vor . to. GRKENSHOHO. N. C, WEDN KSDAY, JULY 21. 18S7. I ' . NO an! I " ' ' I I . TOHa PAK SUK AKD THE DEVIL. I TTT 1-1 l-TT-l l-i -i-i-.-r- I'll Tr .... .... . . . i i (i mm m .1 v n n r. n III 'III I. ''ill III I II i I I 1 i i I I f 1 i I 1 I I - avwiijiuiiiuiiiiaiiii. liii iiaiiiiiiiMJ i' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Cr. w. J. RICHARDSON, IKKN3IJORO, N. O. t-tu-m in Mliein and S orrery in Dr. J. E.'WYCHE, 'f ' U.TIHT, -,,r itt.'.iwn)r lnk BuiMinf, " ' . I a. Ii J. H. WHEELER, . Dentist. , ,, , ;M K: op. Ward's Drug Store. ;l Er. W. H. BROOKS. " "OITIOHJ IN I ii I ; ' u:,.yTS :.VtiW H'l SE. 03. g, X. c. ,Dr.; W. H. Wakefield, , ,.V . '-harlottp, will be. in. Greens. Li a VheMloAdoo House on ;cd-U-A. Augu'-t llfi. ! i-UACTICIC MSTITED-TO r.ar; o and Tliroat. CHAS. ET. STEDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mtii-Ul!ll.IIiiiltlinf, ii:KKXsr.Hio, j- r. j. !uw. X. C. A. fct. BCALKS. SHAW &! SCALES, Attorneys at X-.a.w . ; ckkknsisoko. ; j ?. rnrcful HtHcJiin riv Ii all busi ngs.". ifHhVe In AVlmm.i. i;.ininig, j j k So. 117, Court fMjuare. 1 Vv.ll. I) EACH AM, F Architect and Builder. Ijellbws Building, - jUtlire in Odd 1 (;i:i:knsi;oro,u N. C. When in Need Apply to UKAIXJUAItTERS HK ALL KIKDS OF BOILDERS' SUPPLIES: Limo "Carson's Riverton." Cement . . . . ..... Rosendale. Cetnent.. .-v Portland. Euilding Bilck. . .... .'7'. Common. ' Building Brick. . . . - Repressed. 'Fire Brick .i . Superior. :"T II Of my n inaki- try tln-m.) Tire Clay . ......... .Excellent. Piaster : . I . . . . Calcined. j Plasterers' Hair. Steel Roofing. ' M . Koofine Paper. ; Steel Siaing. v u lazed Sewer lirre. Ulav i? ine riue. 1 . mt , V Wliolfali ami r;tail. - Thos. Woodroffe, I iiu:i:NMiirt(, rv. o.v gfy'c ApiMil fcr "Tim Annrir.m Injwtor' in Ii " Umj I mail Khaii-t V-tf ?r-: -t ' " POMONA II ILL ! ' i ? i ' NURSERIES, I ' , l'oinona, I. J. I Two And one-half miles west of Green- i Hro. X. C. The main line of the K. A IK K. II. passes 'through the grounds and within. UK) feet ;of;,the ollice and roKidoncc. S.nlein tr:iins make regular wiops twice dailj each way. A TIIOSK I NTK RESTED IN KRUIT OR LOWERS Are cordially Invited to inspect our stock. . . . YOU CAN FIND ; Over One Million Fruit Trees, Vines Kvergreens, Shade Trees. Nuts, Koses etc.: In fact, everything usually kept in a lirst-class Nursery. I Three1 Green Houses Full-of a great variety of Flowers and Foliage Plant s.- Pot Koses for Spring I 'nntiifg a specialty. . ! Catalogue Xo 1 of Fruit Trees, Vines etc. Hiid Catalogue No. 2, Green House Htalogue.fiirnished free to applicants, Correspondence solicitel. J. VAX LIXDLKY, Prop'r, Pomona. N. C. When th star of the morning Is gleam- inn. j And darkness is melting sway. ' When the sky flushes pink with the .. Klory - ; That heralds the coming of day, - i When dewdrops sparkle and shimmer On wayside and garden and lawn, ' When forests and neldaring with music. Then hey! for the midsummer dawn When the meadow-Is powdered with daisies, ' And the clover is calling the bee, j When the poppies ire flame in the garden, And cherries are flame on the tree; '- When the mowers seek- rest and re freshment . -' i Where the elms are bestowing the boon iJi the shade of their pendulous bran ches, j They bey! for the summer noon. i When the breeze brings the breath of the flowers . The perfume of lily and musk, i When the moths are flitting like pban- toms, When the fireflies flash in the dusk, '. When the birds have carolled their vespers - i And the lonely whlppoorwills grieve, w hen the glow of the sunset Is fading, Then bey! for the midsummer eve. r When the noise of the daytime is ri- lenct-d, i And naught in the stillness is heard j Save the murmur of tremulous tree tops,, i Or the stir of a slumbering bird; i When the moon mounts high in the heaven, ! And under her magical light The earth is a scene of enchantment,) Then hey! for the midsummer night. Anna M. Pratt.! he hat any duties at all or not? 1 Is he not a tru Reformer and good party man, and ought not all such to be rewarded? Then there's little Ned Shore, for whose appointment his uncle introduced a resolution in the Board and followed it up with a pitiful plea. He's a little boy in knee pants, and good enough boy, too, they say. But he's hardly the man for usher at, the Museum. What ran he explain to -visitors? He seems to think his duties consist principally in turning through the register and examining things for How the Corean Methuselah Oot the . Better of the Adversary. The Corean s have an interesting legend concerning the manner in which Tong-Pak-Suk, the Metbu eelah of their mythology, got the better of Satan. Tong lived 1,000 years, and acquired great wisdom The later years of bis life were spent in fishing, but not wishing to diminish the stock of fish in the river, he used a straight piece of wire instead of a hook. Thus he OFFICES MADE WHILE WAIT YOU i And IT It o ; I will deliver good PINE FRAM ING in car load lots ,at the depot in (;rpenoro for 05 cents per hun- reii.' Lull on or address 21 Irn G. H RAT, Belews Creek, N. C. OMIllllllltllijjmAAMAAAM i Pain-Killer. S . j - (RUT DATT.) i A Fur nd Rutf Itemed la tott cam 4 . Aid ersrj kai of Bowel Complaint U f Pain-Killer. tr TLi is a true ttmrt And tt en't be 4 ; iiiAda too ctroog or oo emphatic - J It a fdmpl, AAf and quick cure for Cramps, Comeb. Ehimttm. 4 CoUe, Cvlda, VaarmlrlA, 4 l'Urrka, Cronp, j ToothMh. J TWO Sizes. 28c ab4 50c. rEHHYROYAL PILLS IrarM ir rrlurt Knot" i .me mk4 with kl" rihhna. Tk In aunt tut rartlrulan. MiiMla im - Kdh-T Tmr lnlij. m irmr. my min MIL TTtftanimU. JIm W. JAltj Imi m.mM. ffctlmAm-. I'm Wahted-fln Idea t7""c yur I1mu: thr-m brtiu you wmlt. rtt JOHM VMO.DEHHCKN A CO , Patent AUor AblOAtuo. 1. for tArtr ti.au prlAA offar . " ut oT two buaund tuvABUooA WAatac WV caii thick of oin stmplA tblCK u punt) a Good Salary Attached on! Short Notice. i Economy ! Economy !" was the cry of the Populists during the early days of their existence. "Reduce the salaries of public ofti cers and abolish all offices not abso lutely necessary,'' was their . de manu until thev got into offlte themselves. !. This, was the burden-of their calamity and song with its varia tions' furnished, a gymnasium on which office-hunting Populist ex ercised his vocal plant for some four years or more. Then by the inscrutable ways of an even more inscrutable Providence they were given the reins of government con jointly with the Republicans and now what do we seer ; Both what was to be expected and-what was not. The Republi cans are by open profession spoils men. They are in politics, -for what there is in it. They believe in taking all the offices in sight and making and paying big sala ries to everybody. They make no denial of this. But the Populist office-seeker, at the declaration of such' a doctrine, holds up his hands in holy horror until he gets into office, and then he out-loots the most ardent Republican looter. 1 Take for example the Agricul tural' Department. New offices have been created, high salaries paid and the money wasted at a rate never before dreamed of. "i For instance, one little clerkship at $69 a monthi in the office of the Director of the Experiment Sta tion, has been divided up. into three parts at a combined salary of $3,400 a year. Mr. F. A. Bowen was secretary jto- the Experiment Station and chief fertilizer clerk under Dr. Battle at $720 a year. Mr. J. M. Felix, of Alamance,; is now secretary to the Experiment Station at $930 a year, with an as sistant, Mr. Sam Moore, of Duplin, at a salary of $600 a year. Mr. 1 ill E. King, ; of Onslow, is chief fertilizer clerk at a salary of $1,000 a year, with an assistant, Mr. F. G. Kelley, at a salary of $900 a year. - . .. -! . This is a fair sample of the jug gling that has been done to reward henchmen and! heelers, for their party services and at the same time fool the dear. people. Here is another, just about. as bad though it goes a little higher up in the scale of offices: Mr. Bru ner's work as secretary, at a salary of $1,800 a year, has been divided up into three offices at a combined salary of $4,300 a year. J.L.. Kam sey, as secretary to the Com mis sioner of Agriculture, gets $1,500 a year; "Prof." E. G. Butler as secretary to the Board of TrueteesH of the A. and M. College, gets $L 400, and "Prof.'VJ. J. Biitt, as aud itor of the Experiment Station a salary of M00 was able to eniov the excitement - . . . . . , . . . nis own saiisiacuon, leaving visi-and pleasure of fi-hing for several tors to take care of themselves, centuries without catching a single fie Bucceeua uiut wuriur jUUDKinsn. i man named bmltb, who has a wid- Realizinerthat sooner or later the owea motner. &mitn received lib devil who did death's errands would a month and was a most capable be looking him up, he changed his' anu inuusirious young man. onore name and abode with each genera - ax . mm. M a . I - O gets fdu ana up to catenas Deen tion, and thiis eluded him. i In the almost wholly ornamental and use- meantime the' evil one disguised Double Swunk before making up, made by Tailors, with every re " gard for perfect fit. j and WJ2 SELL TJli: CEL Eli It A TED KEYSTONE - TROUSERS MAIR Itr .1 CLEVELAND & WH1TEHILL CO. Heibnra. H.Y. NOW IS THE TIME FOR j . . . . Summer Underwear .... f ul very little. These are a few samples of Radi cal economy. If they do not suit others can ba furnished on short notice. News and Observer. him.Alf iwt im A..!., r I. - i u in uuniug vuicbu roue I itt . 1 r i which covered up his tail, concealed vv e nave a large and thorough bis horns under a mourner's hat ' i r li me. Aold Lang Syne. amine pur goods before purchasing A p'jiRip; J if If they rip in wear, You get a new pair. No stronger guarantee can be given. 3.00 3.50 All Wool Trousers. Exl Editor Patriot: Many persons who have reached the age of sixty years and upwards no doubt found themselves in full Tong. beinsl surprised and annoved. sympathy with Mr. Lemmon, ; as went utf to ' discover the cause. some, weeks ago he furnished the Finding the devil washing the char- rATRioT an account oi tne aiincui- coal, he asked what he was doing. ties wnicn ne encounterea in nna- The devil replied that he was try- ing an oia lanamara wen Known to Mng to make it white. him in former days. -Who of this Old Tong in his astonishment was age cannot recall vast numbers thrown off his guard, and said: "I of. these old landmarks that have livedin Corea hundreds of have disappeared? Some have fal- I years, and f course, have met len into decay and are a sad pio: many fools, but I never saw a big three feet in diameter, and wrapped bis legs in! curious padded stock ings, so that he easily passed for a native. He heard that Ton? was fishine in the . Hau river. So he ELmTWe handle the Shawknit Socks, 7 best on earth), and the I - . " . I TTV If !ll 1 aT m m m ' mm . ' . I collected a; quantity of charcoal ruia tun uniaunaerea onirt. unly 65 cents, sells when no other will and washed it in that stream. This. of course, blackened the water, and mm, him j ; am John W Crawford WillH. Ree, Will. H. Matthews, Frank Brooks. LOOK FOR THIS KEYSTONE ON -THE TICKET. Our Great Specialty. Fit, Finish and Fetching Style. KEYSTONE Corduroy Trousers. Outwear Three pairs of the common kind. ' WORKING PANTS, 1 M to 2. AND THE Celebrated Newburgh Keystone Overall ; Apron and Working Coat, .75 to 1.00 Sold by Elatlhevs, Chisholm & Stroud. Dogs and Dog-Days.- School Committeemen Appointed Dr. Woods believes hydrophobia The new Board of Education,' at to be a mimetic disease caused bv la meetinc held ThnraHi.irI .lnlo ikI turn nf tliA imivnraal dMV nf ll .nAimk 1 Ia U I nant o n t ilmml f Tl I i.j -.t. J. . . . ' i v. . T - " j -"iviiuujii .wmi.u ij w. nmou nini- i .vwm. imhii, iu ii.iji jmasauti iuppuiQlCU 1116 lOllOWlDfi' cSCHOOl that is eartniy. uiners nave Deen coal white." . used to rear dire consequences from Committeemen ! fur thA ldi(rrnt wholly removed and, as it hap- The devil at once. knew his man. I the bite of the tarantula, and fell. districtstowniihininrthL.nnf.l0 J pened to the Jewish temple,; the j and unfolded, his tail by way of ex when bitten, to j dancing with rde- District No. 1, or Washington town! plowshare has not left one stone bibiting his warrant of arrest,seized lirious grotesqiierie'" Now when ship-John L. Cohb, Mehane Applol upon anocner 10 mars tne spot long and hurried nim along in the tney nave ceased to think much I I5,"I ."iiuama, wm Lowe, u rooks where once perhaps dwelt old age direction of that dark portal throuch of the tarantula they are "bitten " .r o',. L' i npVmn.m.nl.AAH .nm.n I U ll ' .-1 I o ran in ) .n.i'i iK S ..J. I .. . ' . . . txutJl v. Ai lldriOn, 'J"'""" """ -.v. uv nuuiuu I TV 11 1 1 11 ail UlUliaiB UJUBb LII1DB. I "gnu naiu nuu llllJUIIUV. I 31 SHOO S m j I (1 ii XV ( n tin M M ! - .t .-'xl . - . i- - ... .1 I ' - 1- 1 . . nooa, ennvenea ana cneereu in Un. the way the devil, being in I As for PaslHiir'e method of cure "reeson, j. B. Wbitsetr. J, their daily toils by the boisterous eood humor bver his success, chat- Undlts general Effects i?rave douhta L.No 3. One-J. R. vVootN, Jno; El laughter and merry songs of those ted pleasantry -with Tong, who ven-- are expressed. And certainly it is L-n'oiY Wn W mm. .Aa V X....!.. a . 1.1 I m. a. m I . . . I . I uu as vcv uau not iud laiuiroi mrea io asK mm wnat ne most -ao- a -curious thine to discover Hiatl No. 4. Mn.lion Tf,ni conceptions 01 me s wariare as ex i borred i and was most afraid perienced by all who do not fall The devil made a fatal blnnde while too young for such ex per J one which might have been exc lence. I hen again new structures I able for a mortal, but was most nreventire. for intni-o th dfmthi Mii.Mn w n rwh ".lspp. A. O. Amiek, J. II. Bowmanj J, Tfl 1 nines,: .1. of. since it has been so widely discuss- Richard Moore, Hawkins Kudd, W A'. er ed hydrophobia has increased. The " v'Vi"11 FryVr M l I t. i 1 . . , , . No. ft, JenerMon Alex Miintiromerv. cus- jear after Pasteur practised his C - M. IVitehPtt, S. vv. CobbJ Walter III! have taken the place of the old, and Utupid for adevil he told the truth, froja hydrophobia in Paris leaped in such cases the changed condi-i He said that; he hated and feared fat once from four to twenty-four. lion oi surroundings nave usuauy l but . rpurj terrestrial things a Fifteen hundred persons were re been such as to make the present branch of ; a thorn tree, an empty I ported cured by this scientist. In appearance so unlike the former as j salt bag, a: wprnout straw sandal of this number were included.Hn 1893, to be scarcely recognized by one Jan ox, and a particular kind of fourteen familiar with them only as they I grass that grows in Corea the fox-1 more persons, were. Such has been my own ex I tail and that when these were put I have died of it perience with respect to more than I together he could, not go within United States. one of these old landmarks. hundred Frenchman n other words, than in a century in the -No 6, CljT-D. II. Coble. Dr. Ml F Fox, J. F. Starr, f W. II. C. Shaw. Ti u reason. - N.. 7. Monroe A. W. Scott. OJ Troxler, R. C. Bevill. R. L Chi lout James Brown, i No. 8, Gilmer A. T. Whltsett. Hen ry Rust, C. C. Parker. J. E.lMcKniirhti J. A. Youngr. i I No. 9, Fentress David Ci. FlelOfc Jno. u. Hennett, W. I). Hardin, Ai Lewis, w. M Fentress. No. ,10. Centre Grove-JI D. Wj Md Nairy, Lewis Miles, Dr. J. W. WM thirty feet of them. Ilvdiophohia, a disease contract- A little more than a year ago, in I In return the devil asked Tong ed from the rabies of animals, does. company with a revered uncle, I what he most feared. Tong, being I however, exist! That it is rare has cheater, Jno. W. Wharton!. visited the spot which bad j been I wise and experienced, lied and said been proved. the home oi his chlldhhod and I he was in mortal terror of a roasted cious remedy But the moHt efTlca. Lambeth. fn. It -hn it y!a 1 1-11. Moreheail J. Jr- Wi R. Van LIn.llei m" V W . W W W .u- ti, 1 r-m5Hl i...j .ij! - ut-A . V. m j i t 1. 1 , ooren, . ii. uonnson. j uu ku. av iiuugu vuvo bj i.iuiii.i ui ueiiu uu;iuacaicB a iuu ui i appear may uo iuudu in lrrqueui i Jprney. M. M. Hall Prof. K vaporbaths seven will do the work I No: 12, Sumnsr W. M. Ktrkman; a. u. uu if- L Ogbiir D. Hunt, Lee G. Curamings, R IS. Smith, Jas. Leonard. - f - . i If No. lo, Jameptown S. KagUHie, P. II. HodsonJ AM. Brieirs. . Plato Freeman C. S. Bristow. ! j. No. 1G. Oak RIdire jno.lVauKhn, 8. F. Jones. M. F. Blaylock, M. (1. Holt, 5s. A. Lowrey. I . U F A. starhue.k; No. 17, Deep River O. Of course in some instances 'an other little slice is taken off some, other man's duty and given to these sinecure holders in order that they may at least seem to have some thing to do. i ' But certainly in the case of Mr. James Allen this cannot be said to be true. A brand new office mail ing clerk was created for him at a salary of $1,000 a year and he performs precisely the duties here tofore performed by a little negro boy working four days in a month at 25 cents a day, under the direc tion and with the aid of the'two fertilizer inspectors. Now there are practically, no other duties at this time of the year, for these! in spectors to perform, except mail the Kulletin once a montb and .tab ulate the crop returns once a month. And yet so onerous are these daties . a . t to these strong, neaitny men xnat the Board took compassion on them and hired Mr. Allen to mau l the Balletin at a salary of $ 1,000. jHis work during the montb if it con sists, as it is supposed to do, only of mailing the Bulletin amounts, to little more during the monin than does that of the mailing clerk of the News and Observer every ;day. But then Mr. Allen holds a pub lic office and the taxes of;' the farmers of North Caroiina pays his salary. What matters it whether to us both we found the locality! beer. with ' difficulty. No road leads to I Shortly after this exchange of I the perspiration excited carrying ee Coletrane, R. C. Short, or even near the spot. I here was confidence Tong noticed that they off the poison in the-system. I No. 13 SummerHeld J nothing to marR the site save a were passing a thorn tree, around Those of, us who are timid, who Geo. Smith, R. M. Stafford, Thos. heap.! where a chimney had been. I the roots of which foxtail grass was! fAaP n aa rnr ohildrAn rlv with I Rhodes, Francis Medearis.k ii Notbine surrounds as a reminder hrrowine. and. curiously enough, LinTa ; .mir ;n An. woli tn . 14 Friendship-J. BSmith;. Jno i J i 1 I . f f t . j I i or wnat naa once oeen save a io under it wasan oio sail Dag ana a learn to distinguish certain symp cust and a few. apple trees. All so cast-off ox sandal ; so, making a tomg or rabies. A mad dog, for changed so wholly unlike the sudden spring from i the side of the inBtance .does' not, as is popularly same spot as I had seen it in the devil, he gathered up the bag, the 8Upposed, dread water. He is, on days of my childhood and youth, grass and sandal, and hanging them the contrary, apt to try and plunge All too, who once had their home on a branch of the tree his charm au bis head to his eyes in it. He there, are no longer or eartu with I was Derfect. I The devil could not Anika nnt frth .t h mnmh Tf the one exception of him who ac- come within thirty feet. a dog's mouth is covered with white s 7 " 1 companied me. How sacred the Of course the devil used every frotb that dog ia not mad." A Na is; fifth pAnt-Riisom Da memories wtucn a locality use tins inducement to get long to come thick, brown, ropy substance clings IS. II. Mendenhall. T. B. F. II ay w or Hi, nwaktn! r j I forth, but the old fellow stuck to ta the mad doi?'s mouth. The mad I William Welch, Joshua Anderson Sixty years ago an aged couple I his post, j Aj; last the devil went off &0gt again, never runs about in nameu iisier nau meir uome a i and got a roastea ox neaa ana a i agitation ; if a dog barks, yelps snori instance norm oi iue tone i cask oi macKaiee ana rouea,tnem whines, or growls, he is not mad. factory and cottages, lhis home l in to Tong, conhdent from what be Ah immense amount of suffering. and its occupants have long since I had told himr that Tong would be -nil of nmeltv as well, will be saved new school school laW disappeared. With the death of I driven outside the magic circle. ror those of us this summer who quests the committees this aged pair, as they had no son, I But when he saw Tong eating bear in mind these hints. Harper's appointment of teache m Z - A mT mm. A m i. W . a SM Z X - I me name ijiui'-r, bo lar as it reiaieu i neartliy pi-tne Deei anu urinaing i Razar. io i ii is muiiijr, cenveu iu oiioi, uuiime macaaiee wnn gusio ue reaiizeu his grand-daughter, not living npw, that the game was up and despair- Sound Doctrine. has great-grandchildreji. My own I ingly departed. grandfather, who lived to j see a Tong's! lofg life was due to the Not a great deal is heard these large numner ni great granacnii dren, has at least one such who is a grandparent. Here and there a few of the old landmarks may be seen still stand-J was made that Tong had been liv ing. Une of these, a very humble I ing too long, it took the registrar one in the form of a log 1 cabin, j of the lower regions 346 years to stands west of the Cone cotton mills I hunt up bis name in the archives. on the road leading north from I Chicago .Recprd. Greensboro. As far back as mem The hoard earnestly request thft (Mimmitteefl . to meiet th-m in G'-eensboro Aug. 14, 18b7, in order to the better understanding of the Also, e to make I ho re till after that meeting. Merchant Tailor HAH REOKIVKD HIH i&T2r&- CLOTHS! ' . . I. For Made-to-Order Suits. Pants and Fancy, Vests. I m II Showing the latest styles in Cutaways, Single and DoubloBreasted Hacks, l'rjnce Alberts, Tuxedos and Full DresH. Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. Ws will have shirts made to order if desired. Canes, Umbrellas and Furnishings. H. H. CARTLAND, 106 South Elm Street, 1 GREENSBORO, W. U. Datal : Hotio. You had better neglect any other part of your system than your MOUTH and TEETH. , Unless these Important organs are kept in a healthy condition you cannot expect good re sults in the other partsjof the system. With an experience of twenty years in active practice, we invite you to call and let us. give your Teeth the attention necessary to put them in this healthy condition, and at prices that are in the reach of all and in keeping with the times. Why pay higher prices for nothing better? Yours, ; j TDIR. GEIFFTTH, XDorutist;, K. of P. Building, South Elm St., Greensboro. j Chess Favored. have been clergymen, bishops. . ory carries me it was the home of an aged, free colored man and his wife, whose sign "Cakes and Beer" stood conspicuously on the road side before his door He could on- It is a singular fact that wh accident by trhich his page in the tjme8 of ex-Senator David B. Hill, all other games of chance or skiii Book of Fate stuck to the next one. f Yrk -hut whenever he does I have at one time or another peen eo'that his name was overlooked. .nvthino hn aivt,a evidence that I denounced by the clergy of every mi ' . . I ' l . I . . ? - . e ...P. ls If.:. I. .Ina .Inna Yiita ffpJtAri iv nen unimateiv ids romniaini i hi. minri ia bmii in. aooa worainir lanii, vu&oo uuw -. J - l I I.D tU.UU . ---- - Pi t- I - . U ' " k't.-. u iKt.nnA ha Am.ivar tneir aDoroDr laiion. anu auioua iut !,. f Tnlir mAAraaa at fla- best Dlavers oi eve weao. N. Y.. and these are some of the things he said: .- "There is too much dtmagogism abroad in the land; there is too much false doctrine taught pertain i . A. ing to governmental luacuuu, there is too much encouragement ry country priests and . -, j frT" - i - p lit w$B ill ffllPPA When the etomach nl liowcl are wrbnn. A Meritorious Man. orkot ao.'.a mre trill.. IIm'IiA the whole torn Kvery imi tol llic txxiy w me cimi-i v a nine con-iiiHiin. ire iicitif.. .- I: i I. Saye the Columbia, S C, State: "What a unique record is that of the Revf F. J Murdoch, of Salis i8C Tgostelan(tori.il; you loci slmofifli il iiii.scri?lileanldowD-hearie.i; the weww I are mil-.Mil liir WUIIi la tn in"- S I I.HHU V3 f tha anirit of nonialism and all hlu m roKiilate the tomah an lw cIh. r a biiu d iy i v w w - - r . . ev i makeH inoi-e moneyon he msywy to sell it to j-qu., Ilnn't let him . WllHt iiiF'- .-iit IVIIets. Thc-V thar it imnlies. includinfiT COmmUD- L, rcirular and you ke-i i Uey ly have been partially supported bury, N. C., an ex cadet at the South iBtc and chimerical schemes for a '" by tne proceeds derived irom tne Carolina miutary Acauemy, wnom gociai democracy, so called ; mere move natural n;wa0 sale of these articles. A little be- your correspondent knew as a most im tft0 much toleration of disrespect M'v a .iiuit ,Um nAaan oiAMA t T TJ I a-rollnnf ennnrr oadAf triiA tn rlnt.v . . j ...ih.iri. nmLefl more moneywi samo yioleiit .urKmKl" y iuii b ii u pivsvHii ivpiuvuvo va w. x.. I Am.....w w-m-w j IfQf COU f(H HQu COU8IUU bcu u . . . . . . a . t . i I . , ! . , 3 If M I . . Wharton, on tne ground wnicn nas i ana eminently conscientious, jur. . tnere 9 too much clamor ior . . . . -r. ilir i u za. : a 1. ri . . . i since been Known as tne iguana i xuuruocu, meritorioua lauruocu, id eiagg legislation : there is too mucu home, there lived another free col- president of one bank, three cotton j jca,jon 0f the idea that men ored man who disDlaved to oassers- mills, sesretary and treasurer of two i a ,.,.,. reh without effort a. mf a w , mr a fjy mrJ a - mm by a board bearing the same in others at Greensboro, N. C, and to b tne mere fiat of the govern- scription. He was also known as cap the climax, to crown it all with mentf instead of earning wealth In a butcher, and furnished to Greens- the crown eternal, preaches four th. nd. old-fashioned way, and boro the larger portion of her fresh sermons' each Sunday, and further, tbere j8 OD much attention paid to meats. No one of these old land- upon a recent meeting oi tne xonu the cranks, blatherskites and pout marks can fail to awaken emotions Carolina j diocesan council came . drenturers entitled to no con- in the minds of those wJio knew within one vote of election as bish- irfllnn but who seem to- have them as thev were in Auld Lang op." j r i . f t rtut.it,Afl -th nublic ear, and are SJ?. " lh"rK" Uappin the Health of Childhood, peeking to pull down the pillars of mhl I lir v ill iiiv cujeau uibuld.uui ' I . A . o I ,' : i I SUCICIT season of youth. In imagination Children frequently suffer in health This is not comfortable doctrine. Expressing His Best Wishes. . littlA uIia.. ant lann." wruic . '"v one lives over that season again and Rro?r thin and the parents are ner popular doctrine, but it is and converses wun inose wnose greatly puzzled to discover the reason, i goUD( doctrine. .bxenange. faces were then so familiar and in a large proportion or cases tne irou- waII known hut on awabfinintr from hie will be round to be intestinal worms well known, but on awakening irom wh,ch haTjB found lodgment in the bis reverie he feels almost solitary child's body, and are feeding upon the and alone as he sees how few of food eaten and unon the delicate tls- those now remain compared with ues, sapping tbe streng .limnkins to his father's the vast majority who as far as the .S i wood rite and tell eye of sense can reach are now no and overcome the diseases that are cer- vou that "ma has got a baby hopin mortj. ; tain to occur in cm 10 nooa. llu r Tina will fin vou the san e . I . a,! . .1 A ..J I a a n 9 I LliCO 1US " " J . - l trust your reaaers win pardon , r- , nefvnu .1.- -!.. m.'... for expelllne these parasites was Frey 's y u re neiyou me inuiction ui wn may oe term- Vermlfug8 wbtcb, after many years Bazar, f ea a sequel to tne L reminiscences I tria.1, atill remains the best cure known. recently published. When it is administered to ailing chll-j 1r Perce's GoWen jrViirai Discotery pnrijiet J.C. Whaktoh. dren the worms are driven out, and the b ' . notning more is neeuea to restore tne YItu'"Tr - . vr,ror,Hi-. strone and Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to child to health and strength. Frey's lg,,th yeooiition. nbniWaupaoii.i.nfulfla.b, .ivermiiuge naa ueen boiu every wueru 25 cents. . ror many years wun uniaiung success. 0m hUc . ! ." - I --1 We meet tfie pu demand for a high grade Hitheel At the right pnee benny.' Harper's t . i w Oak Hidg Institute I I'wenty-t wo years unde present principals.! 1"J1 H : A High Grade Col lege-Preparatory Schw.l, with Fortv-slxth year. T itanta of rDniloil I l Sif. VPH I rial departments of Book I Keeping, Short-Hand and Telegraphy, and beat equipped Fitting School in the South. -Terms to-auit the ' For beautiful new catalogue autiress, . - Profh. J. Sc ISO.. II. HOLT, Oak Ridge, N. C, Sii Stu- pe- Tbe largea titues." Greensboro Roller Mills. NORTH & WATSON, PltOPKlETOBS. OUB BRJSTJDSz PORITT t A HIGH ' GRADE PATEHT. STAR: A FUK fAIlLI rLOUK. ' ' CHARM OF GREEHSBORO: THE i;00R UAH'S . ! These brands have been put on the market on their-merits and havs I .?J.J .1 ..,n.nnr.11XAll .T'.lt.Ilt llV lh lAtlllDV 2iven universal saueiacuon u (jiijii..u.ivv, v -,.v 0 o I. i: .... n Uf..fiM.t.nl. tint. familes of Greensboro and surrounuing rwu..j,. 1 .ZZ rwe formity in each grade. FLOUR. Remembefwe handle Ask your merchants for NORTH A WATSON'S all kinds of the freshest and BEST FKKI beside the beet MEAL ever made in Greensboro. & "WATSOJN", Mill at Walker Avenue and C. F. A Y. V. B. B ill WF-STfRN fitEHL WORKS - f atiw i....ithTMdition. It bniniauuaon'i. u.-- i ,., n.nnp...-i inl m nftWsnTnr. . ... I. I .1 - 1 . - 1. .., . ih..riulllll mU iuvni'nina.,u.u ,, . dl .,., 11,4. operate. Cureindleestlon, biliousness. i vcrmuugv uu uvea boiu averywuera rHM m wnnkir. .? .ru. . ,-- ivaxn rau. "uae ceui. u-uff 3 LipabyDr. Ml A .-InlLPLrl T 1- , .. If vou iotend to build or enlarge your house, come to us for an estimate on Material. We will surprise you on prices. We make a specialty Kow don't think for a minute we are selling below cost, as noons , can do business on that basis. Our motto: Large sales, small pronis. ; WECSIT XT COSHES TO GLb&SS, we can show you the largest stock In the South. Guilford Lumber Compauy, Greensboro, N. C. i !! .. ....