.-: ': : ' '-" . 1 -'v-- j" .;..-.,-... "" .' -; " -;i ''. ' -i ' """". d " . ""r- '.;;-."v- .V--'! " V - .v : . -J - -- ,': , - -,; '. . - '. .' ' mmmmWmmWWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ? The Greensboro Patriot.; ' H .VOL 75, GREENSBORO, N. C., WEDNESDAY; JULY 28, 1897. .. . 1 H . j. . ' ... 1 XTA ri i i PKO FESSION AL : CARDS. Dr. W. J. RICHARDSON f. UK K N 8BOROt N. g. ' ' l- W:iMi'-rvt 1 MeJicin and Stirrer? in .("! a-' "urroonJimr j"Mry.' , , ...... j , 4 ; t X : : 1 . 2 ADDRESS rVTTTrt f"TTi riTn-wv - .- LZ -fY" - v. ': :: - - - - U i it Brl J. E. WYCHE, ; it . i:rTiHT, i SivintfH Itaok BaiMing, j-' . i South Kim etroe', Urecnftlioro, N. C. Er j. n. wmftbua, c , DEKTIST. THE AUGUST RAIN. ri l l-' " it : tip. Ward's Drug Store. :Dr. W. H. BROOKS, ' - t oi"i-iisr Yiitcs Building, In an open mist enfolded Stood the preen and stately corn, And the bills were veiled In vapor . At the breaking of tha morn. Till a gray cloud, slowly spreading, Blurred tbe blue above tbe vane, And it dropped in threads Qf silver From itsbeart, the August rain. All day long it poured and pattered I un me ivy at the eaves, i -And the thrushes in tbe orchard Y Hid beneath the thickest leaves; j But at eve across the meadows: Flushed the yellow sun agaii, Arid a bow of brilliant promise Arched above the August rain, t . ' i Lo! the wealth of ancient princes Sparkled forth on every side: Pearls were in tbe lily's bosom, j Rubies crowned the rose's pride. And a thousand liquid diamonds i Sparkled on tbe golden grain; For it stole an angel's jewels ! ' As it came, tbe August rain! Minna Iitvixo.ln Dcroorest'tt Mag azine for August. 4 THE LAND OP THE SKY. .i;kj:n'b )Kf. - N. C. Dr. V. H. Wakefield, ,. ,.f i tiart.tte, will be in Greens. ? ;.'.!-.. :tt- the" McAdtK House on Wed in -hv, Atiu-t IIH- j ; IKAtTir't LIMITED j TO - .. i:r,.oe aim inrom. CHAS. H. STEDHAN, ATTORNEY AT I AW, X. c. M- U'U iih.-iU I'.u'tlding, - -t 'I ' . - ;i:kkxsim.ki,- - ; 4 - ."r .t Mlin. ' J r)t. SCALKd. SHAW A: SILE -:in-fui Hlttnti-'n fivtj-n lo sil busi n. -ss. Oli.-? in - Imrluji I! t. i it i . Xu. li '.; i i-uri .-Mjuare. "W. H. IJKACIIAM, Architect and Builder. oitii-fifin ()M Fclivs;Duihling, '. - . cim:knsi50RO,; '- n. c. When in Need Apply to! HEADQUARTERS iK ALL KIKP OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES: ' Lime . ."Carson's Riverton."., Cement. t . RosendsJe. Cemejit I..... ... 1. Portland.. Building Brick...... j. Common. Euilding Brick." L .Eepressed. Fiue Brick ... j . . . . . 1 .1 .Superior. ioi Mij -uu m:iUf try tlicio.) Fire Clay. :.. . . t. Excellent. "Plaster :;J. Calcined. , Plasterers' Hair. Steel Boofing. Roofing Paper. . Steel Siaing. Glazed Sewer Pipe. Clay Flue Pipe. Thos. Woodroffe, i m:j:-iijcit, rv S1 AiMit f.r "Tin- Vincrieftn J lu l. m ill Kl.:ui-t llt al." !-tf POMOXA U1LL NURSERIES, l'omona, .m , fl' wo. md one-half miles west of Greens iloro, N. C. Tbe main line of the It. $; II . U. 'K. passes IhrougU the grounds siul within 10 feet, of the ollire "and residence. S.ltiii tr:iins;mke regular stops twice daily jC.ioh jwy. TIIOSKLlNtKISESTKD.IN FJlillT 0R! FLOWERS Are, ror.linlly Invitetl to. inspect our "-.tK!k. " ' - j . - I 1 YOU CAN FINDV . over One MiMion Fruit jTrees, Vines I i Kvergreens.'Shade Trees. Nuts, lloscs etc. In fa"t, eviTything! usually kept in a lirst-fl.iss Nurscrj. j three Gr.ee u Houses Full of a grojit variety; of Flowers and Foliage I'lrtnts. -Tot Knj.es for Spring plant in;; a s.( c'altv. it t'atalfgue N' 1 f Fruit Trees, Vines etr nnd t Catalogue. No. 2, Gren House , Catalogue, furnishetl frt-e to applicants. rrejMn'c?noe olintcd. J . VAX I.I X II,Y, Prop'r, l'mona. N. C. I 7D miiGT. j j j - (PERRY DAVIS'J l Sure and 5afo; Remedy In ' every case and every kind 1 of Bowel Complaint Is -Mller This Is, a true statement and It can't be made too strong or too emphatic -It is a simple, sift and quick j cure for Cramps, ! Congh i LhenmsAiia, Colic, Colds, ! Kearalgis, DiarrtcBs, Croup,? f Toothache . Two sizes, 25c. and 50c Keep It by youl Beware of ; Imitations. Buy only the 1 j Genulna Perry Davis. ' Bold H veryiehsT. A I deliver gmu) PINE FRAM ING in oar load lots at the depot in Oreensboro for 65 cents per hun 'lre.l.1! Call on or addrees G. H, RAT, Belewa Creek, N. C. ir-lm Asheville Is Now the Attractive Point Among the Summer Resorts. Asheville, N. July 22 Not man' miles from this place lived Rill Nye alas, poor William, the people about here knew him well r and they have many queer stojiew which they tell of him and many which the humorist in his peregri nations throughout this picturesque region would tell to them. j It. was Nye who gave tbe mem orable account of how it was! that Vanderbilt happened to settle in this rare and rarified section of the South. . " . 3 ' "George and me worked the com bination," he said. "We have tastes oi me same nue, oiten a dark brown. I'm long on gray matter; he has tbe Ion? ere en We Ditched our tents side bv side this proves the greatness of men. to say nothing of the country rpund about." . . i t llut Nye has paesed, and there a no monument save a cottage ar up the river, v anaeroiit remain- eth, and like old Horace, he has c-rtcted m monument more endur- ng than brass. I saw .Biltmore jesterday. Since thejrisit ofjMc- Ktnley, when he refused to enter the estate unless an invitation was extended to the correspondents ac companying him, newspaper men have risen in the estimation of Harding, the surly English sub- manager, and more extended court esies are shown them. j . But Biltmore is only an accesso ry feature of this luxurious sec tion. It represents the artificial, and looking at it in this contrasted ight with the limitless wealth of nature spread out in its grandest forms, the scene makes a study which is interesting and not soon to be forgotten. - Asheville, just at this season, be- a ' m-- . comes the. summer girt oi me mountain cities. She gets on a cool shirt-waist, with a jrtunty sail or' hat and bedecks herself in the refreshing greenery of the eeaeon. She looks delightfully cool,; and there' is-an air of comfort arid se rene satisfaction in her manner that she can defy-the -blistering heut which wilts her rivals' and' feuds them indoors. Instead pf re treating from the sun, Asheville. gets out and glories in its glare, for it 19 tempered by a stiff breeze which" comes down from the crown of mountains, around ; she goes a golfing, rigs up in wheeling cos tume for a spin, gets into tennis paraphernalia, or starts out: on a jaunt up the river for .a tryxat mountain trout. . Just now Asheville is on - the verge of the summer season. For the next three months it will be a gay place gay in a summer: way. for the town is always lively. and wears the air of prosperity through out the whole year.. I he popular idea of Asheville is erroneous.' I had pictured the place as a small mountain city, with two jor three big hotels nearby and Biltmore and Ed McKissick in the rear grVund. Instead, here is one of the most metropolitan towns in the South. There is a briskness in the business portion of the place which tells the energy and thrift rf the people; and there is alertness and activity everywhere. The people have fulj enjoyment of life. The business part of the city is in the bottom of a huge basin scooped out among" the mountains and sliced in two by the Swannanoa and French Broad. Here are miles of paved streets, put down, by the way, by the late General Pierce Jtf. B. Young, who secured the contract some years before he accepted his foreign appointment. From J these radiate driveways which stretch in all directions and penetrate the en circling hills and heights, reaching far into the mountains. . It js on this range of intermediate ' hilTs that the residences and resorts have been built and on every pro truding knob there is some majes tic hotel or house -which gives a good effect to the general scene. . Speaking of scenes, the natural beauties of this place can eclipse anything in the world. It is for this reason, and the climatic con dilions, which caused Vutiderbilt to pour out his millions into the lap of North parolina. Jt The French Broad shoots its ar rowy length, through a wilderness of the most picturesque country under tbe sun, and the ride from Morristown, on the Southern Bail way, to Asheville has no equal in point of natural beauty. For sey enty.five miles the road hugs the river, winding its tortuous way in and out the great gorges and at the base of high mountains with pre cipitous crags above. Sometimes there is a white gleaming sheet of swift water spread out over a per spective of three miles, and on each side juts op tbe towering peaks, the tops of which lose themselves in tbe clouds above.' Now and then tbe scene is toned op by a harvest field intervening between the road and tbe river with tbe sheaves of grain stacked out by the river's side, giving a mellowness to the view and relieving the rugged as pect of tbe granite bowlders be yond. He is indeed an adaman tine Individual who is not moved by the scenes along this route. As for the grain fields, some of these have been placed upon tbe steepest slopes of tbe mountains, and it is a source of speculation to PRESIDENT COBB'S all who go by how the crops can be I mately correct. Before the Greensboro Industrial and Immigration Association. Gentlemen of the Association : Thinking that it might prve inter esting to the members of the Asso ciation, and perhaps to our people generally, I : have taken i the pains to collect some statistics regarding the commercial progress of Greens boro i during the paet three years, which I take pleasure in submitting to you to-night. These figures are taken from Dun's Commercial Re port, supplemented by other infor mation gathered elsewhere, and can be relied upon as being aDDroxi- nniYl tcittti mm n mi n- ! " 1 A 1 KEYSTONE WE SELL TJf J CELEBRATED TKAIC MARK. TROUSERS x SET CRASH, Double Swunk before mak ins: up, made by Tailors, with every re- ! gard for perfect fit.! cultivated without loss of life. 1 On tbe train with us were a number of j old soldiers returning from the re union at Nashville. NOW IS THE TIME FOR i r -- . . - .... Summer j Underwear. . amine our goods before purchasing. There are engaged in the various kinds of business in Greensboro two hundred and twelve firms and! corporations with a total capital You thinks that's steep, but f f 2,672,000. This does not in- tbat ain't not bin," said one of the c,udo the railways and express and old fellows, who was seated out on telegraph companies or the schools th nlatfnrm "Vnii nuohl fnnnma aOQ Colleges, ail Of Which USft larDA I A U. . T 1 .1 1 1 w wm&mw w vuj w S3 " O I wV m" I I i-J f "j a w i m y -v y w a y-w II I I fr f- , r u uu kuo utuoi Blue, uunu lucrs I f- r fmJ ;! " " i ; I t i 'bout Saluda. That's tbe highest r people. t Dlace in these here narts. excerjtin' Of these two hundred and twelve i . . . at Hendersonville. which is lust concerns nrty -one nave begun oper this side. I've got a farm down I ationa'during tbe past three years there, and one dv mn and mw i nese nrtv-one new tirms nave a neighbor, Bill Duncan, were out in total i capital of $1,278,000, nearly the field nlowin' aide hv aide. First one-half of the whole amount used thing you know I missed Bill in My at ho present, time, and couldn't find him nowhere, but af-lalmo9t: 88 much as was employed ttr awhile I looked wav down at three years ago the foot of the slope, and thar hej "there are thirty nine manurao was, plow, mule and all done fell I turing' concerns in Greensboro with off bis farm. When we ; eo out a toiai capital oi a little over a workinnowl we tie a rope round million dollars. Of this number our bod v and nut the other end sixteen, or nearly one-nan, were round a ree. We work with a life added during the past three years, preserver on all the time." . land the sixteen new ones have a The chancre from the lower level capital or d4&,UUU more than all to this aerial abode is decided. It oi ine lactones comoinea prior to We Jiandle the Shawknit Socks, Druid Hill Unlaundered Shirt. Only 65 cents. mm, nai (best on earth). sens when no oi -vri? n v CLEVELAND & jWHITEHILL COi Heibni H. Y. arid N" - , ls rvBiiRj mm hit 'F'RRir- A ! tOOK FOR THIS KEYSTONE , ON THE TICKET. J If they rip in wear,; . You get a new pair. No stronger guarantee can be given. 2.50 b ' 3.oo All Wool Trousers. 3.50 y . y - j fOiir Grat Specialty, j ' it' Fit, Finish and Fetching Style. Ex- .'nr and the her will. 1 HALEHMEN t j . ;; John W. Crawford, Will. H. Rees, Will. H, Matthews, Frank i i Brooks; ! t . : tVEYSTONt: CORDUROY ROUSERS. Outwear Three pairs of the common kind. - WORKING PANTS, 1 .92 to 2.22 AND THE ' . ' i - Celebrated .Newburgh Keystone Ovorall Apron and j Working Coat, .75 to 1.00 j i Sold by Qattbev;s, Chisholm & Strond. is like a different world the air is different and you gulp in huge draughts of ozone, more exhilarat ing than the finest wine. From the ride along the French Broad you are suddenly whizzed into the highest plateau surrounding Ashe ville. It is a striking scene the kind I imagine Woodsworth tried to describe when he said: "Oh, 'twas an unimaginable sight. Clouds, mists, streams, watery rock .' and emerald turf, Clouds of all tincture, rocks and sap phire sky Confused, commingled, mutually In flamed, Molten together, and composing thus, 'three years ago. If any one doubts the substantial accuracy of these I Statements I refer him to the larse number of hew buildings going up in the different parts of the. city I have been Informed that one hun dred and eighty houses have been built here this spring and summer. This if good evidence, provided too many of theni are not vacant,' and if any bne thinks that, let him try to rent one 'and he will discover his mistake. ' "The growth of Greensboro re cently! has been so steady and so marked as to attract the attention and favorable comment not only of every one Savings Banks. ' x'' .. y arecent article in heei.les this pie to put Each lost in each, that marvelous array I our own people, but of Of temple, citadel, palace, and hujre that comes here. It is all the more Fantastic pomp of structure without encouragin2jt 00,when itisremem- In fleecy' folds voluminously enwrap- bered that this growth has occurred ped." during a period of unusual business n., tFo ..i k o.Mn depression. iThe good results of Asheville which are almost as pie turefoue as that along the French Broad. From Spartanburg to A'heville and from Salisbury to Asheville, along the Southern Rail way, there are views equally as in teresting. The summer accommodations about Asheville have been improv ed, and this season there is prom ise of a larger crowd than that during any previous summer. The Battery fart hotel is a re- . sort of infinite pleasure. Just at this time, while the country, below is sweltering under the glare of in tolerable heat, the guests here are using heayy covering at night The building is of the Queen Anne style, and is situated upon a high knob which rises just outside the business area of Asheville. Maior E.-F. McKissick. who is known, as the man who brought M Kinley here,- is proprietor, and by the way, there is an interesting story of the two .."Macs" with the office seekers of North Carolina but that is another story. In addition to this resort, there are other large botele, and accom modation can be obtained at a number of cottages and private places about. The Southern Railway has made nuMit fhnirA I n nf.herliileR whinh outs in trains from all sections at wise one and tbat they will be fully most convenient hours. the past few years should prove a valuable lesson to guide us in our future: actions. If such develop ment ! takes place in Greensboro during what s considered very dull times shall we not expect in tbe future even greater things, with our favorable location and many nat ural advantages, which are conced ed by everybody.- Then let us make the best of these advantages and by systematic work, wisely planned and executed, make sure of a still greater increase in ' commercial growth in the.future. "That this. Association has had some influence in cringing anout these -results admits of no doubt That 1 this ' Association can, with proper effort, in the future do even better; than' it has in the past is equally certain. The principle of stimulating the growth of the com munity by intelligent and progres- .a . I sive meinoas is tne same as mat applied to plant life when using fertilizers; and the one is as cer- tain to show good results as tbe other,! ! 'As'this is the last year in which I will have an opportunity of taking an active part in tne Association, I'shall make no recommendations as to 2 the plan of tbe next year's work,' I I have no 'doubt that your choice of a committee will he a " Drawing room cars have been placed on between New York, Phil adelphia, Chattanooga, Baltimore, Washington, Salisbury and Nash ville. Leaving Asheville at 2 25 p. m., the trip is made to. Washington at VF.TKA o. uitt iv unibiiuuiv ill u ui.t competent to manage the affairs of the Association for tbe best inter ests of our community. In taking leave of the Associa tion in my official oapacity I desire to thank all our members, who 'bv their interest in this work and their financial ' assistance have made it possible to do whatever the Asso- Philadelphia, 143 p. m., and New ciatioh may have done in the. past York at 12 b2 p m. Trains 15 and 16 carry through Pullman drawing, cars between Norfolk.Raleigh, Greensboro, Chat tanooga and Nashville. Leaving Asheville at I 17 a. m., Chattanoo ga is reached at 7 40 a. m.. and Nashville at 1 35 p. m. - ' Leaving Asheville at 2.44 a. m. the trip is made to Greensboro by 8 30, Norfolk at 5 25 p. m.v This change in trains gives ex cellent connection from Asheville with al! points. Three trains come in during the day from the West, and three leave in the same direc tion ; three-come in and depart from the South, and there are two out and in from tne ftast ana xxorin. Just now Asheville is filling up. n 1 1 urowuB are coming iu iruui mi ecu-, tions. The season' is just on, and will be more brilliant than any of I former years. " TOE R. B. COMMISSION. for the business interests of the city. - In conclusion let me express the hope that the Greensboro In dustrial and Immigration Associa tion will become stronger, more ac tive and more useful with each sue ceeding year, and that all its mem bers may be prosperous and happy. H. W. Cobb, President." From a recent article in the Manufacturers' Record under the heading of "Savings Banks as They Relate to the South and to New England" we clip the following j "I he laws governing tbe savings institutions of Massachusetts, Con necticut and New York are models whifh the legislatures of the South ern States might adopt with great benefit to' their people. Thy ot only throwj around such institu tions every possible safeguard, hut, mey enni.ue me peo- their-mooey in small sums, iroui u dime up ward h, where it. will be perfectly safe and will increase by compounding of inter est, until the many a mickle has made very much of a muckle. lit 8 this aggregation of littles that. the opportunities to the man ufacturers of those States to en large their plants. The many mil lions in the savings banks ' are largely loaned to established and prosperous corporations, who see that it will pay to increase their business. Savings banks do not call in loans on which the interest is paid when due. It is their policy to keep it loaned to parties who will be seen to pay promptly when the time comes. They hold at all times government, State and mu nicipal bonds and other gilt-edged securities, that ean be at once con verted into; cash in case of a sud- (i -n ana extraordinary wunarawai of deposits but the bulk of their funds are in permanent loans on real productive property. . Thus it is that in those States the money of mechanics, artisans, small far mers, servant girls and all kinds of wage earners, amounting in the ag-- gregate to many millions, are con verted intoj means for increasing the big plants that give employ ment. to still more people, who, in their turn, become depositors. ' "The South ought to have simi lar institutions in every city of 20,000 people and upward, regulat ed by the same safe-guarding laws. They would not only give to all city wage earners, but to the mall farmers as well, a place where their money would be safe and be steadily earning increase, to be added semi-annually to the amount deposited and hectome a part of the principal on which interest. would be oaid. More than this, the South everywhere would have a method wrought out ny years oi practical experience in other States for, get ting together . in urge suras yio millions that lie idle-am'oh gits, pea pie, and to bse them for large, in dustrial development, ns s dne in i..'.i .. .1 ;.. ..... ...T uf tllA lew jTn iaiui . ami u iiinn ... . rn't prosperous XNorihtrii oiai.es. Let the Southern financiers and business men study t In unject thoroughlyl and if convinced, as hey wurelywill beof the manifold bent fits that would follow irre-gen- banks, terned after the laws of the States referred to. And Greensboro1 can congratulate-itself on the fact that in the People's Fjve Cents Savings Bank of thi city it has one tbeee institutions to encourage and; pro mote, saving among its people This bank has been in successful operation for ten years and through economical business management it has safely weathered the great has its financial storms of the period had over 3,500 depositors oh j rolls and has never lost dollar. Notwithstanding be depressed condition of business and the con tinued cry of hard; times our sav- ings oana nas increase its dep'is iTs7&.per cent, within the last: two yeari, andrt1Satthis jiime ia (he most prosperous conditioQ of any period since im organization. Un der the 6 per cent, interest law of North Carolina the savings bank has been paying its depositors in terest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, 2 per cent, being placed to the depositor's- credit j every six months, when it becomes a part of tbe principal on which interest will be paid, or in other words the every six wage earn- nice interest months, ers, as is compounded Many of our well, as others have balances to their credit in this bank, and if it had not -been for CARTLACffl 1 thij j L Merchant . Tailor ZZS RBOKIVKD HIB . JPtlHTG- OLOTHSI - ' i For Made-to-Order Suits, Pants and Taney Vests. CO ! i Showing the latest styles in. Cutaways, Single and Double-llrtttt.arti, l'nnce Alberts, Tuxedoa and Full Drean. Shirts, Collars and Uuna. We will have Shirts made to order if desired. Canes, Umbrellas and Furnishings. H. H. CARTLAND, 106 South Elm Street, GREENSBORO. N. O. encourage- his institu- not have a never learned Save money depositing They lh a ye have a de- eral introduction of savings let them secure legislation pattern ed after that of the States herein named and, then organize, wherever practicable;, these Deneucent ihh- The' Oxford Ledger of yesterday, tutions. Not only will they maice a crai; aaninon u vu mci ui but thev win wiu- Cadet Neil Emerson at Ilorner's Increases Valnation of Railway Property $3,000,000. - AsnKViixK, N. C.t July 22 The Railroad Commissi n has completed I native gift8 in that direction. He its work of assessing railroad prop- wa8 awarded the declaimer's medal in referring to the closing exerciaes at Horner 8 school, pays the follow- ing deserved compliment to a Wil mington boy: ! "AH the declaimers and essayists did splendidly as is always the case ith the Horner cadets, but con spicuously meritorious was the de clamation of Cadel Neil D. Emer son, or Wilmington, . u. mis subject was the 'Dream of Clarence,' and this young man spoke with, a beauty, earnestness and eloquence that electrified all present, eliciting ings a storm of well deserved applause. His rare gifts will assuredly win for him future fame on. the arena of eloquence if he will cultivate his . a mm .1 ti ui tne houtn. cate the masses to a better under standing ot the universal laws of finance, and will also teacn ineui that small! savings, properly man- aged, lead to general prosper, and to manly independence." f Thanks to a wise act oi me jfg- islature of, North Carolina, ratified the 7th day of March, ioo'vu" known as the General Savings anK Law, this Stffle already nas a bank law based on anu pi.- the . opportunity " and ment offered them by t tion they would today dollar They had how or I been able to until , they commenced in the savings bank learned that when theyij posit in this bank, in case of .6iek ness or any other emergency, they can get any part or an oi . ineir money at any time they may 'want it. If it remains in th bank a few months they know it is drawing them iterest. So thej find jit ' a very t satisfactory arrangement all round. ' We are glad to note l he progress and continued "prosperity of our savings-bank. It deserves it all, and we heartily command it to the patronage of our people.' Nowhere else are the pennies and nickles of the' poor and the moderate wage earner so hiffhlv resDecled and so . r J . j--. well husbanded and made, to in crease, j Work for the State Convicts ues- undcr Ralkioh, Jnly 24. -Next day 100 convicts will be sent. charge of Farm Superintendent W. J. Rradshaw. from the Roanoke farms to grade the Carthagej rail wav extension. One hundred; con ntalr Hotio. K. You had better neglect any other part of your system than your MOUTH and TKKTH. Unless these important organs are kept in a healthy condition you cannot, expect good re sulis in the other parts of the system. With an experience of twenty years in active practice. we invite you to call and let u 9 give your Teeth the attention necessary to put them in thi9 healthy condition, and at prices that are in the reach of all and in keeping with the times. . Why pay higher prices for nothing better? Yours,- j f v - of P. Building, South Elm St., Greensboro. - -.i i - t ia I vict3. also from those be sent to Wayne the Collier farm on Superintendent Smith tends to find work for farm nrkii n txr tf. buuuvj i Neuse says be all will dke river. in- eonvicts in August, save those on the Anson farm, who I will cut vood. Five thousand cords are no cut, and a like quantity will be cut injhe nxi ihraA m n n ths. .The benitentiary has a contract to fdrnish. 2,500 nords at Charlotte and 1,000 cordf at Wadesboro. He says he thinks Ko ,lrba nn the Roanoke farm are perfectly strong mow .nll for convicts for Various , i kinds of private worn. William A. Guth.rie woo was iue rv..ii UMiom neeroruoveruor.ucvimi'r v.'- . . - fur government ownership or ran wav.. by purchase at an equitable price, but that he does not favor stefaling rallwaj property under disgubrtT bf increafcjog taxes and cnttingjilown rates. rr Pierce's Plcaitant Pel ets irc email, Mirar- maied TW""! H nlZ like them. M the .ii-njrgwt wpnt- u tl .w, mme other pills that . h.in letter. Jwt, thiaL, ot what pay you. !' V-rj tiarkaire free n y l" nr"' . ciation, lluffalo, X. V. . -.J erty in the State for taxation. . The total valuation has been in creased about three million dollars over what it was in 1896. . '"; , The toll on telegraphic messages to and from points within the State has been decreased from 25 cents to 15 cents for ten words. This reduction goes into effect J September 1. and was fortunate as tbe recipient I of many beautiful flowers.' Mes senger. '--" il' -'""" ' ' -: "" - ly ; . If KAtTH Mcans a perfect condition of the whole system. Pure blood is es sential to perfect health. Hood's Sar saparllla makes pure blood and thus gives health and happiness. Hood's PiLia are the favorite family cathartle and liver medicine. Price 25c. I Oak Kidg Institute I .t.-.tvih mp Twoniv.iwn rMrv iimlpr present principals. dents attended last year. A Illh tirade CnlJeKe-freparalory fe'"'.1"' rial departments of Hook -Keeping, Short-Hand and I elfKraphy. ,1b Ui ami best equipped Fitting ScIkkiI in tne .oum. For beautiful new catalogue address, Profr'. J. LA.. &c 3VL. H. 1 Ht M" with p- rjcest "Terms to suit the times." IIOX-.T, Osk Kliff, .V. Ci Greensboro Roller Mills. NORTH & WATSON, PROPRIETORS. ppbitv- i,mr,H r,RHDE pateht. stir: i runs hum ruiun. V t CHARM OF GSEERSBORO : THE POOR MAFS j WUVr .1 " al..l. m Lmli m m m A m m These brands have been put on tne inaritei on ineir jucm- .. .1 ... n.At.niniit STPpllrnt Iit the IftdiBff ffiven1 universal sausiacuon ami m mvu-'"w..,..v... . 6 . . . . '.i:T . tC nttaratit tint. familesof GreensDoro and ""ounuin cuuwy. formity in each grade. Ask your merchants forORTII A WATbUW FLOUR - f ' ' j ' ' RmmW n handle all kinds of the freshest S and REST FKKT i "beside the best MEAL ever made in Greensboro. I Mill at Walker Avenue and C P. Y. WB. R - f am I m-l m BranT&TloN pleasure tn cymg ocpc uJT'" testimony Jre9flt VOU run no n w - . . m r t idoi oarcnasi Crescent quality has no superior. in? the of Crescent rnnvince VOU ui X " Cattloeaes Pres . Af eats Kreryirhm Western5 Wheel Works rfilcAtrcr New York '.. S ' o- . I DO YOU VALUE YOUR. DO if on you Intend to build or enlarge your house, come to us tor an estimate Material. We will surprise you on prices. We make, a specialty of ' Now don't think for a minute we are selling below cost, as no one ;,n do boslness on that basis. Our motto: Largo sales small pro tits. I we can show you the Urgest stock in. the South. , Guilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, N. C. r. , 1 1 I t i - l i