. J i . i t 4 : i r - f: . . . ' !l I- - GREENSBORO, N. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1897. NO. 4. f; ) . . riwaawsawsMwswjwBiiivBnaMsaiawaaw Drfw. J. RICHAMSON; ,"!!. "!T .- i ; ,'r ( II b " i " ' Y"-"- l(-eti io Medicin nil Sur.ry to Dn E. WYCHE, From the outsklrts'of the town, ' -Where of old the mile-atone stood, Now a stranger, looking down I behold the shadowy crown ' Of the dark and haunted wood. -i . '. Is1t changed, or am I changed? y Ah ! the oaks are fresh and green. But the friends with whom I ranged Through their thickets are estranged By the years that lnterrene. " I ' i - '. ' Bright as ever flows the sea, j Bright as ever shines the sun, But alas! they seem to me Bana 'Building, Kim street';. Greensboro, H. C. Dr. w. H. BROOKS, - i I.-! . . ; -i-iv rr.isiT N. C Dr. H. Wakeifeld, " .tt. willibe in (ireens- . VriW .,.rt'f the Mci, ,i,c February. H'fh. i . j LIMna. PRACTICK E,i Ear, .oe TO and Throat. A. M. 8CALCS. in vwi SCALES, .GRKKNSBQRO, N, C; rareful atttentlon given to all busl- Office In Wharton Building, s . No. 117; Court Square, : Oct. 26iS93-ly. . ! 1 "T" f . - ,VID SCHESCE.JB. DAVID SCHK!C,eR. SCHENCK & SGHENCK, CHATTQED. Not the feun that used to be. rNor the tides that used to ran. , Losartixow. FERTILIZINO BY ELECTRICITY Nikola Teala's Latest Oreat Disoov : 'ery Made Public. ( Nikola Teala's latest contribution to science opens up one of the most surprising1 visions of man's future; control over nature that the nine teenth century; has produced. It shows that not ; only may the earth from hi exhaustless source in the atmosphere and; transform It Into the required compounds. This has not yet been done, but it should present no great difficulty now that the principle on which it is to act has been demonstrated.' I under stand that Mr. Teala's id eat is to employ : an oscillator which con verts mechanical j energy directly into electricity; while the air to be acted upon is confined in a tube through which the current can pass. The result of the process will be . a combination of the j nitrogen with the oxygen, from which a nitric acid salt can be obtained for ; APPLICATION TO THX SOIL. In this manner electricity can be caused to achieve almost! instantan eously what the slow action of the sun's rays, falling upon the soil of a worn-out farm; requires years to accomplirh. Moreover, 1 there is reason to believe that increased fecundity can thus be imparted to the soil. The value of every ferti IT0TE3 ABOUT STIMULANTS Points It "Were Well for Everybody to 8tudy Thoroughly. Alcohol does not give force. Taken into the body Ft liberates more heat (force) than jit gives. Every healthy human body con tains a store of latent energy. Any one of the stimulants taken into the body liberates some of that energy, either as work dene or as heat sen sible to the body. i ' Stimulants are vegetable, animal, alcoholic. Vegetable stimulants are tea and coffee; andj the animal ttimulantjs beef tea. j Beef tea. ordinary tea and coffee and cocoa all have for their active principles substances jwhich are very nearly' alike in chemical formula.-' - : When we take a cup of tea we take It to get out of the body cer tain force from a reserve that oth erwise we would not draw on. We are tending to Dansrupi me sys- adds notn- . be made more productive, but that li2er i mea8Ured by the amount of nd the stimulant -fout of the;circumambient air may Bitrogen it contains.! But by the mg to our capital, be drawn an element which can ret mmJ th-n-w nnra nitrogen The use of a stimi store the exhausted energies of the soil and use of the new process pure nitrogen Tui o iuin ni innuea io ins ion. sou, m r - .. . increase the fertility of M. tFhm n.t.frtorv land prompt ingestion of eas ly aigesiea even the most richly favored , lands. mav v.' ndered Droductlve. while food sufficient to replace jtneainount Mr. Teala is not fond of publicity, J u,.u tm .ilmA f.tti. m. of force that tne sumuiant rc r . . . . . - I luit nuitu tm uis.ui w. j i . . have its productive! capacity im- leaiea: L L yui uurumviv What Is surest to attract a lady's at-j tentionf A gentleman In a perrect ni- tlog suit.'. . "We Sell TlLom All'WibollSmts Heavy and Light Weight Overcoats, Ulsters and Elegant Waterproof Mackintoshes UNDERWEAR, (Canton Flannel, Cotton and Wool, All Wpol.) in all weights, grades and prices.r " j j -y Wl ARC NOT GOING TO OlVE THESE GOODS AWAY, hut i i i r. . I i i i We will give you Values and Prices that cakkot be had else We do not believe in extravagant assertions; as a rule they where. are untrue. Call Th'e rest is easy. at our store and take a j look through our stock. ATTORNEYS i aT UW, the ol.l IUt opened m lw m. "e. "''i.rtK j "l rt lfoe. in-l will . e iilta ij le lral Conns. Coi .r4t.. ina-lc a JH.-ialty.- Offlc hours from a. m. to 5 . in. and when I met him the other day I foun1 that, while he was willing to discuss' the bearings of the dis covery with me privately, he pro1 fessed to j confine his publio state, dents concerning it to the bare presentation of the scientific facts which wiirbe quoted further on. As the! earth fills with inhabi tants and more and more of its arable soil is placed under cultiva tion to supply the necessities of life the greater becomes the ' need to make every square foot of land contribute its utmost quota of veg etable products. Yet, as everybody knows, the elements in the soil that make it fertile are not inexhausti be. On the contrary, they can easily , be j drained off by the too iaal cultivation, and then the abound in tea drunkards. io one can uuuui u uj i -i.-u-w- of electricity as m fertilizing agent JUBt "" "wr "r .1 . Ma JM I KM .nl.p r pjisir AFI fl IT I UUStSSS W 1 exhau.t.d ld, d .timuUt ng .11 - " a a 1 oc.ni fill ! I, uw wu j . llattliews,, What Is more pleasing to the wsarer than to know that he is clad in a nsat fitting garment? , ' -- Wo Soil Uxoxri.. .! ';. : . i f! Chisholm & S troud, Brick! Lime! Cement! t : - - - i Brick! - Lime!, Cement ! SSWXk kinds of soil, would be greatly re duced. ! Very little energy would be required in order to fertilize ex tensive tracts of land. The small farmer would feel that an almost magical power had been placed in his bands. Any little waterfall or wift runnincr stream or mill race would supply all the energy needed to operate an oscillator,, which, drawing upon the invisible stores of the atmosphere; would causes ths grass to grow greener, the golden grain to .- 'j' . j '.- PBODUCE A RICHER HABVCBT, cares, tnnof tea and feels better mo mentarily. The tea braces her up, liberating some of the) force that has been stored up. , bnortiy sne breaks down again and! takes an other cup of tea. This proceeds a few hours for days. Ultimately h creta into the doctor's hands. Rafore she can recover she must John W. Crawford, Will. H. Keea, will. Hi Matinewa, John Shaw and Frank Brooks. 300 South Elm St., Greensboro. "TOADYISM." North Carolina and Its Resources. give back has been robbed from It Raleigh Introduced the New Gov-- m m. n s 1 a. S ernor into uooa oooieiy Aigai. f at the Jump. You know what "toadyism" is? Well, vou ought to have been in W W w to the body the force that Raleigh last week and have seen The best publication perhaps re cently issued by any state of the Union to secure attention to us natural resources is "North Caro lina and Its Resources,'! anj Illus trated handbook of 413 pagesj pre pared by T. K. Bruner, secretary oi but of the "!'- at ihrmioti the nneration of slow nat ural' processes or by the applica tion of artificial stimulants its po- To get the strength meat one must consume matter as well as the other constit uents, j i Beef tea is in itself but not a food.' Tn -administering beer for vourself. Did you ever know a parea ?uocr' T nTpo-ition 'and Handing,'! the North jCaroHnasta brd o WT1Z.J .: - a. .;a&. u i . . ..-.. ! .u. i no-rifMiiture. . unuse imoBVi ib'bic it. proiem (aB they call it,, to "-P-"-- " kB fh i() work i is as enter 1 : J ill a . man who, for some reason or omer? . . r.5 ,1 .(.nlUn?1 naa no. posinoa ,uu j And did vou ever know such a de of best Quality, at lowesx prices, l- : - - . ...... I . . I lltaJquarters for all klndaor Buuaing tency is restorea. - Materials. I mast wokn out farms I Exist all over the country, and f re mil TTT,Ul.rN-PrVk Lnpntlv their Owners find- the ex i n n rJ i it it 1 1 i j i lcj. I j . . . . . .k. ...t. nnnriahinor food at the I And then, did vou behold how sud-l118 Mia uabivu uvw o ; i i .- . 1 I . t .1 a .1 me time or snoruy aiier. aeniy me urav uju A perfectly well person needs no this cmce despised m Brick I Ume I Cement I ly, the cattle to become sieeaer, feeding upon finer pastures .than thev had ever known, and the farmer to rejoice in the sunshine of unex- game time or shortly after. nntr1 nrnaneritv. I i I A nfep.tlv well Dersbn I v.kmifr .n nut in mharffo onl..ini.n ' . I ' I hnw ha bowed to him, fawned upon .iiuuvui O ItlUIUWUII . . ... " . . J - . tthmmir TJrt "trust" I ilt .v. . nimnUnt befote a him and aervilel v - flattered i him r inthA. unon it. It is v- i l That is "toadvism." You naa nf annlvini? fertilizing Jteents I Kn,,t to eTervbodv. I ifi.. u mlr ii done and the anma months ao of a violent, dls pvuov Mr tr J o . m uu . . m v m . I fco. mw - , I " . 1 i . .n.ntitiAa tnrt ffreat fori i .i . . -U.. .a.kIiii nnt I . . ..kl. hilnop ia felt. I .....f nl unpmir nf .the State WHO thpir resources, and so the land I. tha n-drillion and a half I. .timnUnt mav be advisable. as a was running for taining as instructive, ana win oe widely read. j In addition to ue well-printed text, it Is profuseiv spisea man .o r, u hnd,omelv illustrated, nine of . r - , stimulant tea give standing," by some means or other? . . ' I r iha wnrlr in a renroduction denly thefirst man's atiituae w,.- , DreDared bv Col. an cnangeu, , ' . 0q0 u. j. ia jn illustrations being in colors. reproduction Brick! Lime! Cement! -iim-.-ZZ. v ' . j r- r j POMONA BILL ; I NUBSBBIBS; Pomona, iX. C. f ' fwo and one-half miles west orGreens- N. C. The joftln jline oi me . u. hssses through the grounds t . AMi Aat. continues, liKe a wer uu.w worked animal, a burden tous pos sessor and to itself. ' In the? neighborhood oi large Governor. ; Last week that same . man was taaea Much poverty ! due to abuse oi right into the anxious arms oi saltt I Aftm.fi ' LU I likinh antlArv " 1 IlflV vaTD 14 sua sb Pritcbard Elected at Last. lKro, -tt. R and i -,iKtFv ifs fAPt of tne office resyence, Salenr trains make regular Btops rwice dally each way. j THOSE INTERESTED IN of tons of it.i .aesers on cnp 0f tea, coffee or cocoa the face or the eartn;were maue w Ktnm tkronarh itfl influence there k. Wn dtnMe of exhausting! t,.t. PhiladelDhia Record. cities. the! tail,; plied witn powenui the BUppiy. j j i J stimulants, is driven like an engine Jt u discoveries' like this that with safeiTvalve tied down, in or- eonititute the real glory of science. A- tn ruddIv the pressing ana Wi,ti mn shows that he can make T?.Tinw Jan. 20. The sens ceaseless' demands that , are made . Unet he dwells on nourish Uorial contest ended 'today, and nnon it. In many places it, be- OP(l i-habltants and do it more I T.tT n Pritchard. Republican, won know. ...."nrantiiiill an artificial soil, I j,i w.n nnld h noasiblel. i Mttinar ftS votes, two I thank the DeoDle for and. although its productiveness is ithftllt hiB interference, when from 'than a maiority. The 15 1 to office, but he is expected to oe maintained, vet the cost is great, i . ... hf. hreathes he is able to I hiffh socistv. reception and a dance, ana appoiaw mA AnmmUtoA to make punch k. ia . mixture of whiskev ana other stuffs : all of which is sociej ty at the top notch, in full dress, low-neck end short sleeves, yon The new Governor may electing him J. DCameron in 1893J but it is in the main a new book, in the prep- .tinn nf which Mr. S Bruner has had the co operation of Professor Holmes, the state geologist; Hon. R. M. Furman, state auditor; Hon. S. L. Patterson, commissiofcer of agriculture; I Prof. Wj F. Massey, w . t . . t . on noriicuiiure; ui. director of the North TE-rneriment Station: Prof Gerald McCarthy, j botanist, and Mr. C. F. von Hermann, meteoroio- It results that theTooolc is not merely nne writing, uu bodies well-digested practical in- fnrmtinn. nresented in a sober out no state information H. B. Battle, Merchant.-.Tailor HAS RBCKTVKD v - and Taney Vests. -KT-E3W TPnr Madetc-Order SuitsJ Pants E5 yrLcJV 1 106 South, Elm Street, H. H. CARTLAND, GEEENSBORO, . O. has Now it Jo happens tnai wnue nresent we must go to various and more or! less remote parts; or tne i . . . his boast that i.i finr nxtnral deDOSitB. Of ,1 fl war i in a.u aauv a, , w a b r an m.wtmm iiiiaiirn wa. , i I I . - -1.1- 1 -- - o - T.ir TTirn." a'd UrAWP.BS those compounds wnicn are ... , New Ypfk World. rftUll lft A', uv l iT fertilize exhaystea son or ou.nn- our cur much expense in manuisciurf the cniei eie- draw sustenance forthe plants road nnnn. then he comes near his he to he was Maker. intereatmir manner 1 . A 1 ii a Vila nut : l - . . . i m nr.HTRr variciv ui - Populistbolter. stuck hinw; l forev duct8 than North Carolina, c - oi rr;;,:". nor more varied capabilities ?n of industrial development Tha Sneaker of tne Populist, ordered his I called and voted for " Are cordi ally Invited to Inspect -:!;:Yoq" can -find; - j Oyer One Million Fruit Trebs, Vines Kvergreens, Shade Trees, Nuts Kojei etc. in fact, everything usually Wept In a Irlrst-class Nursery. . - I Butler's Downfall- Three Green. in cthenJ at home. o . . . :.t .Ii.it. m.nl in their COmDOIHIUU,-uiMw- irn exists in abundance, .suspend a i orprv anre oi iauu. CU.U j fifth nf the volume of the etmos- nhr consists of nitrogen. If that r" . -. . V . House. nwn name inn in ma enori bkbiqiv tu ThomDSon.Inf th ft North Carolina Railroad) to the Club (cards, punch ana aancew e . : fopuush a rrv'r.-Mm .niet. Senator Butler was preaeuw u ireej iur K-twu6 r ...i.. . k. .it mnmnt ID Dll wh -h naS seCUTea iur,uiui uv. IBB aRLIIB B.U KM AfBkwVW mm w I n mbw- work against Pritchard. ! The Dem- forth the recognition -lJ..:uiJ.. .t Waleiffh ocrats voiea xur iUc i - L i. us' neuutiucu w.g, - -o aid Thuradav:' l i V "Yesterday at high noon the elec tion of Mr. Pritchard to suceeed tiim.Alf aa Senator! rounded to a f the real But we in fer from the Governor's ringing at- the "lease" tnat his tt k 0.0 lis. thm nlaned bv nature atineriod the Domical career oi. u JJ. U U6 Co ,5 k- 5.,d ...ilv Lll... M-.rlnr, man, who yesterdayjwas so' powsr- Doughton, as they did yesterday. Speeches were made by Mr. terances on the "lease u. "" - .ain8illi854. PrTuhard, Gov. Bu.selll and Con- u.te for toady I-soowtBrry. tc!ent VeTl. . Skinner, wnoj nas man- and aancea i nut j vate. Biblical Kecoraer. Mr. our . - ... j 21 I ii I 4 T n . I - Thla doors could be inaucea eaaujr colleague, muiun uuu.. . . iI.pi mil I . . i . ' . :tk th onm Full of a great variety oi x I and cneapiy 10 enwt " Foliage Plants. Pot oses jor binationa essential to THE GROWTH OF VEGETATION r .i.ttir ii P,.l;o.Yof Fruit Trees, Vine. What We Did With Our Exports, Th. tcw York Journal of Com- .AMWwv" K MV 1' W . I etcand Catalogue io. a, ru x-Y The result would be an immense ae,iurnisneu.irco , i'atalnflrna Correspondence lld- f. 5. .V-AN, LINDLEY, Prop'r, . l ! i Pomona. N. C. A Binolfl's Bromo-Geleig. F- aS.K : THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. I- Rt . wiHlar Anu. ' U CHICAGO. Richardson & Fariss, Greensboro, I. C. tier K7T) , (PERRY; DAVISM A Sure and -Safe Remedy In J ; every case and every kind of Bowel Complaint Is if MO 'This Is a true, statement and It can't be made too strong or too emphatic - It is a simple' safe and quick I Twe siies, 25e. Sad 60c cure; for Gougi, Kieumatism, Colds, Keuralgia,1 OroutJ. TootLacha a . Oramps, OoHo, , Diarrbosa, i. Keep It byyoa. Beware of lmiutlons. . Bay my Oenuine-Perry DayU. tU Jrwirwrw. . boon to! mankind and an enormous increase of the productive power oi the earth. j ... . Well, ' it would appear that this great boon may be actually at hand. The oYneriments and discoveries on which this statement is based a,, to Mr. TeslaA That he should have followed up an investi gationtof this kind is iq itself a guarantee of the scientific value of the results attained. Mr. Tesla has the dislike of premature con clusions, which is characteristic 0 all great original minds in science, .nH tha nnlv utterance which he has made on the subject U contain ed in ! a contribution to the Elec trical Review, in which, speaking of the effects produced with his electrical oscillators, he. says: "With currents produced by per fected E electrical oscillators, the production of ozone is so abundant that ii is sufficient to merely turn on the current for a few seconds and" ozonize strongly the atmos phere of a large hall. These cur rents We also capable of bringing about I chemical combinations, of .. . 1 .t u:!:. k. nf the nitro- wnicn uie cuioi 7 th the oxveen of the atmos .nh.r. .nd an immense possibility -us-k V h.vA hen following up for ,-- ' . , f ul in North Carolina tnai nis wora - --v , . . and he ......d hi. nledire for tree silver, onsnuiw, uu- & o oreaaman ired tha bolting Populists Pritohard was given an ovation. He said it was the most (axing con ... .siiv.iAa.iiv and mentally in .Srh hi nlaatic followers was solute lawnow finds himself so poor, as there are none to do him ptrnn. HIS weaa ana ibwuiuxi .. . - .... vGoohants.like Wilson, Ayer, Shu- '.7 l-T " Uear on to 1 1.068,907.000 and our ford; Lloyd and Peele, are already PE, not excess of export, over import, nip a .-.v frnm him like au-l Governor Kusseiisaiu no ...r ocrnnn-. flirure never be- uluFF'us ? "-- , Kelieve the senatorial colitesi woum to ii.w. - a Popu- assu him IhVr merce adds our export, of silver fn and the cc .n; 1896 to m1 WIT There is, therefore, .aounuan. m- terial for a book and it nas Deen utilized by the author with j great success. . -j . . . . ' . , , , The first chapter is historical? describing the discovery of Wortn Carolina by Sir Walter Raleigh's Koanose isiana b are presemeu, uu . .i i ..k' ih Mnrrn are iouowea oy State's part in the Revolution ana its heroic record ' in !the civil war. Next follows a description of the mountain and Piedmont regions and the coastal plain, the climate. ora, fauna, geology, eco nerals.' Drecious stones. nsn r mm k . Mm 11.11 Iff 1 1 1 V M I 1 WV X I I V V 1 I ' ' ' ' V--' 1 v. Infants and cniiarcn. for CatrtaIaowenadptltocWldre,1at rcomuxend It an Buperlor prwc-riptloa kaown to me." IL A. Abcheb, TL D., I . UlSa.OxfordSt.,BruoWjr,ft.Y. -The use of Catoria' U no unlrwwd and it nvjrlu o well known that it weem. a work of wupererogBtton to endorse IU InU-lUKeot famflles who do not keep OwUria within eairy reach." j Kew York City. Ctorlacim0Hc,ConAlpUon. . Hour KtoiiUM-h, Warrhora. w-Utl. KilU Worms glvca aleep, and iruct l Without injurioua medUion,' Tor wrwal yr I rwnnW.f Cartoria,' and always contimn. to o, a it ha. Inn-riaUly producl UOci resultan . Eowm F. PAaD,"X. Ti 12lth Street and 7th Nrw York Oty. I Struct, Uw Yomx Cm. Th CrrArCoiiFAifT, 77 McaaAt. .VM. , U ihit rndi. waters tariff our ports oimercn.au.wv.- , ;a manufaCturing W Bf T BB BJ BJ him like au tumnal forest leaves. He will oc cupy a seat in the Senate, the seat hik h nftenniea bv the flrrace of God and the blunders of the Re publican party, till the expiration of his term. -From henceforth he is a political Ishmaelite. Hewill be pointed out as Butler, the traitor ; Butler, the ingrate;-Butler, the faithless, scorned and despised by brave and true Democrats of the . ' . . . . S.I 1 . State. He is the ooieci ot me puy and contempt of his former allies, the Republicsiis'of .North Carolina. For months he( has been an oDject of suspicion of cold and .studied neglect upon the part of his dis tinguished colleagues in the Senate. A creature of political accident, he rose! rapidly to high estate. His descent has been as rapid. So may it always be with traitors and falte and faithless men. Butler and Rntlerism are dead in North Caro lina." r:l '- --i " T j ' " i : ' Dr. Alderinan's Iiiaugnral. ! , I - ! ! ' The formal inauguration of Dr. Edwin Anderson Alderman asprea- divide the Republicans and lists and prevent them from taking eharge of the State Institutions. Congressman Skinner stated that, in his opinion, the election of Pritchard was one of thibest deeds ever done for populism and the cause of humanity. The KepuDii fore exceeded. What has Deen oone ;.k kt. hanrlanme balance? The TT II. U lull " - . i. Journal estimates that about, flap, nnn OOO of it went to meet our aver .7A annual adverse balance due to t. ... tiA nnn nnn has come to this eountrv in gold, that being the ... .... Af imn'orta of flrold over I1C b U w 1 w . "r:""' L.T k. : I nrinir the -vear ; fao,ouw, The PoDiilists hsd bound Pritchard to their cause, and if in four years sent protection did not bring prosperity, Pritchard would walk out of the n.Tt Renublican national conven- tion and take North Carolina with him as Mr. Teller took Colorado. V Senator Pritchafd afterward held rareniinn in the CXCCUtlVe Office. In an interview be aid "Butler is no longer the Populist leader. Skinner tskes that place." M Populist Slate Chairman foun tain said: "Fusion or co-operation -Dn-t1it.. .nrl Rennblicans is A uuuiia.. sr- or claims on Europe neia dui. sent forward for collection, asj w usually done ; $125,000,000 has been settled by the return home of our securities formerly held in Europe and by the liquidation of jarious odds and ends of debt; due ., to Eurone. We have, in effect, p Id . .l.imi have DUt a up an prcBBiug v - . - hiirlot'of eold in our strong-box a fiftv millions more of it in Europe subject to our order. and waterways institutions, health resorts, iacm ties for angling, detailed descrip tion of counties, &ci Fine farm ing is exemplified in the, descrip tion of the Biltmore and other farm.. Horticulture and grapeeulture are. it is shown, welldeveiopea. rumu . a wu - w,rf pnfpjfrj Carolina produces" largely cotton, CHIRM OF GREERSBORO I THE POOR MAITS nlUi) Ka..r.. rice. oeanuts, fruits, grapes .. I .. n .k-ir merits """ ' . . . .. i . k.. h.nn nn r on luc v . , i and market truck, valuaoie umner, Tneee Drn7" .faction and are pronounced excellent by the le.a.r g coal, pho.phate.pnreironl ire. givpn un,ve.l and gold. jit. coon "- V Z JrYde. ; Ask your merchants for NUKin a T luruiitT o - 1 1 : 1 FLOUR. ..' .... f'.K. .nd BEST FKKL ended.' Texas Married Sixteen Women, j ia a biff state, so uig v : . ' xa. UTh. I thmt . man mar commit ui8 nnnirTiiimin otrouu paiu. . . i - uki. victory is more expensive to the Be- amy fifteen eparate times w.. - I . .. " .. . . the . llc I . ... t. 211 a long time, Is openea upj "'"Jt I dent of the Btate university i" ,h nctmhination of the nitrogen of ni.e. t Chapel Hill today. the atmosDhere oh an industrial n. Alderman has been in charge commonwealth Tom . . k. .n. ri.r..t ta to ui. the borders oi j . fk. r.al lit. th. anare of a few years senator ! cuuer . I r. A : Ki,rn eettinit OT 1 7C 11 IBUUi -""Pi c . t-t i. i..nki(..n nrti to 17 et I married when to oiuca jvjjmiv t i : - scale by practicany no or the university now .uftur. uuit. it..iii-' for eiffht years, at tne rv S m,oh.nic.l power. H m.r.l,lTh. inaogtio. will b..d. . T Cogr.... SWWto" "T"" . r. Vrh,. Ilea ieiegr.mi.uu,,. -- ' - . hi.m, rorjtD. Roller NORTH & wItSON, PKOPBIETOKS ' ( i eT ' " ' '" I '' - ! run mwitv nnnn imill HIGH GRADE PWEKI. . I and bats -r,r! rrowini7 interest. UI population oii, ov,vw ... v, hirrl are icoiorru. 4..-r-rrf -i.iv rlifTused and howbere . J .k. .nrlrl la MerilUU vuiuiv IU bUO nw. i ly rewarded is else rich- k.niiA all kinds or trie Remember we -,..wVrr. rU in fieensboro. beside the-oesi mrk. i . 3STOBTH & -WTSOJSr,, Avnue and C. F. I. V. tt. ..r 1 ... tFn. V th liOUlTUB. V"v - .AnT .TiTIVlBROMOQCIN' Launpim nn not l. in .tiv. vnn in uueu.Ti " I Pi a Wl" ve J . , i ,.- produce the ringing injthe K . . n.. . n. Put Ul ftaklnV GuaVantfeed to Cuiu.u.... . - j. J Trl0 2.1CIS. cure or money ,",UDUU-iiem For sale byalllruMUts 4fbm , A Southern Train Kobbery.1 - Ga.. Jan. 21 A special to the Constitution from Columbus, Mil. , says: I I The west-bouna passengct . wflll .t- Wallrr IWB III am a. II wav DO If M, 10 1 DOLLARS? MM g M- Waw . Li. .J ,A..r house, come to us fot an estimate Cwe w U sar7rT.ryi- prices. We make a specialty oi UU .... - - - - j train held I Desirable Farm for Sale, cuiabic." The power or an firm of K5 acres, with two story eight room il wrtlm, larjre barn and all other necessary out fF'-ll-rinns, tine young orchard of best selection Hf trims, Krape..- Ac ! W acres bottom "roeaj.ws, alao Cker, Orchard Graan and Ln- rae.'about 100 acres of line wood land. The tr.ia rs well adapted to the growth of wheat ,oU. corn, tobacco and all kinds of g rasses and . .prciallT clover, and U located in one of the nni wriuini in me muiu. . - ... Jl 1 I f function of more man oramary m- ceivea a wiegraiu hw-. .----- - . hia&mv terest and impre.sivene... ! Gov- Watson, of Georglcngra.u,.. WJ. oith. hon ernor Bu.sell. whoi. a Univerty him defeating ; jfotiyr Bixteenth; wife, alumnus, will Inducttne new pres.- nng rrmnara. a - - viRinv wa9 a,cidentallyidi- . . .i. kn. . nm. d . whn l a on ins duu rf dentin omce. au viuui fw i " . . .. ... ... I ..... ' j m I TTT-. .. a r. art It Ot mo Itw-MCUltiw. rhe power or an ' " .ttanda of the alum camoaien. when Mr. Watson w a. of great pressure to proauco , . nniversltv is tha Ponulist candidate for vice- k. tnnwn KverVllZO.- I Hi uu . " I . u"wuu"" ' tn be nreeent. Among I President. on the Southern Railway was. held Sp near Berry, Ala., about 7 f clock ts-night,tbe robbers stealing several I i 1 . ... i i ii nn (ini rau FERTILIZERS or THX eOIL Would be manufactured in the manner, the benefits to humanity derived therefrom! would be Incal- F.vurvliffbt- - . j.' ' Knt I ItTniGlBQ W MP w.wowmm ning istroKe Pmcc. - Ikfrdistinffuished visitors Mr. Tesia nas uiicutc.cu "7 n. wriH.m T? TTar- t I mm. w rtvA. i v ffi M ' HminBUfe a a v currents are aiso wp.u "r r.hi nni- will be The Onward March iiadical Diaooery. If . 7 nTB ii laaoButhen'a complete rveorery eymoon ly was All of the sixteen are alive, none or them are un-.-ed, and Lowe is proud to.daim .kl ..nair nf nineteen children. tt. . . twfintv.Bix vears old, 5 ana m .f An time a federal marshal in the Indian Territory. wives . j. ..a w.maa tn the TTnltad iau lnUrettad la tae Opinni aad waway abtt to haw. en. of ml book, on these du ut. Address B. M. Woolley AUanU, Oa Ik)x US. mad -ea wiU b ant yoa tree. currents sro " yf- r-- .. . . nuimtm TTni. I ?-r"jrr.r n.err. If w nwen ?nir,r comoound. of atmospheric per, preeiucn wa -"B.r" I daaoi, tner.'. compile recorcry - e.t.rrh I. to purify :r." . . .nh Vomnounds in versity, and ur. y. - itbo.fh by. blood Is oy ina; .riila the Une irue Rinod Purifier. i .-3ir-T."eS;am7 nitrogen, and such compounds in vers ty, u , . - ' - -tKT?idervf Mrtef thrblood,.nd th tor.ted. ertna to .uit purchaaer. Aply at 6 j, aDDlied tO the president of jthe board or trUSteeB nnw faet tna. uiUiueailier to purify the fitaior office, i t - turn Can Be directly PF11" r " r .k. TJ..Krv fnnrl The InaUg- "Joosumption is a enrable disease. Mot way to Priiy : i i f ertiUxation of the soil. A current of the Peabody runa. i" iteabWriperewitaga ieaae.and Hood's Sarsaparii J:v. ..J 'I , T.w.miM..Tibr..i.n.p.r Hr.tlon'.b.U !. b. jhJ-JJr SighiSWSW Blood Parifler. . j m... . naa anch resuiia i univrrsi.v u.n- nrnnn iuiucu iu vww . i . T. nnltr nmttnl tO AOnStrUCt a J " "T, ... - I la IT .ktn. with whnn B.IQ IBJIKIUW club promise, g go. -0' ma- to be a briUiant affair. , A large f - ; Kim; pected irom ojui- Vdiigtubala, ouster) great ! of Sartaaa lax; Hood's PU1. sr. prom ptffl cleat, al- reiiante. . cht w - " -J -. . ' - :t operate. . . la.l.' P.ck.g.. from. pr car and two or three juga u hh--Tbi. i. the same I place where, a similar robbery was comm... Dmber;16la.tan(1iti.!uppoied . . .Li. .AKkarv WllCOmiUIIu v. tnat .ww IV.-- j -"-I. . i;Kia .. i ...t .1 . Ill iuiwv""- tne samo L . .kia Vi.ii narncuiaii p to Ouiam i" f-"-j .7 late hour. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. -i a. 1-. in the world for Cuts Bruiser Sores, .f rJbd 'Uands unilDiaina, .,.. tmi.. or no 51 TmAm, S5 eants oer box. f or CJ ou. vw by C. . Holten. TSEIT IT . we can show you the largest stock the South. Guilford T.nmhiir Company, Greensboro, N. C. 1- awarawawswawawawaawawa ' j I3ST I j ALL C'Ol-OltH. ALL HTVIjK' . Myrn O. ONTo w ; ! .. n.u.t Ylraanahoro. V. No. 837 Soutn n.im.Di""i " - 1 i ! . i I ! i .! H ! i i 4 i .' I oiti driW BltrOrSB IBK liaiws., j

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