fan W, STOKE IflEX i .nor.' TTLE STORE. to any people seem to bigger the store and that are buiu uio T 1 1 1 111 W . 7 the "J. nfe will be.' J I; ' rp.y absurd. the: more guyM w In we " I'. LLi, nrh huv tnem. ana . .iuc r . 11 A Ana if .All "I we' sell the cheaper .1 nd besides, that, sell the Quicker 0T.vfc. thereby never hav- m9-rT: atale or shorn Old Bkwv-.,. j . , .ob band. j - Sfirbi business, it Is true, ur'im tcl treat the amall. 'll LJ that comes to our ! ca' ..L Ap sarae attention and a?8 And as U tike tne t if not a niderea 3 thpt tbe same anoutivu we do the larger buy to our prices, iif you trouble to make4comr will always findms as JifTLE lower than the quality Come ;to see ipectfully, of; goods us iwhen II SCOTT & t I GO. "NBIOHBORHOpD litters oi ib florDS o NEWsl'. erest Reported, by Our a - . i f Correspondexits. iego Items. f jjr H. L Stack gave us a pleas- isf eaii iUuuHj. : ;f Tbe lick of this Community, we tft glad to eay, are improving , Hr. md Mrs. D . Hodgin, or ffatre, are TiBiiug u iiiiection. weather is clear and pleasant The1 od the farmers are Jawing, etc.! Mr. Jesse Bull, of position a busy ha his places has at the Home wepted Jjiiture factory Mr. j; Ruffin White and Miss E. IBull visited Mr. and Mrs. Lonu Hfdgecock Saturday and Sunday. Mn.D.M.' White and he'rcharm- , ..1 1. " Li.J T q ; UUie , uaugiuer, uvyv, arc padiog a few days at thisj place. Mr. and Mrs. J.j A. Gardner, Isms. Gar and, Miller, JJ U. per and J. D. StefflnS. were eosgour callers Supday. I j . Wi now have a good musio school mfcii place and the young! people n taking advantage; of iti Mrs. Miai of-Pennsylvania, is! the helier.' Day Adventist quar- convened It - was Saturday well repre- The Seventh Xj meeting tl Sunday, cted by i Greensboro, i Winston, ti P; 't.i I ! IWIliV ttUU UlUCI; IUVTU. Hr.L. K: Fuller, of Randolnh, 9 baa'been. representing) the fctp River Nurseries5 as ! salesman r the last two years spent a short tin. i . i jn-uur yinage last wees. h- ; For coughs and colds take Gardner's flf IrJ It'll 1' s-a ! ; "d wild Cherry .opp. postollce. Cough Cure. Stokesdale Items. . Campb( Chas. -ion, is in fc'Wsiter, is 1 of ijMt;; Airy, O. McMichael. of owntday. y ' - , nn inoniionn fa nant V IUDU1UUVU HKUUt Greensboro, was here last '-obah jines and his brother s cime home from Asheboro . ,v iiiiams, oi uhk as here Monday going to TerS. Rncker. nf f. h irr tad DennyJof Reidaville, were lastweeV. I i I , - s . " ; caipe nome Monday it todibsonTille- circuit. s(?e ben at Dr. Hilton's re- l,rherl weeki They spent v3 n fl I - M V AVI MSA 3C amance Items. V acord. ue Ari nrielMeft yesterday drews ro this week: oglenjan Sundjay. 'if wi 1 return was out Mrs. Mary Hobbs fell on the ico and got her ftrn badly hurt. ' The health of the community3 Is uncommonly good at present Mr. Harper Coble has been ' very ill, but is able to. be out again. ' Mr. "Watson Causey and Mr. Datus 61ad8on are among those on tne sick list this week. - r ' , Mrs. Nannie Gorrell -has moved from her home In I Greensboro to her plantation in this community. We extend her a hearty welcome. ' The magic lantern show given by Mr. Hodgin on last Monday night at Alamance' school house was quite a success. . There was a large crowd in attendance.- - For coughs and colds take Gardner's Tar and Wild Cherry" Cough Cure. Cor.' opp. postoffice. Verses Inscribed on the Wall of tlie Old Blandford Ohnrch in 1841. Editor Patriot: Some time in 1853 or 1854;! while rambling through the old Bland wood church cemetery, near Petereburgr Va., in, company with Jack Hester, of Per son county, I saw the enclosed lines written on the plastering. The roof had rotted off the old church and the .walls were crum bling away. I have thought of the lines since and often wished that I had copied them. Some time ago I came across them In th Monthly World. I , clipped! them and how send them to you. .You can pub lish them if you eee fit. Yours, fcc., P. Wall. Scalesville, Nr C, Jan. 19th. Thou art crumbling to the dust, old pile! "v . "-S r':'.,:. Thou art hastsninc: to thy fall, And round thee in thy loneliness Clings the ivy to thy .wall. The worshipers are scattered now Who knelt before thy shrine; And silence reigns where anthems rose . In days of uauld lang syne." And sadly sighs the .wandering wind, Where oft, In years gone by, Prayer rose from many hearts to Him, The highest of the high. : The tramp of many a heavy foot, That sought thy aisles is e'er, And many a weary heart around Is still forever more. How doth ambition's hope take wings? How droops the spirit now?. We hear the distant city's din, The dead are mute below. The sun that shone upon their paths Now gilds their lonely graves, The zephyrs which once fanned their brows, ' . - j Tle grass above them waves. . Oh! could we call the many back Who gathered here in vain, Who've careless roved where we do now, Who'll never meet again! : How would our very! hearts be stirred, To meet the earnest gaze Of the lovely and the beautif ul The lights of other days. .'. Use Garciner'8 U. S. Liniment for all aches and pains. Cor. opp. postoffice. Jurors for February Term. 1899." ?'': 'i . FIBST WEEK. , J. W, Underwood, T. M. Plckard, C. A. Wharton, J. H. M. Baxter, Dan'l W. Huffman, Sooch Shelly, C. M. Mendenhall,. J. 1. Marsh, W, A. Foster, Thos.M.Webb, W. M. Gannon, D. N. Greeson, M. Coble, Jos. C. Kennettr John H. Barker, J. B. Ogburn, Jos. R. Cobb, J.P.Tucker, II. Thomas Cox, O. C. Ben bow, G. W. Christopher, Thos. A. Walker, W. O. Devi nny, Henry p. Gant, T. J. MoAdoo, S. J. Atkins, Wm. M, Gant, ' Stephen D. Idol, Thos. C. Fentress, L. Flagler, L,uther Shepherd, S. N. GLuyer, W. T. Scott, S. J. Crouchf James Dennis, -- -;" aECOKD WSIK. C. J. Zimmerman, .R. P. Gordon, , Sidney A. Boon, C. H. Ireland, A. M. Lineberry, Hugh L. Gray, Jas. F. Faucett Jas. P. Calhoun, A. L. McLean, John B. Smith, J. P. Dempsey, W. C. McLean, A. G. Jones, John D. Hunt, Jesse H. Crater, Wm. M. Vaughn, Jesse Henley, W. Haldol.. ... . What Next? It does seem as though the seedsmen would stop somewhere, but here comes a work of art. Think of it, twenty four pages lithographed in colors, not gaudy chromos, but from photographs In colors, upon an entirely new plan. This, In Itself, is enough to turn every woman's head. Then follow about one hundred more pages, filled with hand some half-tone illustrations of flowers, fruits and vegetables, photographed from nature, all printed on fine paper and enclosed in an elegant cover of white and gold. Tick's Garden and Floral Guide also contains full descrip tions and directions for planting flow ers and vegetables, plants, small fruits, etc. It explains a new departure in selling vegetable seeds by weight in place of old style of packets; also a grand offer giving customers credit for full amount of purchase to apply on order for implements and useful articles. This splendid work of art will be mailed with a due bill good for 25 cents worth of seeds for-only 15 cents. Wnth James Vicks Sons, Roch ester, N. Y. r.I. KATZ, Vice-Pres, C. N. McADOO, Sec. & Treas. 5al Estate li fe, i- REALTY & GDARMTY CO., CAPITAL STOCK, 23,00M0. . . Loans ai Investments Wmkl - ! v;- . . GREEESEOEOrff. C. GTATE HEWC t Four Mormon elders are working for converts In Tyrrell county. A Hickory vvagon factory will soon establish an agency in Cuba. The State Sunday School Con vention will be held inJ5alisbury March 14-16. . . f , The North Carolina Iron Works, with' a capital of $25,000, has been granted a charter. Robbers held up J. T. Davis, a Durham man, a few nights ago, but made a water haul. The I Southern has ! commenced the erection of a large new freight depot at Salisbury. ,,J; - Arrangements have been made for the erection of another j tobacco warehouse at Mt. Airy. Samuel Hagans, a white deaf mute living near Monroe, was gored to death by 9 bull Friday. ; The body of a dead white baby was found in the corner of a fence near Lexington last Thursday. A negro brakeman on the South ern road was killed while coupling cars at Elkin Thursday night. Hon; W. H. Kitchin, of Scotland Neck, will be a candidate for in surance commissioner, if sucb an office is created by the legislature. The North Carolina naval re serve divisions are to be formed Into a brigade. There are bow six divisions and there may be one xnore'j .'. . ' - '- : (..'. Rev. Isaac Oxford : died at his home in Caldwell county last week in the eighty-ninth year of bis age. He was a faithful Baptist and a prominent Mason. ' j The memorial tablet placed in tbe Naval Academy chapel at An napolis in memory of Ensign Worth Bagley, who was killed on the Win slow off Cardenas in the late war, was unveiled Sunday morning, in the presence ofja large number of naval officers and others. Lieuten ant John B. Bernadou, who com manded the Winslow, raised the veiling. Mrs. Bagley, mother of Ensign Bagley, and his sister, were present. GENERAL NEWS. the Smallpox Is prevalent in eastern part of Mississippi.. There are now twelve cases of smallpox in Alexandria, Va. ; ( The value of products of ' the farm exported by the United States last year exceeded $850,000,000. Earthquakes in Southern Greece Sunday destroyed a number of vil liages and injured many persons. A band of disaffected Cubans is trying to burn sugar cane on plan tations, in. the Guantanamo dis trict. " x l ' ; i ' , The Ice bridge at Niagara broke Sunday and several persons nar rowly escaped being -carried over the falls. - H An agreement has been promul gated between Great Britian and Egypt- guaranteeing British su premacy in the Soudan. J-rjt'v-- Strong opposition has developed in the United States Senate to the Hull bill for the reorganization and increase of the army. An American just returned from Manila says the American officers in that city show a lack of capacity for managing the Filipinos. : The supposed bones of Columbus' were last week transferred to the Cathedral of Seville, Spain, with an imposing demonstration. The Southern Lumber Manufac turers' Association will ask Con gress to establish a department of commerce and manufactures. John D. Rockefeller will be com pelled to pay the increased tax on his property, the courts of New York having decided against him. f Speaker Reed has .. appointed Representative Payne, of New York, chairman of the ways end means committee, to succeed the late Representative Dingley. The Seaboard Air Line has re duced its freight rate on cotton from 31 to 20 cents per hundred pounds. This applies to shipments between Atlanta and' Portsmouth. General Gomez proposes to re main at the head of the) Cuban army until it is paid off by the United States. The amount esti mated as needed for i this purpose is $4000,000. YADKIN WATER POWER. Plans of Capitalists for Devel : opmenc on an Exten sive Scale. Norwood, N. C, Jan. 23. A special train brought to New London yester day a party of Northern capitalists, who are to investigate the possibilities of the water power of the falls and tbe narrows of the Yadkin. It is proposed to use this power to generate electrici ty and to transmit this to Norwood, Albemarle, Salisbury and Concord for motive power of factories and for lighting, street cars, etc. It is said that a company has been organized with a capital of $3,000,000 for this purpose. V V Exociitlono and Lynchlhcs In 1898. The Chicago Tribune's returns of le gal execution in 1893 were 100, as compared with 128 in 1897, 122 in 1896, 132 in 1895, 132 in 1894, 126 in 1893 and 107 in 1892. The executions in the several states and territories were as follows : Louisiana. .. ..................... 10 6 3 6 2 5 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 8 8 4 Arkansas Alabama . . . ..... ...... . . . Mississippi.. ...................... Tennessee ....... ..... . . . . ... . . . . . Missouri. ... . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . Florida . Maryland. . ...... ... . . ........ , . . . Massachusetts Oregon... Minnesota .... Connecticut ................... . . . . Ohio Georgia . . ........ .... . . . . .. .;. . . . . Virginia..................... South Carolina Texas. . . . ...... . .z. . 10 North Carolina. .................. 2 Indian Territory . . 2 Kentucky . . . . . .1 ............. 2 California . . . . . . . . . . . .10 New York...... v. ...... ......... 3 Illinois.....;......... 6 Washington ... ... . . . ............. 1 Pennsylvania . . . . ............. . . . 7 New Jersey.......... ...... 1 "It will be noticed," says the -New Orleans Picayune, commenting on these figures, "that the greatest num ber of the executions were in the southern states. This does not show by any means that the greatest num ber of the crimes that merit death were committed in tbe south, but that the court of justice is more swift and sure." It is not so much to the credit of the south that it punishes certain crimes just as promptly, but by what is known as the administration of, popular jus tice. This is applied In the shape of lynchings, and if the Tribune's report can be taken as correct, the record of 1898, is : Arkansas . . . ... ................. .17 South Carolina. . ... . . . ....... 1 .. .14 Georgia .. ............... ...12 Missouri 6 Kentucky. ...................... 6 Louisiana. 10 Texas. ............. ...... ...... . 3 Maryland. . . : 2 Oklahoma, v. Washington. Illinois. . . ........ ..... .......... Indiana 1 Mississippi .T. .... . r. . .-. . . 15 Indian Territory. ... i ............. 3 New Mexico Alabama.. ....... Alabama. . . ...... North Carolina, 4 Virginia. ...... 4 Florida..:... 1 Kansas. ...... 1 1 4 .v. ...12 Tennessee. ... .. 6 West Virginia. . 4 Alaska... ...... 1 Montana. ...... 1 Of these lynchings 118 occurred In the south and 6 in the north. Of the total number 102 were. negroes, 23 whites and 2 Indians. Galveston Daily News. ' - V,.., ihr Juui If . . . I 230 South Elm Street. Spd& n n GENTS' Hw'-Uf9H! We have too many of the follow ing on hand, 'and in order to dis pose of them quickly have decided to' cut the prices. Gents Heavy Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers, worth $1, cut to 59c. Gents Heavy Camel's Hair Shirts and Drawers, formerly 75c.,now 42c. Gents Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, white or natural wool color, worth 75c, cut to 39c. Gents pure white Lamb's Wool Shirts and Drawers, the regular $1 quality, cut to 50c, Gents Medicated Scarlet Shirts and Drawers, formerly $1, now 69c. Gents pure Camel's Hair Shirts and Drawers, formerly $1.25, cut to 79c. ' Gents Heavy Ribbed Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, were 49c, how 33c . , Boys Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, worth35c, cut to 21c. ODELL'S. Baby's : PINLESS DIAPER. Every mother who desires abso lute comfort for her child should Bee them. We are selling agents for Greensboro. , i. 1111 8 8, 230 SOUTH ELM ST. P. JC2UA1T, JORDAn, SinCLAlR a liACDOIJALD, 1 r eroonsliflro Giiy enil Sujimiion Proporty. lands and tracts adapted tojeoiunization purposes in Guilford county. Special attention PivPTi m inti.. i N orthern States Best oi connections North and South. Cor- 1 copuuueuuo wiiu Dome-seeKer3 solicited. J ordan, Sinclair & Macdonald, 106 SOUTH ELM STREET, GREENSBORO. N. C. iL A csmniPiprB . FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR cures v LA GRIPPE and prevents PNEUMONIA. IT HEALS THE LUNGS AND STOPS THE RACKINGj COUGH USUAL TO LA GRIPPE. X2T - IlECOM WEHf DEli FOR N. JACKSON, Danville, 111., write: I "My din rhtpr had . uTPrn nf tit-V nf Tit drA eeven years ago and since then when she takes cold a terrible cough settles on her longs. We wieu a great many remedies wunoQi EiTing Tt- 1 if fih trior! FaI.t'i Unn.w n1 f V. i .1. cured her. the has never been troubled with a cougo usee." sac. LINGER I NO LA CJRIPPE COL'GII CLUED.' M&fG- VACIJA 157 Otrood St.. C hlcaso. "My wife had a severe cae of La tiripp three years ago and it left her with a very Lad cough. She tried a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and it gave immediate relief. One bottle cured her cough entirely. Now we ire neyer without a bottle of this wonderful Coach Medi cine in the house." If o. Toxin u. Farias, IDrusrtrlst. Greensboro, Seed Time and Harvest Are cioseiy reiaiea. rne more care ful the sowing, the more faithful at tention that all the detallr receive, the better will he tbe harvest. 1 First, the Plow. ' We have the old standbvs in Cast PloughsFarmer's Friend and Dixie. But if you are progressive and are willing to invest a little money In; a Flow In order to secure the best results possible then be sure to select the ; South Bend Chilled Plow. . , ; i- . We recommend It without reservation. Tour neighbors have used It, if you haven't. We have been handling it for many, many years. The quality has been going up, the price coming down. It Is within your reach true economy to buy it. I ; 1 ODELL'S. Then the Harrov. We can suit you. If you like the Drag Tooth Harrow,vou will bepleased with our Genuine Malta Double Spike .Harrow, which can be used as one Double Harrow, or as two single ones. We are selling them at the low price of six dollars. Think of it ! Two Har rows (single) for six dollars. And thev aro made Just right not top' heavy for use nor too light for strength, but just right. Then of , course we have the Disc Harrows. Notched or Round Disc. Take your choice. First-class implements, at lowest prices. Farming Tools. Anything in this line you may need. We shall take pleasure in showing you through. Call to see ns. ODELL MRDWARE CO., LTSBORO. T. O. More Buggies at Meweirs. I am just getting in another car load of -AHCH0E BUGGIES! And will continue. to sell at same price to the retail trade as small deal ers pa'y. The year just closed has been my banner year in the Buggy and Harness business, and I thank; my friends and customers for their liberal patronage and influence, and bv honest dealing and honest goods I hope to merit the same for 1899. Respectfully, J&SE. C3p. 33" 3SS 353 3Lj 3Lj . THE ONLY CAR LOAD DEALER IN GREENSBORO. SPECIAL PRICES ON..- - Mais, Is- As usual we have a full line of School Books and School Supples. WflRTOI BROS.. UooltBollors & Stationers KXXT DOOR TO BANK OF GUILTOHD. LOOK TOR TBS BIO FOUNTAIJf Grip makes one. tick, wearyand restlesj. Tjt. Miles KeJtorauTC ncrruic unas For coughs and colds. Most-every one has his own rem edy when affected with a cough or cold. This test will remind you that we have almost everything us ually taken at such times. We want you to bear in-mind that everything here is the best ob tainable: Salts Epsom or Rochelle. Quinine Pills or Capsules. Liniment Goose Grease and others. Cough Drops The leading kind. Cough Syrup Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry and others. FlaxSeed Whole Seed and Meal. Slip'ryElm Powdered and Bark. Dover's Powder Purest kind ttOWAB GARDNER. COXXXB OFFOSITB TUB FOSTOFFICB.

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