r . "i .- !...-. . . ' i . ': i ,i - ; . .- . . v ' m . .: . . . - . . j ; ' : - ;- . - ! : ' .; ' . . ' - . ; ; ; . ... - . , : - jl. 77.! j ' :'j GREENSBORO, N. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1898. J.i S ; . N0 34. - pgOFESSIONAL CARDS. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. THE DEAL CLOSED TODAY. 4 RICHARDSON. KATZ BUILDING. 615 Wl GASTON ST. is Dr. W. H. BROOKS, ! - - ! ' t - - N.C. -1, 1 ! IF. BEALL, LI. D., - i I i . PHYSICIAM AND SUROEOFI. ,riicr- U7 C0"" square. ; .ff vrslfENCE: 404 Asheboro St. yce Ucirs,'l(:30 to 1; 3 to 4:30. '!rr TELEPHONE NO. 17- r i L. STA3IEY; M. D. j i ; i S30 SoVLt23."El3aa. St. 1 1 OFFICE ; - ' ! i I i. suns; & Grlssca's Dnig Store. Judge Adams was io the city yes terday. Mr. W. W. King, of Danbury, here this week. - . - 1 The Davidson College students re turned last week. Mr.C. II. Ireland, has gone tb New York on a business trip. See tbe announcement of Guilford College in another column. . Fire insurance! Read Boyd & Glenn's card on another page. Constable Dave Scott was at ttnirtnn naatfiri)ir All flliolnofil Mrs. A. M. Scales left today for Wilmington to spend the summer. t . - L Call on E a trie Foundry Co. for Wheeler & Meleck threshers and re pairs. .. , j 2t. A. J.T Fair, of Walnut Cove, has been Granted a patent on a tobacco- steamer. Messrs. J. J. Stone and C. P.'Sapp tbe deserter from Company C, of ond Regiment. At the meetinz of the board of al derman Friday evenin: Mr. A. M Scales was re-elected city attorney without ODDOsition. His salary i was fixed at $300 per year.; The State Normal and Industrial College is represented in our advertis ing columns this week. The announce ment of this institution should be read carefully by everyone. Tbe Bee Hive's new ad. on another page contains a long list of prices: that will give our readers an idea of the way goods are sold at tnis popular store. Don't fail to read it. Whitt Stone, an employee at1 J. J. Stone's job printing office, had a foot mashed in a job press Saturday. Only a few months agohe had his other foot mashed in a similar manner. I Mrs.H.W. Wharton went to Wilson 1 ! were at Wrightsville the latter part of I Friday to spend a month at her old Chief of Police Wall, of Morgan- The Colored State Teachers'Associ- j . 1 - x: - ton, passed through here for Raleigh ation convened here yesterday for a yesterday with an eighteen-year-old session of one week. State Superin- The Greensboro Furnace ComDany tenaent Mebane, fror. uoimes, Prof. Sec- Bur- E. VYCHE, 1)ENTIST, uce in OfHcE: Op. yard'8 Drug Store. ri 1 1 1 " H. savings Hani Building, 1 i 1 th Lid street, Greensboro, N. C. WHEELER, .1 nTrrTarT1 itr'-T- 1 1" the week. Mr. L. W. Crawford, Jr one of the i graduates at Trinity College, has re turned home, i T A modern flower house. 23x103 feet, is in course of construction at the Po mona nurseries, j Dr. Mclver and Prof. Joyner, left vesterdav for Asheville to attend-the - r Teacher's Assembly. Prof. Geo. II. Crowell has been re elected superintendent of tbe mign Point graded schools. Tbe Greensboro Hardware I Co. al- vertises the celebrated OsborneColum- bia mower in this issue. Capt. P. D. and Mrs. Price have returned from Madison and will re main in the city some time. The Postal Telegraph Company t,. a,i rn House on -Friday. Ihn ahont romnleted arransrements to extend its lines to this city. i 1 The C. F. & Y". V. railway will Ftp. Ear. Nose and Throat, carry an excursion. from Wilmington to Greensboro next Monday. Messrs. J. R. Pitts and O. V. Mon- . . m A. 1 1 roe nave iormea a pannersmp iw en gage in the lumber business.. : President Alderman, of the verslty, spent last night in the He was on his way to Asheville. The Greensboro base ball club gees to Concord Thursday ior a series 01 games with the club at that place. John Barker bas about completed home. She was accompanied by her sister. Miss Sallie Graves, who has been a student at the G. F. C. Poteat and other prominent educators will lend their assistance toward mak ing this the most successful session in tne history of the association. v ; Prof; Chas. J. Brockmann's card in another; column conveys the informa tion that he will tune pianos during vacation for $2 50. He will go out of town at slightly advanced rate. Prof. Brockmann's proficiency in this branch of his work is so well established as to need no comment. Call on or write 1 . ... ..... him. - Mr. Wilmer Tanner and Miss An nie Bradley, of Richmond, Va., were united in marriage here by Rev. Dr. Weaver ; Monday evening at tbe resi dence of the bride's sister, Mrs. N. L. Hall, on Schenck street. . After a visit here and at Asheville they will take a trip north, returning to make their home in Richmond, Two of the cases at this term of - . court implicated a number of men in gambling. As the judge saw fit to let the offenders off with the costs their Sells Its Plant and nines to a f New York Company. We understand that a deal has been closed whereby tbe Greensboro Far nace Comnanv's valuable nronerfv here, including the Ore Hill mines, is acquired by W. H. Houghton and bis associates, of New York, who have had a check the purchasers, the money being Drank a Fatal Draught. One of the saddest accidents that hit been reported through these columns in recent years befell the bright little sixteen-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Elam last Saturday morn ing. The family was occupied in mov ing to their new residence on Forbla street. Among the things to be moved was a medicine chest.! It was taken from a closet and left for a moment within the reach of the little fellow. aiier. wun childish an option on the property for some picked a small bottlefrom It andraised time. The papers have been deposited it to his lips. A scream of pain attract to await the receipt of a check from ed the mother's attention and the on glance that the child had swal- deposit in a New York bank. It is the 77 7 ," we" M 8pUIe1 . . 80me ot the terrible fluid about his intention, we understand, to put tbe clothing. The family physician, Dr! plant In operation at the earliest pos- Beall, was summoned j and within a sible moment. This means much for ver7 ew minutes reached the little Greensboro. We have no doubt that 8Dfferer doing all in his power to re lieve ine latter pain.' The external Mr. J.-H, names are withheld, but they will not Rankin, of Allemance, again fare so well in court or at the Mr. Houghton's electric light and street car system proposition made the city some time ago, will be revived, as he had said It was a secondary matter to the purchase of the steel and iron plant. . jh WL Hi Wakefield, yr iChklrlotte, will be In Greens- at tlic JtMth.: PElCTiCE LIMITED TO Robert Dick attsse? aai Csaaseucr at Law, 1 1 .1 ! SAVINGS BANK BUILDING, Douglas, 1 Unl- came np yesterday to visit his brother, Col. W. S. Rankin, who continues in very noor neaitn. uoi Deinz auie 10 take scarcely any nourishment. -1 Col. H. E. C. Bryant, of the Char lotte Observer staff, is making Greens boro his headauarters this week and conducting quite an active campaign throughout the 8uroundingterritoy. Mr. W. B. Beacham has tne i con- tract for-remodeling the nre engine house so as to meet the requirements of the department. The work is well un der wav and will be completed in a few clays. Hay rakes and mowers are needed by the farmers at this season of the year. JVi. u. JNewen sens ine iiger and Gran ere r rakes and McCormick mowers. His new ad. will Interest most of our readers. Mr. Frank Gerry and Miss Min- chia Black, of South Greensboro, were married last Thursday by 'Squire J. A. Pritchett. The bride Is only fourteen- The hands of tbe press Jf their offense is re peated.. ; Officer Scott deserves credit for working up the cases. Messrs. E. G. Newcpmb, J. R. Co ble, E. G. West, R. P. Gorrell, S. J. McCauley and B. J. Fisher have filed applications for renewals of their liquor licenses. New applications were filed by Braxton Armand and C. II. Coble. They will be acted upon at the next meeting: of the board of alder- injuries were severe; there was no means of determining; the extent , of the internalj ,nJuIes. The child's throat was so swollen j that ordinary remedies could net be applied. He lingered through the day to midnight, when Death came. His funeral The Superior court convened last occured Sunday afternoon, conducted Thursday at noon and with a few ex- by Rev. Dr. Weaver, assisted by Rev. ceptions the criminal docket has been Dr. Smith. Many of the friends of the disposed of. Fifteen or twenty re- family were present. The grave of the cruits tor the'road force, all. convicted dear child was covered with beautiful of minor offenses, Is about the extent flowers. Unbounded sympathy was of the docket. Robert Johnson, col- expressed for the grief-stricken par ored, convicted of the robbery of j Van? ents. It is not the first time that story's store, was sentened to three Death has robbed them of a little one, but the circumstances make this be reavement all the harder to bear. years in the penitentiary, jury failed to flnda true b The grand 11 against J. M. Coble, the officer who recently shot May God comfort and sustain them men, and finally by the county com- a neSro In the southeastern part of the until their family is reunited around i: rht-y for People's Five CenU Savings Bank. ft DJ FICE : SATCHWELL, Attorney at Iaiv. dty yeara old and tlie Sroom twenty. necessary cuusuut was giveu. Mr. John A. Young, proprietor of M . m .-.( the Greensboro Nurseries, has a new ad. in this issue. . In addition to an endless variety of trees, vines and Old Keklky Building, Itl-eensboroJ N. C. 1 - nlanta hecalls attention to his herd of . t . j 111 I 1 ;t a nice new eignwoom uweiuK f registered Poland China hogs. : ul ilia uiauianuu, j , I n U Vti.fn. ' A Pna Kannraln al. v augiui j u vv. o ft " to an (BAS. m STEDHAN; I i . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mer denhall Building, ono, - t n.c. A. M. SCALES. SIU)V & SCALES, Mr. George Blake has gone Blowing Rock to recuperate after illness of several weeks' duration.' 1 1 ' A magnificent new onyx-j soda fountain has displaced the old one at Ward's drug storeJ It is a beauty. , Mrs. R. G. Vaoghn, Mrs: HamTa turn and Mrs. Walter Rankin and chil dren are visiting friends at Madison 1 i Mr. a. II. Rovster has about re- " 1 . 1 . covered from an attack of la grippe counter contains two Hundred suits that will be sold at less than cost. They are all new goods, but from bro ken lots, and are almost as much bother as they are worth. Ask to see them. The assignee's sale of G. H. Roy- ster's stock of goods began yesterday This stock consists of shoes, slippers, bats, caps, clothing, dry goods land dress sroods in fact, everything sold See in a first class dry goods store. ttoi?XLivrS ab XjQTW that kept him indoors for about a week. -jj. in another column. D. Bendbeim & Sons have inaug- urated a great summer clearing sale. GREENSBORO, N. C. -t- Messrs. J. J. Thornton and A. H. Alderman are at Wilmington attending i.t ftrsia, iv.r BYNrMiJK. Z.V.TAVLOR. NUM.lBYNUM & TAYLOR, a meeting of the K. of P. Grand Lodge. They find they have too many summer ' Bob Newlln has secured a ; pardon goods at this time of the season, and and is off the convict force, much to prices , have been cue unmercnuiiy. He will seek a new 4-s7s asd C:nsellcrs at Law. 0'3 COXJTC SG-CT.AJEfcE3- St. Bl BfaACHAM, Architect and Builder. i foe his satisfaction. location. Mrs. T. R. Dillard; of Hillsdale. was in cne city ioaay anu piaceu us under obligations for a much apprecia ted favor. , i The Glenn Manufacturing Co. has just received a new gas engiue that will facilitate the work of the company an many not return to the capita). The way Is to be cleared for their new fall stock. See their new ad. Mr. E. L. Cumbie, of ' Germantcn, who went to Washington recently to act as private secretary to Congress man Kitchin, was here this morning on his way home. He has not been at all well since he left North Carolina trsMiOR 1 ! 1 J.T. I l in Odd Fellows Buildiner. ar - N. C. J0HNS0K I if. IK GREENSBORO r SPECIALIST, I 'j-.'x SO L TH ! E LM ST. ill" -I U 1 ... materially. The list takers for Gilmer and Morehead townships may be found at the grand jury room the balance of this month. r Messrs. Tom McAdoo and Charley Cunningham .went to Morotock, va last week on their wheels to pay a visit to relatives. Children's day will be observed atr Moriah on the fourth bunday of this month. Services will begin at 10 o'clock A. M. Wanted I wantto buy all sorts of North Carolina relics and curiosities that might be desirable, as souvenirs. Will buy two hundred gourds of yari- ous shapes, from two to four inches in diameter. Geo. W. Pritchett! 24-2t. ' Pinehurst, N.;C. : ; i Among the North Carolinians awarded scholarships for the ensuing year at ionns uopKins university, Baltimore, we find the name of Mr. C. C. Weaver, of this city. Mr Weaver was a student there the past year; and jra. to 11.30 p. m., 2 to 6 p. m. !mi h . -t 1 ( f 1 ill Mrs. W. H. Brooks and daughter I has just returned home to spend yaca- have crone to Raleigh and will remain tion. 1 i High Point Enterprise : Mrs.Phos- be S. Worth, mother of Mr. J.S. Worth, arrived from Greensboro Monday Ac r.vn, he Printer, t T 4 M-tlALTIES: -rate Wo r k. Low Trices. .Ilar.d Bills, rosters, aui.iiues. Wedding HpiiFtLLY FtlRNISUED. J. STONE, GREENSBORO, N. C. with Dr. Brooks until his regiment is ordered elsewhere. " One of our "city" farmers has twenty acres of fine barley that grew morning for a visit to her son. Mrs. in a field seeded with oats. Can any- worth is 91 years old, out is as young one explain this nhenomenon? . in spirit as any of her children. (Her -Mr. W. H. Curtis, editor of the "lends bere are glad to see her looking Madison Observer, with his wife and daughters, went down to Randolpn Air. s. o. waiters, tne union News Friday to visit friends, returning Mon- agent running between Greensboro dav. - and Morehead City, was laid up a few Rev. T. L. Troy, of Durham, and days last week with a sprained back. Mr. W. B. Troy, of -Fayettevllle, were ue is one 01 ine mosi iauniui men in called here the first of the week by the the news company's employ, this being serious illness of their sister, Mrs. H. the first thlme in several years that he I has failed to make his run. missioners. Dobbin & Ferrall, at "Tucker's Store," Raleigh, advertise an immense summer sale of seasonable dress goods, some five thousand yards, that will be sacrificed for good and sufficient rea sons, noted in the ad. Theywould like Patriot readers to send for samples. Tbey are offering great opportunities to summer buyers in every department of their great store. Messrs. R. M. Albright and J. F. Reitzel, two expert telegraphers of this city, have tendered their services to Adjutant General Cowles, who has been instructed by the War depart ment to enlist telegraphers for service under General Merritt in the Phillip pine Islands. If their: services are ac cepted they will leave at once to join the expedition now forming at San Francisco. - ! country. Ceasar Jordan Adams, charged with rape, were not indicted by the grand juryj The civil docket, taken up yesterday, has j ad vanced to the second . case, that of and John Ills throne on high. Yesterday morning about 9 o'clock a pigeon, which later was found to be of the carrier species, flew in the open door of the rear of the postoffice build ing. The employes set to work and j finally captured the bird. Beneath one of its wings, stamped plainly on dif ferent wings, is the name of J. M. Thome, Hanover, Pa. Chief j Clerk Burton has caged the prize and writ ten Mr. Thorn e, asking what disposi tion to make of the bird. , Causey vs. Empire Plaid Mills.. In the first case heard, Sarah Owens vs. South ern Railway, the plaintiff was awardei $500damages. . jj j A farmer living up about Sum merfield came to town one day last week and bought a nice! buggy from one of our local dealers.1 Hitching it on behind his covered wagon he start ed home feeling, no doubt, a justifia ble pride in his recent acquisition. About four miles up the road he ven tured one admiring glance toward the rear and was surprised by the discov ery that his buggy was not there. He hastened back to town, making in quiries of everyone along the way, and was-finally rewarded by finding the vehicle unharmed alongside the road near the cemetery. His j hair didn't turn gray, but there's no telling how near it came to It. 1 ! 1 ! Summer School for Teachers. The University Summer teachers will begin on June School for 21st and The Annual Township Sunday School Convention for Friendship will be held at New Salem. Sunday, June 19, 1S93. These annual, conventions have been kept up for six or seven years. The five schools in the town ship have been running twelve months in each year for five years. The pro gram will consist of songs, recitations, discussions of vital subjects on Sunday school work, and addresses. The pub lic cordially Invited. A. G. Kirkmak, Chm. A. T. Millis, Sec, The clothing firm of Matthews, Chisholm & Stroud entered upon its third year last Friday. The anniver sary ceremonies while very exclusive were in every way appropriate. Will Rees is prepared to furnish the details, but he is so modest he won't let them appear in print, ine nrm nas naa a very successful career. Each month of the past year has shown an increase of business over the month precreed ing, a condition that is gratifying. They will continue their present meth ods, knowing that their patrons have given every evidence of approval. m m The large posters for the Guilford Battle Ground Celebration July 4th are out and being distrubted today. The oration this year will be delivered by Hon, Robert M. Douglas; subject, ttT.lfa anrl -Tlmoc est dfw A loro nrloF Martin."! Several other distinguished gentlemen will be present and make short addresses. Music will be fur nished by the High Ppint Cornet Band. There will be plenty to see, plenty to hear, plenty to eat. Turn out and help make the twelfth annual celebra tion an event that will live in history, like its predecessors. Mr. W. Giles Mebanewill be the marshal of the day. last one month in the University buildings. The most famous teachers in America have been engaged as in structors. Chapel Bill is a delightful summer resort and many teachers are already thers resting in the shade of the majestic oaks, with the' privileges ofthe library and campus. One first- class fare for the round trip has been authoritized on all railroads; tickets to be on sale from June 18th to July 12th, good returning until July 21st. Hecruits Wanted. j r The 2nd Regiment N. C. Volunteer Infantry is instructed to (recruit its companies from 80 to 109 men each. H. J. Watllngton, of ttie Guilford Grays, has opened a recruiting office at Bogart Hall, Greensboro N. C, and will receive recruits and forward them immediately to Raleigh. Transporta tion and all clothing and equipments will be furnished by the .Government. "Those desiring to enlist must report promptly, as it is expected j to require only a few days to secure to full num- ber of recruits desired. 24-tf Strayed or StolenCast Satur day, a black and white six-months-old setter puppy. Will pay liberally ior information that will enable me to re cover him. J. Fj Jordan. Prescriptions compounded at Gard ner's by registered druggists only. ; i : n 3 1 Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, nd that U: by constitu tional remedies. . Deafness i8cauedbyan in riamed condition of the mncous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflam ed you have a rumbling sound ior imperfect hearing, and when it 1 entirely closed deafness ik the resnlt. and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; ni Recruits for the Second Regiment. First Sergeant H. J. Watllngton, of Co. C, Second Regiment, N. C. VM came home Saturday to eniist suffi cient recruits to increase the company to the number required by a recent ruling of the War department. As will be seen by a notice published else where in this issue, be has opened a recruiting office in, Bogart's hall, and yesterday he forwarded to Raleigh a squad of eleven men who will be mus tered nto Capt. Gray's company pro viding they pass the physical examina tion required. The squad was com posed of Messrs. D. W. Robertson, electrician, Greensboro; T. F. Bor oughs, farmer, Harpers X Roads ; W. H. O. Smithy painter, Greensboro; Clarance Scott, clerk, Greensboro; T. G. All red, farmer, Greensboro; C. G. Weinand, farmer, Ease Bend; Jesse L. Alderman, plumber, Greensboro; A. L. Cunningham, bookkeeper, Greens boro; Ira B. Iseley, carpenter, Greens boro; Robt. J. Green, farmer, Chatham county ; Will Forbis, laborer, Greens boro. Numbers of their friends'were at the depot to see them off. Persons who; contemplate enlisting should re port to Sergeant Watllngton at the earliest possible moment as the ranks ' are fast filling up, almost every train toward Raleigh carrying recruits. It is probable that another squad will leave here today. ! The Army ; and Navy Magazine Being theonly nationally known illus trated exponent of Military and Naval life published In the United States, Is greatly in demand and as a special in ducement, the publishers will , send same post paid, six months, for only one dollar, single copies 25 cents. It is a handsome illustrated 85 page publi cation, j The coming Issues will contain Illus trations of all ships of the United Stater, and Spanish navies, also officers of the Army and Navy and Govern ment officials. The next number will give splendid pictures of Admiral Sampson, General Miles, Ensign Bagley, Lieut. Hobsen. and Major-General Fitzhugh Lee, from late photographs, also of Presi dent McKinley in tbe Uniform of Commander-in-Chief of the United States forces. Address, Herbert Cecil Lewis, Editor, Baltic building, Washington, D. C. No free sample copies. Save Your Tee tE and Eyes, Two of the most Important organs of the human system.- I am again in my office ready to do your Dental and Eye work at prices in your reach. When you need such service, remember I am still doing business at the same place and will always treat you right. J. W. Griffith, Dentist, K. of P. Building, South Elm St. - High Point Enterprise: Prof. C. L. Raper has received a scholarship at Columbia University, New York. It nailion, nearm wu w ueairojeu jureTci, im tr will nrnhahlv ro- oe cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, pays him f 150. He will proDSOiy re- main there two years, taking a special course In history. i If vou want Insect Powder thatwlll kill tbe flies buv at Gardners, corner opposite postoffice. j which is nothing but an inflamed; condition of the mucous surfaces. 1 I We will give One Ilandiel Dollar for any case of Deafness (caused br catarrh) that can not be cused by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. 1 I . F. J, CHEXEY A CO , Toledo, O. boia oy iruggisis, ac. 1 Hall's Family Pills are the best.! ; - !

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