bi V'tA' GREENSBORO, 1ST. O., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1898. NO. 25. . . . I ! :. ' ' PBOFESSIONAL i 4 LOCAL NEWS ITEIIS. jwTj..- RICHARDSON. orriC KATZ BUILDING. irriTV 615 W. OASTON ST. i -r Dr. W. H. BROOKS, lOITFICBJ ITT) noKO. - N.C. GKE:N: f"pJBEALL:iI. D., ! PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. l''J..,': ihrvnv.. Ate Aahohnro St. "if "f v - 7 OSce HoursJ 11:30 to It 3 to 4;30. T TELEPHONE N0JI7- 1 -------- E. L. STA1IET M. D. g3Q Ss-o.t3a. .El m. St, li Susejf Orisscn's Prig Store. Dr. J. E. V7YC bENTISTJ Qre m Sivinga Bank Bunding, G. The days are getting shorter. Congressman Jno. E. Fowler was here Friday. - V j Mr. Amos Ragan, of Higli . Point, is here today. j' v Superintendent 6. A. Grimsley is at Chapel Hill. Plenty of fruit jar rubbers and jelly glasses. Hiatt fc Lamb. Col. J. S. Carr, of Durham, was here Friday night on his way north. Remember the assignee's sale novv in progress at G. H. Royster's store.' . The new Episcopal church struc ture on Walker Avenue is under way. Col. Jno. N. Staples is atj Gettys burg, Pa-, on professional business. Lieutenant E. L. Gilmer was at home a few days the latter part of the week. - i Mr. C. D. Benbow, of Pinehurst, was here on a visit the first of the week. t J Mr. S. S. Brown went to Washing ton Monday to look after business in terests. - I Mr. R. K. Hanner is again employ ed at the Greensboro Sash and Blind Factory. Mr. .Phoenix advertises cow peas Strayed or Stolen Last Satur- ; xne inira annual session oi me day, a black and white six-months-old Thurman Woman's Christian Temper- and Irish potatoes this week, his prices. The' First Presbyterian Look at Sunday setter puppy. Will pay liberally ior information that will enable me to re cover him. J. F. Jordan. Prof. Chas. J. Brockmann is now representing the old reliable Southern music house of Ludden & Bates in a - i Guilford and adioinintr counties. See his ad. in another column. The Wakedeld Hardware Co. offers spleudid inducements on the celebra ted Walter A. Wood - Mowers aud Kakes. - See their uew ad. It contains sueeestions of other desirable farm machinery. Mr. B. M. Bridgers, employed as an operator in the Western Union's Greensborp office the past'two or three years, has gone to Washington to press his.application for a position in the U. S. Signal Service. , j j The Raleigh News and Observer of yesterday said : "Samuel L. Burgin, of Greensboro, has received an appoint ment in the signal corps. He has been examined and mustered into service by Col, Burgwyn." The Secretary of State Monday in corporated the Southside-Hose Com pany of Greensboro. Incorporators: E. E. Bain, C. E. Brower, W; L, Guth rie. R. D. Doucrlas and others. The capital is fixed at $1,000. r Messrs. W. C. Workman and S. A. ance union of Nortn uaroiina is in session here this week at Bennett Col lege. Among the prominent colored people present are Mrs. Lucy Thur man, of j Michigan ; Dr. H. Shepard, of Charlotte; Dr. D. J. Sanders, of Bid die University, and Rev. H. B. Delan- cy, of Raleigh. Of the eleven recruits sent from this city to Capt. Gray's company at Business Opportunities. Opportunities for small investors to loan money-on mortgages secured by guaranty. - . :: ; . j . Piedmont Realty & Guaranty Co. - . House for Sale. Store property on South Elm street. Leased and paying fair returns on in vestment, .y ;.y'i- ::. j I I " Piedmont Realty & Guaranty Co. Wanted T want tn hnv nil anrta f BalelKh on Tuesday of last week three North CaroliDa rellcs curloslHe, iaiiea 10 pass ine pnysicai examination and returned home Wednesday night. The were Clarence Scott, Jesse Alder man and Gus Cunningham. Their friends share their disappointment, and give them full credit for their evident soqtft Elm street, Greensboro, N. C. Dr. J. H. VHEELER, .! 1 DENTIST. iarl school will picnic at the Battle Ground Hanner have begun the erection of dwelling houses on South Forbis street, between East Market and East Wash? ! j ington streets, making in all five nice new dwellings on that square. ! Rev. C. A. G. Thomas, of Fayette ville. Mr. P. S. Preston, of Salem, and Mr. J. T. Thacker, of this city, are at OFFICE: Op. Ward's Drugstore. H. Yabefield, 0W 01 IMrjOUB, wu. queat of h!a father hroat the 3IcAdoo Houseson Friday, r - Jane 21th. - 1 PRACTICE LIMITED TO tomorrow. . Dr. Luclen Ector Is back from Montana on a visit after an absence of thirteen years. - i Mrs. F. E. Ross returned yester day from a short visit to her mother at Pleasant Garden. The Children's Day service at Lee's Chapel will be held next Sunday at 11 o'clock, A. M. r j Arthur Orrell has been discharged from Capt. urav's companv at tne re- good intentions, y Conductor R. E. Tucker, running on the Southern fast mail train be tween Washington and Charlotte, was shot at five times by J. M. Acuff, at Franklin Junction, Va Monday even ing, but escaped injury. Capt. Tucker recently had some difficulty with Acuff when the latter was under the influ ence of liquor and raised a disturb ance on the train. , Mr. E, P. Wharton went to New Tork Monday night in response to a telegram from W. H Houghton,-the gentleman referred to last week as negotiating the sale of the Greensboro Furnace Company's property to a New York company. We have every reason to believe that the trade will be made, notwithstanding the fact that there is some unaccountable delay. . Prof. D. M. Weatherly left yester day for Carthage to confer with the that might be desirable as souvenirs. Will buy two hundred gourds of vari ous shapes, from two to four inches in diameter. Geo. W. Pbitchett, 24-2t. ' Pinehurst; N. C. Mr. .Wade Butler, of this city, and Miss Lizzie Fuller, of Mt; Airy, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's mother last Thursday morning. After a Rev. H. K. Boyer officiating. few days' sojourn at the seashore Mr. and Mrs. Butler will take up their residence here, where he la truste employees of theC. F.& Y. V. railroad. Save Your Teeth and Eyes. Two of the most important organs of than any of .their competitors all the the human system. I am again in my year round, and don't make half as office ready to do your Dental and Eye much fuss over it, either. Their bust work at prices In your reach. When ness is enjoying a steady, healthy you need such service, remember I am growth. People kndw they can depend still doing business at the same place upon what is told them about goods at Graded School Teachers. Following Is a complete list of the. graded school teachers employee! by the Greensboro board of education for the coming school year: Superintendent, G. A. Grimsley. White Prof . S. C. Smith, Prof. Na than Toms, Prof. Walter Thompson Prof. Lee T. Blair, Misses Minnie Hampton, Lizzie Lindsay, Margaret Gannon, AnDle Pittman, Vivian Sho ber, Annie White, Elsie Weathtrly, Mary Applewhite, Hattie, Eldrldge, Marietta Stbckard, Anna Michaux, Lizzie Mclver, Minnie Hallburton, An nie Wiley and Nettle Allen. Colored H. H. Falkher, Mary No cho, Leonora Byers, Florence Garrett, Grace Nelson and Maria Day. Take it year in and year out, there is no better place to buy dry goods and shoes than Thacker fc Breckmann's. They don't have so much whoop and hurrah about their business, and they don't make such startling claims about selling at "cost" and "less than cost' two-thirds of the time, but a compari son of prices will show that they sell good, reliable goods as low or lower and will always treat you right. J. W. Griffith, Dentist, K. of P. Building, South Elm St. A dispatch from Raleigh says: "Monday night two soldiers tried to Russell. Thacker 6s B roc km a no's. If a shoe is not solid leather, they don't sell it fer solid leather, and when they tell you a piece of goods is all wool you don't find any cotton in it. Misses Callie Rankin and Jennie Harden are with this; old reliable house, and Marvin Boyles has Eye, Ear Robert - IVore and Tliroat. Dick Douglas, AitcTser aid Counsellor at Law, i SAVI 1 (US BANK BCILblKG, t . L suznrsBoiio, -est- w. ; : I i 1 A3.rnerf..r People's Five Cents Savings Bank. P. D. SATCHYELL, Attorney at Law. OFFICE 1 Old Kkelev Bdilwxg, Greensboro, NJCL CHAS. II. STEDLIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Menllenhall Building, i REExsiioiio, There is only another week where in taxes can be listed without incur ring a heavy penalty. Mrs. Samuel Jordan, of High Point, is here visiting the family of her son, Officer Arthur Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stone. Miss Hattie Eldridge and Mr. C. P. Sapp are at Waynesville this week. Mrs. M. E. Turner has just com pleted a two-room addition to her resi dence near the State Normal, i Rev. and Mrs. Horace Weeks Jones are visiting at their old home, River- I'dale, a suburb of Washington, D. C. Dr. E. W. Smith was at Knoxville, Tenn., last week, where he delivered. an address before the Biblical Assem bly. Eleven men have been sent to the county convict force, leaving but five Federal and one county prisoner in jail. -Dr. T. N. Ivey is attending a Sun- run the guard" at Camp :. 7.1 mi t ' 1-. . I 1 . w , high school authorities, who have. "ero ?ao at twfcti Dy re lately been added to the salesforbe. iinftnimonsitr tflnriAPorf him thfl .nnflf. John Otteroourg, of thegFayetteville Louisville, Ky attending a meeting of fntpnf,pL nf thm ..v.., r"ftrfhc-A company. At guard mount this after- The Recruiting Office Closed. A. M., which convened yesterday.- i i Prof. S. H. Hod gin, who; has been taking: a special course at Haverford the past year, returned home Saturday. He will be a member of the faculty at Guilford College the coming year, in charge of the department of English. City Engineer Richardson has just completed plans and specifications for a new bridge over North Buffalo, near will be I fortunate In securing Prof. uwo uui. jurgwyu . pnwwiy com- sergeant Hv. Watllngton, Of Co. D, Weatherly's services. He is one of the Iucuueu ukiwuuurg ior uis ooeaience second Kegiment, N. U. Volunteers most comDetent teachers in the State lo orae uiiemourg is oniy is ana whoiias beenAere for several days en- and a desirable man in every respect is th 8mallest 'soldier in te regiment." listing recruits for his company, closed, to have at the head of a public institu- YounS Otterbourg is from Greensboro, his office and returned to Raleigh un- tion . nursk cmiHeu wuu pi,. uray a mer oraers ye8teraay, tne presumption company, but was turned down by the I being that the company has its full Last Wednesday night about 9 surgeons on account of his size. Later o'clock a serious freight wreck occur red on the Southern two miles above Danville, Va., 'delaying passenger trains until near noon the. follow! nc &l . I 1 ' I 1 It I T me wer wur., uu ruau uiUg d En j f Garv. Fireman Sales. bo iue xaiuu uruuuu. lue structure will be forty-four feet long and twenty feet wide. The new catalogue of Guilford College, just received, makes an ad mirable showing for the college the past year. The pamphlet is illustrated, containing among others a picture of the new Memorial hall, recently dedi cated. A copy can be had for the ask ing. The. State University , advertlse- he enlisted with the Fayetteville com pany and was mustered in. Flagman Pace and Brakeman O'Con nor were all more or less seriously in jured. The wreck was caused by a washout. Over twenty loaded cars i . '. i were almost completely destroyed. -Six sionists, Mr. John R. Hanner, I living six miles east of the city, died Thursday of the infirmities due to old age. He was eighty-one years old last February, and leaves a family of five daughters and two sons, his wife having preceded him to the grave by just four years. His funeral occurred Saturday at Ala mance church, a large number of his friends and neighbors being present to attest their sorrow over his death. He lived an upright life, one well -- iy--:N. C. nunarea Wilmington excur mostly descendents of the tribe of Ham, spent Monday afternoon and evening here. They were quite orderly a striking contrast to the Win- worthy of emulation. His only living ston crowd of the same color that hrothei- Mr. n.'s. rrnnnpr f thn it ment will be found in the Patriot passed through shortly after midnight of a family of ten children1 who have this 'week. The . inducements this on their return from Charlotte. Every been foremost among the county's best institution is able to offer young men man and boy from Winston seemed to citizens. and women are appreciated by every- be armed, and as the train pulled out aay scnooi couveuuou at juouisuurg v 6i ,uvuUv Y vUO t - Wxift from the car windows. thi week, beine- on the nrocram for weirare. oena to jrresiaenc Aiaerman i i complement of men. - Since our last report the following have' been enlisted: Rosco Hornaday, W. M. Yates and B. B. McLean, Ran dolph; S. B. Yance, Guilford; John A. Gilmer and Geo. H. Blake, Greensboro. It is reported that. W, M. Yates and Walter Marley, another recent recruit from here, "flew the coop" at Raleigh' just before they were called upon to be mustered in as volunteers. Sergeant Watllngton's work here was done with a promptness that is undoubtedly appreciated by his superi or officers. He maintains the dignity of Uncle Sam's military organization quite gracefully and has In him the elements of a good soldier. Here's hoping that he and his comrades may survive without injury the grave dan ger they unhesitatingly face. A. M. SCALES. SILUV & SCAIiES, GREENSBORO, i N. Cf t?ul ittonfiion jriven to all bu$ine&i Office an address. i for a catalogue. . i Governor Russell writes Judge The "Eiffel Tower," a i unique re- Schenck that he will try to be present volving display rack in the big win dow of the Carolina Shoe Co.'s store. ilmg. No. 117 Court Square. STNCM, 'l.P.BTSUM, JB.; 2. V. TAYLOR. 6THUM, BYNUM & TAYLOR, ! -j !06 COrCTRT SQXTABE." and- Counsellors tat Law. Wv B BEACHllM, architect and I Builder. t .! i 1 f OSce in bdd Fellows Building, ;HORO, - N. C. i '4 JOHNSON, THE GREENSBORO f'E SPECIALIST, 302'., Exa n r t SOUTH ELM ST. inatiou Froe. S al m. to ll.SO p. nt., 2 to 5 p. m. SNE.v.l TifE Printer. - Sl'EClALTIESd t Accurate Work, tow Prices. Catalojfues, Wedding 'l - RFULLY FURNISHED. JOS. j. STONE, ! Is at the Battle Ground celebration on the Fourth of July. ! ! Mrs T. L. Johnson and , children, of Rock Hni, S.C are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Donnell, on West Gaston street. I I An excursion from Winston to Norfolk and Washington, over the Southern Railway, passed through yes terday with a small crowd aboard. Retail. business wants a new build ing erected on South Elm street on term of year lease. j y Piedmont Realty fc Guaranty Co-. - Mr. John R. Hancock is home i from the eastern part of the State, where he has been working insurance for some time. lie will be here several days. ' .. j' y Mr. J. E. Gray, formerly of Woos- ter, Ohio, Is here today looking over this city with a view to locating.! He has been living in Georgia for a few years. . ' The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. GilesToushee died last Friday at Gulf, their former home, where the family Is visiting. Cholera infantum was the cause.- . ! ' We take care of estates and proper ties for owners or heirs, pay taxes, in surance, look after general conditions, collect rents, etc. j Piedmont Realty fc Guaranty Go. - Messrs. A. A. Ray and; Benson Kimrey, of Liberty, left yesterday for Jacksonville, Fla., to Join the First Regiment N.C V. band. Both are skilled musicians. : A number of newspaper men from different points In the State were here yeiterday on their way to Waynesville, where the State press association meets In annual session today. Bedford's Little Liver Pills. 60 pills in bottle, 25c. Sold only by Farias, druggist. Free sample at store. I K. of P. building, attracts much atten tion from passers-by. It is propelled by a mechanism similar to that of a clock, and runs for fourteen hours with one winding. ! j t Mr. J. W. Llndau has sold his thoroughbred Jersey bull, MRomola's Chief," to Mr.L.M. Stewart, proprietor of the Summit Avenue dairy. This is unquestionably one of the finest ani mals ever owned here, and is a valuable addition to Mr. Stewart's herd, already one of the best in the state. Gen. Jas. D. Glenn, of this city, was prominently mentioned In connec tion with the Brigadier-Generalship allotted to North Carolina but his Democracy was a barrier that could not be overcome. His eighteen years of experience counted for naught against the man with a political j pull. , The Bonitz House, Wilmington, advertised In this issue, offers superior accommodations to persons visiting that city. The rate to excursionists is only $1.00 a day. Bear this in mind. Nearly everyone who goes from this section to Wilmington or the seashore stops at the Bonitz House and Invari ably speak well of the house. -Up to Sunday evening, when the "clearing off shower" came, there had been heavy rains every day for a week. In the country the only crop jeopard ized was wheat, many farmers report ing that It was sprouting. iThef dam age is not great, however, as the weather so far this week has! been most favorable for saving the crop. Prescriptions compounded at Gard ner's by registered druggists only. Bedford's Condition Powders Are the best, 25c; twice the size of all others. Sold by J. B. Farlss. drutrtnstL Three 'jackles" from the Mare Is land navy yard, California, were here yesterday afternoon on their way to Norfolk,1 where they will receive the money Uncle Sam has placed to their credit and pay a visit to their homes, their terms of enlistment having ex pired. They were recently members of the crew of the U. S. S. Monadnock, which is by this time, perhaps, on its way to join Dewey's squadron. They expressed tnelr intention of re-enlist ing at an early date. 1 b m ' An advertisement of the Piedmont - i i - , ... Realty and Guaranty Co., mention of the incorporation of which was made in our last issue, appears in the Pa triot this week. The company will carry on! a general real estate business, making loans, investments, collecting rents, etc., on the most reasonable terms. Farmers having land for sale are requested to list same with the company at once. This can be done without any expense whatever to the owner. The company's office is located in the Katz building, opposite the Ben- bow House. Ver- - Do You Lend Money? i To lend money with perfect security requires experience and a knowledge of surroundings, and of the true value of property. For eleven j years the Southern Guarantee and Investment Comnanv. formerlv the Worth Whar- for c- J Mitchell. ton Real Estate 'and Insurance Com- Stratford vs. City of Greensboro. pany, has made this business; a study Judgment against W. O. Stratford Jor in Greensboro.- This company has Superior Court Report. Causey vs. Empire Plaid Mills. diet for plaintiff for $75. Matlock vs. Matlock. Compromised. Mitchell vs. Mitchell. Judgement Patrons of the Peoples' Five Cents Savings Bank should remember that all moneys deposited on or before July 1st will bear Interest from that date. We are Informed by the management that the deposits for last month, (May) were more than do per cent, greater than the deposits for May last year. This Is encouraging, and shows among other things, that the people are learn ing to appreciate more and more the many advantages of having a safe place for! keeping their money, know ing they can draw it out at any time they may need it or that if they let it remain in the bans it is drawing them interest at the rate of 4 per cent, ver annum compounded every six months. The Savings Bank has -been in active operation eleven years and has the re markable record of having never lost a dollar. - Bedford's Condition Powders Are the best; price 10c. and 25c. Sold only by Farlss, druggist, opp. Benbow. adopted an iron clad rule of loaning only 50 per cent of the true value on any improved city property. ) By this means they eliminate all possibility of loss from' shrinkage in values and find no trouble in transferring papers when costs. Appeal. M. L. Coble vs. Southern Railway. Verdict for $2,500; verdict set aside and new trial granted. Robert Leonard; vs. Wm. Groome. Verdict for Groome. i u John A. Young vs. Pleasant Fuller. any of their customers may call for pn suit; judgment against plaintiff their money. In every case! where a loan is made a complete abstract of title to property-is gotten up and kept on file in this office. Not loans are made on property that does not have a perfect title. No second mortgage loans are made. The judgment docket has .to be clear. In addition the South ern Guarantee and Investment Com pany having a capital of $25,000.00 and $16,000.00 surplus gives its bond guar anteeing the securities forfait loans made. Tis company also guarantees the prompt payment of interest when due, collecting same without charge and paying at its office when note is presented. For turtber information . 1 . see tne company's aaverusement on another paze or call at its office in Greensboro. v 1 ! Wharton & McAlxscer, Agents. " j Deafness Cannot be Cured hv local aDtriication. as ther cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mncous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflam ed you have a vumbuna; sound or imperfect hearing, and when itis entirely closed desfnM is the result and unless the inflamation can be taken mit and this tnbe restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. ' . :. We will rive One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cused by H all's Catarrh Core. ; Send for circulars, free. . JJ ! . , " Sold by Druggists, 75c. - j . -HaU's "Family Pills are the best. Bedford's Tasteless Chill Tonio. Guaranteed to cure or your money back, 50c Sold only by Farlss, druggist. for coits. Haywood Bird vs. Ida Bird. Non suit. McClamrock Bros. vs. Van Noppen and Donnell. Non suit; judgment against plaintiff for costs. John W. Tufts vs. Greensboro Fruit and Candy Co. Judgment for plain tiff and against Jas. II. West. John Poe vs. A. R. Pegram. Judg ment for plaintiff and against defend ant. F. M. Keith vs. County Commission ers. Non suit. , Greensboro G is and i Electric Light Co. vs. H. Blumenfeld. Non suit. H. Blumenfeld vs. Greensboro Gas and Electric Light Co. i Non suit. Four .cases, Geo. T. Leach vs. J. M. Weatherly. All nonsuits. John Harrell vs. Southern Railway. Pending. , ' ,J . y; The University. The University is steadily growing In public favor, patronage and effi ciency. It has never been so ciose 10 the people and so able to help them. The enrollment or ws stuaents inif year is remarkable, being the largest in its history. We woum iiae some? needy boy to get Its advantages of scholarship and loans. t m Vick's Sarsaparilla. 75c. a bottle. Same size as all other dollar bottles. Sold by Farlss, druggist. t i - , i -

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