1 1 :r i 4 . VOL. 7G. GREENSBORO, N. 0., WEDNESDAY, JAJSIUABY 20, 1897. I NO. 3. j; "ll -fjig Greensboro ' Patmqt :, l I I . - 1 1 . T - . - . I - - - l " . . - 7 1. , - - - i ' t : : : : :-: - . i , . - ' . 1 1 gr.W. J. RICHARDSOII, 1 .; Hp,,ilt.e enbow Hoare, j PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ! -. Medicine and Sarrwy in i f Iaa (n Dr. J: U. I- i WYCHE, NTIHT, -Office in savings -- f --- - . ' ' i : :Pf- South Elm street; Greenslxiro, N. C. In . Hj BROOKS, tote's 'B-o.ild.iXLg. N.C. Drl W. H. Vakefield, Sof X'harlotfe, will be Jo. Greens- i,r,r r the McAdoO House on vveanes- Uyi February lOth 1-liACTICK J-IMITKD 'TO' Ear. Xbse atad Tliroat. 8'JIAW. A; M. SCALES. SGALES, GREENSBORO, iN.MC. - SILUV & Careful attte'ntioo given to all busl nesii-1 iif' . ! bfficei i o Wharton Buildi ng, . i . No. 117, Uourt square. Otai 26, 1893-1 y. A DfVU iCHENGKSK. j' DAVID SCttENCK, i SCHENCK & SCHENCE, Attorneys at'uw, nT nwnnl k lr nflir in thA bill Srott (nil'linir. on North fclm htrett, opiKwite the i our lloune, an4 will jtrart-e in the state and r !( Courtn. t orjiration casen inadu. a Ki-ialCj. Oflic hours froni 9 a. m.'to i p. m. - Brick! Lime! Cement! Brick! Lime! Cement! Of b9t. quality, at lowest prices, at HeaJuarters for all kinds of Building r::- '! '" Materials 1 - vl. '--1- - .1 :.!- Tlios. Wbodrafife. : j 4 Brick! Lime!' Cement! i Brick! Iiime! Cement! I walked f where the woi i looked new. I walked in a strange world dazzling ongai, Where the crusted snow spread white, spreaa Diue, i And sparkled and glowed Id the sun's ware itent. i Shrub dismantled and bare-twlirred tree J j . ; . Lay inklly shadowed ; there fell bo sound: 1 ' h . The stillness spread, with the purity i ui me spotless eartb, to. the sky's blue boiind. ' And tumult and turmoil andcare.lt - seemed,) 7 Were paltry' thlnsrs of another spnere, And silent peace, where- the white drifts gleamed, And perfect beauty and rest were -" " . here. -r ....... , -;i Faint shadows! fell on the snowy sheet Where the rare clouds drifted and drooped apary 7 And I drank tnelntry air, keen, and ? " sweet, j ' " f : And the. joy of living filled my heart. ' f ' 1 i i' I walkad where the woods were dusky f dim! - j.. - , . With the snowy load of the pines " that bowed H To the drlftod eround: no twir nor i limb .... I . ' - But was weighted deep with a clin- lne snroud. The snowy caqopy hid the sky, y Ana summery shadows lurked, heard I - Soft sounds, when a squirrel scudded high i j . On a bending branch; or the nigh creek stirred - t In its ice-bound bed with a muffled click. . . . I walked the twilight aisles; and -'. there, - . ' In the ragged; snow-wreaths hanging thick, t S -, - i I saw quaint harmony. every where: I glimpsed fair shapes; pale tracery; , Feathery arabesque, tender scroll; A marvel, a glory was wrought for me. And tne joy of living filled my soul Ehhi A.Orru. comptroller: Dusiness limited tn discounting nptee, bills, drafts, re- ceiTing deposits, dealing In ex change, coin and bullion, loaning monej on personal security, and issuing circulating cotes; cannot loan money on real estate security; shareholders are liable to an amount equal to par value of their shares in addition to amount invested therein. Every bank I of 1 150.000 eapital stock or lees must deposit with the comptroller bonds whose par yalue shall equal one-fourth their capital stock. On tbess bonds the bank receives ninety per cent. of their par yalue', in notes. The bank must keep a reserve of 15 per cent, of its deposits Each bank must keep ooi deposit with! the comptroller five per cent, of its cir oulation as a , notes, i One-tenth of the net profit or the bank must be carried to its reserve fund till the fund shall equal 20 per cent, of its capital. Each bank must pay to the comp troller a tax of one per cent, on its outstanding notes annually. 248.98. The assertion that the low level of prices is a consequence of scarcity, ox gold or other money should at least cease, now that the facts contradict it in every narticu iar. The Bubonio PUgue. The plague which has been rag ing for six months past at Bombay, and to some extent at other places in India,1 is conceded to be ube true plague. In its general cbar- Ucter it is identical with "the Black Death," which in the fourtieoth century destroyed, it is slid. 100, - 000 lives in London, the lives of seven-eights of the population of Augiauu uu iooi 2o,uw.uuu per sons, or one-fourth the Ddoulation 'f -fV.d. Ling ?? E"P Buth..BU.-..i.... .th of tb. net proDtf ', "PP0" . 1 h mitigated it. tiiuivbcv ur icssenea us opponuni- ties. In Bombay, with 750,000 in habitants, the mortality is kept down to 1 about 1,000 per ! week. Calcutta, with a million inhabi tants, owing to efficient sanitation Vy7 0 D K HUUUHIT. : I . U..-.J-11 r L - I These are the DrinciDal Droyis- 7:" -P'K; ion. nf tfw Uw. ,.i.t ai ino nrs. outoreax. in tne past Tr V.:r 1 h i. 'I??! " Sr nearly every case was fatal. Muuie Bvsvem. tt ,k.;,ui.j w ta v-- -r d;ct8Ad miix8. 730 persons had been attacked, and u uv Air.. FAou requirement of these 617 died Itg Tictimt are that notes shou d be issued on theLimo.t uniformly yery poor and ill- oonaeainaeoieaness or tne country fed natives. The English seldom was originally Revised as a plan to or never take the disease. The enable .'the government to float its Btep8 taken to purify the! cities of bonded indebtedness, and now ainA t.ji. 2 L. r ; u 1 1 1 ji - 7-unuia, to ;oruer 10 protect tnem, V k v t7 u imr8eiX, oecreasea conii8t chiefly in cleansing them by .u.. .u iirKciy iu liberal use of water. A In fight creasea, tne premium on tne Donas in .he UmiM. so in fiffhtinir the J . O What is surest to attract a lady's at tention? A gentleman lo a perfect flt- tiog suit. - "W SeXX TlxeazQ- Heavy Jand Light Weight Overcoats, Ulsters and ni Guaranteed Waterproof Mackintoshes. ;otton and Wool, All Wool.) in UNDERWEAR, (Canton Flannel, all weights, grades and prices. Wl AKK KOT O01NO-. TO OIVX THKSK' GOODS IaWAT, but We will give you Values 'and Prices that cahkot be bad else. where. We do not believe in extravagant assertions; as a rule they are untrue. Call at our store 'and take a look through our stock. The rest is easy. .... - N in . . - If r r 1 ' t .III . -. - a ill . n - , - -n I I i. ' 1 ; : . j TaBjhsBBBBBgSnSBTirJSBTMSBfBjT 1 J. ., J 1 , JL Wl ' , 1 I 1 1 1 AJ. Ill' UM1I 1 Aj!jsi mmpmg. . 'r jj-jfj' - .j.." - "latthews, Cliisliolm & What Is more pleasing to the wearer than to know that he Is clad tn a neat fitting garment? . "Wo SeXX 07XLOirL Oeneral Conlusions of Our Monetary System. POMONA HILL nurseries; fver0 cordially invited to Inspect our YOU CAN FIND I'ouiona, C j Two and one-half miles west of Qreens iKiroirN. C The main line of the R. & '!. Hr K. passes through the grounds d1 within 100 feet of the office and residence. Salem: trains- make regular stops twice dally each way. i -i THOSE INTERESTED IN FRUIT OR P. LOWERS -1 : f . stock; ne aiillloa' rruit Trees, Vines Hverjgreeqs, Shade Trees. Nats, Koses eic. L4n fact, everytning usuany Kept is a first-class Nursery. i . v.. I, - i f ' . 'Three Green ! Houses , Full kir a ereat variety of Flowers and . Foliage Plants. I Pot Koses for Spring Dlantinf a s Dec' alt v. I Catalogue No.,I f Fruit Trees, Vines j stc, and Cstalogue No. 2, Green House Catalogue, furnished Tree to applicants Correspondence solicited. - i ! jrVAN LINDLEY. Prop'r, ' ' !! J Pomona. N. C. : p Nervous Debility TTTTCTn " I ' . aiwiIS" " DR. E. C. WEST'.S NERVE AND! BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORrGINAti ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS. Iaaoldnndfr poi ti r VHttrri (intranlM bjrauthoriwd mguta only, to cur Wak Memory, DizuntwA. Wakaf alnerta. ' Fits. Hvntena. Oaick- neatvJS'iKht Loams, tril Drewnci, Lack of Con 6- derro. Nwrronone). Lnnitnde. all Drains. Yoath- ! tul Errora,- or ExceTe Use of Tobacco, Opium. 1 or Liquor, which hada to Mumtt. ';pnumption. . InM&oity and Death. At store yr tj Biail, f 1 a Nn; six for $5; with wrlt pisniatff to tvre or refand mtiDf t. ttamptc pmrk ae. contaiiiin fire days treatment, with fall inttrnctions, 25oents. One sample only sold to MTn lKn.ri A, utnr. h mil . ! fGrSXSB'to Label Spsciaf, . Extra Strength, i For ImpoteDcy. Xiom of Power, t i Lost M anhood. Hterility or Bamanesi, 1 a box; six for $5i withjf vtrittrn nsiraiiterSd Richardson & Fariss, Greensboro, N. C. -rri r 7f i Mm Pjain-Killer. A Purs and Safe ReraedT in ererr o aad exsrr kind of Bowel Cevplalnt Is a -Killer. This 1 a true statement and It can't be made toe strong or too emphatic. 1,1 Is a simple, safe and qnlck cure for Cramps, Coach, ' BhunatlsmJ Cltc, Colds, ' Keanlsrla, Ularrhoaa, Cronp, Toothjsckk. I TWO SIZES, 25c. aod 50, C imtiimiinniiwiiy Desirable Farm for Sale. -a Tarm-of 125 acres, with two story- eight room , , , 1'. larjre baru and all other neeessarr out floe youhs orchard of best selection ; ; rrj, (rrjie,l Ae , 5 or HO acres bottom "WB kver. Orchard Urass and Lu i -j. hUmu 100 acres of floe wood land. The ' us ell a-iaDte.1 to the jrowth; of wheat ' tJ"Tn- t.)bacci and all kinds of grasses and T!,i",llcloirer, and is located in on of the , Z e"ti'MiB in th. Soutn. .' -Churches, schools "l4reu, fUtlroad t depot conveniently. fTt. purchaser. ApJ at WalsU sell Dr. MSea W (Written for the Patbiot.) As to the probability of obtain' ing an international, agreement to adopt a bimetallic standard we can best judge for the. future by our experience in the past. The first international conference was called at the'instance of the United States and assembled at Paris Aug. 16, 1878, and all prominent nations were represented except Germany. After a discussion extending thir teen days the conference concluded that the: diversity of 'opinion was such that an agreement was an im possibility, and ther conference therefore adjourned sine die. At the instance of France'and the United States) the second con ference assembled at Paris April 19, 1881. Representatives from all prominent countries including Ger many were present. These dele gates considered the whole subject, and after debating for a month and six days they came to no definite conclusion and adjourned to meet again April 12, 1882, but never re assembled. j i The conference recalled by us all assembled at Brussels Nov. 22, 1892, and after j a discussion extending till Dec. 17, 1892, the delegates from Germany, France and Eng land were . opposed to ah interna tional agreement on the-ground that it was impossible and imprac ticable. m Mr. Currie, of England, thought it Advisable lo resolve that it was impossible and quit, how ever, others thought 'best to meet again May 30, 1893, and this reeo lution prevailed, though a further conference has never occurred. . Our bimetallic friends go on the assumption, that half or a large proportion of tne money one time in use was displaced and conse quently the amount of money being lessened prices must necessarily fall, but such bas not been the case. The gold In the United States in creased from $245,000,000 .in 1879 to $636,000,600 in 1895, and silver dollars from $41,000,000 to $547,-000,000- The total amount in cir culation rose from $818,000,000 to $1,600,000,000, or from $16 75 per capita; to f 22.93. per capita.. Eng land imported from 1873 to 1892 $190,000,000 more gold than jshe exported. j Germany increased; her gold fr)m the time she adopted, the gold standard till 1894 from $425, 000,000 to $845,000,000. France imported from 1874 to 1892 $400, 000,000 more gold; than she export ed. It seems as though it is im possible for one to conclude that because stiver han fallen in vilue our - present j nnanciai depression has been brought about by thatj fall when confronted by these facts. The 8upp3v of full legal tender money ; is greater of actual value today, both in this and all Euro pean countries, than ever' before. So if as as contended the fall of prices is due to contracted curren cy, the facte do not support the contention. The civilized world has realised jthat we must have a standard of yalue just as we have a standard of measure and..weight, andthata double standard is an is such that there is no longer euf ficient revenue derived from the issuing of notes by the banks to compensate them for their labor, and hence the banks now keen out only such an amount of notes as they are required to by law. This provision of the law should be repealed and have the govern ment pay off its bonded indebted ness as soon as it can raise the revenue to do so. This modifies tion was urged upon-Congress some time since, both by the bankers in the "Baltimore , Plan" and by Car lisle in the "Carlisle Plan."- The requirement that no bank of lets than $50,000 capital can' be author ized under the law should be modi fied so as to allow small towns to have banks with $25,000 capital Every bank should be required to redeem its own notes over its own counter not have the United States sub-treasury compelled to keep up a reserve of cash to redeem these notes as is now done. - " Now as to what plan should be inaugurated to secure the notes is sued by banks. ! Firsr, if our exp"er iencex with state, banks of issue taught us anything, it was that only a few of them were a success and in the great majority of in stances they were a failure; hence in order! to have a system that will plague, the Hindoos are indebted to the an and sciences of Europe. cut for the foreign- government, with its railroads and advanced ideas, the mortality of India would during the present affliction of famine and plague be Increased doubtless by many millions. The plague is a glandular fever, attend ed with a swelling of the groin. It seems to be unknown whether it QQlfla -yy, '--a John W. Crawford, Will. H. HeesWilL. EC. Matthews, OctlUoiJ-LUIl . John Bhaw and Frank Brooks. n Stroud 300 South Elm St., Greensboro 5 EDUCATION. Work in Abundance for All Our Ed- noationa.1 Institntions. The people,! repeat, are the State.. The University and the other I Democracy as Applied In the Man agement of Public Interests. General Manager Leazar, of .the penitentiary, makes an admirable report for the two years past, though 1 'A'AAXI . . Merchant.-.Tailor people and to the people alone. Everv citizen whether he be church : - v 1 . . I. a is due to a miccoe or to insanitary member or not. is a Dart owner of j.1.! w . js ww r- conaiuons. iiravagea npng-jvong each of tnege gchools ; and as such, a lew 5 ears aeo. destrovine maov iainuii in thm Tt thn h. thousands; there. It is ebdemic in 00mes a Question as to whether the vuina ana ie r-jpurates v auy, DeoDle. the whole DeoDle or a ma- just as cholora has its hobie in the horjtv 0f tnem are willing to be schools, which' for conrenienee we e past Legislature repealed pny Anil RtatA schrl. beloncr to th requirement lor reports, i ine farm London suf- and again in delta of the Ganges fered from it in 1665 1720. During the present century Asia has been the chief seen of its activity. In 1830 at Bagdad the death rate from it was 2,000 a day, and on April 21 of that y ear as many as 30.000 dead bodies were counted there. It appeared again on the Euphrates in 1867, 1873 and 1877. Its ravages have been enormous, but knnwn in Europe of the the lQsses it caused. . The Derilment Begun by the Lobby i Already. taxed to keep up their schools. You, are tne chosen representatives oi ing operations tn ls9a, covering 10,600 acres, cultivated by 850 con victs, were successful and so j the present year's work was begun with a comfortable surplus. The area In cultivation' has been increased this year to 11,300 acres, and a new farm near Wadesboro leased. There was in the middle of July a mag- For Made-tc-Order Suits, Pants and Fancy Tests. nificent crop, but it was greatly in- th people; the whole people, and J"" b greatest freshet of the they must speak through you. It Eoanoke river in many years, which covered 3,600 in China little was extent of ley must speas tnrougn you is for me to recommend ana you to act. If you supply the means, the Dtjonle's University' and their other schools will continue to pros per, to benefit and to bless the whole people. the schools will languish acres or corn ana 1,000 acres of cotton and destroyed 100,000 bushels of corn and 1 425 bales of cotton, leaving only 15 per cent, of the corn crep. Most of the i 1 1 i , j t .i.kk.M .k. i coLton was on nisuer lanu sou pru- xi. jruu nuuuviu wv iuvBuvi - - - - -- - i A mnn iha iuucsu tus isriteiii cru li aiu, 1 tn k. k. h. -v.,r i xne cotioa crop tais jwr - J li.i irA .... htu t. Ann w . m . I.... 1 nilHI III Ul UUUUUB. w uswu a wv x inriore urien juu uvt w mmwvu i , - - k - nnm .nnnArt musDtn last year, kjotu UJ K. LJ uuiiat uw afwv.w m j.j.w. - , Tr. , - . This iiim lu.ii . u a s CO is Showing the latest-st vies it Cutaways, Single and Double-Breastsd Sacks. Prloos Alberta, Tuxedos aod Full Dress, ttblrta. Collars and CofTs. Vf e wlJJ i have shirts made to order if desired.. Canes, Umbrellas aod FiirolsbiBjrs. The scandal of the assignment buc uunuiiy ,a nnn til t -.,1. ! schools. 1 am sure the present ap- A""u W1" v , , ...m.t. rjtion. The improvement in the san- nrnnrim inni urn nirri v iiuciaub bu i f "r- --"w"- j . - 106 South Elm Street, H. H. CABTLAND, '. GREEHSBOBO, IT. 0. be uniform and at i the same time I bill which was ratified last session answer local necessities we must have a systemregulated by Con gress and not by?the states. Now by eliminating the obstacles men tioned we can arrange :a national banking system with a reserve fund and a sufficient tax on j their note issues to insure uniformity, supply local necessities and at the same time be a source of revenue to the government, and thus reduce the taxes of-the grekt body of our peo ple. Now as to "greenbacks." In a previous article we learndthat the issuing of paper money direct by the government was not only as ah act of the General j Assembly though it was tabled on the second readinz in the House and was. never read in the Senate at allj rang out over the State. Then among other J I la ... Jt4!,a.ai 2a tl fltl M f .a .at a 1 . I J1 I.M V V Rlinil 1LIUUH IB IT I Bill V 1 UKi enahie tnem to ao tne wora inai i . , lies before them. If you make any change in these appropriations I beg that you will increase them, i to the end that their work and use fulness may be increased. If. any bickerings, jealousies, or animosi i ties have soruns up between these he death rate has decreased from 30 to 50 per cent, and the present rate of mortalitv barelv exceeds that of some oi tne oesi reguiaiea towns in the State ; as to colored people even much less than their rate of mortalitv. The number of convicts crooked occurrences it will be re- " - rZ'. ZZlZm is onlv 1.145 a decrease of 100 in v- j i sinrjaapn i rt riciud w id ur lUatufliic iuk i - . ' j membered that the bill Introduced I '"f " r , a "SI the vear. This is due to th large by - Mr. Smith of Gates, to forbid the issue of free passes to public officials was stolen no less than three times, and this s skilfully done that the legislative committee to investigate the theft, of which Mr. Lusk was chairman, was un able to find legal proof of the iden tity of the thief, whatever moral contrary to the sound financial sys- grounds of certainty they may have tern which we desire, but we are bad. It was to be hoped that this the only prominent nation keeping experience would be profited by. any considerable amount 'of paper But it is reported, we learn, that money issued by the government in already a lobbyist has been seen circulation. In "addition to that with a bill (concerning railroads, we learned that our foremost of course), which he bad obtained statesmen and constitutional law- possession of and was carrying to the State schools, and those engaged in like work in the denominational schools, it is to be deplored ; and I sincerely trust the cause, if any exists, will speedily be removed and that, all of these institutions of learning will find it agreeable to work in harmony and in a christian spirit, to form a holy alliance for the unity and enlightenment of our people for the nnlif ting of humanity and for the education of the sons and daughters of North Carolini There should be no antagonisms number of short-term convicts and toincreaeed employment of convicts bv counties. Manv counties send I..!. KI mwtA 1i..KUrl mala and female convicts to the penitentiary and the latter constantly supports at least 100 of these prison p lupers, One convict whoIs serving his seventh term is yet under 22 , years old. There are 30 male convicts under 16 years. Onenaving enter ed at 9 was discharged at 14 and tbs. The a ran for Infants and Children. returned in five monl ap- yers from Webster to Woodrow Wilson have contended that the act putting the greenbacks in cir culation and making them a legal tender was unconstitutional, and the Supreme court judges them selves by their own language could find no power express or, implied in the constitution giving Congress any such authority. Hence we are led to conclude that the greenbacks are and always have been a con stant menace to a sound financial policy and should be retired as be exhibited to some other person. What has become of the bill in troduced early in the) session to make such conduct a felony? Is Gov. Russell's warning against the evils and tricks of the lobby to bear fruit? The people of the State are entitled . to have some protection against such rascality.- News and Observer. :;j I , Lee's Son Failed to Pass the West Point Examination. '.' - luiniua , . . - . u r between these institutions. TherelPrwF""" . "r:.i..Jvoos is work in abundance for them H .""Lfm of one does rM V1w'wv,u "i I" next IOUr yeare. waarfai.yvy u- nually, and from 1893 to 189$ was - - - rw L f -L .L. . . !SR(Hiii annuaiiv. auis vear iue x . i ? ' ' u . '' . I r Cnstorinisso weuadapted tochttdren that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." 1L A! Aaciiia, M. D., ill So. Oxford St,, Brooklyn, N. T. MThe tne of 'Castoria Is so nnlveraal and its merits so veil known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep GastorU within easy reach." J . .. . CaKboa JtAarra, O. Kew York City. CaatorU cures OoUo, Oonstlpatloa, Sour Btomach, DiarrhoM, Enfotalioa. Kills "Worms, gives sleep, and protiotssfdl . K"too, ; C - . WUhotttliiJnTloiisinedlcaUda. ' -! "Tor sereral years I have raeomm-nd-4 'Cantori,' and shall always eonUatta to do so, as it baa lauriablr produoed benefklsl . Eowra T. Paaoaa, X. P jacth Street and Tth AX, Kew York CSty. Tns CtoTAcn CovrAXT, 77 XuuuT BTaaaT, Nrw Toaa On to do and the success not depend upon the failure of an other. From Gov. Carr's Message. impossibility, demonstrated never having been a success in-a single instance. A smgle standard hav ing been recognized as .indispensa ble and of circumstance a necessi ty, gold fills j the bill as to porta-, bility, homogeneity, durability, visability cognizability, and sta bility of Value. OCR XATIOHAL BAKklltO 8TSTEM. ; .The system as it stands today became a law February 25, 1863, largely modified June 3, 1864, and with a few unimportant features since enacted is our system as we now see it working. The General Comptroller of the Currency is at the head i of the system. Any five persons with at least $50,000 capi tal can form a bank to exist twen ty years, but renewable for twenty years longer! vun approval ox rapidly as the revenue of the gov ernment will permit of their can cellation, and the national banks can issue notes to take (their place without a sudden contraction of our currency. .For the same rea son given above the Sherman coin notes should be retired as fast as the silver that they were issued to purchase Bah be coined and put in circulati,on. .Then that govern ment gold reserve, which has its ex istence without force of law, should be put in circulation and not be allowed to stand as the .thermome ter to which our business men con stantly look to determine the abili ty of the government to redeem its obligations and thus with its con stant fluctuations hamper our busk ness interests. Now Mr. Bryan,' in a speech at Chicago " January 6, 1897, remarked 1 that the national banks were wanting to have the greenbacks retired ; so they could monopolize the issue of paper money. ' This statement is utterly erroneous, ridiculous and is not founded on facts, j As was stated above the premium on government bonds is such that the banks can not make enough money on issuing notes to compensate them for their labor, and hence they only now have out such notes as they are re quired to keep in circulation by law. Again, instead of the national banks hampering pr monopolizing anyfunc Ion of thegtrainooentthey have on the contrary actually been a source of revenue to the govern ment to the extent of $157,439,- Among the thirty members of the United States Miliiary Acade my at West Point who were recent ly discharged as a result of the semi-annual examinations, is Geo. Mason Lee, of Virginia. Lee is a son of Gen; Fitzhugh Lee, Consul General to Havana. He is 18 years old, and was admitted to West Point last j fall. Before entering the military academy young Lee was a cadet at the Virginia Mili tary Institute, at Lexington, Va. He is the first member of the Lee family that has ever attended West Point who has not maqe a record in military - tactics and studies. His. grandfather, Genj. Robert E Lee, the leader of the Southern Confederacy, : received his military training; at West .Point, and was graduated first in his class. His father. Gen; 'Fitzhosrh ; Lee. also took high rank at the same school. Rheumatism is a Foe which gives no Quarter. It torments its victims by day and night. Hood's Sarsapartlla purifies the blood and cures the aches and pains of rhenmatlsmj Hood's Fills are the best family ca thartic and liver medicine. Gentle, re liable, pure. ' ; ; , - j The national monetary conven tion at Indianopolis adjourned after adapting a pian for currency re form, including a declaration for the. gold standard. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets eora biUonsneas, .:w . fc.n 1. w -j . : aiva sou viiiuui wwKn, aiuuH, cwilTami, t r.nnlni! o: constipation of the bowels, loss of appetite-f-pay requireo. . i . , . . ' I KAHAAa A.I .. nuni mugw, iyuigmiuo, w oyspepMav, soar swmaca, winay Deicuings, neart-onrn," pi and distresa after eating, mod kindred derange- i mm uTr, sMuaaea ana bowels. LhO rl ppe w hen Lax ativb Promo Qoik in will cure you in one day. Does not produce the ringing in the head like Sulphate of Quinine. Put upln tablets convenient for taking. Guaranteed to cure or moneyrefunded. Price 25cts. For ssle by all druggists. ; 43-6m McKiuley's Life Insurance. President-elect McKinley will be gin his term with $50,000 life in surance. The policy is made out and paid for. To keep up this in surance for one of his age will cost almost as much as the salary of a member of Congress $5,000 a year. After his nomination Mr. McKin ley determined to take out a policy in some good company . and indis creetly mentioned the fact to some of. his friends. Within a month every life insurance company in the United States that had any hope of getting even an audience with the President-elect or any of his friends had sent one of its best men to Canton to camp out for the remain der of the summer. During the summer and far into the autumn the agents stayed on. Once in a while one qf them had a chance " to get in a word, but the Major gave him little satisfaction. " Finally, the Sgent who had writ ten up Mark Hanna captured the, prize. He worked for the company that paid big policies after Presi dent Garfield died and again after; the death of President Arthur. Twenty-four hours later twenty! suites of rooms in the best hotel in Canton were empty, while one lone" but happy agent stayed over a few days to celebrate. New York World. . '.. Bncxlen Arnica Sal vs. -The Best Salve lo the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, 8alt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cares rues, or nu pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed, .race as cents per dox. m or ar by CHIIoIton. . Greensboro Roller Mills, and uses not a dollar of the state TCARTOT Jfc W ATSHN PKOPRTETOKH. iWULJrHl II uauvij - ---- - Why suffer with Coughs,,Cblds and penitentiary pays all its exbensee fundi, and for the first time in all the le i whether your or uyspepsia, its history is able to report I abeo Intel v and clearly its full support " . ' - . mm.. ' I from its own resources, mere is . . : i la m on t ' now a credit : oaiaoce oi ai.o, consisting of j farm products on hand. $28,346. value of cotton on hand, $48,111 -ash; $8,494 ; jbrick, 15.517: cotton seed, $1,125 Of this $63,327 Is cash and products readily convertible into cash. If vbu're in 1 doubt rrnnhf Is Indigestion iust take a few doses of Simmons Liver tegulator, It will settle the whole ques tion. I hive tried Simmons Liver Regulator for Dyspepsia and Mod It just the thing; to relieve me. A small dose after meals is sure to prevent In digestion." S. S. Perkins, Sharon. Ga "It Is the best medicloe to aldjdlges-tion.'"-J. J. Black, Dupcan, Arizona. - 1 'I " t Sticks to the Confederate Flag. TheAtiirusta TGa.) News says: There is a lady in Augusta who t... -! hsen from under the old umm www ( fm.t.ATm flatr. Her name is known, but by request It is; with held. Whether walking, eating or sleeping, there is alwajs a Confed erate flag over her head.: (While walkinsr on the streets thereJs al- wava a flaz in her hat, and np mat ter how many bats or 'bonnets she hs, there is always to be fund a flaz pinned on the inside Of the crown, un tne ueupuv y bed is securely fastened a large flag of the Confederate States. The flag is as necessary for jher as three meals a day. ; She eas she has never surrendered, and: never will." 1 r - " J TXtoX Tobacco Spit or Smoka Your ' Life Away . Is the trethfnl.stsrtlmr utte f ababsirt No-To-Ba",tb ft armies, g r 'T ' 7 . .'I - PTIBITT : I fflGH GRIDE PATEKT. STIR : 1 FIIK WULI riUUK , CfiiEI OF GEEEHSBOBO : THE POOB MUTS fBIEID. ; These brands have been put on the market on their" merits and have given universal satisfaction and are pronounced excellent by the leading familes of Greensboro and surrounding country. We gusiranUe unU! formity Jn each grade. Ask your merchants for NORTH A WATSON 5 FLOUR ' ! ( ' ' !' ' ' - " 1 ' ' ' I Remember we handle all kinds of the Treshest and BEST , FEED. beside the best MEAL ever made in Greensboro. ; j I Mill at Walker Avenue and C. F. A Y. v R. R ! DO 101! fill 101 LLARS If you intend to build or enlarge your house, come to us for sn eftjmats on Material. We will surprise yoo on prices. We make a specialtj Now don't think for a minute we are selling below cost, as no one can do business on that basis. Our motto : Largs sales, small profits. WSSTT IT OOME3 TO we can enow you the largest stock in the South. 1 Guilford Lumber Company; Greensboro, N. C. N:jsrw oab XiO ad tobacco i. hit mm that hrae-M no mcoi !-" i-i. twm aimtiM uoiwn. tnaLes weak tea cain streojrtn, igor You ran no physieafor Snaacial risk, fs Ko-To-Bae uJoldby Richardson A rart and C. K-HoUen iiader a taranw -Ti.v f tl-lT asouey Book free. Address Sterunf jtc-neay Terk car CaVeaj-o. . .' . or ! TyCvr on:Grs 1- i C-V a T' ; I ALL COL.OH8. Wo. w378orjth ihmJtt.JlntfinhorOrJiC. ."! i i ' i , i . ! - , i i - 7. t ' i V i; i i ! i , X - i ! I: 1' :i I 1 !i 1 j t v '. v. 1. I 1 V ti i; j. V ! i