Greensboro Patriot. ESTACLISnCD 1621. ' PUBLISHED' EVERY WEDNESDAY. TV. H. BARBER & CO. BmwcxiTio-One year, $1; six months, SO 4VthrM months. J5 cent. In adrance. Catered at the F.O. In Greensboro, K. C, M second-class mail matter. Communications, unless tner tain impor tant news, or discuss briefly and properly sub jects of real interest, are not wanted; and if acceptable in every other way, theywiU lava riabTybe rejected H the real name of the author U Ad verUsemenU on which no specified number f insertions is maraea wiu w omwiBw forbid," at the option of the publisher, and will be charred up to the date of discontinuance. Advertisements discontinued before the time extracted for has expired charged transient rates for the time actually Pnblished.. -- Remittances must be made by check, draft, postal money order, express or in iTX -tef. Only soeh remittances will be at ihe risk of the publishers. C3Address all letters to M ' - wi PATRIOT, Greensboro. N. O. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 1899. The Democratic "members of the legislature met in caucus last night and agreed upon Judge H. 6. Con- aor, of Wilson, for speaker of the House, and Senator R. L. Smith, of Stanley, president pro tern, of the Senate. The contest for the speak ership was spirited, but friendly. Both branches of the legislature are composed of a fine . body of men and they have made a fine impres sion. . The city attorney of New Or leans has stirred up the railroad men there by stating that the rail- Toads cannot operate warehouses under their charters as common carriers. In other words, although they can store goods, they cannot charge for storage, as the compa nies have all been accustomed to do, especially i when goods have been left on their nanaa alter a certain length of time. Such practice is in vogue in this state, and should the New. Orleans at torney be successful in his conten- tion the question may be brought up in North Carolina and many other states. At any rate the fight will be watched with interest. ! The purchase of the C. F. & Y. V. railway by the .Atlantic Coast Line gives much pleasure to the people of Greensboro and Guilford county, for it means much to the future development of this section. The Atlantic Coast Line is a great railway system, controlled and operated by some of the best rail road men in the United States. For years they have been anxious to secure connection with the great Northwest, and a few years ago a road was surveyed from Wades-, boro, in Anson county, to Winston with this end in view. The ac quisition of the C: F. & Y. V. run ning 'from' the seacoast to the mountains, not only gives them this connection, but opens a terri tory which will be of considerable importance to the road. We are assured that, under the new man agement,. C.F.&fT. V., will be a first-class road in every particu- lar. In point or equipment : the Coast Line is inferior to no road, and the service they will give will be second to none. who are most interested take the initiative in this natter, going about it 1 common-sense wayt and it will be but a few years until the public roads of Guilford will be second to those of no county in the state. Jv xv address at the emancipa tion celebration in Raleigh Lion day Prof. L. B. Capeheart, one of the most intelligent colored men in the state, spoke tome plain truths in regard to the negro and bis fu ture. He maintained that the growth and development of the negro had been hindered rather than helped by politics, declaring that "the negro has built upon pol itics to his ruin.'1 The fact that such a sentiment as this is gaining ground among the more intelligent members of the race speaks vol times for the future happiness and prosperity of the negro. Prof. Capeheart declared that the emi gration and colonization schemes were impracticable, and advised the colored people to remain in the South and try to make the best of their lot. He counseled them to avoid politics, to exercise patience and moderation, and devote their time to industrial and educational development. In regard to the colonizationists who say : "Let us go to the North, to our friends, to our liberators, to the champions of our rights," the speaker said : "We answer that it is true the North -stands for equality of rights in the South, and' sheds copious tears over any seeming breach of them, but at the same time it throws its countless millions against us when it comes to. equality of opportuni ty to earn the "staff of life" within its own borders. She opens her doors, bids you welcome, but the workshops are hermetically sealed against you. When you come beg ging she listens attentively to your plea, and often gives generously to relieve your suffering, but when you seek to earn your bread by the sweat of the brow, in obedience to the divine injunction, your sphere is far more limited than in the South." It is gratifying to know, that these sentiments, notwith standing their boldness, were well received and heartily applauded. GENERAL NEWS. T- We are pleased to know that the suggestion in last week's Patriot, that the proper machinery be pur chased and the convicts utilized for macadamizing the public roads; has met with favor, j Mr. A. B. Hinshaw, who lives two miles west of Pomona, was in our office yester day and stated that he was willing to devote a.week to hauling crush ed stone. from the rock crusher to the roadbed between! Greensboro and Pomona, the work to be done at any time when his farm work is not so pressing as to require hie presence and attention. Mr. Hin sh aw is animated by the proper spirit, and we have reason to be lieve there are other filled with the same spirit of progressiveness. This work can be accomplished "without any great outlay of money or levying burdensome taxes. Sev eral years ago Mr. Hinshaw' s town- li!n rrr rail n a m a 1 1 a w Jl provement, and the small amount thus secured has been of great benefit to the people of this locality. It is reasonable to suppose that the benefits derived - from a more ex tended improvement would be greater in proportion. Let those Theodore Roosevelt was Monday inaugurated governor of New York. The American flag has been hoisted oyer the wrectc of the Maine in Havana harbor. Senor Don Matias Romero, the Mexican ambassador to the United States, died in Washington City Friday. , li Major-General Brooke does not recognize the Cuban army and will do everything possible to secure its disbandment. The jury in the Botkin case in San Francisco returned a verdict of murder in the first degree, with he penalty fixed at life imprison ment. The Spaniards on the island G tiara refused to reobgnize the autuority of the Governor appoint ed by the Americans, and Jose Sisto was declared Governor. Funeral services over the late Senator Morrill, of Vermont, were neia in toe benate chamber at Washington Saturday. The re mains were taken to Montpelier Sunday for interment. Dr. John 0. Keener, president of the Southern University, died j at Greensboro, Ala.. Saturday from a stroke of paralysis. He was a son of Bishop Keener, of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, South. Mr. H. W. B. Glover, traffic man ager of the Seaboard Air Line, gives notice in a circular just is sued, that Mr. LS. Allen has been appointed general passenger agent of the railroads comprising the beaboard Air Line, to succeed Gen era! Passenger Agent T. J. Ander son, resigned. Mr. Allen's head quarters will bji at Portsmouth, Va., and he assumed his duties Jan uary 1st. . 4 comes win net more man riuu votes. Outside of about twenty five men he is the second choice of all those who will vote for other candidates on account of local Special CoTTegpoudeace. - Washixgtox, Jan. 2, 1899. Mr. McKinlev is so anxious for the Senate to nromotlv ratify the considerations." I - Pressure upon the administra- sion to broach the aublect to a ioa trong enough to cause numberj of Senators who shook tn cabinet to instruct secretary hands with him at the New Year Hay to squelch the Pacifio Cable receptionat the Whit House, to- Company, by exercising his right day. It is the antics of Aguinaldo, lo aisapproye tne concession lor a believed to have both Spanish and caoie monopoly ootainea oy mis German, inspiration, which ntre company irom one late uovern causinir Mr. McKinler anxiety, ment of Hawaii, inside ; of I six He told the Senators that hia handa months from date of concession; were tied, outside of the territory The six months expired today already occupied by our troops, This is the , company that wanted until the treaty was ratified. Dem- tni Government to grant it a sub ocratic opposition to the treaty i&7 of $100,000 a year for twenty itself has almost entirely disap- years enougn to build tne cabie- peared, but Democratic opposition for tho fe use of the cable from to our keeoincr the Philippines ner. oaniornia to Hawaii. & . . manently appears to be increasing. Present indications are that what ever delay there may be in reach ing a vote on the treaty, which will eo to the Senate this week, will come from Republican senators, such as Hoar, Hale and Perkins. "NTt1 v all th T)mnrrt mnxr that . : 7 TIT S . I xvyivqtricxb. tne treaty snouia do promptly rati- . fied because it does not commit Chickens oid'peV lb! ll'.'.ll this country to keeping the Phil-1 Young, per lb.......... ippinet, and delay may result in ??8 srinn. trfttiblft Hides dry........ ..t x . . . . . Green......................; voi. jLenoy, one oi me uemo- Oata... cratic members of the War Investi gating Commission, dropped a hint mat inaicaies a surprise ior some body when the report of the com mission is made, which will be inside of four weeks, he thinks. He said: "When they make their report I think that all. fair minded people will admit that they have. performed their work conscien tiously and that it is Jiot so much or a wnitewasn commission as GREEITSBOEO MARKET REPORT. CO&KXCTXD WXXXLT BT 1 j JOHN j. rnoxNix. , . j j j Wholesale Receivers and Shippers of uountry roauce. f j 22 A 41 5 10 6 3J I- .525 3 34 4-6 50 Thanks Q. "W. DBNNT. STATE ITEWC Judge F. Carroll Brewster,! a noted Philadelphia lawyer, died suddenly on a Southern railway train near Charlotte Friday morn ing. He was on his way to Florida to spend the winter. The executive committee of the State Farmer's Alliance met at Hillsboro Friday night and decided to run the shoe factory during Jan uary and work up the stock on hand and then shut down until next fall. Sheep Skins.... Tallow i Wheat. . Unwasned Dried Fruits.... I. Apples lb...... Berries lb Peaches, pared, lb.. ; small spring chickens lb ' large spring chickens lb old chickens lb Corn, new. ........... Feathers Flaxseed many persons have imagined. Onions Th morrnatoa nt tliA trriat FOtatpeS Irish. UBW have been trying to scare General Rai?s Cotton. Junes ever since ne ioiu ice invesu- liones id.. gating commission that the "em balmed" beef sent to Cuba and Porto Rico was utterly unfit for use and expressed th opinion, backed up by that of physicians, that the enforced eating of it had Deen responsioio ior mucn oi me t want to thank all mr nnnn rr i UUk luoJ "a friends for their Hhftral .nktrnna'M -AJX .- ii -. T" o 0cuou, auu ro uuw tu. A during i the past year, and wish ""J-V,.- buo on them one and all a happy New Year. eral Miles for heavy damages, but When readinir the Patriot look I. . a! - Z t 1 J J I " T . , tuo iurttk quicjiijr uroppeu out for my ad right under the Wfien general Miles saia .tdat a markftt nuntatinnn. - I ! 4 nntt tf if law waa nrani oalir nKa.. I : S I UUUi V W A. A Cm VI VV MO J A he would like to get the men who sold that "embalmed" beef -' to - the War Department. , Swift ;fr Go. and Armour & Co.; members of the beef trust, have sent long commu nications to the commii8ion, tell ing how good! the beef was that was condemned by General Miles and other officers, and an ex-Ser geant & volunteers, now in the em ploy of the commission, has over done the thing by testifying, that th6 beef sent to Cuba and eaten by bis regiment was better than most of the men have had since they were mustered out. This same witness was made to admit that a lot of beef issued to his regiment was condemned by physicians, but tried to qualify the admission by .ayingthat bedidn't see -anything HKHEST jjj 3 pAI n;CASB. of Survey, composed of army offl cers, has been appointed to investi gate the beef, both canned and refrigerated furnished the army. Senator Mason, of Illinois, is the latest Republican senator to de clare against expansion. He said : I am, not an expansionist, but I think the treaty will be ratified at this session The ratification of the treaty, however, will not com mit this country to the expansion idea. The retention or disposition of the Philippines and other matters relating to expansion will have to be settled later on. The w aatadl S3a . Mil I k, STALL 6, CITY MAEEET. ! Elortgagee's Sale. North Carolina, Guilfokd County. Pursuant to the power Tested in the under- sivned by virtue of a certain mnrtrafce deed, executed March 2, 1896. by John D.iAmick and Carrie Amick, his wife, of the county of Guil ford and state of North Carolina, to ji. c. Boon of the counry and state aforesaid, whi;h mort gage deed is recorded in Book 103 fcages 240 et ueeas ior on- 1899, - . - ifV u uiuvov w mvsw otumvu aaie expansion Idea at present, OUt later court houe door in Greensboro. N. CU a certain T lnrt f rr fhnntrm Th nAnnU piece or parcel of land, lying and being in Guil- 1 lOOK ior a cnange. people ford connty, Btate of Nortn Carolina, in Rock apparently do not Comprehend lUSt Creelt township, adjoining the lands of D. V. r . J . - Fergerson, J. A- Paridson and others, and what expansion means." bounded as follows, to-wit: i Th nnnnniAmant frnm TCaw Beginning at a stone m public road, running 1 ne announcement irom JN ew .65 decrees east S chains and 50 links to a York that Mr. Croker had Selected stone, thence north 24; decrees east 1 chain representatlVO OUlZer as a CaUdl- 1 ner. thence north 6S degrees west, with Ferger- public road, thenre south 24 .degrees west 1 ...U1..4 . - A A 1 I Buujtjct is wu uik u uo uutjscu upuu seq.. in tne omce 01 cue ttegisteror ua;iw t .. uuiirora county, ne win seu ior cash Hmnt fim tn htx in farnr of th SATURDAl, FEBRUARY 4, one half acre more or less. A. C. BOON, Mortgagee. This 2d day of January, U90. r I A u TtAmm. 1 Km's ne, s chains ana so lints to a stone at iui .pcaaw ui mo uwruuuoo public road, thenre south 24U degrees west 1 and Consequently the leader OI the chain and 43 links to the beginning, opnUining Democrats in that body, was not received any too pleasantly by Democrats in Washington, There is no personal i objection to . Mr. Sulzer, who is extremely well liked, considering the j short time he has been in Congress, but resentment Sale of Real Estate. ; . . 1 By authority of aa ordr of the Superior Court f Guilford county. I shall offer for tale at the of Guilford county. court house door in Greensboro on MONDAY, FEBRUARY C, is expressed towards Mr. Croker the home jlace of Elisa Bradsher, deceased, sit- uatea in venire uroTe lownaiup. on tqe waiers 1899, ior trying to matter. There WBUUIO UlU kUlS Af RmH fcVtrk- mrtni nhntr th liiriHa Af W T ha8 been more or MiJe D Harris, the widow Jenny Florence ivu9 imtk. Biauug Aseuiucrm nuuub 1 renter, ana contains about sj acres, tne pur iuIO or tusi iua uwag uciccicu w x- OF 8ALE:-One-hlf csh- balance In fill tht nlaca in the next Cnnrreii six months, the deferred payment to be secured . . ... .. 0 -1 by note bearing interest from day of sale till paid. Tiue reserrea tiu porcnase money is iu ie is suujccb iu cuDimaiiioii) oj me Purchaser may par all cash if be so de I FINKNEY WALL, 1 Executor and Commissioner. that representative Bailey, of TflTsa. i!nsi in th nrBnt RnnoP P. cbject to connrmation; by the - : - r- -- 1 court, rurcnaser mar par an casn u ne eo court. but, according to Mr. Bailey's friends, he will be the man. Rep resentative Swanson, of Virginia, saidi "Friends of Mr. Bailey have made a most careful and conserva tive canvass of the Democrats elected to the next House. He has pledges and assurances from more than ninety and when the time The Right Sort. They have been in business to please their patrons; tbe know how to doit; they will please you every time and prices tne lowest, at The Tom Rice Jewelry Co. a (, (is . (is as (is (is as (is (is (k (iS (is OS (is 'I ill byyw fill ril fl h GiTl Mill mifTl AW 0 We wish in this way to express tp our friends, customers and the nnK he generally our gratitude for y0ur kind support through the past year 1 n i ror the future we would solicit a continuation of your supporf 1 a with a promise to serve you better than we have in the st.TiYeare- you honest lower than i now in a position to sell Dry Goods and Shoes they have ever been sold in Greens- boro. Our terms aret now and will continue to be STRICTLY CASH. vvibiiuig you a nappy anq pros perous future, we remain. ! Yours truly, !Ns f ' -t . I g TtEPOSIT YOUR MQHEY Ifi i The People's 5 Cents Savings Bank, OF GKHJE1TSBORO. 3ST.LO, Established 1st 1887. Does strictly a Savings Bank business. Has been in successful I operation nn , . J never lost a aouar. J. W. oOTT, President. . 1 : &2-3m '. i Pftya iHterr.t om Dtp tor Tin Tfr, J. A. HUUGIX, Tttu : Can I Sell as my -4 as Chea Goods Competitors ? (' ... , jr Get the Lowest Prices You Can Get, TJien Come an d See. 1 clerki; pay no I do bueloesi in. my ownoiiip ; I hire no rents; pay spot cash ior. my good?, and buy some of them in car lots, (others to the contrary ntwitb8tandiDg.) j anyway. If I they are hauled in ifrom the factory! on i ' wheelbarrow I am able to meet any prices where, and I have . jy ou can get elf e- BUGGIES FROM THE FINEST TO THE CHEAPEST. C. C. TO WNSEND' NiB I am ageut for and have in stock Cartland Buggiep, than which there are none fine; them, try them and be convinced. c Hack nyf, Harbour r or better made. TiiO mmm mm M A 1M U JO'-ACjrX' U JttMl ! BY Stow, GrJE iriunnono, o, .5,.. j I . Willi I 11 ' ' '. i L J ' 1 ' ' 1 ! " T tit- 1 . i-L ' . J.- Jru anil nui if o uave ueen masing inese oioves ior iwemy ja' . j on them increases every year. -We guarantee tha terial in this Stove ee in any Stove on the market! to t?ive entire satisfaction and not to break from Tti .ki 1 a i eliAwn in cut uoj uai c ubua UCil SOU UICKOI iun iuuj.uut.fY"f; buy without seeing these Staves. ; i For sale by us at our Foundry on Lewis stree t there i af We guarsnicj:; the effects f' f

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