition Society, and Mr. Murray of the Athenian Society. Tuesday was regular commence ment day. No larger crowa nag ever assembled at Oak Ridge Insti tute before. At 10 o ciock pegan hA ATriiapa. Yonaistin? of twelve waVprecfibed by' the authorities of orations by fhe society represen- Bryn Mawr College, ana remows iin, e- the I Scholarship from any class atee. It waspne of the closest honor and places it upon excellence contests everyj wunesseu fc .u ' Oreensboro to Trinity. . - ! 1SUC8 "I Jliliuuuio. ; Friday evening the young ,ladies eral Conference in Kansas X uuojf - & o ' I .Wait, thA followlnfF ! Ministers of Greensboro t emaie ouege gave a reception in the parlors of, that popular lnsniunuu 6. ing class of Trinity College. It was to be regretted that the large class was not able to attend in a body, but quite a number of these rnnno orentlemen availed themselves of the opportunity and came home delighted with the reception and especially the young ladies who did the honors of the occasion. Those who attended are: J. S. Matubby, B. R. Payne, S. W. Spar: rer. R. A. Maver. Joe Separk, J. Johnson, H. B. Craven, Ernest Joshua Green and Messrs. Hall and Hill. rh aba vounsr eentlemen came home deliffhted with the entertain ment, the young ladies of Greens boro Female College, ana especially the city of Greensboro. To hear them talk one would think they were all ready to pack their trunks and move over to Greensboro. Durham Correspondence Charlotte Observer. Write us for Prices, if you want to save money.. VY oca ouv t o - n- i i . mm 179,092; probationers, 4,024; cnurcnec, j 2 2G7; parsonages, 4S4; valueof church TTin mpriv property, $4,519,457. The grand total H Xi O Hi Jill memnpnn d. iuciuuiuk i"iv.o and preachers, amounted to 180,382.' SPRING MIK E. I JR. . I s Our refitted .tore I. now chock full of All At Xllslat All Gcxxl! i i " Zi'iccw A Hard: Hitter vs. an Artful Dodger. The jrace for Congress in he COLLEGE. f.-r.u io!fSotlo'o district li . 1'lllU 410bllk . will be IbeUveen Thomas Settle and John Webster, so they say. j If that's the case, there'll be fiiU in the 5thl Wilkesboro Chronicle; T'TTTH PEOPLE'S WILL K. JtANlIN, Monnarer FISHBLA.TE, OliOTHIEB, Westminster, Maryland. General Clingman will not enter the eu:ar. Itnmn it R.ileich. but will be ivvBvt n r . s cared for at home by friends. i i of SeholarehiD alone, and makes thA number nf VOUnCT women who compete for it much larger than had it been, in TTUU.U " the 'first place, confined to one class. i . ; Kamseur Items. Mrs. Ed. Maynard' is visiting friends at Troy this week, j Mr. A. W. E. Capel left on the 25th inst. to look after some busi ness interests at Troy- j Miss Sue J. Farlow, of the Ashe- bora graded schools, is visiting friends in town this week. Mr. Charlie Bray and Miss Alice Brown were happily united in the sacred ties of wedlock on the 25th i lUSk. : Miss Blanche Capel has been a spendingsome time with ber friends, Miss Ida and Mamie Uinsnaw. at WinBton.' A " Messrs. J.D. Stedman. of Greens boro, and W. Y. Johnson, of Ashe- boro. spent last Sabbath with friends here. j Mr. Ernest Watkins, who has been attending Guilford College the past session, returned home on the 23rd inst. j Mr. Clyde Capel, who has been north for medical treatment, re turned home Monday much im proved in health. t At the meeting of the commis sioners on the 18th inst., Capt. Y. M. C. Johnson was unanimously re-elected mayor of Ramseur. - Tha regular quarterly meeting of the Friends' church was held as usual at Holly Springs. A large number of our people attended. Mrs. J Buie, of Red Springs, and her sister. Miss Cladie Kirkman, of Mount Vernon' Springs,1 spent several days. with friends in town this week. j Messrs. J. Ed. Cole and I. F. Craven, two of our most popular young men, gave a very enjoyable sociable at the residence of Mr. A. W. El Capel on the evening of the 22d. It was the celebration of the former', birthday. In tha guess ing game Miss Etta Watkins re ceived the lady's prize, and Mr. O. T. Leonard the gentleman's, fur the largest number of correct an swer. stitution. I Every speaker acquitted himself honorably. The judges after quite a; discussion between Mr. Vergil Ol Roberson and. Mr. II. J. Hartsell finally decided in favor of Mr Roberson, of the Athenian society. At 2 o'clock, p. m.. the chaoel was hliea to its ut most capacity! to hear the literary address by Mr. Josepnus uanieis. We were expecting a literary treat and no one went away aisappoinieu. Mr. Daniels is a pleasant speaker. and at the same time be possesses that firmness which impresses every thought. The following students graduat ed in the literary department: V. O. Roberson, jForsyth; II. -A. Gar rat llimmiiA- A . Pickard. aWVa A A A -- MM V V . mmmw Chapel Hill;W. D, Fawcett, Mt. Airy: H.J. Hartsell, Greensboro; A. R. Harrison. Mt. Airv: N. R. 7 y r - Edmundson, Tarboro; A. L. Mc Gowan; Geo. C. Russell, Franklin ville: Miss Myrtle Holt and Miss Pearl BenbowJ Oak Ridge. Summer school will open June 15. i j ; Methodist Protestant General Con ference, in Session at Kansas City. Officer elected: President, Dr. J. W. Hering, I Westminister, Md., (a layman) ; Secretary, Rev. T. M. Johnson, Henderson, N. C.; Editor Methodist Recorder, Pittsburg, Pa., LBev. ML. Jennings, D. D.; Pub Usher and Book Agent at Pitts burg, U. S. Fleming; Editor S. S. Publications, Dr. J. F. Gowan; Editor Methodist - Protestant at Baltimore, Rev. F. T. Tagg. D. D. ; Publishing Agent, W. J. C. Dulany ; Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, Rev. TV J. Ogburn, Summerfield, N. C. ; Corresponding! Secretary of the Board of Domestic Missions, Rev. Benj. Stout, pf West Virginia; Secretary of Board of Ministerial Education, Rev. J. C. Berrien. The General) Conference dispos ed of the woman question as fol lows : A resolution was adopted by which the question of the ordina tion of women and their eligibility to seats in the General Conference shall go down as an overture to the several annual jconferences, and the affirmative shall require a vote of two-thirds of the annual conference. A Drunken Man Killed By an Englr e . i at East Durham. Dcbham, May 23. Wright Med lin, a white man,, while under in fluence of whiskey, was struck by an extra engine on the Durham .fc J - ormern uaiiroad in .ast Durham about 11 o'clock to night, and was horribly mangled. His head and chest were bound 100 yard, from where ! he wa. struck. No one but himself was to blame. The Queen'. Birthday. v. I Washington May 24. The sev entieth birthday of the Queen of England was informally celebrated tonigh at the British embassy. There was no official entertainment owing to the fact that the day fell upon Sunday; j GREENSBORO MARKET REPORT CORRRCtKD. WIEKLT BY JOHN J. PHOKNIX. Wholesale Receivers and Shippers of Country Produce. 1 210. 212, 214 South Davie Street.? number from this neigh- Two Monuments Unveiled. At Fort Mill, S. C, a thriving little manufacturing town, two monuments were unveiled Thurs dayone to th women of the Con federacy, the oiher to the faithful slaves the latter being the firBt f the kind ever erected in the South. Both are gifts of Capt.Z E ..White', a manufacturer of Fort Mill, and a brave Confederate officer. The woman, monument i. surmounted by a statue ot, a woman kneeling upon the furled Confederate flag and in the attitude of prayer. Col. J. G. Thomas, of Columbia, made an eloquent speech in acceptance of the woman's monument, and Polk Miller, of Richmond, in re ceiving that to Jthe slaves. A let ter from Miss Mildred Lee, daugh ter of R. E. liee. was read. Sur viving ex-slavea sung old planta tion melodies. Alamance items. t Mr. Thomas Gladon's little girl is very sick. Rev. Lequeux-has been, on the sick list forjhe past week. Mr. R. M. Gladson is home from school. We are glad to welcome him back, -I Mrs. William Sharp and Miss Jane Glass, of your city, spent Sunday at Hinton. Mr. Oliver Boon, who died at Greensboro Mon.day, will be buried at this place today Quite a borhbod attended the commence ment at Fairview Institute last week. Mrs. T. N. Woody, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. D. , M. Glass, has returned to her home at Prosperity. Mr. John W. Stewart met with quite a serious accident a few days ago, caused by- a runaway team. He was badly bruised and had to be carried home. . Centre Items. Wheat is short but said to be fill ing well. - t The rain Wednesday evening was a most welcome visitor. Miss Emma Stanley attended the Guilford College commencement. There was an interesting temper- j ance meeting at Providence bunaay. Mr. S. B. Hockett says that his entire family are done with the pesky measles. Mr. J. E. Hockett is improving! rapidly after a spell or pneumona and brain fever. , The Wayside ba6e ball boys were . m r- . 1 i aisappointea oaiuraay evening. The Pine Grove team did not come as promised. f We would correct a mistake in our last items. ' It was Mrs. instead of Mr. B. F. Marley that died. Mr. Marley is a well known citizen and the death of his excellent wife is I deeply regreted by every one. Gibsonville Items. ; Mr. W. C. Thurston, of Burling ton, was in town Monday. Mr. A. T. Whitsett and G. II. Buck spent Sunday in Leaksyille. Mi6s Bertie Miller and Miss Maggie Parker are on the sick list. Mr. .las. fJrecrr flacrman on the N. & W. road, is at home minus two fingers. Mr. L. Smith in attempting to be head a chicken missed it and cut off his thumb. Quite a number of our young people attended the Sunday school a a convention at Shallow Ford Sunday. Messrs. Teague . and Hoover, of Indiana, who have been attending Guilford College, are spending a m - few days with the former's relatives. Tumors Fibroid, OTarian and other tnmora cured by clectrulvsis and other mean without the knife, which iW r.relr necessary, for pamphlet and reference, aildrciu, with 10 centV in 8tani). World's DispcitKary Melical Absociation, G03 Main Street, .Buffalo, N. Y. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe.. Sold ujr au uruisia. . ' I 1 ; Rowan county's jail is empty for the first time in years. - BUYING PRICKS. Apples green, per bu Beeswax Chickens old per lb..... small spring chickens lb largo spring chickens lb Corn, new j Eggs.:.:...,.....-.... Feathers. Flaxseed ..... J. ......... . Hides dry y Green.. ................ Oats', i'. L ........ Onions. Potatoes Irish, new. . . . . , , r Sweet. Rags Cotton ..... .... . . . Sheep Skins Tallow . J Wheat Wool washed Unwashed ..... Dried Fruit not wanted. Chickens active. Eggs wanted. 23 5 10 10 s 6 3 30 40 V2 . 2 70 rn tha lino nf thA Western Maryland Railroad, 34 miles west of of Baltimore. S Rev. Thomas II. Lewis, D. P.. Presi dent, with an able faculty of 18 teach ers. Open to both sexes on equal con ditions. The location is most deslra- in ovarir rosnprt nnrl id UnSlirpatSS- ed, teing elevated, healthful, and beau tiful to the eye as it takes in the blue mountains round about. The living apartments of the two sexes-are In sep arate buildings, and social enjoyments are regulated and controlled by the faculty with strict reference to the general work of education. Besides the advantages of pure air and water of the mountains as conditions or health, there are the perfect warming 1 nnHI.lnn nf thA huildin&TS. plCRf- aot rooms and good food and systematic exercise incalisthenics and gymnastics. ! The College, in its professors arid text books, teaches Christianity with out sectarianism or cant, and offers as a test of its work the Scholarship, the solid worth of character and the re finement of its young men and women, who have gone forth as its most effec tive representatives. With these the College has developed from an attend- ance or no in wiism w,. has an increasing infiuence. or runn er information address the President Rev. THOMAS H. LEWIS. D. D. Westminster, Md. i II ffCO) WIESTP IPHEITCDIKi. Tlble Oil Cloth, Light Calico, - Lawns, .... t Best A. A. Sheeting, - - Pans Cloth, from - i ' 2 Spools good Cotton 10 cent, per yard. 3 cents per yard. 5 cent, per 5 cents per 8 cents a yard up. for 5 cents. yard. yard. S Towels, worth 10 cents, for 4 cents. j I - . ' " SHOES CHEAPER THAN YOU EVER BOUGHT. i. East If ails YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN. Jr. J. IT. TTattn, druggist and physi cian, Humboldt, Ncb vtho Bpffered (with heart disease for four yen rs, trying ev ry remedy and all .tre:itnvnta known to;hi:n eclt aud fellow-practitioners; believes! that heart disease hew rah lo. nowrltes: "I wish to tell -iiat your valuable rhedi cine has done for me. For four years $ had heart dL-feasc of the very worst kind. jSev eral physicians I consulted, said itj ka3 Rheumatism of the Heart. it was almost Un endurable; jwith shortness of breath, palpita tions severe paina, unablo to eleep, especjilly on the left $de. No pen canjjde scribe my sujffer- AS RELATED TO An.i riDiv riARrtFnS. lou want sj va a j g a a wi n s good seed at low prices by mail at your doors, ive man mem iw juu, free, as follows : " tBuist's New Fresh Crop at 20c. per dozen papers; Buist's New Fresh Crop at 2a'c. each, in less than )i dozen pa pers; D. M. Ferrv & Co.'s 5c, papers at 43c. per dozen 25c. per i dozen. ;p. s. Should you have Headache or Neuralgia we send you KODAK, a cer tain cure, at 10,or3 for 25c Vick's Little Liver Pills, the best harmless vegetable pill for cure of Torpid Liver and Constipation (in adult or child) ever made, gelatine coated, small 40 in bottle 25c. Electric Corn Salve at , Witch Hazel Pile Salve 2oc, Address, 10c. Reliable Druggists and Seedsmen. GREENSBORO, N. C. Rinrmrricnn & Fflriss fR.J.H. VATTS, I Snaily tried Dr. Mifo New Heart Cure, ?.nd vvussufpii-d at the result. It putiov life into z?i mado a new man of mo. 1 have not )Wid -I symptom of trouble since ar.d I ara s-.it wfil your lacdiuino has cre.1 tn3 fwf 1 Iialo i'.-.v enjoyed, since, taki); it Three Years of Splendid Health. I rnl?bt :idi1;tl:it I am a drusr'rist and liavo wld and rwmmendod your Heart Cnrojjf or. I know vbsiltlt h:w done for bio and My wish i could tn.to stare clearly my sufor instbennndtbo good health I oW enjoy. Your Nervfcio and othar remcdiea jilso give excellent satl&factlon. J. II. WATTS. - Humboldt, Neb., May 9, '91. ji t, T.riira nart Cnm in sold on a noslM-re cu.vr'fictcotiiattha first bottlo will iicnetit. I , x ... - AlldiapKistsecllitutrL 6 boltks forfxoi Wf C nrp Qtlll XfTPni5; ft wVit iw.KP.ntLnrenaid. on rec.Mnt of price VV L dl-L bllll Vl4V.llir by the Dr. Medical Co.. iUUiaxt. lad. j 11.1 Dr. Miles' Heart Cue ( P - 1 cekbra ed Restores Health Lieaksvilie vvooicn Mills. WOOL! WOOL! WOOL Farmers Notice of Partition. v ! : ' XllHTH 1' AROI.IN A. ' GlILFOBPCorXtV. Before Ed. I- llagan. Clerk Superior C'ouit. ; Mary 1. Potter l Gertrude Lawliotli and bcr husband, Chatle-t l.anileth. K.lna Totter and Rol. E. Totteivin fant chiWreii of Ileni y l'otter, 1e-easet, Wal- ter Brians infant child of Ciiarlc-ItriffK". 1 Flora B'riirst who lias iiitrmari-il with M l hen l'otti JXannie 1. BriK who has lnler niarricd wit John Uoseman. jj i ....x.-i. inir to the court that the defemUm't are i.ix'ikt and necessary parties to tin? ieial I . r.1 ' 17 1 Di-oeeedinii which is for partition of land: lie- I nkcl nfr their i VVOOl. PI. .,"..iri,ti.riid defendants whoareten- UObllll: Ul LIIILJ W WWl. :r"; ....t., ,!..i-if. and that the defond- ... .... i-fl'imiit-reilccta of the state of. North Carolina audi that a numraoiw haa lieen lssuect fnventL and ifamarin? that the . , 'efenjm cannot be found in the state or Suit ij Carolina after due diligence, it is njw ordci-e.1 that .. tt until RIUH-IHl DMW tne tieicnuants " v, ' ,w ceeding and appear in t he elerk'j, ofljee for : he countv oi iiuinoru on ji : - Jalv. lHUS, iw GreeuslMM-o. at the court hoate, in said etatet and county, and "jnswer or demur in the petition now on llle theism asking for Che partition, of the lanl!oi Isaac Hotter,! deceaaeil, amonir tlie plaintmn and defendatata; and it is fuilher orlcli;l that this ntM-c be polilinheil in the Gbkexsbobo Patbiot, a newspaiier publishwl iu tlie city not Gifnulioro, N, C, for mx HUccewfiTC weeks, ij TbUSStldayjof May, 1896. ! M " I - ED.L.R.(iAN.!i 25-6 w Clerk Superior Court, hav ing Wool to be work ed upon shares or for cash will do well to see their new samples and terms before dis- ii i e win snip your Wool to the mills free of charge. yFor prompt return of goods, bring your wool in early. it mm iaitEENHllOItOi IV. 31tO, N. C. 225 SOUTH EIM STREET, OREENSDbnO. r THIS SPACE rwro Fon 33-sr 1W. O. B-IiT, CONTBACTOB. i Tb ithe Trade f J . I ' pur stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, Hat straw and Gents' Furnishings is complete. Give ua a trial; 'r prices will convince you that we an sell good. A i-r ! line of Neckwear, in all the latest novelties. 5 . - I ! GREENSBORO CLOTHING- CO. in- ' i ' 300 South Elm Street. CIIAH. Ii3. MOOUK, MannRcr. - - - Moore 4 KcKeszic's Oli SUnd. THIi i ' ! Tlie Cox-Ferree Dry Goods Company luivc -il largest assortment of tho Latest 8tjlcs in Dry (jooiN ejt in the city and llicy arc scllinp; as cheap as I In1 clieapes.t, and all we ask of yoa is (o come ami se i and examine our stock and prices and wo. believe. v,m 1 trade with u"; We also carrv a cood wil liiw i Shoes of all Einds. Jut received seveuty-Gve rolls of Fioor Matting. from 10 cents up." Lace Curtains and Ctirtaiiu lI, s in all grades. Come and sec us. TJIE COX-FERREE DRY GOODS t'fllUM.W- TOM SHERWOOD. Treasurer.

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