' -4-4- :-!-' .:. ' 4 ( , r ;!:-! 4'" '4- .4 , .;4-v.:u 44 ..: , v . :. ' 4 -, ; ' I 4 ' - ; 1 4 . . . I . - : :-"! 1 h :, !---'!' r ! . : . 4 4' j 4 -4 .v r-4. 'J i 4 :-j:,v . : ;j 44 i " -y 1-1 1 ' ' ---i-- " - - - - ' ' f - - - - .- - 4- , ; ;j ; , j- : j; - , ; -. , . :- - . j. j!r-. .... i i i 1 1 ' ' r '"" ' r- -" ' ' , '"I :4 ' " .' " '" I .4 i' - i " ii i - , i . L' jj ybiillTT. j" : : : i . 1 l1 " Greensboro,; n. c., Wednesday, janttaby 5, 1898., noi ' PROFESSIONAL OABDS Dr. V7. J. RICHARDSON. i I ! ' 4 4, j -i ' ; OFFICE: KA.TZ BUJLDIN3. f : -if I J f f RESIDENCE:: 615 W. QASTON ST. Dr. W. HI BROOKS, I v 4 :. OTOTipBl TIN! I : Yates jcj-cLi.-i-vj.u.-&a orroSITK BtNBOW KOt.C. f L0CAIi NEWS ITEMS. KEEXSBORO. W. P. BEALL! XL D., -I L t I i A ! I . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. FICE: 117 Court Square. ! ? RESIDENCE : 401 Asheboro St. ; ' t 1 lOfEce Hours, V TELEPHONE 11:30 to j; 3 to 4:30J HONE NO. 17- E. Dr. J. E. V7YC v . - i . 1 h . .Office in Savings Bank Building, - Soatb Elm 8trer,lGren8boro,.C. Dr. J. H. id Ensrtrisa?. WHEELER, n I 1 )FFICE: Op. Wkrd'd Drug Store. Dr. V7. H. Vabefield, -j i; j. Xpw of Charlotte, will ibe in Greens boro at the McAdbo jHouae on Wed bstlay, January 12tb.i j i ; PRACTICJC LIMITXp TO i ; Eye, Ear, Noe andjThroat. STEDLIAIJ, V - ATTORNEY AT LAW, 1 Building, - N.C i 3Iendenha GREENSBORO, T, J. 8 II AW. A. M. 8CALK8. SHAW & SCALES, j GREENSBORO, N. C. , Careful atttention given jto all bust- oest. umce in vvnanon uuuaiug, I ! i , j No. 117, Court Square. W.B. BEACHAM, Architect and Builder. Office in Odd Fellows Building, REENSBORO; - N. G. J. T. JOHNSON, - !. 4 : :! ' it H ' -. ! j THE GRKKX8BORO ; YE SPECIALIST, ! 3022' SOUtH ELM ST. Examination officc Hoik: 8 a.ini Free. to 13.30 p. m. 2 to 8 p. m. ! i I! STONE ( i- 41 Mr. A. W. Vickory is at Randleman today. - , v J ; Mis? Madeline Douglas is visiting inNorfollc I '; Merchants- generally; are pleated with the holiday trade. j J. J. Phoenix wants fat cattle, mut ton and veal. Read bis ad. J ! Rer. Joseph Potts has gone to Haw RI?er to conduct a meeting. 4 Our Liberty Store letter came too late for publication this week. ' Wood's seeds "tested and true" are advertised in the Patriot. Lindsey. Hopkins, of Reidsrille, is now employed on the Patriot. H Col. J. S. Carr of Uurham, was here Monday en route to Asheville. Jude R. W. Vinston, of Durham, was a visitor to this city yesterday. "Scott's Corner" will be a feature of this paper this year. Look It up. A second hand piano for sale. 'For information apply atpATRioT office. ! i ' I 1 Prof. Weatherly, of Ramseur, was a welcome caller at this office Friday, i Mrs. M. J. Jordan, of Gulf, is under treatment at the Astley-Cooper hospital here. ; j j " J j If you want a cough cure that, will cure coughs read Howard Gardner's i i -I- ! new.ad. j I .. I 4 Dr. SIcIverand Prof. G. A. Grims ley spent a portion of last week, at Raleigh. ; ! j j Evangelist Lee has (entered his daughter Bessie at Salem Female Academy' - '. J Mr. A. B. Bray, of Danville, spent Saturday here with bis brother, Mr. C. A. Bray. " ' t i Seth Taylor, of this city, is one of the new, students entering Whitsett Institute this term. I 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Stone left Monday for Scranton, Pa where1 they will speol the winter. j I C. M. Vanstory & Co.j thank ! their friends for a very liberal patronage in 1S97. I See their new ad. i "Jack" Dillard, of Murphy, was here Wednesday on his" return from a bnsiness trip to New York. - J ; , The professional card of W. P. Beall, M. I)., physician and surgeon will be found in another column. Just received!; Another lot of crockery. Will exchange -for produce at the market price. Hiatt & Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stafford attend ed the LowreyKerner j wedding i. at Kernersville last Wednesday afternoon. From present indications Greens borons enviable record for 1S97 will be eclipsed in several respects by that of 1893J ' i- .4 ' " 'i ' - Miss Ella Cobb, daughter of Henry Cobb, of McLeausvillc, was married Va., Dec. 29, place. Sain my spk iuck' Work.. Accurate CVL"nurcial Work Hriffs. Cai i IllVttMtU j ! TijiiPrinter. ! Work! Iw lrUe. Ilaifd Rtll-. rster, al?uesVHidiii: nsLftc,. Ac. 1T I M AT i II K K U F j " J.L Y Ft RN I S 1 1 E I. 4 : I , TACi TH 0TnKTI? t . W. Market St. I GREENSBORO; N. C I ,i ; . i . s I ' 6,000 i ORDERS ; AND TUt VALl'K OF : 6000 HOLIES i ! lni ii'MMi ipti ilitll.irJ fur vrv ilollsr 'i.tMith mm? tor Nursery ttock. I have fix J"!!-aat orders buokeil Ir 'Nursery tock to be "J Il'l in Ot tolieri iarni NoreiR birr, : ami six "i' i:-aijTi Louies will ie niatie wiore pleasant by t.irt nerfi 0r each iU1 Cftinjr ai few liollan with E?. li:iilr. will rmt'n.kl nrHP t imp uriil K- uri i,r your familr h s-upjuy of rreh fruiu ana ! the ame.nim enhance the value of vour prop- My collection is as gootl as thelest, with ean btii krt health Cruiu our iStare Kntouiolo- rut : - : . i Li.' A- vr for a inicr6uft Soutlilaml anl pleas ?h.nies ! I j JOHN A. YOUNCi,L II I liRIESiBORO NrMKRIES, 1 f . ; J j t Greensboro, Jf. C. WiV-XTlsiV XGENT8. , j j i !. , T1i- ('afedes te Soldier in the Civil ? r, ju4 publiheU. contains 500 pages IS x 'n- J e?-, and over il.100 lare Battle tcne, .f u a't9, Mai, etc. j The greatest an4 larfre&t . Jr J" "er publi-thetl, and the only one that r.iartice to the Confederate soldier and the f - fought fori Complete in one volume. ' wanted evexj-Srhere to sell this book on rntV n(1 easy Many of the ladr and LVll agsnu whq are at work are making n.H?ly 10 WOO permnth. Veterana,Sona ."gUera of Veterans, and others interest, t. "j" iueisted to send for a beautiful iUus a -Vf'nptiTe circular (free) and terms to iimVlt. '1dreis.COLaiia-Joct!cai. JoaPaixr- . wLoaiiTiile ,Krr ! 47-lit 1897, toTot Causey, of-this 1 I "i! ! ' i - Barnabas church Sunday school bki their: Christmas tree last Thursday afternoon. It; was an en joyable ifair. , ' ' Good lecond-hand sewing machine for sale. ! Will take corn or oats in part payment. C. L. Lamb. Lat Hiatt & Lamb's grocery. .- J j ! Croup Salve prevents croup, re lieves bad colds in children. 25 cents. Opposite l'enbow Hotel.1 Richardson & Farlss, Druggists, j j The net deposits of the Five Cents Savings Bank Jan. 3, 189S, amounted to $76,324.71 a showing of which the bank may well be proud, j j : A new;riel house is being j erected on the South Greensboro graded school lot to accommodate the equipment of the Southside hose company, j i- j We could use a few loads of hick ory and dry pine wood to advantage just now. This is a broad hint to some of ourtlelitKjuetit subscribers. I 3Ir. D. R, Hufiines, who succeeds Mr. T. J. Fuqua as agent for the Port ner Brewing Company at this place, has an announcement in this issue. j Last Friday night the Washington Street Baptist Sunday school had their Christmas entertainment-at the Mc Adooatore room on East Market street. ' Over sixty marriage licenses were issued from Register Kirkman's office j queensware, chinaware, crockery, etc., during the month of .December a re-1 to which his new ad. directs attention. cord unequajed in the, annals of the office. ! I Miss Hattie L. Atwa!ter, of Chapel Hill, and Mr. Chas. J. Gregory, of He lena, - Ark., were married here last Thursday morning. Kev. Dr. Weaver officiating. . 1 r Mrs. E. II. Scales, with her daugh ters, Mrs. McKenzie and Miss Irwin, and sons Lieut. A. H. and Junius Scales, left yesterday to visit friends in Danville, Va. ; - Dr. J. T. Johnson, the eye special-, 1st, can be found at his office in tEe Publishing House hereafter every day during the week, having returned from his trip to Virginia. Mr. A. F. jPage of Aberdeen; was here Friday on his return from Balti more, where he had been under treat ment at a hospital. He seemed to be much improved in health. Miss Nora May, of the Alamance church neighborhood, has of late de voted her spare time to needlework with the result that she has -just finished a quilt containing 4,321 pieces. j Mr. W. B. Layton raised some hogs this year that will rank with the best. Last week he killed five that weighed respectively 352, 384, 390, 400 and 402 pounds, or a total of 1,928 pounds. M iss Daisy Irene Teague, the band some daughter of Mr. and 3Irs.' W. J Teague. will be married this evening to Mri Charles Maxwell, a prosperous young merchant of Knoxville, Tenn. Rev. J. jW. Lee leaves today for Florida, where he has engsgements at Orlando, Sauford,"and other ! points. His daughter, Miss Lula, will I accom pany. him and spend the winter South. i i ! -'.'''!- The county commissionersswere in session Monday btt transacted! no bus iness aside from the routine. For the first time in several months there were no' petitions relative to road Work be fore the board. ! On Deci 30, 1897, Mr. Jno. T. Coble and Miss Minnie D. Coble, j both of Guilford county, were united in holy matrimony lat j the residence! of the bride's father. Mr. David Coble, by Rev. D. I. Off man. jj ! Mr. G. W. Ward, the up-to-date druggist, will be represented in our advertising columns this year.j Every one knows him, but he don't want any one to forget him. He may be found at Glenn's old stand. i ! The German given by the Crocail Club on the night of New Year's eve, under the management of Messrs. De Butts, Schenck, King, Fry! jand Mc Adoo at Bogart'8 Hall, was character ized as a great success. , . j Cbas. L'. Andrews, the confectioner, fljed a deed of assignment yesterday, naming G. Will Armfield trustee. Shaw & Scales are the attorneys. jlAndrews' liabilities will reach about $400, with assets of an equal amount, j !., Died, at her home in- Jamestown, Jan. 5th. 189S, Mrs. John Clapp. The burial will take place Jan. 6tb, at 12.30 at Alamance church. Funeral services to be held at the church. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Donnell. ' jj . ;, Mr. N. P. Henley, of Westminster, who has recently returned from a trip south and west, was among bur callers last week. He was so favorably im pressed with the west that (he thinks seriously of locating out there, most likely in southeastern Kansas. Mr. Jno. B. Wright advertises a lot of second-hand goods for sale. He is prepared to offer bargains in all of them, as they were taken asj part pay ment in exchange for new goods. There isn't a musical instrument dealer in the state that can meet his prices.' A colored man was right badly hurt yesterday while attempting jto ride a horse from the stables of Mr. C. P. Vanstory. A defective girth caused the man to jerk the reins on the horse and it reared back, falling squarely on him. It'll feared internal injuries re sulted. I"; :P ; - "; j Mr. J. J. Stone, the West Market street job printer, has recently increas ed his facilities for doing ail classes of work, and invites patronage from the Patriot readers. His adv. will beJ found o'n the first page of jthU issue, whilehis work and prices will be found just right. li j Revenue officers Vanderford, Me bane and Smith, of this City, paid a visit, to Bill ! Beckham's place, near Kernersville, last week and destroyed a lot of his "property." . Besides mak ing 'liver regulator" he is said to make the best still that can be procured, being a skilled workman in metals. Mr. J. R. McDuffie, occupying the old X. J. McDuffie furniture stand next door to the Wakefield Hardware Co., has a magnificent line of glassware, MERCILESS FLAHES Blot Out a Bright Young fLife A. j Distressing Accident. The joys attending the observance of a happy holiday" season in the home of Dr. A. R. and Mrs. Wilson, on Church street, gave place to an overwhelming sorrow Friday evening and grief inex pressible, burdens the hearts of these good people, while their friends and acquaintances, or, we might say, the Inhabitants of our little city without exceptionfeel the weight of the blow that has fallen upon them and. make manifest the deep sympathy their af fliction has aroused, j About half past seven o'clock on the evening mentioned, Price, the nine-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. Wilson, clad in bis night garments, stood in front of an open fire conversing with his mother while she prepared the younger children for bed. Turning to watch her as she moved about the room his night dress swept too near the fiames and caught on fire. The watch ful eye of the mother noticed the boy's peril before be was aware of it and rushed to bis relief but before she could extinguish the flames they had pene- GUILFORD COUNTY EXIIIDIL Beginning December 1st, 1896, and Ending December 1st, 1897. . rr. .Val. $2,320,870 23,' op $100 $ 5,506 02 ' I ' V45,617....do... 141,541. .. .do.. ....... C3.3S7....do.. 135.... do... i 43. . . .do 72,394 do........ jj INCOME AS PER LIST OF TAXABLKS TOfi'lSM. 419,38S acres of land 2,116 town lots... .., 4,143 horses . . . . 1,697 mulesI.. 31 jacks and jennettes. .1.... 42 goats ...l.. 10.470 cattle!....... 12.455 hogs. L. . ... . . 4,420 sheep.. ... ... Farming utensils. . Tools of mechanics Household and kitchen furniture. Provisions.! . . . Firearms .'ji. Libraries . k Scientific instruments. Money on hand. ... Solvent 'credits. ...... . Shares in incorporated companies utner personal property. . Bank and B. & L. stock.;. . R.R.prop Pullman Car Co. and W.U.Tel. Co. incomes . . Marriage licenses, 256 at $1 each. Total net income uiU cu uic jj . . . j : . . . . .,' . trated his garments and were causing Poll tax, 4,220 at 40 cents each:. . such pain that he struggled from her m '!' . i 1 Total amount. .......... : grasp and ran from, the room to the T,es so commission to fthpHfT hallway adjoining, where an open win- Less 3 commission to Treasurer do w, together with his frantic move ments, served to stimulate the blaz9 that then almost enveloped him. Re turning to the room he was met at the door by his mother, who had in the meantime secured a blanket with which to smother the cruel flames, but in this she was not successful until her father, Dr. Robinson, came to her aid from his room below. The little fellow made re peated efforts to tear the burning clothes from his body but in his agony and ex citement failed to accomplish anything in that direction. The upner portion of his body was terribly burned and the sight of one eye was totally de stroyed. Mrs. Wilson was badly burn ed about the hands, but her injuries are not of a permanent character. Dr. Wilson had left home only a few minutes before the occurrence to make a professional visit and returned half an hourater without any knowledge of what had transpired In his absense. Dr. Broofcs, living nearbyt had been hastily summoned to the relief of the 25.932 4,355. 74,SS9. 9,036. 153,022 23,003. 2,681. 8,797. 4,742. . 136,164.. 516,096.. 13,725.. 566,010. . 277,107.. 949,431 . . 0,123 7. .do. . . . , , ...do..... . . .do. . . . ., . . .do , . . .do . . .do ; . . .do , . .do , . . .do. . .do; do...... .do .do. . do. .do .$1,105) 665 4.H04 63 334 93 154 75 2 91 ' 11 171 3:1 61 37 10 30 177 24 21 39 362 16 66 27 6 35 20 S3 11 22 322 2S 1,221 43 32 43 1,3.T. 55 (55 S3 2,246 ttf 30 61 256 00 2,SS2 99 1.6SS 00 ...$ 22,133 S7 44 66 1775 10 .$ 20,413 77 -1r J. !i. v COUNTY HOME ACCOUNT-N1897. Alexander William work. . . . j. . . , J Andrews w m carpenter work on Home Andrews Sam'l con Henry Jones. J..... Balling-er J 1 F pork. . .............. j. i . ... Benbow W E one shoat........... Bowman James M pork....; J. .... Buchanan Emma hay...... Boston Edwards i . Barker John goods Boren wheat... Bass Lee laborer , Bass Charles .j A..... Bass Hinton ditching-&c............... Busick J J con pauper Bennett J F lumber .... ...4... .. Cunning-ham Bros coal.......... Chrismon J K & Bro goods. Coble Juliils pork Corl Charles smith work.. . . . . Cotton Charles moving house Caldwell Moses con pauper... Causey DM do- f Denny G W goods Donnell C A pork. ..... . Donnell J D do. . if 4 9 10 21 00 1 00 13 12 4 00 12 00 6 00 7 07 41 5T 57 05 74 a 18 46 36 OB -1 50 13 00 1 85 '3 75 14 43 15 24 5 65 20 00 !0 2 00 1 Vanstory C M Ac Co. . . littLerfufferer, who was past all hbpe gofton'C Dan Valley Mills supplies Dempsey Wm harvesting. ..... Fryar R II !pork. J . . . . Greensboro S & B Co lumber &c. Gardner Howard drugs and med. yet dit mo nisi mit ii do.... V Re C he W hy at LIU retui inrnmrhlv conscious of his con- Kepeatedly ne assured ms was going to Heaven, ana nxiety was that his father rn before be died. When the flat her came the boy recognized him and (seemed content. Lingering until half mast four o'clock the next morning I " . . . . , ... . i- i.- joui'sjonn niS spirit IOOK us aeparwure. ouuuay Jordan B F pork.... afternoon the remains were consigned Jessup L A harxesting to tht4r last resting place in Greene Hill ( cehwtcrf" after an appropiate funeral service had been conducted by Rev; K. W. Smith, D. D. May God comfort the grief-stricken family in this dark hour of affliction. i... Holt.Mikei... Hendrix J M & Co goods Holt Henry. i . Ham Wm con Emily Hiatt.. Henley N P pork.. .i. Harris J H repairs on harness &c Houston Jesse con pauper. Idol W H porkT. ..J Ingle John shucks L Ingle Samuel do .J. Johnson & Dorset goods. . . . Jones John W do...... "I! n . ..fi... p H IV. v I- Knight X M liay Tr.... ' H Ix?wis J & C smith work . 7 ; ,V, Leonard Wm I cook n Lindley Store Co supplies...... 4 i Moore D W t do jv. M!i Mendenhall S H & Co shoes ." to ui Millis JH...J - a ,M Udell Hdw Co whbs and goods 33s u Ottenburgh J A smith work 3 rw rarKsjonn... ...4 4M (i) Pickard T M i Co sups - m u Hagan W II Jit Co tent Kichardsoiupr W J med at Richardson & Karris drugs.. Scott J W & Co sups.Tr; Standard Oil Co oil ; Smith S W H goods Smith J G lumber Stanley It II jruard and foreman. Simms John If con prisoner Scott D.....J Smith Lee S & Co suin.. Shaw James guard.. Spoke and Bending Wks handle. iucxerc I j.l. How's This? We offer One Hundred .Dollars Reward for anv cai-e of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. W e the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 rears, and believe him perfectly: honorable in al business transactions aud finan cially able to catry oat any obligations maae by their firm WrsT Truax, Wholesale Druggists Toledo,0. Waldiso.Kinnax & Marvin, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo. O. 'Hairg Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the s stem. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family PUU are the best. ' We resrret to announce that mis'- fortune has overtaken the tobacco man ufacturing firm of J. L. Kincr & Co of this city, which assigned yesterday, naming John W. King trustee. The indebtedness of the firm will possibly reach $20,000, with ample assets to cover same, so that it is reasonable to presume dollar for dollar will be paid, with a balance in favor of the firm. The pre ferred credited are : First class, Com mercial National Bank of High Point, $5,000, and the National Bank of High Point, $2,500; second class, Piedmont Bank of Greensboro, $4,500, and Greens boro National Bank $600. V" 4 - t . ... Knight N M porkT, Klrkpatrick B A brick. ......... Kirkman T T & Co goodss King J L & Co tobacco. ...i. Land ret h C E goods . Land ret h ,1 W , Loman G S com.... -v.- MeNary J pork.....'.......; McLean AJnnie services. . . i ...... Mitchell S S guano....;. ....... Montgomery D A iork ..... Murray Alphonzo beef. . ... ...... McDowell J E do....... . Maddra E L work on machine. . . Mendenhall S H & Co shoes Matthews F A con pauper.. ... Mendenhall A do........... Odell Hdw Co goods i ...... . Osbom Daniel serving notice... Pugh & Andrews goods. Poindexter John laborer. 1 ... . . . .x. raisiev j as porK Roan Allen do. Ii. Richardson & Farris drugs. and med. uanKin ftugene iorji sc.... ,1 i-i r 1 -. I HHiiKiii nuury iron pauicis.. Richardson Dr ,W J med sen Russell Mary labor........... Stanley Theodore pork. . .. . . . Stewart Curry ...... .... Scott J W & Co goods Sample Brown Mer Co goods. Smith Jud bottoming chairs. Smith J6hn B con pauper Smith S W H shoes. v.... Southern Ry Co freight. Stratford W O lime Thomas D E goods.. .... Tatum & iTaj'lor llverj'.. . . . .. Voss A S supt services Voss MR -do. . ... Workman & Chrismon goods. Wrav John .r.. .......... Watlington Barney cutting woid.. Ward Gaston w drugs ana meq Wharton J W lime ... Walker W n. Welch J C livery Wakefield Hdw Co goods Yates Wm work Total. 18 31 11 2 36 76 24 56 2 25 17 64 18 58 15 00 18 HO 3 50 3 50 10 00 1 50 14 52 6 25 50 j ,12 48. 9 00 1 10 00 I ' 32 75 j 175 39 ! 11 64 2 00 13 08 J oo 12 58 16 58 62 07 1 60 19 69 12 36 00 25 10 124 2 94 50 1 U) 32 60 1 50 , 1 50 4 47 1 75 15 00 79 23 14 28 .11 16 15 65 16 48 2 00 116 00 9 00 15 24 2 00 92 09 1 30 1 20 1 50 ' 19 50 2 56 2 20 1 XX 1 00 187 50 34 00 76 1 45 "12 50 19 75 3 45 2 50 12 45 -59 m; Wheeler O C. Wal ke r & Cude su ps Ward G V drugs and med . .: . . Wakefield Hdw CobvmmIs AVyrick J A guard and foreman.. 11.... a t4 1 . Wyatt J E do Welker W a do. Wyatt HA.. Youst Chas. Iddings Frank.... do.... ' 1 3 UI ... 115 M . . . . 7 50 2 ID ... 712 HI ... 39,54 . . . 20 91 3 . . . 55 9 . . . '.to V ... 4 .VI ... 5H5 1 22 KM 6 10 ... 12 V) S 50 11 7i ... 2 XI 5 45 . . 331 4-i .. 189 or. . . 139 or, ;i hii .. 12 15 15 l . . 29 m K7l 34 i.$i,84ij; " hen wear beg" body you are goir ait: loss of flesh, nets, etc. The thiniryvi you eat you wear&traor iuia your MX rn na to exceed repair in your to fall sick. The signs of it faleness, weakness, nervous- flepair needed is ioou. iou Enough, and jet you eel that tissue, enenrv, nerve-force, iea ror you He has as pretty and complete a stock as one could wish to see. Call on him. Postmaster Forbis has temporari ly appointed Mr. C. F. Osbom, of Sum ner township, to a position on the cler ical force at the city postofllce. There were no names on the eligible list, un der the civil service regulations, and Mr. Osborn was selected because of his experience in the office, having been employed thera under the preceding administration. . , ! The diflicnlty is that vou do no". rest enoitc-h And this is to serious it is wo h sitting down seriously to think about. If : -u can't digest what you eat, take a few doses f Shaker Digestive Cordial. The effect of it w 1 be to increase your flesh and make you feel wronger. You won't fall tick Proof that it is ir control of yorr repair appa ratus. It'seay iough to test this for yourself. Take a few bottl-. of Shaker Digestive Cordial, sold by druggi : at 10 cents to 1 per bottle. 1 Judge Bctinson presides over the special term (f Superior court which opened here 3onday afternoon. Up to last night onlf one case had been heard L. L. Hernhon, guardian, vs, Al spaugh et. at, and In it the jodge granted a jo plaintiff with pass on it. noted. gment la favor of the at troablinfir the jary to bit uinal anneal was koad casvicr account .1 ' 1 ; Armfield Ridge. Jc Vickory gKjls Austin Mfg to plow material. Beeson C S sups. ItmwnJames Ilerirman II L supt..... Bergman Lou guard and foreman. . Briirsrs ( 'has iruard .. . Bandy Prof J M civ eng.... Benbow W J hay.. r--i- ItollingerM H.. BallingerJ Fhay.. ; Bunch JC corn.... Causey Addison guard Case Jackson u . .. f "i Prtrship John cuara y-..- Cook Jobii W hay Jtc Daniel Hdw Co Dicks Dr DC med at...... Donohue J Tcon prisoner. Eagle Laundry Co Edgerton G L Fox Dr M F med at.... ...... Pripa K A- If atrines... fiardner Howard drugs and med--- Garrett G A sups.'. Gordon Dr J R med at ...... . -. - - -1 iinmikv.vintihfr iruard. .4.. Homer Joe do Hardin Jc Co sups. HarrisJH.... - - High Point Hdw Co Holton V E drugs Hiatt E4 ward guard.. .... .... Hiatt i Lamb sups.-.. 11111 xnos if Julian Milling Co sups...... Keith F M King J LA Co tobacco...... Kennett J C-..-.. ' Keeling: J L meat and sups.. 53 55 17 09 11 15 5 97 443 75 117 05 120 40 70 00 30 00 n .. Total. The following property wa Ixuight d 11 ting the year and is now in use. viz.: Four mule. 2 wagons and 2 xcts double harness. 4i0 25. ROADS AND ItKIDGKS. Armfield X S....... Amick A G repairing. Beeson C S j do Bowman W E do i Burton J C building and material ;. Busick V T repair.-... Cape FcarMfgCo lumlxr Daniel Hdw Co nails Eagl e Fu r n i 1 1 1 re Co Edgerton J 11 repairs.... -Edgerton W J lunilxr Farlow 6: SK.'iicer luralK-r . 'Gordon R I n'pairs flrcehslJoro S ic I.I Co .." Gilmer J H rebuilding Guilford LuiiiIhtCo IuiuJxt Hardin C II High Point; Hdw C0.7.. r... llih Point- Enterprise prlnt'g notices Hodgin W L.; , Jackson A R repairs.... Johnson.) H .Y. . ..r;. . Little John. Ive William.. Lee J II.. i... :. Molfitt II L McLean . L-. Moore J 1C repair . . . Pomona Teria Cotta Co pi. for nmN Ponton Win Pitts Ac Bain lumber.- Rankin A C repairs ou bridge Ragsdalc & Smit h . . . . ; SchfHilfield J R........ Snow LumlierCo luniln-r StafTord D L. ... . Spence T ) W harton J M Sc ( ' r Walker P (J'W Wakefield Hdw Co Wheeler OC ......... Wagoner!) E. ..... $ 1 ill 5.-ii 4 U) 5 11) 27 71 15 75 10 t 30 K II) 1 IK II 7i S 50 I IV - 7 3 Ii 5 lit -1 .VI ID 75 50 III X 5H 1 50 311 :i . 4 75 III 4 07 2 I VI 25 il :i I M 24 IT .1 5il 1 I. m .vt V .x; : 2 : - -4 25 Total. j C. EKE KALK X I' Z N 8 KS. Byen M janitir 7.. CFtV V Hy freight Cox-FerrerD G Co gxN .. ; Dailj Revitnl printing Disinfectant Co Edwards i BnutfhUin printing Greenstiom Patriot printing Greensboro Water Supply Co water. Greensboro Hook Store Klationery Ac- CJrens(or Ga A: E L Co gu GreenslKiro Ice Coal o ice.. ,. High Point Enterprise printing....... lbnlgin Pegraui A Co Manner W; S Hastings J A work on sewer ; Kirkman A G work for county..'.. .... King R R attorney Kirkman A G .copying !C tax lit..... Porter J A work on cjourt hoiiwv.. .... Pickani T r A o bucket ...... .T?. , . Hagan Ed Lclk Mip'rct - Reece i Efam . Suthern Hy Co freight 011 -oal.. Scott J W A Co gtjod. Wli Stone J J printing 'V'" 16 7 44 HO 7 50 . 3 ) 2 35 1 50 S CIO 21 i U) 40 24 ID lit 1 . 24 45 2rt ( 1H20 133 00 1W a) va 20 14 55 45 44 5(ti 50 40 3; 17 ft 00 102 H) 4 15 101 77 t 10 494 7i Smith F F chair forjudge air Tor. rintin ThoniasiJh printing. Telegram Pub Co printing. notice Teague v J tax calculator.-t 'Wilson John N attorney Wharton Unix good Wakefield Hdw Co Walker Evans A Cogswell record. Wharum A McAllster ins on ct hou.. Whitice Ephram work on ct hou-M- Young ic M.-Iilen r-rd Ac for elk act Zimmerman J R2T ton coal .$1.34 :h 110 25 ; 55 4 H l 25 . 15 n, ! :s ti. 5 in 5 '.d s.', , .5 I 5!4 35 :) 111 :p in J 15 44-W HI 25 II M 54 .' . Ill 75. ; ft HI 5o ! 11 r. 21 K . (II 5U iv -r. j 41 JI TotaK..i. y-- JAIL ACCOCNT lSfr. Armfield Ridge A Vi.'kory blankets BeniK-tt J Tcon prisoners.. Bevill W Y guard Chrismon J R A Un Crouch R Horn prison r..r ..... Cunningham Hnn coal Coble J M cm prioiu-r Dawson James gua ni. (iardner Howanl oru; - Greeson L F con prist XU 25 24 10 .Ml 1-1 5il 1 :B .Ml S7 75 2 00 4 ia 21 1 94 Continue0?1 .I

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