-1 . ' "T- hi Gre ' ' ' " V i-i- ! - " -.' - ... I'' .' i I ; IS - ! ., i i f i , f VOli. 70, GREENS BORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1897. 1 ; NO. 532. ; ; . - i '.! h . , T? : : 1 : : i . j - i- i PROFESSION A Lj CARDS. nr; Jw J: RICHARDSON, 4 .-ite IWnhw llnurc. h KKNSBOKO, N. O. rrwtice' ia Medicine tad Surrory la 4 -r irt't urrBoi'w , .... , . . Dr. Ji! E. WyCHB, I-' H - : i . i in .NTiHt, Dn. I ., in Ltvinj:'' Hank iluildlag, - ,n.ih fclm street, jireenaboro, M. C j. Hi .WHEELER, THE OALP PATH. i i ! ' K : j. Ward's jDrug Store. Dr. W. H. BROOKS, 1 ,.. , -Liri- " KN BO w liorsE. N. C. Dr.- W. H. Wakefield, " ; i i ; ' I' ' One day through the primeval wood; A call walked bomr, as good calve nouui; . f Rut Diade a trail all bent askew, A crooked trail, as all calves do. f Since then two hundred years have fled, ! And 1 Infer, the calf ia dead. 1, Rut aim he left behind his trail, r. An I thereby hangs a mortal tale. .'. The trail was taken up next day ; Ry a lone dog that passed that way. And then a wise bill-wether sheep Pursued the trail o'er vale and steep. And drew the flock behind him, too, As good bell-wethers always do. I And rrom that day, o'er hill and glade, Through those old woods a path was . made, . . j . . I And many men wound In and out.! And dodged and turned and bent about And uttered words of righteous wrath, Because 'twas such a crooked pith;. Rut still they followed do notlaueh i ue nrsi migraiion or mac cair, . And through this winding wood way siaiKeu Because he wabbled when he walked. rhls forest path became a lane. i This crooked lane becamo a ro1. ueugnijOI IDOB6 around him. ; la a where many a poor horse, with! his I nave me iouowinz tradition in re load, i J i I card to tnia hnra: whinh T nlro ioiiea on oeneain me oarning sun. I r. And thus a century and a half - I years ago. iur. Ainert U. Kay in rney trod the footstepd of that calf. I rorms Juage scnencK that when he Cornwallis and commented playful ly upon the splendid mount 'of the "Constable of the ' Tower." The eys of Harry were atonce direct ed to the same object and he cried out, "If dare ain't Lord Cornwallis ridin' on Roun'head." Harry had often groomed "Roundhead" and knew him well. The battle raged from one part of the field to the other, -Gen. Greene, Davie and Harry keeping together. They came at length upon a fine horse recently shot down and in its last agonies. Harry immediately rec ognized "Roundhead," pierced by a grap'snot through both fore-legs and the body. . Harry expressed great delight that; ."Roundhead had been killed since-the British got a hold of him. dEKKRAL omene's hose It seems that Gen. Greene's horse was a most intelligent and teacha ble animal, performing tricks to the I 1 ' I Ti ... T' - i,.rlottc -will 1e in.Greens-"8yeaP"ea on in swiftness neet, i .. , ,. the' M' A.l'Mi House on Wed r :.. , nil . v- -I RACTH K LIMITED TO j J ma. J i;:,r, .oe ana iurm. r CHAS. M. STEDHAN, ; : ' ' 'i . ? ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; ' I J. : " I ' I I , ! . i N. C. r. i. n aw. i ; A. M.BCALKS. till AW Sc SCALES, iA.ttorxi.oys at; Xja-A7- '.HrffiiI atttt-nfion.giv'hi to all busl- (ifli.-o in -Whurton JtuilUing, j A'o. 117, t'mrt s'juare. If. U. I1EACIIAM, : - i i - Architect and Builder. i - hi; i i hliKF.N'SBORO, p iii Odd Fellows, Building, i - N. C. i i When: in Naed Apply to 11 E AI) Q UA ItTE RS : i - - MLDERS' SUPPLIES: Lime ! . ."Carson's Rivaxton." Cement j Hosendale. Cement . j : ..... L . Portland. Building ! Brick ..... ... .Common. Building Brick.. ...j. Repressed. Fire Brick j. J . .Superior. t "'' niake (trjr them.) j Fire Clay .....'. i .Excellent. Plaster i .j. . Calcined. Plasterers' Hair. Steel Roofing Roofing Paper. Steel Siding. Glazed Sewer Pipe. Clay Flue Pipe. I imt rirt. VI bolcalt ami retail. Thos! WoodrofFe, ;ui:i::vMi!ono, rv. o. Injc-t4"r sTBs.j-i(tiit Kir "The" American ! i " 1 1 hi I.) iii ,ta bltiaui iit-a.i. 1 POMONA- HILL - . NURSERIES, j I -j Poniona, jltf. CJ. wo and one-balf mllc west of.Oreons- fcoro. N. C. The itmln -line or me K. s 1. Hi It. passes through the 'grounds ind within 100 feet of the oflice and residence 1 Salem trains make regular tops twice daily cachi way. -f fllOSK INTERESTED IN FRUIT OR FL'OWERS cordially Invited to inspect our YOU CAN FIND Over One Million Fruit Trees, Vines Kvergreens, 3hade Trees, Nuts, Kosea etc. r In fact, everything usually- kept n a tlrst-claas Nursery.; Three G r ee u II o u s e s Full of a great variety of Flowers and Foliage Plants.; Pot Roses for Spring planting a sitec'nlty. Catalogue No; 1 if Fruit Trees, Vines etc., Rfid Catalogue No. 2, Green House Catalogue, furnished free to applicants. uorrespomiencA solicit!. u 1 J. VAN I.lNI)LEY,Prop'r, t ,: j ; - . Pomona. N. C. Are fcttH k. " M " j ! !' ! " ; I will deliver good PINE FRAM ING! in car load lots, at the depot in Greensboro for 05 cents per hun jlreUJ Call on or address i G H. RAT, Belews Creek, N. C. A - X ; I 4.-1 Cramps, 1 1 Croup, rAir VX Coughs, I awu Colds, II f ache, Diarrhoea Dysentery, ( Bowel Complaints. A Sore. Safe, Quick Cure for , - these troubles is , ad aO A ; X x. , i A; i is me trusted friend of the L y Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, 5 Sailor, and ra fact all classes. I r t'sed Internally or externally. $ i are of Imitations.' Take non but the genuine Pbrjly y t)AY,s-" Soli everywhere. ! 25c aad"60o.x)ttles. t Tb road became a village street. . ... Ana rnis, before tne men were aware. A city's crowded thoroughfare, j Ana soon the centra street was this I Of a renowned metropolis. i " Ana men two centuries and a naif S Trod in the footsteps of that calf; ; Kach day a hundred thousand rout:. Followed the zigzaz calf about: And o'er this crooked journey went The traffic of a continent. , i ' A hundred thousand men were led! By one calf near three centuries dead. -From Fact and Fiction. I Equine Heroes of Guilford Court . House. j was a boj he often beard this story from the old people that lived at Guilford Court House: "Daniel Hobbs, the ancestor of M. V. Hobbs, of this generation, lived about a half mile east of Guilford Court House on a farm owned bj William 'Jenkins, who sold it to William Carr, where he kept a county inn for. the accom moaation oi travelers and persons visiting the Court House. That on the morning of the battle Gen Greene rode down to the Hobbs Inn for breakfast. When he came out there was quite a crowd around the General's horse admiring him The General being in a felicitous humor took his sword from its scabhard and giving it a twirl with company of North Carolina caval ry, forty men tinder the Marquis of Bretigny and! a fine company of Virginia volunteer cavalry from Prince Edward county under Capt. Thomas Watkins, and in this com pany was Peter Francisco The Giant. Washington sounded the bogle for a charge; and pushing down the slope of the ridge leaped across the branch in his front and rushed in full gallop upon the rear of the "Queen's Guards," and pass ing through slew them right and left. Lieutenant Holcomb, , of Capt. Watkins' company! relates: l ne strong arm of Francisco level ed three of the enemy during one charge and eleven before the fight was over.' In FooteV Sketches of North Carolina, he said: ,The ear nage was dndful. It was at this time that the; noted Francisco per formed a deed of blood without a parallel.; One of the guards thrust his bayonet and in spite of the parrying of Francisco's sword pin ned his leg to the horse. Francis co, forbore to strike but assisted hinr to extricate bis bayonet. As the soldier turned and fled Fran Cisco made a furious blow with his sword and cleft the poor fellow down to his shoulders.'" i Sill IB ID! irz sell Tiiii ci:li:j$i:atj:d a IiSSTSST CRASH, Double Swunk before making up, made by Tailors, with every : re- I I gard for perfect fit. ! KEYSTONE Tsr-TRdUSERS CLEVELAND & WHITEHILL CO. Htltanh, H. I.' and NOW IS THE TIME FOR ! ....Summer - Underwear i... We have a large and thorough line. Ex- .' IDE 9 a. If they rip in wear, ' You get a new pair.! , No stronger guarantee can be given. 2.50 3.00 3.50 All Wool Trousers, LOOK POR THIS KEVSTONB ON THE TICKET. Our Great Specialty. Fit, Finish and Fetching Style. amine1 our goods before purchasing. 2C7We handle the Sbawknit Socks, ( best on earth ). and the T" s -M tr :i itt 11 i a ni r t a . V n . . Lfruiutiiu uoiaunuereu onirt. uniyoo cents. ells wlien no other will It i interesting to discover and publish every incident, anecdote and occurrence connected with the hattle of" Guilford Court Hon ha whether it be of the brave men who be dexterity of a juggler plunged fought there or the arms they used ine Pmni OI ine maae IDW larKe and even ofthe horses tiey rode, wnue oa nearpy, ana men com- n.i r thoa i..t .Tiim.la muoiw.r manded t his horse to fetch It to int..i i..i.;h.y mniiu f him. 1 he splendid i animal imme Knoi:h ImrUa. which far'! hlir 1 aiateiy advanced ana that rir I handle cf - j i First upon the authority of Mrs. NORTIT CAROLINA CAVALHT. But few persons in our State are aware of the fact that North Caro lina had a com Dan v of cavalrv in this' battle who were under the command of the Marquis of Bret igny, a French nobleman, who came over with Lafayette to help us in our struggle for liberty. They were well mounted and did their duty fully on that day. Jt is-an unaccountable I fact that Gen. n ' . ... . i ureene in nis desire to suppress the number of troops in his com mand has omhted the'names of a great many gallant officers and sol diers who fought staunchly by his side. I here ; were at least -two thousand volunteer militia and cav alrymen whom he does not number or allude to in his report of the Lbattle. This, however, seems to taking Phoebe Ross personally and upon wen auinenucatea traaiiion i FINE OBAT HOBSE . was shot and Killed under Liord Cornwallis very near a large per simmon tree, still standing, very near and in front of Mrs. Ross residence. She. donated the spot and tree to the Battle Ground Com pany. She states thtt a very old lady, a Mrs. White, who lived near the spot, took Mrs. Ross, then Miss Meredith, to the tree, then small. and pointed it out to her, the place where this noble animal was shot by the riflemen under Col. Camp bell. Mrs. Ross states that the horre lay there-until he was de composed and left a greasy spot .1. i i upon luegrounu. ; . TDK DRAGOON'S HORSE. the the sword in his mouth pulled it out from the tree and bore it to his master." Tnis Horse and nis rider made a narrow escape seventy live yards north of Clyde . Spring. See SchenrkV North Carolina 1780- 81," as follows: ' "Such also had been the appre hension for the consequences of the defeat of the 2d battalion, of guard's bat the 21st battalion had been ordered up from the left and had reached the New Garden road on which Greene was anxiously ob serving the progress of events. The bush' on the roadside had so effectually concealed the advance of this corps from view that Gen. Greene had approaehed within a few paces of them. When they were discovered by his aide, Maj. Morris, and pointed out to him, he had the presence of mind to retire la a walK. A' precipitate mgni upon As soon as this splendid steed ft 11 hia lonlahin mounted a- Dracoon's would probably have drawn 1 c I . . rian. and an officer in this battle, , A cavalry. I relates mis mciueni ia resara 10 i t A r.r..iAtitio snAabo f th luo uu00. , Biinrl,rttcf his American caval I m. I W I K J , -un me insiani, uowever, a saw hn f hA hnraen of Tar- Liora uornwauis riding across clear ground. His lordship was mount ed ton a Dragoon's horse, his own having been shot. , The saddle bags were under the creature's belly, which much retarded his progress. owing to the vast quantity of un derwood that was spread over the ground. His lordship was evident ly unconscious of his danger.) I immediately laid hold of the bridle of his horse and turned his head. I then mentioned to him thatr if his lordship had pursued the same direction be would in a few mo ments have been surrounded by the enemy and perhaps cut to pieces or captured. I continued to run along side of the horse keeping.the bridle in-my hand until his lord ship gained , the 23rd regiment, which was at that time drawn up in the skirt of the woods." The common tradition is that this horse was killed about a hundred and fifty yards from and a little northwest of the present restau rant in a blind road at the. north em boundary of the Battle Ground. roundhead. j "This horse was aspendidjim ported stallion presented to Qorn wallis by Col. Fannin and killed during the battle by a cannon ball'. We have this romantic account of the career of this noble animal : Judge Maurice Moore was a man of large wealth and lived in Brunswick county. Just previous to the Revolution he imported from England the thoroughbred stallion "Montrose" by name and a brood mare, "Highland Mary,' of qually fine blood. One of the progeny of this pair ws "Roundhead," a large, splendid red bay. - This hors he gave to his son-in-law, Gen. Fran cis Nash, then a resident of Htlls boro, where the horse developed into a noted racer. When teen. Nash went into military service under Washington he left "R;hnd heart" at Hilleboro. David Fannin, the noted Tory guerilla, dashed into Hillsboro and seized "Round head.'' Gen. Nash was subsequent ly killed at Germantown. He had ith him a body-servant, a 'negro named Harry. The efficiency; and fidelity of Harry were well known and Gen. William R. Davie made a request of the executor of Gen. Nash for the hire of Harry as a body-servant to himself,' and Harry went again to the war. We next hear of him at the battle of Guil ford. -In the action Harry f was close to the heels of Davie-and Greene. The latter with his field glass directed attention to Lord . .. i .. - - . . ry leton's English Dragoons. He says the latter, were small and "bob-tailed." The American horses were large and heavy and could ride these small horses down. It is singular t relate that both Lee and Tarleton were chosen by their respective commmanders north and placed at the head of picked corps. Both corps were thoroughly equip ped and splendidly uniformed; both wore green velvet jackets and their respective men were frequent ly mistaken for each other on that account, as at Pyle's defeat in Alamarce county. Tartlet. n had to recruit his corps at times with American Tories, by which it be came demoralized,; and for that reason Col; William Washington gave Tarleton such a sound thrash ing at Cowpens. ' Col. Tarletorn lost two fingers at Guilford. SECOND XSCAPE OF CORNWALLIS (see schenck, p. 377) "The next escape from dange by Lord Cornwallis took place at the foot of the steep hill east of the fork' of the Bruce and Salis bury roads, near the ancient while oak, which still -markB the spot. Cornwallis came down to see the condition of the battle and under the cover of smoke rode to that old white oak just in the skirts of the flery contest Col. Wm. Washing ton, who had drawn off his troops, was hovering around to watch his opportunity for another onset, and approached that same old oak un perceived by his lordship, j Stoop ing to beckon on bis men to move and intercept-the officer then un known to him, he happened to strike his unlaced helmet from his head. While dismounted . to re cover it a round of grapeshot from the British artillery wounded j the officer next in command to Wash ington and incapacitated him to manage his horse. The animal wheeled . around and carried the officer off the field,' followed by the rest of the cavalry, who unhappily supposed that the movement had been directed. Thus Cornwallis escaped." j PETER FRANCISCO THE GIANT Was avojunteer cavalryman from Virginia and performed sariguinary service j on that memorable day. This is xelated of him, . (Shenck p. 365): " i I "Col.! Washington, who was on the ridge above the little valley, (where Clyde Spring is now situ ated) witnessed : the inglorious flight of the second Mary landers. Washington had; with him one John W. Crawford, Will. H. Rees, Will. H. Matthews, Frank Brooks. ISJSYSTONE CORDUROY ROUSERS. j Outwear Three pairs of the common kind. WORKING PANTS, 1.2 to 2.22 j . ' .; - AND THE Celebrated Newbumh Kevston& Ovnmll j j j Apron and Working Coat, .75 to 1.00 Sold by Hatlhews, Chisholm & Stroud. STATE FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION Magnificent Street Pageant Thous ands Witness the Contests. Fatetteville, N. C , Aug. 4 - The street parade which formed on upper Hay street at 9:30 o'clock this morning, under the manage ment of chief marshal. Major K L Peraberton and his corps of efficient assistants, was a very striking pa- gean. it was neanen oy tne Six band, setting the pace to the have been a custom of thai day, a I strains of .martial music, and the Col. Campbell did the same in his ordr of march embraced the line report of the (battle of KingV of the principal thorougfares of Mountain. It is a matter of great the'ity. Not ince the centennial rolls of I celebration of lsS'J nas sucn a con course of people invaded this bis toric old town in evidence in dense masses on the sidewalks, in animat ed groups.in windows and balconies, D. Schenck, Sb I in the flutter of fans and the waving of handkerchiefs from the house- regret that the military Greene's army have .been ir redeem ably lost f rom I the war records at Washington,1 land many a soldier has loBt -his fame misfortune. H Aug. 2, 1897. gallant by this AN UtfLErTERED OFFICER. tops, and in interminable lines of vehicles, horsemen and bicyclists. Carriages containing Mayors Cook, He is Deputy Sheriff and a Member! of Fayetterille;?Ellit, of New .Bern; of the Buncombe County School 1 Board. -' Swannanoa, Aug. C Thiscoun treasure ty pos8e8os a Republican in the shape of a deputy sheriir. ngram by name, who can neither read nor write, jj His summons are read to him by his daughter and when he knows them by heart he trudges off and makes a pretence of reading the document to hia victim Frequently be has been obliged to avail himself! for this purpose of the literary abilities of Mark Lidell, Rar the colored valet in ordinary for the village at large. Last night, being hard-preesed for aid in com posing an official edict, the pride of Buncombe ransacked our settlement at an unearthly hour in search or iterary talent, -After his request had been indignantly negatived in turn by each- elumbersome citizen, the learned pxecutor of the law's decrees was 1 forced to levy on the iterary lore pf his Republican con- eree, the postmaster, where lor two hours the midnight oil shone on a striEing illustration oi tne blind leading the blind. W hen you earn that this erudite official is also member of the county school board you may conceive of the stage at which public;education is likely to arrive in Buncombe Under the ntelligent fostering of fusion. W. Murdoch Wiley. Nelson, of Greensboro, and ex- Mirror Manly, of New Brn ; chiefs and assistant chiefs, and otlier of ficials, headed the procession, and then the different organiz ttions passed rapidly in review in the fol lowing order: The Atlantic?, of New Bern (now holding the cham pionship bell) i New Bcrns. of New Hern, with" engines and. other apparatus; rroteetor; Dixie, oi Greensboro; Southsides, Greens boro; Juniors, Greensboro; F Del- Sumter, S. C ; Monaghan, Florence, S. C ; Winston, No. 1; Salem ; Adrian, Wilmington; How ard Relief, Wilmington; Durham, Nos. 1 and 2; Salisbury; Char. lotte; Wilson? Goldsboro; ay In the horse hose wagnn contests, Greensboro won. time 47 second . wun Wilmington second, time 4$ seconds, prizes $G0tan4l0 respec tively. In the horse! hook - and ladder contests only two companies com peted, Winston winning in 60 sec onds and Wilmingtofn second plac, time C l.pnzes G0 and $40. j Ureensboro won the band hook and ladder contest in 33 Wilming ton prond. . '- j : In - the inter state hoe reeLcon- tests, the Delgar company, of Sum ler, S C., won, time 3ii ; Wilroing ton's Howar! Relief taking second place, time 40.J. prize $,') and $40 In the quick steaming contests. the Atlantic Engine, of Nw Berne, won, time two minutes and fifty five second?, and New Berne en gine taking second place in three minutts and three seconds. The city is being painted black tonight by the firemen. Albright-Johnson Wedding. J '- HAS Merchant . Tailor BBOKIVED Ilia- PRI3SrG-OLOTHS! Made-to-Order V The lTeV Mineral. Large quantities of - ia certain : i l III ii i i.U..!.. b " fwere recently found in the Island r of Barbdoes, (Wrst Infjies. Ac- coriii!g to the London Engineer, it bids fair to outrival in point of etteyille, float of lovely girls, engine, reel team; Fayetteville Juniors. A charming feature of the pa rade was the bits of 'color and brightness thrown all along the line by the presence of lovely wo men, the apparatus of Wilmington, Greensboro, Durham, Fayetteville, forming improvised thrones for fair friends of the firemen. t The reporter was much impress ed with the artistic finish or tne whole exhibition, the tastefulness of the uniforms, the fine bearingof the men, the painstaking keep of the apparatus and the horses, ine personnel of the different bodies was exceptionally fine Immediately after the parade tne track was prepared on Hay street, and the engine contests took place. Entries, Greensboro, New Berne. Winston, Wilmington Track JSOO yards to reservoir at market; unv couple, steam, couple nose, ano throw watr over 50 feet line In the engine conita. the New metdeam engine' tim ae 3 41 I ,1 1 3 1 1 I ur uuiiiy au .iranar Buosiancrs o- . aI-i.iI of Now currlng in .various parts or 'tne ... M ri' -u rim Wil uob., iu.b ui uii .u .r.t R9ai The first or izh was 121 Jm ; I IA C " ,k - noi unuae pucu, anu paw ; - w Wff 2(J mgn lustrej in uarooqoes , n is - rri50 -Hrd dasbi found yery near, and sometimes up-1 . was 3 fronds, on, the surface of the ground in 1 . nrpp,h,.r.. 33. Dur seams yaryi.g.from one loot to two s ,pm 331 Sults- feet in thickness, running usually oul nhlrhtttlt .03.. Durham supposed to have been lormea ny afe ree, race re8Uued, New the drying up ana consonaaiion oi - 25 seconds. Durham petroleum, t Among the yanous . Atlantics 254, Fayate uses to wnicn Aianias nas peen wr- .... . lt ejli.a v-n . . . . - ., 9 I VI11I3 . 7 . DUUIU " 4 cessfully applied may De mentionea Inner distance rapid steam Insulation for electric wires, yar- . Wilmington and Winston made tiabAa rx t ha Kao- .nalirw hiiiml. " "r" " o nous concrete in asphalt: roads and I a ine pavements, patent fuel, mixed with uirt-rcvfriK. Aug. 5 The a. .-i i aj" - v . peat or other organic matter, in-1 Trimmnn's Tournament is almost a tensifier of the illuminating power thing of the past and would have of coal gas. I It is exoected bv some uoan finished tod a v. hut ram Ihis - 1 I U, V - j ' m experts that it will soon supplant ft(,rnoon caused a partial pst- 'Ii On Wednesday evening, the 4th ofAugust, at 6 o'clock, at the resi dence of the bride's father, . Mrj J. EI. Johnson, three miles west'of the city, in the presence of a hostj of friends and relative Mr. Jatnea A. Albright was married to Miss Alice Johnson. The ceremony was beau tifully and impressively performed by Rev S. D. Stamey. After con gratulations were extended to the happy couple'the guests retired to the dining room, where a delicious supper awaited them, which was enjoyed by all. We extend con grat illations to them, and only hope their pathway; may always! be strewn with the most fragrant flowers. ' ' 4 -y' .X. Letters to Be Legibly Stamped. First Assistant, Postmaster-General Heath has giyeh orders which will lessen the amount of illegible Stamping of mail, by third and fourth-class postmasters. Much complaint has been heard from per sons unable to tell the place at which a letter was mailed because the stamping machine used in marking it was old. and left only an illegible mark. In the future nostmasters will be obliged to, see that letters are stamped legibly. k . ' Oriental Industrial, Stock, Trait and Agricultural Pair. . ! For the above occasion the Soutaet n railway will sell reed weed rate round trip tickets to N w Berne and return at rate of one first class fare foejlie round trip. Tickets will be sold . Ailjr 21st to 17lh inclusive, tlaal limit Auk- 30th. ; The S&nlord ExuresS savs thtt two or three hundred crate9 of Southern peaches fronO.indley's orchard sold tn 1'hiladelpbia Thurwlay.morninif at; ft ..or ortt. The crates conisinea pi K--kt.t-t.Hch. liicb averjce.H8 ieathf 8 to t he haakef, iiiaklgJJOf peacnes r.ri tid ing $4, nearlj 4 cents apiece, i rubber in alJ water proof; ' r all work. ponement until tomorrow morning of 150 yard inter state reel and grab reel races. I O :JaUS w f9Tl The race commenceu un uiw--, ing at 9 30 O'clock Dy a au ,y O . . . t a a n band reel race Detween me ui" boro and Fayetteville junior.., iu former winning in 18i seconds. These two teams were compogeaui boysfrom 6 to-12 years oi age, prize $25. x In the cnampiouBuijj tance 300yardsr.the Atlsntlce, or I New Berne, won in jj, pnc WiLt YouOivK Ul all that-health means to you? II not, look out for im pure Mood. Cure bolls, pimples, hum ors and all scrofulous tendencies by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla Hood's Piti.8 re purely vegetable and do not nurse, pain or i gripe. All druggists.;, j 4 The preliminaries of peace between Turkey and Greece are ready for signa ture. The indemnity is 4,000,000. ' ii i r Vine-trittha of all hiiraJin ilroent ome f.ora the same cante impurity in the Utmd. Take "..Tni,fl.na.,i.!J? I"?' I Iu:f Mr , h r.rol ina. XTh is is the falliblv. I r lierce"itiolilen MetJiral Uiecoyery , IDira Suits. Pants and Fancy Vot. CO Showing the latest styles in Cutaways. Single'atul )outle-ltrMlel Harks, Prince Albert Tuxedos and Full lreto. Shirts. Collnrs and CulTn. will have shirts made to order if defelred. Canes 1'iidirtllas and r'urnMiing H. HT 106 South Elm Street, CARTLAND, . V OREENSBORO, N. C. Beat.! Hotic. You had better neglect any oilier part of your" stem ilian jour-SIOUTH and TKKT1I. Unless thee important r.rgans are kept in a healthy condition you cannot txpt-ct good re sults in the other parts of the system. With n'n experience of twenty years in active practice, we invite you to rail and let .us give your Teeth the attention necessary to put than in this healthy condition, and at prices that are in the reach of. all and in keeping with the times. Why pay higher prices for nothing betterr- Yours, - j TDK. GRIFFITH, ID o artist, K. Of P. lluilding, South Elm St., Greensboro. Jb R. NlfKll'l, v ' - " Win. K. rblp. i 1 ; HUM ll'l' . GREENSBORO, N. C. TO for cs t I": ic stork of h tl ..- A Great Book Given Away. If y.u h ill Henl it. one rent taiu to rr c t of mailing mily, we will mswl von fr.- li rol useful medical book erer p esentea to tn nuMic. Illia M lr. Pieice's Common Metb-.nl Aoviser, i ri.nit i alienage; a lnW of lUtMWe ofutely ilUwfiate.1, tue Rreat ipx-K-ne of ,ic,nrintt which has-been coveiel h a Mtle of 6 0, ) copied! at the tegular .nre. 1.1-5 AuaVkaC So. Ma... St.et, Buffalo, Our T807 wheels are stronger j handsomer ; easier running than ever before the prices are right WESTERN WHEEL WORKS 4. THE PUBLIC: . We have boueht at greatly reduceil prices Hardware formerly known as the Daniel Hardware Co., of (in .eenlKro, N. CJ, and are now in portion to otfer you Hpeeial l)rgaini in fill (linea at. prices before unheard of. We call yourjtttenlion touurline of ;o.k i .... . ..... - -. : . 't'. Stoves, Plow, Karm Bells, liarhttl wire, an kiikis oi r'miK pentpr's Tools, and in fact evtrytbing usually Ktii in nnri ii..,i..f. Strwm' ('aII to rca in. ret our nrices and be convineet we rqean business. '.- I Yours for quick sales and very short profit", THE GREENSBORO HARDWARE CO rliM that ftrfifinsboro! Roller Mills, N0RTIL& WATSON, PROPRIETORS. P OIJB BBA1TDS: PTIRITY : A EIGH GRADE PATEKT. . . STAR: A FIKE FAULT tLOJK. CHARM OF GBEEISBOBO : THE POOR MAH'S FBIESD. Th FLOUR Remember ese brands have been put on the market on tlitir merits an have given universal saimiatin.n ami are lumniuiiicu rivrnwn ..j ...... r familes of Greensloro and surrounding country. We guarantee) uni formity in each grade. Aek your merchants for NORTH A WATfcjON'S we" handle all kinds of the freshest and UKST W.Y.I beside the best MEAL ever made in Greensboro. - almost anr diwn von nlcue and trace the n. helt and the cnampion- norm vjhiui time that tins company u cures all diaeajea (lependinir nwoa toor. impov-- thtt helt- . ! - ' ertshed, thin, impure blood. ITOBTS &c "W-A-TSOJCSJ' Mill at Walked Avenue and C. K. A Y. V, R. R r 1 1 fill in ii, if vou intend to build or enlarge your house, come to ufor an rat Initic on Material. We will surprlso you on prices. We make a 'clalfyjof SJSS, BOOHS AXTB BXIN3P. J Now don'Uhink for a minute we are telling below cot, na norne can do busineBS on that basis. Our motto : Large sales, small proflM. , IS OOSatES TO QtASS, J we can show you the largest stock in the South. J Guilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, X. C. i 1 ! I J I ( - i i i .- i -

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