v.r 1 . r a i - -mm t -r w . s .mm m. m w v . i .mm- ssw i ssw . - . ,. AND SURGEON. Asheboro St. ' K . 11:0 tio 1 k3 td 4:30. 17- t STA3IEY, M. U. J, J. BEYAN' sprvices to the ... ..niurw"i":i -i irivirK.BF'il10 HOUSE Eh l St. uildltg, vet. Green sborcjN. C. rJ. H. n !-1 JESOJ. FFlCSrOp. Sard's Drug Store Mert Dick Douglas, AStc:e7 &ni Counsellor at Law, mfoc People's Tire Cents 8aring8 Bank. troll. LOXG, 1 'I o. 8. bJeWIN, nhiB,N.C. Greensboro,. N.C. WLIN, feejj and Counsellors &ti Law.1 ' GREEN6B()BO, N. C tirt m State and Federal Courts desired. Office over ;' drug "tore, opposite Bebbow House 1HAW. -. SiliWi M. SCALES. GREENSBOROJ N. C. f nfal itu-ntion given to all busli ess. Office iart.m UuiLJing, No. 117 Court fcquard. I IIM M,; W : P. BT CM , JBp Z.j.T A Y tOR. 1M. BYNUM & TAYLOR, ae7i;'4a4 Counsellors at Law. , :06 COtJRT SQUARE. iB.BEAOHAM Mitect and Builder. C'Sce In Odd Fellovvl Building, N C. T. JOHNSON, THE GREENSBORO A t E SPECIALIST, s SOUTH ELM ST. lnatiou Free. . Hori; s: 8 a.m. to 12.30 p. m.j. 2 top. m iABUSHED 3Q YE AES. s 8 -v. ADJUSTER, tVKor Southern Railway specialty, -.r WANTED EVKRY. JvlA-ri Ull;,iw,th Iewey, and in , ' Wl ofi Manila. . Bonan. 1X11X1 i't OriKinal Dieturra N. r. L,J l .,jtotrapher8on- th6 enot. 2r t lWa. profits. Freight lsle.BW Chicago. J 43-16 YCHE i. WHEELER i . .i i. - - KE 1 . UUX m M m sk. llTPltlll.... l l : , a ii -.if; s u i . : 1 i LOCAL NJSWS ITEMS. Denny advertises cow feed thU vreek. " - ; Mr. iv A. Odell went to : Concord yesterdayl - ! , Mr. T, G. McAllster came up froni Wortbville yesterday. . Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Cartland spent yesterday In High Point.' " Mr. R. I. Karz, of the Fishblate Katz Company, has goje to New York on business. -' ' Rev. W. Jj. Grissotn spent Sunday in Mt. Airy, where he delivered a. mis sionary address. Solicitor Brooks attends his first court at Durham next week. Judge Bryan presiding. ' - MnjEl; J. Styers, of Danamora, and Mr. J. M. Turner, of Stokesdale, were among our callers this week. . Mr. C. A. Tickle, one of the good Democrats Of McLeansville, has been given a clerkship in the legislature. Miss Ola Crews,' "an attractive young fady of Granville "county, is visiting Mrs. Dr; J. J. Bryan, on North Elm street. ;-.. . Mr. Charles G. i Burton, assistant postmaster, has been confined to his room by sickness for several days, but is now improving. . ' -Mr. J. Van Lindley and Prof. T: L. Brown attended the meeting of the State Horticultural Society at Southern Pines Friday and Saturday.. .We were favored Monday with a pleasant call from Rev. D. ArHigbflll, of Liberty, who had been filling some of his appointments in western Guil ford, .v.'", .: An inventory Is this week being taken at the Bank of Guilford, and we are pleased to state that it is already assured that the depositors will be paid in full. : ' . The money drawer-at the ticket office of the Southern Railway, in this city, :was relieved of $160 yesterday while the agent, Mr. J. B. Graham, was at dinner. - Mr. R. W. Jones, who lives near J ulian, lost his barn by fire Monday afternoon. The origin of-the" fire Is uoknowD. We understand, that the loss Is considerable. . .Messrs. S. S. Halthcock and G. W. Kestler have purchased the drug store at Burlington formerly conducted by Cates & Co. The business will be managed by Mr. Halthcock. The Wakefield Hardware Company are sole agents in Greensboro for the celebrated "New Lee" cook stove. A cut of this handsome .stove, can be seen in their advertising space. Mr. C. W. Staley and Miss Geritta Kime, of near Julian, were united in marriage last Sunday at the -Lutheran parsonage at Melancthon. , Rev. D. I Offman performed the ceremony. Mr. Thomas Woodroffe has a force at work remodeling the front of the K. of P. building. The changes being made will be a decided Improvement on the appearance of the building. We will pay cash for 500 bushels of corn and 500 bushels of oats. Don't forget that we have a hogshead of old fashioned Cuba molasses. ' Hiatt A Lamb. Fire was discovered in the rear of West's restaurant and confectionery store about 3 o'olock Tuesday morn ing, but was extinguished before any considerable damage had been done. The F. S. Royster Guano Company advertise the celebrated 'Orinoco" guano In the Patriot. This brand is extensively used in, the cultivation of tobacco, and gives universal satisfac tion. George H. Royster has Inaugurated a grand clearance sale to make room for his line of spring goods. Read his advertisement this week and avail yourself of seme of the bargains he his to offer. ' - The Dally Citizen was launched in High Point Monday. High Point is a thriving town, but it remains to be seen whether it is large enough to sup port a daily paper. The Citizen has our best wishes. We regret to announce that Col. TV.1 S. Rankin has been quite ill since Saturday night. He has been in fee ble health for some time, and his many friends throughout this fectlon hope for him a speedy restoration. A small wreck occurred near Po mona last Thursday night, caused by the rear cars of a freight train break ing loose and running back Into an- Other tered freight. A caboose car was shat and several men bruised consid- erably. Bedford's Little Liver Pills. ' '50 in bottle, 25c. Sold only by Fa riss, druggist, opp. Benbew House. -7The Odell Hardware Company has issued a setuof calendors In three de signs which are as handsome as one often sees They represent the highest perfection of art In calendor work, and are an ornameut to any parlor or library. V'-i' ';' . y 7 The directors of the Greensboro Furniture Manufacturing Company have declared a dividend of. 10 per cent, on the stock. We are pleased to note the success of this enterprise and hope to see more of the same kind 'oc cupy the field. r It Is a pleasure to the Patriot; to learn that the enrollment of students at Whitsett Institute surpasses any previous year. More than one hun dred and seventy names are now upon the register, and students are still en tering almost daily. Prof. John J. Blair, for twelve years 'superintendent of the Winston graded schools, has resigned to accept a similar position in .Wilmington. Prof. Blair Is a native of Guilford county and has many friends and rela tives In this section. 1 Mr. C. A. Walker, of Richmond, Va., has lecated in Greensboro to buy tobacco. He is a son of Mr. T. J. Walker, the Richmond buyer' for the American Tobacco Company, and will be quite an addition to our already strong corps of leaf buyers. 1 The favorite whiskey of famous men is Harper. Because of its smooth, exquisite flavor; because of it's match less purity; because of its mellow age. No wonder it's the favorite. Every drop sterling. Harper Whiskey. Sold by R. P. Gorrell, Greensboro, N. C.; Last week we mada mention of the fact that Mr. Austin Moody, a promi nent contractor of Chicago, was here with a view to locating. Mr. Moody Is not .contractor, but an, architect of considerable note. We are glad: to know that he is pleased with Greens boro. : :.V'.'"''' . - " I You cannot help noticing the large advertisement of the Fishblate-Eatz Company in this issue, and if yon read it the many bargains offered will be a revelation to you They are now. con ducting their great mid-winter slaugh ter sale of clothing and gents' furnishings.,-. ) Beth of Guilford's representatives in the lower house of the general I as sembly have been placed on important committees. Mr. Eennett is on the Committee on Internal Improvements, and the Committee on Educatfon. Mr. Bunch Is a member of the Committee on Agriculture. . - - s T j Rev. J. K. Hartsell has removed from Tabernacle to Falls ton, Cleveland county, theseait of the new work to which he was appointed by the recent Methodist' Protestant conference at Liberty. Mr. Hartsell has many friends in this section who wish him well In his new field of labor. t Mr. B. N. Smith, of this city, was brutally assaulted by some unknown person one' morning last week, just be fore daylight, as he was nearing his farm, ten miles sonth of town. !His' assailant rode up behind him' and struck him two or three blows with a club, inflicting palaful wounds. The building just south of the p&stoffice, formerly occupied by O'Con nor's bakery, is being cleaned up and remodeled In nice shape. When the necessary changes are made It will be occupied by Mr. George Tate Kearsley, who recently Came here from Radford, Va, to go Into the real estate business. One night last week some one, in search of fresh hog meat, stole a pig from Rev. Dr. L. W. Crawford which had been killed and nicely dressed. It takes a bard-hearted sinner to steal from a preacher, but a man who is so mean as to steal from a minister that edits a paper should be sent to the penitenti ary for life. V The law firm of Shaw & Scales has been dissolved on account of llr. Shaw having been elected to the judgeship. Both men are exceptionally clever gen tlemen and have succeeded in building up a lucrative practice. Mr. Scales, who will continue the buslnsa,hasour best wishes for increased usefulness and prosperity. ' J Mr. J. Henry Smith and family, of New York, have moved to Greensboro with the Intention of making this city their, home. Mr. Smith will engage in business here, provided he can secure a suitable location. For twelve years he held a responsible position with the great notion house of Butler Brothers, New York, and has had considerable experience in other ltnes of business. Business Opportunities. : Opportunities for small investors to loan money on mortgages secured by guaranty. '. . . ' Piedmont Realty fc Guaranty Co. - Tobacco has been selling exceed? ingly well on the Greensboro market since the holidays, and those who have been so fortunate as to have the weed on sale have, as a rule, gone away highly pleased. People are fast learn ing of the advantages of our market, as .evidenced by the Increased sales at the warehouses. Wharton & McAllster, managers of the Southern Stock-Mutual and the Underwriters' Fire Insurance Compa nies, have sent the chief of the Char lotte. Are department a check for $25 as a recognition or tne department's efficient work at a disastrous fine In Charlotte Friday night. These com panies both suffered by the fire. " Evangelist W. F. Ireland, a re formed criminal, has been lecturing In the city the past week; He was form erly known as "Kid" Davis, being an expert safe-cracker and leader of the celebrated Dalton gang of outlaws. It was not until he had been captured and imprisoned that he professed reli gion, since whiciT time he has been evangelizing. y . Mr. John S. Robson, the author, has our thanks for a copy of his book, "How a One-Legged Rebel Jjlves. The little book contains interesting reminiscences of the Civil war, includ ing a story of the campaigns of Stone wall Jackson. It also contains the complete regimental rosters of both the great armias at Gettysburg. ' Mr. Robson is now Tn the city canvassing for the book, which is well worth the small price asked for it 50 cents. ' i Two men were before Justice. Eckel a few da js ago charged with the de struction of their own property. It appeared that a tenant occupied a dwelling house belonging to them, and upon his persistent refusal to either pay the rent or vacate the premises the owners tore down the building as a means of ridding themselves of the un desirable tenant. The justice decided against the defendant, who was the tenant, charging him with the costs. The annual stock-taking in a big dry goods store generally brings out the fact that there are too many goods on hand in some lines, and such was the case at Thacker & Brockmann's this year. There are too many men's Prin ter shoes, too many children's shoes, too much woollen dress goods, and - a great many odd pairs of shoes of all kinds, remnants of dreas goods, prints and ginghams, woollen underwear, etc. To, clear these goods but in a hurry very low prices will be put on them less than cost in many cases and it wljl pay you to go and look them Over and pick up some bargains. For some time trouble has. been brewing in the city fire department, and to such an extent has it gone that the life and usefulness of the depart ment is threatened. One company has tendered its resignation to the mayor and other members of the department are complaining of improper treat ment on the part of some one. At a, department meeting last nighttbe act ing chief was Instructed to appoint a committee to confer, with a similar committee from the board of aldermen in regard to reorganizing the fire 'de partment. It is probable that this joint committee will . be able to settle the matter to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. Mr. Harry Clinton Hill, a promi nent young business man of Buffalo, N. Yn spent Saturday night and a part of Sunday in Greensboro. He was returning from a prospecting tour to another town, but when he walked around and took in a portion of our city he added Greeasboro to his list of good towns. It is his intention te re turn in a few weeks and make a more thorough investigation of the many advantages Greensboro has to offer We have no doubt that the favorable impression created on this short visit will be increased when he shall have more time to consider the possibilities of our thriving city. To all such Greensboro extends a hearty welcome. Deafness Cannot "be Cured . ' by LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as theycanmot niirh th iiuui nnrtinn of th ear. There is only one way to care deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of I UO IiUSIWUISU AUUC lieu .ma uw vw iu 4tmmA vnn k w T-n mill i n ir STtrind nr immrfMt hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, ana nniesss me louimmauon csn be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing wiU be destroyed forerer; n no nnt nf tin mrf rand hv estsrrh. which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surf aces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for- any .u et llaafnMi trnvtwmi hv rtrrhl that rtn. not be cured" by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, iree . - - . F. J. CHENK r & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Bedford's Little Liver Fills. 50 in bottle, 25c. Sold only by Fa- rlss, druggist, opp. Benbow House.- Fresh Garden Seed at Gardner's, cor. opp. postofflce. Mr. George W. Vernon, of Rin gold, Va-, was married to Miss Hattle Sampson, of this city, yesterday morn ing at 11 o'clock. The ceremony 'was performed by Rev. L. Johnson at the residence of the bride, on Asheboro street, In the presence of a number ef friends. The bride is &. well known and popular young lady, numbering her friends by the score. Mr. Vernon was formerly a resident of Greensboro and Is a brother of ilr. A. T. Vernon, of this city, and Capt. R. L. Vernon, of Charlotte, . traveling passenger agent of the Southern Railway, j Mr. and Mrs. Vernon left . on the noon train yesterday for Washington and other points of Interest, carrying with them the best wishes of many friends. Dr. J. T. Johnson, eye specialist, was united in marriage last Wed nes- nesday afternoon to Miss Margaret J Grace Young, of Louisville, Ky. The marriage rites were solemnized at toe home of the bride, in the presence oC a few Intimate friends, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Carter H. Jones, D. D. Dr. and Mrs. Johnson spent a few days in RIchmond,Van with relatives of the groom, arriving in Greensboro Saturday evening. The news of the marriage came somewhat In the nature ef a surprise to Dr. John son's friends in this city, though they had been accusing him for some time of being matrimonially inclined. His bride is a highly cultured young lady of many graces and charms, and they have the best wishes of a, large circle of friends. I - Capt. J. Y. Whltted, formerly !of Durham, Is a new addition to the force of buyers on our tobacco market. : Be has been engaged for years in buying and manufacturing tobacco, and Is said to be a fine judge of the weed. The Southern Tobacco Journal, of Winston, has the .following notice concerning him and his removal to Greensboro: M r. James Y. Whltted, leaf dealer has removed his place ef business from Durham te Greensboro. He was in- j ..... j iki. i ise he point of his can obtain at that last-named stocks better suited to the wants customers. Mr. Whltted makes spec ialties of fillers and wrappers, and having been engaged for years In plug manufacturing and knowing thorough ly the wants of this trade, he is a buyer of these grades of rare qualifications." The large brick building on. Buch anan street, formerly occupied by Leak Brothers & Hasten as a tobacco fac- tory, has been leased by the Hunter Manufacturing and Commission Com pany. Since this company purchased the Glenn Manufacturing Company's plant and business the need of more roomy quarters has been felt, and hence It was decided to consolidate the two concerns and move into a large and commodious building. ; An elegant of fice Is being fitted up and other Im provements being made which will add to the convenience and adaptability of the building. We are glad to note the continued success andjrowth of -this enterprise. Since the organization of the Hunter Manufacturing and Com mission Company their business has steadily Increased, until it is. now rec ognized as one of the most substantial enterprises of Greensboro. The plant of the Glenn Manufacturing Company has been in operation only a few months, but long enough to demon strate the stability of the enterprise. A ready sale is found for their output of overalls and the demand is steadily growing.' The City National Bank. Some weeks ago we published the fact that the Piedment Bank had de cided to go into the national banking business and increase its capital stock from $60,000 to $100,000. The . addi tional stock has been paid in, and the Piedmont Bank is succeeded by the new organization operating the in creased capital. The necessary pa pers have been forwarded to Wash ington, and as soon as they are re turned the formal conversion of the business will take place. The new In stitution will be known as the City National Bank of Greensboro. . j The stockholders held a meeting last week and elected the following direc tors: J. S. Hunter, J. Ad. Hodgtn, B. H. Merrlmon, J. Van Hndley, A. 1. McAllster, Dred Peacock, M. L. Shields, S. L. Trogdon, J. N. Wyllle and J. M. Walker. The old officers of the Pied mont Bank were elected to serve the new bank as follows : J. M. Walker, president; S. L. Trogdon, vice presi dent; R. G. Vaughn, cashier; E. L. Sides, teller; O. F. Cline, bookkeeper; Nev Forbls. collector. j The Piedmont Bank has been one of our strongest finadcial institutions and with the increased stock and facilities the new Institution will be enabled to do a much larger volume of business. The directors and officers are conserva tive business men and able financiers. A FATHER, m ISRAEL. Rev. Jesse Cuninffrfiri Rent -rVr- . His Labors at the End of a Well Spent Life. Quietly and peacefully, as a bab falling asleep, Rev, Jesse A. Canine glm, D. D., answered the summons of death last Saturday evening i at S o'clock, and his spirit went up to bo with the God who gave It. "Uncle Jesse," as he was affectionately known all over North Carolina, had been In feeble health for about a year, -being afflicted with a heart affection, j Last Wednesday he suffered a severe attack, but rallied and appeared to Improve. He ate supper Saturday evening, and his wife was reading to him shortly afterward, whenlooking around, she aw that the end wasatnand. And before any one eould be summoned to the room the messenger of death had performed his mission. 'r The funeral services wire held In West Market Street Methodist church Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, attend ed by a large concourse of people The casket was borne into the church . preceded by several ministers carrying beautiful flora) emblems. The pall bearers were Hon. J.H. Southgate and Rev.G.D.Langston,ef Durham; Revs. J.H. Shore and J. A, Daily, of Bur lington; Charles M. Parkes. sa.. of Hillsboro, and Messrs. J. A. Odell, C. H. Dorsett and Dr. Dred Peacock, of this city. The services were opened with a beautiful anthem by the! choir, followed by the reading of the 90th Psalm by Rev. Dr. J. C. RoweJ Rev. Dr. Wi S. Creasy, of Winston, read a scripture lesson In a feeling manner after which Rev. Dr. Crawford an nounced the familiar old hymn, "Sol dier of God, well done." Rev. T. N. Ivey, D. D., then pronounced a beauti ful and touching eulogy on the life and character of the deceased, taking as a basis for his talk the text, "There- ' ,.j . - avev waoavav jr v vuo auvvuci rv i vu vucorj words." His remarks were clothed In the choicest language, replete with beaitif ul and Inspiring thoughts. One seldom, hears a more eloquent! or ap propriate testimony in commendation of the character and services of a de ceased person. And when the speaker referred so touchlngly and tenderly to the bsreft widow of the sainted dead there were few dry eyes in the aud ienoe. '' He was followed by Re7. Moses J. Hunt, of Burlington, who was one of Dr. Cunlnggim's . conference class- work of the ministry with him. Mr. Hunt spoke of his great love and es teem for the deceased' and of their long association in the work of the Master. Rev. J. N. Cole, pastor of Trinity church, Durham, with a heart full of emotion, spoke of the affectionate re gard In which he bad held "Uncle Jesse" for years and of the hel pi and Inspiration he had received from his life. President Kllgo, of Trinity Col lege; Durham, testified as to the many valuable lessons hehad learned through association with Dr.-Cunlngglm, pay lag his memory a glowing .and, elo quent tribute. . - How firm a foundation" was then sung, after which Rev. N. H. p. Wil son, of Chapel UNI, offered a fervent prayer in a voice choked with emotion. The services were concluded at the cemetery by Revs.T. N. Ivey and J. C. Rowe; . r . ' ' i i-' The death of Dr. Cunlngglm will be sadly felt wherever the Influence of his godly life has been felt. He was universally beloved by people or all de nominations, for he was a man among meivagalnst whom there was no guile." He was pastor of West Market Street church for four yeara in the 70's and presiding elder of the Greens boro district In the 'SO's, and for the past .four years bad made his borne la this city. He and bis sweet-spirited, Gentle wife havelmade an Impression a : v i r upon our people that will not be ef faced while memory laits. Jesse Anderson Cunlngglm. was born In Greene county, this state, Jan. oa mnt wa therefora nearlv slxtv- . - seven years old at the time of bis death. His father was a local preacher In the Methodist church and his mother was the daughter of a minister in the same church. He was converted and joined the church in his eleventh year and In Mm fwpntT.flnt vear felt called to preach the gospel. In 1855 he was re ceived Into the North Carolina Conference-of the M. E. Church, South, continuing his labors, without ' Inter ruption, until the session of that body in xiizaoe.u ii.jr ha was superannuated at his own re quest. Dr. Cunlngglm had filled many of the largest and most responsible ap pointments of the Methodist church in this state with unswerving fidelity and devotion, and, his loss will he aeeniy Bedford's Little Lirer Pills. 50 In bottle, 25c. Sold only; by Fa riss, druggist, opp. Benbow House.

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