WORK OP THE LEGISLATURE. What Is Being Done by the Law makers at Baleigh. Senate, Jan. 18. Senator Smith announced that in accordance with instructions r from the Senate bis committee had reduced Jhe nuin- ;ber of pages from ten to six. A Among the bills introduced were the following: To incorporate the city of Newbern ; to prevent the removal of 6ses from State to Federal courts; to provide "pri mary elections f or political parties ; to allow surety companies to be come surety for guardians, execu tors fee, (practically re:enacting - The bill to take the government of Hertford county out of the hands of its present unscrupulous officers nasaed third reading. This bill restores white supremacy and good government in Hertford. House, Jan. 18. A -resolution ota infmrinnnri intrnftinc the committee on judiciary to, enquire and report whether Judge W. L district, should bejmpeached. The following were some of the bills introduced: To protect game in Randolph county ; to allow ad ministrators and executors of trus tees in a mortgage to make deeds foreclosure; to fix salaries ot so licitors and require their fees to be 'turned into the state treasury; to have the elementary principles of agriculture taught in the public schools; to amend the law regard- Inn Vt vtWAwi o s C Iab SMI gt f Vl O state; to provide for giving secur ity in criminal actions; by Red ding, of Randolph, to amend sec tions 19 and 37, acts of 1897, so as : to release the $1 tax oh livery sta bles and the $50 tax or manufac tures. A bill to give magistrates final jurisdiction in cases for carrying concealed weaoons came ud with an unfavorable report from the committee, and alter considerable discussion failed to-pass. A bill passed allowing various sheriffs and tax collectors until December 31st next to collect ar rears of taxes. A bill was tabled to repeal the act making two years abandonment ground for divorce, as was also the bill to prohibit the charging of over 6 per cent, on erop liens, etc., by merchants, etc. - The bills to prohibit trapping partridges in Randolph county and to protect ' wild ducks there be tween February 1st and December lit passed. Senate, Jan. 19. Senator Ful ler,' colored, offered a memorial from his race. He said that there had been considerable unrest among his people and they were-now re luotant to fulfill contracts and ob ligations, so uncertain were they as to their future, and that repre sentative men of bis race in the state had decided to address the colored people, asking that they be better: citizens, and address this body in a memorial, which he sub mitted. -The memorial was read. ance of the legislature on the col ored nuhlic anhnnl miestinn. Reports of committees were fav orable as to the bills to appoint ex tra commissioners for Caswell, Edgecombe and Sampson counties. Amonc the hilla intrndnnri waia the following: By Senator Wilson, to change the dividing line of Sur ry and Wilkes counties; by Sena tor Black, to authorize the treas urer of Randolph county to pay school claims; by Senator Miller, to place a tax of $30 on billiard ; tables. . ; On motion the senate adjourned at 11.15 a. m. in honor .of Lee's birthday. House, Jan. 19. The following were some of the bills introduced: To repeal the act of 1897 imposing a tax on inheritances; to create the county of Scotland out of the four southern townships of Rich mond county ; to repeal the charter r f t Vi o K a A J. XT .. l i m h. k. n a. a a ATm. a h w mw j 1 v. b w- w w m m mm w tr. . ... . v v i.1 bit VdlU Una railroad, so as to take all power given the governor and place the road in the hands of the board of internal improvements. A bill to proteot the people from court house rings. This bill makes it unlawful for any board of coun ty commissioners to employ any attorney when the latter is in any way connected with any bonded officerof the county or in any af fairs in connection with the county commissioners, and it further re quires that air public improve ments shall be" let to the lowest responsible bidder after due publi cation; the penalty for violation of the law being $50, or imprison ment for 30 days. At 10.50 a. m. a motion to ad journ in honor of the birthday of Robert E. Lee was unanimously adopted. ' Horrible agony is caused by Piles, Barns and Skin Diseases. These are Immediately relieved and quickly cared by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. H m W m mm m. m, MJ .r.l I . . w y?" Vl worinieas imitations. How ard G ardner. - Is the Church Retrograding? A Memohis preacher: recently startled his congregation by de claring that the church was not keeping up with the times. He said that its methods were oia ana out of dateand that it had lost its hold upon the people. He said that he believed the church should fm fpAA IrihrWcrarteng for the in- uca.w o struction of the children of the poor; that it should have day nur aerief. where working women might leave their infants safely while ab sent from home; that it should ai- wavs be doing something to ame liorate' the condition of the poor. "The church is dead," said he, "and its ministers are asleep. j The statistics do not bear out this assertion. According to fig ures lust i sent out, there were in this country, on January 1st last, 27.714.523 church members, a gam over the previous year of 862,300, a greater percentage of gain than the gain in population. We do not disparage good works. It is the duty of the church to minister to the poor, to raise up the fallen, to comfort the distressed, to strengthen the weak-hearted, and generally to improve the con dition of mankind. We believe that the church should be the in spiration of all public charities, as indeed, it is to a great extent. But these efforts may be misdirected. All such efforts should be incidental to its greater work, the means to an end. The great mission ef the churoh is to build up Christian character, and that fact should be kept prominently before the world, before those who seek admission to its membership. If the church make itself an asylum for those who seek its material benefits, if it attempt to increase its membership by holding out material induce ments to the people, it will soon degenerate into a sort of humane institution, without spirituality, without lire. The church cannot afford to j en courage mendicancy. Its mission is to stimulate, endeavor to en courage Christian manhood, to ln- BDire every man with "a manly de- pendenc upon his own effort for those things which are necessary for the body, and with a confiding dependence upon Almigbtiy liod for those things which are neces sary for the soul. It cannot af ford to increase its membership and ite wnrldlv inflnenca hv anr aert of political clap-trap and indirection. We say that, it should minister to the needy, for it has been oem manded by the Lord God to to j do, but it should not hold out induce- ments to candidates who seek its influence for "the purpose of pro moting their temporal interests, whether such candidates for mem bersbip be business men, profes sional menpoliticians or mend! cants The church must be greater than all its instrumentalities, must stand sauarely upon the merits of the religion which it teaches, must not fail to keep prominent the fact that; its kingdom is not of this world, must enanlov all its agencies only as a means to its great end. Richmond Times. Drastic Bills. , The sleeping car companies are in danger of drastic treatment by the Legislatures of Kansas ! and Texas. The Legislature of Kan sas, having passed a stringent bill regulating; railroad, telegraph and express companies, is now engaged on a bill, which will probably pass, regulating the rates to be charged by sleeping car companies. This bill provides that not more than fifty cents shall be charged for a double berth for a night, and that, if. all, the berths have been sold, a passenger may, upen paying $1, demand that the stateroom shall be opened for his occupancy. The sleeping car conductor who violates the law is liable to a fine of $1,000, half of which goes to the informer and half to the state school fund. Coffee and Tea Adulteration. : Ttsla'g Latest Proposal. The North Carolina Agricul- "Nikola Tesla, whose boldness in tural experiment station nas in- conceiving astonisning uses to stituted an investigation of the I which electricity may be put has food supplies for sale in the state, given the scientifio world surprises with a view to ascertaining the ex- from time to time, has a new pro- tent to which adulteration is prac- posai. ticed. He now proposes to destroy the The second bulletin of the series bacilli of all diseases by applying relates to coffee and tea, and is the millions of volts of electricity to! result of Director W. A. With- persons afflicted. The tremendous ers and Mr. 6. S. Fraps, assistant I force is to be applied in such a chemist. The samples were .pur-manner that the vital organs will! chased in the open market. be free from harmless effects and Twenty samples of coffee - were so that the bacilli will be drawn examined and seven, representing! from the system. thirty-five per cent., were found The tremendous current which adulterated. Lown's Capital, Star Tesla proposes to apply will not be and another without a name, were sent through the body, as in the found excessively glazed; Bed cases of persons executed by elec Seal, Hero and Crescent (Smith 1 tricity, but will run along the sur Bros.) were found to contain ex-face. cessive amounts of coffee screen- The new plan for destroying dis- ings, and Number Twelve was ease germs, including even those of found excessively glazed and to consumption, was outlined in! an contain also an excessive amount exhaustive paper which the elec of screenings. ' trician read before the Electro- All cheap coffees examined were Therapeutic Society and created glazed. No high-priced coffee was deep interest. found adulterated. Purchasers are advised to beware of coffee which has no brand and to which the Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kleiner and Bladder disease re lieved in six hours by uNxw Ukiit South roaster or importer is ashamed to amebic an kidketccre." a is a great sur- L i priBe on account of its exceeding promptness in affix hi8 name. relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in t . : i a male or female. Keneves retention of water al pine eampies ul iea were ciam- m0ftt immediately. If yon want quick relief ined and four or fortv-iour ner ana cure tms 100 remedy, noia oy u. r.. noi mea ana iour, or loriy lour per druK18tt Greensboro.. C. f - i 98 cent., were found faced with black use uaraners u. . lmimenc ior an; aches and pains. Cor. opp. postofflceJ load or Prussian blue, viz., Royal Pekin (mixed), Austin & Co.'s black, Austin fc Cos green, and Gunpowder (green). The facing is not injurious to health, but makes .the tea appear better than it really is and such a practice is to be condemned. Some legislation is needed to protect consumers from these im positions. The bulletin contains sixteen pages, carefully prepared and tab ulated Proposed New Eailroad. ! i It is reported that the proposed railroad from Snow Hill to Pantego, N. C., is being backed by j the Southern Railway. It is said that the Southern owns a majority of the stock in the Norfolk & Souths em Koad, wnicn terminates at Pantego, and that it is their pur pose to extend this proposed road , and may- be obtained by ... f , , , i - . . r Drobablv to Goldsboro. making a omv aha , wra n T rtmma n tt onn i. it - i ;r:jrr6"; .K'Tr . through of u. own, jmm mlJ m-k miKJ f U W Ai&l VU4 WMW mm. m m cultural Experiment Station, Ral eigh, N. C. , a LOCAL OPTION LAW. ith deep-water terminus at Norfolk At present the Southern; is paying the Atlantic Coast Line a large sum for the privilege of using the track of the latter-from Selma to Nor folk, so that it is reasonable to be lieve that the Southern is backing this proposed road, for a line of its own from Goldsboro to Norfolk ould be a great saving and of much advantage to it. Ra News and Observer. eigli CASTORIA ' Tot In&nta and Children. The Kind Yon Hare Always Bough Bears the Signature of The North. Oarolina Anti-Saloon League Asks Certain Changes. Following is the text of the local op tion law as proposed by Rev. J. W. Lee. of this city, secretary of the North Carolina Anti-Saloon League : The General Assembly of North uuuuutuuouwi. I , As ..u. ,1 fltinnl Th.ttMtlnn thrA thnn- J) or COBgns anacoiai usruuf r ? i :r ZaZLa tm of Wi Tar and VIld Cherry Cougn Cure "j ii rrj : :z :ri: i:rrc. ;" cor. oPP. postomcQ. VUUO UO BUtt WUO BAUiD UVtCUJ IB 1D- pealed ; and the following shall be a substitute therefor, and constitute said section of the Code, to-wit : "I shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners of any county, upon petition of one-fourth of the number of votes cast at the proceeding general election (said petitioners being regis tered voters) of any county, city, town or township, In their respective coun- j ties, to order an election to ascertain whether or not intoxicating liquors may be sold in said county, city, town or township : said election to be held within forty days from the date of the presentation of said petition to said Board of Commissioners in any month of any year, except that such election shall not be held in any. month in which a general election for State, or county officers shall be held ; provided, however, that an election under this section shall not be held oftener than once in every two years in same coun ty, city, town or township." t Section 2- That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the foregoing section are hereby repealed. Section 3. This Act shall be in force from and after its ratification. VICKS UTT1E LIVER PILLS KEEP THE FAMILY WELL. NEVER CRIPE.-VECETAB1X. 25ML DRUG STORES,- juuii U uuLibvjlID r: nn EI 1 I I 111 bill pro- In the Texas Legislature a has been introduced, which viaes tnat in iuture sleeping cars operating in the state shall be under the supervision of the rail road commission, and that they shall not charge in excess of $150 per night for lower! and $1 for upper berths, said, night to begin at 6 p. m. and run until 9 a. m., and that the day rate for accom modations shall not exceed one third cent per mile, and any viola tion of the law shall be subject to a fine of $500 per day, Baltimore Sun. How to Prevent Pneumonia. You are perhaps aware that pneu monia always results from a cold or from an attack of la grippe. Daring the epidemic of la grippe a few years ago when so many cases resulted in pneumonia, it was observed that the at tack was never followed by that disease when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or la grippe to result in that dangerous disease. It is the best rem edy in the world for bad. colds and la grippe. Every bottle warranted. For sale by C. E. Hoi ton. i- Fresh Garden t cimrAnavm Af Ann MA.f jM. To the Public - We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and if not satisfactory to refund the money to the purchaser. There is no better medicine made for la grippe, colds and whooping cough. Price, 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Try it. C. E. Holton. . .r- Those Americans. Those Americans who are clam oring for the annexation of all the Philippines to this country, so that we may civilize the inhabitants and make good citizens out of them, ought to read what Father Coleman says about the Moros who inhabit some of these islands. Head-hunting, he tells us, seems to be the chief object of existence with these gentle Filipinos. "The man who has chopped off sixty heads is entitled to wear a scarlet turban for the rest of his mortal life, and scarlet turbans are- far from uncommon among them." Others are incorrigible pirates; there are thirty different lan guages or dialects spoken in the archipelago, and the visitor who escapes the head-hunters has to look out for the savage alligators with which the island waters abound. Sacred Heart Review. CHOOSE YODR DRUGGIST CAREFULLY. I - .'"' ' ' A drngfrist can do more harm or good than most people give him credit for. There are dif ferent qualities in drags jast as there are in dry goods, and to the outsider all qualities go by the same name. The difference between pure, high grade drugs and cheap, inferior drugs of .the same name, means the difference between keep ing sick and getting well. When a doctor writes a prescription, be means best quality. When some dm r gists fill a prescription, they think onl about big profits. : . Choose your druggist careiuuy. W. WAESB. The grand jury has closed the pool rooms in Lexington, Ky., and stopped gambling of every kind in the city. ' With a torpid lirer and the impure blood that follows it, you are an eay prey to all sorts of ailments. That "used-up'' felling is the flrtt warning that your lirer isn't doing it work. That is the time to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DiscoTery. As an appetizing, restora tire tonic, to repel disease and baud up the needed flesh and strength, there's nothing equal to it. It rouses erery organ into healthful action, purifies and enriches the blood, braces up the whole system, and restores health and Tigor. ( - i I have the'finest herd of REGISTERED HOGS ! In tbe South. j Pigs for sale at reasonable prices. John A. Young. Desirable Farm ior Sale. 175 acres of highly improved land well adapt ed to the growth of Wheat, Oats, Corn. Tobacco, and especially Clorer and Graases 30 to 40 acres now in Clorer and Grass. The farm is well wa tered by springs and small streams running through it. Good well of water, 7 -room dwell ing, lax sre grain and feed barn, and all necessary outbuildings. Fine early Peach Orchard; abio an Apple Orchard of selected variety ot apples i Pears, Plums, also fine selection of Grapes, all just coming into bearing. The farm is located conveniently to School Churches. XI ills. Mar ket and Railroad, and in one of the healthiest localities in the state. family of 11 having re sided on tbe farm ten years and not having re quired the services of physician during the time. An adjoining sO-acre tract can be obtained. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply at Patkiot oAce ; XArge package of tn worM b cleanser - for ;a nickel. StEl greater economy in 4-poood package. All grocers. Made only by THE JT. K. PAlRHAIfK COMPATTT. Chicago. St. Louis, New Yorfc. Barton. rhttadaljJilai k EM Ml for Infants and Children. 1 The-Kind Yon lim Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OP i i In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC eiNTtWN eOMNNT, TT WWMMAT TIeT. MtW TOMH CITT. V' We desire at the beginning of another new tobacco year to retura our thanks and express our appreciation to our friends and customeri for their past favors and liberal patronages It is known to that we have the best market in this country and that . v moet of joa The Banner Leads in Big Averages. , Our buyers are now ready for all grades and kinds of your tobieeo and we claim the advantage of having, a buyer for every kind. Sorciof them ship to foreign markets and are in a position to pay the terr high eat market price for all export grades, while others 'are repretentatiTri of the largest manufacturers in America. There is active comfxtitioi between these buyers. The buyer for the American Tobacco Co. t:l our home manufacturers use all classes of stock. . While this ii true we feel safe in saying that YOU CANNOT FIND A BETTER MARKET than Greensboro for your entire crop, from the commonest filler to it' finest bright and mahogany wrapper. ! The Banner Warehouse is fully equipped and operated by txper ienced warehouse men. No one will give your tobacco more careful f. tention or exercise better judgment in selling than. will "IiU" Hrindt:. our auctioneer, and W.J. Blackburn, who has charge of the, sales."' Tfcfj have had many years experience in the warehouse busineii. i -Tfcej know the worth of tobacco and will get you its full value. John Will Smith, our: weigh and paymaster, discbarges his duty correctly and coi scienciously. W. L. Wharton and "Shell" W. Porter, our book meM- thoroughly competent and dispatch business with correctness. Jib" M. Sharp, Will B. McKinney and W. J. Branch are all at the Banner see that you and your stock are properly cared for day and night Hoping to see you soon, we remain your friends, ! SHITE BLACKBURN & GO. . , : , - - - : : . v . 4-rTnn n n q jinn nrtnn n LrLTLTLruy' n- .... , ii " mYm 1 1 1 1 The COSMOPOLITAN mce for one year, CrD tOnn News-stand prlct une Dollar. J i vn MV. Ten Cents. While every effort has been made to render -THE COSMOPOLITAN interesting to all classes by its fiction, its articles of travel, its stories of ad venture its personal experiences and its elaborate illustration, it is the serious character of such series as the four following that enables i. while pointing to its three years' record during hundred thousand copies, to claim that it has without !3 4uuun me largesi cuenteie oi mteliijent, tcugntiui readers reached by any periocical, daily, , weekly or monthly, in the world ..,.v,...; is intended to include amon its c ntrr utors the ver' ablest thinkers abm;f tj'vj These articles are intended to intercut help a wide circle. '. ! ' may be re4d with interest and profit I ' ev.ery joung man who has work or h--c" ness to organize; by every woman wb li 15 a home or dailv lifereouirinz circunij1, pm fitting of times, places and things.! . and eontinueTiiE Cosmopolitan's sion that aroused the widest attention ('':r" ingiS9S. It willlx?maintainetl until nurJ ana metnoas reacn ine nignesi wwp THE FIRST; FOR MAIDS AMD MOTHERS, THE SECOND : GREAT PROBLEMS IN ORGANIZATION. THE THIRD WILL BE EDUCATIONAL, THE FOURTH: FOR YOUNG MEN AND . WOMEN, X will be a series of articles careium women in the choice of their profession or life-work. THE COSMOPOLITAN. Ininatbn-on-the-Hudson, N. t. V mM V

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