; : -; I .---' . ' - ""' x ' .N . -,. x ' 'x ..- .x-X'Y ;'-';x. . xiX' - x, X' ' X x- x x. '-x-.-.- - -x ' - '--: x x x t i ; - - - ' . . - - r "; - x - x -.XX" t..:-v, i':.: ;.' x ; xx x v.--'. - x x . ! - , . x . . : ; . , - - ' ' i - .- i , - r . . . - - - v , . h .,. . - . .. . - . , , , ; J . . ; . ,-' ' - - I ' : .- "j ''"".':! i .-; " .- . '. ," . .' j " ."J- . " " "' I ' " ' - -. x, . ' -' 1 . . ' ' ' - - , ' - . . ' 1 ' j i, : !' ' ' j - I 1 aaaa-aaa GREENSBORO, N. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY, 14. 1897. PROFESSION AL CARDS. Dr- W. J. RICHARDSON ; I i1i i-inite It'iilv Iti.ii-r. xo U K E NSBOROj1 N. C. r-iWill prii-tire in Mmlietne nd Surcory ii. Dr. J. E. WYCHE, OI.NTIHT, : ri. t Dr r in Savin Itank iluildinst. Mnth Kim Btrec, (irec'hHlmro, N. C. J.; HV WHEELER, Local Taxation for Public Schools in Guilford County. In ArnnrHinca TITIfli o T . ti a. . . ' V .x. : T ' xe-oowuii 01 nocai Taxation lor Fnblio School and Every Citizen in the Townahlp Will be Called Upon to Vote on TneBdayV I I AD10th. "For School" or "ABainrtSchoola.w x . - - ii rj lj ;been carefully prepared from the official recordi of thin rnnnt. .n,i - J vvutwiu The tables below hare inform.lion necessary for intelligent voting upon thl. qneitlon. M .:n,7.,ir C"U"V., """". UW d .h. brief comment. ,i v " v ---w wuu aj ix ii a. in ii l ifiwntHni na m r a anv Aiai.4 x prehended chufly by the city of Greensboro and the town of Hih Point that ereon 5 -i l K :i Op. Ward's Drug Store Dr. W. H. BROOKS, . j , . , pFFICH IN ! V fit OH JB"V3-!Lci2Q.5, of gradetl Bchools by local . taxation porate limits of these and hare already established systems only, those portions of these cities will vote upon this question. " ! ; "r ,u im cor" S LSSTSST CRASH, i TOWNSHIPS. l.rr.(-IT BKMtOW nor. sic.' N. C. Dr. W.H. Wakefield, i.f .',r. -if hnrlf.tto, will be In Oreon- t McAiliKt House ion W'eJ- aA, .hiljr Mill. , PKACTICK LIMITD TO liar, Voi; Hti Throat. CHASi H. STEDHAN, S ATTORNEY AT LAW, Centre Grove. . . Clay Deep River..... Fentrers Friendship Greener. Jamestown ,. .:. Jefferson Madison .. Monroe Oak Ridge ' Rock Creek Summer field . . . . . Sumner r. v. . Washington . . . :::::::::r::: til Mi ii.l. hIihII liiiildingf lLKKNl'.OKO. - 'i! :-n x - No. the No'he No. the No. the assessed M?Msed. assessed assessed No. of value of va,"e of value of value of taxpayers whose whose- whose whose that pay real and real nd re1 nl real and poll tax personal prson1 petsonal personal only. property PPerty property property is less iAfm If ls$.000 than f500. 500t H-OOOto and - ' -, H.OOO. $5,000. above. W 107 37 , 3G l . 170 49 69 23 19 47 44 r " 31 171 67 36 ' " " "i OS 262 57 52 3 24 213 62 43 1 50 229 70 56 6 Go 173 58 56 3 37 138 30 23 - 65 133 ar 22 ' "' 43 172 ; 30 ' 36 X 51 - 208 40 54 a 49 168 35 29 3 68 246 41 37 X l 44 148 48 33 ;. i C94 2729 696 616 . 26 . ! ' Double Swunk before makino- ,,n made by Tailors, with cvery re :: gard for perfect fit. P and WE SELL THE CELEJi HA TED KEYSTONE . At TRADE MARK. Ani8 ny TROUSERS CLEVELAND & WIIITEHILI. do. 1 ; NOW IS THE TIME FOR .... Summer Underwear ... . I '..,-. x - , We have a large and thorough line. Ex amine our goods before purchasing. W We handle the Shawtm't ku u.". .. D,,U iliil Un..ud.r.d Shir.. WVZiZZ V i . 4L NeibnrgIi,H.Y.' LOOK POR THIS KKY3T0NS . ON THE TICKET. " ' If they rip ln-wear You get a new pair. No stronger guarantee can be given. 2.50 3.00 3.50 J All Wool Trousers. Our1 Great Specialty. urn x. c. A. M. 8C-I.K8 f SHA1WV SCALES, j ' (3 KE ENS JU )!(); N C I. - I ' ! hun.W B?eCl'1 tAX. toT BchooU allowed b the Local Taxation Act of 1897 is te hundred dollars valuation of property and thirty cents on.every poll. Assuming that th of Guilford county should by yote levy this special tax, the following is .ooaent from tal impie calculation wlllishow that seventy-two per cent, of nearly th nships would pay less thanfifty cents more property tax for school th ten cents on every John W. Crawford, Will. H. ReesrWill. H. Matthe ws, Frank Brooks Fit, Finish and Fetching' Style. Keystone Corduroy Trousers. Outwear Three pairs of the common kind. WORKING PANTS. 1 o P fn 6 OO AND THE Celebrated Newburgh Keystone Overall Apron and Working Coat, .75 to 1.00 pparent from table No. I: tbatl uTtv centa mrr nrnnArfv .r aui . i . . r F ""-Ii !h! ""'"'"fourth would p., !.M tbe ULIX""?" lb'D h..iS.Sa,l"i'm?'.ibtn townehip. then would h. their .t.Wf or. cnool. inc... f moa IU.UJ f l.UU, . : - e above townships ree fourths of the people in these I , - . ; . leil j (.'Nice in iiiai;n i.!i:in, j y'; So: 1 17, Court H'lnro. Only ..about one-eighth would have their taxes increased more th'an '$ 1.30. W. It. KEACHA3I, Architect and Builder. XX i I : . ii. ixlicoin Odd Fellows Building, m ' j - - i ); TOWNSHIPS. (JI.'EkNSHORO, N. C. I When in. Need Apply to ! i ; HEADQUARTERS KOK 1L. KINDS OP BUILDERS' SUPPLIES : Linxo . . . . Oment , Cement.'. Building' Brick. . . . Building; Brick Fire Brick : Carson's Biverton." Rosendalc. ..Portland. . Common. .Repressed. ..Superior. Centre Grove.. Clay Ieep River...,. Fentress 1. Friendship Greene Jamestown Jt-iFprson Madison Monroe Oak Kldge... .. Kock Creek . . . Supimerlield .. . .sumner. . ... . . Y ahington . . . j j or m ,.n i( ui.nk try Uk-iii.) lire; CIay..;.i.. . "Plaster '... .... .i. .. riasterers' Hair. Koofiag Paper. Glazed Sewer Pipe. l-.wv.t .i ic tv. iH.l.vaie an.! n l.nl. Thos. "Woodroffe, . . Excellent - . ..Calcined. Steel Hoofing. Steel Siding. Clay Flue Pipe. Polls. J3 77 I5n 149 135 1C5 1G6 141 96 lot 115 130 112 134 139 I'D i O o m 1 19 56 !" ?17 43 22 49 '30 37 22 jlO i 131 171 1C7 156 191 176 173 184 118 153 145 1S2 14!) 156 149 AfJKTeKarevaloe of real and personal proper! v.' J3 $129 224 2n 04 113 CCS 145 ;.)C 2ii3 411 198 filO 278 104 179 720 91 250 114 732 129 139 220 239 134 201 141 093 120 272 - o o O $5 542 330 2 772 2 614 11 443 2 ar9 92 1 527 1 864 3 4CS 1 8C 4 134 5 100 '86' o $134 766 201 514 146 437 148 210 '214 884 200,669 279 086 181 247 93 114 118 200 130 925 224 373 139 301 141 093 120 358 Amount from reg ular appropria tion to public schools $355 463 3C7 423 COO 780 541 661 305 343 413 430 445 814 450 O "c $259 CO 120 70 248 97 154 181 158 218 lb4 322 149 155 102 o $614 523 487 493 848 877 C95 845 463 561 677 752 584 829 552 9800 Amount of Increase i rom spe cial tax of ten rents on $100 and thirty cent on : poll. $174 06 252 81 i 196 4:t I 195 09 i 272 18 : 2T3 37 330 98 ! 236 44 128 61 ! 161 10 I 174 42 i 278 97 ! 184 00 187 89 165 06 3194 23 Addition al amoun that would be received from state treasury by special act of 1897. $174 06 252 81 196 43 195 01 272 18 253 37 33(1 98 236 44 128 51 164 10 . 174 42 278 97 184 00 187 89 165 06 3194 23 Total for school $962 12 1028 62 879 86 883 02 1392 26 1383 64 1356 96 1317 88 720 02 889 20 925 84 1309 94 952 00 1204 78 883 12 ,1 ' I i .. .. N. J. Y r j ; " " uuiuunw imouQi i nai would be re- States treasury by the special act of 1897 for the encouragement of local taxation, and the ulable for these schools from all sources in case such special tax should be levied en that for every dollar of additional tax that the township votes upoi itself another dollar fie Att'ot for "Tin- I I.) man hli;iu-t A mrrii'.in lloa.t.-' j Inje-trr' : '! POMONA HILL ; NURSERIES, I'omoua, K. V. Two and one-half miles west of Grcens lorb, N. C. The main line of the K. A IK It. ,11. parses through tho grounds and within I IK feet of the otlice and reskleiwc. Sal bin trains make regular atps twice daily each way. 'those interested in Fltm OR FLOWERS , Are fcordially invited to inspect our .; j: I ,YOU CAN 'FIND (her One Million Fruit Trees, Vines Evergreens, .shade Trees. Nuts, Koses 'ic.i in laer everytlnng usually kept in jjprst-class Nursery. Three Greeii Ilo'usesi Fill F,. It sAfnlir u i w I u 1 1 ... j catalogue Xo. 1 of Fruit Trees, Vines etc.jand Catalogue No: 2, Green House aUlngue, furnished free to applicants. Cnrrespondenre solicitel. -i J. VAN MNDLEY, Prop'r, ' : i 1 j romona.i S. C. flrnoWs Bromo-Ceierg. S.fn.i. rnrati- nemt for Nrrvoo. or Kick lln I u lit.. Ilrnin I i)iiin-.t ion. Sio tJxnns . ... imn-rni .-ourMli-la; alu J.ir lkhf0 nmlim. .(.out. ki.liM.jr liwr.ifr-s Arid !. '"'r"4', Ana-mia. Anti.ltKn for Alcoholic HI..I othwr riMnM. l'rito, lit, SCxtHil SUcvuU. h.H..nr.-H.nt i - THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 161 S. Western Avenue, CHICAGO. Richardson 5 Fariss, Greensboro, R. C. This table shows for each:township the number of polls, the airirreirate vain nf r;i a 1 er,J. the. entire amount of money now received bv all the school, in Wh t.-h t X " portionment to public schools, the additional amounts that these school. nnM MMr.J T r - i T. ten rent on inn c.lnoilnn f j ,, . . " BFC'"' ul ' " " vt'uiiiuciii nuu luiriY i tin IB tin noii. inn nrwiirinnai .ninnni ik.t 1.1 x. ciri.l f .v.- c . -. s . ' i " ' - . - . . nu.uuuk 111 WUUIU ue total amount ava It will be seen will hfl uiron tw iha ..... t " ' "J WI.Ik. J I I.' 1 II m . . . s the most oossible out of tl.ln r"-ni-.i " , 7. L" " "rV Vu"iwr" i1 in a P8Ion lft gM Iover8 ot their fellowmen, their on the 10d and thirty centsn thl "3 vV 1, "0 cents country andVtheir county. schools as a fv nf rl hl. .h- ' ... jl" ,V " Ti:".r ' - "T" M. D,UCD ioritspuDHc a vote "for Schools" is a vote shall tne State shall have expired or or intelligent citizenship and the opportunity? X '""""iJD 10 iaae au A simple-calculation based upon the last four columns of this table will show that th nhiu .ki rrom revolutionary times al, most, I Guilford county has had within her borders good schools. At. La. . - uu ucr peopie nave believed in ed ucation. containing within her borders ine btate Normal and Industrial College, Greensboro Female College UU,"UIU couege, uaK Kidge Insti i-uie, nnitsett Institute and othr excellent high schools for the white race, the Agricultural and oiecnanicai College and Bennett seminary for the colored race, the only county in North Carolina with two towns that have excellent svs a m a J mjuib 01 puDiic schools supported nv aa a Mwa ? 1 m j Matr vAJLttuuu, uuurora mav luuucouy ciaim to De the banner educational county of the State and should reel a just pride in preserv ing this proud educational pre eminence by taking the lead now in local taxation for better public schools in her rural dintriVta ni thus making herself a benediction, an inspiration, and a landable ex ample for emulation to her sister counties. ' . . Every citizen of iheee townships on the tenth of August next will stand face to face with one of the most important questions that ever confronted a free Deorjle: aoueaiion of the most transcendent impor tance to the present and future of Guilford county that ever has been or ever will be presented to the peo ple of this county. Laying aside all political, racial and' personal prejudices, our people should meet Sold by Matthews, Chisholm & Strond H- R. PROSPECTING PARTY. fund ,. ,hw r..h,p. would ii inCre.d ibou, ST jio. ow. t r. , t.iS snjety and the hapjiess that lie therein. A vote "Against Schools" is a vote for ignorant citizenship and the danger and the unhappiness that lie therein. J. Y. Jotmer. TOWNsmrs. i of , a great variety of Flowers and ngb Plants. ;jt Koses for Spring Centre Grove Clay..... Deep River . . Fentress . Friendship . . Greene .". .r-. . . ... . . lamectown Jetferson Madison . 7 Monroe .... Oak Ridge....."! Rock Creek. Sumtnerfltld' Sumner Washington .- So. of children of school age. 198 282 238 259 383 515 424 401 181 220 366 290 236 440 269 4701 1647 C343 Number of public schools now. Number of schools under new , law, with average of not less than 65 children.. Average amount to each school. from reg ular apportionment to public schools! 122 SO 104 60 121,7? 98 GO 141:33 109 62 , 99 2.1 V 120; 71" 115 75 112 20 96 W 107 42 146 00 103 62. 110 40 Amount to each school from all sources special tax of ten cents on $100val.o property andthirtv cents on poll is levied. Croup; Coughs, Tooth- ache. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. ij Bowel Complaints. Sore, Safe. Qnlck Core for X ; these troubles is i x I ' i The Bristol Courier says: "A rather unique and startling state of affairs was revealed in a case in cpurt in Mitchell county, N. C, re cently. : borne- parties were ar raigned) on a charge of fornication and adultery, and it turned out that while in a sense they may have been guilty, in another they were inno cent. The evidence showed that merely the trading liberty of the mountains had been exercised and . ' a 1 mat me parties involved naa con sidered j it a matter of no conse quence to, the public. It appeared from the evidence that one mountaineer had of his own free will swapped his wife and seven children to a neighbor man of the mountains for his wife, a any school district I m usfcet and a mooly bull lhe fewer than sixty-Ave I parties to the deal were perfectly i ft I tn A A anrl i ha I sincere ' in what thev did and en- M , , - . maw uu I t J be but a small in apme townships the number would not be changed and in a few it would be without a thought of violating any sv . . i r i . I law. ine man with tne otner rei- low'S wife and the mueket and the bull as his own was happy because $192 42 205 72 219 96 176 60 232 04 172 95 193 85 188 27 180 00 177 84 154 30 187 13 238 00 15059 176 42 Amount of in crease to each school in township under new law. Wish Mkn Know it is folly to build on a poor foundation. . Relief obtained bydeadenlngsvmntomsisshort. IIools aarsaparilla cures and gives lasting Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head ache, indigestion, biliousues. Alldruir- gisis. zsc. j Work Being Done on North Carolina Midland Railroad. . Winston, July 8. On Saturday, President G. W. Hinshaw. of ihi. cuy; vice President J. E sr.nr, of Durham; Treasurer II 1. mi,u of Norfolk. Va., and Chief Engineer VV. H. Wells, of the Ston M.,J taiir Railway! Company, will leave here; accompanied bv Mear tvn and Wallace, New Jersey capital ists, for Roaring. Rier. -Wi'lkea county, where they will be j ined by a party of several nromindn. gentlemen. i The party will line of the Stone Mountain rilr.,ri to Stone Mountain, and then over the proposed extension via Dama- cus, and Abincton to St. Pun! v. They will return via Bristol uiid Mountain City, Tenn.. Jefferon and North Wilkesboro, N. C , some tiaie next week. X Onthe way, the party will he with the officers of the Virginia W;estern Coal and Iron Railroad company. The Stone Mountain Railroad Company has closed I a trafflc contract with the Southern Railway, and. itis believed that actual work will be commenced son after the party returns. Chief Engineer Wellsxof the North Carolina Midland road, has has his engineering corns now1 at n.U L . . 1 worn, urr ooui n ri ver, ten . m bej'ond Mockeville. He tells that he expects to complete survey ofthe proposed extension the road from Mocksville to Moores ville by the 20th instant. There appears to be no doubt now about the road being built. 4 - II-AJS SPEIWG-'C I ran i- Por Merchant .'. Tailor SI BKOKTVHD XZXS . I i ES Made-to-Order Suits. Pants and fancy Vests. ' rV ft I f tl it I ' a - Mi n ) X IJtftilftftO , 'V rrr-y vV ill Showing the latest styles In Cutaways, Single and Double-Breanted Hacks. Prince Alberts, Tuxedos and Full Dress. Shirts. Collars and Cuffs. We will have shirts made to order if desired. Canes, Umbrellas and Furnishings. 106 South Elm Street, . H. H. CARTLAND,, ! GREEN8B0R0, If. 0. les me he of An Army Incident They Swapped Wives. $ 70 62 101 12 98 21 88 00 90 71 62 33 04 57 68 h6 64 25 65 64 58 14 79 71 92 00 47 27 66 02 You bad better neglect any other part of your system than your MOUTH and TEETH. Unless these important organs are kept in a healthy condition you cannot expect good re- -suits in the other parts of the system. With an experience of twenty years in active practice, we invite you te call and let us give your Teeth the attention necessary to put them pn this healthy condition, and at prices thatfare in the reach of all and in keeping with the times. . Why pay higher prices for nothing better? Yours, ' : XR. GBIFFITU, IDorLtlst, K. of P. Building, South Elm St., Greensboro. -- i s -i The following incident occurred substantially in the experience! of one who waVfor a time a mission ary to the Field Infirmary of Jafk- son's old corps. A." N. Va ATter the battle of Spottsylvania Court H use in May, 1861, the Field In firmary was pitched near to anoth k a t a . T er nospuai. une day ,the mission ary above referred to went down to this hospital, and going into a tent a of soriiier was directed to in one corner : " -i : ! ! ! ' ' ' ' ' I i . i .i ' 1 I V rom thlS table It Will Iia nhaarv1 -!,' i .k- I f.-L!jji . .... a J t OsSfVsA.MksA of a areaer n..mh,r nf -.hl-1. .1.1. " II' " L"! 7.":. "V c'"nineni in i - x - ; , i . race man win give eacn school an average of I tf 1 t i"uu jb enjurecu, ine number iof white schools in th ont,i -in k f i from 29 to 20. TiW in any single townshin. actually lncrp- . "'v kUO wouiu not De cnanged and In a few it would be would benealn86 tb aiUble o each of these sshools, should the special tax be voted wouia De increased in amounts tarv na tnrn tn tmi r.u- :L . . . . . p.. uo voitu, these achoola wonM v. r i7;.'. .V- . u" 'una .available to each of , OT1 a0 Ti M s7im9 J VI a Aa-t s At f7.83. the average monthly salary-now paid white teachers in Guilford '. eounty.and $24.51, the av- - ! ' and aU firarra w. n.ll.tn M . 1 . " . J . IV"5-T ""i" jrow paia colored teachers, this of course would mean lenathnin .kIT' 'VI .1 V m - o "6 w mi uj ui ravii 11 cacu coiorea scnoc iSnondinar ItiApaono 1. ! ... : ' ui poor teaenera nrs h.- . . - - . .vwv.d, u u i lu wuuiU U "t;:::"!. e! 'Teen wee." taa tb term or each colored school from eigho sixteen V7. ui uu tuure monev wnnin aian moiin AnrrMnnmi t i . l . v and the schools. The chief caiia of .3: . n"V7 1" ine euic,?ncJ of the teachers short terms 9 twain It la the trusted friend of the y Mechanic. Farmer. Planter. Sailnr 1 ... ... . ' A . uu m wci Kii classes. t sed Internally or externally. $ Beware of imitations! Tale nooe but the genuine Perry Davis' iSold everywhere. X f oc. ana Oa bottles. anu poor par. An' examination of tha li.ia f ..kis that there is an aim" si entirely new ..rfK: salary, the pay is so inadequate that most of th hrl.hr-. 1 Ii!: "U" V a,10.rt term" nd Jo" emnlovment about the tim thv ... -.1-; VV .",UV Fi-ing leacners seek more lucrative of course some noble self-sac iX TK teaching. The t t ' iere are To sum ud then, should th nonni.'nr ik. u r . . . ' L a - - w v affuuAw iiiiB a. w nan iiai (11 Bnwa-vaA-a m a a. . a a 1 ten cents on 100 valuation of .'a I" ?WTO "P01 memseives a small tax of them would nav Iea th.n .i, "L. i "II" -u u ie pou xorpuDllc schools, ;about three fourth, of For .very d of Ux thu. nafd thl "122 r!"0.!1 30nI a fre fA $1.30 available to each-public school would be inTin o?uXXyto till? The term, n H,lni . f- Ti V Tl wuue scnooi 01 rrom 22 to 23 weeks, and to each color.d . yii: lrcfnt of.ti1? Pceeds from the increased tax for school, and the coZor,, .7. be ; rW': ?' :C UIX De r?V'J iDC"ed i proficiency. . u .v.. vim iuicb tuuusana aoilara he felt that in the transaction his condition had been bettered, while the man' with the wife and children to spare felt ditto. What costive people need is a natural laxa tive like Dr 1'ierce'a Pleasant Pellets which Hie powerful without being violent They move the IxiweU gradually anl in fortal.lv but surely. Vou can regalate the hino one two or thive "PelloU" etactly as you neel. They Ptih en the intestine to do their own work, so that after their movement- have liet'ome regular tliey keepoc nturlly of theiBhclveri. his attention wounded so! tne lent, lhis soldier had written on a scrap of paper, I would give anything in the world that I pos sess if I could drink a qurt of wa ter, but I cannot swallow." tie had been wounded in the Jaws The missionary friend had a small cup or peculiar shape with a pro- JS.. a W-a a k ' jeciing spout, uy attaching a tune of gutta percha to this spout the water could be poured down tie throat of the wounded, thirsty man. The poorTellow could express liis sense of pleasure and relief by squeezing the band of him who had just ministered to him. The mis sionary, could 'not leave with hijui his Cup, but in place thereof con structed, for him one of different sizes of peeled bark. He does not remember that, he ever, saw ihe poor fellow after that day, and so knows not whether his simple de vice Drolon&red his life arid aulfed a 0 in his ultimate recovery. Greensboro, N. C, July 14. Hide Institute I Sreensboro "Fcnale weaknesn" eue nine-tenth ofiall the wretehelnew wliir.h women emi lire. It rnu never lie nermaNcntlv rclievdl by "hnal treat men t." That i generally an exeniivc. fin-, lulira-wing, make-Hhift. Wlitt tn -needed in Dr. Pieffe'a avorite lreTition Ut r. a h the n ncrmont nouree to Ihe tiouble and restore health and strength directly U the internal or-' gans. Thi" stop the weakening draim w hjrh aap life's foundation; lieaW all ulcerated -itj-d it ions, give ta' Hituriienti el antic itwer o theiiinelve to oSrect iniHiilaeemeut of internal orano and inipirt tone,-vigor and vitality! to the entire reinie organism, in a wont I tic "Kavorito Pi-encrijilion ' make healthy, hap) wojien. . ' i Forty-ilxlh year. Twenty-two yearn under nrenent trlnrlia)a. Min- dents attended lust year. A lliirh Grade f.'olleire-l'rcriaratorv .School, with clal departments of Rook-Keeping, .Miort-Iland ami Telegrafdiy. The largeal and best equipped Kitting .School in the South. "Terms to unit t lie-time." For beautiful new catalogue ad'lrc, . - j y ,! Fx?otr . j. -A.. Sc JVl. PI. HOLT, Oak Ridge, S. V. Roller Mills. NORTH & WATSON, PI.oTpitlETOItS . ' ' - i OTXZR JBTl A TTIDSs PURITY:' A HIGH GRIDE PATENT. STAR : A FHE FAULT FLOUR. - CHARM OF GREEHSBORO: THE POOR MAITS FRIEHD. - j , These brands have been put on the market on their merits and have' given universal satisfaction and are pronounced excellent by the leading familes of Greensboro and surrounding country. We guarantee uni formity in each grade. Ask your merchants for NORTH A WATSON'S FLOUR. j ' XI' Remember we handle all kinds of the freshest and IlKST FEET beside the best MEAL ever made in Greensboro. i Mill at Walker Avenue and C. F. A Y. V. R. R . A I . . 3 j v. -v.i. kjl iuc pruceeas irom th. numuH lr fnp a.hl. .- .U- ..... . . . WantorfJIln Mn. trurv.nd puUMo c ,cu... II .T"" "!." .7"" .bf. ' f"t t.wn.h.p. from ,h. wiiltu HI I lUCu ,omUmpe local taj- tnr e.hnnl. . a u L . - 1 luruugn ine puoitc ecnoois. J! r?-1686 controvertible, facts staring them in the face ust next? THE CRESCENT IS A PERFECT VHEEL AT THE RIGHT PRICE. Its reputation has been woo by its merit. You will be proud to compare It with any wheel made, and you will know that your neighbor paid just the same price for his Crescent as you did. In other words erery cewf of .. I . wiTh :!.townhiP would be paid hack to Me loAto' the ,ia . wk... -".. ri Auor-1 ..-. tticsc luvuiiirureriiuie iteu firiii r.. i. u u. .. r . u.i H..-7" -""" - w urir IIJUI tirtai uITm .... - . i ... . auvi. IU iu l.UD W U.L IB Lfifi i.n.in a riiitl..l I .awK1rtovuoo. w-aiixir--B or me Toters in these townshlna tnv,.,n.a. . A"" .71 "-v""t ousiness-tiae i-mw vu bus iouiu u.jf ui AUgl '"X lj (atalofaes Free V Aetata Xvsrywasie Western Wheel Works c Chicago New York DO !0I! II If you Intend to build or ei on Material. We will suri f f DOLLARS? If you Intend to build or enlarge your houne. come to da for an o.Hm.t on Material. We will surprise you on prices. We mk a rww-i.it t Xow dont think for a minute we are selling below coat, as no one a a. t .i a. a ' t . can qo ousiiiess on iiiat dbsib. uur mono : large sales, small profits. we can show you the largest stock in ihe South. . 1 Guilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, N. C.