PKOFESSIONAL CASDS. LOCAL NEWS ITEUS. Dr. w:j, richabdsoii. . 0rnCE: KA.TZ BUILDDia gjSIDENCE: 615 W. GASTON ST. 1.1?. BEALL, II. D., I PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON. ,JrTfF :-117 CourtSquare. 0F i RESIDENCE: 404 Asheboro St. 0Ue Houri 11:30 to 1; 3 4:30. ji TELEPHONE NO. 17' gx.:si;AaiEY,:;ii: d. v ! i i ' i S30 Sc-o-tlx TTlmJ St. in Atlanta J. BRYAN . - ; . mi Dr. J. if i i n'irs his professional services to the jtixens oi uiuouuwUu . I , ill .. i " - I 7-Z 07E3 JKO. B. ?ASISS' BETO STOEE, :ll OP POSITE BENBOW HQCSK. Dr. J. E. VYCHE, OaSce 'in Savings Bank Building, Y'! Southj Elm street, Greensboro, N. C. Dr J. I E WHEELER, '1 i JJB1TTIST. OFFICE: Op. Ward's Drug Store. Dr. WIH. Valiefield, i i i i yovoi cnanoue, " V, , j Spa the nrlees a noted LWit the McAdoo House 6 n Friday, feee .e prices quoieu. Mr. O. F. Pearce Is on the sick list. . Mr.W: M. Ball has returned to the city. - ' ' Scotts advertise flour at the old prices. , " Mr. R. E. Hodein Is at Southern Pines. Mrs. Sarah Carraway continues in ,very poor health. Tomorrow is the last day of grace for listing taxes. Don't forget the ball game next Monday afternoon. Prof. O. W. Carr was the first of the week. t 5 cents will buy a dozen boxes tuI- can matches at G. W. Denny's. ' ; -Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stone have gone to Massachusetts on a visit. , Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ward have re turned from a visit to Chapel Hllli Mrs. W. A.' Watson and children have returned from a visit to Lexing ton. 1 Messrs. R. M. and Joe Phillips are down in Moore county on a pleasure trip. . ' i Mrs. G.A. Grlmsley has gone to Kinston to spend a few weeks with friends.. " : ; I Hon. W. W. Kitchln favors us with an indexed copy of the war revenue law of 189S. , ; Dr. W. C. Porter's family now oc cupies one of the Lyon flats on Sum mit Avenue. The Battle Ground road is being put in fine condition for the bioycle race next Monday. " Mrs. W. H. Brooks has joined Dr. Brooks at Raleigtrand will accompany him to Fort Macon. The Carolina Shoe Co. advertises a sDecl&l sale of 2,500 pairs of shoes. a Th vAHnus count?' offices In ine ait. jouis u. iseau, a student at court house will be closed Monday a J Davidson College last year, returned leffal holidav. The board of county to Greensboro Saturday to . 'spend the ! Jacksonville last week commissioners will meet Tuesday A. A. Bay and Benson Klmrev. the Liberty musicians who went !to to The demand for property along Summit Avenue is steadily increasing. People from outside the city are quick to recognize property. the desirability of this summer. After the close of school he drove through to the mountains, visit ing Lenoir and other towns. He will return to Davidson in tb a fall. Raleigh News and Observer, 24th : Mr. J. J. W. Harriss moved his jolntbe First N. C. Regiment band returned The J amis Hunter Pamphlet. The 'Hunter pamphlet is thus en dorsed: v Chapel Hill, N.Cn July 24, 1597. Prof.R. L. Paschal, of Fort Worth, family yesterday to ureensooro, wnere Texas, came in last week on a .visit to his sister, Mrs. A. A. Johnson. He will spend vacation at his old home in Chatham. '. . The Greensboro base ball j team went to Concord last week for a series of practice games with the club there, which convinced them that they need ed practice. - The biggest battle of the summer will occur next Monday afternoon at Athletic Park, when the Reidsville and Greensboro base ball teams j cross bats. Game called at 4 P. M. -. . - ' .. - ' ' V III .. Gardner, tne druggist, corner op- In the future they will make their home. They have a large circle of friends and acquaintances in this who regret to see them depart. Mr. Warren M. Mitchell, of Wash- a" after an absence of three days. 1 They Jos. M. Mobehhad. Eao found scarcely any material for a good Thanks, hearty thanks for your ex exists ?eiient aaaress. I think you have hit hPlno- i Dail PlumP h the head; have a oeiug clear, strong and trnthfni t.t.mAn. will prob- the men and measures of the War of organlza- v itegmauon. Yours truly. band in the organization las and would not take chances "shelved" eventually. They ably enlist with some other tion. The fire department will give a city public exhibition Friday! evening to which invitations have been issued to the fire chiefs and mayors in the it on Kimp p. Battlx. ington, D.C' a stenographer in Capt. stat? a numher of whom j have signi fied Jbeir intention of being present. The new Babcock truck will be the chief attraction, j It Is the finest fire fighting apparatus of Its kind in the occur at 5 poslte postofBce, advertises the largest terly, of Alamance, and narrowly es- and most complete stock of patent capea contact wiin iwo Duiiecs irom medicines In the county. He will be the tatter's revolver. Mr. Hofflnes had pleased to supply your wants. M - attempted to collect a Dili irom snat- A gentleman dropped in yester- terly early in the day, Dodson's office here, will on the first of the month become the stenographer of 'Superintendent O'Brien. Frank McMackl n, who is succeeded by Mr. Mitchell, has been transferredtq Wash ington. , ' . Mr. D. R. Hufflnes, of this City, was waylaid on the road near Haw River the other day by Thos. M. Shat- at 7 p. m on the 23rd insti, .Miss M. Ida Field and Mr. P. L. Rowzle, of It Is "a sinzularlv strons" and InrM address. It will necessitate the writing of what has not vet been written, the history of North Carolina. " J.D.Hufhah, Henderson, N. C, April 22;93. . ' - " From the Wilmington Star. The first edition having been ex hausted, a second has been published of the excellent address of Mr. Joseph M. Morehead, of Greensboro, on James Hunter, "General" of the Regulators. We noticed this address some time ago. We knowof no Dublicatlon which State. The exhibition o'clock, P. M. j ; I Married At her ; father's ; home. Mr. C. H. Field, near Buffalo church, gives In the same space so much valua- Die torormatlon. or a better Idea of the events that led up to the American revolution. rt rhlh if n k Norfolk, Va. The marriage ceremony beginning, at least in its effect if not was performed by the bride's pastor, I in us intent. The public Is Indebted Rev. J.McL.Seabrook. Only the mem- l?r 108 Publication of this second edi- t.iwu w tuo (;atriuiic uuer&uiy OI HOD. u.t . uaidwell, whose filial devotion bers of the family were present. (After day to inquire what bad become of the rock crusher the county bought a year is "off," the' New .-York parties who or so ago. we win nave to rerer tne were io zuruisu iub uiuuoj uauug question to the county commissioners, backed down at the last moment, thus Mr.L.W.Andrews returned Friday incurring a breach or contract" suit evening from a visit to his daughter ""S"" uy ir. . uguu, nU Mrs. Hines, living in Baltimore, i Miss represented tnem. w e can omy wisn Moselle Andrews, who accompanied luw cumauJf uei"'cl lu him north, Is now visiting in Norfolk. Tobacco sales of late have not amounted to much, the bulk of the The sale of the steel and iron plant lunch and refreshments the happy cou- and loyalty to his native State through pie took the night train for Norfolk, their future home. his long life are beautiful to witness. This pamphlet, which Is handsomely Dr. J. J. Bryan, formerly of Gran- printed, is sold for the exclusive bene- ville county, has located in Greensboro fit of the Hunter Memorial Fund by, and offers his professional services to Wharton Bros., Booksellers, Greens the people of Greensboro and vicinity, boro, N. C, Price 60 cents. , - - I i i - 1 - I as will be seen by reference lODur pro- Jane 24th. II PKACTICI LIMITED TO Eje, Ear, Aose and Throat. 'Robert: Dick Doiiglas, Attcnisy sad Conasellcr ai La. - 81V 3 BASK BCTLDIMx, iT. C. TSBOBO itwraej for Pefile' Five Cents Savings Bank. P. D, SATCHWELL, 1 -I ! I Attorney at Law. OFFICE: Old Kekley Bltildino, Greensboro, N. C' I CHAS. LI. STEDEIAN, Jattobney at lava Mendenhall Building, i' GREENSBORO, N. C. : a.(m. scales. SILUV & SCALES, GREENSBORO, N C. Urtfal attention ftiven to all bu4ne. Office Whirton Building No4 117 Cour Square. MuSCM, wp. BTXC jl',JB.v -zj v .Taylor. BYNUM, : BYNUH & TAYLOR, ': it ,1 : I , - Attoieys' ahi' CaaiseUars at Lav. y - ! ?06 COXTRT SQTT.AHE. W. B. (BEACHAM, and Builder. 05ce in'OUd Fellows Building, 1-8 i i Cftt$HQRO, - . - 1 N. C. Architect J. T. JOHNSON, 1 j 1UE GREENSBORO j IE SPECIALIST. 302'- SOUTH ELM W. - Examination Free. . f net u t9l2.30p.m., 2 to 6 p.m. The Printer; t MX SPECIALTIES; or2i- 4ccura,"ork EowJrices. 1 U i lk,1an1 Bins: rosters. . , f ( -atah-jraes, Weeding 3 'iIEERF.ULLY FURNISHED. J. STONE, GREENSBORO, N. C. - t i. u D. Bendheim & Sons have a new ad. in this week, and as usual. offer a big batch of bargains. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Frazler moved out yesterday to the superintendent's cottage at Greene Hill. - The five Federal prisoners in jail here were taken to the penitentiary'at Raleigh last Thursday. Mrs. P. D. Gold and daughters, Ruth and Bessie, of 'Wilson, are here on a visit among friends. ' j Rev. S. O. Hall is off on nis sum mer vacation, which will be spent in South Carolina and Virginia. I i - W. J. Rldare. the exclusive furni ture dealer, tells you in his new ad. how to enjoy life in the open air. Men's low quartered shoes for summer wear are sold at $1.00, $1.15 and $1.25 at Thacker & Brockmann's. Brother McCulloch, editor of Our Church Record," issued an interesting historical edition of his paper last wee. - i Hon. Clement Manly, of Winston. and Hon. W. C. Hammer, of Asheboro, were here yesterday on their way to Raleigh.. . . - - j Mr. J. K. Wheeler, and daughter, Miss Bertha, were called to Warren ton Friday by the death of Mrs T. W. wneeier. Married. At the manse, June 22, 1893, py Rev, H. D. Lequeux, Mr. Wal ter Baker and Miss Birdie Aired, both of Greensboro , Five car loads jof colored excursionists-went from!. here, to Winston Monday over the C. F& Y. V. and N. & W. railways. . Farmers who want cheap shoes for their summer plowing can -buy them from Thacker & Brockmann at $1.00, $1.15 and $1.25. . - - ' The hotel registers here fori the past week contain the names of many men prominent in the affairs of the Old North State. 1 Mr. Ed. Hlgglns, a Union News agent running ' out of Jacksonville, Fla-, is here on a visit to his brother, Mr. C. D. Higgins. I Thacker fc Brockmann want to close out 29 pairs of girls' fine strap sandal slippers, with bow and buckle, worth $1.60, at 95 cents a pair. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Mebane have moved here from Asheville and will build a nice house on West Washing ton street, corner of Edgeworth. Mr. J. M. Hendrix has been kept away from his place of business sev eral days by a sore leg, hurt in loading a wagon and afterward poisoned. The annual ball of the Battle Ground marshals will be given at the. McAdoo House Monday evening. It will be an Important social event. Bedford's Little Liver Pills 50 pills in bottle, 25c. Sold only by Fariss, druggist. Free sample at store. Vick's Celery Nervine and Blood . - . . i Tdnio is a valuable remedy for all nervous disorders. It is sold only by John B. Fariss, successor to Richard son & F arris, opposite Benbow House. Mr. S. L. Burgln, of this cltyj with three other operators bound for the Philippines, was here last Thursday night enroute to San Francisco,1 from whence it is expected they, will sail-to- da3V j :l':--V:-. Ladies who like to be comfortable in hot weather should get a pair of those common- sense oxford ties at Thacker & Brockmann's. .Prices, 85 cents, $1.00 and $1.50; all sizes from 3 to.8. : I ". ; A dispatch from Raleigh says : "Surgeon Brooks, of the Second regi- ment, Is under orders to go to Fort crop having been disposed of, while farmers as a rule ar6 too busy with harvesting to pay much attention ,to the rest. The prices on all grade? re main stationary. There is an increas ing demand for cheap fillers and dark mahogany wrappers. , Col. J. E. Boyd has written one of his old friends here that he. Is coming down from Washington to attend the Battle Ground celebration on the Fourth. He will be accompanied by Congressman Landls, of Indiana, a NortlT Carolinian by birth, who has long been interested in the Battle Ground arid its history. Rev. J. D. Andrew, of Danville, leaves this evening, accompanied by Revr J. L. Murohy. of Hickory, for fesslonal card column. Dr. Bryan has practiced successfully for several years snd comes well I recommended. We" hope he will readily find! favor with our people. His nice Isjlccated over Fariss' drug store! j 1 We invite attention to the adver- Retail business wants a new build ing erected on South Elm street en .term of year lease. Piedmont Realty & Guaranty Co. tlsement of the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts. This institution has just closed its most The demand for houses continues, notwithstanding the vast amount of building going on. One gentleman who has a dwelling nearly completed told us the other day he already had more than half a dozen applications successful session, and has .steadily for his house, and we learned from an- moved on to a nign place, in the front other source that three, of the appll rank among Southern Colleges, jit has cants referred to offered him more rent students from Northern jstajes, from for the house than he asked. First of Japan and Brazil, and ital yojing grad- all, we attribute the steady growth of uates are in demand wherever thorough 0ur fair city to the exceptional school and accurate work is needed A called meeting of the facilities we enjoy; second, to our un- executive equaled railroad facilities ; third, . to Normal and our Increasing industrial enterprises; Industrial College trustees is in ses-1 fourth, to the desirable climatic condl- slon here this week. - Hon. R. D. Gil- tions which prevail here, not to men- committee of the State rs"Jrf4 v T Alx mer.of'Waynesville; Dr. J.M. Spain- tion the many other desirable features Macon Wednesday to examine the ofll- Chicago, where they enter the Moody , ' , 9 C0VI10 Zy . inMi nAn. . u.J , niKiaTinn,nnifnrfhA .nmmpr hour, of Lenoir, secretary, and Hon which might be included. Greens- V I , I TlT Tl TnnnAii a Qfiif AavhU aKa Umihi Wa tfl 11 fl CI II ft 1 1 0 fl ft hi IT ft! fl LT 1 fl 0 VTinrA cers and enlisted regiment." Mr. 'R. L. Haymore, of ML Alry, has purchased of the Hagan estate three lots on Summit Avenue, near Church street, and will erect one or more modern dwellings thereon at an early date. j ' . ": ' Mr. W. F. Bogart Is perfecting ar rangements for his big annual excur sion to Wilmington, the date of which this year will be' July 29th. Look: out for full particulars in these columns in a week or so. .. ;' ':: "-' : J":: Mr. W. E. and Miss Dora Bevlll have returned from Baltimore. I Mrs. course. Rev. Andrew win case cnarge of the Burlington Reformed Mission on his return, preaching at Burlington, St. Mark's and Whitsett. Mr. John Waters and son, of Au gusta, Kansas, came in last week, and may possibly locate here, owing to the mildness of the climate. Mr. Waters can not well stand the rigors of winter on the plains. He brought us the name of a new subscriber at Augusta, Mr. J. H. Suits, who left Guilford many years ago and is prospering in the west. - . - . . , ; Aunt Lizzie Scott, wife of Oliver advancement along all lines than any other town in the State. Business Opportunities. Opportunities for small investors to loan money on mortgages secured by guaranty.- Piedmont Realty & Guaranty Co. W. J. Blackburn, who accompanied i Scott, one of the colored employees at them north, will spend some time In Baltimore, where her son, Dolph Mc Adoo, Is in college, j i Capt. S. Tyrwhltt and wife, Eng lish people by birth and excellent citi zens of this county for many years, left yesterday for Bradford, Ontario, Canada, where they will spend the re mainder of their days. ,th Federal building, died Sunday morning at her home on East Gaston street. Aunt Lizzie was a good wo man, and enjoyed the respect of many white people as well as her own race. She was burled Monday afternoon from the A. M. E. church, of which she was a member. arrived yesterday.' The Improvements about the college and the character and location of additional buildings will be determined at this meeting. In the adjustment of postmasters' salaries, to take effect on the 1st of July, the salary of the postmaster at Greensboro will ; be increased j from $2,600 to $2,700, There are a number of increases In the State Charlotte, States ville, Durham, Gasconia, .Salis bury, and other places being increased $100 each, while there are reductions of !$100 each at Biltmore. Leulsburg and Scotland Neck and $300 at Salem. The ice cream made by Mr. J. H. West, the caterer, is good, at all times, agalrjf and tni8 i8 perhaps out it never tasted netter man on last Saturday, when he vlsl paper .offices and stood ed the news- t treat for all hands, the devils included. We may be pardoned, owing to the: weather, for expressing the hope that Jim's visits on similar missions will not assume the proverbial nature of angel's visits. There will be a bicycle road race At Reidsville, on! last Wednesday, 4ur tue u"Pi vvvvy Hb kindness Saturday was fully ap- a specially prepared roau irom vtuii- Hon Percy Lester, an ex-Congressman from the Fifth district of. Virginia; and Miss Emmette Harris, of Reidsville, were married at the Primitive Baptist church by Elder P. D. Gold. H Mr. H. A. Moffitt, of Woribvllle, was here yesterday. He says the an nual 4th of July celebration at Worth- ville this year (to be held Saturday, the 2d) will be an unusually interest- ng event. The Archdale band will furnish music. ! Mr. J. M. Pegram has purchased Mr. Frank Hodgin's interest in the Guilford roller mills and assumed ac tive management of the plant, giving up the position he has held with a New York wholesale house for the past fifteen years. ' ; j At the residence of the justice in Clay township, at 10 o'clock, A. MM Wednesday, June 22nd, 1S9S, Mr. George W. Coble and Miss Nancy E. Coble were united in marriage, W.H.Plilpps, Esq, officiating. May happiness at tend the young couple. ! Asheboro Courier: Mr. A. W. Mc- Allster and family, of Greensboro, have been here a week visiting at Col. Mc Alister's. MrrMcAllster leaves todav and Mrs. Mc Allster will go to Pbila- ford battleground to Greensboro, a distance of six miles, on July 4th. Three handsome prizes will be given. Fifty cents entrance fee will be charged. Mr. W. A. Wingate, of Greensboro, will furnish. any addition al information. A new training school has been predated. Summerfleld, of the bride established at ham. This is the first open step to ward the complete annihilation of Old Trinity College, in Randolph. It is time the W. N. C. conference was call ing a halt. We are not willing to be lieve that all our western Methodists Mr. Cecil A Boren, of Pomona, and Miss Ada McMichel, of were married at the home last Thursday afternoon,' Rev. P. E. Parker officiating. . Owing-to a recent death in the bride's family the affair was quietly observed, only the families night. An old soldier writes; "Why not have a reunion at the Battle Ground the 4th of July? The old soldiers of the 45th were' from Rockingham and Guilford counties, and the 21st regu lars were from Stokes, Forsyth, Surry Guilford and Rockingham. They should get together and see each other the best chance they will have." Unfortunate ly this suggestion Is made too late to permit definite arrangements to be made for a reunion this year, but such ought to be a feature of the Battle Ground celebration every year. Turnip Seed just received. If you want fresh, reliable seed buy of Gard ner, corner opposite poitofiice. The Salisbury correspondent of the Charlotte Observer wrote that paper under date of June 24 as follows: Dr. W. T. Whitsett, of Whitsett Institute, delivered a lecture on "The Southern Boy and the Southern Girl" In the Chestnut Hill Methodist church last' He declared, that the great Trinity College, Dur- of the contracting parties; and a few intimate friends being present. These happy young people are most favora bly known and their congratulations are most sincere, j Dr, Dellinger, captain of the Maine are blinded by the glittering career of Memorial Light Infantryman organ!- bodv of future men and women in the South must have the trained head, heart and hand that is, modern edu cation. . He sought to arouse enthu siasm in the cause of education. The address was well received by the large audience who heard it."' Jedediah Bobbin's singin delphia in a few days, taking the tie son for medical treatment. rlit- Bedford's Condition Powders Are the best, 25c; twice the size of all kule klass will gradyoueight at the kourt house Friday nite. All ov the skolars llv rite here in Greensboro and are mostly members of the West Markit streat church, which gits the proseads of this a moo sin entertanemint. Ad- mlshun will be charged of 25 sents; kids 15 sents. Best eeets 10 sents ex- tray. No one kan knm on tick. House for Sale. Store property on Sooth Elm street. Leased and paying fair returns on in vestment. '- v-- Piedmont Realty & Guaranty Co. Bedford's Condition Powders Are the best; price 10c. and 25c. .Sold recruits, orders from the Adjutant move his company to Fort Macon and they will leave tomorrow, forty strong. The officers of the company are: J. E. Dellinger, Captain; R.L. Russell, First Lieutenant ;iR. L. c Sloan, Sec ond Lieutenant; L. W. Graves, Order ly Sergeant; W. M. Keeble, Second Sergeant; W. H. Hiatt, Quarter master Sergeant; jWill Culbert, drum mer. We take cafe of estates arid proper ties for owners or heirs, pay taxes, in surance, look after genera! conditions, collect rents, etc. .. j J -I ; " Piedment Realty & Guaranty Co. Tick's Sarsaparilla. 75c. a bottle. Same size as all other Turnip Seed just received. If you General to want fresh, reliable seed nuy ox uara- der, corner opposite postomce. Deafness Cannot be Cored br local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There ts only one way to cure deafness, and that 1 br conntitu-. tional remedies. Deafnew is caued by an in flamed condition of the .mucous. lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube et inflam ed you bare a rumblm souna or r heartnz. and when it is entire!? clonal deafnew is the result, and unless the inflamation fnb9 taken out and this tube restored to it normal condition,, hearing will be aesiroyeu irr, nine caes out often are eaiwl by catarrh, which isnothinK but an inflamed condition of . the mucous surfaces. , on Hundred Dollars for any ca"e of Deafness caased by catarrh) that can. SSbJeuSS by Hall's Catarrh Cure. end for circulars, free. , nn r.f-i n Sold by Drufits,75c. Hall's family PiU are the best. Bedford's Tasteless Chill Tonic Guaranteed to cure or your money others. Sold by J. B. Farlts, druggist. I only by Fariss, druggist, opp. Benbow. dollar bottle Sold by Fariss, druggist. I back, 60c Sold only by Fariss, druggUt. ;1