I ' T ' . " ! -: j . S .-..-; V . . -: - - i . m-y The Greensboro Patriots : VOL. 70. GREENSBORO, N, C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1897. NO. 25. - - : ' - - . 1.; ... ... I I" ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. W.j. RICHARDSON, IVnU.w lloun. ; UKKNSIJOUQ, N. O. v. iii i.r-wti- la Medicine and Sunrery i - T- lir. r. urroanJin eourtry. Br. J. E. WYCHE, 1 i i:ntiht. nffli-e in Saving lianli Kuilding, - South fclm i-trcet. Grwriloro. S. C Dr. J. H. WHEELER, DENTIST. A Thoa.ht for Lonely Deathbed. i If Ood compel thee to this destiny, To die alooe with none betide thy bed To rullle round with sob tbj last word raid. ; - j And mark with ' tears the pulse's; ebb from thee, Tray there alone "O Christ, come ten derly? , r By thy forsaken Sonshlp tn the red tirear wine-press, by the .wilderness outspread i A nd the lone gardf n where Thi ne sgony Fell bloody from thy brow, by all of those - ' Permitted desolations, comfort mine! N'o earthly friend being near me, Inter pose I So deathly angel twlxt my face 'and Thine. I But stoop. Thyself to gather mj life's rose, ' And smile away my mortal to Divine. Browning. enact special laws to govern the disposition of the lands in the Ha waiian Islands. All revenue from these lands 'shall be used solely for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands for educa tional and other public purposes. The Hawaiian Islands shall be ad mitted into the Union as a terri tory of the United States, local laws to be passed by a local legis lature, but subject to the approval of the President. Until Congress hall apply the laws of the United States tn the islands the present laws of Hawaii are to govern the Discoveries in the East. The exploration of Assyrian ruins conducted by Mr. Haynes during the last five years under the auspicts of the University of Pennsylvania has been most fruitful of results and reflects credit upon American energy, patience and scholarship. Some 30,000 inscriptions have been obtained at the site of the sacred city of Nippur, which are supposed to indicate an advanced state of civilization at a period 5,000 before Christ. Kings whom we have been accustomed to-place at thebeginiog of, history are, by these discoveries, ukVk'Ks Op. Ward's Drug Store.' FOS ANNEXATION. Dr. W: H. BROOKS, A Step Toward Obtaining the Island Republic Signing the Treaty. OFFICB I-JSJ" yatos E-o.U-lc3.i3-e9 ' ,,11-T.siTt pK.iwiiorsE. t.UKKNSnoKO. - j- - N. C. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, v.. .f rii.irlottc. will ibe in Oreens- t Jif! M-A.lo House on Ved- I I'liACTirt LIMITED TO liar, Mwe it 11 u iinini. ialanrla. The nresent treaties and K r- laws governing Hawaii's commer-1 made to seem comparatively mod cial relations with foreign nations Jem. Homer's era is shown to be shall remain in force until Con- long almost to yesterday. The art gress shall take action. Further of writing is proved to have been a immigration of Chinese laborers is very ancient accomplishment, in prohibited pending congressional common use thousands of years be action and the entry of Chinese fore the age of the author of the from Hawaii into the United States Iliad, so that the old theory of the likewise is prohibited. The United story of Troy being necessarily pre In the great diplomatic room' of I States assumes the nublio debt of served for centuries in the memorv the State department, where four Hawaii, but with a stipulation that of strolling bards is exploded. years and four months ago In the this liability thai! not exceed 4,- nomer lived in the old age, not the closing hours of the Harrison ad- 000,000 youth, of civilization which origi ministration the first Hawaiian an- The treaty, before it becomes ef- nated in the Valley of the Euph nexation treaty was signed only to fectual, must be ratified by the rates and; afterward spread west- be withdrawn from thi Senate and! proper authorities of the United ward to EcrvDt and Asia Minor and States and,of Hawaii. No mention finally to Greece itself. If he did is made of any gratuity to Liliuo- not write ihis poems in a book it kalani or Kaiulani. Washington was hardly because of his ignor- 8 mm wnmm sMMbb M ; ; SELL THE CELEBRATED KEYSTONE . TROUSERS CHAS: H. STEDHAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MiifL-nliall r.uiMing, x.c. T, J. Kll A . A. M. SCALJC8. Li thrown into a pigeonhole, -the rep resentatives of the governments of the United States and Hawaii gath ered this morning and signed ..a treaty by the terms of which, if ratified, the island republic will be come part of the territory of the United States. Of the persons who stood in the room today three were present when the original treaty was signed, namely, Special Com missioner Lorin Thurston and As sistant Secretaries Adee and Crid- ler. The first named perhaps took a more sincere personal pleasure in the ceremony of this morning than Star, 16th. The Treaty in the Senate. SHAW k SCALES, X-bt03?XXG3rs a-tj -La-T- any of the others, because of the : rkisbriu iiTi v - 4' stirring events of the last four - . GUfchNMtnUQ, N. 1. t. u:u u A, ., there was fnrftit attenion K'typn to inusi- nt-Hi. Oflioq in Wharton lsinkliiig, .j i So. 117, Court Square. W. KJ HKACHA.1I, Architect and Builder. (Ulii-e in Ihhl FeUs IiuiMing, GRKKNSltOKO. - - - N. C. years in wnicn ne was so airectiy concerned. -' f 1 REASONS FOS THE XAKLY SIGNING. It is a very unusual thing for a treaty of such importance to.be Washington, June 16. -The trea ty for the annexation of the Ha waiian islands reached the Senate chamber at 5 o'clock to-day. . The Senate at once went into executive sessions, and as soon as the doors were closed, the message of the President, and the treaty itself, were read to the Sen ate They were attentively listen- one part of the chamber a group of Senators, who will bitterly oppose the ratification of the treaty. Among them were Senators Gray, Mills, Pasco, White, Cafferyj Pettigrew and McEnery. As soon as the reading of the docu ance of the art &f writing, which had been practiced at Nippur many years before. One of the earlier of the Assyrian kings one Lugal-zag-gi-si, ' King of Erecb, King of the Whole Earth, Commander of Heav en, Supreme Prophet of Nidoba" some thousands of years before Chedorlaomer's raid into Palestine, I claims in an inscription to be ruler "from the lower sea of the Euph- P : r i t r i :A ! iuuuie dwuiik oeiore maKincfi up. and ; made by Tailors, with every re . gard for perfect fit. ! CLEVELAND & WHITEHILL CO. Heibnrgh, H. Y. 1 '' -. NOW IS THE TIME FOR ....Summer Underwear...! We have a large and thorough! line. amine our goods before purchasing! Eic1- v f- If k La LOOK FOR THIS KEYSTONE ON .THE TICKET. If thev rib in'wearJ j You get a new pair. No stronger guarantee can be given. 3.00 All Wool Trousers. 3.50 J j j Our Great Specialty. ,' wmmm M Fit, Finish and Fetching Style. Keystone We handle the Shawknit Socks, (best on earth), and the Druid Hill Unlaundered Shirt. Only 65 cents. Sells when no other will. SALESMEN t . j Jo.hn W. Crawford, Will. H. ReevWill. H.'Matthews, Frank Brooks. Corduroy Trousers. Outwear Three pairs of the common kind. WORKING PANTS, 1.22 to 2.22 AND THE Celebrated Newburgh Keystone Overall i Apron and Working Coat, .75 to Sold by Ilatlhews, Chisholm & Stroud. DO NOT EAT EGGS WHEN AN GRY. rdtohSen rates and. TiBri to h upper sea of Dyspepsia ia Caused by Indulgence the Setting Sun," that is to say, from the Persian gulf to the Medi terranean. LConamerce and learn ing doubtless followed Lugal zag- gi-gi's conquests in the west and spread beyong their actual area to me ureea colonies 01 Asia minor, as we, know they did to Egypt. signed early in the morning, bu in ments was completed, Senator Under Certain Conditions. "Did you know it was dangerous w t. 66" " J"" was the strange question asked by A. E. Stewart, a Bostonese, who is a St. Nicholas guest. "Don't a ask me for the reason of it, for I can't give it, but I do know from obser this case it was desired that the convention be made readv early? in order that it might be submitted lo the Senate on the day of its signa ture. The document itself bad been prepared carefully overnight, in fact, it was practically complet ed at the close of office hours yes- Davis, chairman of the committee of foreign affair, moved that the message and treaty be made public. Mr. Gray objected to a vote on the motion, and the objection was car ried. Senator Davis gave notice that at the next executive session he: would press the motion for pub terday, but it was necessary to lication of all the-essential facts, .KKENr.OSO, X. C. make a close comparison, and the President wished another oppor tunity to go over 'the document, ' - - I l l. 1 ,t ' A J fol tl.e ii:iwt lurdi of registered I prouaujy wnu m view iu uianiug hoctTiji ttu- south. Moss of my I up a meesaee to the Senate. ;- Therefore, before 9 o clock the persons who were concerned in the I hV f I'nlan.t 1 ut'in the ni.'i.: r t.H ware now for di unc tini-nit-n:-. I of. r to my home people flue (.lirt' l'iifs". iLiht to ten wi-eks old. it 7.e0 pr i-Hii': ini;l: Males, l fltiRle Female, ( :.it e.i'ii. Tli:c riKJ re from trie very finest r!-t r1 l:: to li' (.ad, and you should hII rlv a I hiivu only eighteen to offer at j JOp A 'jYOUNG' When in Nscd Apply io IIEADQUAIITEKS iiilt At L K IMi ! BUILDERS SUPPLIES: ."Carson's Eiverton." I. .Rosondale. . ; -.. . . Portland. . L Common. . ! Repressed. Superior. ;lr tin-in. .Excellent. ' . . Calcined. Steel Roofing. Steel Siaing. Clay Flue Pipe. U :ui;l ri'biil. Thos; Woodroffe, ici:i:Sxitic, iv. j. 1 i f Lnne . Cement ..".. 1 Cement. . I ..' ... Building Brick . Bnildinc Brick. Fire Brick ........ i f inv.iw it n,.il,i i - j Tire Clay i. : . . .s j "rlaster 1 . '. riasterers! Hair. Koo'fiag Paper. Glared Sewer Pipe. - i i i Airfiitifi.r '-Tin- tim-rii-an Injector - :! Kli:iu-t lli-!tl." -tf j; POMONA HILL NURSERIES, , j I'oiiioiia, X.V. t Twoatnl otio-l;ilf milo; west of Grccnti- "r... . t . T,e rtiair. line of the K. A U. -U. pHssps throifU the grounds aii'ijwuliin tKi "feot "of the office anQ rt'M'flt-iiro. Saloin trains make regular "t"l J jre daily each v.-ay. T THOSE INTERESTED IN ' FRUIT O R F LOWERS ! A rL. cordially invited to inspect our ' -yap can find r Hr i)0 iiis'lion Frutt Trees, Vines Kverroeiif!, $hade Trees.uts, Rosea .ifo. li farf.jovcrything usually kept "ija lir-t-class Nursery. iiiTcc Green Houses K'lll ..r rckt variety of Flowers and V'V'iX'e Plants. Tot Roses for Spring .l'l:tn.:ittC a siiec'altv. i' utni.kijuc No.l of Fruit Trees, Vines Ptf., aii. I Hataloue No. 2, Green House :ttnU'n, furnished free to applicants. ; "rr:.ondence soliritetl. VAN LINDLKY, Prop'r, Pomona. N. C. .. I IK) YOU KNOW fcR.-FFLIX LE BnllN'S V71 STEEL m PFHH'i - ,w ftt M l.criL'iinl jtr.l only f'UKNCII. nfeand re. '"'"icurf n ih mnrket. : i'rice iiXn)i ebt If uo. i lit-iruine imjM ouly b . : Eicbardsori ; & Fafiss, Greensboro, H C. KB l aii an almost verbal copy ot the treaty had been press of the cou There was some when the treaty might be consider ed, and Senator White asked if it was the intention to push it at this a m T k I ft"" ' with Hilpricht.de Sarzec and others, I mt !5 rtiSi as studied the ciajrtabiete and L. . na ara alia vntt m mar vv . uvii unifua v-vav .Movvt M. " vases louuq pj mr. naynes, vne new need,t J don't mean while discoveries? oring enormous gains i ... i A ... c 1 1 n a rktntiQ nf r n a a crcra wpta a rmi a to the student of history and soci- . rT n, fha V1. ology. They enlarge the field of ,m r .nttnaA tKi. .n mi . . &J rf. , . us I time. T mentioned this to an emi- history, pushing back the prehis-l ..,,. uD d(t.i toric period by thousands of years. ftt . .t waa nn . than Many chapters have been added to I . . ... ... phi... r the record! of the old world. As -.,k ,k! i; n !, i ... k. , , , I know much that lies out or the the civilization revealed by the I .. .u:. I IIDBLCH IIKLIIH 111 . L II u I I Bt-UU know how to cure ' m grip. But take warning irom Ti -UA lu the civi ration revealed by the Z"t 'fua n, i published in the , , :.; . beaten paths of ntry. oldest inscriptions is not that of a Th don't ven 1 i- . people just emerging from savagery, n,,. .i ne discussion as to a il.J the grip.. But tal preparation of the treaty werej all session; apd upon the reply being at the State department. made that it was possible, theCali- or the united Mates mere were fornia Senator said : "I desire to but of a cultured people acquainted with many' iarts, it is evident that we must date back its beginning to a period, exceedingly remote. To do so reqnires us to revise many of our ideas, fand confess to much ignorance, f Solomon's dictum that Secretary Sherman, Assistant Sec- announce that I am prepared to MP- . v w" "'ro,r a jA mA r,:ju,. " 1: . :, " 1 there 18 nothing new under the sun retaries Day, Adee and Cndler, itay here all summer to prevent the . , Private Secretary Babceck and Assistant Private Seoretary Gay troe. ' On the Hawaiian side were Min ister Hatch, Lorin Thurston and XV. A. Kinney, all for this particu lar occasion accredited as special torical facts concerning the islands, couinjiesioners duly empowered to and showed that the United States negotiate a treaty of annexation, and Hawaii yearly grew more close After the formal greeting the tire- hy bound to each other. This was dentials of the plenipoteatiaries not really annexation, he said, but were scanned and recorded. Nec- continuation of existincr relations ratification of the treaty which I consider a very bad proposition." "I'll join you," said Senator Pet tigrew, of South Dakota. Themes sage of the President was not a very long document. It dealt with his me and never eat eggs while you are angry. Then, you will boon the safe side, no matter what your doctor may tell you'about it. My attention was first called to this strange fact by the tragic and sudden death of a lady acquaint ance in Boston several years ago. I accepted her husband's invitation to dine with them. Just as we 1.00 ROAD REFORM LAWS. The Idea Prevails That the State ouuuiu umy xiuiiu joain xiigaways o - m . , . ' J I oo iar as improved road laws have taken shape in this count, ry, the French idea is recognized iliat the state should bear a considera ble share of the cost of construct ing main roads, says the St. Luis rural in jf no is felt to have had a broader basis of recorded experience than we had , tn in. a supposeu. jAii possioie loriuB oi , , dinner a Bervant social and political organization. di(1 Bthinj. that caused the lady 1 L V r , 1 uc";'" V to fly into a terrible rage. She had nd back againhad found their bMnJ irriuble from Bome minor complaint for several days, and her from a opportunity and been tried in the boundless period before the! wise King's day! Every art and species . f it.jx, ri 1 J husband calmed her ruflled feelings sufliciently for the dinner to be of learning; had flourished and de- eaten iaJgood lemper. I noticed caved, so that his conclusion that "all is vanity," if not due to low that she ate an unusually large amount of soft scrambled eggs. oser bonds between people related by blood and kindred J I m m reiary ooerman aione represenieu i with c the United States in the signature I closely of the convention, and it was part ties. of the ceremony to record his au-1 Since 1820. said the President. thorization by the President jiist the predominance of the United as much' as it was the credentials States had been known. The tend- of the Hawaiians from President in? of the first envoy there brought Dole. Then came the reading and the islands in closer-relations with comparison of the treaty. Of this the United States, and those rela- there were two drafts, one to; be j tions had grown more firm by suc- held by each, later on to be -ex ceedinz events. The annexation of changed in the usual form. Alto- the i islands, and making them a gether it was twenty minutes aftef part of the United States, was in 9 o'clock when all was ready 'for accordance with the established the signatures. The Hawaiian policy of this country, representatives had brought with Quite a number of Democratic them a gold pen in a plain .holder. Senators are being to favor ratifica- and at their request this was used tion. Among those who are said for all of the signatures.; j to be actually in favor of the treaty tbs tarty PHOTOORAPHEP. or lean that way are Senators Mor Secretary Sherman signed first ganTurpie, Daniel, Rawlins, Cock- the copv intended, to be held here, re wmii, ac-aunn. xneiropu while Minister Hatch signed first re Pre7 generally supposed the Hawaiian copy of the treaty, n iaTor OI rauncaiion, ai his fe ow-commissioners coming ou8u PreH,OB u ueo spirits, naa aDunaam justincauon Fifteen minUtes after we left the in his wide reading. I dininir room she was a corpse. She The site bf Nippur is marked by ... in .riauttlA -onvni-inna h- great mounds which are the ruins f he neare8t.by doctor reached uLnuj-iii. .uiiuiuga. -uo .he house. The ohvs c an was un- found in the centre was built by I . u tn 't th -. a fw King Ur-Ban about 2700 B. C. up- M. . t -, ;:. hrth. on the ruins of an older city builtl ., nnn t Rnii ona of hia by Sargon ftbout 3800 B. C. The gonjJ d,e(, un(Jer 8imiIar elt&m.. writing on the objects found in the I nArArA hrALf-t one older city Phow the transition from morni ' the bo who wa8 obout the linear to the Cuneiform i style. flfteen years old, had a fight with a Digaing beneath the city of bar-1 . . hia krr gon two older cities were found, had 8ub9ided my nephew was call- tbe older otthe two giving evidence e(J to breakf48t. He ate four soft- that it belongs to a period at least hoiled eg Had I known as muc h 5000 B. CL Here was found an .l.... t .nni.f h..A nrA. arched drain the oldest known example of that soeciee of con etruction. fit was made of large vented it. In less than a, hair hour after breakfast the boy died with exactly the same symptoms that were present when my friend's wife died. This set me to think these belonged to Esaganna, who was Sovereign of Erecb ' and next in order, Mr. Thurston first, nearo irom senator Auen. oenator ,.Lord- of tj," as well as ruler of followed by Mr. Kenney. The trea- White, oi uaiuornia, and auery, South Babylonia. Esaganna in- ecre- -ouiwana, are coosiuercu among formg ug tfcat he attacked Kish, a Pairi-Killer.l j (mT 1-vm'.) - ; A Pnrw and sofa RielT in ererr case and evrj kind ot Uuwel Complaint U Pain-ICiller. Thin li a true tatmratand It n't h j tnaUo-toottrong or too emphatic i Muict ma ua quicK cure I or J Colle, t cld, Nural.l. 4 iarrka. Croup, Toothach. I ties were sealed by Assistant Secre tary Cridler with a private eeal carried on his watch chain, the co pies were banded to their respec tive custodians and the treatyvwas made as far as the executive branch of the government could effect it. There was a general exchange of congratulations between the par ties to the ceremony, and, after a photograph had been taken of the commissioner?, the ceremony (was ended. 1 OBJECTION BT JAPAN. i Before the final signature of the document it was understood f the Secretary of State was presented with a formal protest by. the Ja panese government, through its le gation here, against the consumma tion of the agreement. The ! pro test is said to be based on appre hension that the special treaties now existing between. Japan; and Hawaii, under which the Japanese enjoy advantages, will be affected injuriously by complete annexation. PROVISIOKS OF TBI TRIATT, The treaty provides that the gov ernment of the . Hawaiian Islands cede to the United States absolute ly and forever all rights of sov ereignty in and over the Hawaiian Islands and its dependencies; and that these islands shall become an integral part of the territory of the Uniud States. The government of Hawaii also cedes to the United States all public lands, public buildings and public property of every description. Congress shall most! vigorous opponents of cit jn Noth .Babvionia, and cap m tured King Enegun, with a Senators Gray and Mills will also beIonginggf Lugal zaggi-si, oppose ratification. ready mentioned, came later. also captured Kish and tells us a number of interesting things about WiLt You Givk Up-all that health means td you? If not, look out for im pure blood. Cure boils, pimple?, humors and all scrofulous tendencies by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 -' Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe. All druggists. ! ; h i' i ' r Mr. Cleveland Refases $60,000 a Tear. . - - A New York syndicate has of fered ex President Grover Cleves land 5,000 a month for a term of years, j for two articles a month giving in detail the history of his two administrations. The offer has been refused. Mr. Cleveland's, rea sons for refusing this princely sal ary of $60,000 ayear, is that he is now collating material for a history of his eight years in the White House. He has repeatedly urged John G. Carlisle to write a history the Treasury of the United States while he was in control. Exchange. ,-4- An Appropriate Epitaph. The following lines have been carved on the tombstone of a North Carolina moonshiner: : "Killed by , the government for making whiskey out of corn grown from teed furnished by a Congress man." Atlanta Constitution. brick, cemented with clay, but without inscriptions. Vases, how- . J I -L .1 1- ever, were ,ounu oen-aiu oarguu - . tfae mRtler. city with I inscriptions. One of f.T ,fc j after this before a Beacon Hill friend of mine ex- nirpd anrldenlv after a meal. The doctors, as usual, were divided- in opinion as to the cause of death Some of them contended that it was heart failure, whatever that is. and others are still holdingout mat it was apoplexy. Inquiry by me developed the fast that my friend was very angry when he sat down at table, and that he ate five eggs. While these developments I search' ctrl nn farther for the cause of , his 1 his al- He his empire. The documents are fragmentary and difficult to de- cipher. But they seem to lihow death He wa8 angrjf he ate eggs and he died. If these are not links in the chain of cause and effect the human intellect is incapable of log ical thinking." St. Louis Repub lic. K Gen. John B. Gordon, comman der-in-chief of the United Confed- TSO CUBE-NO IAY; That is the way all !rugmrt 8e" ..,,,l"li. istki.Kss t IIII.LTONH: f.r Ma laria. It is simply lrn and Quinine lit f'1- lMa form. ChiMien love it. aouu-- bitter naasealiuK tonics. Pncf, x that UrukJ the Erech of the Bible, was the first capital of Chaldea and perhaps identical with the city mentioned! in the Bible as the first ... . r .-. built in that region. - Gold and SiWer Output. The product of gold and sil ver Urate Veterans, announces that he in the several states and territories I wjj retire from that position at the of the United States for the calen- coming reunion at Nashville. oar year iojo, is estimated oy toe director or t h mint tr hitTA i heen OSS nnA rnlH mnA 7A Ofi I -a?Vi.kus i iIii.T.ToNK: f r hills an.l Ma silver (coininc; value). The in crease in I the production of gold over 1895 Was $6,478,000, while the production of silver shows an in crease of 1.1,018,000. Fight bf the Sugar Trust Against I Annexation. Some able newspapers that ought to know better are shrieking that the Hawaiian annexation treaty has been dictated by the. Sugar Trust. Do' they not know! that every Sugar Trust man in! the country from Havemeyer down is fighting the annexation project tooth and nail 7 Washington Star.' Globe Democrat. French pronperify can I be traced email degree to its excellent roads The substitution of a solidly built road for a dirt road soon ef fects a transformation in the lire gion through which it passes, and even the old topography seems to vanisn. improved accessibility tells upon every farm and adds to its value. Time and money,, which are usually equivalent, are saved to the farmer and to all whose bus iness it is to communicate with him. Economy is consulted! as well as convenience. Now that the rural inhabitant is expected to bear but a portion of the expense of good roads,, his dis position toward the movement is -changing. With a dozen states al ready engaged in the reform its ex tension promises to be. rapid. -4 Hogged the Whole Pie. Messrs. R. O. Burton and J E. Shepherd last week appeared before the new board of agriculture at its first meeting; as attorneys for'Jt H. t Gilmer, of the Fifth district, J R. McLelland of the' Seventh and E R. Aiken of the Eight and demand ed that they be j received as mem bers of the board and be perm ill ted to take seats and serve as such until the expiration of their tefms. Their cUim was under the supreme court's decision inlhe asylum cases, which are claimed to cover this case precisely. Under the asylum deci sion W. R. Capehart is alsoj en titled to retain his seat, but be did not make slaim to it. . . When the matter came up for final action the board adopted a resolution that "the three Demo cratic members of the late board who yesterday demanded their seats have no right to make the demand." The new board decided to retain ex Secretary Bruner for thirty days and also elected him honorary di rector of the State museum. 1 1 de cided for the present to let the fer tilizer control station be under the direction of the Agricultural Col lege. , The school committeemen will get no pay. That is the decision, or rather the ruling, of the Attor ney General. The State Superin tAndent of Public Instruction de sired that the committeemen should have pay, and. so laid the matttr before Attorney General :. Walter, who, says that under the new faw thev can't be paid. He declares that he can discover no authority for it. , - It is now well Understood that' the attendance of ex-Confederate Veteran from North Carolina at Jiasbvllie win be small, owing to high railway fatea. Honor! Moerman writes that bejbas made strenuous efforts to secure lower Merchant . Tailor PRUTG- CLOTHS! For Made-to-Order Suits. Pants and Taney Vests. . 1 , ! 1 ' " ' J Cl Showing the latent styles in Cutaways, single and Double-Breatted Hacks, Trlnce Alberts, Tuxedos and run lres. siilrtn, Collars ami uuite. w( will have shirts made to order if desired. Cane, Umbrella and Kurniabinr. - 06 South, Elm Street, H. H. CABTLAND, . i GREENSBORO, N. a You had better neglect any other part of your system than your MOUTH and TEETH. Unless these important organs are kept in a healthy condition you cannot expect good re sults in the other parts of the system. With an experience of twenty years in active practice, we irivito you lo call and let us give your Teeth the attention necessary lo put Item in this healthy condition, and at prices that are in the reach of all and in keeping with the times. Why pay higher prices for nothing better? J Yours, ' JDJEl. G-BIFFITH, IDoritBtJ, 27K. of P. Building, South Elm St., Greensboro. , I , r 1 MX for Infants and Children. rates, but baa failed. iooi The secret of health is to keep the bloocl hure ml full nfutrenirth. i When a man or wotnan hide flenh anl vitality .there U aoiiiethinir -ro-g in the blooJ. Th start (A it is likely to be in the stomach or boeK an.l if they are put in order tne trouble gradually giops. tw-"i -term dixeae( but if the bld is foi-l, andj kee s the lunjr strong anU healthy, the Kenn cannot find a piare to lodge and are rast oS. If there s L- .nnr tho irprlll" VIII QDQ It. n.CIl biki that. pnrity that In Meme's tiol.len Medical IHajcoT eir cores consumption and. other bixase it makes one gain fili-mH flalytjoily ftj.bnt sound, firm, u?ful. healthy flesh Hun irejU of patienU have testiiied to iu wonderfully beoen cialeffecuin many diseases and especially in incipient consumption. afu 'uj ti , strong and pure blowl will strengthen) th s so that thev can gradnally nd themselv e genrs. It is by creatipg-strengthjaii ESTABLISHED REPUTATIOJN j M Theboykizof a bicycle fa a matter of erio imporUnce. An yoor ckasure in cycling; depends on your wise choice, in choonng tne 5 Crescent you run no risk. -The unanimous testimony of Crescent 'thasers 70,000 of them in 1896-should convince you that Crescent quality has no superior j CatalecBMPree SMteSrerywMrs Western Wheel Works ) Chicago New York Caatorla la no well alapU-l tochiMivn that -1 recommend it a superior Uany pr- riiM.i.ii known to we." H. A. Aim:i1ick, L 1., 111 Bo. Oxford St, lirwklyu, S. Y.' "The nm of 'CastorU U no tmlwsal and Jta moriu ao well known that It swms a work -of supererogation to endorse It. Vw are tl tnUtllitff ut faiailieo who do not keep Caatoria wiUUu easy reach." CAJUiOe iUaTTS, D. IX. - . ' KewYorkClty. Canlorla cun-a ilk Conf Ipatton, K..:ir StoiwM h. I)i.MTiia, ii lallin,, ! Kills Worms, give hloi'is and iToiuutea dl siinn, i . ' -Without lujurUnm mllial Ion, "Tor urTPrnl yar I har iwmmi'M (Vi!K-i.t,' mid ihall alway omllmi to d ho, an It luw invtrlaW irodutil Uneflcial remdu.'' ElWl! F. rAMUKK, M. J2Mh Hlm and 7th Are- Nw York City. Tn CrrAi f "oMMirr, T7 Mir Pmrrr, Nw Yoaa Crrr. ftrfifinshnro Roller Mills. NORTH & WATSON, PltOPIUETOItS. r. - 1 ; i - OTJB BBA1TOS: ; PORITY: A HIGH GRADE PATEJCT. 1 STAR: A FIIE FAXILT FLOUR. CHARM OF GREERSBORO: THE POOR MAH'S FRIEHD. ' . ' These brands have been put on the. market on their merits and haye given universal satisfaction and are pronounced excellent hy the leading familes of Greensboro and surrounding country ..K"!! formity in each grade. Ask your merchants for fcORTJI A W ATbUK KLOUR i 1 'li Remember we handle all kinds of the freshest and BEST FEKD beside the best MEAL ever made in Greensboro. NOETH&'W'ATSOK, Millet Walker Avenue and C. F. A Y. V. B. B E If you Intend to build or enlarge your house, come to u for aneatlmafe on Material. We will surprise you on price. e make a specialty of 0 1 ) ) j jA is? Now don't think for a minute we are . selUo below coet, a noons can do business on that basis. Our motto,: Large sales, small profits. TTS2T IT f we can show you the largest stock in the South. fluilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, N. C i ; f 1 i i .1 I :l !

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