The Greensboro Patriot. VOLJ 76. GREENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2$), 1897. NO. 52. t ' 1 ! . i . i i ; - PROFESSIONAL CARD 8. Dr. V. J. RICHARDSON. RYAN'S EXECUTION. OFFICE: KATZ BUILDING E8IDENCE: 615" W. OA8T0N ST. 4- Dr. J. E. WYCHE, I ! ! I KNTIHT!i. rr :? lire ia Savings Bank Building, sooth Elm street. Greensboro, X. C. Dr. J. H. AVHEELER, OFFICE: Op. Ward's Dro Store. W. E BROOKS, Yates ; orrotT iixwr boisk. - ;UEKNSBORO.M- - H -c- Dr. W. H. Wakefield, 'win be Jn Greens- House on ed- nw of Charlotte. oro at the AICAOoo sday, January lain. PRACTICX UK1TD f . a T. no Ere. Ear. :os TO DHAS. II. STEDIIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW ; ' I ! ' f Mendenball Building, GREENSBORO, r; - H j t THE TRAGIC END OF A CAREER OF CRIME. The Nerre of the Brutal Wife-Murderer Stands by Him to the Last Fasted Into Eternity Without an Expression of Remorse for His Many Misdeeds The Condemned Man's Last Hours Incidents At tending His Ignominious: Death. The career of Robert S. Ryan, stain ed by the commission of most all the crimes possible against God and his fellow man, was brought to an igno minious cloee last Thursday by the ful fillment of a just penalty imposed by the courts of the state. His awful fate will stand for al time as a . warning to those inclined to likewise disregard the statutes laid down for the protection of human 11 res, and were it not that some one may b influenced by- the dreadful example of bis misspent, life to turn from paths that will eertainly lead to a similar .end, all the promi nence the newspapers have given his 'sdeeds and their, bitter reward has misdirected and untimely. K. 8. Ryan.or Sonly Ryan," the latter being the name by which he was best known, was born about forty-one years ago.' At an early age he arrayed him self against laws and morals and be fore he was grown he was unfavorably known if not feared by the law-abiding people in the communities where be lived. Perhaps the fact of his illegiti mate birth and separation from the re doing influences of parental care bad a baneful effect on the development of bis character, but in childhood he was accredited with a aplrt that foreboded an evil after-life. From a gentleman who knew him all his life we learn that one of Ryan's earliest diversions of a serious nature was that of disturbing religious gatherings, especially camp meetings. . Ills fondness for evil asso ciations brought pa their consequent evil tendencies, and carousing, drink ing aod gambling escapades followed each ot.ber in rapid succession. About twenty years sgo Ryan married Miss EUza A. Jennings aod for a time It seemed that he bad forsaken his evil ways, but the influence of the faithful wife gradually diminished until it of fered no restraint to the Impulses which overwhelmed him. The eight children resulting from that union are all living. The making of block ade whiskey offered glittering possi bilities to Ryan's depraved yet re sourceful nature, j It must be said of bim that he was possessed of a natural shrewdness or cunning that made bim all the more dangerous as a violator of the law, for he always managed to es cape punishment ; for his misdeeds by the employment of artful resources. Upon Mrs. Ryan mainly fell the bur den of supporting the increasing fam ily of children, the unnatural husband and father oftener occupying the posi tion of an impediment to such efforts rather than an aid. Last spring, dur- i n ir nna if Rtin'a drunken frenzies he ! incieaed ten dollar lorevery noiisr ; . ..... . K-- ki, -if- tent uith m for - Nursery? ittw-luS I : nave ix i uifriiicouij suuscw uu yvm u. n.Mtin.1 order liooked for uncry stors to ue , ... ah. i condition lpast eal- aipld in ttotier ami oveii.erj ami wxj n.u-aml home win lie nia'ie "!"-""'".'' cuiaieu io- wuasiauu pucu ireiiueui m owner of each inventing a feW dollar with . v-- i a. . se. Header, will you not order at nre and e- j auu icar oi puuiiumcui mi, iu uuu i are for your family a u.y of fresh fruit ana j caused him to Shake the dust OI tt the same time enhance tle vaiueutf our pn- N.C. J. SHAW. a.1 M. bcalss. SHAW & SCALES, GREKNSBOBO, N j C. Careful attention given to all busl- 3eS. UulCt ID utrivu wuiw-si No. 117, caurt oqur. W. B. BEACHAM, . i i ; ; ! i Architect! and Enilder. , . i. v ' 5 " Office in Odd Fellows Building, out a word to warn the defenseless woman, the assassin's deadly bullet bad penetrated her breast. 'But the story of the carefully planned crime is known to our readers aod need not be repeated io detail here. The arrest of the mur derer and its attendant sensational feature?, together with his speedy trial aod its pleasing termination, are like wise matter with which the public is thoroughly familiar. All these events, however, lead up to the last chapter In the drama which ended'Tbursday. On that day Ryan walked to the gallows with a tread as firm as that of any of the eighty or more spectators w'ao had assembled to witness his execution. His demeanor duringbis imprisonment waa not such as to indicate genuine re pentance for bis foul crime. The in difference with which he regarded his orphaned children, the youngest one a nursing babe, bad much to do with our opinion oo that; point. Not once did he inquire after , or ask to see any of them, and bis only reference to them was that be had not raised them right. but hoped they would find homes among good people. The ministers of the va rious churches of the city visited him for the purpose of turning bis thoughts to God but they found his heart as of adamant. Father Joseph, of St. Agnes church, finally persuaded him to em brace.the Catholic faith aod received bim in that church on Wednesday evening. Thursday morning at 7.30 be administered holy communion and from 9.30 o'clock on was constantly beside the prisoner. - f , T About 9 o'clock Sheriff Hoskins and one of his deputies went to the jail and put the rope and trap in readiness. About an hour later he returned to the jail, accompanied by representatives of the press, and read the death-warrant to Ryan, who heard it with his charac teristic indifference, only glancing at the sheriff once or twice while the war rant was being read. Before this party jREENSBORO, i N. C. J. T. JOHNSON, . - - --n ' ' TDK GRaS8BORO , HE SPECIALIST, K. OF F. BUILDING. I? -! ! 1 - Examination Free. rpi Hii a : 8 a. m. to 1J.30 p. mi. i to 6 1. m. o.OOO ORDERS AND i THE VALVE ifV 6,000 HOLIES krtvr- My cohootion if an a the bent, with rleafc In II of health from er r.uwmioio- Tours for a l'lMHi-erou Sithlanfl and pleas. nth.Ki)-s ! JOHN A. ll'lnwi i UREEWssoao NutwEaira. - . j, iareenrttxiro, .C. When in Need Apply to HEADQUARTERS 1 FOK ALL KINDS or j! j MLDERS' SUPPLIES: Lime .-. Cement i Cement.', f . . . . . . . Building Brick. . . Building Brick... Fire Brick ... "Carson's Riverton." .Rosendale. ...Portland. ..Common, i. Repressed. L!..L Superior. Of my own maLe-scrythem.)' rirt Clay......... Plaster. :. ....... Plasterers Hair. Roofing Paper. Glazed Sewer Pipe. 1 ..Excellent. ; . . Calcined. Steel Roofing. ! Steel Siding. Clay Flue Pipe. U-west price. . Wliolettle 'ami retail. i i i Thos. Woodrbffe, iti:i;7VMitoiio, 1 i rfS'"e Ajjent for "The American " i "Tfie I ym.m Khaut Head-"j j t- : h rv. c Injeetor , -tf WASTKI) AG12NT8. J!Te Clle wte SvMirr in the Civil . (it piiitllied. eontaiu 5'W pagea It x ! iiki andjover 1.100 larte Battle sH-enen. ,''.'r"2't. Mains ete. The jcreatest sad larfceit ,r &-er uVIisviel. and theonlv one that 'jEtto the i Con federate soldier and the o" ht- L.Mtrht 6r. Complete in ne volnme. vnmt, Mn,,j everv where jto sell tin book n ur nr plan. Many of the lade and rT'i' ' 'iO wr month.. Veterans. Sons ITS,. rri,,""t tonend foil a beantifal lllus- , r". "nptit eirrnlar! (free) and terms to the law caused bim to shake the dust o the city from bis feet. That is the last seen of him here until late in the fall, when it wasTeported he made various incursions to his old haunts under cover of darkness His influence during his absence was not entirely obliterated, however. Writing to his fltteen-year-pld son, who, in common with the other members of the family stood in mortal dread of him, be ordered the boy to steal a bicycle and carry it out south of the city a few miles where he could get it. The bicycle was forthcoming but it failed to meet the requirements of the father and he sent back-word that an other would have to follow. - The second wheel was furnished and out of parts of the two be made up one that seemed to suit him. The 'finding of the dis carded portions of the wheels led to the subsequent recovery of both and their restoration to their owners. The boy was arrested for the thefts but a just judge instead of sentencing him to im prisonment bound bim out to his grandfather, Mr. Jennings, until be be comes of age. j. The next we bear of Ryan he stands on the night of December 4th at the gate leading to the house that shelters his wife and children. Disguised as a woman he crouches in the shadows and awaits the comingof one whose identity the lowering clouds aod dense mists could not destroy. 4 Presently she came, on an errand to a nearby market, ac companied by a five-year-old son. Within a few feet of the gate she was grssped by an arm that should have beeu bers to look. upon for support and protection. In another Instant, with- ; Big Time at the Academy. Wednesday and Thursday nights of left the cell door two of Ryan's cousinsj this week the new orchestra s recently John O. Morrow and Martin Ryan, were admitted to the upper floor of the which the prisoner was confined. They shook hands with him but. had little to say. Ryan Inquired of them If another cousin would be in add when told he would remarked that tbey were all the friends he cared to see. Before leaving Sheriff Hoskins asked the pris oner if there was anything he wanted and urged him to retain his composure, if possible, saying that he would return about 11.30 and give him an opportunity for any final preparations he desired to make. .Ryan replied that he' had none and had no desire to prolong the. sus pense; that he was ready any time! the sheriff was, but: would ask that j the spectators be admittedja little while be forehand so be could get used to the crowd before walking through it. To Father Joseph's; suggestion that the outer wooden door leading to the cell be closed in the meantime Ryan offered a prompt objection. Io response to the sheriff's question as to whether or not Ryan wished to say anything on the scaffold the priestassumed the respon sibility cf saying he did not. About half past eleven o'clock those holding tickets of admission to the jail were permitted to enter the jail yard and in a few minutes they were ushered up to the second aod third floors of the foully-ventilated structure and divided about equally between each. 'The forty or more prisoners in the jail had pre viously been bunched In the three cells on the second floor. Over the stairs and a few inches above the level of th third floor stood the trap door on which the prisoner was about to stand. En tering his cell a deputy pinioned Ryan's arms from behind and led him to the trap. Father Joseph then read from his ritual the 'Recommendation of a Departing Soul," while Sheriff Hoskins proceeded with the customary tying of the prisoner's thumbs. Ryan seemed most interested ! In tbe latter and re marked to the sheriff, "Don't get ner vous, Joe." The sheriff assured him he was not nervous, and Inquired if he had anything to say. j To this question came the reply, "No." I Stepping upon the trap preparatory to the adjustment of tbe rope, black cap and the strap about his ankles Ryan was again asked If be had anything to say, but replied as be fore, isneritr iiosktos nzed the rope about the prisoner's neck, bade bim good-bye, adjusted the cap, and asked him if he wanted to give tbe word when to spring the trap. Ryan said he did. "Tell me when you are ready," said the sheriff. "Let her go!" promptly re plied Ryan in a firm voice, and the next instant bis body was swinging gently five and oneha!f feet below. The fall broke his neck j and only one or two slight involuntary muscular move ments' were noticeable. In twelve minutes he was pronounced dead by County Physician Ledbetter and Dr. Turner. Drs. Michaax, Battle, Fox aod others were present and made brief 1 examinations of tbe remains, which were carried down into the jail yard and placed In a coffin for burial.! Be fore their removal by some of the dead man's relatives Father Joseph read the burial service and recited a prayer for the repose of bis soul. The young priest wast more visibly affected than anyone who witnessed the scene. A majority of the, spectators were, of course, drawn there through curiosity but bad tbey made a special effort they couid hardly have exhibited less feel ing man aia ine prisoner in the pres ence of his awful fate. The letter's display of nerve, if nerve it may be called, was remarkable. Those who pinioned bis arms and feet say that not a tremor traversed his body during the oru?al. Truly he was an adept at self- possession; f J . . Outside the jail yard a crowd of per haps fire hundred people had gathered. but there was no disorder. Not a word of sympathy In Ryan's behalf was ut tered. The remains were taken several miles south of tbe city for burial. The vindication of the human law is complete. ;1 Since 1870 there have been but; five other executions in this county. In that year Sheriff Stafford hanged Bill Parker, a white man.' In 1890 Sheriff Hoskins banged Elijah Moore, colored. for the murder of Laura Hiatt, a de graded colored woman. J In 1892 Sheriff fjook nangea . entries j -Blackburn, a colored wife-murderer, and in ! 1893 Charles Reynolds, white, and Jack Headen. colored, for the murder of Salatbiel Swaim, an old gentleman living near Pleasant Garden. One Minute Cough Cure cures quick ly. That's wbat you want: 1 Howard Garaner. I organized under Prof. Brock man n's leadership will hold a sociable carnival at the Academy of j Music. .The or chestra' will furnish music, besides which there will be a special program on Wednesday night and a cake walk on Thursday night, can will attend In Everybody that costume or full dress and a gay time is expected.) Ad mission 25 cents. Proceeds to psy for new instruments. ; One of Greensboro's fairest daugh ters, Miss Bessie Alford, daughter of the late Dr. Alford, is to be j married this evening at 6 o'clock at the home of her mother, Mrs. Matilda Alford, on South Davie street The fortunate young gentleman who will claim her as a bride i Mr. H. E. Bailance, of Baltimore. Dr. Weaverts to officiate. There are to be no guests except rels tives and connections of the families. Mr. Ballance's parents and several oth er relatives arrived, this morning to attend tbe marriage.' The happy cou ple will take the southbound train for Atlanta, St. Augustine and other southern points. They will make their home in Greensboro, travels for tbe Emerson Baltimore. ' j Mr. Bailance Drug Co., of Almond Cream Lotion will i cure chapped bsnds and lips. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale by uowara Gardner, druggist, j An attempt was bade to burglarize che clothing store of C M. Vanstory & Co. last Saturday night. Boies and crates were piled to the level of a second story window at the rear but the win dow was locked and j evidently offered more of an obstacle to the plans of the burglar or burglars than was antici pated, as the job was abandoned. It happens that there is a bedroom on the second floor of the building and the gentleman who sleeps there is prepared to give a "reception" to burglars on short notice. The failure to effect an entrance Saturday night was a blessing in disguise to some one, for it is safe to say there would have been a funeral in tbe fraternity of crooks had it been otherwise. While the firm may feel gratified at the desire to secure their goods at any hazard tbey would j much rather supply the trade during business hours, when tbe facilities for making selections are best!- And then tbey won't be bothered by coroner's Invest! gations and the like. When wear begins to exceed 'repair-? in your body you are going to fall sick. The 8115118 of it are : loss of flesh, paleness, weakness, ; nervous ness, etc. The repair .needed is food. You think you you eat enough, and yet you feel that you wear out more tissue, energy, nerve-force, than your food makes for you. The difficulty is that you do no digest enough. Ajid this is so serious it is worth sitting down seriously to think about. " If you can't digest what you est, take a few doses of Shaker Digestive cordial. The effect of it will be to increase your fleh and make you feel stronger. You won't fall tick. Proof that it is in control of your repair appa ratus. It's easy enough to test this for yourself. Take a few bottles of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Sold by druggists at 10 cents to $1 per bottle. GUILFORD COUNTY EXHIBIT. Beginning December 1st, 1896, and Ending December 1st, 1897. INCOME as FEB LIST OF TAXABLKS rOB 1896. i,5a acres oi isna ....... i. v.1 S9 am , , ' i! 2416 towu lots . - Vsl. 12,326,870 23,' on $100 $ 5,506 9J: 4143 hnr.P. f .(. 1,945,617. . . .do J. 4.604 64 1,697 mules 31 jacks and jennettes.. 42 goats ......... ... 10.470 cattle........ 12,455 hogs..... 4,420 sheep. . . . .... . . . . . . . '..'.'.'.'. Karmi ng utensils. Tools of mechanics " ' Household and kitchen furniture! ". Provisions. Firearms ....... . Libraries Scientific instruments. . ...... ,'. ', Money on band Solvent credits.. ". Shares In incorporated companies.:. Other personal property. oans ana is. & L. stock l R. R. prop., Pullman Car Co. and W.U.Tel. Co, incomes..... L Marriage licenses, 256 at $1 each. . Schedule B.. .... Poll tax, 4,220 at 40 cents each. ' Total amount. Less b commission to Sheriff Less 3 commission to Treasurer. Total net income . . .....I. 141,541.. 65.387. . L235.. 48.. 72,394.. 25 932.. 4,355.. 74.889. . 9,036.. 153.022. . 28,003. . 2,681.. 8,797.. 4,742. . 136,164.. 516,096.. 13,725.. 566,010. . 277,107.. 949,431. . do. .; . .do., . . .do. . . 7. . do . . ,.do..s . .do. . . . .do.. . . . do. 6,123 ; of 1., 4.604 62 334 981 : 154 75 2 9-1 ; n 171 33 61 37j 10 30 177 U 21 39 362 16 66 271 6 33 20 82! 11 2 322 25 1,221 43! 32 4S 1,339 55 655 82 2,246 99 30 6i 256 00 2,882 99 1,688 1 $1,109 44 665 66 $ 22,188 87 1 775 10 ! !! j..$ 20,413 t7 .1. countt; home accocht--1897. Alexander William work Andrews Wm carpenter work on home Andrews $am'l con Heurv Jones liallinsrer J F pork...... Benbow W E one shoat Jtowman James M pork nucnanan cm ma nay itosion Kdwaras Ilarker John iroods...... lloren WC4CA wheat Unas Lee laborer... Mass Charles...... Itass Hinton ditching ic Busick J J con pauper Bennett J F lumber Caldcleugh E M St Uro g-oodg. .......... Cunningham Bros coal hrismon J K Sc. Uro iroods Coble Julius pork Corl Charles smith work Cotton Charles moving house.. Caldwell Moses con pauper..... .i....... Causey DM do -. - uenny u v goods . .... Donnell C A pork. ...t . Donnell J 1) do i .1 Dan Valley Mills supplies Dempsey Vm harvesting. Fryar H R pork Oreensboro S St B Co lumber &c. Gardner Howard drugs and med. Hoi ton C E i do Holt, Mike.i.. Hendrix J M & Co goods Holt Henry..., Ham Wm con Emily Hiatt Henley N P pork... Harris J H repairs on harness, &c Houston Jesse con pauier Idol W H pork. : ingle Jonn shucks .- nirle Samuel do Johnson St Dorset goods Jones John'W ; do Jordan B F pork. , Jessup L A harvesting.... Knight N M pork Kirkpatrick 11 A brick ...... Kirkman WTi Co goods : King JL.dc Co tobacco Land ret h C E iroods Landreth J W.. Lonian U K corn MeN'ary J pork : McLean Annie services Mitchell 8 8 truano Montgomery D-A pork Murray Alphonzo beef McDowell Ji E i do.............. Maddra E L work on machine . .... Mendenhall S H & Co shoes - Matthews F A con pauper . Mendenhall 'A : do... r Odell Hdw Oo goods.. isborn Daniel servinar notice Pugh St Andrews goods Poindexter John laborer Paisley JasK irk Hoan Allen do Richardson 4 Farris drugs and med... Knight N M hay Lewis J &t: smith work....... Leonard Wm cook. Lindley Store Co supplies..... Moore D W do ltankin Eugene pork &c. Kankin Henry con paupe ed s rs... serv. f- Kichardson Dr W J me Kussell Mary labor Stanley Theodore pork... Stewart Curry-.-. Scott J W St Co goods Sample Brown Mer Co (roods Smith Jud bottoming chairs Smith John H con pauper..:.. Smith S W H : shoes Southern Ry Co freight... Stratford W O lime . Thomas D E goods.. Tatum & Taylor livery., v oss A s supt services Voss MR ' ' do Workman St Cbrismon goods Wray John......... Watiington Barney cutting wood. Ward Gaston W drugs and med.... Wharton J Wlime Walker W B.. Welch JC livery.... "7 Wakefield Hdw Co sroods. Yates Wm work Total....... 4: ....... .. Iti 58 .. 62 07 .. 1 60 . . 19 6 .. 12 36 00 .. 2o 10 .. 12 1H 2 SH 50 1 01) .. 32 60 1 50 .. 150 4 47 .. 1 75 .. 15 00 79 23 . . 14 2H .. 11 16 .. 15 65 ... 16 4H 2 00 .. 116 00 00 .. 15 24 .. ' 2 00 . . J 92 OH ..; 1 30 .. 1 20 ..; 1 50 J 19 50 2 56 .L - 2 20 1 H 1 00 i. 187 50 .. 34 00 8 76 1 45 . . 12 50 .. 19 75 3 45 .. 250 . . 12 45 .. 59 ; .. 2 75 .$1,841 33 Mendenhall 8 II St Co shoes.." j u , Odell Hdw Co whbs and goods v 'neiiuurvn j a smith work l'arks John....- Pickard T M & Co mips Peirce KA civ enr ., Kagun W II tt Co tent... Richardson Dr W J med at L Richurdson & Farris drtura........ Scott J W 4 Co supa T... Standard Oil Co oil.... Smith S W H icooils Smith J ti lumber Stanley R li iruard and foreman. Simiuti John U vuu prisoners rvuil ir. .................. . ........ Smith Ie S Co sups Shaw Jamrs guard- v Spoke and Lending Wks handles. Tucker C L.i ' . Vanstory CM! Co i. Wheeler OC i Walker St Cude sups Ward O W dnigsand med........L Wakefield Hdw Co goods ...E Wyrick J A guard and foreman. . Wyatt J E do do.... WelkerWC do .... Wyatt HA.... Youst Chas - , Iddings Frank . .' 1 ! lotaI J.7.. ,.$6,784 34 The following property was tiought during the year and is now in use, viz.: Four mules, 2 wagons and 2 sets double harness, $460 25. ROADS ANO BRIDGES. Armfleld N S.. '! :. AmiclcA O repairing i. Beeson C S do ;. Bowman W E . do Burton J C building and material Busick W T repairs ...-.. Cape Fear Mfg Co lumber Daniel Hdw Co nails....- , - 47 h& ; 12 40 ; 453 81 355 m 70 00 5 00 238 14t 2 50 48 00 5ft lif 3 OS 115 M 1 90 3 00 712 81 39 54 M 3 60 55 95 36 65 4 50 585 82 22 MS 6 10 12 50 5 50 11 73 238 81 5 46 331 48 189 06 130 05 36 80 12 1 15 30 29 t Ed-erton J H repairs Edirerton W.J lumber...... Farlow Sc Spencer lumber. Gordon R P repairs...'. Greenslioro S Ac B Co Gilmer J II rebuilding..... (iuilford LumkT Co lumtter Hardin C H.... High Point Hdw Co HiRh Point Entenrise print'g notices Hodgin W L Jackson A R repairs Johnson J li Little John....... Love William , : .. Lee J H Mothtt H L.... McLean A L , Moore J R repairs.... FtmHa Terra Cotta Co pipe for roads Ponton Wm Pitts Ac Bain lumlier.v. Rankin A C repairs on bridge.... Rasdale & Smith t. . Schooltield J R j.. Snow Lumtier Co lumber ........... Stafford D L Spence T O ...... Wharton J M&Co... ....i. ...... Walker P G W... Wakefield Hdw Co Wheeler OC ......-.. WagonerD E... Total. 1 00 5 5ti 4 00 6 00 278 71 15 75 10 05 30 39 MS 00 1 08 18 76 6 50 1 lr 8 67 Ji 1 5 00 13 53 10 75 50 6 00 37 58 1 50 314 70 4 75 6 00 4 07 7 80 208 87 3 00 178 91 25 (10 71 1 81 i24 17 3 50 7.12 86 56 19 86 30 2 50 4 2i ....$1,384 30 BOAD'CONVICT ACCOUNT. ArmMeld Ridge & Vickory gooefs. ...... Austin MfgCo-plow material-... ...... lieeson C S sups . - Brown James. i - Bergman H L supt i. ' Bergman Lou guard and foreman. .... BriirgsChas guard ( Randy Prof J M civ eng Ih-nbow W J hay Balllni-er.M H. BailingerJ F hay.. ' Bunch J C corn Causey Addison guard.. ...j.. t 'ase J ackson ..; -1 Corshie John guard .-...-! Cook John W hay Sic -(. Daniel Hdw Co - Dicks Dr DC med at - ! Donohue J T con prisoners.-...:... Eagle laundry Co Edgerton G L. . i Fo.x Dr M F ined at Fries F & H stripes i Gardner Howard drugs and ine(l (Jarrett G A sups (iordon Dr J R med at -. Horney Fletcher guard Horner Joe do Hardin Ar Co.' sups. ..-i Harris J H. jr., High Point Hdw Co Hoiton C E druirs i : ; H iatt Edward guard. .i. Hiatt it Ijimh sups ..--i Hill Thos tt.,.:'. ..r...v. Julian Milling Co sups - Keith F M - King J L& Co tobacco Kennett J C- -i-- Keeling J L meat and sups.. . ! 53 55 17 00 11 15 5 97 443 75 117 05 120 40 70 00 : 00 8 75 36 (10 16 78 44 80 7 50 36 80 28 35 1 50 8 00 21 00 6 00 40 24 00 114 19 24 45 26 08 18 20 133 60 146 00 93 20 14 55 45 44 5 06 50 40 383 17 6 00 102 80 4 15 101 77 68 10 404 76 GEMKRAL expenses. Byers M janitor j... C F& V V Ryfreiirht L.. Cox-Ferre D G Co iroods Daily Record printing Disinfectant Co j Edwards St Brouirhton printimr Greensboro Patriot printing i Greensboro Water Supply Co water.. Greensboro Book Store stationery Scv. Greensboro Gas & E L Co gas.... . Greensboro lee Sc Coal Co iee...; High Point Enterprise, printing noagin i-etrram & t o Hanner W S Hastings J A work on sewer.. . Kirkman A G work lor county Kinir R R attorney Kirkman A G copying tax list Porter J A work on court house. Pickard TMtCo bucket. Ragan Ed L elk sup'r ct.. . Reece & Elam Southern Ry Co freight on -al. ...... Scott J W A Co goods . ..'.":: Stone J J printing..... ...r..., Smith F F chair tor judge.. ..'... Thomas C F printing : (. Telegram Pub Co printing notice. ...i Teague W J tax calculator .....,. Wilson John N attorney Wharton Bros goods v Wakefield Hdw Co Walker Evans A' Cogswell records. ... Wharton & McA lister ins on et house. Whitice Ephram work onct uiiuse, ... Young Sc Selden record Sec for elk s ct. Zimiiierman J R "1 W tons coal . J. . $ 110 25 55 42 18 ' 18 35 15 00 98 58 65 25 . 50 00 1 1 81 m .. . , 5l .. ' '90 85 -i- tt .: - tl '3: ti 504 ; w .50 00 . -. 3S5 OO tii-Ji 1 13 .. . io , . U 94.' . . io a . . 93 03 :. 11 io . 54 uy -,. .it if .. 97 80 ;.- ! 75 ... ,t 6 00. : - 50 00 . u r 11 .. 21 K1 90 i 5 Ul. 19 25 60 20 Total-... .- J--.- .- " JAIL ACCOUNT 1897. Armfiekl Ridge i Vickor- blankets. Bennett J T con prisoners -..,.: Bevill W Y guard Cbrismon J R Sc Bro goods...... Crouch R H con prisoner Cunningham Bros coal Coble J M coil prisoner Dawson James guard Gardner Howard drugs G reeson L F con prisoner. . .... . .$2,209 25 .$ 24 46 . 10 50 . 181 50 1 32 . 50 67 75 . 2 00 . 46 50 . 21 25 . 2 0U Continued on Page 3. j I-' ' I j

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