: VOL. TtI" j " GREENSBORO, 'N. C, WEDNESDAY, JANTJAEY 12, 1898. j N0 o. t t PROVISIONAL CARDS. nnnnfT lijr.WiiJiiRIuttAitiiauiJ. ftj: FIOE: KATZ BUILDING. BESipsjjcE: 615, W. OASTONST. Br. W. E BROOKS, . j i P r3 IT P " W. P. BEALL, LI. D., ; i I : dySICIAN' AND SURGEON. .t'L 11- r!! rt San are. I t If P" r. iij m j v u w T irr.v ' r . v. r- t. . in i Ce'nte 11:30 toll; 3 to 4:30. TELEPHONE NO. 17- - 1 404 Asheboro.St. BrJ J. E. VYCHE, DENTIST, or'j. c in Savirigs Bank Building:, ( i : "5 outh Elm street. Greensboro, N. C. Dr. J. : H. WHEELER, 13 - ; ! . ! i - oKKlCE i 1 O p. j Ward Drugstore. Dr. iWL Hi (Wakefield, i. .'.i.iLiAff?i ?ni h in Greens- Loi-oat the J McAdoo House on W ed olay, January12tb. j j, " i : n Mr PB4CTIC LiaiiTJCw Eye, Ear, iVose land Throat. tl. STEDLIAN, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mendenball Building, t i ' i GREENSBORO, - . N.C. A, M. SCALES. SHAW m SCALES, ! GREENSBORO, N. C. i Careful atttention given to all busl- nesi. Office in Wharton Building, No. 117; Court Square. lWBj BEACH AM,. Arciutect 1 and Builder. 6 ! Ortice in Odd Fellows Building, H j . j j GRKEKSB0R0W - - - N. C. J ! t i EYE. S ! IT TJ JOHNSON, TILE C5REENSBORO SPECIALIST, 302 SOlTH ELM ST. J; : Exaniiiiatiou Free. J ! i i ! k Iloi a.p. to I2.j?0 1. m.. 2 to 6 1. ra. i I - STOINE ! I lit ie Printer. MY srEOlALTIKS:"' I1 i i r ' ! Htrk. Accurate Work. Low Trices. i -.: i crcial Work. Hanl Bill, rosters. - I v Brfef. Catalogue. Wedding lav u i : r - t .l"i:iATK I'll KERFt' LIY Ft RNISIlED. 1' JOS. -'i W ..Market St J. STONE, 1 t t tlREIJNSBORO, N. C. i I- - r THE HOME. ltUt 1 it- are niaur: tiling that ro to make Attractive." ut tnei-ej is' no one thinj; inbine ilehmt aitl protit to the i Ucnt that a Mcll-kcpt fruit carden pleader, u) not longer neclect to t-r the fruit upplr jfor vour fam- re i nothing mory heafthf ul than fruit: there is no way that you M 'j:id a fet daliars tnat'Wiu yield the turn I cannot in tnis space men t. r mauT thiasr that l nave to offer. it a catalogue, take the ajrency for jti!iiKK.r or county, jret a great i .i;nt n Icatalosrue price, bell trees. ianjt llrst clas fruit t your rs cheat, iand thereby become a !iefact'ir iidd make some money '-ell. iiifrens.no nursery mi ..icr vrnk the ppoide than the old i 'I'f't dealings; have doLe it. v rIOHN aIiYOUNG, LOCAL NWS ITEMS. Mr. W. W. Ktnz. of Danbury. is In tbe city. r Dr. W. J. Ricbardson resumed bis practice tbe first of the week. The Greensboro Nurseries are rep resented in this issue by a new ad. . Don't fail to see "A Scrap of Pa per" at the Academy to-morrow night. Mr. ami Mrs. H. L.Lee, of New York, are here to snend the winter months. Rer. Rossa A. Brown, of Waycross, GaJ, Is here lookiig after some busi ness matters. - Mr. G. II. Royster'a announcement this week will interest his friends and patrons. Read his new ad. ' -; Tobacco Is starting off some better than before the holidays, though breaks are light on account of the season, i -Misses Ida and Mary Taylor, of P. nil ford College, snent a couple! of days last week with friends In this city. "i-Four of the youneest children of or Li the late R. S. Ryan have been placed in the Thompson Orphanage at Char lotte! ." j Mr. R. S. Petty took the road. Mon day for M. G. Ne weirs buggy and Im plement bouse. He will travel the en tire state. The net deDosits at the Five Cents Savings bank at the close of business Mondav. Januarv 10th. amounted to 477,185.49.. ' S r Messrs. N. C. Brandon and Clark Porter, Jr., are still with Howard Gardner, the corner druggist. Call and see them. ' 7 The resolutions of respect adopted on the death of Mr. Henry A. Rust by Alamance Sub-Alliance will appear in our next issue. ! Croup Salve prevents croup, re lieves bad colds in children.1 25 cents. Opposite Benbow Hotel. Richardson & Fariss, bruggists. . Mr. John Lambeth, of Elon Col lege, is preparing to move to Brown Summit, where he w'ill engage in the mercantile business. ' j - Mr. D. E. Thomas has sold his groqery store on South Davie atreetto Mr. S. S. Haithcock, who will continue the business at the same stand. j - The Keeley Institute is making an enviable record in its new quarters, the attendance being larger and prospects more promising than for years. Mr. S. F. Coe, agent of the C. F & Y. V. railway at Dalton, died recently. He stood well among his fellow employees and the patrons of the road. Mr. Maurice Pretzfelder, formerly a merchant here, is now manager of the Dry Goods Emporium at Asheville having resigned his position at Char lotte. L: r . ! George Shaw, a driver for J.-J. Phoenix, was bruised and j battered in a runaway accident Monday morning but bis injuries are not of a permanent nature. 1 ' The Greensboro Hardware Co. has the exclusive sale In this; city of the celebrated Buck stoves and ranges. which are warranted for fifteen years See new ad. " --The old Hodgin gold mine, in Sum ner township, is to be worked at an early date. A Mr. Settle, from' Mis souri, is here perfecting arrangements to develop the property, j j The Soutbside hose company's new wagon arrived last wecmesaay ana was driven about the city. It is a handsome vehicle-and will add to the efiicieucy of the company it represents. Mr. VT. F. Bogart has about! com pleted arrangements for the appearance here of the orlginalVang? opera com pany, comprising forty or more people Further announcements will be ! made next week. " "'.' The widow of the late M. L. Coble last week received through Secretary J. D.' Burch a check for $1,000, the Mr. W. C. McLean Is .finishing the fourth new dwelling in his handsome row of bouses on Forbis street, just south of the Catholic, church. It will be occui ied by Mr. Clarke, of the Cone Export and Commission Company. At the annual meeting jof the stockholders of tbe Piedmont Bank last Wednesday tbe usual semi-annual dii Jend of three per cent, was declared and 12,500 added to the bank's surplus fund. The old officers were re-elected. Judge Dick has been indisposed for some days and acting on the sugges tion of his family and friends left last night for Baltimore to undergo treat ment at the Johns Hopkins hospital. He was accompanied by Mrs. Dick and Judge Douglas." ' j . The North Carolina Journal of Ed ucation for January is an unusually in teresting number. Aside from its merits that appeal to every teacher and friend to education it contains much valuable historal matter that appears for the first time in print. . j Mr. Tillman Hodgin, of Centre, and Miss Helen Klrkman were united in marriage last Thursday by Rev. S. T. Barber at the ' home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Kirk man, near Pleasant Garden. The groom is a son of Mr. D. S. Hodgin. ; Mr. S. M.'Goolsby, late chief clerk in U. S. Marshal Milliken's office, was tendered his "walking papers' by that official last week. We hope Mr. Gools by will remain a citizen of bur city, even though bis hand has slipped from Uncle, Sam's pocket. He is a good citizen. M ... r . ! j Miss Minnie Gorrell was saved from painful injury last Thursday mornin? bv - her presence i of mind. While standing in front of ian open fire at her residence on Ashe street her dress caught from a spark, but she smcthered the flames by. wrapping a cloak about her body. A large, audience witnessed the presentation of aPudd'nhead Wilson" by Mr. Theodore Hamilton's superb company last Thursday evening at the Academy of Music. AH In all it was one of' the best companies that ever visited Greensboro and Mr. Blackburn is to be congratulated upon Its! appear ance here. . 1 - J Mrs. L. M. Bell, living east of the city, died Saturday aged abput fifty- three years, leaving a husband and three children. -She had been a faith ful .christian for many years and died happy in the sustaining faith of God's promises. Her remains were Interred at Holt's chapel Sunday, Revi J, E. Gay, of this city, conducting the services. Mr. C. D. Benbow, formerly of this city, but now town superintendent of Pinehurst, the ideal Moore county win ter resort established by Millionaire no. W. Tufts, of Boston, assumed the duties of postmaster at Pinehurst the first of the month. He will make a good official and; his friends here are glad to learn of his preferment for the place. ; -'"I'M 1 i Dr. J. L. M. Curry, of Washington, D. C, agent of the Peabody fund, spent Monday ip tbe city the gust of Dr. Jtlclver. Dr. Curry is making a tour of inspection of the various southern educational institutions that deriye benefits from tbe fund he distributes. The State Normal and Industrial Col lege here stands exceptionally high in his estimation. ; County treasurer Jno. A; Hodgin purchased the Oak Hill roller mill property 'at a receiver's sale Monday, paying tber for the sum of $3,600. It is his intention, provided the sale is confirmed, to put the mill In operation, but already there Is talk of a ten per cent. bid.. Mr. Hodgin's brother Frank, now in business In Roanoke, Va; will be connected with the mill. The North Carolina Presbyterian, now published at Charlotte, appears in The End Is Not Yet. After a week and a half of the j spe cial term of Superior court the civil docket has lost but a limited number from the formidable, array of cases that Were met with at the opening. Judge Robinson Is compelled to leave the city Saturday for another county where a regular term opens Monday and u nless the governor sends another judge here the special term will necessarily end before its prescribed days of usefulness are occupied. Reasonable diligence baa been observed in the trial of these civil causes, yet nothing like the show ing is made on the docket that our people, especially the tax-payers, would like to see. No blame for this attaches to the court or the attorneys it is simply a- succession of long tedious processes that require and deserve careful consideration and we will have to make the best of the situation. Un til Guilford s included in the llsWof counties having criminal circuit courts there is no hope for any improvement in existing conditions. Since Jour last issue (and only one case was decided at this term prior to that date) the fol lowing cases have been disposed o,f with the result indicated In each T. T. Brooks, receiver Bain Building Co, vs. St. Andrews P. E. church. Judgment for plaintiff and against de fendant for $S00. I Walter Lewis vs. W.F.Clegg. Judg ment or plaintiff and against defend ant for $15.70. Walter Lewis vs. Moore & McKen zie. Judgment for plaintiff and against defendants for $34.75. f Sibley, Lindsay & Kerr vs. E. L. Gil- mer. Judgment for defendant against plaintiff; appeal by plaintiff to Su preme court. I A. H. Motley Co. vs. Southern Fin ishing &' Warehouse1 Co. Trial pend ing. The Astlev Cooler Hospital a Pro nounced Success. Three months ago Dr. Wm. H. Brooks established the Astley Cooper Hospital in Greensboro, and so success ful has been the venture that until now he has not had a favorable opportunity to throw its doors open to public in spection of its various departments. The wards have been full from the first and sometimes crowded. Just now there is but one patient being treat ed at the institution and Dr. Brooks took advantage of the circumstance Monday to give a pleasant reception to the Board of Lady Managers, who are as follows: Mesdames John Gray Bynum, Ceasar Cone, Robert P. Dick, O. H. Dorsett, Robert M. Douglas, Neil Ellington, John A. Gilmer, M. E. How ard. W. Lindau, Reuben Llndheim, E. J. Lynch, Harry C. Martin, B. Frank Mebane, . J. C. Murchison, J. A. Odell, Geo. M. O'Brien, Dred Peacock E. F. Reinicker, Annette L. Wright, j .. The ladies were not only pleased but charmed with the way the hospital is kept, the way the patients are treated, etc. Mrs. Berry, the superintendent, is a graduate of tbe Maryland General Hospital Training School for Nurses and has bad several years experience in hospital management. The operat ing room is complete in all the modern appliances, while the wards are neat and cozy. The hospital will be open to visitors on Thursday and Friday of every week from 4. to 6 o'clock.! We are justly proud ot this enterprise and wish it unstinted prosperity. ' GUILFORD BOUNTY; EXHIBIT. Beginning December 1st, 1896, and Endintr December 1st, 1897. INCOME AS PER LIST Or TAXABLIS FOR 1S3S. m m aAa m J.I. 1 4i,s53 acres 01 una . j...... Val i0VivnaoM' iaa. . ,J'. 2,li6 town lots. j .. j ; 7 lGfii- & U 1100 1 94 11,541 According to tbe Washington spe cials appearing in the Sunday papers only a formal transmission of certain documents remained to. clinch the ap pointment of Tyre Glenn as postmaster here and the same was confidently ex pected Monday, but there seems to be a bitch somewhere. It is reported that Sir Thomas Settle hied himself to Washington Sunday night armed with divers and sundry protests against Glenn's appointment and there is no telling where the plum will land. In a vastly improved from this week and pbe meantime Postmaster Forbis con- we congratulate our brethren upon tbe happy change for the better, in the amount of an insurance policy carried 1 paper's appearance. Nothing is lack- -Mhi 1 1 if 1 or (rrraoboro merle, .lti:KAI!OIlO. N. C. ) -1 i i I i - i M "I I I 1- J i : ; Creain! Lotion will " cure bottle Howard J hands and Hps! Every tr lnr, drugglstU J j 1 , br the deceased-in tbe Order of the Golden Chain. ' h j i J Revs. Dr. J. H. Weaver and J. E. Gay have started a neat little weekly paper devoted to the interests of the Methodist Episcopal churches of tbe city. The paper is issued from the office of Mr. J. J. Stone. ! The revival of the interest in min ing protends well for our people. Be yond question Guilford contains several valuable mining properties, and we are glad to learn that several of them are in a fair way for development. ; i Prof. J. A. W. Thompson, of Siler City, has consolidated his school with that of Prof. Slier at Sanford. Prof. Chas. B. Staley, who has been an as sistant teacher in Prof. SUers school, goes to South Carolina to take charge of an academy. ing in the way of editorial ability. North Carolina's religious publications as a whole maintain a high standard and the Presbyterian does its share in sustaining the same. L I The Patriot is pleased to learn of the recent discovery of gold-bearing ore In the vicinity of Gibsonville. From a shaft sunk near the saw mill there come unmistakeable indications of val uble ore desposits which arej being de veloped as rapidly as possible and with gratifying results. Mr. R. W. Drew, a northener, who has been prospecting about through eastern Guilford for some time, and Gibsonville parties are making the developments. J Almond Cream Lotion will cure chapped bsnds and lips. Every bottle guaranteed. For -sale byj Howard Gardner, druggist. tlnues to hold the office with his ac customed ability and grace, and we venture tbe assertion that it will take a good while to weary him in waiting for a successor. A dark horse" is not the remotest possibility in this race, although Glenn seems to have the strongest kind of backing. I Miss Lillle Dick, daughter of Mr. Frank Dick, of near McLeansville, is reported dangerously ill. She has not been in good health for some time. ? How's This? We offer One Hundred tV!lars Rewartl for anr case of Catarrh that can not be cured by 11 all's Catarrh Cure. j F. J.. CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 year, and believe him perfectly honorable in a"ll business transactions and finan cially able to carry oat any obligations made hr their firm i Wist & Turax. Wholesale Druggists Toledo,0. Waldikg,Kinkax A Makvis., Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo. O. I Hair Catarrh Cure ia'uken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and in u con 9 surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druroists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the beat. ..... 1 . . . t i '"I , . . f furniture. 4,143 horses .... ... . . . 1,697 mules....... ...... 31 jacks and jennettes. 42 goats ......... 10,470 cattle. ....... . . . . 12,453 hogs. . ........... 4,420 Sheep... Farming utensils Tools of mechanics Household and kitchen Provisions. Firearms i Libraries .............. t . . i Scientific instruments. I . .. i . . . Money on hand. . . ... .. . J, Solvent credits '. ...'L..L Shares in incorporated companies.. Other personal property. , 1 i .... Bank and B. & L. stock.. .',..... R.R.prop Pullman Car Co. and W.U.Tel. Co. Incomes . . . . .... . . . . ...t..U. ..... . . . . . . ... . . Marriage licenses, 256 at $1 each . . ..... Schedule B. ........ . a . .1 . . . . . .... Poll tax, 4,220 at 40 cents each: I do......... 65.3S7. . . .do L235.... do 43.... do. I L. 72,394.... do.. 25 932... do......... 1 4,355. ... do..... r. . t74.SS9....do... I 9,036 .....do 153.022.... do......... 23,003.... do......... 2,6S1. .r.do. 8,797.... do 4,742... do...; 136,164.. ..do 7... 516,096.... do. 13,725. . . .do. 566,010.... do.. 277,107. . . .do. 949,431.... do. 6,123 iot . .. ...... v - ; Total amount. . . Less h commission to Sheriff. Less 3 commission to Treasurer. 1 4,b04 62 331 9 154 75 2 9i "11 171 33 . 61 37 10 30 177 24 21 39 362 16 66 27 6 33" 20 S3 11 2J 322 ar 1,221 43 32 4? 1,339 55 655 82 30 61 256 00 2,832. 99 1,633 00 Total net income r ...... I ..$1,109 44 . . 605 66 22,1387 ! 1.775 10 . : ....$ 20,413 77 .EXFBNDrX' U JbiBS. J: , H. I! COUNTY HOME ACCOUNT 1S97. Alexander William work.. J...i.. Andrews Wm carpenter work tin home Andrews fcam 1 con Henry Jones. uamng-er j ' pork....;. 1 Benbow W E one shoat.....'. ..i J Bowman James M pork Buchanan Emma hay Boston Edwards Barker John goods Boren WCiCA wheat... Bass iLee laborer. ." 1 1 iii33 iuariC3 4 BassHinton ditching &c... Busick J J con pauper . . a t 1 1 uenueii j r lumuer j Caldeleusrh EM i Bro goods Cunningham Bros coal Chrismtin J R & Bro goods. Coble Julius pork.... Corl Charles smith work..J Cotton Charles moving house. 1 1 . . 1 1 . r , . . ; u-aiuwen mioses con puuper... Causey D M do uenny ix w gooas.. Donnell U A pork 9 10 21 00 1 (10 12 12 4 00 12 00 6 00 7 07 41 55 t 1 :t::::::. Donnell J D do............ . Dan Valley Sflllstipplies . . Frvar R R tKrk .......J...iJ....... Greensboro S & B Co lumber &c J. ...... Gardner Howard drugs and med Holton C E do. Holt. Mike... . mm' e - tienanx j oi cc uo goous...... HoltHenry----v' i. Ham Wm con Emily Hiattu.... Henley N P pork...... ........... Harris J H repairs on harness Houston Jesse eon pauper.... . Idol: W H 'pork Ingle John shucks. ............. i . Ingle Samuel do Johnson & Dorset goods. . Jones John w do.... Jordan B F pork. i. Jessup L A harvesting... Knight w w porK..i... .., Kirkpatrick B A brick.... Kirkman WT4 Co goods. King J 1 & Co tobacco Land ret h C E goods. ....... ianarein j n ...i.t ....... LomanO s corn.... LMcNary J pork ...........4. McLean Annie services .... Mitchell S S guano t. Montgomery D A pork... v..... L; Murray Alphonzo beef........... McDowell J E - do Maddra E L work on machine... Mehdenhall S H & Co shoes.... j.. Matthews F A con pauper. ....... Mendenhall A ido.. ...... Odell Hdw Co goods...... ....... Osborn Daniel serving notice. Pugh & Andrews goods.... ..... Poindexter John laborer Paisley Jas R pork.... .....i...!.. Roan Allen do Richardson & Farris drugs and rhed. Rankin Eugene pork &c. ........ j .. . . Rankin Henry con paupers.... Richardson Dr W J med serv..L,J. i Russell Mary labor -.i.... Stanley Theodore pork . ........... Stewart Curry.... ..J...I..J."... Scott J W & Co goods................ Sample Brown Mer Co goods...;., j ..... Smith Jud bottoming chairs... .'w..... Smith John B con pauper Smith S W II shoes .... Southern Ry Co freight.... ...'.'..J..... Stratford w O lime........... ..... Thomas D E goods.... -......!...... Tatum & Taylor livery. 4. .. V oss A 0 supt seinces VossMK do. ....... ..i.J...... Workman & Chrismon goods. ..!....... Wra v John. i . Watiington Barney cutting wood..." Ward Gaston w drugs ana mea; Wharton J W lime. 7 .......i. Walker W B. Welch JC livery..., waiceneia mow co trooas....... .h.--- YatiRS Wm work, i ...... i . ..4. . . . . 1 . i Total.. 74 29 18 46 36 4B 1 50 12 00 1 85 3 75 14 41 15 24 5 65 20 00 90 2 00 18 31 11 28 26 76 24 56 fi 17 64 18 58 15 00 18 90 3 50 3 50 10 00 1 50 14 52 6 25 ' 50 12 48 9 00 10 00 32 75 175 39 11 64 2 00 13 08 9 00 12 58 16 58 62 07 1 60 19 69 12 36 9 00 25 10 12 84 50 i 00 ' 32 0 1 50 1 50 1 75 15 00 79 23 14 28 11 1 15 65 16 48 2 00 116 00 - 9 00 15 24 2 00 92 09 1 30 1 20 , 1 50 19 50 2 56 2 20 I 88 1 00 187 50 34 00 8 76 1 45 12 50 19 75 3 45 2 50 12 45 59 a; 2 75 Knight N M hay Lewis J A- C smith work Leonard ;m cimk...;...; Lindley 2? to re Co supplies...... . Moore D W, do Mendenhall S H & Co shoes..... Millis J H Odell Hdw Co whbs and gxxl... Ottenburgh J A smith work Parks John Pickard T M & Co sups Peirce FIA civeng....;. Ragan V H 3c Co tent Richardson Dr W J med at...... Richardjn & Farris druVs Scott J W & Co sups Standard Oil Co oil ..J... Smith S V H goods Smith J G lumber .....i .., Stanley R H guard and foreman. Simms John K con prisoners..... CWll L. Smith Lee S & Co sups Shaw James guard Spoke and Bending W Tucker C L ..... Vanstory C M & Co-. . Wheeler O C Walker & Cude suns... t W .1 . . .. 1 MU u UIUgSHIIU IUPII,,,.. WakeHcJd Hdw Co goods'. Wyrick J A guard and foreman... V-attJE do do..... WplkerWjC do Wyatt HA.. Youst Chas. Iddings Frank.......;.... .. f22 7 . . 47 hf .. 12 40 ... 4W M .. 2-V tfi . . 70 (11 5(W -2 228 H . . 2 50 ... 48 UJ .. 51 1J .. .100 .. 115 55 .v- 7 W . . 2 00 .. 712 HI . . :sj 54 w. 20 20 .. 3 5i) . . ' 55 W .. :kj a .. 4 r . . 585 82 ' 2 1 .. 6 10 .. . 12 50 6 50 11 71 .. 2:16 81 5 i . Xtl i .. 1-W 05 .. 1U ; 80 . 12 15 . 15 :w . 29 1 H78I M Thei following property was bought during the year and is, now in use. viz.: Four mules. 2 wagons and 2 sets double harness, S46CT25. 4 . j T- ROADS AND BRIDGES. Armfield X S........ Amick A G repairing iieeson (J r . do Bowman W E do Burton J C building and material. Busick T repairs... Cain; Fear MfgCo Iumlier.... Daniel Hdw Co nails Eagle Furnituret'o.;... Edgerton J H repairs.. Edgerton W J Iumler Farlow Spencer lumler.... ' Gordon R P repairs Greensboro S & 11 Co.... I Gilmer J II rebuilding... Guilford Lumtter Co lutnlcr..' Hardin C 11 High Point HdwCo.... L- High Point Enterprise print'g notices tiougm 1.......... Jackson A R repairs JohnsHn J II Little John j 1 m 5 50 4 U) 5 (JO 71 15-75 10 (T . 39 96 i 6 Oil i 1 08 11 76 :) 1 u 8 T 3 14 5 DO M M 10 75 i 50 4 00 :r 58 1 VI Love William.. 314 70 .$1,841 33 ... J-..L ROAD CONVICT ACCOUNT. Armfield Ridge & ickory goods Austin Mfg Co plow material.. i.. leeson C S sups. ... . Iroiwn James. , lertrman H Lsupt....... lenrman Lou guard and foreman Iriggs Chas guard..... Bandy Prof J M civ eng f lenbow w j nay. - laUlrurerM H.,.. .f..l Baliinger J F hay... ........ lunch J Ccorn.-i. ; 'aiisej' Add ion guard .....i... Cas? Jackson ! ! Corshie John guard - CookJohn W haj- Ate. Daniel Hdw Co. Dicks Dr D C med at : Donohue J T con prishers Eagle Laundry-Co . Ildgerton G L- : Fox Dr M F rael at Fris FJc H striies-, Ganlner Howard dtugs and med Garrett G A sups. . . . Gordon Dr J R med at Horney Fletcher guard Horner Joe j do. Hardin Jt C sups - Harris J II High Point Hdw Co..- Hohon ' E drugs -. Hiatt Elward guard Uiatt Jc Lamb sups-- . Hill Thos B Julian Milling Co sups--. Keith F M KingJ L&Co tobacwo..-. Kennett J C Keeling J L meat and sups t . . m m i h k f :::!::::::: 53 55 17 U) 11 15 5 97 443 75 117 16 120 40 70 (10 30 UJ 8 75 36 (li 16 44 H) 7-50 . hO 2 :ft 1.50 8 it) 21 OH- W 40 24 W 111 l'-" 24 45 26 ( Jf H 20 VH MJ lki Ul 93 20 11 K 45 44 5 U 50 40 ai 17 6 UO 10 H) 4 15 101 77 68 10 4V4 76 Lee J H-. Motfitt H L McLean A L... Moore J R repairs. Pomona Terra Cotta Co piie for road Ponton Wm . . Pitts & Bain lumler 7:.... Rankin A C repairs on bridge. Kagsdaie Jfc Smith Schoollleld J R Snow Lumler Co lumlx-r... Stafford D I Spence T O. Wharton J M & Co Walker P G W Wakefield Hdw Co Wheeler O C Wagoner I) ... ,t , 4 75 A 00 4 07 7 hi) 2W 7 . 2 00 17 Dl 25 0) 71 1 hi 24 17 3 V) 7 Z 86 56 1? Hrt i w 4 2& Total. .....i.... ............ I (tEKXKAL EXPENSES. Bj ers M janitor - CFi Y V Ry freight.-.- Cox-Ferre D G Co good .- ..... Daily Record printing... .. Disinfectant Co Edwards & Broughton printing. Greensloro Patriot printing- Greensloro Water Supply Co watr . Greenslioro IkKk Ston stationery Jkc Greensboro Gas & K LCoga..'. GreenslK)rr Ice Coal Co ice. High Point Enterprise printing Hcxigin I'egram dc Co ....... Manner W S , Hastings.! . work on sewer Kirkman A G work lor county King R K attorney ...... Kirkman . fi copying tC. tax liit. ' Porter J A wrk on court hou v.' Pickard T M Jt Co bucket Hagan Ed L elk sup'r ct- .T: - Recce Jt Elaiu Siutherii Ity Co freight on coa! Scott J W A: Co good ......... Stone J J printing ' Smith F F chair tor Judge Thouias C F printing Telejfrarn Pub Co printitur notice' Teague W J tat caUMiJator Wilson John N attornej- Wharton Iln goods WakeJSc -Id Hd w 0 . . . ; Walker'Evan Jc Cogswell record- Wharton Jc McA lister inon ct hoiw.. Whit ice I'phrara work onct Imu- Young X eiden rccorl Ac lor elk 1 1 Zimmerman J R21-S tonttal - i Total- . ......... JAIL ACCOCNT ).'7. rnif5eld lUdire A: Vickorv hlankets. Bennett J T con prisoner i- Revi 11 W y guani... r Chri-nion J Ri Bro gi-1. Crouch R H con prisoner Cunningham Hhm cal -.... . Coble J M con prisoner ) Dawson James guard Gardner Howard drug Grceson L F con priner .$LJ4 :rt S 110 25 VK 42 1 H 25 15 U) m 58 ' tVt 25 50 (t :b if . Hi w 5 91 !) S" 4' :5 1 2 U'H : : I I"' j II V 10 25 11 10 51 ,.fK ' ! " ' ;n ' 5 . '." ii r 21 tut " .' , 1 - 24 in : 11 Vl 1 r: 50 : 75 2 ) 4i 21 ti Continued on. Page X ; ( i " -'.! : ' t ' I I ! ' . - - : v : 1 M -H 'J :- i i . : I -