. m - - - : : ;""" " ," ; ' " " ' '. "" ' ' 11 I . vol 7G. GREENSBORO, N. O., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1897. NO. G, ..II' I 1 I - - ' j ! . . ... "TTJj-csTONAL1 CARDS. AFTERNOON IN FEBRUARY. An Unwise SnKCestion. in North KITCHEN ON CONSISTENCY. X X - '--:'.-'i;V: ! I- '. .-'. . X, li - ! Mrs; -.sijfc;. Mski A':fl TX DTrF: p ffll(l ol S ! 1 ; I 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 V IV V'V I I v v u 1 : --i.-.. ..v-.. : : :;.-r XlI L 1 1 ! i ' I '- J' ' ' , :j -rv:. 11 , .x; KIxvl c ' j w;::.i r 1 H'.x-'- . 1 : A QnFMFff fft surr-mn lin eoaatry . . H.WYGHE, "" Hank Mail.ling, i Hi ftrer, t jrecnfeboro. X; C. Dr. : W. II. BROOKS, Dr.: V l v. .1 ; ' ' it ll$lEf -he N. C. f...n r. J ; or.ict! t 1- will be in Greena- Mc.loHouseon Wednes- ry l"!h. it . . H. Wakefield, KAClicS LIMITED TO ; oe nl Tliroat.. i ' ' A. M. SCALES. sill VW & SCALES, X-tJtoii-ess at Xia-w ( hliul ittontion given tb; all busi- lu V -hart on. limiting, 1 . . No. 117, toun rquaiK 2. 1 i ' 1.VJISCI1KSCK,JK. 1 I Through eloads like ashes The red sun flashes On village windows -That glimmer red. - The mow recommences; The buried fences Mark no longer 1 he road o'er the plain; - 1 t While through the meadows, j.iKe leariui enauows, - -Slowly passes - " A funeral tralD. . i ' The bell is pealing -;And erery feel.ing -Within me responds . To the dismal knell. 1 ? - ; 1. Shadows are trailing;. My heart is bewailing j f And tolling within . : : . Like a funeral bell. Longfellow. GETTING READY TO MOVE. exceedingly w 1 v" evert' a suggestion looking to the discontinuance of the; Geological Surrey of North Carolina. For if there was ever a, time when the state needed such a survey to ex plore and make known ita resources in the water-powers, minerals and timbers, looking to the development of manufacturing enterprises, now is the time, j And we have never known a state survey to accomplish more in a short time, in the way of invoaticrtna thnA matters! that e t--i 1 was v are of practical importance to tQepearso survey has done. !: J . ' ' J . The state I is now beginning to It "Was No More to Vote for Pritch ' ard Than It Had Been for Other Gold Bugs. No man in ithe PoDulist party beginning with Butler, including all who voted for a Republican for the legislature, or for a state officer, or for a county officer, or for Con gress,! na8 'Any' honest,; legitimate right, or even a plausible excuse, to complain of the so-called bolters voting for Pritchard. It certainly is no greater sin or crime to vote for Pritchard than it was to Tote ior iinney, oeine, n. Russell. Zeb Vance Wal- ser or "any other ltepuoiican or gold bug. ') . u 1 1 . 1 1: : ... I J-. . " . . rD lua ueuruts B a mo urcuuiiuai y i nn 1 ,mn rr . 1 . L 1 :. 1 1 1 w reports 1 aro .ueiu (iuuubucu auu distributed. And it is to these re- rjorts that caoitalists. thrifty and I intelligent Deople will look for im partial land (accurate information when their attention is turned to poicf TaTHv"M".vrriirPre-r- North Carolina. The work of the m ..111 I . I AH A ant aho 1 .n.TrM tna : iiurTev iu uu uucvuuu "'wuv White House. showing thai artesian water, sup; . 4 u Dlies can be obtained in the east- U ASIIIKpTON, reo. iuBrjor , i , . ... ,tn, , . ... Wkita ern counties of the state, and thus already signs at the White House , . , 1 .,1, J . e K tKi malaria be avoided by both natives of moving . preparations by, the ... 1. t,ji ry.A.iS ki- .!! fir.i and settlers-ris worth a hundred- L 7 u" ?m?" Vr fold more to khe state than the to- boxes are (leing packea ana . eoBt of the work. But this is gotten down . from tne garrec ana of ihe ways in jwhich the nilnrl with VtclrtncrtncrM and BOUVenirS I . J r F" " O - " . What is surest to attract a'ladj's at tention? A gentleman in a perfect nt- "WeSell Tla-eixa.. of the past four years stay 14 results of this work are benefiting .1 1 T la. Washineton. Secretary Thurber is i- f.r tu dubiiv enzaeeu, iu bi the work ahct expects weeks to have Ithe mansion ready ary xnuruer in , . . uperintending loPing wfnTJrBth s,Mb thrJl Hon of cotton mills, th ! SCHENCK & SCHENCK, ATTORNEYS AT li oHrt'lltiu : 1 IIM LAW, .1 a law i.tli'-c m tha c.l.t S-ott N..rili Hiu,rtei, i..xM:e tlic totirtr. l.:i-ruti..n Ira? ""' iff iriui a :. m.ji" 1 ' CtBiinciTE f Exiiinioi of Nursert Stoh.1 friira 1 i thrill . I iTi orth r.tp protect myrell nd Jny patrons f,..m tie Jhii Joe cU5 ana oiiitrn.'a. fruit tte;j havem pccUl cxniniUitl-ii made of i.iv : urries e er six moutlis by our tue E: tn loBjst. Fclow yon .wi.l'liud his wrtifi Vnte. sliowl.g llHt my Nurser ts re eiitirely - 1 - : j0. A.ioi:sG. K.tl. A.8! ri.Tl RI. l-VltRIMBSTTATU). T . ut i ifr May oNt SRS : L 1 ..nifv that. m tic 'i'ti d.ycl 1 " jHi.ArV.li'. tliei.ureryg.-ouuli tI Jol.u A I !M-W:ek Kn.t "Kostte.' mid all other in- u-.ri. ni r'.'. 1 hU ortitu.-te d ifs not-xtud i- lujrr iii. . : . : .... ....w of t-xaiiMUlOW. hit ioes inui'uw -"J. - ltrioi than m:ro u e bringing eatablishments for sion ready . .i r iKa. e.,n. for delivery to - Major. McKlniej .... thA-rlAvelonment of the promptly at noon on March. 4.L The Tresident ana mrs. ieve ind will follow' the usual custom of outgoing Presidents and leave the city immediately after return ins from the capitol, their destina tion beinc Princeton, where upnoi aterers and Dainters are busily en gaged in putting mings m -mip? for the new tenants, ine nousf nnd hf MrJ Cleveland in 'INew thai state. To cripple or diecon tinue this work in its iinfinished connition would be a great loss miafortnne to the state I I IUVIVVVI) m - - -j 1 and a specimen of j f alsej economy that we trust is not to oe eerioueiv thought of. 1 Surely the 'people of North Carolina will bring such "J 2 . . . . . 1 i I nressure to bear upon ipe legism- York will (still be hel by mm du. tQ . t any acon ook ! m 1 1 u I i a a w T it in is LIUV. 1,1,1 ...... - - - ,t . i nfihii afrrfsiilil Botrtuit and K.ntomolOiUt. the future. It ia prettyjdefl; nitely decided now that hereafte Princeton will be the winter borne of the President-and his iamny, and that Grey Gables will be used as their summer residence. j CABINET OFFICERS PREPARING. TOJO. . Members of jthe cabinet are also following! the plan of the Presij dent's familyand many are prepar- leave soon alter me incum. a discontinuance 01 even to a curtailment incr either to this work or of it. Manufacturers' Record, crime or sin to vote for Pritchard for! United btates Senator than it was to tote for gold bugs for the legislature to vt fnr Pritchard for United States Senator, and negroes at that, I ttog 8uIt HB UUr lUpUllBVDCUmui fax county, and as the Populists did all over the state except in me Fifth district If it had not been for the Repub licans there jwould have not been ten Ponu lists! elected in the state. If it had not been for the Populists there would not have been nityie publicans elected in the entire state. Neither can live without the other. They are one and: the same, and whv all this stir about bolters, trai tors and rascals? i n . They are all who voted for gold hnoa fnr anv office traitors to the . . nrinciDles. platform, declarations IT -... . . . I- the ropuiist or o-r nnilaratnnH hv i .n i-: I ! nr- tv ilia ln.linn at ornlll n.i.intit nnn ninrfl-KeeKiUK I au waiuu luo ivkuiuk v. uoniynv,uw- o. I -T. . , i:t..- Populists. X ' either from an elevator or ugutf X it .k. Anirhi in intn nn nf the mammoth Vessels keep quiet on voting for gold bug engaged in its transportation, is to Repubiicansi it ought to be Butler, witness, one 01 tuo icpcv. Othoahd Hal. They are all tarred in the movements of the world s . . 7 . . rrt J 1 : V, . rra a writer In TlnnR- t . l . n . a i. nu i i in 1 1 1 ti i.c- n u u - nun tu oaw j i - telv made a contract last sum mA r.r fail with Pritcnara a kjo tn dpfeat every free silver Demo crat in ihei statejand to elect, in- ,(,! nf nmnrflts. ffOld DUZ lie Heavy and Light Weight Overcoats, Ulsters and Elegant Guaranteed Waterproof Mackintoshes. - !' i . ' : . j ; i ; . "j X UNDERWEAR, (Canton Flannel, Cotton and Wool, All Wool,)? in all weights, grades and prices. j I W. ARE NOT OOIKQ TO GIVE THESE GoOPS AWAT, hut We will give you Values and Prices that caxhot be had else where. We do not believe in extravagant assertions; as a rule they are untrue, balls at our store and take a look through our stock. The rest is easy. i What is more pleasing to the wearer than to know that he Is clad In a neat fitting garment? -' - f XW"o Soil Tliom. lattlieAVS, ; CJiisholm & Stroii d, Salesmen: John W. Crawford, Will. H. Bees, Will. H. Matlhewa, John Shaw and Prank Brooks, i 300 South. Elm St., Greensboro. The Oare Required in Loading an Ooean Ianer. 1 DR. TALM AGE'S CAREjER.j Hear His Lecture, t'The Bright Side of jThlngs," at tne Normal. nf Tir Tolmotro nrhol ROmeS to the State Normal and Industrial School on Wednesday night, the 17th, wef have the following sketch of hjs life from one who lasjfnown mm aunng au that time: I j . i -.. ! i' ') Tir. Talmaee was born January tb, ! 1832, at Bound Brook, N. J. His par- I U ll 13 ncio w i-- - " character, the fruits of whose judicious The North State Belli gerents. Aj.pWivtjf : H. U. Cattle, Direct.. When Representative Harry Sk'inner, of! North Carolina,! was asked at thi Ebbitt last riight what he had to say in reply to the tecent tirade of Senator Butler, in which Afr svinnarj was alluded to as "Mark W T 1 i i6th. l7. incr trt . , ! : .Jminiotralinn BBSIiml CnarfiTe. i ii i n u m luav. r i " j i ill nrnhahlv I Aran ntAnnncA of "the Coneressman ailllUUKUT ouui i. ... f- 4 i,. .w y . . " , , i . . i..-. i. mil- , its t.nwj ri ii rin fr inn niiriuu.irhOf.nniH HRriiiui 'vuu uv .mnnjiry 'jiii, ion. i I linger ucm -" w -i a i . ..).!. -", n 71 Secretary Olney will return direct- his words carefully, fays! he Dmnir I T ima I I.OTTlPTll I h t.., rnmA hia law Wasliinffton Pest. . , - . I J ... . t - i .Hrnv I 4T u.o Itnat hftfin considering. r nriiirH B.a uurwiaiivu x . m w j - - - . w- in rira Matrazine. It" is carried in inn ir nines, with a' funnel-shaped, C r : , . movable j appendage at tne ena.r i s i j .uifrAl Vvr manna n f ft rnrift 7MV" " ". .u. ui ' i trftinini? were manifest in the conver- Frnm nn nan 01 iiic iwu . m i . -..i . . . i . . stead 01 nemncmi?, K""- - . . jnn n 1av tt when i vears 1 aze publicans, and after accomplishing other, according as the stream 01 r received fais jilerary training in the .nSrarii...AAnm1nt and wicked erain fills up theppaces. It rushes ,Tniver.ilv ni vew York. Aaa bellea L! oiler anr1 fi nan- into the vesbel with the velocity op Rftholar. a Drole-sor of the uni- con-piravjr - I . Mm,a . hwrhlume 1, ,1 ' M . T.lm U h. had VuL i.h m ilife aforethoujzht and of dust and chaff upward, obscuring no cqual in ail the stuJenfa who have they, with malice lreno,8afc" nrt n,kinff Lr arnnatd from that insWution. blood in their eyes, wueei upon lu rF.u- r-- - .riA ri:hen he delivered a aa m am u i rnnfi riii 1 IP aiiinAwa-i aau i vu as. a w j . midst. , J I . .k. L ion ia ri&inrr to 'their The "trimming" of the grain m "1; nf hrllliant. the holds is an important part 01 r. . . miJthfai ani nathetici utterT its storage. After several tnous- ance8. He afterward graduate Irom Skinner and! his so-called bolters, ami nrfie and damn them ifor car rying out their wicked contract, doing what) they advised shem to rl nrhat lhAV thfimtielveS did the ffood-humored I , .hi, ihv intended to be U wnai UlcV imeuucu . I c . . . u "" '. J ... I 1 , 1. 1 u .t.o(tiiiaH into th done, the election of a Republican " . tn thi TTnited States benate. From a letter of Cfapt. W. H. Kitch in, in Raleijgh News and Observer. Brick! Lime! Cement! U'it bu i i. t. bawjw I j I lease on I his house expires said he, "w. March 15, and' it will be but a few I a knave or days lateT before he depart? irom a puzzling - hether Senator Butler is - LOUISIANA. FAMINE. a lunatic. question It to is 'rather solve, and . .., il.i u .1 Vnn'Mrnni hold, a dozen or more men are dele- Uick, N.J. IThe first three years of gates to shovel the downpouring nis minisienai carec r . T Column in between the vessel's Be iieyiiie, f ' ai7. rf. hnr- beams.a job for which they are cauea o wftn, tb Phil- . . . 1 t r. n nant a min- I mif UOIO irnvs J" 1 . Paiu i i.ij " w w- - . , . - . r RTI 1 Merchant.Tailor Made-tcOrder Suits, Pants and i . : - ZX.B BECETVTID HIS , . X h ICEOTIiB i i ' Fancy Vests. XX S I L J 1 " x J - .. .. . . 1 o t. . , u ,.,, in nntawars. oinzle ana lioume-ureaiicu own, have shirts made to oruer ii ae8ireu. ,,, I at malitv. at'.loweist prices, uijrtcrs for all kinJs of Buiiuing Materials. .1 1 the citv.l Secretary-Carlislej owns BO my cpnclusion is that he Sena ' TKos,; w X T Brick! Lime! larre house in Washinatonand tor is both ia exnectea to remain oero uuiauure anu " . . .', . ! I . . . . I the early summer, althougn no having his .infinite, nlans have vet been form-1 becomes ar ed. Secretary Lamont expects w live in his house until the Jast qf iari.h and then returns to New Ha in a knave bv na- a lunatic oy reasuu u hand dianloaed when he rrtAarArot:p. violent, .and i crazy. 18 Like all other lunatics, he harmless, in an asylum. The patriotic Cenient! Cemeut! r ; POMONA hill! NURSERIES, li . - I i- independent, brave, and t," i- .Ti,a Mhor ihint officers IpnnliBto! of North Carolina, who will not stay here long after aiarcn are on my siae in mis jusui, , : . tt TlorViort all I . I. n . him him nnmr and nothme Durni uiu vr " - l ' r - w i. . . . i 1 Brick! Lime! 4, and except Secretary Herbert all i have definite plans. (' Mr. Herbert is yet uncertain s to. his future movements. He may determine to live in this city apa begin the practice of law, but,otp ers believe he will- not fail to re turn to 'Alabama and agaid enter politics. His! position at, j home, however, does not promise; earfy political preferment, owing, to tne strong free tuver sentimeai anu the Secretary's intense goia .money attitudeX , .j- ; ( - : Assistant Secretary McAdoo, pf X; liniTim A P Vl. n r Fi R S the Navydepartment, proposes go " x " fi : i i - Ug to!r tioroT 1. HA His in- the State he will Pomona, IV".' d f wo Jnd one-half miles wiest jf Oreens- 5T. C. The main --line oi v nassea throuen tue grouuu , and Within 100 feet of t;he omrena residence. Salem traiuaj i .. .I..:tr' omli WiV. ' 1 X rilOSE INTERESTED IN it- . . X i ArJ cordially Invited to inspect our x.atohlh f xi - 1 Tines 'I 1(111 . ft i I .-i ... r '"r :i:.-. 'Pruit Trees. Kverkreen,, Shade Trees. Nut Koac. .t,. Tin f-r' Pvprvthinst usually kept in a;nst-class Mirscry Three Green will remain to him except the wag ging tongue of a lunatic fluenpA and nresticre in -j x l i are destroved forever, and sink into the obscurity that awaits all tricksters of his stripe. He will go out of office 'unwept, imhonored. and unsung,' and it will he a good day for the State when It is no longer represented Jby such an unworthy son. He boasts of having the Popaust party oi norm varu lina at his back, but thej truth is that a large majority of the best men and. the most influential leaders : M-t ham f nil nil him OUt and S'" luiuBiia'ij 7 aealn. and General Doe, pi tne utterly Repudiate nis ciaima io iu War department, will go to qis dictatorship, ne ns uut Wisconsin home and resume his majority of the central committee, former I practice. Mr. Curtis, of but in j the . executive committee m....... rrnaa Vknlr In K ikau I A malOfltV aaiUHli U1UI. lirBIUITi jmmv l mmv f r D , Mr. Hamlin,; or tne His char to Bos- New JYork and bezin law nor. aTessman Boatner Says 100.000 Persons 'Are Destitute in the Stricken District: Hew Yokk, Feb. 4 Congress- n .t Rnntntr. of Louisiana, who is in this ciky, said today that oHnnt 100 000 Dersons are aesuiuic in hi nnrttiwe'stern nart of the iu . " -( - t. A , . , Aninitr in had crODS. I lie haa giiivo vug, w .,at rooived a disDatch from Col Poifa nakr. of New Orleans, tell ing him that the people need seed fnr nlantinz their crops and asking him if he could' get Congress to ap- nrnnriate something lor seea. T Bhall not ask Congress to ap nrnnriate anv thinei"said Mr. Boat ner "hr-ause i! feel sure that Pres- . . . .ii would veto any dui He vetoed a of a similar kind for tne reuei onfTiirera in Tt-xas some years ago It gives me pleasure to say that many Congressmen besides myself are sending bleeds to Louisiana, and it is a great help. ! Thfl trouble stanea nasi yci, in vPOKeia or tue vuuaiu KA u - , . . ;, stripe, it takes oetween iweivo thnnnanrt and tllteen inouanuu KnahAla to fill a hold, and these ves R0 000 bushels in the n.l nrrn. Shins carrying Siruiii ln on take as hiffh as 125,000 r a v w . Ki.'oKio nrl when it is considered a nA 1 I i 1 . lr frnm dOOO-tO Y.UUU DUSUCIB y H w a w r- . can be stored- in an hour, every v.iiaholi weichmg a ton, an lull. w v. - - - - n o - . . . . . i r Ka nun ha nnn or ine iurc i mo luca vu --" " - fnrrent directed into tne veBm. T.aro-e vfssels have four or nve holds, and a distinction is made in .tnrincr the carco in them. ' Grain, tb Phil adelphia, where he remainea, seven years, during wuicn time uo cjfi" -high place among the pre&chers of that city. His congregation were large and his churcn rapiuiy iu" .. membership. . f; . ; ! -' 11 Manv laree ana impprxant wusv nations were now extending Calls to him. lie accepieu r" r Central Presbyterian church ijrBroot lyn in 18JJ9, then in a Hale of decline, in preference to others, because be sfcw an opportunity o uijuu ; T l U ! - -nnrihe the time Vt. laimage was nBtnr of this church he directed the h.iildlnir of three great edifices at a .4 t ri i otKJOOO. ' Kacn new dent. Cleveland of that nature. stroyed by fire, he preached to usual great throngs in Music, ew iora. f Not long ago ue recei ver the York citv. and oamo rlnartment.' returns II rt n s A R I tnn. Soliciior General Holmes 11 J Li U 1 ... . -TT. l J Cnnrad will go to iimcnetier auu when we had months. This larowliig crops drjed up, cattle died, that .survived rges of fraun ana corrup tion in the election oi oenaior Pritchard are fale in every partic . . a drougnt oi iour not nnlv killed the - j but the 6treams and those very lean became The drought iwas-confined to the hill fiumti-v. ot sandv soil, and did nnt Ytmd to the rich alluvial storing the cargo in taem i,ra., . - , g . frm it ftomnact and dead weight, church was fereater auu g TV, a a x r ma w r a a. mA iican iihii a rM ai . iLiin iaJk v w j is reserved mostly for the center of - jer' erected on : his the vessel, while curea. provision. - p Dr. Tallage preachea l . .1 f.. f nrva ril nnn &S I . r. j : - it inir.'cf nnnoroimtinrig - Kill are pacaeu . eaCn ijunair iu w . w..6.vB --- 7 ? far aft as possible, for their better tb t were ODiy Hmitedjby thecapa :ity X f preservation from the heat of the of lbe great ehnrth. After Ui was de- lef of V.1. . x oi. ih K,r fir, he oreached to the snips ii res. in numo - the great Cunarders, wnicn carrjr Dassengers as well as freight, tne heaviest .weight is stored in nB'y4rian.eharH I? lowest hold; this is to steauy i. w hiBgton attended by the rresi ...aaI: and is called in the technical . . eacU Sunday, the parlance of the stevedore " - it,. oi,in it tases auwii a,mv tn "atiffen" a great Cunarder, a un this is done the lower BUU " i.v." hnA im fastened and battened down, and work is begun on the next.' the Academly 6 a call to WHAT THE WORLD WEIGHS ed for him. u - .i-wi in its utmost capac i . - . 1 t. . . rt ' U.V1M. : . i Ann rtOTnrn i.nn uuui w i t the street in front is crowded pythose . Aara tn hfiar him. ine cnurcu 1111 ULiOl I is utterly inadequate b hold the I vast throne, ana u is ' , - T .-.. iiurrn win swiiiun"' .y-.-r--, CARTLAND, QREENSBQRO; w. v a'- D 1 fir Infantd and Children. Caatorla tsso well Adapted tocblHri'n Hint I rtrmnuieud t ' wipe'i"'-10 prencril.tlou luwwtt to mo." IL AJ Archer, M- p., lllBo.Oirvrdtt.,CrogUyo,. "The use f 'Castoria la bo untwrwd and Its moriU so --dl known that it tui d work of Bunererogallontoi-mlonwlU Fewaretlw InU niKent fauinieS who do nA lf CastorU TwlUiin easy reach. OuiiOS Maktys, P. Kew York City. Tha Ckstavr CV Cnntor I cun-a O.llc, O nwtlpAdon, mitr.t.iTich,liiurrli.-,Vu.-ttl.iii, i i Worun, glvea vkrp, vruUM.ta Ifi-Hthin, Without In jurlouarollrtilo. - I "forjiwral fw I haw rwcornmrtvUl CAHturla and ahall alwaya coUnu U h... a It limt Invtrlolily iucirJ-W-OtlAl rvKulli." ' j , Enwia F. Paadae, K1 !T,th PtTect and 7th Ave Sw York C3ty. npA?nr, 77 Mcbrat Btraat, Saw Yore Cm. ' ' - ... i Roller Mills; NORTH & WATSON, ritOPItlETORS. Greensboro FnVitif a irreat vanetv tf Flowers ana T parlile will orobablv re- . . . . i- - Anr nor uvku . - ... i j i . i ..... . ' ttr . . a i.i'M a... ui'tiu. I r Ullage i iims. .'. "- .planting a apec'altv. f"' j CalalueNo. 1 of Fruit Trees, ines --L...1 I'.lnlnoun Vn 4 fireCIl HOUSC ! Catapogue, furnished free to applicants. r.M.nAn.tonifl fiolirif Oil. . i . y, ItJJ.UU .... - ' , Prhona. N. C. i r nair 7 FOR KITOER ea i4tft dirt'ctlv to th seat f thai ditare r the tiJcBito-Lrliutrj Orffans, requires nr fhaaee ef dieU . Curj -narantrel in 1 to l MinallnlalBDArk' - "-r. 5 a main close to his father. WHAT LIFE IS WASHINGTON jCOSTS. Thia is the season for all high officers of the government to turn their thoughts nomewara anu ue- in m speculate what it has cost o r. . . If ully and maliciously false, lone knows this better than the autpor of the slanderous state- ments.M ular, wi i and no Northern vs. Southern Farners 1 C TT T "XT' ap- by . J only by ; Jr. I Rieiafusos- & Fariss, Greensboro, N. C. , : "4,1! 1 '; I' i i- Vi? r. '.II CnimDS, Croup, U At Coughs, 11 Tooth- olds. 11 echc, Diarrhoea; I 1 i Dysentery, j . and ail Rr.TT.a1 irnnlnintff. r, v ... j-- : .- . ! i . Sura, Safe, Qtlck Cure for t thftca troubles 13 i Ouachita rivers. These alluvial lands, besides, can stand longer droughts than! the hill lands. "The state Will do all it can to nmtpnt the1 nioDle f rom 1 suffering, but" they are in actual need, for A rU.nt number of the Southern they do nor get enough for tne gin to speculate what it has cost - kairazine contains some ar- crops when they rai.e tnem to nav them to live in Washington: during - . BtatementB lhat hkve any surplus on bana. . a ra As n nl the I i o . i : i I I H I iue past iuui,...' - been made b a writer in a xsortu- cabinet has not been a wealthy one efn r Concerning the lndus but in this respect it has compared , Jd financial conditions of favorably with that oi wne w ,1 farmers. In" these arti Harrison. Secretary raneis, tne 1 LnoiAd a letter written by a MihioW farmer, in which this nOt IS'CUU ' IU I I . 1 . lands of the Mississippi, Red and And How scientists Discovered the I'act on x ujiyiu Of with Secretary Franeis, A A . flk most recent aaaiiion to tu irrcBi- dent's official family," is pernaps ! Bryan O&ge. GAI-VligTON, 1 T the richest of the number, Wretarv Lamont next. Olney has a large income, but lost possibly thirty thousand a year oy giving up his law practice to enter the Attorney. General's office. Sec retary Herbert is not a rich man, nor is Postmaster General Wilson. Attorney-General Harmon goes out of the cabinet with less money , ii-i.t.i than when he enierea,ana prounuiy Secretary Morton does likewise. Secretary Carlisle nas never mau- much money, but is comionaoiy irnsted. He owns a house wortn nnft and! has -some means. 1 . . . - Every member of the cabinet agrees, nP. -rrrr.h annears : "Every farmer ber, with r---:rfr . , ,Bn - tn BelI Secretary Southern veeeta- and eet away. Southern vegeta- bles ahd . fruits have ruinea our . .1 m . l ...ta W marKet ior vueee pfuuuno. cannot! compete with a region that can erbw two crops of potatoes in one year on the same land and in h urmer cau no "' which JI is thetrusted friend pf tht Mechanic, .Farmer, Planter. Sailor and hi fact jail classes. y psed internally or extertwuiy. 7BVare of imitations. -"ate 1 Lone but the jrenuine-" FBRRY Davis." " Sold everywhere.! 1 1 1 : 25c." and 50a lxtties,f 9 igan.V The I going third cheaper than he can in Mich- rticl 'in which the tore- nuotation is made says; of these and other farmers in' adjacent states i "These farmers'" are coming Southibecause they can better their condition. They will have no se- ,,6.-v-, , wp-thflr to nroviae however, that it is a; very costiy I ,-'t Ther will have earlier o i . . " Txas, Feb. 3.-1 n i - ' regard to the statiment sent out by the Associated Press giving an interview witji Mr. Lyman J. Gage, Mr. W. j. Bryan, who is here on a duck bunt, said: 1 "Mr. Gage is a daisy. Green backs should, he says, j be retired .mi .ilrer nurchaied under the Sherman "aclj should be sold, and iroosnrv nntAa redeemed 1 and can- eA Then! we ouht to have ank nntpft that are redeemable on lir in cold, i And he also says the 'J - o ( - onvcrnment should not! act. as 6 . m I ... - M warehouse tor eiliier goia or There is no doubt aooutioir. ug , : 1 t ,nnir!r if he .nnnftction to have with the govern: fnr fow can live here on less AJLA VUlf ; than 120,000 a year. ; Bucklen's Arnica Salve. . ti, T?or s.iv.ln th world. for Cuts Bruises,W Sores, Ulcers, Salt t Rheum, Fever SOres, t etter, tuppeu 'iuuo Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requirea. jiiu6urs"" perfect satisfaction, or , money refund ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale byCE-Holtesu 1 t . . i nrnm land therefore better markets. They will be able to buy f arms as good as those that they leave for one-half of the money invested in them. Above all, they will be able to relieve themselves of, the great hnrdena'of mortgage indebtedness rtnth which thev bend their back-, waste their energies consume their lives." ' and wouldn't like toinaeurate a system by which we would have ta obtain uj n.,m nn amnh morning iu U1B ; 'pi.lJJlCBiyU V mm ' 0 live through the day." I . P0nn.rlu.ni'. state capital at tj-rriori.irtr Was totally! desttoyed ..i..t ek. The loss on the building was $1,500,000, while no wr vol ii n Pin be nlaced on the records; consumed by the flames. Tk. .tnP nf how the weight the earth was ascertainea onvu sacred mo untain of Japan, b u ji yama: by a party of scientists, who mane an expeum" , , several years ago, was loiu rcuu, at the Peabody Institute, Baltimore, bv Prof.T C. Mendenh-all, formerly connected with the United States coast survey. - ' , . . Fujiyama was chosen a the ob jective point of the expedition for a number oi reasons, iu p.. r one being on account ot its sym trical form. ! Upon this magmnceni cone. -sj i u.raBnr iMendennaii, - " emu j.tui .. . .. .. found a shrine to whlcn inousauu. lotimev every year aati which was in charge 01 priest. We made delicate overtures f .u r ullow us to work in V tun ij 1 1 v - . -, the ahr ne. whicn ne,atu . v f ' - TT I mat l ed with indignation. j a th mace a ne auoweu u w . :..i...mnAire move! in uur iuoiium;""" , .,t. .1 f i hA tempi" "An in" i' " - . . - set up our pendulum, and four days wereroccupied in observing its vi brations, never relaxing vjguauu0 eaa, slei Subscribe for the Patriot now XTvounes, Sleenlene8, werjoua rrosira- tion. eous Utlnlity ana Ainareu (wiurunr are sreoeatliT doe to impoTeristaed blood. The nervoua glutei suffera Ior want of pure, rich i , .A.riih Ami wiiMt&in it. Pnrif. vitalize ...h .nrirh the blood. bT takiur Dr. Pieree'Ai Golden MeUicf l piacoTery. and afl these nerroua venMO. "d" Wbohi TialeitA. .1. nolition. as ine resuis oi. iuo..si - ., . similar expe ments! was to ascertain the correct weight of the eartb,twhich I mfy nnnroximatelv. as. this? ?xrs.- fifrnrA fi followed by rito nw "t - - . .r. twentv-one ciphers, ana aaa tuo word Hons' and you will know what this great mass on which we live weighs.". ' , ..... -.y. J " TIJSION A FAILURE,' OTJB PDRITT : A HIGH GRIDE PATEKT. STAR : A FUSE FAEILI FLOUR. CHARM OF GREESSBOiO: THE" POOR MAH FRIEKD. - Says the CancasianEvery PopWist Paper Aeainsi Tka r,otirnAian .l.i nnoi.tinn his Droved a fail . . i incr. Kiinimer- t' entereaj iiieng"-. p - U.nnliRt Senator. In con cludingj an edi toriaf the paper says; : "So then, for al practical Fu. . -L,i it oil BSpntials. tne co operation of Populjsts andReUb i:1..-. : thiaistAta has been a! dis- i .nrl disastroui failure. Dnly r.?A huntersr see Ann I . ill 1 1 L uii; u v . luo vuu. r T v i any good in it. . - i a l ' ' t n n i av ; u v a jr. faiinre. i vv" ' Ti i ; iT Tt annihlicans is a fail: erauoniwim r " . a. . 1- ...'Mn.fihLni Till formity.in each grade FLOUK. . . I ... ... ... j! frpslipftt Remember we nanaie . ... . - Greensboro beside tne Desi and "BEST- FEED KOETH&"W-ATSOJSr, I Mill a Walker Avenue and C. F. A Y. V R R with 00 111 BIO OLLARS?! on Material. wewmri' j- --( , More co-opera- e can" profit by i .1 tl Kav vears frmTnow, n. 1 . O ure. lynainwn tion? If the neop experience, if th nnn inuF rtion win not ue ur-v , ..irrir Peoble's Iparty pHr ,D .. ..u- Ahonnees Skinner ISortn v.aruiu r i - 111 T. .. uL lvtravrl their i .Va hAirori win, 1 1 r - i , . i. ihA neonle t dtfeat principle .--r : j h t nann nnn iu . - L . Vwprv ! one oi aril if w j - .r- hrand their treacbdry in uul : " .nrl Idefend and ap BirOEg ' , tnr,lA hA action, oi hmw - "ri C " ... in handing the bol panj . m frbrd the ters anu txps , . ,i :. onm. n'd disgrace. r party i - p M.rical little irranules-thoeetiny airaMtt -df ellett of tr. aieaar.-..v muatArd aeeil. ye po"' TTck raacl ooaU A felt want stouiach .aftcr-.joti . i .mrPHn t eat there H that fee1"? . . . i i4 ,t n iv i & it at me a u fc ";T" L A-..it liav Pi til rty morci atid yet .. t hoi7b tu baa i . hoin rot. as no one Now don't think for "2X1-profit.. W ' i H - . , .U. C..t. wa ran show vou the largest.stocK in tuc -v r.nilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, N. R ,rwfc --. . J Jla . . i. m --t WhHt Is waniwi r." " eaten nothing T n w .-ni-rl.r the a dose prs.in noi - . wh t , beat dyspepsia cu . , , that gnawing -" amended j.trsT S,eoV Yiereiy larger thatnat all that Is recommended I KT. . I 3ST I - all coi.onH. - KTewelif No. 33 17 South Elng-treet, Greenaboro, K.C i I 1 ! 1 1 . X I j j ! t . r " A .-1.. i ! I .. 'i ,- t ' P n : 5 - - f : I i '