J. j - . - . .... I . - - - - - - - . - - - : - s , j GrBEENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1898. 7 NO. 27. J " 1 - - : . - -- - ! - - - J;' : . ---I - - v- - - - -- -,i . ;. , : . j-. -. . ' ' "pgOrisSIOKAI. 0AHD3. -LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. RICHARDSON. Or nCE: KATZ BUILDpG. 6 5; W. GASTON ST. ffin a t T Tl ; r PHYSICIAN AND SURDMM. :F tT-uiEXClj: 404 Asheboro St Hours 11:30 to 1; 3 to 4:30. telephone NO' 7-1 j ! - : . r istaserab OrSgca'i Dnig.Stcre. Mra. W. T. Smith Is visiting friends at Kernersville. Mrs. S. L. Alderman and children are visiting friends in Newton. i -Mr. G. S. Bradshaw has opened a law office in the Fisher building. Two interesting communication are crowded over to oar next issue.: You will find, the best grade fruit jar rubbers at G. W. Denny's. Come to see me when you want sell chickens; G..W. DxnsV. A son of Mr. John W. Wharton, Jrn is reported seriously ill with feyer Mr. and Mn. Paul Crutchfleld. Of -Kev. J. K. JUUtton, 01 Jlimax. IS Winston," were called here Saturday arranging to build on his lot at the tn attend the funeral of their erand- corner of Spring Garden and L.Itbia of to fchlld, Jlr. and Mrs. Wr G. Crutchfleld's little daughter. The six-weeks-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Denny died Thursday night of cholera infantum," after an ill ness, of five or six days, and was buried Friday evening. j Mr. H. G.Griffin,a baggage master running: on the Southern between this streets and will soon make Greensboro his home. He holds the office of con ference missionary in the M. P. denom ination and will find this a convenient point from which to carry on his work. 'Mr. C. O. Forbis has purchased the furniture stock of Mr. W. H. Forbis, on East Market street, and will carry on the business, with which he is fa- city and Norfolk, left Saturday night miliar, the latter intending hereafter to join Gen." Lee's Jacksonville, Fla.- Ernest Mason, man or tms city hospital corps at a young colored lost an arm last Dr. J. J BRYAN 1 . t 1 1 ! in. Wizens of Greensboro and vicinity. the 725 JKO. B.TASISS' rS73 STOSS, h . 1 orrostTK bexbow noca. Dr. J: E. Prof. W. C. Blagg, of Whitsett was Wednesday by attempting to board j a freight train at the East Market street railroad crossing. L ; "Hot weather specialties" are ad vertised by the Odell Hardware Co. They handle everything that is calcu lated to afford comfort and pleasure during the heated term, j 1 j We take care of estates and proper ties for owners or heirs, pay taxes, in surance, look after general conditions, collect rents, etc. , Piedmont Realty & Guaranty Co. Capt. Frank Irwin, of the Treas- nry Department, tvashington, is at home enjoying a short leave of at- Jl ! . OSce in pkvingf Bank BuUdmg, . 1 south Elm etrect, Grecniboro, N. C. ir;l J-: H. VHEELER, i. DBNITIST. OFFICE: Op. Ward's DfPg Store. Dri Wi H. Wakefield; Jowct Charlotte! will be fcroirthe 3IcAdbo House iiy, August? 8th - Cje, Ear,Xoge and Throat, in Greens-on.Thurs- here a few davs the first of the week. Mr. John Shaw came over ffom Danville to spend the Fourth at home. Mr. H. W. Cobb, of Danville, Ya., was a welcome visitor to the city last week. ' t President Dred Peacock and wife have returned from Saratoga, flew York. - Mrs. J. M. Milllken and children have gone to Asheboro to spend tht summer. Mrs. Chas. Emerson, of Muncle, Ind is hire to spend the summer with relatives. Mr. C. W. Hunt, of Charlotte, was here last week on a visit to his broth er's family. Mr. L. E. Darden is on the sick list and Mr. DeWitt Ease is in charge of his shoe store. Bill Collins is back from Raleigh. i He failed to oass the examination re quired of recruits. . A drizzling rain has been falling here since about dusk last night. The temperature is much lower. Mr. J. A.Pope and Miss Minnie A Leonard were married last Thursday evening by Rev, W. M. Cooper. The county commissioners were in sence. Me usually mates it a point to be here for the Battle Ground celebra tions. , . ! Mr. and Mrs.G.W. Denny leave this afterneon for Piedmont Springs. to devote his entire time to undertak ing, which he has heretofore carried on in connection with his furniture business. The Charlotte Observer this morn ing says : aMiss Mollie F. Debman, who has traveled for the past four years in the interest of The Orphans' Friend, will not give op the road,' but has secured a position with the Geo. B. Hiss Oil Con and left last night, via the Southern, to begin life as a commer cial tourists The telegraph and express com panies have generously decided to let the patient and long suffering public nav for the stamns that the new war revenue bill stipulates shall be used in connection with the business handled by them. The monopolies are quite willing the war should goon, but at soke one else's expense. Mr. T. V. Pfaff, of Winston, won the bicycle road race from the Battle Ground Monday, covering the distance of six miles in IS minutes and 10 sec- where they will spend a couple of onds, exceptionally good time consid- weeks. Mrs. Denny's sister, Miss Johnson, of Reidsville, will accom pany them. I i Prof. 'J. W. Mims, of Trinity Col lege, and Miss Clara Pury ear, a mem ber of the faculty of Greensboro Fe male College last year, were married at the home of the bride in Paducab, Ky last Wednesday. " ! A case of genuine smallpox de- session Tuesday, but aside from paying sloped in Reidsville last week, the BobertlDick Doiiglas, i- - 1 1 .1 . .1. : - SAVISGS BANK BdLDIN( - ! bnty f.r Peopie'sjFive Cents Barings Bank. P; D. SATCHWELL, OF Attorney at ! 1 -1 Law. i i bills they said they didn't do much. Mr. Edgar Williams, of Reidsville, was here yesterday on his way to join the. hospital corps. of the. volunteer ! ' army. . m The gas company has been trying for over a week to discover a leak in its main somewhere along South Elm street. Dr. Mclver, of this city, Is one ef speakers at the National Education Association, which meets in Washing ton July 7th. patient being a negro. Prompt pre cautions were observed in preventing a spread of the disease and no special f i .... i i alarm Is or need be felt. Mr. John R. Hancock returned to' Elizabeth City Thursday after a pleas ant visit to his home west of the city. He has met with much success work ing for the Farmers' Mutual in the eastern part of the State. Mr. D. R. Huffines, dl here for the Portner Brewing Compa ny, Alexandria, Va., has ordered ma terial .for a new two-story bottling house which he will erect on Buchan- strict agent VI. ICE : Qld'Kekley BdiLDiNO, Greensboro, N. C. be CHAS. LI. STEDLIAN, I i i 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, "!: i ! i 1 I 1 ! Mendenhall Building, I1 1 s ! . i GREENSBORO, - - - . N. C. X. M. SCALES. 1.IHAW. j SHAWi & SCALES, AVill Mitchell, of Washington; D. CM is here visiting his brother. Mr. W. M. Mitchell, of Superintendent an street, just west of the building O'Brien's office. uow cup4- Ti,fl ..fnin t omK Ar fonffnA tnra The crowds in the city and at the a aa.w oca a v a i - at Slier Citv was robbed of about $150 Maiue urouna juonaay were almost late last Wednesday night. The burg- mpdels of propriety. There were few i iflff nA ino eviaencBB ai latoxicauoa auu uo row- dyism, practices that public sentiment and good police regulations have about done away with. A dispatch from Washington says : Assistant Attorney General Boyd has been designated by the Attorney Gen eral to construe all questions arising Mr. O. F. Pearce Is able to be up after a short but severe illness. His GREENSBORO, N. C. alattention'siVen to all "Unoaliuildiiiigi No. 117 C business. Office Court Square. I ,8TNm, wpUTNCMfJR.; Z.jr.TATX.OB. two-year-old son is dangerously sick with meningitis.. f Mrs. A. M. Scales and Mrs. Jf N. Wyllie and children, of Danville, jVa were among .the Fourth of July visi tors to Greensboro. i Mr. P. D. Satchwell has secured a position in the claim, department of the Wabash railroad and left the first of erine the deeD dust and crowded con dition of the road. H. C. Reynolds and John Thomas, of this city, cap tured the second and third prizes. Mr. J. E. Gray, who came here a fortnight ago seeking a location, has rented a bouse of Mr. N.A.Jeffreys on Walker Avenue and will locate here. His mother and brother have already shipped their goods from Tallapoosa, Ga., and will arrive soon. Mr. Gray's sister, who is visiting friends in Duluth, Minn., will join the family here in the fall. - Ladies' vests, 5, 10, 15 and 25 cents; mtfh's summer weight balbriggan un dershirts. 25 and 40 cents; men's car pet slippers 40 cents, women's 35 cents; Simpson's prints, 5 cents, and a big lot of ladle and children's oxfords, slip pers and sandals to be sold out at cut rjrices are among the attractions at s t Thacker & Brockmann's store this : month. William Allen Scott, Jr the seven- months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott, died last Thursday night and was buried from their residence on Bellemeade avenue Friday evening. Rev. Dr. Weaver conducting the funer al services. The child had never en joyed good health. Mr. and Mrs. Scott deserve the great sympathy that is felt for them. This la the third child they have lost. -Lieutenant A. H. Scales,- of the IT. S. cruiser Topeka, left the Brooklyn navv yard Thursday with his vessel bound for Key West. . The Topeka was one of the warships purchased abroad. Fll T . ifle r atkiot aa vises a: persons to send for a copy of 1 young (the ele- Businesa Opportunities. Opportunities for small InroifAM tw t. m -nr. .. L. I. .U. gaut catalogue oi ivnuien institute- loan money on mortgages secured br This school is offering all neceaiiarv enarAnftr 1 educational advantages at very low rates of both board and tuition. Its large and increasing patronage is evi dence of; established merit. Over thirty counties were represented in its student body of two hundred young .Its cata- guaranty. Piedmont Realty & Guaranty Co. ... ii. . Turnip Seed Just received. If yon want fresh, reliable seed buy of Gard ner, corner opposite postofflce Notice to Public School Teachers. The examination of public school teachers will take place in the court house on Thursday and Friday, 14th The colored company of volunteers 15th of July, for whites, and Sat- i t ii - a - left Thursday for Fort Macon, an im- urday,' July 16tb7for colored teachers, mense crowd of their .race turning out Applicants for life certificates, also for to see them off. Dr. Dellinger, who county student in the State Agricul commanded the company when it left toral and Mechanical College, will men and women last year. logue is beautifully very attractive. I illustrated ! and here, has been appointed an regimental surgeon. Dave! succeeded him in command company was merged into with more men, when Dave 1 I ! assistant Gilmer hntll the another as made nave at the same time opportunity to stand examination. J. R. Wharton, Supervisor. first lieutenant. R. L. C.Sloan is first sergeant. Wesley prlvate.": Smith is a "high of of to Hinkle Bros.! announce 1 1 through our advertising columns that they have moved their entire stock of dry goods, notions and shoes to their new quar ters, 214 South Elm street, next door to the -Bank of Guilford. MrsJ Ward's millinery stock, which occupied this stand for some time, has been pur chased by the Messrs. Hinkle, and they will continue the business which she successfully established, retaining the services of Miss Connelly! an artis tic trimmer from Baltimore f See the prices they quote on certain lines of goods. 1 Congressional Convention. A convention of the Democrats the 5th Congressional District North Carolina is hereby called meet at Greensboro on Thursday, the 21st day ofJuly, 189S, to nominate a candidate for Congress for said dl$ trict and to select an executive committee, and for 'such other business as may come before the convention By order of the committee. John N. Wilson-, A. L. Brooks, Chairman. Secretary. WHITSETT INSTITUTE. under the war revenue bill. Inquiries She was built in England for Portugal, STRUM, BYNUM & TAYLOR, the week for Chicago J t-l - j 1 --4.573 asi ;Cras8ll:rs at. Law. ' f 108 - ' i COTJBT SQTJlA "RTT.. W. B. BEACHAM, iichitecl V2ce io OddlFellows Bu VHEXSBORO I and Builder. ldlng, i l N. I T. JOHNSON, l i jr - i !! TUE OKKKN3BORO ft SPECIALIST, - I ll l! .1 7 ' 2 SOITTH ELM Or Muiimtioii ST. i : f am. to 1230 p. m, 2 tofi p. m I' " m 1 ( T ' i 1 i - iTiie Pbinter. jECIALIES:f vtnite Work, tow Prices. Hana Bills i it., d'C. I Posters, flvilng KU-ttY Fl-tiS'ISHED. kiiJ. stone; and pouring in at the rate of a hun dred or more a day., ijf The Sunday schools of Greensboro circuit, four in number, viz.: Holt's Chapel, Mt. Pleasant, Lee's chapel and Mt. Plsgah, will hold their joint pic nic at the Battle Ground on Thursday, July 14th: All the friends of the schools are requested to be present. Mrs. Rachel Heath, one of the old est residents of the McLeansville neighborhood, died last j week at the age of ninety years and j ten mouths. She had made her home for several years with her son-in-law, Mr. A. L. Bell, whose wife was her only living child. j ! Rev. J. L. Michaux, D. Dn one of the best known ministers of the M. P. Conference, died at his home in this city this morning at 1 o'clock, after! a lingering Illness. He was about seventy-four years) old. More extended mention of him will be made in our next-issue. ! ' v v ' ' -; I Men's rubber soled tennis shoes, black, brown and white, are sold at 50 cents a pair at Thacker & Brockmann's. They also carry a line of men's and boys' bicycle shoes, baseball shoes, and several styles of canvas and leather low quartered shoes, suitable for hot weather wear. I Mr. John I A. Watlington, of Lib erty Store, recently sustained a serious loss by fire, caused by a spark from a I .1.1 -"r f - a . ' V McNeill, of Fayette- "ey. uouae sua contents, North Carolina criD ana amoKenouse were entirely consumed, his barn being saved j by arenueus efforts. There was some in surance on the property. Mrs. John A. Dodson is reported seriously ill at a sanitarium in Indiana, where she is taking the mud bath treatment for rheumatism. ' Tralnloads of troops, supplies, hones and mules and other adjuncts of war have been hurried southward over the Southern the past week. Four companies of colored recruits passed through here Thursday enroute C. to Fort Macon. They were from Char lotte, Winston, Statesville and Concord. Mr. H. W. Wharton leaves today for Wilson, where his wife and chil dren are spending tne summer. lie will be absent ten days or two weeks. Clary & Stack are moving their stock of goods from their stand on the South Side to the room at no west Market street just vacated by Hinkle Bros. The Brown Mercantile Co., has just brought on a lot of midsummer goods purchased by Mr. Brown on Ms recent trip to New York. See iheir new ad. . . , Mr. J. F. Taylor,-whose letter to Gen. Lee Is published in anotner coi- that umn, has received a reply saying the latter has no power 10 maice ap pointments. Mr. Jas. D. vllle, president of the Firemen's Association, was here Friday to witness the exhibition given by our department Tick's Sarsaparilla. TKf hAttle. Same size as all Dther dollar bottles. but was never paid for and delivered. Her former name was the Diogenes. The delay in fitting her for service has been a constant source of regret to her officers and crew. Pres. Coles, a colored street car riage driver, recklessly drove in front of No. 12 at the Southern depot last night and narrowly escaped ; being ground under the wheels. He was thrown out and the rear of his carriage demolished. The crossing gates were out of repair but the watchman called to him to stop, which he could have done had it not been for his anxiety to get across the tracks to answer a call. The board of education held its ap pointed meeting yesterday, all the members present. A number of minor matters came before the board for con sideration. This meeting, though, was largely given over t6 the settlement with the county treasurer. Treasurer Hod gin had Ills books in good shape, and all was found correct. The ad ministration of the school affairs of the county has been managed economical ly, as was shown by the report made to the board. Mr. H. J. Harts ell, of Tabernacle, left Saturday evening for Asheville, where he will have charge of the Meth odist Protestant mission during the summer months. ' Mr. Hartsell is a theological student at Western Mary land College, Westminster, Md., and will graduate next year. He is an earnest young christian worker of much promise and his ability will at once be recognized by the people among whom he will labor during his vaca tion. ' . - .' Bedford's Condition Powders Bedford's Little Liver PUls. 50 pills in bottle, 25c. Sold only by Are the best, 25c; twice the size of all Sold by Fari8s,druggi8t.XFariss, druggist. Freesample at store. I others. Sold by J. B. Fariss, druggist. The Battle Ground celebration Monday was an unqualified! success both in point of attendance and inter est. The addresses of Judge; Douglas, Mr. Z. V. Taylor. Mr. A. Bj Kimball and others were gems of eloquence and word painting, coupled with valu able historic data. Judge Douglas. he principal orator of the 'day, is a speaker of national'repute and his ad dress 6n this occasion was one of his happiest efforts. We regret Ithat w cannot find room for it in this issue. Fortunately all the addresses are to be printed in phamphlet form and will be preserved in the archives of the Battle Ground company,- A fully incorporated institution of. high grade. 200 students annually, representing 30 counties. Experienced faculty. 25 free scholarships now open. New and well arranged board ing hails. Location combines health, CONVENIENCE and BEAUTY. Banks Boon had a narrow j escape from death by drowning Thursday evening. In company with several friends he went bathing at the Prox imity reservoir and was seized with cramps while near the center of that body of water, which they were swlm ing across. He went down six times, but managed to hold his breath until the last time. One of his friends who i .ii. was swimming nearby noticed that he had disappeared and thought at first LittraryvNormal, Busines8,Artf Jfutc,c Tuition and board very reasonable. The 31st term opens Aug. 17th. Beau tiful 60-page catalogue. sent free. Ad dress, Prof.'W. T. Whitsett, Ph. D Whitsett, N. C. The Raleigh correspondence of the Charlotte Observer contains this Item : "A gentleman who spent the 4th at Greensboro says the Battle Ground was a good place to get political news. He tells me there is much bad blood among the Republicans in (the Fifth district, and it does look easy for Dem ocrats to carry everything there.. Kitchln will have a walk-over, proba bly 3,000 majority, as none but Torn Settle seems to want the Republican nomination. Judge Adams has made' many leading Republicans sore by pre tending in some places to want to run for Congress and in others to deny this, and declarehe wants to run for iudge again. Adams is accused of al- he was diving. Bob Wharton dived to the bottom of the reservlor, some ten iowjnc himself to be used by Tom Set- cweive ieec, ana orougnt Mr. Boon tlfl to defeat Col. Bovd's projects, such as the High Point postofflct, etc. Then again By n urn's friends say Adams It not toting fair, andjthat he had better look out or they will put a knife Into him. And so goes the merry war in the revolutionary bailiwick.'' or to the surface, where he was assisted to the shore and resuscitated without difficulty. Aside from the soreness in his limbs the next day he felt no ill effects from his experience. Only his presence of mind saved his life. Death has again Invaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Will G. Crutchfleld, taking, from them their bright little daughter, Mary Elizabeth, aged eleven monthe and three weeks. The sweet child died Friday evening about seven o'clock, after a brief illness, land was buried Saturday at six. The funeral service was conducted by (Rev. Dr. Weaver. During his remarks he re- i' i cited the following hymn, the senti ment of which is so beautiful that we print it in full: Go to thy rest, fair child I Go to thy dreamless bed, Gentle, and meek, and mild, With blessings on thy head; Fresh roses in thy hand, Buds on thy pillow laid, Haste from this blighting and, Where flow'rs so quickly fade. Before thy heart could learn In waywardness to stray; Before thy feet could turn Ii The dark and downward way; Ere sin could wound thy breast. Or sorrow wake the tear!; , Rise to thy home of rest, In yon celestial sphere! Because thy smile was fair. Thy lip and eye so bright, Because thy cradle-care Was such a fond delight Shall love, with weak embrace, Thy heavenward flight detain? No, angel! seek thy place Amid yon cherub train. Mr. and Mrs. Crutchfleld svmnathv of a host of friends in this their second bereavement within the it. space of a few short months. The Southern's New Depot. Mr. D. Getaz, of the firm of D. Getas fc Co., builders and contractors, Knox--ville Tenn., was here Friday on his re- turn from Washington, p. C, where he had just been awarded the contract for building a new depot here for the Southern Railway. Mr. Getaz was aboard the Raleigh train when he was located by the reporters and had time to give only an idea of the character of the new building but from what be in ferred and said it will be the finest structure of its kind In the south. It wilLstand on the site of the old trans fer freight shed, just west of the old depot, and will occupy a space of 30 by 160 feet. Stone, Washington hydraullo pressed brick and white terra cotta enameled brick will be the principal materials used in the superstructure, which will be two stories in height with a spacious attic which will be divided into offices. Mr. Getaz expects to begin work on the building next week and has until January 12, 1899, six months, to complete it. There is more Catarrh in this tectioa of the country than all other aiseases pai ioeiner and until the last few jear was suppo-e;! to w ir.nr..io For & sreat manr rears doctor pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incur- Kio cj.iAn,. h nmrpn catarrh to be a con- Turnin Seed just received. If you want fresh, reliable seed buy of Gard der, corner opposite postofflce. Bedford's Condition Powders r Are the best: Dr ice 10c. and 25c. Sold stitntionaltisease. and therefore i requires con. have the stituuonal treatment. UaU'a pt"Vh?J manufactured Dy r. cncnrj v-.. Ohio, u the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken mternaiiy irw i-j drops to a tcapoonful. It ar ts direc tlj on the iwMi and mnrani surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure.' Send for circular and testimonial Addrest. F. . a. uv.t v. Sold bT)ru8riat, T5c. ' -UsJl's Family Fills are the best. " Bedford's Tasteless Chill Tonic. Guaranteed to cure or your money only by Fariss, druggist, pp. Benbow. I back, 50c. Sold only by Fariss, druggist. t i