I " . i - - - - . - ' . " r . . ' :. . ... .. - - , - , r v.- . -:, . . .---.f .. . ...' v, . , ' . -. - ' - 4 I - - .;- - . .. - . - . . . ,. .: ; . . " . . ' . . . . . : . ' j - - V . .. '- - i - .. " rr-:-. j . . - - ; : - ; GREENSBORO, C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1898. VOL. 77 NO. 28. i r . " , ' ' "M 1 i T ' - . """" ' i ' ' - - 11 - Dr. 5ovo; P. USfiAW. is. jr i fEOFESSlONAL 0AHD3. vp. RICHARDSON. rSlf)ENCE: 615 w. P. BEALL, Mi D., fiYSICIAN AND SURGEOH. ; P LOCATj news items. , Mr. V. D. Trotter is reported crit ically illi 1 - . Capt. Alex. Rankle spent Sunday in this city. Miss Nettie Murray Is visiting friends in Concord. Dr. Stamey is building a new resi dence on We8t l.ee street. Mrs. J. M. Cunningham and chil dren are visiting in Virginia. , Mr. OrloEnDs has located in Wash- - i tv. ii- rnurt houare r 4 i - ' . - in -!IEXCE : 404 AsheDoro jc. ington, D. Cn leaving here Saturday. 11:30 to 1: 3 tc 4:30. - O-.C i -' ' . ; TELEPHONE- NU. I- ' RESIDENCE ' f ' !. OFFICE s St. A. ssy & Grlsscn's teg j Store 17. J. BRYAN i kt. Thrill f 1 1 1 1 u u i I cers V- ------ nA xii jsrj. s. FAEISS D3T73 STOSB, Tom Peacock came npfrom Wilson last week for a visit among old friends. Prof. C. R. Brown and wife have gone to Monticello, Ind to spend the summer. Marion Sikes is clerking at G. W. Denny's store daring the latter ab sence at the springs. Mrs. Watlington visited her son, Sergeant Harry Watlington, n camp at Raleigh last week. Judge Allen and Judge Adams were here the first of the week on their way to fill appointments. Turnip Seed just received. If yon Only three of Greensboro's com pany of colored recruits failed before the surgeons at Fort Macon: They were George Hackney, Claude Al bright and Aaron Emerson. ' D. Bendheim & Sons find it neces sary to clear out the rempants, the oddb and ends of their stock, in order to handle their new goods to the best advantage. See their new ad. Mr. W. R. Richardson was re-elected city engineer by the board of alder men Friday evening. He has filled this position most acceptably for some time, as the action of the beard. attests. Mr. Chas. T. Wagoner has return ed from Terre Haute, Ind., to his borne east of the city, the climate out there proving undesirable for him. His brother living there has very poor health.'" : V . '"""j" ; "I-. Mr. J. W. Bailey, editor f the Bib lical Recorder, Raleigh, delivered an excellent address at the West Wash ington street Baptist church here Sun day evening on the subject, "The So cial Mission of Jesus.? -! . ' Mr. Kametaro Sakatsume, of Tokio, Japan, arrived here Sunday and will enter school at Oak Ridge Institute next term. Mr. Sakatsume was until recently in the Japanese navy. He spent a month in Philadelphia before coming here and has already learned the rudiments of our language. The work of demolishing the old buildings fronting on Buchanan street Business Opportunities. Opportunities for small investors to loan money on mortgage secured by guaranty.; : (' !,. . Piedmont Realty & Guaranty Co. Notice to Public School Teachers. The examination of publli school teachers will take place in the court of of to Congressional Convention. ' A convention of the Democrats the 5th Congressional District North Carolina is hereby called meet at Greensboro on Thursday, the 21st day of July,3S9S,to nominate a candidate for Congress for said district and to select an executive! committee house on Thursday and Friday, 14th come before the convention may displaced by the new Southern depot and 15tn of J for whites, and Sat- ha8 begun. A new switch which will be completed in a day or so will carry all the main line trains alongthe south side of tbe old freight shnd. A large force of men will soon be at work. Reidsville - Review: "Miss Maria Williams, of this city, and Mr. James Teachy, of Greensboro, were united in marriage by Rev. W. P. Ware Sunday Joseph Shelton, and sister of Daniel afternoon at the residence of Mr. S. H. D. Gillespie and Mrs. C. C. Gorrell, of urday, July lSth, for colored teachers. Applicants for life certificates, also for county student in the State Agricul tural . and Mechanical College, will have at the same time opportunity to stand examination. ' . J. R. Wharton, Supervisor. Died In Monticello, Ark., July 6f 1398 Mrs. Nancy J. Sheltoni wife of By order of the committe. John N. Wilson, Brooks, Chairman. Secretary. f A. L. Ware. Immediately after the marriage Greensboro, N. C. . She was the haDDV counie boarded the soutn- years oi age, ana naa been a bound train for Greensboro, their fu ture home." . Sample shoes, odd pairs and bro ken sizes of men's shoes, worth $3.60, abeut 75 resident having WHITSETT INSTITUTE. A fully, incorporated institution of high grade. 200 students annually, representing30 counties Experienced faculty. 25 free scholarships now open. New and well arranged board ing halls. Location combines health, convenience and beauty shed to make room for the Southern's new passenger depot necessitates a IPO! jlTK BKXBOW HOUSE. want fresh, reliable seed buy of Gard- change of the transfer work from this Dr. J. E. VYCHE, - I ner, corner opposite postoffice. John CrutchfieldY an escaped con vict from Chatham county, was capt ured here Friday by Officer Scott. Mr. H. L. HoDkins left the first of -The destruction of the old freight $3.00, $2.75, fcc are being sold out at $1.98 atThackert Brockmann's. There are forty or fifty pairs of these shoes and you don't often have a chance to buy such shoes as these for $1.98. Bet ter take a look at them while you can get a pair to fit you. j Wilmington Messenger, 12th i A. M. Scales. Esq.. Grand Regent of the 0 A city to Salisbury, the nearest point with available facilities. -Hlnklt Bros, advertise for sale re gardless of prices 144 pairs of Oxford ties' which came late in the season. . i. c-'; c nnV TliiiMincr. iouth Elm street, Greensljoro, N. C. the week for a trip south. He is now They want you to look through the Royal Arcanum of North Caarolina, northern Y7HEELER, H. DENTIST CE: Op. Ward's prug Store i - traveling for a Cleveland oil house. President Hobbs, of Guilford Col- lecre. left Monday for Worcester. Mass. He will be absent a couple of weeks. The Bee Hive advertises a great July clearing sale. Joe Climer will be found there ready to serve his friends. Mr. Lawback. of Salem. Ohio, su- line. which embraces misses' and chil- dren's sizes. Next door to Bank of Guilford. A big basketful of floe peaches from Brother A. G. Kirkman's farm at Friendship found its way to this office Friday. 'Other than a printing office there is . no place on the face of the or Arkansas ror lorty years: emigrated to that State from North Carolina in 1858 with her husband and family. She was born and reared near Greensboro. She: leaves many friends and relatives in North Carolina who will be grieved to learn of i her death. G. T. Glascock & Son, the foundry- men, advertise a new plow, the Aoronoa of tha nnnnnMmanfnA. "Greensboro Center Draft," tnat they appearing in a number of state papers are manufacturing and putting on the that the University would teach Span market. These plows embrace every ish next rear w loum thatmtth w mvwm wmmw mmmt ub uidcl for the in? of the execntiYA nnmmlftoa nf tK chilled State Normal Literary, Normal, Busines8,Art, Xusic,&c. Tuition and board very reasonable. The 31st term opens Aug. 17th. Beau tiful 60-page catalogue sent free. Ad dress, . Prof. W. T. Whitsett, Ph. t)n Whltsett, N.C. advantage that is claimed or western made arrived in the city yesterday, and has plows, and the repairs are sold at from in June it was decided that the Span- since been kept busy shaking hands with friends, of which he has many in this city. lie is a prominent lawyer of Greensboro, and a visitor we will al ways most heartily welcome. Numbers of our people are off en- perintendent of the Eagle Foundry Unnreciated. WH V7akGll6ld Co,'a nevT Plant nas arrived in the city. An 80-foot addition is to be made earth where such favors are so fuily joying the recreation afforded by the summer resorts in various portions oi the state. The nearby resorts are al luring to many who can only getaway Ana-Tinvth v nn..niilf f na AAi ianil I lU 1 H '- ,v. i . . vuc-wutvu uuc-ua" y T I lou iau;uager snouia oe caugnc as a what is said about them in the adver- part of the regular course of that pro tisement on another page. : They are cress! ve institution. 1 tlftf: ft VronnlS an1 sold by the manufacturers and a nam- German now are. With our state col- ber of local agents throughout the leges and such public schools as those county, -a partial list of whom may be of Atlanta introducing the teaching of found in the ad. I J Spanish we mav exnect that lAniiA(a . e la to claim a large part of the attention heretofore given to French and Ger man. ! rharintte . will rbe in ureens- tho MoAdoo House on! Thurs- irjAbgust 13th. i j : PEACTICE LIMITED r I Ear. Xose and Throat. TO Robert Dick Douglas, i . ! I ii : iriniey and Cwnsellop at txw, .SAVINGS BkC BtTILDIKO; here Saturday on his way to New York to look after some business inter ests. Mr. J. P. Dempsey, Brown Sum mit's expert millwright, is over in Vir ginia putting up a roller process flour ing mill. imity Mills as soon as the brick can be manufactured, machinery for which is now being erected. We understand forty more new tenements are soon to be erected there. Two New York hobos who recent ly enlisted in the Second regiment from town over Sundays. The C. F. & Y. V. does a big excursion business Saturdays and Mondays, when reduced rates to the resorts along its line are in effect. Robert Herring Wright, an honor A High Priced Spree. Charley W. Orrell, a young painter living on South Forbis street, lost his right arm Saturday night about nine o'clock in an attempt to board a South ern freight train while under the in fluence of liquor. He either fell from the train as he was getting aboard or Turnip Seed just received. If you want fresh, reliable seed buy of Gard ner, corner opposite postoffice. Father Joseph Departs. The following note, received yester- graduate of the State University, class J"7?0011 " -bf W "T dV morning, is self-explanatory: Mr. Macon Michaux, of Goldsboro, deserted last week, much to the satls- was called here last week by the ill- faction of the rest of tbe men in the ness and death of his father, Rev. J. L.' organization. They were seen board- TSBOBO, ar. o. I ! t for Pciple'a Five Cents Savings Bank. D. SATCH'ELL, Attorney at Iair. OFFICE:. Old Kkkley Building, Greensboro, Nl. C. A. M." SCALES. SHA.W & SCALES, GREENSBORO, N. C. Jttttimjrivon to all 4ton lliiiM;:,-. No. U7C DAS. LI. I STEDLIAN, Attorney at lav, . ; ; - - I'- . Mendenhair Building, t a i GKtENSBORO. - - - N.C. business. Office ourt Square. TM, BYNUM & TAYLOR, t Z.V. TAYLOR. t ! zzi C:::-sellers at Law. COURT SQXJA.'R'R. pB. BEACHAM, itect and Builder. cej& OJJ fellows Bui SBORO, ding, i ! N. C. J- T. JOHNSON, THE GREENSBORO f SPECIALIST, I i ? 1 1 Emulation. Eroe. 2 to 6 p.m. 1 r" s a. ta. to p. ra i t Michaux. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Spencer, living on North Spring street, died last Thursday morning. . : J Dr. J. J. Bryan has gone to Gran ville county for his family and will soon return to make this bis perma nent home. Wanted. Second-hand engine and boiler 25, to 30 H. F. Must be in first class condition. Address, John C, care Patriot. . tf. Mr. Will X. Coley, editor of the Ornhans' Friend. Oxford, was here - Monday on his return from a short visit to Mocksville. 'Superintendent Bergman went to Danville Saturday for Bob Aiken, col ored, who escaped from the convict force some time ago. A large kitchen and a steam laun dry will be among the improvements made at the State Normal and Indus trial College duringthe summer, j A right brisk fire was necessary to ines Bant . A. A. M 1 -r personal comiorc nere iae past lew evenings. A coast storm lowered the temperature about thirty, degrees.' Graham Gleaner: Work Is about to be commenced on the interior of the Presbyterian church. Mr. W. C. Bain, of Gre&sboro, will do the wood work. udge "VVr H. Eller was seriously ill the first of tbe week from an attack of cholera morbus, but we are gratified by the information that he is improv ing. - - Major General Nelson A. Miles. U. S. A passed through Greensboro Fri day morning en route to Charleston, young s r f mm whence he sailed for San. Record, left mm 'W mmm w 1 w 1 tiago. - . Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ward, Mrs. W. B. East and children and Mrs. Percy Albright and daughter Juliet are among the Greensboroites visiting at Asheville. I - M. G. Newell is unloading aj car of buggies, spring wagons, and car riages today. This makes six solid cars of these goods he has. received since July 1st. " t Senator John W. McLaurln, of ing a freight train in the railroad yards at Raleigh. Mr. Joseph Edwards, a farmer liv ing in the Muir's ohapel neighborhood, five miles west of this city, was here last-week for the first, time in thirty- five years. He is somewhat of a re cluse, going about very little, eveniu Fry, of his own community. Mr. Charles P. Sapp, who has so successfully edited the Evening. Tele gram since that paper was established last fall, resigned Saturday and is now on the staff of the Raleigh News and Observer. He will do highly creditable work in any capacity. I - 1 ' Wanted About fifty ladies who wear numoer a, ana snoes, 10 come ana ouy a pair irom rnacKer s Brockmann at about half price. We have too many of these small sizes in both heavy and fine shoes, and will sell them at greatly reduced prices. At the regular quarterly meeting of the Trustees of the Five Cents Sav- it was shown that their total assetts amounted to $106,053.05 The people seem to appreciate this institution. There are over 1500 de positors. Good luck to the Savings Bank. ! Raleigh Observer, 12th : Joseph of '97, has bean elected as professor of mathematics in Oak Ridge Institute ifor the coming year. Mr. Wright was prepared for college at Oak Ridge and was one of the strongest men of his class, intellectually, at Chapel Hill. He was captain of the U. N. C. foot bal team iu '96. . Wilmington Star, 8th: Mrs M. C. Fry (mother of General Manager J- W. the C. F. & Y. V. R. R., and Mr. H. L. Fry), Miss Walker Fry, daughter of Mr. .H. L. Fry, and the three daughters of General Manager J. W. Fry, spent last night at -The Orton, and will go down to Carolina Beach on the Wilmington this ing for a protracced stay. A dispatch from 'Raleigh dated Monday says : "Revenue Collector Duncan will tomorrow name E. A. Aiken, member of the lower house of the legislature,- for deputy collector, with headquarters at Greensboro, vice T. H. Vandeford. He recommissions Deputies Jack Shelburn, G. W. Means and C. Mebane, of Greensboro, until August 15th. These are all members of what is known as the Greensboro force, which does special work." Messrs. Simpson Schenck, Apple ton Staples, Clarence Bogart and Shor ter Leftwich were at Raleigh Thurs day and stood the, examination for en listment in Gen. Lee's hospital corps. the Davie street crossing by some rail road men, who hastily bound up his arm to prevent the loss of blood. La ter on the arm was amputated midway between the elbow and shoulder by Dr. Richardson, assisted by Dr. Turner and a trained nurse. '.( The funeral of Rev. J. Li Michaux occurred last Thursday morning at Grace church, the services being con ducted by Rev. J. F. McCullough, a close friend and co-worker of the de- nominations were present and partlci- ItT Editor Patriot: To save others and myself the pain of taking leave, I in this manner bid all my Catholic and Protestant friends farewell. I , have been appointed rector of the Catholic church at Salisbury, of which I today, go to take charge. . .. F. Joseph, O. S. B. Father Joseph's departure is regret ted by many of our people outside his own congregation. IJis labors here have been carried on in a manner that betokened much earnestness and abil- We hope he may find the work in H. Boyles, of Greensboro, has been en- Mr. Leftwich was turned down be- listed in the hospital corps of the cause of some defect In his eyesight. Seventh army corps and will move at Messrs. Schenck and Staples left Mon once to Jacksonville. General Cowles day morning for Jacksonville, Mr. Bo- desires ten other young men of good gart in the meantime withdrawing his health and character for the hospital enlistment at the solicitation of his corps. j ! family. Mr. Melville P. Troy, j the bright An abandoned colored child about local reporter on tne Dally fifteen months old was found in the pated in the services, which were un usually impressive. " Flowers in pro- morn- fusion covered the casket inclosing the remains, which were borne to their last resting place by Messrs. John J. Nelson, W. J. Ridge, R. H. Brooks, J. Norman Wills, W. R. Rankin and J. S. Hunter. The family and church sus taining the loss of this truly good and gifted man have bur sincerest sympa thy. I h' -'!- : ' .i m m 1 . . : " - s ; ; j I I - - ! Union Sunday School Excursion. The Sunday schools of the West Washington Street Baptist,'-Westminster Presbyterian and Friends churches will enjoy their annual excursion and picnic on Thursday, July 21st, Mt. Alrv being the objective point this year. Train leaves Greensboro at j 7.15 A. M. Returning leaves Mt. Airy at 5 P. M. Fare only $1.00; children 50 cents. The committee having I the his new field as agreeable as "that in the field he has just left. The name of his successor here has not been an nounced. . We take care of estates and proper ties for owners or heirs, pay taxes, In surance, look after general conditions, collect rents, etc. j Piedment Realty & Guaranty Co. The date and principal details of Mr. W. F. Bogart's excursion from Greensboro to Wilmington and the ocean are announced through our ad vertising columns this week. The ex cursion leaves here Friday, July 29th, at 7.45 A. Mn and reaches Wilmington at 3 P.M.; returning leaves Wilmlng- ton Saturday, July 30, at 6 P. M. Far for the round trip Is only $1.75. By j depositing their tickets with the C. F. & Y. V. agent excursionists can re main over at Wilmington until the affair in charge invites everyone to go following Monday, returning on the with them and spend a day in the Blue regular train, at an additional cost of Ridge, viewing the beautiful mountain only one dollar. We don't need to re scenery, the winding Ararat,the famous count the 'pleasures and advantages of Mt. Airy granite quarries, etc. Dromise an enjoyable trio to all may aid them by going. They who last Thursday night for Raleigh to enlist in the hospital corps of the volunteer army. He passed the necessary examination Jtriaay morn ing and left that afternoon for Jack sonville. Will Logan leaves today with his band to join the third regiment. It can not be definitely stated until the train leaves how many men he will carry with him, as some of his musi cians are said to be getting right weak in the knees as the hour for departure Turnip Seed just received. If you want fresh, reliable seed buy of Gard der, corner opposite postoffice. I ( MY I?iie Printer. - -1 South Carolina, was here Saturday approaches. KCIALTIES: 1 .iteork. Lvr Trices woods a few miles east of the city Sat urday. Later on it was learned that Rebecca Ingram and Isaac Clapp were the parents of the child and they will have to answer in court for their crim- t inal action. Clapp had previously This institution has just finished one given bond for the support of the child of the most prosperous years in its his but soon wearied of the obligation, tory, while the prospects for next year The youngster is well and happy hot- are even brighter. It has the name of withstanding his harah treatment. being one of the most thorough, best Misses Aurelia and Susie Marean, located schools in the south and the of Ocala, Flan daughters of the cele- graduates who are turned out each b rated Mrs. "Beatrice Marean, author year well sustain this excellent repu of the pleasing drama, "Cherry," writ- tation. Each of the professors jls a as this trip. Most everyone has been over the route and knows just what to expect. There are Innumerable points of interest which can be reached, chief among which are the new: government fortifications at Southporti The ocean trip alone, and the privilege of a plunge We have just received a patalgue ln tQe 8Urf at one ot tne prettiest bath of Davidson College, Davidson, N. C. nz beaches on the Atlantic coast, are alone wortn more man me smau sum charged for tbe trip. Meals and lodg ing canine had at a reasonable cost. Call on Mr. Bogart for any desired In formation. - j ;! morning on his way from Washington Rev. Thos. C. Hodgin, formerly of ten expressly for and so successfully specialist in his department and to Mt. Airy, where his family annually this county but now.stationed in Ohio, presented by the Eagle Dramatic Club there are a limited number students "fjJJf j1? nj chlney spends the summer. j was here over Sunday and preached last winter! came up last week to visit each young man gets the benefit of in- oh,o" fa the oIr 'constitutional .Hand Bills. Tosters, -'Ues, Wedding kc, ic. ,SJ.SI0NE, tiKEENSBQRO, N. C. -f . . I . - .. .. . " - il r : Contractor Jas. Oakley has pre- two fine -sermons that day, in the the city as the guests of the club, dividual instruction. It has -large, pared plans for the new M. E. church morning at the Friends church and in Their stay is being made pleasant in well-equiped laboratories, light, airy, I at Proximity and will at once proceca the evening at Centenary, The Friends Kr r VB .luai and convenient domltorles, and witn- to erect the structure, a site for which abandoned their evening service in or- them M she , ,ft wpl1 knnwn htJL vv out doubt the most beautiful compus llterarv works. " in the state. See ad. in another column. - was donated by Mr. Cone. der to hear him again. There i more Catarrh in thU section of the country than all other disease put tocetber and until the last few year wa upj-e;i to & incurable. For a great many yeara ,0Ii pronounce it a local disea, An'l V' local remedies; and by contantlr titUnX to cure with local treatment, pronounced it . - able. Science ha proven catarrh to be a con- v fititutional'disease. and therefore requ.ry yu- Co.. Tolcoo. cure on the It is taken internally in dose fiwn lO - drop to a teasiniu i . M" v"n . biooa ana mucous tuno. " i" offer one hundred dollars for ny c ase t ,U to cure. Send for circulars and 5o,"fJi1 Q Addrest. F. J. CIIKNti A CO., loleuo, U. Sold by Drusrgist, 75c. . J Hall's Family Fill are the best. - Bedford's Little Liver Fills: Bedford's Tasteless ObiU Tonic 'RAdford'a Condition Powaers ueaiord's Condition Powders tnV' Rnrsdriiio. Are the best, 25c; twice the size of all Are the best; price 10c. and 25c. Sold 75c. a bottle. Same size as all other 50 pills in bottle, 25c. Sold only by - Guaranteed to c"rr 0W"r , ' .n Sold bv J. B. Fariss. droggist. I only by Fariss, druggist, onn. Benbow. I dollar hottw Sold hvFH. flrnirat. Farissruezist. Free sample at store. I back, 50c Sold only by Fariss, druggist. i