TIPtT hTTTTV A TT TT Tr TX T fN THV 0TT ?1 A P ii ntt- -rr ' ! y Wi tt htv W W K h- VW : T. j JJJ Ji IL'dLlf n w 1 1 ii-vn inwvwy h .-tm ji,liv; j 0 ISETtJ. I GBEENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1698. I I wv i q f: - -r i t r - i i - i '-'..t'. i . PROFESSIONAL CARDS t i DrVW orncE I RICHARDSON. 1 KATZ BUILDING. GASTON ST. . W- H. BROOKS, !io tks Building, f .. ? r TE BEN'BOff IIOUSEJ . C. LOCAIi NEWS ITEMS. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Styers, of Ger manton, honored us -with a call last Royster has a change of ad. in this Wednesday. They were on their way to Norfolk to attend the Southern Bap tist Convention. i j ! BSALL, EL D., PHYSICIAN AND SUROEOM. " A-rirF - It n Court Square. - KKMIiENCt: : 04 Asheboro St. 05.ce Ilouifs, 11:30 to 1; 3 to 4:30. " TELEPHONE NO. 17- 1 Issue. . . , Mr. J. F. Jordan is off on a trip' to New York. The banks were closed yesterday Memorial day. I s Col. W. S. Rankin is again reported dangerously ill. -". . J Mrs. W.E.Stone has returned from a visit to Norfolk. Mayor J. E. Cole, of Ramseur, was in the city yesterday. Prof. J, A. Holmes, of Chapel Hill, was here Sunday night. Only $150 to Raleigh and return Saturday. Train leaves at 7.50. j . Capt. Schenck's military company Go with the Greensboro excursion The great sacrifice sho sale at the Carolina Shoe Co.'a continues. The entire stock is going at and below cost. Children's shoes are selling from 12 cents up ; ladies' Oxford ties 42 cents up; mens' dress shoes 7a cents up. Two Deaths at Providence. miss juaiinda Reynolds died at her ni of s&flsxa ?0 affirm stturd ness. She was -buried at Provide r convenon to arrange Democratio Convention. A goodly number of the Democrats cemetery Friday at It a. m. to Raleigh Saturday. Manager Bo- Two pairs of shoes can now be bought Dougan Cox, of liberty, conducting jrart will made i for see the that every provision Is safety and comfort of Rev. age those on his train. r The Ladles' Aid Society of Cen- tenary church will give a strawberry and Ice cream supper school room on Thursdy night, the 12th. Everybody Is invited. j : .! - ' j Mr. E. P. Wharton's horse ran away Sunday morning, throwing from the buggy two colored, women who were driving it. (One of the women was considerably bruised up. 1 for the ordinary price of one pair. Mr. Norris, the, manager, invites you to attend this great sale. Mail Carrier Hilton is laid up with a sprained ankle and is off duty for the . j . f 1U I t in the Sunday ur" "en;igou years, a recoruseiuom ing about 5 o'clock. Saturday he ate a equaieu. xxe invanaDiy reiuses iu ac- heartv dinner but shortlr h tnM )hm the funeral. She was 73 years of and a lifelong member of the' Friends church.. Uncle Hiram Wilson died at his home near Providence Sunday morn- K. L. STAMEY, 31. D. H : i?BSIDEN"CT3 s : ' ' ; 1 i S3 Q 3si3.t2a. TTI-m. St. -i: 4 j: pFnCEi .At : Dr. 1 E. VYCHE, i ENTisT, drilled on Market street last night, j The Second regiment, to which our C. M. Vanstory & Co. are making company is attached, has been assigned war on high prices. See their new ad. to coast defense duty. All the compa- 1 Rev. L. Johnson is at Norfolk at- mes or tne regiment nave Deen oraerea tending the Southern Baptist Conven tion.. .. j Our foreman, Will Turner, is on the sick list, threatened with pneu monia. ' j Dr. B. W. Best, from Goldsboro, has located here for the practice of medicine. . ' with bis family, returning to Raleigh P0lte MoAdoo House. His work is ;r , . t. 1 first class and prices reasonable. 1 1. cepc me annual leave grantea LDCe grand-son he believed oam s employees xne nrsc error isyei dying and was to be charged up to him. Will .Logan, colored, is acting as substitute carrier, in the absence of an available sub. under the civil service rules. - Dr. W. H. Brooks, of this city, was that he j was unnconctous. 1 1 cause i age soon Old age and paralysis were the of his deatbvHe was 180 lyears of and tne oldest man in the community. His remains were interred at Provi dence Monday at 3 p. m. Rev. Dou- one of the sixty-two successful appli- gan Cox conducted the services. Mr. cants for license to practice medicine Wilson had. often expressed his will- in North Carolina at the meeting of ingness to go and was only waitinsr to Raleigh for drill and equipment. Do you want a new carpets or nice window curtains this spring? Thacker & Brockmann's have just -opened up new lines of these gooda and wilt make you some very low prices on them. For neat printing of any kind you' will do well to see E. L. Tate, the new job printer, in the M. P. building, op- the State Medical Society at Charlotte last week. He made a general average of 97.75 In a possible 100, the highest mark, we -believe, ever granted any candidate before the board. It is an honor of which he may well be proud Captain Gray's company was the t E member of .t m.9 Tf-W m tne iime. nenaa oeen a the Friends' church all his life. -Mrs. F. M. Bumpa8s Dead. 'The death of Mrs. F. M. Bum pass, whose critical illness was mentioned in our last issue,1 was announced Sun day at noon. Her funeral took place first to muster in the Second regiment. Monday at West Market street church, shouId be CMt' ,ul FBBWfon in tbe approaching State, Congressional and Judicial con-ventidns. After a call to order by Mavor Nel. son, Mr. John C. Kennett was elected chairman and Mr. Z. V. Taylor secre tary, representatives of the Democratio press being invited to act as assistant secretaries. The plan of organization was read by Secretary Taylor, after which a motion was adopted providing for the presentation of the names of any can didates for the different ofilces. In re sponse to this motion Mr. J.M. Burton, placed in nomination forjudge Mr D. Schenck, Jr. The same honor was conferred upon Mr. T. J.Shaw by Mr. yr.p. Wharton Seconding speeches were made by various friend of each of these gentlemen. lnere being no other nomlnatons. representatives of the various town ships were requested to assemble IiT different parts of the west room and determine among themselves in whoso favor the votes of their townshin .3ic n Savings Bank Building, tji Elm street. Greensboro, N.TJ. Dr. J! H. WHEELER, ! I pKFUCE : Op. Ward's -I- i 4 f " ' " Dr. Wl H; Wakefield, Drug Store. v;wf Charlotte, will be in lireens- L'prtr ih MfAdoo Hoiise on Thurs- Vpril 'th. j PKACtICi: LIMITED rvp: Ear. Xose and Throat. TO Monday night. j Mr. W. L, Frazier is at Raleigh at tending a meeting of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. I Messrs. J. A. Curtis and T. J. Roach, of Climax, were among our callers yesterday. . T 1 Go to the lawn party at Mrs. Bal lard's Friday evening. It is for the benefit of the firemen. . , Mr. R. W. Brooks is making ex tensive improvements about his resi dence on the South Side. I i . j I; Several Greensboro attorneys ap peared in causes before the supreme court at Raleigh this week. J ! Dr. Ledbetter was re-elected coun- No war Brockmann's! prices prices at You will Thacker & find I their E. L. Gilmer is first and John S. Cator second lieutenant. Fourteen men fail ed on the final physical examinations, but the company was filled .with re cruits from other places. John A. Gilmer, Sherley Pearce, Joe Pender prices on all sorts of dry goods and and John Otterburg, of this city, were shoes lower than ever before and also a larger and better stock to select from. Rev. W. L. Grissom and wife, have returned from a visit to the eastern 1 1 part of the State, accompanied by Mrs. E. W. Ayres and daughter, Miss Nona, will spend some AV.crseyTasi Csunsollor at Law, - - r i 1 SAVINGS BANK BCIMHSG, i i OZiEEILTSBOIEO, 35T. C. P. D. SATCHWELL, txr nhrslrJan nt the last regular meet- Robert- Dick DOUglaS, lng of the county commissioners. 1 i .. President Helver is at Statesvllle today making the literary address at the graded school commencement. Mr. Dan Ramseur, of Lincolnton, A:t m. v f. r People's Fire Cents Savings Bank. ahd MiS8 Kate Low, of Whitsett, visit ed friends in Greensboro last Friday, J Ladies' cloth-top tan-and black ox ford ties, very handsome, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75, at Thacker & Brockmann's. ! President E. A. Alderman, of the University, was here Saturday on his return homeward from a European tour. ' ! - j A heavy storm, with considerable wind and rain, visited this county Thursday evening. Hall fell in several places. , Attorney at lawi OFFICE MOld Keelet Building, i : 1 ! - I ! 1 (Greensboro, N; C. CHAS.! ! - i - LI, STEDLIAN, I- I ATTORNEY AT LAW, ) 1 3Iendenhall Building, GREEX.SBORO, - 4- Cfc Mr. H. W. Cobb and family, I of Danville, Va spent Sunday and Mon day here with their relatives and many friends. Will Thomas, delivery clerk for Chrismon Bros., bruised up in a Thursday. J Mr. J. II. Johnson has purchased the grocery stock of Hobbs & Aired, at was ' considerably runaway accident T.i.SHAW. ! A. M. SCALES. SILUV & SCALES, : GREENSBORO, IN. C. ' 'ff-it at ten'tVun given to all business. Office s W harton lir.-.JUing, No. U7 Court Square. i VEVMM, 41. BYNCM,JR. Z.V.TAYLOR. : i h s BYNUM, IBYNUM & TAYLOR, tlieold Steele corner, and will carry on ; . -1 I S i tha knlnp. 1 fA:t:n97s jci Counsellors at Law. 106 COtTRT SGiXJ-AE- j BEACHAM, it 1 r ' 1 m mm ana JBuiiaer. the business. ; . Ladies' tan laced shoes, all sizes from 3 to 8, in latest styles, at $1.00, $1.19, $1.39, $1.69 and $2.00, at Thacker & Brockmann's. arcmiect OSce iri ; I j G?EENSB )dd Fellows RO, - r-' Building, N. C. 1 J. T ! J0HNS0X, TI(K GREENSBORO WE SPECIALIST, . ;OUTH ELM ST. Exanuiiatiou Free. 1 MIoriuj S a. m. to 12.30 p.m.. 2 to6p.m. iSTONJE t;;-1 .! I : 4 : L . i.l i t j. .V. r;;l Capt. Gladstone's company, the Reidsville Rifles, will not join the Sec ond regiment, owing to some sort of a misunderstanding. i Children's and infants' slippers and soes of all kinds, shapes, colors and sizes, at Thacker & Brockmann's, very cheap for cash. , ! Dr. J. E. Wyche is at Fayetteville attending a meeting of the North Car- na Dental Sociaty. He is one of the icians for this session. The members of the High Point band were resplendent in new uni forms at the Battle Ground Friday. They make a nice appearance. lA great special sale of China straw mattings is advertised by Dobbin & Ferrall at attractive prices. They are delivered freight paid. See ad. Prof. Chas. L. Paper lectured on 1 in t '"The Queen's Diamond Jubilee" before 1 pI'ECIALTIES: f u ra te AVork. Low Prices fcr;. Work, Hand Bills, rosters, s Catalogues Wedding Rations, c.V.fcc. i T 1 1 f TlIE PlRINTER. ! the Epworth League of West Market t Street church Monday evening. . M. G. Newell Is unloading two car loads of buggies today, making five cars so far this year. -These buggies were bought and built last winter. " ! if you want any kind of dress goods, from 4-cent Scotch lawns up to the finest henriettas and serges, don't fail to look through Thacker & Brock mann's line before making the purchaser t H EEUFULLY FURNISHED. Mi J. STONE, (iKEEX3BORO, K. C. of Washington, who time here. ' 1 ; 1 People who buy close and look the town oyer before they turn a dollar loose, tell us that we beat them ail on men's shoes. And it's a fact, j You don't get such shoes for the price any where else as we sell at $1 25, $1.50 and $3.00.' ' ; ; I j ' '. j , D. Bendheim & Sons advertise a sensational sale! of new silks this Week. They give you the price and descrip tion in their ad. Black silks, black dress goods and special offerings of commencement necessities are also mentioned. i Mr. William T. Gray, of Win ston, was nominated last week to be assistant paymaster of the navy. Mr. ,Gray was educated at the naval academy and has been employed in the Navy department at Washington for the last three years. . j Dr. Lacy Wharton, of Smithfield, stopped over on his return from Char lotte last week to visit his father, Mr. W. D. Wharton, and other friends. With his wife, who bad been visiting here for a couple of weeks prior to his arrival, he returned home the first of the week. " j . A charminz story of the French Broad country is ."Justus's Palace" contributed to The Youth's Compan ion for the week of May 5th. I North Carolinians will be interested in know ing that the author who writes 'over the signature "Margaret Johann" is Miss Alice Morgan, of Brevard. j A lawn party is to be given by the firemen at Mrs. Ballard's Friday even ing to raise money to pay the expenses of Greensboro's running team at the Charlotte races May 21. Our firemen deserve abundant encouragement and they should be liberally patronized. There isn't a more efficient department in the State. . M The war has advanced many of the staple articles of food. Everybody who has bought provisions lately j has had this fact impressed on their minds repeatedly. Mr. Phoenix In his new ad. tells you he stocked up before! the war and is prepared to sell goods at what others are paying. See what he says.' ; , ; I' . 'j j ... The Danville Dramatic Club came over on a special train Monday morn ing and presented "My Friend From India" at the Academy of Music in the evening. A good-sized audience was present and the play was well recei ved. A reception was tendered the visitors at the Benbow before their train left for home at midnight. Mr. A. C. Rankin was on the streets Thursday exhibiting a German carp weighing over sixteen pounds which he caught in his mill race, a few miles east of the city, that morning. Ordi narily people have eome difficulty in convincing others that they really caught a sixteen pound fish, but Mr. Rankin's proof was too positive to be questioned. j I Landreth's fresh and reliable Gar den Seed for sale by Howard Gardner. uruggist, corner Greensboro. among those who failed to pass the ex amination. Mr. J. J. Otterburg, whose aU tempted suicide was noted in our last issue, died Thursday night about ten o'clock from the result of his self- inflicted injuries. At one time his re covery seemed almost assured. His remains were interred at Greene Hill cemetery Friday evening. It Is said that for several weeks prior .to his death he had been in a depressed state death is a great loss to her church, her Rev. S. H. Billiard, in the absence of Dr. Weaver, conducting! the service, which was largely attended. Mrs. Bumpass was known throughout the South as one of the leaders in Metho dist circles. She was born (Sept. 2G, 1S9S. After the death of her i husband, Rev. S. D. Bumpass, she took. up a por tion of the work he laid down and car ried it on for many years.! She was, the first president of the Woman's Board of Missions of the M. E. Church South, and had attended every session -since its organization some twenty years ago. Her health failed during j the winter. Three of her four children survive jher Rev. R. F. Bumpass, Mrs.'R. P. Troy and Miss Eugenia H. Bumpass. Her of mind owing to straightened finan cial circumstances. Jim Copeland, who shot Sam Gor rell during a row here several weeks ago, was before Mayor Nelson Monday for a preliminary hearing and was put under bond for his appearance at the next term of court. Another charge, that of carrying concealed weapons, has also been entered opposite his name on the Superior court docket. Gorrell was able for the first time Monday to appear as a witness against Copeland. Both men are colored. The Glenn Manufacturing Co., re cently organized here, has located in the leaf house, near the dpot, recently occupied by H. C. Berger & Co., and thirty sewing machines and two spe cial machines have already been put in. These will be tested tomorrow tor tne first time. Mr. Frank M. Brown, of Elberton, Ga., the superintendent, is busy getting everything in shape to begin work as soon as material arrives, which will be within the next few days. The company will begin on overalls. v- Mrs. M. A. Harris, formerly a res ident of High Point, died at the resi dence of her son-in-law here, Mr. M. K. Calium, Tuesday evening of last week, aged nearly seventy years. She bad been in poor health for several months from the, effects of a fall and her death was not unexpected. She was a faithful christian all her life and had many friends. Her funeral took family and friends, woman never lived. A nobler type of Municipal Officers Chosen. Some wisely suggested the advisabil ity going Into the judical conven tion wl$h only one candidate for the judgeship, and as soon as he could get the floor in the discussion which fol lowed, Mr. Shaw announced that he would prefer to see the candidate re. ceiving a majority of the votes about to be cast carry the solid vote, of the county into the Durham convention. Mr. Schenck stated that he was not at that moment willing to agree to such a proposition, as the vote here would not necessarily determine the result in the judicial convention. The plan of organization providing that each can didate from Guilford should receive in the judicial convention that propor tion of the vote cast for him In the county convention, he insisted on the regular order. His position was per haps misunderstood by some, but It was perfectly tenable. The strongest point made by the opposition was that At an adjourned meeting of the new board of aldermen Friday evening, the candidacy of anyone from Guilford all the members being present, the Va- would be vastly strengthened by the rious offices at the disposal of the prestige of a solid vote board were filled after the plan pre scribed in the city charter. The sal aries and tax collector's commiss on remain as they were last year. Alderman Neil Ellington was unan imously chosen city treasurer; Mr. R. M. Rees was likewise chonen tax collector and chief of police. There were ten applicants for posi tions on the police force, yizi : W J. Weatherly, W. A. Scott, M. A. Whit tington, Arthur Jordan, R. E. Pearce, J. R. Jeffries, Flavius Keith, V. W. King, D. F. Buslck and A. B. White. Five were to be elected and the first ballot showed that Messrs. Weatherly, Scott, Whittington. Jordan and Pearce had each received majority of the During the discussion several motions were made and finally with drawn, among them one to send unln structed delegates to the judicial con vention, but when the vote was taken it was with the understanding. that it would be in strict accordance with the plan of organization. . r The vote as cast upon a roll call of the townships was as follows: Shaw...... C6 I Schenck ..................... 41g I It was decided to leave the selection -of delegates to the conventions to a committee composed of Messrs. J. II. Gilmer, J. C. Bunch, R. R. King, John N. Wilson, J. R. McCulloch and Z. V. Taylor, and after the convention ad- J I - . A. t I . . . If votes. They were all on the force last I journea me cQmmuin. ui at air. year. ; 1 I Messrs. J. R. Jeffries, R. J. Allen, A. B. White and D. F. Busick were applicants for the position of sanitary officer. Mr. Jeffries was re-elected on the second ballot. Mr. John S. Michaux was . re-elected clerk of the board. Mr. Sam Brown was re-elected street superintendent. King's office and prepared the lists. c - - which comprsie In all, with the altern ates, are three hundred names. Ex cept as to the judicial convention the delegates go uninstructed. A special committee of five, upon which the chair appointed 3fessrs. R. R. King, W. R. Land, Z. V. Taylon J. H. Gilmer and W. M. JJarber, was commissioned to prepare resolutions' Following is their report : "Be it resolved; by the Democrats of In conformity to the recommenda- - -1 1 I. . A. f . A. -11 nlace at Hiirh Point, conducted bv rnons 01 me nreaepartment ine iouow- Rev. E. W. Smith, in the absence of ing officers for that organization were Guilford county in Convention assem her pastor, Rev. Dr. Weaver. Three appointed by Mayor Nftlson : bled, W. R. Pleasants; engineer,' W. H. Thomas ; assistant engineer, J. tJad bott. ' J j Applicants for j keeper of the city One night last week someone stole a big red arm chair -from the porch of Mr. J. j W. httsett, on Arlington street. The following night a large black rocking chair was stolen from the residence of Mr. J. D. Burcb, on East Washington street. Now if some philanthropic citizen will leave a bed stead, cookstove and piano where this clock were Messrs. J. M. Rosenblatt and M. Royal Farrar. The former was elected keeper, j. j Mr. W. L. Frazier resigned as a member of the board and filed an ap- start to housekeeping with little addi tional expense. Mr. Whitsett will pay a reward for the return of his chair or any information that will lead to the arrest of the thief. v opposite postoffice, enterprising thief can get them he can plication for the position of cemetery superintendent. The other applicants were James Duffy, Walter Green and Geo. H. Ward. Mr. Frazier was elect- : - - -i-i ed. His term of office was fixed at three years. I I Attention, Company. Mr. J. F. Jordan offered to donate Mr. W. F. Bogart advertises an ex- land for a city park and a committee cursion to Raleigh and return, yia the composed of Aldermen Merrimon, Bo C. F. & Y. V. and S. A. L, railways, on gart and Bain was appointed io corifer Saturday, May 14th. The schedule and with Mr. Jordan in regard to the mat fare will be found in his big ad. on an- teT' , . '! ' J . , , . Alderman Mendenhall was appointed other page. We don't need to tell you to serve on the special committee on this will be a trip with attractions the chaneine the Battle Ground roadj vice like of which are presented only once Mr. Frazier resigned or twice in an average lifetime. This generation has never before seen the country on a war basis and it is not likely such conditions will again exist in the next half a century. Go and see the Greensboro boys in camp. The various standing committees of the board will be announced bv Mayor Nelson at the next regular meeting. We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleas anter or better way to do I It that by recommending One Minute Cough Cure Hundreds of other brave patriotic sons as a preventive of pneumonia, consup- of the Old North State are there and a tion and other serious lane troubles splendid pageant will greet your vision, that follow neglected colds. Howard See ad. for full particulars. Gardner. r i That all patriotic citizens must review with regret and shame the de plorable condition into which North Carolina has fallen under the present administration of its affairs. "2. That we pledge ourselves to exact all honorable-means to restore an honest, economical and conservative government in our State, by electing to office men of high character and business ability. . "3. That we cordially invite all Democrats who have heretofore, affil iated with the Populist party, and all others who are in accord with the principles of the Democratic party, to unite with us in convention and at Ltbe polls, to redeem ortn uaronna from the misrule, extravagance and . disgrace to which it is now exposed. "4. We reaffirm our allegiance to the platform of the State Democratic Tjonveuuuu ui How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for anvcase of Catarrh that cannot be cored by UaCJ?CHKNEV CO.. Pro- Toledo. We. the undemjrned. hare known r. J. r.hin for the last 15 jeara, anl believe him all busine transaction!. ao.lv knnnratile in and financially able to carry out any obligation. mwz3T741TirArx?WholesAle Drug ita, Toledo, 0Waldiko. Kisa Maavix, WhoJeaale D:71'eHXVe i. taken Internally, actinr diractlr nDon tlie blood and mucous anrfaca of hi.tmPrice :5c. per bottle. Sold by all drnggisu. Teatimonial free.

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