I . : Tf-v r '." i . ' , , -. -" - - -'J - 1 -' v Vr. , ' :.-v , .-, - - r. . - i ' l :: f - , . 1 v ' V :' :" v . . 1 j- ' 1 ":-' '-. ' ' ' -. . ' :;' I.- .' '"- h-7. -T" ' I .. . . " -r'" ' - f 1' ' '. !'' i 1 - -; - -.,,-.. ... ' . 7 . ........ ........ .... ' . ' . , ' - .ij''...;. . . . " " " 1 -p'f.-j - j . - .- : - - ... ... i - -f- J"-. - - --yj.i..-- - : ' - - . '. , - ' '.- - . ' 1 j ' j ' ! . ;" " ; J ' ' ' Vol. 77. . GREENSBORO, N. ti;, WEDNESDAY, JUXY 20, 1898. I NO. 29 PROFESSIONAL CARDS jjW, 3. RICHARDSON. nrrVcfe'KATZ BUILDING. tT?4CE: 615 W. GASTON ST. BEALU, BIJ D., PHYSICIAN AND JRGEQM. U?u K -n 17 Court Sqilare. 1 . 1 i KK.i'lDENCE: 404 Asheborp St. . '-bsce'llcur. H:30 to 1: 3 to4i30. 'ELEPHONE NO. 17. E. I i BESIPENCB: i So-atlJ. Elm St. OFTICE: ssy & Grisssn'g Pmg Store. i 1 Dri J. J. BRYAN Of or niS prillCSaiuuai Citizen3 OI tfreeufjuu,uu . j TPS 3V3 S. FABISS' DSIJS ST03B, iH'OSITR BENBOV HOUSK. : No. S25 North Kim St. ' Dr. J. ' - -hi E.VYCHE, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. Prof. Chas. L. Raper was ar wel come visitor to te cltv last week.! He Prof. J, M. Bandy spent rfunday at had 1uit returned from a trip through The Sanday schools of Centenary, Grace and West Market street churches are at Franklinsville today eniovine : ! i ' DKNTI8T. 4 . i Oiuc m savings onh Elm street, Greensboro, N. C. Df. J H. VHEELER, Sd-bittist. OFK ;Dr. CE: Op. Ward Drug store. W. H. Wakefield, Aowof Charlotte, will be in Greens- V , .f tho McAnnil lluUsO Ull iuuio- ll'lU M - &yt August ISth. . j TO ! . PKACTICK LIMITED (I i Ear, Nose and Throat, jert Dick Aitsrse7 aai Counsellor at Law, AVfNG3 BASK BCILDlSS, Douglas, i i i itcnty for Peple'a Five tent Savinga Bank. Pi D. SATGHWELL, Attorney at Law. OFFICE: Old Keklky building, j . i .. . ' Greensboro, N. C.1 CHAS. EL STEDOAN, ATTORNEY 'AT LAW, Mendenhall Building, GREENSBORO, U - N.C. t'jjgHAW. j - A.' M. 8CALK8.1 SIIAW & SCALES, GREENSBORO, N. C. i. I t ireful attontioo piven to all business. Office avtiarltn i;uiuiini?, NoJliT Court Square. .tYM tf, w7r. BTNUM, JR., 35. V. TAYLOR. BYNUM, BYNUM & TAYLOR, j i ; . i iittssTs asi Cowellors; at Law. f . 106 COURT j SQUAKE. IV. B. BEACHAM, - ! : a . Architect arid Builder. . r i I" Oice in O.M Fi-llnwa Riiildlncr. - - v - - o "jSEEXSBORO, - -' ; C. i J. T. JOHNSON, ! I i : THE GREENSBORO HE SPECIALIST, i 302 SOUTH EM ST. 'Rumination Fre. . . o jx Li .m. to!20p;m.,2 to 6 p.m. i t STONE The Printer. 5fV SPECIALTIES: - t i. - - Accurate Work. Low Prices. Tc: 'Work. Hand Bills. Tosters, -J-.CiUloiiesjWe'dding ' itt:find, ic.t Jtc. i f CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. JOS. Jl STnTTF.. GREENSBORO, N. C. home here. Rev. B . M. Brown, of Brick Church, was here Friday. - Just received! D.M.Terry & Co-'s new crop turnip seed. v 29-2t , Hi att & Lamb. Mr. H. L. Fry took his family to the seashore' yesterday. Mr. H. F. Merritt, of Jamestown, was one of our callers Friday. Attention is called to the Bee Hive's new ad. on another page. Mrs. John N. Wilson and son have returned from a visit to Morganton. Wanted 200 bqshels of good oats. Will pay market price In cash. Hiatt & Lamb. The Fifth Congressional district convention meets in this city tomor row. " Mrs. Ned Ireland Thacker has cone to Morehead City for a fort- a night's stay. Clary. & Stack have a new ad. in this issue. Their store is new located at 120 West Market street. , , Prof. Stevens, of the A. & M. fac ultv. has crone with his wife to visit T C7 friends in Cleveland. Ohio. X - T n V. a lnt-.m fin Tk Second Reiriment. U. S. v.. spent a day or so at home last week. The Greensboro ball team was de feated in a seven-inning game at Reids- ville .Thursday by a score of 8 to 7. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cobb were called to Caswell county last Thursday by the death of Mrs. Cobb's sister, Mrs. Badgett. The cotton mill business must be good down on Deep River. Th Worth Manufacturing Co. is advertising for weavers. Mr. B. C. Sharpe has gone to Washington for' assignment to duty as an assistant paymaster in the volun teer army. RevChas. F. Rankin came home from Concord Monday for bis summer vacation and left yesterday for a short visit in Virginia. .. Mr. J. Willie Smith and daughter, western North Carolina and will spend their annual picnic. The shaded banks the remainder of his vacation at his of Deep.River are . delightful places to visit at this season and the excursion ists will undoubtedly have a pleasant time. ' " . Notice. . - y : Whereas, my daughter, Miss Flor ence Smith, a minor, has left my home without my consent and is unlawfully harbored by neighbors against , my wishes, I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any obligations she may incur and also forbid anyone from feeding or harboring her. ..;'.V R. J. Smith. Julian, N. Cn July 19, 189S. s Who is Peter Brown? A telegram from Philadelphia ap pearing in. this morning's Charlotte Observer says : "A man supposed to be Peter Brown, of Greensboro, N. C was instantly killed, and Charles Craig, of Attleboro, Massn was seriously in jured to-night by being struck by a locomotive on the Pennsylvania Rail road in West Philadelphia, while beat ing their way from Baltimore to New York." home near High Point. ; r . 'Sauire Keith was bound over to court Ionday. by 'Squire Eckel, charg ed with embezzlement. The amount of money involved Is small.' The lease arose over the settlement of an estate of which Keith Was administrator. Forty-nine pairs of ladies fl.25 i oxford ties to be sold for 95 cents a pair at Thacker & Brockmann's. Also three dozen pirs men's sample shoes and odd sizes, worth $3.50 and $3.00, to be sold at S1.93J Old fashioned double- seam stitch-downs $1.25. The Southern's old freight shed and the buildings on the south side of Buchanan street next to South Elm are being rapidly demolished to make room for the n'evrdepot. The contrac tor, Mr. Getazj of Knoxville, was here last week to see the work started, j the .foundation for the new kitchen at the State Normal;, and Industrial, dollege - began Monday. The new laundry building will soon i ; - and both are to be com- soon as possible, so as to be use the coming school IU U t"A'JL AIM N TT A T. RTTKT'PTKr'l u.u , ' . . '. t w . i iuc uuususi onnortnnftp nf ; t i . - . - v n iXlliJIB ter to sneak In Of the Greensboro Industrial and nd mdeafew appropriate remarks . Immigration Association. on the spiritual Interests or the cltr xiie louna annual meeting or the Among otner things he said last year Greensboro Industrial and Immlgra- as in all respects the best in the his tion Association was held in the as- tory of the churches and the outlook sembly hall of the Knights j of Pythias 'or them Is still brighter. building last night. With few excep- The committee on nominations for tions the entire membership of the as- officers for the coming year recom- sociation was present and jjt Is safe to mended the following, which were say that a more encouraging or en- unanimously, chosen : . thusiastic meeting was ever held by the organized business interests of the city. The presence of the Brockmann Orchestra on this occasion was a new but enjoyable feature. A number of President, J. S. Hunter. 1st Vice President, W. E. Stone. 2d Vice President, E. P. Wharton. Secretary and Treasurer, W. M. Bar ber. . Executive Committee, R. W. Brooks, be under way pleted as available for year. Wood's new crop turnip seed is on sale at the LJ Richardson Drug fCo.'s V most pleasing selections were rendered during the evening by the organiza- W. E. Bevill, J. AV. LIndau, J. M, Hen- tion in a manner mat evoked the heart- drix, Nell Ellington, J. W. Fry, J. Ner- iest applause. j (' man Wills. At nine o'clock the meeting was call- President Hunter gracefully ac- ed to order by President J. S. Hunter, knowledged the honor of re-election At his suggestion! the minutes of the and urged the association to continue last annual meeting were read by Sec- the loyal support heretofore accorded retary W. E. Stone. Following their Its officials. adoption. Mr. Stone read his annual re- Before adjournment Mr. Ireland porta as secretary and treasurer, submitted the following resolution, These had been compiled in an enter- which was adopted : taining manner and were adopted with- Having heard of the contemplated out change. The affairs of : the associa- move on me pari oi our county com- tion were shown, to be In a most satis factory condition, a fact ! reflecting Monday's Republican convention f credit not only on the officers but the was a regular Waterloo-Manila-Santla,- membership as well. I I j go attair combined ror Jsir i nomas President Hunter's report was then Settle and his henchmen. Not a soli- missioners in providing better facili ties for the conilnement of our crimi nal class, be it resolved, That the as sociation assure our enterprising com missioners of our hearty sympathy In the matter of erecting the splendid $40,000 jail which they are about to In augurate, and we hereby pledge our store, at wholesale only. A full Mine tary delegate to the congressional con- city's material progress the past year, earnest endeavor to commit to their of patents, drugs, paints, oils, station- vention did he get. And this right ery, eta, can always be found there, here in his 'own county, too. Just Buy at home, paying Baltimore or think of it! Even old Sumner, the New York prices, and save big freight banner radical township of-the coun- a most trying one In many respects, care tne reoeiiious ana unruly element but favorable In averv particular. I Ub- w""Bjr 1UUUU L s uri.x iv -d-U. ui Lemonade and uu uiuiiuu . ii . iJiuvu iuo re charges. See new ad. Burglars for Clary's attempt was weakness Another the place T seem to have a racket store. mart to enter last Wednesday Bight but the barred windows at the rear offered more re- sistance tnan couia oe overcome. i ! , - .i few good s near the window were fished . . ... ml ' . out out tne loss is not great;. i . ? Mr. J. Clark Anthony, an old gen- tleman from Sumner township, was killed while walking along the South ern Railway tracks in this city Sunday evening. He was on his way to the county home and was in the act of Mian Fannie May. left yesterday for crossing the short trestle over tne u. Piedmont Springs accompanied 1 by F. & Y. V. Railway when struck by the Miss Pearl Llndley. A movement of troops from Chick- amauga to Norfolk for embarkation to 'Porto Rico is expected by Southern Railway officials in a day or so. It's not too early to make your ty, exploded a mine under him. Judge Spencer B. Adams Is wearing Tommy's congressional scalp at his belt, while a few-patches of hide and hair maybe found under the finger nails of the Glenn faction. cigars were during the evening by Mr. Hunter. , served Henry Winston train,dying in a few minutes. When you get ready to buy your new carpet or matting, or anything in the way of rugs or curtains, be sure to A A. t A. 1 extensive siock ai And while It affords us pleasure to note the fact that Uncle David Wharton has regained health and strength sufficient to enable him to get out to church again. He attended services at Buffalo Sunday for the first time in several months. On the day following be was ninety-four years and seven months old. He retains possession of all the faculties he has employed to such good uses through his long life and In ap pearance Is yet erect and vigorous. He merits the distinguished considera tion of the Patriot,, having been a subscriber to this paper continually since 1828. port was ordered printed in all the city papers. It will appear in these columns next week and will be read with in terest. ; -M . ' . J' A committee was next appointed to recommend nominations for officers for luo '8J-tY,ir'. " la8t Thursday morning after a linger- niann, . v augon ana nouon Qg mneM brought on by the Inflrml- Mr. W. D. Trotter's Death. Mr. W. D. Trotter, an estimable old citizen of this city, died at his home' on South Ashe street at three o'clock the look through Thacker &; Brockmann's. plans to go witn Bogart's excursion to you are there take time to learn'. some of their prices on dry goods and shoes. You will be surprised to find hew low nrsc class gooas are soia oy mis nrm. Wilmington and the seashore on the 29th. Keep your eye on that big ad. Asheboro Argus ,: Miss, Annie E. Johnson, of Farmer, has entered Brock mann Musio School at Greensboro. Miss Johnson is an accomplished young his family pn and occupies one of Mrs. John P. 'Scott's new houses on North Mrs. Nancy Hinshaw, an aged widow living a mile south of Pleasant Garden, died Saturday and was burled Sunday. She had suffered a year or more with dropsy, which caused her death. She owned a good plantation were named on this committee. Mr. R. D. Douglas appeared before the associated in behalf of the fire de partment asking that the association join in extending an invitation to .the state organization of - Area en to hold the conventlonj and tournament here next year. A motion directing com pliance with the department's request, was adopted and Mr. Douglas was au thorized to represent the association at the approaching convention at Golds- pointed public administrator for Gull- boro. j ford county, which position he retaln- Mr. C. H. Ireland submitted a resolu- ed to the time of his death. He was a tion acknowledging on behalf of the representative of the old school of gen association the consideration shown tlemen. His dignity and honor assert Greensboro by the Southern Railway ed themselves In every act of his life. In erecting here the finest depot build- As a citizen he maintained the respect ing along the lines of that! fereat sys- and confidence of everyone. A wife, tern and also In the exceptional freight son and daughter survive him. Fun- ties of age. He had not been able to get around much for several months, still his family and friends were hope ful to the last that he might be spared to them. He was widely known here and throughout the county by reason of his active business pursuits through life. Away back in the fifties he serv ed two terms as superior court clerk. He then followed merchandising for several years and still later was ap- lady, - y : Mr. J. E Howard, bookkeeper here for J. S. Cobb & Co. for several years, left Monday to take a position as trav eling salesman for P. H. Hanes & Co., Winston. . An Interesting letter from Prof. L L. Hobbs, who is sojourning at Wor- Dr. J. J. Bryan, who located here on which she had lived alone for several a few a few weeks ago, has brought I years, or since the death of her hus band. By the term of a will executed last fall by Mrs. Hinshaw the planta- Elm street, No. 325. Dr. Bryan has tion is to be sold by her executor, Mr. practiced medicine for seven years and I Thos. Coble, and the money invested, comes among us wen recommenaea. tne mceresi; oi wnicn goesioa wiaowea depot facilities provided, j Adoped. Pending the deliberations of the committee on nominations several gentlemen present, members of the as sociation, were called upon by the chair for brief addresses. j . I Dr. D. W. C. Benbow spoke on The eral services were held at his late resi dence on Thursday afternoon at four o'clock, conducted by Rev. Dr. Weaver. Interment was made at Greene Hill.- Turnip Seed just received. If yon want fresh, reliable seed buy of Gard ner, corner opposite postofflce. He Is a graduate of the University of sister during her lifetime, after which Progress and Development of Greens- WHITSETT INSTITUTE. Mrs. Baltimore, and had a year's tne principal reverts go to Mr. Coble's boro." Maryland; hospital experience there. two little daughters, grand-neices the deceased. of Margaret H. Halyburton, cester, Mass., came too late for publl- widow of be late John C. Halyburton, -Ed. Smith, one of Capt. Dick Greensboro" sub- of interesting facts cation this week. It will appear in our next issue. Mr. Jno. K. Wheeler brought us last week some choice specimens of Japanese plums from a tree grown on his lot. The yield was prolific and the quality superb. - A suit of clothes stolen from the residence of Mr. J. C. Abbott, near the finishing mil), Monday was recovered within an hour after the theft was re ported to the police. ' The Wakefield" Hardware Co. ex tends a special invitation to everyone to come and see the new Improved disc Buckeye wheat drill on exhibition at their store. - See new ad. Fifteen United States prisoners from the western part of the state who have been in jail here several days were taken to Raleigh yesterday. The majority of them were blockaders. Come and go with as to Mt. Airy and breathe the pure mountain air. Train leaves C. F. fc Y. V. depot at 7.30 tomorrow. Secure your tickets of M. G. Newell, at his buggy store, or at depot. Mr. M. S. Ozment, of Mooresvllle, visited his old home in this county the fore part of the month, returning last week; He has recently quit merchan dising and is now dealing in real estate. Mr. H. H. Cartland and son, Lee went to Pemaquid Beach last week to visit relatives. They will return the latter part of this week, stopping over at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., with other friends. - . Tnmin Seed iust received. If you want fresh- reliable seed buy of Gard- der, corner opposite postofflce. dledlloniay at the residence of Capt. Smith's sons, was stricken with paraly n C, Dick. In eastern 'Guilford, aged si Thursday afternoon out near Sum- 93 years, 8 montbs. and 25 days. De- mit. Avenue, where Is father Is super- K amMnu -1. ceased Us the mother of Capt. A. G. Intending . the rook crushing being J?f iiaiy ourion, oi Asnevuiet, ana graua- vaJ WJ u --.-j, uBJwu6 ua Dr. W. P. Beau In presenting the "Health Statistics of mitted a number that ought to be presented fully by our newspapers. ' He would confer a great favor on the association au dour people A fnllr incoroorated Institution of high grade. 200 students annually, representing 30 counties. Experienced faculty. ' 25 free scholarships now open. New and well arranged board ing halls. Location combines health. CONVENIENCE and BEAUTY. jnother olj Mrs. R. C. Dick. She was a lifelong na ember of the M. E. church. Her funeral took place yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by her pastor Rev. J. B4 Tabor, j Inter- - 1 ment at Bethel. Capt and wel John Whiteley, a well-known -to-do farmer . living about eight miles south-east of this city, in the Tabernacle neighborhood, died Monday evening at 8 o'clock - of heart trouble and was buried yesterday af ternoon at Tabernacle,1 Rev. J.E. Hart sell conducting the funeral service. Capt. wiilteley was an. excellent citi zen and pis death causes profound sor row. We do not know his age, but presume he was pretty well along in the sixties. He leaves a wife, two daughters and five sons. . A farmer named Thomas been working with City Engineer Richardson for some time and It is pre sumed the heat brought on his afflic tion. His arms and legs were com pletely paralyzed, though he suffered no pain wnatever. JNeittier nis body nor mind were affected in the least. After two or three days he recovered the use of his arms and right leg but his left leg remains paralyzed. It is hoped that his complete recovery may soon follow. living near Lineberry station, on the Factory! branch of the C. F. & Y. V. railway was found dead in the woods near his' home yesterday morning. He had been out the day previous hauling wood to the station I and failed, to re turn.., After a search he was found be side his wagon dead. ' There was no marks of violence about his person and It Is taken for granted that he died -of heart failure. His team of mules stood beside the body all night. He leaves a wife and several children. Institute at Guiiford. A 'Farmers' Institute will be held at Guillord College Saturday, August 6th. The Department of Agriculture will hold one Institute in each of as many counties as possible, and we suggest that the farmers of this county attend ' . . r. . m . en masse," making caturaay, August Hart, 6tb, a day of profit and pleasure for other things he pointed out the fact that the death rate of our white 'popu lation the past fiscal year was only 5 per thousand; the rate on both white and colored was a fraction oyer 12. The average rate for the United States is about 15. The death rate in cities varies ordinarily from 16 !tjo 38. Dr. Mclver's talk onj "Our Educa tional Facilities and Advantages" was timely and interesting. Education as a factor in the material progress of a town, county, state or nation was nev- Literary, Xormal.IiusinesSfArt, JfusicCm, .Tuition and board very reasonable. The 3lst term open Aug. 17tb. Beau tiful 60-page catalogue sent free. Ad dress. Prof, W. T. Whits tt, Ph. D., Whltsetr, N. C. Save Your Teeth, and Eyes, Two of the most important organs of the human system. I am again In my office ready to do your Dental and Eye er more logically established in argu- work at prices in your reach. When The basis of the Doctor's fame you need such service, rememoer 1 am in the still doing business at the same place and will always treat you right. ' J. W. Griffith, Dentist, " K. of P. Building, South Elmt. ment. as a public speaker, especially cause of education, was cerned by his hearers last Mr. A. w. MCAUster pre readily dis- night. sented some we are assured every Institute that has insurance statistics, based chiefly on! the business of our local companies, one of which was established during b&n held has been a profitnoL pleas- the past year, that made a very; favor- conect rents, etc I- Business Opportunities. Opportunities for small investors to ure to those who attended. We expect to have a reporter attend this institute and will try to tell our readers who fall to attend, the out lines of proceedings, Ac, but do not hesitate to say now that our report will fail to be of as much benefit to the people engaged In faamlng as if they attend. The product of oar lands is the mainspring of all our greatness. Let those engaged in the fundamental business, not farming, attend, for, be sides the Intellectual treat, no place in the county has greater attractions than We take care of estates and proper ties for owners or heirs, pay taxes, In surance, look after general conditions, able showing for new enterprises. Mr. L. Richardson spoke of the job bing Interests of our city and the ad vantages they, enjoy. Mr. J. RJ Mendenhall spoke briefly - , . . j -1 . ' . . . of the lumber, interests 1 nere, wnicn in the past Piedment Reajty & Guaranty Co. Turnip Seed just received. If you want fresh, reliable seed buy of Gard ner, corner opposite postofflce. in tbi section of the and Jno. A. statements ftnllfawl CeexTtm' Tho fimi tkara Q loan mbney on mortgages secured by well as the dairy farm, stable. Ac., are guaranty. I all obiect lessons worthv nf carefal Piedmont Realty & Guaranty Co. , I inspection. have increased fifty fo seventeen years. Mr. J. Van Llndley Young made, gratifying concerning the growth of the jnursery business. Mr. Llndley remarked that the city was crowding iso close to him that he had recently be en compelled to buy a couple of farms just j west of his so as to find room to spread out. Rev. Dr. Smith took advantage or iiiClC If " , . .., .nthr than au oiier ui.:c r. the last few jeare ww ui-r- incurable.. For a great aDj y LTiYii country and ant u it a 9 rjy.Tu"::r .rr hf cnantlr failmst care with local treatment, pronounce-l it incur able Science baa proven catarrtr to be a con. Stutional dbea. Snd therefor e W fi i stitutional treatment. HaU a Cat a rrb turj in i.nfatnrecl bv r . J. Cheney X Co., loieao, manuiacinrea -nn,titntiSnal cuie on the .4 m.M blood and niucoua urfacw otthe system oiowu u Hrtiir tat inT case It oner one " a ,IimnJ. cure.. Sena ior c . - - ----1 n Addrest. i..vii..''vv.,.v. Sold by DTuzyist. 75c. Uall'a Family FiUa are the beat. the They any case it fail to

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