Closes Samoa's Su- : i COW1 . ivr TJ-Alm ,rv U . k ' Jan. 19,-. P Mriieiju" teceited here t-.tlU I1II1UD v J . . .3lkdefJlanetoa ion 5.1 J t the late nin .uk Tftmasese nau Vice King g tice also i hat Chie ,1.1 WfeV nialf the linked Statea n.lri -nrimiL WOO er -,rr 'TLfcU8 land de . ,omtft in me ujbuubbi :M - ; ur numbers at !(' hv I V i led m lied the mcinaiUV. iuaiie- ,T.i,ftOmei -el ".. but amrnuni- 'f-Tbelirrvsh an(d American iUI. ende.vired tc, avert hostlh. hut tney cy-- - -T - and 500 Tftnim i7a V...,.,h. bravely, bin their follow em - disheartened and c-utnum- two cbiefa Bought refuge !' .' ij,;nflh warship arid their . i iweti Boughj projection I board looted under 1 1 if the PorDOlBe . . -li-i A1 man IrillAn if . m m r A M IOBS TT o V A ""'v- Liioonded, M MalietoaTIlU8 cuforan residents were placed , ; rntf!tion 'of a aetacn- Qofmeii belonging to the Brit- iiHff and uniei yupnuo ivuau fflllnwers of Mataafe i burned Apia, destroyed -the iitatia'andj pillaged consiaer- ilfinthe country.' j fbe Consuls later decided to LiproTisiona) Govej-ment pend- j the receipt oij iubuuuuuub 52 ths powers. 's , 1 . 'Dr. Rafael arid the kraaii Consul closed the Supreme nrt, decUring that tpe power was filed jc them. ' The British and -tririn Consuls then appealed to :i captain of the BritiBh warship imnitfl who ! landed 1 a force of i:ie jackets, and ' Chief Justice Qifflpen, under tneir bieat. iThe British !:ia flags ere hoisted b' house ami the court liouse. guard took and Amer- pyer Cham- from these Gorernment 1 I Mataafe held aloof Y.. I". Tkff Divisional rati to Stnrdee. on the 12 til' that in would seize Malietoa and take aaieae off the Porpldise bvj force, peceiiary, deprive them b j their pi and desert them. Chambers piiding on the. Porpoisej The .uitu auu Auivnuau vuuBuio uac pttsted against any infringement Ifthe Berlin treatv. i British ! resi- have, taken ref dge in! their jsu have taken refuge in the mis- s. , ) . . .. j j . ... ;' : I j j Discontent In Santiago ! SmiiGo: Jan. 2L-i-The United f -atei military 'authorities in Ha-l-kaTe cabled the Santiago De- icent an order directing that ,ceat of trie customs receipts ' flu A . '- i i r mrpariment is tOjOe expenaea " mo uvrmiRHinn 01 trover. R General Brooke. i Hirer a Ui The order greater part or rations merely r directions refi point January work performed MCQOne Wlthnnt mrknutr nnv. -. r 8 J , C 'i i a j tns funds; have hot yet been r4t n?. j l ... i relying upon aj recent. dis- irom Dr Joaqfain Ciastillo, ';" Washineton. have re&Wrded b oeen con far ! not to Public; lest there' be a renewal ;;k-e Popular excitem'ent provokea i0r tne COncentratinn Af nn'p. r'uaTana t lHSt..- vuuans wno are m & of he -M however, 1 rety worried over the I.Uiia. in tVi , ,15U - in3 i Americans, -oaiatJa Partment 40 a j mere : -.u.v, jn. 30 ;HiTfi cul8 stri hi Jr In f0 o .is loneyfortaeipastMjil. ). -A i frreat o thehouse he adoption iking but of Inn nf rn mail and ail facilities e Fl.:,. ' ae Cltv to NewtnnJ Kn ;l,ifor sLbeen fght annually ea "tained. h; H Pill that aD(Ii ai Llttl Ea'lJ PHrJB&t makes life ilnno-V es are t longer liowarrl nin. Sectional Apportionment. Some of the Northern papers ar gue from the small vote in certain Southern States' that "a great part of the population of these states has been practically disfranchised," and, in consequence, the repre sentation of these states ' ' in Congress should be reduced. Be cause an election is hotly contested in Brooklyn, for example, and a large vote is polled there, while ab eence of excitement and competi tion in Mississippi results in a small vote, it is argued that the South is getting undue influence in national affaiis. "It is' not tolera ble," says a Northern paper, "that a vote in one part of the Union should have' twice, or even four times, the power in national poli tics of a vote in another part. Ob viously, the situation , demands some new adjustment of political equilibrium." V : r But such anomalies exist on every hand. Rhode Island, Dela ware, Nevada and Colorado, with a handful of votes, exert a "power in national politics" by means of their eight senators "feur times" as great as that of New York. New York greatly excels all these four states put together in popula tion, votes and wealth, yet New York has no more power in the up per bouse than the smallest and weakest of these four states. The principle upon which the crit ics of Mississippi and Louisiana proceed requires, if fairly applied, a reconstruction of the constitu tion which will consolidate the six New England States into one, or, at most, two, and the wiping out of such rotten boroughs as Nevada. What is especially; absurd in the contention of the Northern critics is the implied assertion that citi zens in all parts of the Union must, on pain of losing representation in Congress, all be equally interested in elections and all go, to the polls to the last man. There must be no let-up in excitement. LEvery campaign must in every state be as red-hot as in the pivotal state of New York, and everywhere the vo ters must be presumed to have the same facilities for getting to the polls. It may occur that in a cer tain county, or district, one party makes no nominations and the can didatesof the other party; have a walkover. Still, on the assump tion of some of our contempora ries, in such counties and districts the voters must rush to vote in the New York manner or be disfran chised. At to Mississippi and Louisiana, the voters are there and have, their powers, in reserve. If in any election they do not vote so largely as in Brooklyn it is because there is no reason to do so, the rightful election of the right men being assured. Such things often occur in New York. Apathy is sometimes general, even there. No doubt it would be better if every voter always used his ballot. But he does not, and there is no reason why the South should be discrimi nated against in such -matters. Baltimore Sun. Germany and the United States. Berlin, Jan. 21. -The ambassa dor here of the United States, in an interview today with the cor respondent of the Associated Press, said that the whole flurry of indig nation in the two countries is just as baseless this year as last and may even be more baseless. He added : "In my judgment, it em anates from a small number of people who seek to fish in troubled waters. Asa matter of faot, Ger many knows and ' shows that she knows, her only true policy in the East is to remain on good terms with the United -States. She has no earthly motive to take the side of the Spaniards or the insurgents, or to stir them up or agg them on. That there are some Germans at Hong Kong ' and elsewhere who think they do not like Americans is just as true as there are some Americans there and elsewhere who do not like Germans, but such gentlemen direct neither the policy of our State Department, nor that of the German Foreign Office. Campaign Against Immorality. . Havana, Jan. 2 1 By order of General Ludlow, the police today made a raid on five big book stores and seized ten thousand copies of immoral books. The stores were closed. Raids were also made on six houses of ill fame, the occupants of which were girls under fourteen years of age. General Ludlow is resolved to proceed energetically with bis campaign against immor ality. Proprietors of thpatres have ap pealed to Ludlow for police protec tion against American soldiers, who attend theatrical performances in great numbers without the formal ity of buying tickets of admission Paul Perrv. nf Hnlurnhns. Oa.. Buf fered agony for thirty years, and tben cored hi Pilea bv nalnc Da Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals injuries and skin diseases like magic How ard Gardner. ; ' A Zlan Overboard. unance does not make a hero. comments Herbert TTard, in telling buo iouowmg story in a late Cen- mry ; n simply translates him to bimself and to the world. j ., It was off the Horn. Waves such as are only encountered there raced irresistibly. The ship ' labored mightily. In a lull the cry, "Man overboard !" rang from stem j to item. A man rushed up the com He panionway in his nigbtclothes. leaped to rail and plunged over- board. Only death was to be found in the boiling, benumbing waters, but by some witchery of Neptune a cross wave tossed the two men to leeward, and the ship dipped them up. Both were unconscious, but the hero had his man clutohed by the hair. j . The miracle that they were saved was less than that the man bad dared jump at all, for he was a timid, seasick landlubber, and his seeming cowardice had been the blutt. of savage scorn. How could ne nave done it? j He answered simply that he had lain awake nights planning lust what he would do if he heard the cry, "Man overboard I" It was so hard for him to overcome his in stinctive fear of the water that he had mentally and -systematically schooled himself to action. Thus, while his body cringed, his soul was heroic. This habit of mind made opportunity impossible ' to pass by. The intuitive response to his training swept him over the rail before he knew where he was. Is there not here an inkling of a force which might transform bur lives? If. bv takiag thought. I we can so deepen certain channels; in our brain that action will automat ically follow, all study, all reflec- tion, takes oh a new meaning. By such means earnest searchers after truth have brought knowledge' to mankind. By such self-training also the humblest of us j Mar rise oh stenninc-stones Of their dead selves to higher things. As Mr. Ward says, chance does not make a hero. It simply translates him to himself and to the world. Married Her Convict Lover, j A dispatch from Mobile, Ala., says : Miss lonia .Lay, or Montgom ery, a young woman of excellent f amily and many accomplishments, was married at u olive, a convict camp a few miles north of here, Saturday to Dr. W. S. Baldwin, a convict: Baldwin is a member of one of the most influential families in the state. He killed a young man named Edson in Bullock coun ty two years ago and was sentenced for ten years. He is a highly ed ucated and polished fellow, and has since his incarceration been serving the state as a convict phy sician. ' ' . 1 ! . Last year Miss Lay had charge of a school at Mittylones, near where Baldwin wasr stationed on the convict farms; and a mutual infatuation ensued. All efforts on the part of the relatives te break up the love affair were futile. On Saturday Miss Lay boarded the train in Montgomery and came to Dohve, where the ceremonywas performed. Miss Lay is a young woman of very fine character and accomplishments and believed that the law had unjustly punished her sweetheart. ' "Delinquents" abound, it seems. A telegraphic message sent out from Washington is to the effect that, the following United States marshals of North Carolina are behind in their reports for the year ending June 30th, 1898 more than six months: O. J. Carroll, eastern district of North Carolina, first quarter; H. C. Dockery, east ern district of North Carolina, third and fourth quarters; J. M. Milikan, western district of North Carolina, first, second and third quarters. The treasury department sends these names to the house of representatives. La Grippe Successfully Treated. "I have just recovered from the sec ond attack of la grippe this year," says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter case I used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, and I thinic with considerable suc cess, only being in bed a little over two days against ten days for the former attack. The second attack I am satis fled would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy as I bad to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with it, while in the nrst case l was aoie 10 attend to business about two days before getting 'down. " For sale by C. E. Holton. Mr. Gattls Brings Suit, j Oxford, N. d., Jan. 18 Summons was issued to-day from the Superior Conrt of Granville county, in a suit brought by Rev. T. J. Gattis against ReV. Dr. J. C. Kilgo, president of Trin ity College, B. N. Duke, W. H. Bran son and W. R. Odell. The action is brought to recover damages for slan der, and is the outgrowth of the recent unpleasant controversy between Dr. Kilgo and Judge Clark. Raleigh Post. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can always be de pended upon and is pleasant and safe to take, bold by u. i. uoiton. Alabama Populists Give Up. : i Judge Zella Gaston, of Butler, the Populist leader in this state. has proposed to the Democrats that if they give the Populists as many representatives in the approaching constitutional convention as they now have representatives in the Alabama lenate be will urge the Populists to abandon their organi zation and bring all the white men of Alabama together. As the Pop ulists have only seven members of the senate and as the constitutional convention will contain 133 persons, Judge Gaston's proposition is re garded as entirely fair. It will be made formally to the Democratic state executive committee, which will meet here on January 26th. Montgomery, Ala., Dispatch, 17tb. Leaves Its Mark ' ererj one of the painful irregularities and weaknena that pre- upon women. They lade the face, waste the figure, ruin the temper, wither you up, make you old before your time. Get well hat's tbe way to look well. Cure the disorders and ailments that beset you, with L)r. .Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It regu lates and promotes all the womanly 'functions, improves digestion, enriches tbe blood, dispels acnes and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. j t - No Use. "Mary, I saw the baker kiss you today. I think I shall go down and take the bread in myself in future." " Twouldn't be no use, ma'am; he wouldn't kiss you, 'cos he prom ised he'd never kiss anybody else but me." Modest Women Modesty in women is no less a charm than beauty and Wit. Is it any wonder that wo men afflicted with physical disorders pecu liar to their sex shrink from per sonal examina tions by male physicians? The weaknesses and irregularities of women may be recognized by certain nnfailinz symptoms. Backache, headache, bearing down pains, irritability and extreme nerv ousness indicate derangement of the delicate female organism. Bradfield's Fe male Regulator is the standard remedy for characteristic diseases of women. Sold by druggists at $i. co per bottle. THE BRAOFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga Tested and True. - " 1 Wood's Seeds The Best for the South. Twenty years' experience enables us to offer the best of everything in. seeds for the Southern Farm er and Gardener. ; Vegetable 0 Flower Seeds, Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Grain, And all Oarden and Farm Seeds. Wood's Seed Book; giving the most successful ways of growing all crops, and full information . fc about Seeds, mailed free upon -request. Write for it. t.W.Wood&Sons, SEEDSMEN, Richmond, Va. The Largest Seed House la the S0 South. When in Need Apply to HEADQUARTERS POK ALL KIKPS OP BUILDERS' SUPPLIES: Lime. ..... ."Qarson's Riverton." Cement.. Bosendale. Cement, i ........... . . .Portland. BiiBding Brick.... Common. Building Brick . . .Repressed. Fire Brick. ........ .Superior. "(Of my own make try them.) Fire Clay. .Excellent. Plaster.. . . . . . . . . ...... .Calcined. Plasterers' Hair. Steel Booflng. Boofing Paper. Steel Siding. Glazed Sewer Pipe. Clay Flue Pipe. Lowest prices. Wholesale and retail. Thos. Woodroffe, GREENSBORO, N; C CCSole Agent for "The American Injector and "The Lyman Kxhaust Uevl." -tf W 1 from life K3" COO HINDIPO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man of Me. mm m m mm Int. Aito. GREAT FRENCH REMEDY produces the above result la 30 days. Cures Ifervous Debility t Impotrncy. Varicocele, failing Memory. Stops all drains and losses caused by errors of youth. It wards off In sanity and Consumption. Voune Men regain Man hood and Old Men recover outhful Vigor. It gives vigor and size to shrunken organs, and fits a man ior business or marriage. Easily carried ia the vest pocket. Price rt pjf 6 Eoxes $20 by maU, In plain pack-Oil V 1 Vif ea with writtgiiaianteerDR. jIa O HARRA, Paris Joax B. Tamm aad Howakd Oakdxxx, Drugruta, Qreasvsboro. , 1 . . . - 1 say, neighbor Smith, see that check? I have just sold my tobacco cronl made from nine acres, from ORINOCO GUANO, manufactured by the F 8 Royster Guano Company, Norfolk, VaM for $1,500, clear check. I have used this Guano for four years and have never failed to get a goo3 crop f Smith "I have heard a great deal about that ORINOCO GUANO, and have made up my mind to use it myself next year., I can't stand five-cent cotton: I will plant tobacco." , i; ' HKKDM8ONSrppLTCo..HendeonU'.C Towumvilm, Xoeth CakolinaT Dbar 81R8 : -1 bought of vou lart season Orinoco Tobacco Fertilizer." and from another house a brand of High Grade Tobaeco Fertilizer. My Tobacco from both grew npVMt!rtf??& when cured I was of the opinion that there was but little difference m the Tobkcco mwn br tfcS two brands: but the momentmy tobacco was gradsd and weighed, I at once sawTgfeat diffcrenee nfvorof that grown by Onnpco " It was much smoother, tougher and heaTiVighid S east 20 or 15 per cent, more, and sold for about an average of 'Jo to 11.50 per nundSS SirV Anyone coufd see that the "Orinoco' Tobacco vru much the best. I regard it at the head of To bacco Fertilizers and shall use it. Tours truly, x a ROY8TK1U M I t - - " 7 i . 7 u c-i n n n 9 HAS COTTEN IN A FULL LINE OF PAlLClOTnS. CJ1SSMRBS, CMVIDTS.WIIIFH AND 1- ixxg:s 2 of: Ejrersr : -EZi n 3L &CT JTJST TAKE A LOOS AT THE NEW SHIKQ STYLES. N. J. VIcDuffie, Furniture and Undertaking. Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty, Coffins, Caskets, Burial Holes, Etc. w" nnnp n w "P cia n-p-rnr i - - - ' EVERY FAMILY" SHOULD SPECIFY Hi. Bidiardson Drug Co.'s Bottled Drugs and Flavoring Extracts When buying from your general stores and groceries. These goods are reliable and pure nd never disappoint. THE L. RICHABDSON DRUG CO., WHOT?ESATE AND MANUFACTURING DRUGGISTS. v Insure your property against fire and see us before placing it, and get OUR RATES. We have strong companies, and all business en trusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. BOYD & GLENN, ww . rn rv: a a i v - r it ti iiii. opposite sEarsow hottsil I If you intend to build or enlarge your house, come to us tor an estimate on Material. We will surprise ypu on prices. We make a specialty or Now don't think for a minute we are selling below cost, w noone can do business on that basis. ,pur motto : Large sales, small jpronts. we can show yon the largest stock in the South. Guilford Lnmher Company, Greensboro, N. C. 1 . i .