j .' ' "s I I I ' ' j ' ' ' - I i 1 ' " ... I - . VOL. 70.; GREENSBORO, N. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1897. NO. 41). - 'RO FESSTpN A L. CARDS. Dr. w: J. RICHARDSON. OFFICE: KATZ BUILDING 615 W. O ASTON ST. t 1 ft : Dr. J. E. IWYCHB, I KNTIST, Mr n SaTicga Rank BuiMing, t south Elm street. Greensboro, N, C. H 1 i- " " " 1 1 ii , i I I " ' - TRANSFORMATION. Dr. J. HJ WHEELER, i : : ! I" ! :: ! DENTIST. - ! M q ! i VICE: Op. Ward's Drug Store. Only a little, shrivelled seed It might be flower, or grass or weed; Only a box of earth on the edge Of a narrow, dusty window ledge; Only a few scant summer showers. Ouly a few clear, shining hours, Thapwas all. Yet God could make Out of these, for a sick child's sake, A blos-m-wonder as fair and sweet As ever broke at an angel's feet. ' Only a life of barren pain - u wet with sorrowful tears for rain; Warmed sometimes by a wandering gleam - - Of joy, that seemed bat a happy dream ; A life as common and brown and bar As the box of earth in the window there; x ei ii oore at last me precious bloom Of a perfect soul in that narrow room I'ure as the narrow leaves that fold Over the flower's heart of gold. ! fJKJiKY Van Dyke. DEMOCRACY'S ATTITUDE has our legislature many of come corrupt end ignorance Dr. W..H. BROOKS, yates Bxi.ilci3Lg, MTmilTI BBSBOW HOC SB. !..'i;KKNSBORol. I - I - - N.C. Dr. W. H.I Wakefield, " lit , Af Charlotte, will i be In Greens r .r4 at the McAdoo House on Wed- i it, I'ecomberiSth. j ;f ': IKACTICX LIMITED TO j. If f . ' 1:3 . Car, Xoe and Throat. CHAS. H.I STEDLIAN, ATTORNEY AT. LAW Memlenhal ;i;t KNSI50RO. Building, j ' : - !-' - N. C. Clearly . and Acceptably Defined by the State Executive Committee Following is the address issued by the Democratic btate executive committee at its meeting at Ral eig'a Thursday night: "The representatives of the Democratic party in North Caro lina congratulate the Democrats of her sister states, who, with a firm stand for the .principles embodied in the Chicago platform, have won splendid victories for the people. "In rejoicing at the success of the Democratic party in the late elections, we remind the people that Democratic majorities were largest, and Republican majorities were smallest, in those states where that platform was the issue. It is become; a farce, office-holders be and I criminal, and vice rais ed above intelligence and, virtue. We denounce the, efforts of this combination to place the insane of the State at the mercy of incompe tent, vicious and lustful men, and we condemn the changes wrought in oar laws whereby ignorant and impure men have been placed in control of schools, courts, prisons and asylums. These are the ini evitable consequences of Republi can rule. The Democratic party I promises the people bn its return to power to correct all these abuses. THE NEGRO IN NORTH CAR- it, ; OLINA. Facta and Figures Showing His Posi tion in the Body Politic. Col. F.. A Olds, in a letter writ ten Saturday from Raleigh to the Wilmington Messenger, says ; In the past six months a great deal has 1 been said regarding the negro and negro rule in North Car olina, and yet the remarks were generalized. They did not give any figures and facts as to the part the negro plays in the economy of the state or in its social life. In 1890 the population of the IB SHIUJ SUIT OF CLOTHES. Go to lortjand sea bow miny EcgUsb-spekiing words 41 4 yon can make out of tis firm name of - i 1 TCTTHEWS CHISHOLH & STROUD.? Ittts wai 1 A17 917 ilf thl. n.. It will guarantee every citizen his cent, was colored. There were 1.- rignis, out demands mat virtue 055,382 whites and 561,018 negroes, and intelligence shall rule the State. The total rote last year was 330, It will restore to the white women 993. of this the negroes cast 114. of the State the security they felt 794, the whites 215,889. under the twenty years of Demo- Last year the Republicans cast cracy, inaugurated by the immortal 153.787 votes for governor. Of Vance. To the accomplishment of th w no qqq n,., , i , . , . - . - . , . I , nutu nunc. lull lut-"i cuua et very painouo cm- ahowa thf th .hir. P.nmr zen rally to the white man a party, cast only 4 15 of their party's yote. ?r-"f! ! U! 1 " ' - . The fact a mere handful, The following resolution was in- yet they dominate the negro as the trpduced by Mr. H. L. Stevens, of English do the natives in India. Duplin, and adopted: Now as to the matter of illiteracy 'That all white electors who in- There are free aehools vr- tend to rote with us in the next where. No nelahhorhnAfl hn.r election and who desire the re-es- secluded, is without them. Public tabhsbment of Anglo Saxon su- education is onlv a trifle more m- premacyand honest government in nensive than water or air in the North Carolina are cordially in- country. Yet the nercentafre nf .i.4 . : 11 - I .... " ) . . . . . t.i.cu, pmiicipaiD to an qi our illiteracy or the whole population primaries and conventions," I in this otatA ia 3fi That of th lhe democratic Executive Com- whites is 23 her cent;; of th no mittee intend that there shall be groes '.60. I In other words it means no excuse ror . any white, man to that 336,010 negroes are illiterate. voie wun tne neeroes next vear. inrt 919. 17 hita mr in th, ..m The person furnishing us with the greatest number of English soeakincr-words, com- posea ot letters taken from our firm name, will be entitled to one of our best ouus 01 Glomes, nis own selection. 1 j The one furnishing the second o-remfpQf nnmLr. X Ur one of 10.00 our best all wool vulcanized rubber cemented seams gjaranteed water-proof Mackintoshes, true value $s you must write the words as J plain as you can, and get them up in as neat order as possible. The character & is not lhe prize will be awarded Mbn All persons from a distance sho 1 o'clock P. M., Monday, Dec, jcLcLz?ess to be used. day, December 20th, at 4 o'clock P. M. uld mail their work so as to reach us not later than 20th. i ! A. M. 8CALK8 SCALES, I.J .I1AW. J SHAW k J j GUEENSHOROj N. C. V .-ireful atttention given to all busi- nf-Ji.-! ; - i , Office In Wharton Building, Xo.'117, Court Square. Vi. li. IJEACUAM, ")tli.- f ! e in Odd Fellows Building, was defeated 12 the states where local conerns were allowed to over shadow the principles of the party. Democracy 14 for all. the people The recent utterances of, the peo pie are plain and decided. 'They have expressed their faith Jn the Chicago platform, their belief in bimetallism, their disgust and dis approval of Republican creeds and practices, and, above all, their ha tred of the tvrantous cold stan- Arrhitpnt nnrl 1 'Rniirifir. N- They.sho that they win trusts, the- domination of bosses and the oporession of the mone? power.' The condemnation of the hypocricy and falsehood of the Republican party is crushing It is equally proncunced, wheth 9 . ... . m ... er we near it. louu ana iree, in tne wheat fields of Ohio and Iowa, or struggling for utterance in the wealth congested centre of "Great er New York," where the candidate for mayor received 80.000 plurali ty a candidate whose only cam paign utterance was: M- am a Democrat;' who was heart and soul for the Chicago platform a candidates who stood on-it "No less significant is the fact that the people of the state of New a significant fact that Democracy unless he really wants negro and condition. venal government such as we have now.; ; i t i Almond Cream Lotion wil chapped hands and lips. Everv bottle guaranteed. For - sale by ; Howard Gardner, druggist. i i j : ! A New Assignment Law. G K K KN SIJOR O, In 1895 6 there were in the courts of North Carolina 17,079 criminal cure Actions disposed of. Of these 9,125 defendants were white and 7,918 negroes. In 1894 5 there were 14- 577 criminal actions disposed of, of which 7,780 were white and 6,719 colored, j As to percentages the The Question of credit ia bv far 1895 6 figures show that of defend- the most important that ennfront ant8 in criminal cases there was the business world today. Itisal- one in every 80 colored persons, most impossible to do business WQlIe there wa8 one in eTerJ 117 of without crediting and yet half of the whe- i There are 1,150 state the failures are due lo that can.- convicts, f Of these 200 are whites, To avert or minimize credit losses 950 negroes N. C. !'J.-T J0UXS0X, - " i I , j ri j I THE URKKNSBpBO EYE SPECIALIST, almost assures success. i The assignment law of North Carolina is unsatisfactory to both debtor and creditor. By the pres ent method of settlement the creditor at bettt sets little and. in a i. great many casesJ noth ing at all, and the-debtor is for- The taxes paid by negroes very closely approximate 4 per cent, of the total i paid. The amouut i ex pended last year for the education of the white children in the public schools was $473,466, and for the negro children $246,946. Of taxes on real and personal property for k. of r. Bl ILDINfJ. i - i i . In Examination I.Five -is I j - 1 I ' - ' Oipit'K Hoi k: Ha.nitii li.p m..2to6m. ever! and hopelessly left n debt. ! K?2" U,fc th f"?- ld 6.000. ORDERS AND THE 1 VALUE OT- l he main trouoie is that the as signor's assets are either sold at sacrifice prices or eaten up by ex penses in winding up the business. nd the ow ! tne "lgnor's property couia oe soia ior its worm, at a small 'cost, in most instances, the creditors would be paid and the $402,829. negroes $14,748. The percentage paid by whites was 96 34; by negroes 3 66. The total appropriation for public schools was $847,578. Two-thirds of the white males oyer 21 paid poll taxi and only one-half of the negro I males. The aggregate value of real Matthews, Cli cc "Word DQpn,Tt,Tn Q-m -t,'? Salesmen: John W. Crawford, Will. H. Bees, WilUiH. Matthews, Harry B. Donnell and The Mascot. ; j isholm & Stroud 300 South Elm St., Greensboro. BEHOLD THE RESULT t I 0. ((( HHTirQ York haTe elected by 70,000 ma- UjVUV! UUUlUUjj . Will : U- ini-i oivm""! U)n I l'lar fot every dollar .irfWitVith me lor Nuf-ry ht'n-k. I have six tlmaal ortleis UxiteJ (or Nuiwry stork U he -hi."il in tvtolK-r ami November, ami six iii.-ii.-anj homer will )m) male nior? jileassnt lt tli- uwiii'is oft-m-h me-(tinjc a few lllan with ii 'Katr. will you ant oidr at om-e ami e--ro f-r our family n Mipply f freli fruits and . a: t!it- r-ame time euhaiirt- Hie t id lie of our pnl-i-ilv ' Mv collection l-a? roim! as the lMt,witli a rWmi. bill of health fii'in uur .State J-;iitouiolo- . - i i i . . Yours for a i-rofi-eroii Sonthlaml nml Jleaj4- Hill ll'HIIf!. UUU. A. iwl .-, CiREENSitUKU MJK8KRIKS. i .Greensboro. N. C. f When 4n Need Apply to HEADQUARTERS ! FOR A LI, EIXDS: UP I BUILDERS' SUPPLIES: Lime Cement. . : Ctmfent. . . .. J. building- Brick aildiDC Brick. Fire Brick... U of uiy ow n make Fire Clay Plaster....... . Plasterers Hair. Eocfing Paper.' Glared Sewer Pipe. Carson's Rfv6rton." .'.! . .1 Rosendale. i.. U.Portland. ;.. Li. Common. L . i .Repressed. I. ..L. Superior. try theiu.) Excellent. . L i. Calcined. Steel P.ocflDg. Steel Siding. - Clay Flue Pipe ority as chief justice of the Court of AppeaU, a statesman who sought support by announcing that he had roted for Hon. Wm. J. Bryan last year. "And with this glorious news of Democratic success we rejoice that 'sham international bimetallism has been exposed. There is no room for Republican dodgiog 4,Ve reullirm our belief principles of the Chicago and State platforms of the Democratio party, adopted in 1896, in their en tirety, I and we will still- support those principles until they are written in our laws. , "We would be untrue to the Arm and loyal allegiance the Democratic party of North Carolina I s 1 J ton; assignor relieved or debt. To do K. v. . that the assignor must have a mar- oi wnicn ket for his property, and the beet wa owned by whites and $8,180,074 . raw n mm it pna m m wm rw mr m a ri i m mmwwMr v In iaiiir nn ia tm m otra t h. I ,v-.. " - --j creditors individually and collec- one-twenty-ninth was owned by ne- tiyely interested in the sale of the " i assets. Now, if the law could be Almond Uream Lotion win cure chanired so as to first. Drohibit all chapped hands and lips. Every bottle e a by Howard - . I I7 . I preferred creditors in all assign- fcardner druggist. ments. Second. Have all the as-1 : oets sold at public auction. Third, I WON'T 8AY "AMEN" ANYMORE in the ' ' j rrv - amount ox nis purcnase to tne to liquidation of his debt, all cred itors! would then be on an equal footing and they would see that every piece of property sold for its worth. The debtor would be bene fited; by the cancellation f of his debts and the creditors would be A Democratic Episcopalian Lawyer Inspects Ooveror Russell. A certain lawyer from the wes tern part of the btate, who is here attending Supreme court, recently called upon Gov. Russell, whom he had never seen. "I'm a Democrat.' said the law bears to interested in securing and dividing yer ..one of , the strongest you ever our ureatest leader Hon. William wnajever siguor po...u. r Baw, Governor, but I've never naa J Bran, if we failed to express ;.A """L8 iV'k 9 n our confidence in his honor and in- Flr; a11 uld b on tn hi-Mnrt n( hA equal looting, oecona, a epeeuy and heart to the welfare of all the settlement would be assured lje:.t iriees.. Wholesale ami retail. Thos. Woodroffe, ' i ltHUNNU(lUO,! IV. C. -'le Ajti'tit for uTlii" Anieriean Injector 1 he l.j nun Kllau-5 lkvt.1." 9-tf 4 - fact Third, the cost of settling! and winaing up tne Dusineee wouiu uo reduced to a minimum. Fourth, a market for the debtors effects would be assured, and the market value! guaranteed by the individual and collective interest of the creditors. Fifth, the creditors would certainly set something and most instances I kno(r our nraver-books ak 100 cents on the dollar. blessinirs of Heaven upon POMONA HILL people. We emphasize the that our great victory was won in the slates of Ohio ant Kentucky, where be personally appealed to the people. " "We view with alarm the de pressed condition of trade and the low prices Of. all product raised by our people, but wr- remiud those who heard Republic! -orators in 1896 predict dire disaster if the Democrats were elected,-that Mc Kinley ie President of these United States and b th branches of Con gress are Republican. The people are swift to draw the proper con clusions. ' "We thank all patriotic citizens who joined with us last year in Mr. Milliken, in Behalf of the North.; carrying tbe state lor our presi- ern Visitors, Speaks Well of dential candidate, and we invite to i v the South. :l e . TA 1 - me luiure council, ui Chattakoooa. Tenh.. Dec. cratic party-trie party or tne peo The f di9tingui.bed party of pieaii men woo oeu iu - York banker. mercbants and man principles, aesire i eupremacy, who hftTe been makide the honor of meeting you and so I thought! I'd drop in to pay my re spects to the chief executive of my State." j His Excellency assured him he was pleased to have him call. "And; then you know," went on the lawyer a little hesitatingly "you know, Governor, besides being a Democrat I'm a member of the Episcopal church and my people pray for you every evening. You tne the ! ! NURSERIES, Pomona, C Two and one-half' miles west of Greens t'r.i, X. C. The iiiain line of the K. & Ik K. K. parses through the grounds an 1 within 100 feet of the onice and rvi-idenoe. Salem trains make regular t-U'i'9 twice daily each way, , T THOSE INTERESTED IN FRUIT OR F. L0WKRS ' Are cordially Invited to inspect our s-ri.ck. j ; I 1 j :"you Can find Over One Million Fruit Trees, Vines -u-rgreens, Shade Trees. Nuts, Koses -? i In fact, everything usually kept i!i.k rirst-class Nursery.' j Three - Grfeen I Houses y u.l of a great variety of Flowers and K.iaKe Plants. ! Pot Koses for Spring I Utfiina spec'alty. ! i jitalogueNoil of Fralt Trees, Vines fi-! and Catalogue No. 2, Green House ' a loue, furnished free to applicants. ' rrespon(lence solicited. I ' J. VAN I.INDLEY; Trop'r, I . .. I Pomona. N. C. Desirable1 Farm for Sale. - i - -r ii 1 ai-ii-4 of hifchly imrtvel land well adapt ' t- tin- irr.. th I Vllieiit. J8, Corn Tobaci-u. II I a--ially i'hivr and ;ras- 30 to iacrt-H ! v i!i (,,vt r and.rn-w. The farm is well wa ' . "I'fint and finall t-tu ams luiiuun '-iiifl it. - ii. h writ f watfr?-riin dwell- ;irr'. irraiu anil f--l barn, and all mi-6ary ' f. tiii-tii.jr. r me early Peach ,Oi chard; al - - i i ' rchard of selected Tariety of applet: I'liii", alo fine n l- tHi ol Giai t-s, all - !-t ' Minn into liearinjr. The farm is located ' wut.ntiy u rhn4 fhu dies. Will.-, Mar-! i ' Hailndi and in one ot the healthiest a-.tiert m the Mate, a familv rf 1 1 hninri.i ... r.. V'.'itl"? 1mrm Ie1 T.er n', haTinjr te-1 combination of Republicans t , "rr,,, rB,l'nfi iantiirin)f the time. . , tj I Toutnelf a ;"adj.miilKHKa.retra. t:abeolaained. j the Corrupt elements Of the lOpU- biaroverr .i a-!-tou.i purchar. Ap,.iy .t imte.ot iet pBrty means of which our I IViyiw I I H. C. Bkbger. president of the United States and Greensboro, Nov. 26, 1897. , the Governor of tbe State and all Foi headache, dizziness, biliousness, in authority. So Fve calledto see constipation, etc use Dr; Howard's wnat manner oi man u ia x vo ucu Vegetable Liver Granules. For sale offering up this petition for.' by Howard .Gardner, druggist. I Well,! hope sir,' ventured the WILIi lUVEST IN THE SOUTH. Governor,; "jo"- are pleased with ye8 1 reckon so but-ell, I don't think I'll say amen any more for the present, while that prayej is being said." This closed the interview and the lawyer retired. News and Observer. 2 New and who will assist in carrying out its policies. 'Injless than one year oppor tunity will be given tbe voters to express a firm adherence to those principles. We regret that the ballat box was not this year open ed to all North Carolinians. North Carolina is now accidentally Re publican. We do not believe that any number"of intelligent and vir . - . 1 I rf-f a tour oi tne uaronnas, ueorgia, Alabama and Tennessee, were in this city to-day, Mr. S. M. Milli ken. of Deering, Milliken fe Co., of BUre to get Hood's. New York, in sneaking of tbe re-1 Rhkcmatism is due to lactic acid in the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla neu tralizes the acid and completely cures tbe acbes and pains of rheumatism. Be suits of their investigations, "u ODrate. Cure indiieestion, biliousness. We have xouna tne douio a very 35 cents. inviting field for investment in the Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to matter of cotton manufacture. You have the cotton at your very doors em- Polities in Public Schools. 11 ana vir- . . M . . . m t eU , I J m uu " v - 1 tuous men expeciea or nopeu ior g n the Ea. B()Bide9 the present rule in this state. We Ubor , - ha true article are sure all good men are eager for a change. We have fallen on evil days in North Carolina. They re call the days of reconstruction. They demonstrate the truth that no Southern State can be, governed wi and therefore more contented, more tractable and willing to work for 'reasonable pay." I ' -Mr. Milliken intimated that the result of their visit would be the publico party. Too arg. . ,um- " 7 f" ;r ""7- IVJT 1 ,ra irnnrtnr fnr I ,r J a mull DO! Hi DUllnt wm ber of its voters are ignorant, for the masses to control, and too large a number of the leaders are venal and corrupt, to give North Carolina cood covernment. We look w It Gives Warning A Forsy th teacher named Gra ham writes the state superinten dent of public instruction: "My certificate as' a teacher has been re voked, simply because I am a Dem ocrat." The superintendent replies that he refers thease to, the coun ty board of education and says when it passes upoa n n is not satis investigate, must not 1 1. ICUUUlSi that there's trouble ahead -if you're jretti.g thin. SSSed 11 Jult a aoon a you 11 anuwa inn your o:ooa ie impgtwuw.- . fl it benns to trouble you. What nr .rm. .irnr.i th whatever you eat Kt it loaiae, l OCgim w """" " : i th 7?r w'ns dn r I1? 21 the of sufferin?with it, wdxetrTo-t. get th f,i8 to proierlT tuunsh you Jot a fon? " J?3l VTiir Fieroe'i' Flea-ant Pellets Tnese tiny, sugar-coated granules At you per manent good. They act mildly and naturally, and there's no reacnoo afterward. Constipation, Indigesuon, uiou Awa, -. . hnrrnr nrnn thn vil wrrtiioht hv a I Jon remain in this condition con sum norror upon tne eVUS wrougni Dy a teiimK)lli. ,n1 1, dangerous disease are .-. . m luiii i n nniiii aaeir w iasten upon jou., VTTir-5rJ oui-eir up who ur. fierce - "."?-Z- ranry ana -ili-- and 7 " .r.i -tioo. and buUd up ' menu of the UW, stomacn, mowwcb.- r - -h.m ssk ! i vaatad, reuerea, ana permanenuy tui I healtky, wholesome flesh, The Other States Have Swung Back i and North Has a Republican Government. The only remaining result of the organization of tbe People's party Is the resurrection and restoration to power df the Republican party in poor old North Carolina. This is the only present result of that party's organization in the United States. At first, when tbe People's party was first organized, with tbe help of the Democrrts it carried Kansas, which had been a strong Republican state,and mighty things were predicted for it-. Then it car ried Colorado, and one or two other "mining camp" states, and then the leaders of the People s party were greatly encouraged and boast ed of their power. Southern Dem ocrats . were made to believe that the People's party was sweeping over tbe country-like a tidal wave, and thousands were persuaded to abandon their old party and unite with this "young giant of the West." And what is the result? Just exactly what the Record and other Democratic papers pre dicted has happened. These Wes tern States have returned to Re publican rule to their first love and North Carolina has a Republi can Governor and is today govern ed by a gang of as incompetent and unprincipled demagogues as ever disgraced any state. Was it for this that honest men abandoned the Democratic party and joined the so-called People's party? Chatham Record. Peerless Corn Cure. Guaranteed to cure corns in from three to Ave days. For sale by Howard Gardner, druggist. : I.": : y j JUSTICE FIELD RETIRES. Justice Harlan is Now the Senior Associate of the TJ. S. Supreme Court. j Washington, ! Dec. 1. Justice Field's retirement from the Su preme Court took - place today. There was no formality ' attendant upon it. The justice was not pres ent in the courtroom, and as he had not sat with the court since the opening day of the term, the pro ceedings did not differ in any re- spect from those of ordinary days ; Tbe general transfer of tbe seats of the associate justices was post poned until Monday next. On-tbat day Justice Harlan, who now be comes the senior associate, will change bis seat from tbe left to tbe right side ot tne nniei justice, iaa inz the 6eat vacated by Mr. Field, and Justice Gray will become Chief Justice Fuller's neighbor on the left. All other justices will move up one chair nearer the chief. i If Justice Field's term had con tinued until next Tuesday he wQuld have had forty four years of con tinuous service. Under the law he will draw full salary until his death. Foroed to Study Economy. ' The receipts of the federal treas ury during November are placed at about 125,000,000, a slight im provement over October. -The de ficit since the first of last Julv has mounted up to $46,581,120, tbe ex penditures having been $174 2-12,1 280,; against receipts, of $127,701.! 160.1 Receipts need to be about $6,000,000 a month more than they are to make ends meet. The Ding ley tariff is not the ''revenue pro ducer protectionists predicted' it would be. Shutting out import1!) by prohibitory duties naturally cuts off tbe revenue from imports But results are expected to be bet ter next vear. Sugar. wooJ.'&ci were imported in vast quantities to anticipate tbe Dingley duties aDd the imported supply will after a few months be exhausted. Next spring sugar is expected to produce revf enue very largely and increased revenue is expected from other 'ar tides. There is no expectation however, that the deficit will be wiped out bv July next. On the contrary, it is thought to be certain that tbe deficit by July next will be $65,000,000 j J f H The coming session of ; C ongress cannot but feeffh force of the fa?ts. The ttjury -balance thanks to the frugality of the Cleve and administration still holds out,: it is true, and tbe gold reserve. with better times, has increased to $156,924,241 The i receipts froui tbe ; sale of the Pacific railroads supply a welcome addition to 'the treasury's avajlablei balauce. Uut with expenditures (exceeding , re ceipts by $65,000,000 a year, no balance will last long and Congress will have to study economy. Not much can be spent on new ships, docks and additions to the army. ensions will hardly be much in creased and the Nicaragua canal will be at a disadvantage. If we annex Hawaii we enaii nave new expenses in that quarter. Alto gether tbe situation will be a novel one, since tbe party in power must be forced Dy tacts to ooserve ior the first time in its history what: it has been accustomed to ' call t a cheeee-paring" policy. The handsomest Cloths, Cassimers, Doeskins, Worsteds. Silk Vests, Trous erings, Furnishings, Eta, ever brought to Greensboro. ' . T , r . For coughs and colds use Compound Svruo of Tar and Is I Id Cherry, tor sale by Howard Gardner, druggist, i i . r ! . 1 t; CLAIMS HE 13 LEGALLY DEAD. JVO CUUE-NO That is the way all druists sell GEOVE'S TASTKLESS CnlLLTOMU Irt nuisann ma lt is simply Iron and ynininc in a lasto- (.hiluren love u laria. Immh form. bitter nauseating tonics. Adults prefer it to Price, 60c. i The Attorney-General Knew. t Attorney General Walser recent ly gave an opinion that sheriffs could not enforce the provisions of sections 35 36 of the new revenue act against tax delinquents until after the regular timejtor the sher iffs to make levy and sale. The act names September 1 as the day when taxes are due and ;that imprison ment is the penalty for delinquency. The Supreme Court how says, in tbe sase of the State against Jone, from Rockingham, that under the above named sections it is jot the legal dijty of the sheriff to mafee report of delinquents to ine court until after the day of levying and selling has passed. So the court sustains tbe contention of the At torney General. Merchant.-. Tailor CLOTH . i ... j, i For Made-to-Order Suits. Pants and Taney Vests. Mini ILlAlm I has HEOKivKn nia - ' " . I ! 2 fhmSn CO H. H. CARTLAND, 06 South Elm Street, GREENSBORO, N. 0. ! I 1 -. I ,. BEAUTIFUL TEETH j J ' Hometlnoea cannot be se cured simply by the use of tooth brush and jowdr. Hornet I meat Nature has not been as kind as It should be. -Sometimes teeln are not as regular and shapely as I bey -ought to be. i In many ranes like this a good den tist can remedy the trouble. Crwfced teth can be straightened. lAbsolulely bad teeth can be replaced wllb natural looking porcelain crowns. Modern den tistry can work wonders with bad teeth. If you want to know just w bat ought to be done with your teeth, and just what can be done, and what It w ill cost, roms and have I horn examined free of charge. IK. .1. W. OKIPKITN, iDaltTisT. K f I. MiiiMiniciUrwnnlioro AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. DR SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hysnns, Massachusetts the orieinator of PITCHER 5 CAoTOHIA. the same I, waa that has- borne and does now bear the facsimile signature of V. For Over Fifty Years. Mrs. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup haa been usee r over fifty rears by millions ut mothers for tbeir children while teething-, with perfect sne- i x.thM thA -hilii. softens the anms. .11. u nain. cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. 1 1 w ill relieve the poor mediatelT. Sold by Druvaists in every part of tne worm, i""1'-"" Dersoo . v..i nr. .nd uk for "Mrs. Winslow's . Soothing Syrup," and take no other kmd Novel Dafensa Set Up by Ex-Treas urer Bartley of Nebraska. A novel petition has been filed in tbe district court by Joseph Bart ley, ex state treasurer of Nebraskf , HOW UOlier VHVUtJ jrco eouicuww for looting the! treasury of 500i- ooo. - . -. ; . .. :.s i 1 - The petition! was- an answer; to tbe state's suit in which Bartley is made co-defendant, with- bis bonds men by tbe state, in which it seeks to recover tbe amount stolen, j Tbe petition declares that Bart ley cannot be sued, -since he is dead, having been sentenced to tbe penitentiary for twenty years. His attorneys jdeclare that under tbe Plate law no convict can) be sued. If this contention is held the suit against the bondsmen can not be maintained, since tbe prin cipal must be sued with or before sureties are sued in Nebraska. i : J ' ; : For headache, dizziness, biliousness, constipation, etc., use Dr. Howard's Vegetable Liver Granules. For sale by Howard Gardner, druggist. . ' r , : : 'White Caps"; in Buncombe county forced their way into the house of Peter Woody and beat him with clubs. His wife fled wit a baby in her arms. The mo threw ber little children out doors, ' m mm a i ' I 1 where they remained all nignt, anu then wrecked the house. People are indignant at the outrage and have run down three of the "White Cappers." : S. B. Moore, of Greensburg, Ky says : I was Very bilious for a long time; had fallen off and getting in bad health. I had dyspepsia and f pit up my food. I began using Ramon's r.lver Pills & Tonic Pellets occording to the Doctor's Rnnk and as a result I Increased in weight 23 pounds,; and feel like a new For sale by Howard t Hardnpr. Drairirist. 46-4U every wrapper. Thia ia the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which ha been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over hirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see thai it ia the kindyou have always bought, jj? SSa C and has the signature of (CtycUcU wrap- .. . ' a i. j.J per. no onenas auinoriiy jrom me ious9 my name w cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher ia President. J : March 8, 1897. , i Greensboro W. A. WATSON & Roller Mills. - i - j C0.,rK0PItIET01tS. OTJK JBTl A TTDS: ' mmm m m I . www aw mm m W SB umm aw PDRITI: A HIGH GRIDE PATENT. 1 SHK: h tm rAIltl flUUK. CHARM OF GREENSBORO: THE POOR MA1TS FRIEKD. These brands have been put on the market on Iheir merits and have given universal satisfaction and are pronounced excellent by the leading V - i j rf 1. . famile6 oi ureensrjoro ana surrounuing country. guruirw uni formity in each grade. Ask vour merchants for NORTH A WATSON'S trr.OTTR. Remember we handle all kinds of the freshest and BEST FEED beside the best MEAL ever made in Greensboro. We pay the highest market jrice for wheat. "W. A. "WATSON & CO., - Mill at Walker Avenue and C. F. A Y. y. B. K ilJiill DOLLARS? If you Intend to build or enlarge your house, come to us for an estimate on Material. We will surprise you ou prices. We make a specialty of Now don't think for a minute we are selling below cost, as no one can do business on that basis. Our motto : Large sales, small profits. . - i we can show you the largest stock in the South. Guilford Lumber Company, Greensboro, N. C.